I am a political scientist and public administration scholar and have worked extensively on public administration, public management, and public policy. Theoretical my publications are informed by organization theory and institutional approaches to understand how organizational structures and cultures within the public sector evolve and adapt.
My research has primarily focused on public sector reforms, governance, and organizational change within central government from a national and international comparative perspective. It includes topics like societal security and crisis management, accountability, New Public Management, Whole-of-Government and trust.
I have published numerous articles and books in recognized international journals and at publishers, often in collaboration with other scholars, and my publications are widely cited.
Through my research I have tried to influence both academic discourse and practical approaches to public administration and democratic governance and contribute to better insights in how public administration emerges, adapts, changes, are reformed, and how it works in practice.
- Dan, Sorin; Lægreid, Per; Špaček, David (2024). NPM reconsidered: towards the study of enduring forms of NPM. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Mattei, Paola (2013). Introduction: Reforming the welfare state and the implications for accountability in a comparative perspective. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Verhoest, Koen; Jann, Werner (2008). The Governance, Autonomy and Coordination of Public Sector Organizations. (external link)
- Jann, Werner; Lægreid, Per; Verhoest, Koen (2007). Introduction. (external link)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2024). Academic freedom and freedom of speech. Translating travelling ideas. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2024). Complexity in Public Policy. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise Hellebø (2024). Governance Reforms in Scandinavia: Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. (external link)
- Ejersbo, Niels; Greve, Carsten; Lægreid, Per et al. (2023). Nordic Public Management Reforms Seen from the Top: Adaptive and Agile Governments. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H. (2023). Strategic public management in crises. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2023). Crisis Management of the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Nordic Way and the Swedish Exceptionalism. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2022). Political Organizations and Public Management. An Institutional Approach. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2022). Taking stock: New Public Management (NPM) and post-NPM reforms - trends and challenges. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2022). Norway: A Pragmatic, Collaborative, and Legitimate Response. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2021). The Logic of Appropriateness . A Central Concept of Institutional Theory. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2021). Performance management: Experiences and challenge. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2020). The Norwegian Government Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2020). Public Administration research in Norway. An organizational and institutional approach to political organization. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H. (2019). The Co-evolution of Reputation Management, Governance Capacity, Legitimacy and Accountability in Crisis Managment. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2019). Coordination Quality:Perceptions and Drivers Among Civil Servants. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2019). Organizing for smart pracitices: Out of the silos. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Verhoest, Koen (2018). Reform Waves and the Structure of Government. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2018). Designing Organizational Tools: Tool Choices as Administrative Reforms. (external link)
- Greve, Carsten; Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H. (2018). Nordic Bureaucracy beyond New Public Management. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2018). Crisis Management Capacity in Central Government: The Perceptions of Civil Servants in Norway.. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H. (2018). Organizing for Societal Security and Crisis Management: Governance Capacity and Legitimacy . (external link)
- Førde, Johannes Sandvik; Lægreid, Per; Rubecksen, Kristin et al. (2018). Organizing for Societal Security and Crisis Management in Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and the UK. (external link)
- Jensen, Susan B.; Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H. (2018). Changes in the Norwegian Central Crisis Management After the Terrorist Attacks in 2011. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H. (2018). Governance Capacity and Legitimacy Revisited. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2017). An Organizational Approach to Public Administration. (external link)
- Ejersbo, Niels; Greve, Carsten; Lægreid, Per et al. (2017). Er der en særlig nordisk reformmodel for styringsreformer?. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2017). An Organization Approach to Public Administration.. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2017). New Public Management. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2017). Nordic Administrative Traditions. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2017). An Organizational Approach to Public Administration. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2016). Accountability relations in unsettled situations: administrative reform and crisis. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2016). Introduction: accountability and welfare state reforms. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Rubecksen, Kristin (2016). Welfare reforms, accountability and performance. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H. (2016). Data, Methods and some structural and individual characteristics. (external link)
- Greve, Carsten; Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H. (2016). The Nordic Model Revisited: Active Reformers and High Performing Public Administrations. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H. (2016). Administrative Reform - Processes, Trends, and Content. (external link)
- Greve, Carsten; Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H. (2016). Introduction: The Nordic Model in Transition. (external link)
- Byrkjeflot, Haldor; Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2016). Accountability in multilevel health care services: the case of Norway. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Randma-Liiv, Tiina; Rykkja, Lise H. et al. (2016). Coordination challenges and administrative reforms. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H. (2016). Norway: managerialism, incrementalism and collaboration. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2016). A Transformative Perspective. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2015). Reputation management in times of crisis - how the police handled the Norwegian terrorist attack in 2011. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2015). Christopher Hood, "A Public Management for All Seasons?" . (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2015). Top Civil Servants Under Contract. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2015). Strategic Management in Norwegian Welfare Administration. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Wise, L. (2015). Transisituns in civil service Systems. Robustness and Flexibility in Human Resourses. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2015). A Norwegian tradition of studying public administration. Bounded rationality and institutional features combined.. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H.; Sarapuu, Kulli et al. (2014). Emerging Coordinating Practices in Europe. Introduction. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H. (2014). Diagnose og medesin etter terrorangrepet: Kultur eller struktor?. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H.; Lango, Peter (2014). Etter 22. juli. Justis- og beredskapsdepartementets ansvar for samfunnssikerhet. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2014). Accountability and New Public Management. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H.; Sarapuu, Kulli et al. (2014). Lessoned Learned and Policy Implications. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H.; Lango, Peter et al. (2014). Samfunnsvern eller personvern - terror og holdninger til kontraterrortiltak. (external link)
- Rykkja, Lise H.; Lægreid, Per (2014). Coordinating for Crisis Management in Norway after the Terrorist Attack in 2011. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H. (2014). One-Stop Shops for Social Welfare: The NAV Office in Norway. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2013). Contexts and administrative reforms: a transformative approach. (external link)
- Christensen, Dag Arne; Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per et al. (2013). The people and structure solution? Collegial administration in Norway. (external link)
- Verhoest, Koen; van Thiel, Sandra; Lægreid, Per et al. (2012). Introduction. (external link)
- van Thiel, Sandra; Verhoest, Koen; Bouckaert, Geert et al. (2012). lessons and Recommendations for the Practice of Agencification. (external link)
- Balle Hansen, Morten; Lægreid, Per; Pierre, Jon et al. (2012). Comparing Agencification in Nordic Countries. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Roness, Paul G.; Rubecksen, Kristin (2012). Norway. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2012). Governance and Administrative Reforms. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Roness, Paul G. (2012). Rewards for high public office: the case of Norway. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2012). Administrative Reforms in Western Democracies. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2011). Beyond NPM? Some Development Features. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2011). Introduction. (external link)
- Lango, Peter; Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise Hellebø (2011). Organizing for Internal Security and Safety in Norway. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Fimreite, Anne Lise; Lægreid, Per (2011). Kriseledelse: et spørsmål om tillit - og selvtillit. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Christensen, Tom (2011). The new regulatory ortodoxy: a critical assessment. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2011). Post-NPM Reforms: Whole of Government Approaches as a New Trend. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2011). The New Regulatory Orthodoxy: A Critical Assessment. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2011). Administrative Refroms and the Challenges of Developing Countries. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2011). Administrative Reforms and the Complexification of Competencies Requested for Civil Servants. (external link)
- Fimreite, Anne Lise; Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise Hellebø (2011). Samfunnsvern eller personvern - holdninger til antiterrortiltak. (external link)
- Fimreite, Anne Lise; Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise Hellebø (2011). Organisering for samfunnssikkerhet og krisehåndtering. (external link)
- Fimreite, Anne Lise; Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise Hellebø (2011). Utfordringer og implikasjoner. (external link)
- Lango, Peter; Lægreid, Per (2011). Samordning for samfunnssikkerhet. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2010). Impact of Institutional Embeddedness for Public Administration: The Case of Norway. (external link)
- Jann, Werner; Lægreid, Per; Verhoest, Koen (2010). Governance of Public Sector Organizations. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Verhoest, Koen (2010). Introduction: Reforming Public Sector Orgnizations. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Roness, Paul G.; Rolland, Vidar et al. (2010). The structural anatomy of the Norwegian state: Increased Specialization or a Pendulum Shift?. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Verhoest, Koen (2010). Organizing Public Sector Agencies: Challenges and reflections. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2010). Increased Complexity in Public sector Organizations - the challenges of Combining NPM and Post-NPM. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2009). Public Management Reform in Norway: reluctance and tensions. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Christensen, Tom (2009). Public management reform in Norway - Reluctance and tensions. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Christensen, Tom (2009). Development of the Norwegian Civil Service System: Gradual Transformation of the Centrlaized State. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2009). Development of the Norwegian Civil Service System - Gradual Transformation of the Centralized State. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2008). The study of public management in Norway. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2008). Post New Public Managemetn Reforms - Exploring the "Whole of Government" Approach to Public Reform. (external link)
- Fimreite, Anne Lise; Lægreid, Per (2008). Samordning - flernivåstyringens store utfordring. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Serigstad, Synnøve (2008). Reorganizing for Homeland Security: The Case of Norway. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Roness, Paul G.; Rubecksen, Kristin (2008). Performance Information and Performance Steering: Integrated Systems or Loose Coupling. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2008). The regulatory orthodoxty in practice. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Steinthorsson, Runolfur Smari; Thorhallsson, Baldur (2008). Transnational Regulation: Europeanization of Nordic Central Governments. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2008). The regulatory orthodoxy in practice. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2008). The study of public management in Norway. Combination of organization theory and political science. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2007). The Whole-of-Government Approach to Modernization. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lie, Amund; Lægreid, Per (2007). Still Fragmented Government or Reassertion of the Centre?. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per; Norman, Richard (2007). Organizing Immigration - a Comparison of New Zealand and Norway. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per; Lie, Amund (2007). Still Fragmented or Reassertion of the Centre?. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2007). Introduction - Theoretical Approach and Research Questions. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Wise, Lois W. (2007). Reforming Human Resource Management in Civil Service Systems: Recruitment, Mobility and Representativeness. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2007). Introduction - Theoretical Approach and Research Questions. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per; Norman, Richard (2007). Organizing Immigration - A Comparison of New Zealand and Norway. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2007). Post New Public Management Reforms - Exploring the 'Whole of Government' Approach to Public Reform. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2007). The Whole-of-Government Approach to Modernization. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Ramslien, Arne R. (2007). Etatsstyring og IKT på utlendingsfeltet. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2006). Globalization and Administrative Reform: The Dilemmas of Combining Political Control and Increased Institutional Autonomy. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2006). Rebalancing the State: Reregulation and Reassertion of the Centre. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2006). Introduction. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2006). Agencification and regulatory reform. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2006). Introduction. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2006). Agencification and Regulatory Reforms. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2006). Globalization of Administrative Reforms: The Dilemmas of Combining Political Control and Increased Institutional Autonomy. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2006). Rebalancing the state: Reregulation and Reassertion of the Centre. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Roness, Paul G.; Rubecksen, Kristin (2006). Autonomy and Control in the Norwegian Civil Service: Does Agency Form Matter?. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2005). Autonomization and Policy Capacity - the Dilemmas and Challenges Facing Political Executives. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2005). Autonomization and Policy Capacity: The Dilemmas and Challenges Facing Political Executives. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2004). Norway: Managerialism and parliamentary oversight in lock-steps?. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Wik, Marjoleine H. (2004). Norway: A stable oversight/mutuality hybrid amid limited diversification of professional mutality. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Steinthorsson, Runolfur Smari; Torhallsson, Baldur (2003). Europuvæding stjornsyslunnar: Ahrif Evropusamvinnunnar a stjornsyslu Nordurlanda. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per; Wise, Lois R. (2003). Evaluation Public Management Reforms in Central Government: Norway, Sweden and the United States of America. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Roness, Paul Gerhard (2003). Administrative Reform Programs and Institutional Response in Norwegian Central Government. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Roness, Paul Gerhard (2001). "Administrative Reform Programs and Institutional Response in Norwegian Central Government". (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2001). Administrative Reforms in Scandinavia - Testing the Cooperative Model. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2001). Transforming Governance in the New Milennium. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2001). A Transformative Perspective on Administrative Reforms. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2001). Introduction. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2001). New Public Management i norsk statsforvaltning. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per; Zuna, Hans Robert (2001). Profesjonsmangfold, statsmodeller og beslutnignsatferd. (external link)
- Jacobsson, Bengt; Lægreid, Per; Pedersen, Ove K. (2001). Divergent Roads to Europe. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2001). Innvevd og segmentert. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2001). Organisasjonsformer: Robusthet og fleksibilitet. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Jacobsson, Bengt; Pedersen, Ove K. (2001). Europeisering och de nordiska statsforvaltningarna. (external link)
- Jacobsson, Bengt; Lægreid, Per; Pedersen, Ove K. (2001). Ulike veger til Europa. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2001). Transforming Top Civil Servant Systems. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2001). New Public Management - Undermining Political Control?. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2001). Mål- og resultatstyring i offentlig sektor - erfaringar og utfordringar. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per; Zuna, Hans Robert (2001). Profesjonspluralisme, statsmodeller og forvaltningsatferd. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Helgesen, Sturla Berg; Lægreid, Per (2001). En revitalisert Riksrevisjon - effektiv, objektiv og uavhengig?. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2001). New Public Management i norsk sentralforvaltning. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2000). Europeisering og forvaltningstilpasning i Norden. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Pedersen, O.K. (1999). Organisasjonsformer og reformprogram. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Jacobsson, B.; Pedersen, O.K. (1999). Endringer i statlige organisasjonsformer i Skandinavia - forvaltningspolitikk, europisering og historiske bindinger. (external link)
