Peter Manning


Professor, Global Change Ecology


Research groups


My research examines the relationships between land use, biodiversity, ecosystem functioning and ecosystem services, particularly in grasslands and forests. This typically involves a combination of interdisciplinary collaboration with data synthesis and modelling.

The focus of my research has historically been on plant communities, but recently I have worked with other taxa including microorganisms and invertebrates. I have a great interest in synthesising knowledge at the level of entire communities and ecosystems and have developed both theory and methods for doing this. I have also expanded my work to include the human component, in a social-ecological systems approach.

My position is linked to the University of Bergen's Centre for Sustainable Area Management (CESAM) initiative.


BIO300A Academic Writing- Course Leader 

Academic article
Academic literature review

See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.

Selected publications:

For a full list see Google Scholar

For PDFs of publications see Research Gate

Neyret M. Le Provost G, Boesing AL, Schneider F, Baulechner D, Bergmann J, de Vries F, Fiore-Donno AM, Geisen G, Goldmann K, Kuechler A, Saifutdinov R, Simons N, Tobias J, Zaytsev A, Gossner M, Jung K, Kandeler E, Krauss J, Penone C, Schloter M, Schulz S, Staab M, Wolters V, Apostolakis A, Birkhofer K, Boch S, Boeddinghaus R, Bolliger R, Bonkowski M, Buscot F, Dumack K, Fischer M, Gan H, Heinze J, Hölzel N, John K, Klaus V, Kleinebecker T, Marhan S, Müller J, Renner S, Rillig R, Schenk N, Schöning I, Schrumpf S, Seibold S, Socher S, Solly E, Teuscher M, van Kleunen M, Wubet T, Manning P (2024)     A slow-fast trait continuum at the whole community level in relation to land-use intensification. Nature Communications. 15, 1251

Bianco G, Manning P & Schleuning M (2024) A quantitative framework for identifying the role of individual species in Nature's Contributions to People. Ecology Letters 27, e14371

Neyret M Peter S, Le Provost G, Boch S, Boesing A, Bullock JM, Hoelzel N, Klaus VH, Kleinebecker T, Krauss J, Müller J, Müller S, Ammer C, Buscot F, Ehbrecht M, Fischer M, Goldmann K, Jung K, Mehring M, Müller T, Renner S, Schall P, Scherer-Lorenzen M, Westphal C, Wubet T, Manning P (2023) Landscape management strategies for multifunctionality and social equity. Nature Sustainability. 6, 391-403

Le Provost G, Schenk N, Penone C, Thiele J, Westphal C, Allan E, Ayasse M, , Blüthgen N, Boeddinghaus RS, Boesing AL, Bolliger R, Busch V, Fischer M, Gossner MM, Hoelzel N, Jung K, Kandeler E, Klaus VH, Kleinebecker T, Marhan S, Morros, K, Mueller S, Neff F, Neyret M, Oelemann Y, Perović D, Peter S, Prati D, Rillig MC, Saiz H, Schaeffer D, Scherer-Lorenzen M, Schloter M, Schöning I, Schrumpf M, Steckel J, Steffan-Dewenter I, Tschapka M, Vogt J, Weiner C, Weisser W, Wells K, Werner M, Wilke W, