Doctoral dissertation
Saparbayeva, Nazerke; Balakin, Boris; Rahman, Talal
et al. (2024). Numerical models of multiphase flows with sticky particles. (external link)
Wei, Shihao; Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Balakin, Boris
(2023). Experiments and Models of Carbon Black-based Nanofluids for Photothermal and Electrical Applications. (external link)
Zamani, Nematollah; Skauge, Arne; Dahle, Helge K.
et al. (2015). Pore Scale Modeling of Polymer Flow Using the Navier-Stokes Approach. (external link)
Balakin, Boris V; Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Hoffmann, Alex Christian
(2010). Experimental and theoretical study of the flow, aggregation and. (external link)
Masters thesis
Heng, Mona; Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Greve, Martin Møller
(2024). Evaluation of structural dynamic response of piping subjected to multiphase flow-induced vibration. (external link)
Mehammer, Sol Johanne Xiang Helleseth; Kosinska, Anna Dorota; Kosinski, Pawel Jan
(2024). Studie av erosjon forårsaket av partikkelstrømninger. (external link)
Egelandsdal, Ann Louise; Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Oltedal, Velaug Myrseth
et al. (2024). A Comparative Study of Different Hydrogen Delivery and Storage
Systems for Industrial Applications. (external link)
Hagen, Kamilla Valla; Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Oltedal, Velaug Myrseth
et al. (2024). Hydrogen production from fluctuating small-scale hydropower. (external link)
Ankrah, Daniel; Kosinski, Pawel Jan
(2023). Effective use of nanotechnology in desalination. (external link)
Onyeabor Ogechukwu, Joseph; Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Ebechue, Emah
(2023). Modelling of multiphase flow through a subsea recirculation line equipped with a choke. (external link)
Bjelland Eriksen, Agathe; Kosinski, Pawel Jan
(2023). An experimental and numerical study of the performance of carbon black nanofluids in a direct absorption solar collector
. (external link)
Ruud, Sturla Grina; Balakin, Boris; Koch, Peter Edgar
et al. (2023). Nanofluids for direct cooling application in a diesel engine. (external link)
Nguyen, Linna Vuong; Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Balakin, Boris
(2022). Enhanced Harvest of Solar Energy with the Utilization of Nanofluids and Biodegradable Fluids. (external link)
Grebstad, Nora; Balakin, Boris; Kosinski, Pawel Jan
(2022). Numerical Investigation of the Use of Nanofluid in a Photovoltaic Thermal System. (external link)
Tecle, Matiowos; Kosinski, Pawel Jan
(2021). CFD analysis on hydrogen production from methane pyrolysis by solar energy. (external link)
Rovde Frafjord, Njål; Kosinski, Pawel Jan
(2021). Numerical modeling of multiphase flow exposed to microwave volumetric heating. (external link)
Wakaa, Ahmad Bashir; Kosinski, Pawel Jan
(2021). Simulation and validation of TCM amine plant data from monoethanolamine (MEA) campaign. (external link)
Braut, Marthe; Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Balakin, Boris
(2020). Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Erosive Effects of Micro- and Nanometer-Sized Particles in Water Flow. (external link)
Hikmati, Javad; Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Balakin, Boris
et al. (2020). Nanofluid for hydrogen production and heat transfer enhancement. (external link)
Espedal, Lisbeth; Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Balakin, Boris
(2020). Design and Experimental Studies of a Nanofluid Direct Absorption Solar Collector. (external link)
Stava, Mattias; Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Balakin, Boris
(2020). Thermomagnetic convection in a differentially heated flow loop. (external link)
Rinde, Lise M.; Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Balakin, Boris
(2019). Numerical prediction of erosion in a choke valve. (external link)
Thon, Halvard; Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Balakin, Boris
(2019). Photothermal Boiling and Characterization of Nanofluids. (external link)
Bårdsgård, Runa By; Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Balakin, Boris
(2019). Eulerian CFD-model of Direct Absorption Solar Collector with Nanofluid. (external link)
Ulset, Edda Torsdottir; Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Balakin, Boris V