- Roness, Paul Gerhard; Lægreid, Per (1999). Administrative reform as organized attention. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Egeberg, Morten (1999). Johan P. Olsen: His Career, Professional Roles and Publications. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Pedersen, O.K. (1999). Fra opbygning til ombygning. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Roness, Paul Gerhard (1998). Frå einskap til mangfald. Eit perspektiv på indre fristilling i sentraladministrasjonen. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Roness, Paul Gerhard (1998). Frå einskap til mangfald. Eit perspektiv på indre fristilling i statsforvaltninga. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Christensen, Tom (1998). Public Administrative in a Democratic Context - A Review of Norwegian Research. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Roness, Paul Gerhard (1997). Political Parties, Bureaucracies and corporatism. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Christensen, Tom (1997). Forvaltningspolitikk - mot New Public Management?. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Pedersen, Ove K. (1996). Forvaltningspolitikk, partsorganisering og institusjonell endring. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (1996). Lokal lønn i Norge. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Pedersen, Ove K. (1996). Forvaltningspolitikk, partsorganisering og institusjonell endring. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (1996). Lokal lønn i Norge. (external link)
- Pedersen, Dorthe; Pedersen, Ove K.; Lægreid, Per (1996). Forvaltningspolitikkens institusjonelle spor. (external link)
- Pedersen, Dorthe; Pedersen, Ove K.; Lægreid, Per (1996). Forvaltningspolitikkens institusjonelle spor. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (1996). Leiarløn i staten - marknad og management. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Aarre, Marianne (1995). Lokal lønnspolitikk. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (1995). Perspektiv på lønspolitikken i staten. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (1995). Lønspolitiske reformforsøk i staten. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (1995). Perspektiv på lønspolitikken i staten. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Helgesen, Kjersti (1995). Lønnspolitiske problemoppfatninger og løsningsforslag. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Helgesen, Kjersti (1995). Lønnspolitiske problemoppfatninger og løsningsforslag. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (1995). Lønnspolitiske reformforsøk i staten. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Pedersen, Ove Kai (1995). En Nordisk model for forvaltningspolitikk?. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (1995). Prestasjonsløn i offentleg sektor. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Pedersen, Ove Kai (1995). Forvaltningspolitikk i teori og praksis. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (1995). Feminization of the central public administration. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Rolland, Vidar (1994). Forvaltningspolitikkens utvikling i Norge. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (1994). Mountain Tops or Iceberg Tips? Some Comparative Data on RHPOs. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (1994). Going against the Cultural Grain: Norway. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Pedersen, O. K. (1994). En nordisk modell?. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Pedersen, O. K. (1994). Forvaltningspolitik. (external link)
- Olsen, Johan P; Lægreid, Per (1984). Top civil servants in Norway: Key players - on different teams. (external link)
Academic article
- Geys, Benny; Lægreid, Per; Murdoch, Zuzana et al. (2024). I’m a Survivor: Political Dynamics in Bureaucratic Elites’ Partisan Identification. (external link)
- Fimreite, Anne Lise; Løvseth, Erla Katrine; Lægreid, Per et al. (2024). Fear, trust, and knowledge–understanding Norwegian citizens’ perceptions of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2024). Reputation management in turmoil—An analysis of the clashing narratives in the introduction of a “salmon tax” in Norway. (external link)
- Geys, Benny; Lægreid, Per; Murdoch, Zuzana et al. (2023). The impact of terrorism on civil servants: Longitudinal evidence from the July 22, 2011 attack in Norway. (external link)
- Geys, Benny; Lægreid, Per; Murdoch, Zuzana et al. (2023). Organizational Stability and Resocialization in Public Administrations: Theory and Evidence from Norwegian Civil Servants (1986-2016). (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2023). The Politics of Vaccines—How to Determine a Fair Vaccine Allocation: Hierarchy, Negotiations, or Culture? . (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2023). Assessing the crisis management of the COVID-19 pandemic: a study of inquiry commission reports in Norway and Sweden. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2022). Special Issue on The Scientization of Public Decision-Making Processes – the Relevance for the Handling of the COVID-19 Pandemic. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2022). Scientization under pressure—The problematic role of expert bodies during the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Jensen, Mads Dagnis; Kluth, Michael et al. (2022). The Nordic governments' responses to the Covid-19 pandemic: A comparative study of variation in governance arrangements and regulatory instruments. (external link)
- Schillemans, Thomas; Overman, Sjors; Flinders, Matthew et al. (2022). Public sector accountability styles in Europe comparing accountability and control of agencies in the Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland and the UK. (external link)
- Schillemans, Thomas; Overman, Sjors; Fawcett, Paul et al. (2021). Conflictual Accountability: Behavioral Responses to Conflictual Accountability of Agencies. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H. (2021). Accountability and interorganizational collaboration within the state. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2020). The Demise of an Agency Director – A Puzzling Saga of Political Control and Professional Autonomy.. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H. (2020). Nordic Administrative Collaboration: Scope, Predictors and Effects on Policy Design and Administrative Reform Measures. (external link)
- Schillemans, Thomas; Overman, Sjors; Fawcett, Paul et al. (2020). Understanding Felt Accountability. The institutional antecedents of the felt accountability of agency-CEO's to central government.. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2020). The coronavirus crisis—crisis communication, meaning-making, and reputation management. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2020). Balancing Governance Capacity and Legitimacy: How the Norwegian Government Handled the COVID-19 Crisis as a High Performer. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H. (2020). Transboundary Crisis Management Organization. (external link)
- Wynen, B; Kleizen, Bjorn; Verhoest, Koen et al. (2020). Keeping a watchful eye in times of turmoil? How repeated structural reform leads to more attention to political signals. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2020). ICT use in central government: Scope, predictors and effects on coordination quality. (external link)
- Hjellum, Magnus Sirnes; Lægreid, Per (2019). The challenge of transboundary coordination: The case of the Norwegian police and military. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2019). Coordination quality in central government – the case of Norway. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Ole Martin; Lægreid, Per (2019). Administrative coordination capacity; does the wickedness of policy areas matter?. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H. (2019). How to Balance Individual Rights and Societal Security? The View of Civil Servants. (external link)
- Wynen, Jan; Kleizen, Bjørn; Verhoest, Koen et al. (2019). Just keep silent… Defensive silence as a reaction to successive structural reforms. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H. (2019). Governing and Organizing for Crisis Management and Civil Protection: Advancing an Important but Neglected Research Field. (external link)
- Greve, Carsten; Ejersbo, Niels; Lægreid, Per et al. (2019). Unpacking Nordic Administrative Reforms: Agile and Adaptive Governments. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H. (2018). Reforming the Norwegian police between structure and culture: Community police or emergency police. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H. (2017). Samfunnstryggleik og krisehandtering - eit viktig men forsømt forskningsfelt. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2017). Getting to Norway – thirty years of public management research: theoretical, empirical and practical challenges. (external link)
- Andresen, Astri; Elvbakken, Kari Tove; Lægreid, Per (2017). Politikk og forvaltning – politisering og integrasjon?. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H. (2017). Establishing a National Police Emergency Response Center: How Urgency Led to Delay. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Rolland, Vidar W. (2017). Frå stabilitet til turbulens. 70 år med organisasjonsendringar i departementa– politisk design eller institusjonelltilpasning?. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Nordø, Åsta Dyrnes; Rykkja, Lise H. (2017). La búsqueda de la coordinación en los gobiernos centrales Europeos. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H. (2016). Ambiguities of Accountability and Attention – Analyzing the Failure of a Preventive Security Project. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Neby, Simon (2016). Gaming, accountability and trust: DRGs and activity-based funding in Norway. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H. (2016). Organizing for crisis management: building governance capacity and legitimacy. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Danielsen, Ole Andreas; Lægreid, Per et al. (2016). COMPARING COORDINATION STRUCTURES FOR CRISIS MANAGEMENT IN SIX COUNTRIES. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Neby, Simon; Mattei, Paola et al. (2015). Bending the Rules to Play the Game: Accountability, DRG and Waiting List Scandals in Norway and Germany. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H. (2015). Organizing for 'wicked problems'. Analyzing coordination arrangements in two policy areas: Internal security and the welfare administrtion.. (external link)
- Askim, Jostein; Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2015). Accountability and performance management: the Norwegian hospital, welfare, and immigration administration. (external link)
- Jantz, Bastian; Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2015). Performance Management and Accountability: The Welfare Administration Reform in Norway and Germany. (external link)
- Jann, Werner; Lægreid, Per (2015). Reforming the Welfare State: Accountability, Management, and Performance. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H. (2015). Hybrid Collaborative Arrangements: The welfare administration in Norway – between hierarchy and network. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Sarapuu, Külli; Rykkja, Lise H. et al. (2015). New coordination challenges in the welfare state. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Randma-Liiv, Tiina; Rykkja, Lise H. et al. (2015). Emerging Coordination Practices of European Central Governments. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H. (2015). The challenges of coordination in national security management – the case of the terrorist attack in Norway. (external link)
- Byrkjeflot, Haldor; Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2014). The Many Faces of Accountability: Comparing Reforms in Welfare, Hospitals and Migration . (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2014). Performance and Accountability-A Theoretical Discussion and an Empirical Assessment. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Fimreite, Anne Lise; Lægreid, Per (2014). Joined-up government for welfare administration reform in Norway. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2013). Welfare administration refrom between coordination and specialization. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Roness, Paul G.; Rolland, Vidar (2013). Agencification and Corporatization in Norway 1947-2011. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2013). SCANCOR and Norwegian public administration research development. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise Hellebø (2013). After a terrorist attack: challenges for political and administrative leadership in Norway. (external link)
- Lango, Peter; Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H. (2013). Samordning for samfunnssikkerhet: Utviklingen av Justisdepartementets ansvar. (external link)
- Fimreite, Anne Lise; Lango, Peter; Lægreid, Per et al. (2013). After Oslo and Utøya: A shift in the balance between security and liberty in Norway?. (external link)
- Bezes, Philippe; Fimreite, Anne Lise; Le Lidec, Patric et al. (2013). Understanding organizational reforms in the modern state : specialization and integration in Norway and France. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Johannessen, Mathias; Lægreid, Per (2013). A system under stress: the Icelandic volcano ash crisis. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2012). A special breed? – a longitudinal and cross-sectional study of Norwegian budgeting and financial civil servants. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2012). Competing principles of agency organization - the reorganization of a reform. (external link)
- Fimreite, Anne Lise; Lægreid, Per; Lango, Peter et al. (2012). 22.juli-kommisjonen. Organisering, styring og ansvar. (external link)
- Christensen, Dag Arne; Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per et al. (2012). Cross-Border Coordination Activities in Central Government Administration - Combining Organizational Conditions and Individual Features. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2011). Democracy and administrative policy: Contrasting elements of New Public Management (npm) and post-NPM. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2011). Complexity and hybrid public administration - theoretical and empirical challenges. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Roness, Paul G.; Verhoest, Koen (2011). Explaining the innovative culture and activities of state agencies. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2011). Ethics and Administrative Reforms: A study of ethical guidelines in the central civil service. (external link)
- Rykkja, Lise Hellebø; Fimreite, Anne Lise; Lægreid, Per (2011). Attitudes towards anti-terror measures: the role of trust, political orientation and civil liberties support. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Fimreite, Anne Lise; Lægreid, Per (2011). Crisis management: the perceptions of citizens and civil servants in Norway. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2010). Perceptions regarding ICT Use in Norwegian Central Government. (external link)
- Askim, Jostein; Christensen, Tom; Fimreite, Anne Lise et al. (2010). How to assess administrative reform? Investigating the adoption and preliminary impacts of the anorwegian welfare administration reform. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2009). Transcending New Public Management: The Increasing Complexity of Balancing Control and Autonomy. (external link)
- Fimreite, Anne Lise; Lægreid, Per (2009). Reorganizing the welfare state administration. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2009). Transcending New Public Management: The Increasing Complexity of Balancing Control and Autonomy. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Knuth, Matthias; Lægreid, Per et al. (2009). Reforms of welfare administration and policy - comparison of complexity and hybridization. (external link)
- Askim, Jostein R.; Christensen, Tom; Fimreite, Anne Lise et al. (2009). How to carry out joined-up government reforms: Lessons from the 2001-2006 Norwegian welfare reform. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Christensen, Tom (2009). Organising immigration policy: the unstable balance between political control and agency autonomy. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Roness, Paul G.; Rubecksen, Kristin (2009). Moderne Organisasjonsoppskrifter i norske direktorat. Frå ledelse til styring?. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Knuth, Matthias; Lægreid, Per et al. (2009). Reforms of Welfare Administration and Policy - A Comparison of Complexity and Hybridization: An Introduction. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2009). Living in the Past? Change and Continuity in the Norwegian Central Civil Service. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lie, Amund; Lægreid, Per (2008). Beyond New Public Management: Agencification and regulatory reform in Norway. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2008). Modern Regulatory Policy - Ideals and Practice. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2008). The Challenge of Coordination in Central Government oerganizations: The Norwegian Case. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Roness, Paul G. (2008). Nyinsitusjonalisme, aktørar og autonomi innafor statsvitenskapen. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2008). The challenge of coordination in central government organization: the Norwegian case. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Roness, Paul G.; Rubecksen, Kristin (2008). Controlling regulatory agencies. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2008). NPM and beyond - structure, culture and demography. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2008). Modern Regulatory Policy - Ideals and Practice. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lie, Amund; Lægreid, Per (2008). Beyond New Public Management: Agencification and Regulatory Reform in Norway. (external link)
- Elvbakken, Kari Tove; Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise Hellebø (2008). Regulation for safe food: A comparison of five European countries. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2007). Regulatory Agencies - The Challenge of Balancing Agency Autonomy and Political Control. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Fimreite, Anne Lise; Lægreid, Per (2007). Reform of the employment and welfare administrations - The challenges of co-coordinating diverse public organizations. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Roness, Paul G.; Rubecksen, Kristin (2007). Modern management tools in state agencies: The case of Norway. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2007). Reformas Post Nueva Gestoin Publica. (external link)
- Werner, Jann; Lægreid, Per; Koen, Verhoest (2007). Introduction. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2007). Post new public management reforms empirical tendencies and scholarly challenges. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2007). The whole-of-government approach to public sector reform. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2007). Regulatory Agencies - The Challenges of Balancing Agency Autonomy and Political Control. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Serigstad, Synnøve (2006). Framing the Field of Homeland Security: The Case of Norway. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Roness, Paul G.; Rubecksen, Kristin (2006). Performance Management in Practice: The Norwegian Way. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per; Stigen, Inger Marie (2006). Performance Management and Public Sector Reform: The Norwegian Hospital Reform. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per; Stigen, Inger Marie (2006). Performance Management and Public Sector Reform: The Norwegian Hospital Reform. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2006). Post-NPM reforms – whole-of-government as a new trend. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per; Stigen, Inger Marie (2006). Performance Management and Public Sector Reform: The Norwegian Hospital Reform. (external link)
- Bouckaert, Geert; Lægreid, Per; Van de Walle, Steven (2005). Trust, quality measurement models, and value chain monitoring: symposium intodruction. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2005). Los politicos y la reforma de la administracion publica en la era de la Nueva Gestion Publica: el caso noruego. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2005). El estado fragmentado: los retos de combinar eficiencia, normas institucionales y democracia. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2005). Trust in government - the relative importance of service satisfaction, political factors and demography. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Opedal, Ståle; Stigen, Inger Marie (2005). Den norske sykehusreformen. Mer politisk styring enn fristilling?. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Opedal, Ståle; Stigen, Inger Marie (2005). The Norwegian hospital reform: Balancing political control and enterprise autonomy. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Opedal, Ståle; Stigen, Inger Marie (2005). The Norwegian Hospital Reform – Balancing Political Control and Enterprise Autonomy. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Opedal, Ståle; Stigen, Inger Marie (2005). Den norske sykehusreformen: Mer sentral politisk styring enn fristilling?. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Opedal, Ståle (2005). Den norske sykehusreformen mer sentral politisk styring enn fristilling?. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2005). El estado fragmentado: Los retos de combinar eficiencia, normas institucionales y democracia. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2005). Trust in Governance: The Relative Importance of Service Satisfaction, Political Factors, and Demorgaphy. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Christensen, Tom (2004). Governmental Accountability and Control - The Norwegian Way. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Thorhallsson, Baldur; Steinthorsson, Runolfur Smari (2004). The organization ov central government administration in the Nordic states. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2004). Public Administration Research in Norway: Organization theory, institutionalism and empirical studies in a democratic context. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Jacobsson, Bengt; Pedersen, Ove K. (2004). Robust and Flexible States: The Transnationalization of Nordic Central Administration. (external link)
- Christensen, T; Lægreid, Per (2004). Coping with complex leadership roles: The problematic redefinition of government-owned enterprises. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Steinthorsson, RS; Thorhallsson, Baldur (2004). Europeanization of central government administration in the Nordic states. (external link)
- Christensen, T; Lægreid, Per (2004). Governmental autonomisation and control: The Norwegian way. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2003). Administrative Reform Policy: The Challenges of Turning Symbols into Practice. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2003). Coping with modern leadereship roles - the problematic redefinition of public companies. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2003). Politisk styring og privatisering. Holdninger i elitene og i befolkningen. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2003). Complex interaction and influence among political and adminsitrative leaders. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2002). La nueva administracion publicia: el equilibrio entre la governanza politicia y la autonomia administrativa. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per; Wise, Lois R. (2002). Transforming Adminstrative Policy. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2002). New Public Management - Puzzles of Democracy and the Influence of Citizens. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2001). New Public Management. The effects of contractualism and devolution on political control. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per; Wise, Lois R. (2001). Assessing Public Management Refrom in Norway, Sweden and the USA. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2001). La nuvea administracion publicia: el equlibrio entre la gobernanza administrativa. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2000). Las tendencias en el desarollo del sector publico el caso de Noreuega. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2000). Top civil servants under contract. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Christensen, Tom (1999). New Public Management-Design, Resistance, or Transformation?. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Christensen, Tom (1998). Administrative reform policy: the case of Norway. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (1997). Forvaltningspolitikk i Norden - samarbeidsmodelen på prøve. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (1997). Modernisering og forvaltningsreformer. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Christensen, Tom (1997). Sentralforvaltning og offentlig politikk. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2023). Political Control or Professional Autonomy? A Case of Agency Director Resignation. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2022). Political Control or Professional Autonomy? A Case of Agency Director Resignation. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2016). Organizational Innovation and Multiple Forms of Accountability in the Post-New Public Management Era.. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H.; Randma-Liiv, Tina et al. (2014). Emerging Coordinating Practices in European Public Management. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H.; Ramnda-Liiv, Tiina et al. (2014). Lessons learned and policy implications. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H. (2014). Coordination for Crisis Management in Norway after the Terrorist Attack in 2011. (external link)
Academic lecture
- Fimreite, Anne Lise; Lægreid, Per; Løvseth, Erla Katrine et al. (2023). Fear and Knowledge - understanding Norwegian citizens' perception of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR). (external link)
- Fimreite, Anne Lise; Lægreid, Per; Løvseth, Erla Katrine (2023). Fear and knowledge - understanding Norwegian citizens' perception of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR). (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2022). Whole-of-Government reforms: trends and challenges. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2022). Crisis Management of the COVID-19 pandemic: The Nordic Way and Swedish exceptionalism”. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2022). Two years into the Pandemic. Experiences form Norway” . (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2022). Accountability in unsettled situations: deciding on draconic measures to fight COVID-19. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2022). The politics/administration dichotomy – the challenging role of experts during COVID-19. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2022). Assessing the crisis management of the COVID-19 pandemic - The Scandinavian way. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Christensen, Tom (2021). The changing politics of vaccines – main principles and challenges of actual allocation. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Christensen, Tom (2021). Crisis Management of the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Nordic Way. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2020). Organisering for samfunnssikkerhet og krisehandtering. Styringskapasitet og styringslegitimitet. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2019). Organisering for samfunnsstyring og krisehandtering’. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2019). Organizing for criss management. Governance capacity and legitimacy. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2019). ICT use in central government. Scope, predictors and effect on coordination quality. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2019). the future of Governance for societal security and crisis management. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2019). Representative Bureaucracy in Norwegian Central Government.A longitudinal study over 40 years. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2018). Societal security and crisis management. Governance capacity and legitimacy. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2018). Orgaizing for internal security and crisis management. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2018). Organizing for wicked issues. The case of crisis management. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Hjellum, Magnus (2018). The Challenges of Administrative Capacity an Transboundary Coordination. the case of the Norwegian Police and Military. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2018). The demise of an agency director - is it really about political control and professional autonomy?. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2018). Administrative reforms in Europe: A North-South divide?. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Verhoest, Koen; Wynen, Jan et al. (2018). Do reform history affect the influence of administrative & political principals. A microeconometric study of Norwegian state agencies. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Rubecksen, Kristin; Rykkja, Lise H. (2018). Administrative accountability and reputation. The case of the Norwegian central agencies.. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H.; Jensen, Susan B. (2018). Changes in the Norwegian central crisis managemeent after the terrorist attacks in 2011. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2018). Governance coordination capacity in wicked policy areas - the case of Norway. (external link)
- Rubecksen, Kristin; Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H. (2018). Administrative accountability and reputation: The Case of Norwegian Central Agencies.. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H. (2017). Bulding a National Emergency Center for the Police. Instrumentality, Garbage can and Attention Shifts. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H. (2017). The co-evolution of reputation management, governance capacity, legitimacy and accountability in crisis management. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H. (2017). How to Balance individual rights and societal Security? The view of civil servants. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H.; Ejersbo, Niels et al. (2017). Nordic administrative reforms: Reform processes, trends, content, management instruments and their perceived effects on performance. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H. (2017). How to Balance Individual Rights and Societal Security? The View of Civil Servants. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2017). Nordic Administrative Reforms. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2017). Orgnizing for societal security and crisis management. Building governance capacity and legitimacy. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H. (2017). Reputation Management, Governance Capacity, Legitimacy and Accountability in Crisis. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2017). Crisis management capacity in central government: The perceptions of civil servants in Norway. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H. (2016). Reforming the Norwegian Police Between Structure and Culture. Community or Emergency Police?. (external link)
- Greve, Carsten; Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H. (2016). A Nordic Administrative Reform Model seen from the top - active reformers and high performing public administrations. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2016). Progress and pitfalls in the adaption of performance management. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2016). An Organizational Approach to Public Administration. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H. (2016). Organizing for Crisis Management. The Police reform in Norway - between strudture and culture.. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Rolland, Vidar (2016). Departementsendringar og regjeringsskifte 1946-2015. Politis design eller robuste byråkrati?. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H. (2016). Organizing for Crisis Management: Building Governance Capacity and Legitimacy. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2016). Accountability in Unsettled situations: Reforms and Crises. (external link)
- Rykkja, Lise H.; Lægreid, Per (2015). A new nordic model? Administrative reform in the Nordic Countries - Processes, trends and content.. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H. (2015). Administrative Reforms in the Nordic Countires - processes, trends and content. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per; Jantz, Bastian (2015). Performance management and accountability. Challenges, dilemmas and ambiguitets.. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2015). Accountability relations i unsettled situations - crises. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per; Jantz, Bastian (2014). In search of the Holy Grail - accountability and performance in welfare administration reforms. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H. (2014). Governance for complexity - How to organize for the handling of wicked issues. Comparing the case of internal security and welfare administration in Norway. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Rubecksen, Kristin (2014). Administrative reforms and accountability relations in the welfare state. comparing health and labour administration in Norway, Denmark and Germany. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Danielsen, Ole Andreas; Lægreid, Per et al. (2014). Governance of wicked issues. A comparative analysis of coordination for societal security in Europe. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H. (2014). Crisis management organization. Building governance capacity and legitimacy. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2014). Organizational innovations and accountability - hybrid forms in the post-New Public Management era. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H.; Nordø, Åsta Dyrnes (2014). The quest for coordination in European central government. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2014). Organizational innovations and accountability - hybrid forms in the post-New public Management era. (external link)
- Byrkjeflot, Haldor; Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2014). Collaboration in a multolevel health service system - Challenges of accountability. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2014). Reputation Management in times of crisis - how the police handled the Norwegian terrorist atack in 2011. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2014). Organizing for societal security and crisis management. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2014). Norwegian administrtive reforms seen frm the top- in an European perspective. (external link)
- Lango, Peter; Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise Hellebø (2013). Utviklingen av Justisdepartementets samordningsansvar for samfunnssikkerhet. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H. (2013). Ambiguities of accountability - analyzing the failure of a preventive project in Norway. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H.; Nordø, Åsta Dyrnes (2013). Coordination Quality in Norwegian Central government. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H.; Nordø, Åsta Dyrnes (2013). Coordinating quality i Norwegian central government. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2013). New Public Management revisited. A public manaement for all seasons or a special case?. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Wise, Lois R. (2013). Reforming Human Resource Management in Civil service systems: Robustness and Flexibility. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2013). Organizational innovations and accountability - hybrid forms in the post-New Public Management era. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise Hellebø (2012). How to cope with a terrorist attack? - A challenge for the political and administrative leadershp. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Neby, Simon (2012). Innovation in public management and gaming the system: The case of activity based funding in Norwegian hospitals. (external link)
- Rykkja, Lise Hellebø; Fimreite, Anne Lise; Lango, Peter et al. (2012). Antiterrortiltak mellom personvern og samfunnsvern: Befolkningens holdninger til antiterrortiltak 2006 og 2011. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2012). Welfare Reforms and Wicked Issues - from coupling to decoupling. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2012). Context and Administrative Reform. A Tansformative Approach. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2012). Governance and administrative reforms. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Roness, Paul G.; Rolland, Vidar (2012). Agencification and Coporatization in Norway 1947-2011. (external link)
- Byrkjeflot, Haldor; Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2012). The many faces of accountability - comparing reforms inwelfare, hospitals and immigration. (external link)
- Fimreite, Anne Lise; Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2012). Joined-Up Government: Reform Challenges, Experiences and Accountability Relaions. (external link)
- Lango, Peter; Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise Hellebø (2011). Reorganizing for internal security and crisis management. The case of Norway. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Johannesen, M; Lægreid, Per (2011). A System under Stress – the Icelandic Volcano ash Crisis. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2011). Administrative reform and central government capacity development. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2011). Changing Accountability Relations in Welfare State reforms: Lessons from Norway. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2011). The Reorganisation of Internal Security and Crisis Management in Norway. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2011). Organizing for internal security and emergency reparedness. Lessons from Norway”. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2011). Competing principles of agency organization – the reorganization of a reform. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2011). Changing accountability relations – the forgotten side of public sector reform. (external link)
- Byrkjeflot, Haldor; Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2011). Changing accountability relations in a welfare state – an assessment based on a study of welfare reforms. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per; Christensen, Dag Arne et al. (2010). Working across boundaries: Collegial admijistration in central government - scope, variation amnd effects. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2010). A special breed? A longitudional and cross sectional study of Norwegian budgeting and financial civil servants. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Stenby, Olle (2010). Europeanization and transnational networks. A study of the Norwegian Competetion Authority. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per; Roness, Paul G. et al. (2010). State under pressure: Institutional adaptation to new policy challenges. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2010). Whole-of-Gvoernment approaches. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Fimreite, Anne Lise; Bezes, Philippe et al. (2010). Reorganizing the modenr state in comparative perspecitve: Specialization and integration in Norway and France. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per; Christensen, Dag Arne et al. (2010). Boundary spanning activities. Collegial central government admministration - a multi-level analysis. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2010). Post NPM as a New Trend. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2009). Ethics, NPM and psot-NPM a study of patterns and tensions in the central civil service. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2009). Public Policy and Governance. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2009). Coordination and hybrid governance - theoretical and empirical challenges. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2009). NPM-related regulatory reforms: The problem of putting the new regulatory orthodoxy into practice. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2009). Contracts and performance arrangements for top civil servants in Norway. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2009). The New Public Managment and Beyond: Towards a Whole of Government or a Neo-Weberaian Model?. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Roness, Paul G. (2009). Rewards for High Public Office - the Case of Norway. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2009). Democracy and adminsitrative policy: Contrasting elements of NPM and post-NPM. (external link)
- Rykkja, Lise Hellebø; Fimreite, Anne Lise; Lægreid, Per (2009). The role of trust, religion, and political affiliation in attitudes to anti-terror measures. (external link)
- Rykkja, Lise Hellebø; Fimreite, Anne Lise; Lægreid, Per (2009). Draconian measures in the fight against terror – demography, trust and political attitudes. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2008). The New Public Management and Beyond: Towards a Whole of Government or a Neo-Weberian model?. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2008). International trends in public management. Are there any?. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2008). Transcending New Public Management - The increasing complexity of balancing control and autonomy. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2008). Transcening New Public Management - A transformative approach to increased complexity and the challenge of balancing autonomy and control. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2008). Transnational regulation: Europeanization of Nordic central governments. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2008). Administrativ tilpassing til EU og EØS. (external link)