(2018). Utilizing Solar Vapour Energy by Use of Nanofluids in a Direct Absorption Solar Collector. (external link)
Thune, Eveline Løvaas; Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Balakin, Boris V
(2018). A Numerical Study of Empty Nose Syndrome: an Evaluation of Nasal Aerodynamics. (external link)
Mevik, Claus; Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Balakin, Boris V
(2018). Particle size distribution of methane hydrates and particle growth using a CFD-PBM model. (external link)
Perez, Melodia Lucas; Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Balakin, Boris V
(2018). CFD-Model for the Photothermal Conversion Process in Ionic Nanofluids. (external link)
Berg, Ann Elin; Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Balakin, Boris V
et al. (2018). Investigation of dust dispersion in a modified Hartmann apparatus. (external link)
Gangsøy, Kristine Blænes; Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Balakin, Boris V
(2018). Numerical Investigation of Natural Gas Hydrate Agglomeration and Deposition in High Water Cut Pipeline Systems. (external link)
Willesvik Heggøy, Marthe; Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Balakin, Boris V
(2017). Numerical Investigation of Particle Dispersion in a Gravitational Field and in Zero Gravity. (external link)
Langeland, Pia Catharina; Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Balakin, Boris V
(2017). Numerical analysis of combustion in porous media. (external link)
Hauge, Sindre Brugrand; Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Balakin, Boris V
(2017). A Numerical and Experimental Study of the Dispersion of a Dust Layer by a Rarefaction Wave. (external link)
Roll Lied, Maren; Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Balakin, Boris V
(2017). A Numerical Study of Exercise Induced Laryngeal Obstruction using Fluid-Structure Interaction. (external link)
Upsal, Anna Liisa; Kosinski, Pawel Jan
(2017). Mathematical modelling of particle-particle interactions. (external link)
Dalstø, Kristin; Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Balakin, Boris V
(2017). Numerical Simulations of Particle Layer Dispersion in a Modified Hartmann Tube. (external link)
Christiansen, Mari Gjerde; Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Balakin, Boris
(2016). Numerical simulations of particle dispersion in a modified Hartmann tube. (external link)
Bendigtsen, Andreas; Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Balakin, Boris
(2016). Lagrangian Simulations of Particle Penetration Effciency in Porous Media. (external link)
Fimland, Lise; Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Balakin, Boris V
(2013). Linear Elastic Response of Tubes Subjected to Internal Detonation Loading. (external link)
Utkilen, Hanna; Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Balakin, Boris V
(2013). Numerical study of dust lifting using the Eulerian approach. (external link)
Tøsse, Sindre; Kosinski, Pawel Jan
(2011). The effect of inert particles on cellular detonation diffraction structures. (external link)
Henden, Marte Johanne Hagenes; Eckhoff, Rolf Kristian; Kosinski, Pawel Jan
(2011). Minimum ignition energy of propane and ethylene in atmospheres of various O2/N2 ratios. (external link)
Arland, Maja; Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Balakin, Boris V
(2011). The effect of surface roughness on the maximum experimental safe gap. (external link)
Fatnes, Eirik; Kosinski, Pawel Jan
(2010). Numerical simulations of the flow and plugging behaviour of hydrate particles. (external link)
Roy, Nyheim; Kosinski, Pawel Jan
(2010). Hybride eksplosjoner mellom ”ENSACO conductive carbon black 350G” og propangass. (external link)
Seeberg, Espen; Kosinski, Pawel Jan
(2008). Dispersion of methane in two different prechambers for a lean-burn gas engine. (external link)
Academic article
Saparbayeva, Nazerke; Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Dumazer, Guillaume
et al. (2024). Simulation of horizontal hydraulic conveying and dune formation based on CFD-DEM. (external link)
Mehammer, Sol Johanne Xiang Helleseth; Greve, Martin Møller; Kosinski, Pawel Jan
et al. (2024). Investigation of Erosion and Deposition Due to Flows with Particles. (external link)
Eriksen, Agathe Bjelland; Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Balakin, Boris