- Fimreite, Anne Lise; Lægreid, Per (2008). Reorganization of the Welfare State Administration. Partnerships, networks and accountability. (external link)
- Askim, Jostein; Christensen, Tom; Fimreite, Anne Lise et al. (2008). Challenges and effects of administrative reform - the Norwegian reform of labour and welfare administration. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2008). Administrative reforms and competenses in central government organizations. (external link)
- Askim, Jostein; Christensen, Tom; Fimreite, Anne Lise et al. (2008). Implementation of merger: lessons form the Norwegian Welfare Bureeaucracy. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2008). ICT-tools in central government: Scope, effects and driving forces. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2008). Samordning., fleirnivåstyringas store utfordring - illustrert ved NAV. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Roness, Paul G.; Rolland, Vidar et al. (2008). The Structural Anatonomy of the Norwegian State 1985-2007. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Roness, Paul G.; Rubecksen, Kristin (2008). Moderne organisasjonsoppskrifter i norske direktorat. Frå ledelse til styring?. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2008). Increased complexity in public organizations - the challenges and implications of combining NPM and post-NPM features. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2008). Beyond International Transformations. Regulation and reform in the public sector. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2007). NPM and beyond - leadership, culture and demography. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2007). Fleirnivåstyring i spenningsfeltet mellom funksjonell og georgafisk spesialsiering. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2007). The regulatory orthodoxy in practice. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2007). The Challenge of coordination in central government organizations. (external link)
- Fimreite, Anne Lise; Lægreid, Per (2007). Samordning - fleirnivåstyringens store utfordring. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2007). New Public Management in a Comparative Perspective. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2007). Living in the past? Tenure, roles and attitudes in central civil service. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Fimreite, Anne Lise; Lægreid, Per (2007). Crisis management - the case of internal security in Norway. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Roness, Paul G.; Rubecksen, Kristin (2006). Regulation inside government: Modern management tools in Norwegian state agencies. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2006). Modern Regulatory Agencies - Professional and Judicial Objectivity or Increased Complexity in Decision-making?. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2006). Autonomy and Regulation. Coping with Agencies in the Modern State. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per; Norman, Richard (2006). Organizing Immigration - A comparison of New Zealand and Norway. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Roness, Paul G.; Rubecksen, Kristin (2006). Modern Management Tools in Norwegian State Agencies: Regulation Inside Government or Shopping Basket?. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2006). Whole-of-government approach to public reform - regulation or performance inside government?. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2006). NPM and beyond: The Second Generation of Reforms. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2006). Regulatory reforms and agencification. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2006). Whole of Government Approach to Modernization. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2006). The Norwegian Hospital Reform - Balancing Political Control and Enterprise Autonomy. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Roness, Paul G. (2006). Rewards for High Public Office - The Case of Norway. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2005). Balancing Control and Autonomy of Regulatory Agencies. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2005). Current International Issues in Public Managment and Regulation. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2005). Public sector reforms: The Fragmentation of the State and the Challenge of Combining Diffrent Values. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lie, Amund; Lægreid, Per (2005). Still Fragmented or Reassertion of the Centre?. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2005). Regulatory Reforms and Autonomous Agencies. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2005). Regulatory reforms and agencification in the state. An organizational perspective. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2005). Regulatory reforms, agencificaton and autonomization. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2005). Regulatory reform, agencification and autonomization. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2005). Blame-Avoiding in Central Government. The Pitfalls of Organizing the Regulatory Side of Immigration Policy. (external link)
- Fimreite, Anne Lise; Lægreid, Per (2005). The regulatory state and the executing municipality - Consequences of public sector reform in Norway. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Roness, Paul Gerhard; Rubecksen, Kristin (2005). Regulating regulatory Organizations. Controlling Norwegian Civil service Organizations. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Roness, Paul Gerhard; Rubecksen, Kristin (2005). Performance Management in Practice - The Norwegian Way. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2005). Regulatory reforms and agencification. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Roness, Paul Gerhard; Rubecksen, Kristin (2005). Autonomy and control in the Norwegian Civil serice: Does agency form matter?. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Roness, Paul Gerhard; Rubecksen, Kristin (2005). Autonomy and control in the Norwegian Civil service: Does agency form matter?. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2005). Agencification and regulatory reform. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Steinthorsson, Runolfur Smari; Thorhallsson, Baldur (2005). Europeanization of Nordic Central governments: Towards a regulatory State?. (external link)
- Goerdel, H.T.; Lægreid, Per (2005). Corporative Bureaucratic Governance. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Rolland, Vidar; Roness, Paul Gerhard et al. (2004). Autonomy and control in Norwegian state organizations: Preliminary results from the Norwegian survey on organizational autonomy, steering and control. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Serigstad, Synnøve (2004). Organizing for Homeland Security: The Case of Norway. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Christensen, Tom (2004). Politicans and public sector reform: How to balance political control and autonomy. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Christensen, Tom (2004). The Fragmented State - the Challenge of Combining Efficiency, Institutional Norms and Democracy. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2004). Regulatory agencies. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Rolland, Vidar; Roness, Paul Gerhard et al. (2004). State organizations and agencies: A description of the Norwegian survey on organizational autonomy, steering and control. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2003). Trust in government - the significance of modernism, political cynicism and integration. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2003). The Structural Anatonomy of the Norwegina State 1947-2003. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2003). Robust and Flexible States: The Europeanization of Nordic Central Administration. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2003). Klare offentlige roller - fragmentering eller bedre styring?. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2003). Trust in government - the significance of attitudes towards democracy, the public sector and public sector reforms. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2003). Europeanization of Central Government Administration in the Nordic Countries. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2003). New Public Management in comparative perspective. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2003). Accountability and power the effects of "autonomization" of governmental bodies. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2003). Autonomi og politisk styring i praksis. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Opedal, Ståle; Stigen, Inger Marie (2003). The Norwegian Hospital Reform - balancing political control and enterprise autonomy. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2003). Administrative Change: New Public Management and Europeanization. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2003). National strategies for public sector reforms. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2003). New Public Managemenent, mål- og resutatstyring, utfordringer og implikasjonar. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2003). Regulatory reforms in Norway. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2003). Governmental autonomization and control - the Norwegian way. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2003). Autonomization and policy capacity - the dilemmas and challenges facing political executives. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2003). Adapting to the EU: Robust and flexible states. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2003). Fristillingas pris - om å ri fleire hestar samtidig. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2003). Stat og marked - same styringsredskap?. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2003). Revitalisering av tilsyn og kontroll i offentlig virksomhet. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2002). Public administration Research in Norway. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2002). Mål- og rammestyring i offentlig virksomhet generelt og universitetet spesielt. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2002). New Public Management in Comparative Perspective. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2002). Omstilling i den utøvende makt. Reformer og lederskap. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2002). Forvaltningspolitikk og New Public Management. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2002). Omstilling og fornyelse i offentlig sektor. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2002). Forvaltningsrevisjon i spenningsfeltet mellom regjering, forvaltning og Storting. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2002). Fristilling og mål- og resultatstyring i staten. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Steinthorsson, Runolfur Smari; Torhallsson, Baldur (2002). Europeanization of Public Administration: Changes and effects of Europeanization on the central administration in the nordic states. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2002). Revitalisering av Riksrevisjonen i spenningsfeltet mellom regjering, forvaltning og parlament. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2002). Complex patternsd of interaction and influence among political and administrative leaders. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2002). Complex patterns of interaction and influence among political and adminsitrative leaders. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Steinthorsson, Runolfur Smari; Torhallsson, Baldur (2002). Europeanization of Public Administration: Effects of the EU on the central adminsitration in the Nordic States. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2002). Trust in Government - the relative importance of service satisfaction, political factors and democracy". (external link)
- Bleiklie, Ivar; Lægreid, Per; Wik, Marjoleine H. (2002). Changing Government Control in Norwy: High Civil Service, Universities and Prisons. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2002). Implication of Europeanization on Central Government administration in the Nordic Countries. (external link)
- Bleiklie, Ivar; Lægreid, Per; Wik, Marjoleine H. (2002). Changing Government Control in Norway: High Civil Service, Universities and Prisons. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2002). Fra plan til reform?. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2002). Implication of Europeanization on central governemnt administration in the Nordic states. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per; Roness, Paul Gerhard (2002). Increasing parliamentary Controlof the Executive? New Instruments and Emerging Effects. (external link)
- Jacobsson, Bengt; Lægreid, Per; Pedersen, Ove K. (2001). Transforming States: Continuity and Change in the Europeanisation of the Nordic Central Governments. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per; Roness, Paul Gerhard (2001). Increasing Parliamentary Control of the Executive? New Instruments and Emerging Effects. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2001). New Public Management. Transforming Governance and Civil Servant Systems. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2001). Administrative Reform Policy: Challenges of Turning Symbols into Practice. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2001). Gruppeleder. (external link)
- Jacobsson, Bengt; Lægreid, Per; Pedersen, Ove K. (2001). Divergent Roads to Europe. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2001). Coping with Modern Leadership Roles. The Problematic Redefinition of Public Companies. (external link)
- Jacobsson, Bengt; Lægreid, Per; Pedersen, Ove K. (2001). Transforming States. Continuity and Change in the Europeanization of the Nordic Countries. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2001). New Public Management og Europeisering av nasjonal forvaltning. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2001). Changing Government Control and Regulation in Norway. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2001). Mål- og resultatstyring i staten. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2001). Fristilling i staten. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2001). Discussant. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2001). Gruppeleder, discussant, Round table. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2001). New Public Management på norsk. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2001). Forvaltnignspolitikk og administrative reformer. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2001). Fristilling i offentlig sektor. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2001). Forvaltningspolitikk og New Public Management. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2000). Assessing crisis management of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Nordic way and Swedish exceptionalism. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (1995). Modernisering og administrative reformer. (external link)
Academic monograph
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per; Røvik, Kjell Arne (2021). Organisasjonsteori for offenlig sektor. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per; Røvik, Kjell Arne (2020). Organization Theory and Public Sector. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Egeberg, Morten; Lægreid, Per et al. (2018). Sentralforvaltningen. Stabilitet og endring gjennom 40 år. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Egeberg, Morten; Lægreid, Per et al. (2014). Forvaltning og politikk. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per; Roness, Paul G. et al. (2007). Organization Theory and the Public Sector. Instrument, culture and myth. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per; Roness, Paul et al. (2007). Organization Theory and the Public Sector. Instrument, Culture and Myth. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per; Ramslien, Arne Rudolf (2006). Styring og autonomi. Organisasjonsformer i utlendingsforvaltningen. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per; Ramslien, Arne R. (2006). Styring og autonomi.Organisasjonsformer i norsk utlendingsforvaltning. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per; Roness, Paul Gerhard et al. (2005). Organisationsteori för offentlig sektor. (external link)
- Jacobsson, Bengt; Lægreid, Per; Pedersen, Ove K. (2003). Europeanization and Transnational States: Comparing Nordic Central Governments. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2002). Reformer og lederskap. Omstilling i den utøvende makt. (external link)
- Olsen, Johan P; Lægreid, Per (1993). Organisering av offentlig sektor. Perspektiver - reformer - erfaringer - utfordringer. (external link)
Website (informational material)
Popular scientific article
- Lægreid, Per (2021). Norway’s handling of COVID-19”. Baltic Rim Economies Review. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2020). Handtering av Corona krisen: Styringskapasitet og styringslegitimitet. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H. (2016). En nordisk modell for forvaltningsreformer. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H. (2014). Organisering for samfunnsikkerhet. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Opedal, Ståle; Stigen, Inger Marie (2003). Den norske sygehusreform - balancegang mellem politisk kontrol og virksomhetsautonomi. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (1999). Fra oppbygging til ombygging i sentralamdministrasjonen. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Christensen, Tom (1998). Regelorientert målstyring. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Egeberg, Morten; Lægreid, Per et al. (2021). Forvaltning og politikk. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Egeberg, Morten; Lægreid, Per et al. (2014). Forvaltning og politikk. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Egeberg, Morten; Larsen, Helge O. et al. (2010). Forvaltning og politikk. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per; Roness, Paul et al. (2009). Organisasjonsteori for offentlig sektor.Instrument, kultur og myte. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per; Roness, Paul G. et al. (2009). Organisasjonsteori for offentlig sektor. Instrument, kultur, myte. (external link)
- Egeberg, Morten; Christensen, Tom; Larsen, Helge O. et al. (2007). Forvaltning og politikk. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Egeberg, Morten; Larsen, Helge O. et al. (2007). Forvaltning og politikk. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Egeberg, Morten; Larsen, Helge O. et al. (2007). Forvaltning og politikk. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per; Roness, Paul et al. (2004). Organisasjonsteori for offentlig sektor. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Egeberg, Morten; Larsen, Helge O. et al. (2002). Forvaltning og politikk. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Egeberg, Morten (1999). Organizing Political Institutions. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Pedersen, Ove K. (1999). Fra opbygning til ombygning av staten. Organisasjonsforandr inger i tre nordiske lande. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Pedersen, O.K. (1999). Fra opbygning til ombygning. Organisationsforandringer i tr e nordiske lande. (external link)
Encyclopedia article
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2021). ICT tools in central government: Scope, predictors and effect on coordination quality. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2011). New Public Management. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2007). New Public Management. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2007). Garbage Can modellen. (external link)
Reference material