et al. (2024). Experimental study of a direct absorption solar collector with stationary nanofluid. (external link)
Kosinska, Anna Dorota; Balakin, Boris; Kosinski, Pawel Jan
(2023). Exploring the use of nanofluids in pump-free systems for solar thermal applications. (external link)
Wei, Shihao; Espedal, Lisbeth; Balakin, Boris
et al. (2023). Experimental and numerical investigation of direct absorption solar collectors (DASCs) based on carbon black nanofluids. (external link)
Saparbayeva, Nazerke; Chang, Yu-Fen; Kosinski, Pawel Jan
et al. (2023). Cohesive collisions of particles in liquid media studied by CFD-DEM, video tracking, and Positron Emission Particle Tracking. (external link)
Wei, Shihao; Balakin, Boris; Kosinski, Pawel Jan
(2023). Investigation of nanofluids in alkaline electrolytes: Stability, electrical properties, and hydrogen production. (external link)
Wei, Shihao; Balakin, Boris; Kosinski, Pawel Jan
(2023). Numerical investigation of direct absorption solar collectors based on carbon black nanofluids . (external link)
Nguyen, Linna Vuong; Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Balakin, Boris
et al. (2023). Direct absorption solar collector: Use of nanofluids and biodegradable colloids. (external link)
Braut, Marthe; González-Fernández, Luis; Kosinska, Anna Dorota
et al. (2022). Experimental investigation of erosion due to nanofluids. (external link)
Wei, Shihao; Hikmati, Javad; Balakin, Boris
et al. (2022). Experimental study of hydrogen production using electrolyte nanofluids with a simulated light source. (external link)
Kosinska, Anna Dorota; Balakin, Boris; Kosinski, Pawel Jan
(2022). Photothermal conversion of biodegradable fluids and carbon black nanofluids. (external link)
Struchalin, Pavel; Øye, Vegar Hovdenakk; Kosinski, Pawel Jan
et al. (2022). Flow loop study of a cold and cohesive slurry. Pressure drop and formation of plugs. (external link)
Kosinska, Anna Dorota; Balakin, Boris; Kosinski, Pawel Jan
(2021). Use of biodegradable colloids and carbon black nanofluids for solar energy applications. (external link)
Thune, Eveline Løvaas; Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Balakin, Boris
et al. (2021). A numerical study of flow field and particle deposition in nasal channels with deviant geometry. (external link)
Struchalin, Pavel G.; Thon, Halvard; Kuzmenkov, Dmitriy M.
et al. (2020). Solar steam generation enabled by iron oxide nanoparticles: Prototype experiments and theoretical model. (external link)
Kosinska, Anna Dorota; Balakin, Boris; Kosinski, Pawel Jan
(2020). Theoretical analysis of erosion in elbows due to flows with nano- and micro-size particles. (external link)
Bårdsgård, Runa By; Kuzmenkov, Dmitriy M.; Kosinski, Pawel Jan
et al. (2020). Eulerian CFD model of direct absorption solar collector with nanofluid. (external link)
Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Balakin, Boris; Kosinska, Anna Dorota
(2020). Extension of the hard-sphere model for particle-flow simulations. (external link)
Struchalin, Pavel; Ulset, Edda Torsdottir; Kosinski, Pawel Jan
et al. (2020). Comparative analysis of photothermal boiling of water enhanced by nano- and micro-particles of carbon black. (external link)
Lucas, Melodia Perez; Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Balakin, Boris
(2019). Eulerian-Eulerian model for photothermal energy conversion in nanofluids. (external link)
Ulset, Edda Torsdottir; Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Zabednova, Yulia
et al. (2018). Photothermal boiling in aqueous nanofluids. (external link)
Berg, Ann Elin; Christiansen, Mari Gjerde; Balakin, Boris V
et al. (2018). Investigation of dust dispersion in a modified Hartmann tube using positron emission particle tracking and simulations. (external link)
Ulset, Edda Torsdottir; Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Balakin, Boris V
(2018). Solar steam in an aqueous carbon black nanofluid. (external link)
Hauge, Sindre Brugrand; Balakin, Boris V; Kosinski, Pawel Jan
(2018). Dust lifting behind rarefaction waves. (external link)
Christiansen, Mari Gjerde; Berg, Ann Elin; Balakin, Boris V
et al. (2017). Numerical and experimental analysis of particle dispersion in dust explosions. (external link)
Kartushinsky, Alexander; Balakin, Boris V; Kutsenko, Kirill V.