- Lægreid, Per (2020). Is there an international convergence of public management reforms?. . (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2020). The Norwegian Government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic . (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2020). Handtering av Koronakrisen” . (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H. (2020). Accountability and inter-organizational collaboration within the state. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2019). Digitalisering som forvaltningspolitisk verktøy. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2019). Representativt og ansvarleg byråkrati. Stabilitet og endring. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2019). Stabilitet, omstilling og reformer i sentralforvaltninga gjennom 40 år. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2019). Forvaltningsrevisjon som forvaltningspolitisk verktøy. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2019). Statsforvaltningen. Stabilitet og endring gjennom 40 år. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2019). Eit kritisk blikk på mål-og resultatstyring. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2018). Coordination quality in central government - the case of Norway. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2018). Styringsmodelar i staten. Ein kritisk diskusjon. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2018). Samvirke, samfunnsikkerhet og krisehandtering. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2018). Institusjonelle endringar i sentraladministrasjonen etter 22.7 2011. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2018). Government reforms in the Nordic countries. is there a Nordic model?. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2018). Organizing for societal security and crisis management . Building ogvernance capacity and legitimacy. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2018). Organisering for samfunnsikkehet. Samordning i praksis. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2018). Organisering for samfunnsikkerhet og krisehandtering. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2018). Styringsformer i staten. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2018). oranisering for samfunnsikkerhet og beredskap. Eit 'wicked'probelem. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2017). Is there a Nordic Model for Public Management Reforms. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H.; Jesen, Susan (2017). Gradual Institutional Change in the Norwegian Central Government after ther terrorist attack in 2011. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2015). Struktur, ledelse og holdninger i et krise og beredskapsperspektiv. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2015). Accountability relations and crisis. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2015). Et statsvitenskapelig perspektiv på revisjon. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2015). Accountability in unsettled situations. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2015). Crises and teh Challenges of governance Capacity, Legitimacy and Accountability. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2015). Tverrgåande samarbeid. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H. (2014). Hybrid collaborative arrangements. The welfare administration reform in Norway between hierarchy and network. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2014). Beredskapsarbeidet i forvaltningen. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2014). Organisering for samfunnsikkerhet og krisehåndtering. Styringskapasitet og styringslegitimitet. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2013). The Challenge of Coordination in National Security management. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2013). Norsk forvaltning som avvikar i europeisk samanheng. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2013). Gjørv-rapporten og Politianalysen i eit organisasjonsteoretisk perspektiv. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2013). Er rolle- og ansvarsfordeling mellom politikere og embetsmenn i endring, og hvilke konsekvenser har det?. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2013). 22.juli og organisasjonsteorien. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2013). Organisering for samfunnssikkerhet og krisehandtering. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2013). Samordning for samfunnssikkerhet. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2013). Forvaltningsreformer, fleirnivåstyring og samordningsutfordringar. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2013). Samfunnssikkerhet og krisehandtering. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2013). Forvaltningspolitikk og forvaltningsrevisjon. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2013). Hvordan kan organisering bidra til økt samfunnssikkerhet?. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2013). Samfunnssikkerhet - organisering og samordning i lys av 22. juli kommisjonen. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2013). Behov for ein ny forvaltningspolitikk?. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2013). Whole-of-government as a new trend in Public Administration?. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2013). The Norwegian welfare adminsitration reform. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2013). Organizing for internal security and crisis management - the case of Norway. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2013). Samordning i Norge og i Europa. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2013). Same chet, different wrapping. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2013). velferdsstatsreformer og ansvarsrelasjonar. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2013). Joining up service delivery: The case of the Norwegian Welfare Administration. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2013). A public management for All Seasons Revisited. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2013). Forvaltningsforskning i Norge. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2013). Organisering og samordning for safunnssikkerhet. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2013). Forvaltningspolitiske utfordringer i kjølvannet av Gjørv-kommisjonen. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Hjellum, Magnus (2018). The Challenge of Administrative Capacity and Transboundary Coordination. The Case of the Norwegian Police and Military. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2015). Accountability relations in unsettled situations: Administrative reforms and crises. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H. (2014). Crisis Management organization: Building Governance Capacity and Legitimacy. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Danielsen, Ole Andreas; Lægreid, Per et al. (2014). The Governance of wicked issues. European cross country analysis of coordination for societal security. (external link)
- Jantz, Bastian; Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2014). Accountability and performance in welfare administration reforms. Comparing Norway and Germany. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H. (2014). Governance for complexity. How to organize for handling wicked issues. (external link)
- Askim, Jostein; Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2014). Performance Management and accountability of welfare state agencies. The case of Norwegian hospitals, welfare and immigration administration. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Rubecksen, Kristin (2014). Administrative reforms and accountability relations in the welfare states. Comparing Health and Labour Administration in Norway, Denmark and Germany. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2013). Performance and accountability - a theoretical discussion and an empirical assessment. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H.; Randma-Liiv, Tiina et al. (2013). The governance of social cohesion: Innovative Coordinating Practices in Public management. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H.; Ramada-Liiv, Tiina et al. (2013). Coordination Practices. A Case Study Catalouge. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H.; Nordbø, Åsta Dyrnes (2013). The Quality of Coordination in Norwegian Central Government. (external link)
- Nordø, Åsta Dyrnes; Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H. (2013). Public sector reform in Norway: views and experiences from senior executives. (external link)
- Neby, Simon; Lægreid, Per; Mattei, Paola et al. (2013). same cheat, different wrapping: DRG scandals and accountability in Germany and Norway. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H. (2013). Wicked Problems and the Challenge of Transboundary Coordination: The Case of Emergency Preparedness and Crisis Management in Norway. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H.; Nordø, Åsta Dyrnes (2013). Public sector reform in Norway: Views and experiences forn senior executives. (external link)
- Rykkja, Lise Hellebø; Lægreid, Per; Christensen, Tom (2012). How to cope with a terrorist attack? - a challenge for the political and administrative leadership. (external link)
- Byrkjeflot, Haldor; Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2012). Changing accountability relations in welfare state reforms. Lessons from Norway. (external link)
- Neby, Simon; Lægreid, Per (2012). Gaming the system and accountability relations: Negative side-effects of activity based funding in the Norwegian hospital system. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2011). Competing principles of agency organization – the reorganization of a reform. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2011). Changing accountability relations – the forgotten side of public sector reform. (external link)
- Byrkjeflot, Haldor; Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2011). Changing accountability relations in a welfare state – an assessment based on a study of welfare reforms. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Fimreite, Anne Lise; Rykkja, Lise Hellebø et al. (2011). Antiterrortiltak mellom personvern og samfunnsvern. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2010). Reforming Norway's Welfare Administration. (external link)
- Christensen, Dag Arne; Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per et al. (2010). Working across boundaries: Collegial administration in central government - scope, variation and effects. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Stenby, Olle (2010). Europeanization and Transnational Networks. a study of the Norwegian Competetion Authority. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Fimreite, Anne Lise; Bezes, Philippe et al. (2010). Reorganizing the modern state in comparative perspecitve.: Specialization and integration in Norway and France. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2009). Coordination and hybrid governance - theoretical and empirical challenges. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2009). Ethics, NPM and post-NPM - a study of patterns and tensions in the central civil service. (external link)
- Fimreite, Anne Lise; Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise Hellebø (2009). The role of trust, religion and political affiliation in attitudes to anti-terror measures. (external link)
- Fimreite, Anne Lise; Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise Hellebø (2009). The role of trust, religion and political affiliation in the attitudes to anti-terror measures. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2009). Democracy and administrtive policy: Contrasting elements of NPM and post-NPM. (external link)
- Fimreite, Anne Lise; Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise Hellebø (2009). The role of trust, religion and political affiliation in the attitudes to anti-terror measures. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2008). ICT-tools in central government: Scope, effects and driving forces. (external link)
- Askim, Jostein; Christensen, Tom; Fimreite, Anne Lise et al. (2008). Implementation of merger: Lessons form the Norwegian Welfare Bureaucracy. (external link)
- Fimreite, Anne Lise; Lægreid, Per (2008). Byråkrati og partnerskap håhd i hånd? Om samarbeidsutfordringer i NAV. (external link)
- Askim, Jostein; Christensen, Tom; Fimreite, Anne Lise et al. (2008). Challenges and effects of administrative reform - The Norwegian reform of labour and welfare administration. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2008). Administrative reforms and competences in central government organizations. (external link)
- Fimreite, Anne Lise; Lægreid, Per (2008). Reorganization of the welfare State Administration: Partnerships, networks and accountability. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2008). Living in the past? - tenure, roles and attitudes in the central civil serivce. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2007). The Challenge of Coordination in Central Government Organizations. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2007). NPM and beyond - Leadership, Culture and Demography. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2007). The Regulatory Orthodoxy in Practice. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Fimreite, Anne Lise; Lægreid, Per (2007). Crisis management - The case of internal security in Norway. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Rubecksen, Kristin; Dyrdal, Morten (2006). EU i norsk sentralforvaltning. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Fimreite, Anne Lise; Lægreid, Per (2006). Reform of the Employment and Welfare Administrations - the Challenges of Co-ordination Diverse Public Organisations. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2005). Regulatory reforms and Agencification. (external link)
- Fimreite, Anne Lise; Lægreid, Per (2005). Statlig samordning, spesialisering og kommunalt selvstyre. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Roness, Paul Gerhard; Rubecksen, Kristin (2005). Regulating Regulatory organizations: Controlling Norwegian Civil Service Oganizations. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Roness, Paul Gerhard; Rubecksen, Kristin (2005). Autonomy and Control in the Norwegian Civil Service: Does Agency form Matter?. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Steinthorsson, Runolfur Smari; Thorhallsson, Baldur (2005). Europeanizaton of Nordic Central Governments: Towards a Transnational Regulaory State?. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Roness, Paul Gerhard; Rubecksen, Kristin (2005). Performance Management in Practice - the Norwegian Way. (external link)
- Fimreite, Anne Lise; Lægreid, Per (2005). Specialization and Coordination: Implications for Integration and Autonomy in a Multi-Level System. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Serigstad, Synnøve (2004). Organizing for Homeland Security: The Case of Norway. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2004). The Fragmented State- the Challenges of Combining Efficiency, Institutional Norms and Democracy. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2004). Regulatory Agencies - The Challenges of Balancing Agency Autonomy and Political Control. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per; Stigen, Inger Marie (2004). Perfomance Management and Public Sector Reform: The Norwegian Hospital Reform. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Ståle , Opedal; Stigen, Inger Marie (2004). The Norwegian Hospital Reform: Balancing political control and enterprise autonomy NIBR Working paper 2004:107. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2003). Politisk styring og privatisering: holdninger i elitene og befolkningen. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Rolland, Vidar; Roness, Paul Gerhard et al. (2003). The Structural Anatomy of the Norwegian State 1947-2003. (external link)
- Bleiklie, Ivar; Lægreid, Per; Wik, Marjoleine H. (2003). Changing Government Contol in Norway: High Civil Service, Universities and Prisons. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Opedal, Ståle; Stigen, Inger Marie (2003). The Norwegian Hospital Reform- Balancing Political Control and Enterprise Autonomy. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2003). Trust in Government- the Significance of Attitudes Towards Democracy, the Public Sector and Public Sector Reforms. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2002). "Complex patterns of interaction and influence among political and administrative leaders". (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Steinthorsson, Runolfur Smari; Thorhallsson, Baldur (2002). Europeanization of Public Administration: Effects of the EU on the Central Administration in the Nordic States. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2002). Trust in Government - the Relative Importance of Service Satisfaction, Political Factors and Demography. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per; Roness, Paul Gerhard (2001). Increasing Parliamentary Control of the Executive? New Instruments and Emerging Effects. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per; Zuna, Hans Robert (2001). Profesjoner i regjeringsapparatet 1976-1996. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2000). Implications of Europeanization on central administration in the Nordic countries. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (1999). Administrative reforms in Scandinavia- testing the cooperative model. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Larsen, G.; Wik, M.H. (1999). EU i Norge. Europisering av norsk sentralforvaltning. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (1999). Europisering og forvaltningstilpasning i Norden. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Christensen, Tom; Egeberg, Morten (1999). Regjeringsapparatet. Et posisjonspapir til Makt- og demokratiutredningen. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Christensen, Tom (1999). New Public Management - the trade-off between governance and administrative autonomy. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (1999). Top Civil Servants under Contract. Experiences from New Zealand and Norway. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Roness, Paul Gerhard (1998). Administrative Reform Programmes and Institutional response in Norwegian Central Government. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (1996). Administrative policy in Norway. Towards New Public Management?. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (1996). Administrative policy in Norway. Towards New Public Management?. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Sauland, Tove Elin (1996). Individuell lederlønn i staten 1990-1995. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (1996). Forvaltningspolitikk i Norden - samarbeidsmodellen på prøve. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Sauland, Tove Elin (1996). Lederlønnsreform og mobilitetsønsker. Rekruttering og avgang i lederlønnssystemet 1992-1995. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Sauland, Tove Elin (1996). Lederlønnsreform og mobilitetsønsker. Rekruttering og avgang i lederlønnssystemet 1992-1995. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (1996). Forvaltningspolitikk i Norden - samarbeidsmodellen på prøve. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Sauland, Tove Elin (1996). Individuell lederlønn i staten 1990-1995. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (1995). Modernisering og administrative reformer. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Savland, Tove Elin (1995). Personlig lederlønn i staten. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Pedersen, O. K. (1994). A Nordic Model for Administrative Policy. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (1994). Feminization of the Central Public Administration. (external link)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H. (2018). Societal Security and Crisis Management. Governance Capacity and Legitimacy. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2016). The Routledge Handbook to Accountability and Welfare State Reforms in Europe. (external link)
- Greve, Carsten; Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H. (2016). Nordic Administrative Reforms. Lessons for Public Management. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Fimreite, Anne Lise; Rykkja, Lise H. et al. (2014). Organisering, samfunnssikkerhet og krisehåndtering. 2. utgave. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Sarapuu, Kulli; Rykkja, Lise H. et al. (2014). Organizing for Coordination in the Public Sector. Practices and Lessons from 12 European Countries. (external link)
- Verhoest, Koen; van Thiel, Sandra; Bouckaert, Geert et al. (2012). Government agencies: Practices and Lessons from 30 Countries. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2011). The Ashgate Research Companion to New Public Management. (external link)
- Fimreite, Anne Lise; Lango, Peter; Lægreid, Per et al. (2011). Organisering, samfunnssikkerhet og krisehåndtering. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Verhoest, Koen (2010). Governance of public sector organizations : proliferation, autonomy and performance. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2007). Transcending New Public Management. The Transformation of Public Sector Reforms. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2007). Transcending New Public Management. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2006). Autonomy and Regulation. Coping with agencies in the modern state. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2006). Autonomy and Regulation. Coping with agencies in the Modern State. (external link)
- Jacobsson, Bengt; Lægreid, Per; Pedersen, Ove K. (2001). Europaveje. EU i de nordiske centralforvaltninger. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2001). New Public Management. The Transformation of Ideas and Practice. (external link)