et al. (2017). Numerical study of gas-liquid flow morphology in a vertical flowmeter nozzle. (external link)
Balakin, Boris V; Farbu, Erlend Hoftun; Kosinski, Pawel Jan
(2017). Aerodynamic evaluation of the empty nose syndrome by means of computational fluid dynamics. (external link)
Balakin, Boris; Adamsen, Tom Christian Holm; Chang, Yu-Fen
et al. (2017). Non-invasive studies of multiphase flow in process equipment. Positron emission particle tracking technique.. (external link)
Cloete, Marèt; Smit, G.J. Frances; Kosinski, Pawel Jan
(2016). Analytical modelling and numerical verification of non-Newtonian fluid flow through and over two-dimensional porous media. (external link)
Balakin, Boris; Lo, Simon; Kosinski, Pawel Jan
et al. (2016). Modelling agglomeration and deposition of gas hydrates in industrial pipelines with combined CFD-PBM technique. (external link)
Zamani, Nematollah; Kaufmann, Roland; Kosinski, Pawel Jan
et al. (2015). Mechanisms of Non-Newtonian Polymer Flow through Porous Media Using Navier-Stokes Approach. (external link)
Asokan, Vijayshankar; Madsen, Dorte Nørgaard; Kosinski, Pawel Jan
et al. (2015). Transformation of carbon black into carbon nano-beads and nanotubes: the effect of catalysts. (external link)
Asokan, Vijayshankar; Myrseth, Velaug; Kosinski, Pawel Jan
(2015). Effect of Pt and Fe catalysts in the transformation of carbon black into carbon nanotubes. (external link)
Balakin, Boris V; Kutsenko, Kirill; Lavrukhin, Alexey
et al. (2015). The collision efficiency of liquid bridge agglomeration. (external link)
Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Balakin, Boris V; Middha, Prachi
et al. (2014). Collisions between particles in multiphase flows: Focus on contact mechanics and heat conduction. (external link)
Utkilen, Hanna; Balakin, Boris V; Kosinski, Pawel Jan
(2014). Numerical study of dust lifting using the Eulerian–Eulerian approach. (external link)
Asokan, Vijayshankar; Madsen, Dorte Nørgaard; Velauthapillai, Dhayalan
et al. (2014). Effect of temperature on the transformation of carbon black into nanotubes. (external link)
Balakin, Boris V; Hoffmann, Alex Christian; Kosinski, Pawel Jan
(2014). Coupling STAR-CD with a population-balance technique based on the classes method. (external link)
Balakin, Boris V; Shamsutdinova, Guzel; Kosinski, Pawel Jan
(2014). Agglomeration of solid particles by liquid bridge flocculants: Pragmatic modelling. (external link)
Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Balakin, Boris V; Middha, Prachi
et al. (2013). Heat conduction during collisions of cohesive and viscoelastic particles. (external link)
Asokan, Vijayshankar; Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Skodvin, Tore
et al. (2013). Characterization of carbon black modified by maleic acid. (external link)
Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Nyheim, Roy Dani; Asokan, Vijayshankar
et al. (2013). Explosions of carbon black and propane hybrid mixtures. (external link)
Balakin, Boris V; Alyaev, Sergey; Hoffmann, Alex Christian
et al. (2013). Micromechanics of agglomeration forced by the capillary bridge: The restitution of momentum. (external link)
Middha, Prachi; Balakin, Boris V; Leirvåg, Line Kristin
et al. (2013). PEPT - A novel tool for investigation of pneumatic conveying. (external link)
Balakin, Boris V; Hoffmann, Alex Christian; Kosinski, Pawel Jan
(2012). The collision efficiency in a shear flow. (external link)
Balakin, Boris V; Notøy, Iryna; Hoffmann, Alex Christian
et al. (2012). The formation of deposit in a magnetic fluid: Numerical and experimental study. (external link)
Henden, Marte Johanne Hagenes; Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Arntzen, Bjørn Johan
et al. (2012). Partial inerting - A possible means of eliminating the brush-discharge-ignition hazard with explosive gases and vapours?. (external link)
Kosinski, Pawel Jan
(2011). Explosion suppression by a cloud of particles: Numerical analysis of the initial processes. (external link)
Ilea, Catalin Grigore; Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Hoffmann, Alex Christian
(2011). Numerical study on the dynamics of a jet-vortex interaction. (external link)
Balakin, Boris V; Hoffmann, Alex Christian; Kosinski, Pawel Jan
(2011). Experimental study and computational fluid dynamics modeling of deposition of hydrate particles in a pipeline with turbulent water flow. (external link)
Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Hoffmann, Alex Christian
(2011). Extended hard-sphere model and collisions of cohesive particles. (external link)
Balakin, Boris V; Notøy, Iryna; Hoffmann, Alex Christian
et al. (2011). CFD model for the magnetically forced formation of an obstructive deposit in a magnetorheological fluid. (external link)
Balakin, Boris V; Hoffmann, Alex Christian; Kosinski, Pawel Jan