Book review
- Lægreid, Per (2017). Democratic Accountability, Political Order and Change. Johan P. Olsen. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2016). Book Review. Public Administration Theories: Instrumental and Value Rationality. Lisheng Dong. Palgrave Macmillan 2015. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2016). Book Review. "A Government that Works Better and Cost Less?". Christopher Hood and Ruth Dixon. (external link)
Feature article
- Rykkja, Lise H.; Lægreid, Per; Renå, Helge (2015). Er vi beredt?. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Fimreite, Anne Lise; Rykkja, Lise H. (2014). Risikostaten. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Fimreite, Anne Lise; Lango, Peter et al. (2012). Uklart frå kommisjonen. (external link)
- Reichborn-Kjennerud, Kristin; Johnsen, Åge; Lægreid, Per (2012). Er Riksrevisjonen Nyttig?. (external link)
- Reichborn-Kjennerud, Kristin; Lægreid, Per; Johnsen, Åge (2012). Detaljkontroll bremser nyskapning. (external link)
- Fimreite, Anne Lise; Lango, Peter; Lægreid, Per et al. (2011). Antiantiterrortiltak. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2003). Staten som supermarked. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per (2002). Redusert statsrådsmakt. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (1999). Norsk forvaltning og EU. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (1995). Lønn som fortent?. (external link)
Popular scientific lecture
- Lægreid, Per (2015). Utfordringar for styring og forvaltningsutvikling i staten. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2015). Organisering for samfunnsikkerhet og beredskap. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2015). Nortsk forvaltningspolitikk. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2015). organisering, samfunnsikkerhet og krisehåndtering. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2015). Omstilling og endring i offentleg sektor. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2015). Organisering for samfunnssikkerhet. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2014). Organisering av samfunnsikkerhet og beredskap. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2014). Norsk og nordisk forvaltningspolitikk sett i ein europeisk samanheng. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2014). Blikk på norske reformer i eit internasjonalt perspektiv. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2013). Norsk forvaltning i krise?. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2013). Forvaltningsreformer og NAV. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2013). Kontroll i ei mål- og resultatstyrt forvaltning. Kva skal til for å få til god og klok målstyirng?. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Neby, Simon; Lindén, Tord Skogedal (2013). Reforming the welfare state: Accountability, democracy and management. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2010). utvikling av statlege tilsyns- og kontrollmekanismar over tid. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2010). Mål og resultatstyring og Whole-of-goverrnment. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2010). Utlendingsnemndas framtid. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2010). Vilkår for vellukka endrings- og omstillingsarbied sett i lys av erfaringar med refeomer i offentleg sektor. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2010). Samordning i staten - kven har ansvaret når måla ikkje blir nådd?. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2010). Forvaltningsreformer og samordningsutfordringar. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2010). Riksrevisjonens rolle i utviklinga av forvaltninga. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2010). Erafringer med den nroske NAV reformen. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2010). Revitalisering av Riksrevisjonen. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2010). Institusjonalisering av forvaltnignsrevisjon. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2010). Riksrevisjonens konstitusjonelle rolle og makt i Norge – hvor går grensen for hvor stor Riksrevisjonen skal være?. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2009). Erfaringer med den norske NAV reformen. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2009). Styringsutfordringer i relasjonen mellom stat og kommune. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2009). Styringsmodellar i offentleg sektor. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2008). Resultatmåling - viktig men vanskeleg. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2008). Offentlig sektor i utvikling - organisaatoriske trekk ved forvaltningen - trender som New Public Management og Governance. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2008). Trender i europeisk forvaltning. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2007). Statens særpreg og utvikling. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2007). Butikk eller omsorg? Erfaringar med mål- og resultatstyring i offentleg sektor. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2007). Styring og autonomi. Organisasjonsformer i norsk utlendingsforvaltning. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2007). Erfaringar med mål- og resultatstyring i offentleg sektor. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2007). Revitalisering av Riksrevisjonen og institusjonalisering av forvaltningsrevisjonen. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2006). Agencification and Regulatory Reform. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2006). På veg mot reguleringsstaten? Organisatorisk innovasjon eller demokratisk utfordring?. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2006). Reguleringsstaten mellom fridom og kontroll. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2006). Effekter av New Public management på politisk styring og kontroll. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2006). Forvaltningspolitiske reformer, prosesser og aktører. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2006). Statens særpreg og utvikling. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2006). Institusjonalisering av forvaltningsrevisjon. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2006). Effektar av New Public Management på politisk styring og kontroll. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2006). Sykehusreforma i spenningsfeltet mellom autonomi og kontroll. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2006). Public Service reform and Trust in Government. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2006). Reguleringsreformer og fristilling i staten. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2006). Erfaring med styringsformer frå privat sektor i ofentlege organisasjonar. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2005). Regulering: Reformer, politikk og organisasjonsmodellar. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2005). Fra deregulering til reregulering. På veg mot reguleringsstaten?. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2005). Reorganisering av utlendingsforvaltninga: ansvarsfordeling, politisk styring og fagleg autonomi. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2004). Ny tilsynspolitikk i offentleg sektor i spenningsfeltet mellom autonomi og kontroll. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2004). Lange ord og dyre penger - Effektivisering av offentlig ressursbruk. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2004). Revisjonseksplosjon i offentleg sektor. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2004). Fra å ha mange hatter til å bli hodeløs. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2004). New Public Management - Den vanskelege balansegangenmellom styring og autonomi. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2003). Erfaringer med ulike organisasjons - og tilknytningsformer i staten de siste år. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2003). Kontrollstaten - revisjons og tilsynseksplosjon?. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2003). Stortingets kontroll med forvaltningen. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2003). Selskapsdannelser i offentlig sektor - en motesak eller hensiktsmessig organisering av tjenestene?. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2003). Markedsstyring i offentlig sektor. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2002). New Public Management på Norsk - Erfaringar og utfordringar. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2002). Erfaringer med mål- og resultatstyrin gjennom statsbudsjettet. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2002). Forvaltningsrevisjon i spenningsfeltet mellom regjering, forvaltning og folkevalde. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2002). Revitalisering av Riksrevisjonen i spenningsfeltet mellom Storting, regjering og forvaltning. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2001). Mål- og resultatstyring i staten. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (1998). New Public management - Design, resistence or transformation. (external link)
Non-fiction book
- Christensen, Tom; Egeberg, Morten; Lægreid, Per et al. (2015). Organisasjonsteori for offentlig sektor. (external link)
- Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per; Roness, Paul Gerhard et al. (2004). Organisasjonsteori for offentlig sektor. Instrument, kultur, myte. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Pedersen, Ove K. (1999). Fra opbygning til ombygning i skulen. Organisasjonsforandringer i tre nordiske lande. (external link)
- Egeberg, Morten; Lægreid, Per (1999). Organizing Political Institutions. Essays in Honor of Joha n P. Olsen. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Christensen, Tom (1998). Den moderne forvaltning. Om reformer i sentralforvaltningen. (external link)
- Roness, Paul Gerhard; Jacobsen, Dag Runar; Pedersen, Dorthe et al. (1996). Integrations og Decentralisering: Personale og forvaltning i Skandinavien. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Pedersen, Ove K. (1996). Integration og decentralisering: Personale og forvaltning i Skandinavien. (external link)
- Roness, Paul Gerhard; Jacobsen, Dag Runar; Pedersen, Dorthe et al. (1996). Integration og Decentralisering: Personale og forvaltning i Skandinavien. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Pedersen, Ove K. (1996). Integrasjon og Decentralisering. Personal og Forvaltnig i S kandinavien. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Pedersen, Ove K. (1996). Integrasjon og Decentralisering. Personal og Forvaltnig i S kandinavien. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Pedersen, Ove K. (1996). Integrasjon og Decentralisering. Personal og Forvaltnig i S kandinavien. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Pedersen, Ove K. (1996). Integrasjon og Decentralisering. Personal og Forvaltnig i S kandinavien. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Pedersen, Ove K. (1996). Integration og decentralisering: Personale og forvaltning i Skandinavien. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Pedersen, Ove K. (1995). Nordiske forvaltningsreformer. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (1995). Lønnspolitikk i offentlig sektor. (external link)
- Helgesen, Kjersti; Mjør, Magnus; Borge, Bjørn et al. (1995). Lønnspolitikk i offenlig sektor. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Pedersen, Ove K. (1995). Nordiske forvaltningsreformer. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (1995). Lønnspolitikk i offentlig sektor. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (1995). Lønnspolitikk i offentlig sektor. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (1995). Lønnspolitikk i offentlig sektor. (external link)
- Ståhlberg, Krister; Røvik, Kjell Arne; Jacobsson, Bengt et al. (1995). Nordiske forvaltningsreformer. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (1995). Lønnspolitikk i offentlig sektor. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (1995). Lønnspolitikk i offentlig sektor. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (1995). Lønnspolitikk i offentlig sektor. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Pedersen, Ove K. (1995). Nordiske forvaltningsreformer. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (1995). Lønnspolitikk i offentlig sektor. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (1995). Lønnspolitikk i offentlig sektor. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Pedersen, O. K. (1994). Forvaltningspolitik i Norden. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Pedersen, O. K. (1994). Forvaltningspolitik i Norden. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Pedersen, O. K. (1994). Forvaltningspolitik i Norden. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Pedersen, Ove K. (1994). Forvaltningspolitik i Norden. (external link)
- Baldersheim, Harald; Lægreid, Per; Selle, Per et al. (1989). Sentral styring og institusjonell autonomi. (external link)
- Olsen, Johan P; Lægreid, Per (1978). Byråkrati og beslutninger. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2014). Væpna politi. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2014). Instruerer NAV-sjefen til minste detalj. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2014). PR bruk i forsvaret. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2014). Tidstyver i offentlig sektor. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2014). Konsulentbruk i politianalysen. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2013). Norsk forvaltning i krise?. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2013). Er norsk forvaltning i krise?. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2013). Akalypso i morgen. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2013). Til Bergen for å gjerea seg lærde. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2013). Nødnett koster tre ganger mer i Norge enn i Sverige. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2013). Sikreste måten å avfolke landsbygda på. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2013). Byråkrati - eit skjellsord eller eit kvalitetstrekk?. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2013). Kritiserer reformkåte politikere. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2013). Kultur eller organisering?. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2013). Handlingsregelens sisteskanse. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2013). Folket skeptiske til byråkratiløfter. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2013). Kronisk syke taper på helsejuks. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2013). Sannerledeslandet. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2013). Rolle- og ansvarsfordelingen mellom politikk og forvaltning. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2013). Byråkratiet vokser fordi staten ikke stoler på at jobben blir gjort. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (2013). Den komplekse forvaltning. (external link)
Interview Journal
Reader opinion piece
Doctoral dissertation
- Jacobsen, Dag Runar; Roness, Paul G.; Lægreid, Per (2006). Tjenestemannsorganisasjoner og nasjonal forvaltningspolitikk. (external link)
- Magnussen, Anne Mette; Olsen, Johan P.; Lægreid, Per (2006). Domstolskapt rett. (external link)
- Farsund, Arild Aurvåg; Lægreid, Per (2004). Stabilitet og endring i norsk landbrukspolitikk. En studie av parlamentariske beslutninger og korporative forhandlinger. (external link)
- Moreno, Jorge Enrique Culebro; Lægreid, Per (2004). Learning and administrative reform. The introduction of New Public Management in the Mexican Federal Public Administration. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (1990). Organisasjon og person : demografiske strukturar og prosessar i staten. (external link)
Masters thesis
- Eileraas, Arild; Roness, Paul G.; Lægreid, Per (2006). Nytt gassregime, men uklar rollefordeling. En studie av Gassco fra etablering til drift. (external link)
- Grahm-Haga, Kaia Christina Irmelinsdatter; Lægreid, Per; Roness, Paul G. (2006). Institusjonalisering av forvaltningsrevisjon - en studie av utviklingen i policy og praksis hos Riksrevisjonen i perioden 1994 - 2005. (external link)
- Bertelsen, Merete Mæland; Lægreid, Per; Roness, Paul G. (2006). Omorganisering av konkurransetilsynet - styring, imitasjon og entreprenørskap. (external link)
- Gluckstad, Camilla Helen; Lægreid, Per (2006). Revitalisering av riksrevisjonen. (external link)
Programme participation
- Christensen, Tom; Fimreite, Anne Lise; Lægreid, Per (2006). Reform of the Emplyment and Welfare Administrations - the Challenges of Co-ordination Diverse Public Organisations. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Christensen, Tom (2004). Regulatory Agencies - the challenge of balancing agency autonomy and political control. (external link)
- Fimreite, Anne Lise; Lægreid, Per (2004). Statlig samordning, spesialisering og kommunalt selvstyre. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Christensen, Tom; Stigen, Inger Marie (2004). Performance management and Public sector reform: The Norwegian Hospital Reform. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Roness, Paul Gerhard; Rolland, Vidar et al. (2003). The Structural Anatomy of the Norwegian State. (external link)
Thesis at a second degree level
- Johnson, Hege Karin; Lægreid, Per (2005). Media – ”vaktbikkje” eller pragmatisk publikumsfrier. En studie av medias dekning av helsestoff og forhold til aktører i sykehussektoren før og etter sykehusreformen. (external link)
- Valde, Birgit; Lægreid, Per (2005). Utviklingen av norsk anti-korrupsjonspolitikk 1989-2003. (external link)
- Hegrenes, Odd Rune; Lægreid, Per (2005). Profesjonell ledelse i sykehus- en studie av styresammensetning og topplederrekruttering i helseforetak. (external link)
- Ramslien, Arne Rudolf; Lægreid, Per (2005). Fra ritual til verktøy. Mål- og resultatstyring av Utlendingsdirektoratet 1998-2003. (external link)
- Hallingstad, Rune; Lægreid, Per (2004). Regional styring i lys av foretaksorganiseringen. En sammenlignende studie av Helse Vest-Norge RHF og Helse Midt-Norge RHF. (external link)
- Ciekals, Henrik; Lægreid, Per (2004). "Når enden er god, er allting godt?" Reformering av Nordisk Råd 1996 - 2001. (external link)
- Herfindal, Sturla; Lægreid, Per (2004). Veien frem til sykehusreformen. En studie av beslutningsprosessen bak lov om helseforetak. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Christensen, Tom (1998). Transforming New Public Management. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Christensen, Tom (1998). Transforming New Public Management. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per (1997). Pay Reform for Top Civil Servants in Norway: Towards market and performance pay, or business as usual. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Roness, Paul Gerhard (1997). Reformprogram og institusjonell tilpassing i norsk statsforvaltning. (external link)
- Lægreid, Per; Jacobsson, Bengt; Pedersen, Ove K. (1997). Endringer i statlige organisasjonsformer i Skandinavia: Forvaltningspolitikk, europeisering og historiske bindinger. (external link)
See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.
SOG review on 'Change and Continuity in Public Sector Organizations'
Publikasjonar og forskningsaktivitet 2009
Monographs and edited books:
Transcending New Public Management. The Transformation of Public Sector Reforms.(with T. Christensen, eds.) Aldershot: Ashgate.
Organization Theory and the Public Sector: Instrument, Culture and Myth (with T.Christensen, P.G. Roness and K.A. Røvik). London: Routledge.
Forvaltning og politikk (Administration and politics) (with T. Christensen, M. Egeberg, H.O. Larsen and P.G. Roness). Second edition. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.
Autonomy and Regulation. Coping with agencies in the modern state. (with T. Christensen, eds.) Cheltenhan: Edward Elgar.
Styring og autonomi. Organisasjonsformer på utlendingsfeltet (Control and autonomy. Organizational Forms on Immigration) (with T. Christensen and A.R. Ramslien). Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.
Organisationsteori för offentlig sektor (Organization theory for public sector) (with T. Christensen, P.G. Roness og K.A. Røvik). Stockholm: Liber.
Europeanization and Transnational States: Comparing Nordic Central Governments (with B. Jacobsson and O.K. Pedersen). London: Routledge.
Organisasjonsteori for offentlig sektor. Instrument, kultur, myte.(Organization theory for public sector, Instrument, culture, myth) (with T. Christensen, P.G. Roness and K.A. Røvik) Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.
Forvaltning og politikk (Administration and politics) (with T. Christensen, M. Egeberg, H.O. Larsen and P.G. Roness). Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.
Reformer og lederskap. Omstilling i den utøvende makt. (Reforms and leadership. Change in the Executive) (with T. Christensen). Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.