et al. (2010). Turbulent flow of hydrates in a pipeline of complex configuration. (external link)
Asokan, Vijayshankar; Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Myrseth, Velaug
(2010). Chemical modification of carbon blacks with maleic acid in different solvents. (external link)
Balakin, Boris V; Hoffmann, Alex Christian; Kosinski, Pawel Jan
et al. (2010). Eulerian-Eulerian CFD model for the sedimentation of spherical particles in suspensions with high particle concentrations. (external link)
Ho, Thinh Xuan; Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Hoffmann, Alex Christian
et al. (2010). Transport, chemical and electrochemical processes in a planar SOFC: Detailed three-dimensional modeling. (external link)
Ho, Thinh Xuan; Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Hoffmann, Alex Christian
et al. (2010). Effects of heat sources on the performance of a planar solid oxide fuel cell. (external link)
Kosinski, Pawel Jan
(2010). SYMPOSIUM: 5th Symposium on Numerical Analysis of Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer. (external link)
Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Hoffmann, Alex Christian
(2010). An extension of the hard-sphere particle-particle collision model to study agglomeration. (external link)
Balakin, Boris V; Hoffmann, Alex Christian; Kosinski, Pawel Jan
et al. (2010). Combined CFD/Population Balance Model for gas hydrate particle size prediction in turbulent pipeline flow. (external link)
Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Hoffmann, Alex Christian
(2010). Quantification of the adhesive impulse for the extended hard-sphere model. (external link)
Balakin, Boris V; Pedersen, Håkon; Kilinc, Ziya
et al. (2010). Turbulent flow of freon R11 hydrate slurry. (external link)
Balakin, Boris V; Hoffmann, Alex Christian; Kosinski, Pawel Jan
(2010). Population Balance Model for Nucleation, Growth, Aggregation, and Breakage of Hydrate Particles in Turbulent Flow. (external link)
Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Kosinska, Anna; Hoffmann, Alex Christian
(2009). Simulation of solid particles behaviour in a driven cavity flow. (external link)
Ho, Thinh Xuan; Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Hoffmann, Alex Christian
et al. (2009). Numerical analysis of a planar anode-supported SOFC with composite electrodes. (external link)
Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Hoffmann, Alex Christian
(2009). Extension of the hard-sphere particle-wall collision model to account for particle deposition. (external link)
Ho, Thinh Xuan; Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Hoffmann, Alex Christian
et al. (2009). Modeling of transport, chemical and electrochemical phenomena in a cathode-supported SOFC. (external link)
Kosinski, Pawel Jan
(2009). Modelling and simulation of explosion suppression by a cloud of particles. (external link)
Ilea, Catalin Grigore; Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Hoffmann, Alex Christian
(2009). The effect of polydispersity on dust lifting behind shock waves. (external link)
Ilea, Catalin Grigore; Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Hoffmann, Alex Christian
(2009). Jet-vortex interaction: a numerical study. (external link)
Ho, Thinh Xuan; Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Hoffmann, Alex Christian
et al. (2009). Detailed modeling of an anode-supported solid oxide fuel cell using a fully three-dimensional approach. (external link)
Ho, Thinh Xuan; Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Hoffmann, Alex Christian
et al. (2008). Numerical modelling of a solid oxide fuel cells: a charge diffusion-based model. (external link)
Ho, Thinh Xuan; Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Hoffmann, Alex Christian
et al. (2008). Numerical modeling of solid oxide fuel cells. (external link)
Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Kosinska, Anna
(2008). A Eulerian-Lagrangian Simulation of Particle Transport in Fluids. (external link)
Ilea, Catalin Grigore; Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Hoffmann, Alex Christian
(2008). Influence of collision algorithm parameters on statistical results of dust lifting simulations. (external link)
Ilea, Catalin Grigore; Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Hoffmann, Alex Christian
(2008). Three-dimensional simulation of a dust lifting process with varying parameters. (external link)
Balakin, Boris V; Hoffmann, Alex Christian; Kosinski, Pawel Jan
et al. (2008). Eulerian-Eulerian simulation of sedimentation of uniformly-sized, non-Brownian spheres in viscous fluids. (external link)
Ilea, Catalin Grigore; Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Hoffmann, Alex Christian
(2008). Simulation of a dust lifting process with rough walls. (external link)