New Public Management. The Transformations of Ideas and Practice (with T. Christensen, eds.) London: Ashgate. 2. paperback edition 2002.
Europaveje. EU i de nordiske centralforvaltninger. (Roads to Europe. The EU in the Nordic Central Government) (with B. Jacobsson and O.K. Pedersen, eds.) Copenhagen: Jurist- og Økonomforbundets forlag.
Fra opbygning til ombygning i staten. Organisationsforandringer i tre nordiske lande (From construction to reconstruction in the state. Organizational change in three Scandinavina Countries) (with O.K. Pedersen, eds.) Copenhagen: Jurist- og Økonomforbundets forlag.
Organizing Political Institutions. Essays for Johan P. Olsen (with M. Egeberg, eds.) Oslo: Scandinavian University Press.
Den moderne forvaltning. Om reformer i sentralforvaltningen. (The Modern Administration. Reforms in Civil Service) (with T. Christensen). Oslo: Tano Aschehoug.
Integration og Decentralisering. Personale og forvaltning i Skandinavien. (Integration and Decentralisation. Personell and Administration in Scandinavia) (with O. K. Pedersen, eds.). Copenhagen: Jurist‑ og Økonomforbundets forlag.
Lønnspolitikk i offentlig sektor (Pay Policy in the Public Sector) (ed.). Oslo: TANO.
Nordiske forvaltningsreformer (Administrative reforms in the Nordic Countries) (with O.K. Pedersen, eds.). Copenhagen: Danmark Forvaltningshøjskoles forlag.
Forvaltningspolitik i Norden (Administrative Policy in the Nordic Countries) (with O. K. Pedersen, eds.) Copenhagen: Jurist‑ og Økonomforbundets Forlag.
Organisering av offentlig sektor (Organizing the Public Sector) (with J. P. Olsen, eds.) Oslo: TANO.
Målstyring og virksomhetsplanlegging i offentlig sektor (Management‑by‑objectives and operational planning in the public sector) (ed.) Bergen: Alma Mater.
Sentralstyring og insitusjonell autonomi, (Central Government and Institutional Autonomy) (with H. Baldersheim, T. Grønlie, H.W. Lorentzen, J.P. Olsen, I.J. Sand and P. Selle). Bergen: Alma Mater.
Oljebyråkratiet (The Petroleum Bureaucracy) Oslo: TANO.
Sentraladministrasjonen (The Civil Service) (with P. G. Roness).Oslo: Tiden.
Byråkrati og beslutninger (Bureaucracy and Decision Making) (with J. P. Olsen) Bergen: Universitetsforlaget.
Selected chapters in books, articles in journals:
"Civil Servants' Perceptions Regarding ICT Use in Norwegian Central Governmen" (with T. Christensen). Journal of Information Technology & Politics, Volume 7, Issue 1 January 2010
“How to assess administrative reform? Investigating the adoption and preliminary impacts of the Norwegian welfare administration reform” (with J. Askim, T. Christensen and A.L. Fimreite). Public Administration
ICT tools in central government: Scope, effects and driving forces
Challenges and effects of administrative reform - Reorganizing the Norwegian welfare administration
Administrative reforms and competenses in central government organizations
Byråkrati og partnerskap hånd i hånd? Om partnerskapsutfordringer i NAV
Living in the past - tenure, roles and attitudes in the central civil service
Crises management - the case of internal security in Norway
“Development of the Norwegian civil service system: Gradual transformation of the centralized state” (with T. Christensen). In R.J. Mathur, ed. Administrative set-up and approaches to reform in small and medium countries: A civil service approach. Hyderabad: IFAI University Press.
“Public Management Reform in Norway – Reluctance and Tensions” (with T. Christensen) In S. Goldfinch and J. Wallis (eds.) International Handbook of Public Management Reform. (Forthcoming).
“Organizing Immigration Policy – The Unstable Balance between Political Control and Agency Autonomy” (with T. Christensen). Policy and Politics, 37 (2): 161-177.
“Living in the Past? – tenure, roles and attitutdes in the central civil service” (with T. Christensen). Public Administration Review (Forthcoming)
“Reorganization of the Welfare State Adminstration: Partnerships, networks and accountability” (with A.L. Fimreite). Public Management Review, 11 (3): 281-297.
”Moderne organisasjonsoppskrifter i norske direktorat. Frå ledelse til styring” (with P.G. Roness and K. Rubecksen). Nordiske Organisasjonsstudier, 11 (2) (Forthcoming).
“New Public Management”. In Badie, B., D. Berg-Schlossen and L. Morlino, eds. Enclycopedia of Political Science. London: Sage (Forthcomming).
2008 “Modern Regulatory Policy – Ideas and Practice” (with T. Christensen). Policy & Society, 6(4): 19-39.
“The Challenge of Coordination in Central Government Organizations: The Norwegian Case” (with T. Christensen). Public Organization Review. A Global Journal, 8 (2): 97-116.
The Governance, Autonomy and Coordination of Public Sector Organizations, (with K. Verhoest and W. Jann). Public Organization Review. A Global Journal, 8 (2): 93-96.
"Transnational Regulation: Europeanization of Nordic Central Governments” (with R. Steinthorsson and B. Thorhallsson), in P. Nedergaard & J. L. Campbell (eds.) Institutions and Politics. DJOEF Publishing. Copenhagen.
"The regulatory orthodoxy in practice" (with T. Christensen), in U. Sverdrup and J. Trondal (eds) The Organizational Dimension of Politics, Bergen: Fagbokforlaget.
“The Study of Public Administration and Management in Norway. Combining Organizational Theory and political Science ” (with T. Christensen). In W. Kickert, ed. The Study of Public Management in Europe and the US. London: Routledge.
“Reorganizing for Homeland Security: The Case of Norway” (with S. Serigstad). In J. Pinkowsky, ed. Homeland Security Handbook. CRL Press/Taylor & Francis.
“Nyinstitusjonalisme, aktørar og autonomi innafor statsvitskapen”. (Neo-institutionalism, actors and autonomy in political science” (with P.G. Roness). Norsk Statsvitenskapelig Tidsskrift 24 (1-2): 135-144..
“Regulation for Safe Food. A Comparison of Five European Countries” (with K.T.Elvbakken, and L. H. Rykkja), Scandinavian Political Studies, 31 (2): 109-132.
“Beyond New Public Management: Agencification and regulatory reform in Norway”. (with T. Christensen and A. Lie). Financial Accountability & Management, 24 (1): 15-30.
“Controlling Regulatory Agencies” (with P.G. Roness and K. Rubecksen). Scandinavian Political Studies, 31 (1): 1-26.
“NPM and beyond – leadership, culture and demography” (with T. Christensen). International Journal of Administrative Sciences, 74 (1): 5-21.
“Performance Information and Performance Steering” (with P.G. Roness and K. Rubecksen). In S. van der Walle and W. van Dooren (eds.) Utilizing Public Sector Performance Information. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmilan.
“Samordning – flernivåstyringens store utfordring” (coordination- the big challenge of multi-level-governance) (with A.L. Fimreite). In I. Helgøy and J. Aars (eds.) Flernivåstyring og demokrati. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget.
“Post New Public Management Reforms – Exploring the Whole-of-Government Approach to Public Sector Reform” (with T. Christensen). In A.M. Bissessar, ed. Rethinking the Reform Question. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholar Press.
“Reforming Human Resource Management in Civil Service Systems”. (with L. Wise). In F. van der Meer, T. Thoonen and J. Raadschelders, eds. Comparative Civil Service Systems in the 21th Century. London: Palgrave, pp 169-182.
“Introduction – Theoretical Approach and Research Questions” (with T. Christensen). In T. Christensen and P. Lægreid, eds. Transcending New Public Management. The Transformation of Public Sector Reforms. Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 1-17.
“Still Fragmented Government or Reassertion of the Centre?” (with T. Christensen and A. Lie In T. Christensen and P. Lægreid, eds. Transcending New Public Management. The Transformation of Public Sector Reforms. Aldershot: Ashgate, pp 17-42.
“Organizing Immigration – a Comparison of New Zealand and Norway”. (with T. Christensen and R. Norman). In T. Christensen and P. Lægreid, eds. Transcending New Public Management. The Transformation of Public Sector Reforms. Aldershot: Ashgate, pp 110-134.
“Reform of Employment and Welfare Administration – the challenge of coordinating diverge public organizations”. (with T. Christensen and A.L. Fimreite). International Review of Administrative Science, 73 (3) (September): 389-408.
“Introduction” (with W. Jann and K. Verhoest). International Review of Administrative Sciences 73 (3): 323-324.
“Regulatory agencies – the challenge of balancing agency autonomy and political control”. (with T. Christensen). Governance, 20 (3): 497-519.
“Organization Theory – the Scandinavian Way”. Nordiske Organisasjonsstudier, 9 (1): 77-82.
“The Whole-of-Government Approach to Public Sector Reform” (with T. Christensen). Public Administration Review, 67 (6): 1057-1064.
“Reformas Post Nueva Gestion Publica” (with T. Christensen). Gestion y Politica Publica, 16 (2): 539-564.
“Modern management tools in state agencies: The case of Norway” (With P.G. Roness and K. Rubecksen). International Public Management Journal, 10 (4): 387-413.
”Etatsstyring og IKT på utlendingsfeltet” (with Arne R. Ramslien) In T. Tranvik (ed.) Digital teknologi og organisasjonsendring. Studier av offentlig og frivillig sektor (Digital technology and organizational change. Studies of public and civil society sectors). Bergen: Fagbokforlaget, pp. 79-117.
"The Whole of Government Approach to Modernization”. (with T. Christensen). In H. Hill, ed. Modernizing Government in Europe. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag.
“Garbage can modellen” (The Gargbage Can Model), in Ø. Østerud, ed. Statsvitenskapelig Leksikon. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.
“New Public Management”, in Ø. Østerud, ed. Statsvitenskapelig Leksikon. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.
“Framing the field of Homeland Security: The Case of Norway”. (with S. Serigstad) Journal of Management Studies, 43 (6): 1395-1413.
“Globalization of Administrative Reforms: The Dilemmas of Combining Political Control and Increased Institutional Autonomy”. (with T. Christensen) I A. Farazmand and J. Pinkowski, eds. Handbook of Globalization, Governance and Public Administration. New York: Taylor and Francis.
“Introduction” (with T. Christensen) In T. Christensen and P. Lægreid, eds. Autonomy and Regulation. Coping with agencies in the modern state. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
“Agencification and regulatory reform” (with T. Christensen) In T. Christensen and P. Lægreid, eds. Autonomy and Regulation. Coping with agencies in the modern state. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
“Autonomy and control in the Norwegian Civil Service: Does agency form matter?” (with P.G. Roness and K. Rubecksen). In T. Christensen and P. Lægreid, eds. Autonomy and Regulation. Coping with agencies in the modern state. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
“Rebalancing the State: Reregulation and Reassertion of the Centre”. In T. Christensen and P. Lægreid, eds. Autonomy and Regulation. Coping with agencies in the modern state. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
“Performance management in practice – The Norwegian Way” (with P.G. Roness and K. Rubecksen). Financial Accountability and Management, 22 (3): 251-270.
“Performance Management and Public Sector Reform: The Norwegian Hospital Reform”. (With T. Christensen and I. M. Stigen). International Public Management Journal, 9 (2): 1-27.
“Hou xin gonggong guanli gaige” , (Reforms in Post-New Public Management) (with T. Christensen) Zhongguo xingzheng guanli (Chinese Public Administration), nr. 9, pp 83-90.
“A transformative perspective on administrative reforms” (with T. Christensen). In P.J. Shak and M. Bakore, eds. Handbook of New Public Governance. New Dehli: Centre for Civil Society.
“New Public Management - Undermining Political Control?” (with T. Christensen). In P.J. Shak and M. Bakore, eds. Handbook of New Public Governance. New Dehli: Centre for Civil Society.
“Autonomization and Policy Capacity – the Dilemmas and Challenges Facing Political Executives” (with T. Christensen). In M. Painter and J. Pierre, eds. Challenges to State Policy Capacity Global Trends and Comparative Perspectives. London: Palgrave
"Statlig samordning, spesialisering og kommunalt selvstyre" (Central governmental coordination, specialization and local self governance). (With A.L. Fimreite) In NOU 2005: 6 Samspill og tillit. Om staten og lokaldemokratiet, vedlegg 4, pp 175-192.
“Trust, quality measurement models, and value chain monitoring: symposium introduction” (with G. Bouckaert and S. Van de Walle). Public Performance & Management Review, 28 (4): 460-64.
“Trust in Government – the relative importance of service satisfaction, political factors and demography” (with T. Christensen). Public Performance & Management Review, 28 (4): 487-511.
"Den norske sykehusreformen. Mer politisk styring enn fristilling?" (The Norwegian Hospital reform. More political steering than local autonomy?). (with I. Stigen and S. Opedal). Nordiske Organisasjonsstudier 3(2): 19-36.
“The Norwegian Hospital Reform – Balancing political control and enterprise autonomy” (with S. Opedal and I.M. Stigen), Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 30 (6):1035-1072.
“El estado fragmentado: Los retos de combiner efficiencia, normas institucionales y democracis”. (with T. Christensen).Gestion y Politica Publicia, (Mexico), 16 (3):557-598.
“Los politicos y la reforma de la administracion publicia en la era de la Nuvea Gestoin Publica: el caso noruego”. Foro Internacional (Mexico), 45 (4): 705-733.
“The Europeanization of central government administration in the Nordic states” (with R.S. Steinthorsson and B. Thorhallsson). Journal of Common Market Studies, 42 (2): 347-369.
“Robust and Flexible States: The Transnationalization of Nordic Central Administration” (with B. Jacobsson and O.K. Pedersen). Zeitschrift für Staats- und Europawissenschaften, 2 (1): 32-55.
“Public Administration Research in Norway: Organization Theory, Institutionalism and Empirical Studies in a Democratic Context” (with T. Christensen). Public Administration 83 (3), 679-690.
“Governmental Autonomization and Control – The Norwegian Way“. (with T. Christensen). Public Administration and Development, 24: 129-135.
“Norway: managerialism and parliamentary oversight in lock-step?” In C. Hood et al., eds. Controlling Modern Government. Variety, Communality and Change. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
“Norway: a stable oversight/mutuality hybrid amid limited diversification of professional mutuality” (with M.H. Wik). In C. Hood et al., eds. Controlling Modern Government. Variety, Communality and Change. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
“Administrative Reform Programs and Institutional Response in Norwegian Central Government” (with P. G. Roness). In J.J. Hesse, C. Hood and B.G. Peters (eds.) Paradoxes in Public Sector Reform. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot.
“Coping with modern leadership roles – the problematic redefenition of public companies”. (with T. Christensen) Public Administration 81 (4): 803-831.
“Evaluating Public Management Reforms in Central Government: Norway, Sweden and the United States of America” (with T. Christensen and L. Wise). In H. Wollmann (ed.) Evaluating Public Sector Reform. N.Y.: E. Elgar.
“Administrative Reform Policy: The Challenge of Turning Symbols into Practice” (with T. Christensen). Public Organization Review, 3 (1): 3-27.
“Europuvvæding, stjornsyslunnar: Ahrif Evropusamvinnunnar a stjornsyslu Nordulanda” (with R.S. Steinthorsson and B. Thorhallsson), In F.H. Jonsson (ed.) Rannsokning i felagsvisindum IV. Reykjavik: Islands University.
”Ahrif Evropusamvinnunnar a stjornsysly Islands og Noregs”. (with R.S. Steinthorsson and B. Thorhallsson), In F.H. Jonsson (ed.) Rannsokning i felagsvisindum IV. Reykjavik: Island University.
”Ahrif Evropusamvinnunnar a stjornsyslu ESD rikjanna Svirjodar, og Finnlands og EFTA/EES rikjanna Islands og Noregs”. (with R.S. Steinthorsson and B. Thorhallsson) In F.H. Jonsson (ed.) Rannsokning i felagsvisindum IV. Reykjavik: Island University.
”Politisk styring og privatisering. Holdninger i elitene og i befolkningen”. (Political steering and privatization. Attitudes among the citizens and in the elites) (with T. Christensen). Norsk Statsvitenskapelig Tidsskrift, 19 (4):385-411.
”Complex interaction and influence among political and administrative leaders”(with T. Christensen). International Review of Administrative Sciences, 69 (3): 385-400.
New Public Management – Puzzles of Democracy and the Influence of Citizens”. (with T. Christensen) Journal of Political Philosophy, 10 (3): 267-296.
“Increasing Parliamentary Control of the Executive? New Instruments and Emerging Effects”. (with T. Christensen and P.G. Roness). Journal of Legislative Studies, 8 (1): 37-62
“Transforming Administrative Policy” (with T.Christensen and L. Wise). Public Administration, 80 (1): 153-170.
2001 “New Public Management: The Effects of Contractualism and Devolution on Political Control”. (with T. Christensen). Public Management Review, 3 (1): 73-94.
“La nueva administracion publicia: el equlibrio entre la gobernanza administrativa” (with T. Christensen). Gestion y Politica Publicia, (Mexico) 10 (1): 55-100. Also printed in Revista do Serviso Publicio (Brasil) 52 (2): 69-110.
“Introduction” (with T. Christensen). In T. Christensen and P. Lægreid (eds.) New Public Management. The Transformation of Ideas and Practice, 1-12. Aldershot: Ashgate.
“A Transformative Perspective on Administrative Reforms” (with T. Christensen). In T. Christensen and P. Lægreid (eds.) New Public Management. The Transformation of Ideas and Practice, 13-42. Aldershot: Ashgate.
“New Public Management - Undermining Political Control?”. (with T. Christensen). In T. Christensen and P. Lægreid (eds.) New Public Management. The Transformation of Ideas and Practice, 193-120. Aldershot: Ashgate.
“Transforming Top Civil Servant Systems”. In T. Christensen and P. Lægreid (eds.) New Public Management. The Transformation of Ideas and Practice, 145-172. Aldershot: Ashgate.
“Europeisering och de nordiska statsförvaltningarna” (Europeanization and Nordic civil service) In B. Jacobsson, P. Lægreid and O.K. Pedersen (eds.) Europaveje. EU i de nordiske centralforvaltninger, 11-42. Copenhagen: Jurist- og Økonomforbundets forlag.
“Organisasjonsformer: robusthet og fleksibilitet” (Organization forms: Robustness and flexibility). In B. Jacobsson, P. Lægreid and O.K. Pedersen (eds.) Europaveje. EU i de nordiske centralforvaltninger, 43-68. Copenhagen: Jurist- og Økonomforbundets forlag.
“Innvevd og segmentert” (Embedded and segmented). In B. Jacobsson, P. Lægreid and O.K. Pedersen (eds.) Europaveje. EU i de nordiske centralforvaltninger, 69-94. Copenhagen: Jurist- og Økonomforbundets forlag.
“Ulike veger til Europa” (Different roads to Europe). (with B. Jacobsson and O.K. Pedersen). In B. Jacobsson, P. Lægreid and O.K. Pedersen (eds.) Europaveje. EU i de nordiske centralforvaltninger, 239-276. Copenhagen: Jurist- og Økonomforbundets forlag.
“Administrative Reforms in Scandinavia - Testing the Cooperative Model”. In B. Noland (ed). Public Sector Reform: An International Perspective, 66-82. London: Palgrave.
“Mål- og resultatstyring i offentlig sektor - erfaringer og utfordringer (Management by objective and results in the public sector - experiences and challenges). In A.L. Fimreite, H.O. Larsen and J. Aars (eds.) Lekmannstyre under press. Festskrift til Audun Offerdal. Oslo: Kommuneforlaget.
“New Public Management i norsk sentralforvaltning” (New public managment in Norwegian civil service) (with T. Christensen). In B.S. Tranøy and Ø. Østerud (eds.) Den fragmenterte staten. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk.
“En revitalisert Riksrevisjon “ (A revitalized Audit Office). (with T. Christensen and S.B. Helgesen). In B.S. Tranøy and Ø. Østerud, (eds.) Den fragmenterte stat. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk.
“Profesjonspluralisme, statsmodeller og forvaltningsatferd” (Pluralism of professions, models of state and administrative behavior” (with T. Christensen and H.R. Zuna) . In B.S. Tranøy and Ø. Østerud (eds.) Den fragmenterte stat. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk.
“Assessing public management reform in Norway, Sweden and the USA”.(with T. Christensen and L. Wise). International Journal of Political Studies, September (01): 41.70
“Diverging Roads to Europe” (with B. Jacobsson and O.K. Pedersen). In K. Ståhlberg (ed.) The Nordic Countries and Europe II. Social Sciences. Copenhagen: Nordic Council of Ministers. NORD 2001:23.
“Las tendencias en el desarrollo del sector publico: el caso de Noruega”. Gestion y politicia publicia (Mexico), 9 (1):63-86.
“Europeisering og forvaltningstilpasning i Norden” (Europeanizaton and changes in Civil Service in the Nordic countries). In K. Ståhlberg (ed.) Kontinuitet og fornyelse. Europeisk integration och nordisk förvaltningstilpasning. København: NORD 2000:3
“Top Civil Servants Under Contract”. Public Administration, 78 (4): 879-896.
”Administrative Reform as Organized Attention” (with P.G. Roness) In M. Egeberg and P. Lægreid (eds.) Organizing Political Institutions. Essays for Johan P. Olsen, 301-329. Oslo: Scandinavian University Press.
“Johan P. Olsen: His Career, Professional Roles and Publications” (with M. Egeberg). In M. Egeberg and P. Lægreid (eds.) Organizing Political Institutions. Essays for Johan P. Olsen, 3-22. Oslo: Scandinavian University Press.
“Endringer i statlige organisasjonsformer i Skandinavia - forvaltningspolitikk, europeisering og historiske bindinger” (Changes i governmental organization in Scandinavia - administrative policy, Europeanization and historical constraints) (with B. Jacobsson and O.K. Pedersen). In K. Ståhlberg (ed.) Den nordiske modellen i en brytningstid, 23-42. København: Nordisk Ministerråd, Nord 1999:12
"New Public Management - Design, Resistance, or Transformation” (with T. Christensen) Public Productivity & Management, 23(2) (December 1999): 169-193
“Frå einskap til mangfald. Eit perspektiv på indre fristilling i sentraladministrasjonen”(From unity to flexibility. A perspective on internal devolution in the Civil Service) (with P. G. Roness). In T. Grønlie and P. Selle (eds.) Ein stat? Fristillingas fire ansikt. Oslo: Samlaget.
“Administrative Reform Policy: the Case of Norway”. (with T. Christensen). International Review of Administrative Sciences, 6, 457-475.
“Public Administration in a Democratic Context - A Review of Norwegian Research”. (with T. Christensen). In N. Brunsson and J.P. Olsen (eds.) Organizing Organizations, 147-172. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget.
“Organisasjonsformer og reformprogram” (Organization Forms and Reform Programs) (with O.K. Pedersen). In P. Lægreid and O.K. Pedersen (eds.) Fra opbygning til ombygning i staten. Organisationsforandringer i tre Nordiske lande, 11-42. Copenhagen: Jurist- og Økonomforbudnets forlag.
“Fra opbygning til ombygning” (From growth to reorganization) (with O.K. Pedersen). In P. Lægreid and O.K. Pedersen (eds.) Fra opbygning til ombygning i staten. Organisationsforandringer i tre Nordiske lande, 345-372. Copenhagen: Jurist- og Økonomforbundets forlag.
"Modernisering og forvaltningsreformer". (Modernization and administrative reforms). Norsk Statsvitenskapelig Tidsskrift, 13 (2):99‑120
"Sentralforvaltning og offentlig politikk”(Civil Service and Public Policy) (with T. Christensen). Norsk Statsvitenskapelig Tidsskrift, 13 (3): 245‑268
"Forvaltningspolitikk ‑ mot New Public Management"? (Administrative Policy - Towards New Public Management?) (with T. Christensen). In T. Christensen and M. Egeberg (eds.) Forvaltningskunnskap, 367‑404. Oslo: Tano Aschehoug.
Forvaltningspolitikk i Norden ‑ samarbeidsmodellen på prøve. (Administrative policy in the Nordic Countries ‑ testing the cooperative model). Nordisk Administrativt Tidsskrift, 78(1):5‑15
"Leiarløn i Staten ‑ marknad og management" (Pay for Top Civil Servants ‑ Market and Management). Praktisk økonomi og ledelse, no. 2 (1996) : 97‑104.
"Forvaltningspolitikk, partsorganisering og institusjonell endring" (Administrative policy, organization and institutional change) (with O.K.Pedersen). In P.Lægreid and O.K.Pedersen (eds.) Integration og decentralisering. Personale og Forvaltning i Skandinavia'; 9‑24, Copenhagen: Jurist‑ og Økonomforbundets forlag.
"Lokal lønn i Norge" (Local Pay in Norway). In P.Lægreid and O.K.Pedersen (eds.) Integration og decentratlisering. Personale og Forvaltning i Skandinavia ; 207‑230. Copenhagen: Jurist‑ og Økonomforbundets forlag.
"Forvaltningspolitikkens institusjonelle spor" (The instituional paths of administrative policy) (with O.K.Pedersen and D.Pedersen). In P.Lægreid and O.K.Pedersen (eds.) Integration og decentratlisering. Personale og Forvaltning i Skandinavia, 257‑280. Copenhagen: Jurist‑ og Økonomforbundets forlag.
"Political Parties, Bureaucracy, and Corporatism". (with P. G. Roness). In L. Svaasand and K. Strøm (eds.) Challenges to Political Parties, 167‑190. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
"Feminization of the central public administration". In L. Karvonen and P. Selle (eds.): Women in Nordic Politics, 229‑248. Aldershot: Dartmouth.
”Forvaltningspolitikk i teori og praksis" (Administrative policy in theory and practice) (with O.K. Pedersen). In P. Lægreid and O.K. Pedersen (eds.): Nordisk forvaltningsreformer, 7‑15. Copenhagen: DFH‑forlag.
"En nordisk modell for forvaltningspolitikk?" (A Nordic model for administrative policy?) (with O.K. Pedersen). In P. Lægreid and O.K. Pedersen (eds.): Nordiske forvaltningsreformer, 16‑23. Copenhagen: DFH‑forlag.
"Perspektiv på lønspolitikken i staten'". (Perspective on salary policy in the state). In P. Lægreid (ed.): Lønnspolitikk i offentlig sektor, 11‑33. Oslo:TANO.
"Lønspolitiske reformforsøk i staten”. (Salary policy reform attempts in the civil service). In P. Lægreid (ed.): Lønnspolitikk i offentlig sektor, pp. 34‑55. Oslo: TANO.
"Lønnspolitiske problemoppfatninger og løsningsforslag" (Pay policy: problems and solutions) (with K. Helgesen). In P. Lægreid (ed.): Lønnspolitikk i offentlig sektor, 56‑78.Oslo: TANO.
"Lokal lønnspolitikk" (Local pay policy)(with M. Aarre). In P.Lægreid (ed.): Lønnspolitikk i offentlig sektor, 236‑252. Oslo: TANO.
"En nordisk modell?" (A Nordic modell?)(with O.K. Pedersen). In P. Lægreid og O.K. Pedersen (eds.): Forvaltningspolitik i Norden, 249‑282. Copenhagen: Jurist‑ og Økonomforbundets forlag.
"Norge: Forvaltningspolitikkens utvikling" (Norway: the development of administrative policy) (with V. W. Rolland). In P.Lægreid and O. K. Pedersen (eds.): Forvaltningspolitik i Norden, 85‑116.Copenhagen: Jurist‑ og Økonomforbundets forlag.
"Rewards for High Public Office: The case of Norway". In C.Hood and G. Peters (eds.): Rewards at the Top, 133‑145. London: Sage.
"Forvaltningspolitikk" (Administrative policy) (with O. K. Pedersen). In P. Lægreid and O.K. Pedersen (eds.): Forvaltningspolitik i Norden, 9‑28. Copenhagen: Jurist‑ og økonomforbundets forlag.
"Opinion og offentleg sektor". (Public opinion and public sector). In P. Lægreid and J.P. Olsen (eds.): Organisering av offentlig sektor, 93‑118. Oslo: Tano.
"Tendensar i utviklinga av offentleg sektor" (Trends in the development of the public sector). Nordisk Administrativt Tidsskrift, 74(3): 317337.
"Løns‑ og personalreformer". (Pay‑ and Personnel Reforms). In P. Lægreid and J.P. Olsen (eds.) Organisering av offentlig sektor, 133‑154. Oslo: TANO.
"Prestasjonslønsystemet i offentleg sektor". (Pay‑for‑performance system in public sector). Norsk Statsvitenskaplig Tidsskrift, 8(2): 87‑111.
"Leiaratferd i offentleg sektor: Institusjon og profesjon'".(Leadership behaviour in the public sector) Nordisk Administrativt Tidsskrift, 73: 281-293.