Kosinski, Pawel Jan
(2008). Numerical investigation of explosion suppression by inert particles in straight ducts. (external link)
Suciu, Crina S.; Hoffmann, Alex Christian; Kosinski, Pawel Jan
(2008). Obtaining YSZ nanoparticles by the sol-gel method with sucrose and pectin as organic precursors. (external link)
Kosinski, Pawel Jan
(2007). Shock wave interaction with a cloud of particles in a channel with bends. (external link)
Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Hoffmann, Alex Christian
(2007). An Eulerian-Lagrangian model for dense particle clouds. (external link)
Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Kosinska, Anna; Hoffmann, Alex Christian
(2007). Consequences of particle-particle interaction in a 2D square domain. (external link)
Ho, Thinh Xuan; Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Hoffmann, Alex Christian
et al. (2007). Numerical Simulation of Electrochemical and Transport Processes in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells. (external link)
Ilea, Catalin Grigore; Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Hoffmann, Alex Christian
(2007). Dust Lifting Simulations with Particles of Distributed Sizes. (external link)
Kosinski, Pawel Jan
(2007). Numerical analysis of shock wave interaction with a cloud of particles in a channel with bends. (external link)
Kosinski, Pawel Jan
(2007). Numerical investigation of explosion suppression by inert particles in long ducts. (external link)
Kosinski, Pawel Jan
(2006). On shock wave propagation in a branched channel with particles. (external link)
Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Hoffmann, Alex Christian
(2006). An investigation of the consequences of primary dust explosions in interconnected vessels. (external link)
Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Hoffmann, Alex Christian
(2005). Mathematical modelling of dust explosions in interconnected vessels. (external link)
Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Hoffmann, Alex Christian
(2005). Modelling of dust lifting using the Lagrangian approach. (external link)
Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Hoffmann, Alex Christian
(2005). Dust explosions in connected vessels: Mathematical modelling. (external link)
Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Hoffmann, Alex Christian; Klemens, R.
(2005). Dust lifting behind shock waves: comparison of two modelling techniques. (external link)
Academic monograph
Academic lecture
Bjelland Eriksen, Agathe; Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Balakin, Boris
et al. (2023). Exploring the use of stationary nanofluids in a direct absorption solar collector system. (external link)
Saparbayeva, Nazerke; Balakin, Boris; Kosinski, Pawel Jan
et al. (2022). Simulation of horizontal hydraulic conveying and dune
formation based on CFD-DEM. (external link)
Balakin, Boris; Hellestø, Aslak Solvang; Kosinski, Pawel Jan
et al. (2021). Multiphase CFD Models of Agglomeration and Deposition in Hydrate Slurries. (external link)
Rinde, Lise M.; Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Balakin, Boris V.
(2019). Analysis of Sand Erosion on Subsea Chokes. (external link)
Ulset, Edda Torsdottir; Kuzmenkov, Dmitry M.; Struchalin, Pavel G.
et al. (2019). Photo-thermal heating of nanofluids. (external link)
Struchalin, Pavel G.; Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Popsueva, Victoria
et al. (2019). Experimental study of photothermal boiling in graphite nanofluid. (external link)
Balakin, Boris V; Kosinski, Pawel Jan
(2016). A hard-sphere model for DEM simulations. (external link)
Balakin, Boris V; Kosinski, Pawel Jan
(2016). Numerical study of the collision efficiency of the liquid bridge agglomeration. (external link)
Balakin, Boris; Adamsen, Tom Christian Holm; Chang, Yu-Fen
et al. (2016). Non-invasive studies of multiphase flow in process equipment. Positron emission particle tracking technique. (external link)
Balakin, Boris V; Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Kartushinsky, Alexander
et al. (2016). 3D RSTM modeling for particulate grid-generated turbulent and shear flows. (external link)
Balakin, Boris V; Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Kartushinsky, Alexander
et al. (2016). CFD-PBM modelling of agglomeration and deposition in petroleum industry. (external link)
Balakin, Boris V; Shamsutdinova, Guzel; Kosinski, Pawel Jan
(2014). Hard-sphere modelling of liquid bridge agglomeration. (external link)
Middha, Prachi; Balakin, Boris V; Kosinski, Pawel Jan
(2013). PEPT and CFD investigation of lean-phase pneumatic conveying through a bend. (external link)
Middha, Prachi; Balakin, Boris V; Hoffmann, Alex Christian
et al. (2013). PEPT and CFD investigation of lean-phase pneumatic conveying through a bend. (external link)
Balakin, Boris V; Hoffmann, Alex Christian; Kosinski, Pawel Jan
(2013). Restitution of momentum during interparticle collision affected by liquid bridge. (external link)
Middha, Prachi; Kosinski, Pawel Jan
(2013). PEPT and CFD investigation of lean-phase pneumatic conveying through a bend. (external link)
Middha, Prachi; Kosinski, Pawel Jan
(2013). A two-phase four-way coupled numerical model for heat conductivity of nanofluids. (external link)
Middha, Prachi; Kosinski, Pawel Jan
(2013). Restitution of momentum during interparticle collision affected by liquid bridge. (external link)
Asokan, Vijayshankar; Myrseth, Velaug ; Velauthapillai, Dhayalan
et al. (2012). Effect of temperature on the transformation of carbon black into nanotubes. (external link)
Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Hoffmann, Alex Christian
(2011). Particle-particle agglomeration and use of the hard-sphere model. (external link)
Henden, Marte Johanne Hagenes; Arntzen, Bjørn Johan; Eckhoff, Rolf Kristian
Ilea, Catalin Grigore; Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Hoffmann, Alex Christian
(2010). Ordering of monosized particles during simulations of a fluid-solid flow under shear. (external link)
Balakin, Boris V; Hoffmann, Alex Christian; Kosinski, Pawel Jan
(2009). Computational fluid dynamic model of gas hydrate deposition in a turbulent flow. (external link)
Ho, Thinh Xuan; Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Hoffmann, Alex Christian
et al. (2009). Fully three-dimensional modeling of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells. (external link)
Barth, Tanja; Talatori, Shiva; Erstad, Kristin
et al. (2008). Hydrates in petroleum production-assessment of plug risk. Project HYPERION enters it s third and final year. (external link)
Ho, Thinh Xuan; Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Hoffmann, Alex Christian
et al. (2008). Numerical study of an SOFC with direct internal reforming using charge diffusion-based model. (external link)
Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Kosinska, Anna; Hoffmann, Alex Christian
(2007). Numerical simulation of particle-flow interactions: formation of agglomerates. (external link)
Ilea, Catalin Grigore; Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Hoffmann, Alex Christian
(2007). Simulation of a dust lifting process in a two-dimensional domain with rough walls. (external link)
Ho, Thinh Xuan; Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Hoffmann, Alex Christian
(2006). Direct numerical simulation of particle-fluid flow: The state-of-the-art. (external link)
Kosinski, Pawel Jan
(2006). Shock wave interaction with particles in channels with complex geometry. (external link)
Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Kosinska, Anna; Hoffmann, Alex Christian
(2006). Fluid-particle flows in a driven cavity. (external link)
Ilea, Catalin Grigore; Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Hoffmann, Alex Christian
(2006). 3-D Eulerian-Lagrangian Simulation of Dust Lifting. (external link)
Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Hoffmann, Alex Christian
(2004). Mathematical modelling of dust explosions in interconnected vessels. (external link)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Middha, Prachi; Balakin, Boris V; Hoffmann, Alex Christian
et al. (2013). PEPT investigation of pneumatic conveying through a bend. (external link)
Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Balakin, Boris V; Middha, Prachi
et al. (2013). Heat conduction between colliding particles. (external link)
Aarland, Maja; Balakin, Boris V; Kosinski, Pawel Jan
(2011). Combustion modeling of a premixed jet with and without roughness for definition of MESG. (external link)
Asokan, Vijayshankar; Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Myrseth, Velaug
(2010). Structural transformation of carbon black by using a metal catalyst. (external link)
Ho, Thinh Xuan; Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Hoffmann, Alex Christian
et al. (2008). Numerical study of a solid oxide fuel cell with direct internal methane reforming. (external link)
Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Kosinska, Anna; Hoffmann, Alex Christian
(2006). Simulation of solid particles, behaviour in a driven cavity flow. (external link)
Ilea, Catalin Grigore; Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Hoffmann, Alex Christian
(2006). Numerical simulation of dust lifting behind shock waves in a three-dimensional computational domain. (external link)
Kosinski, Pawel Jan; Hoffmann, Alex Christian; Klemens, R.
(2004). Dust lifting modelling using the Eulerian and Lagrangian approaches. (external link)
Reader opinion piece
Short communication
Popular scientific lecture
See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.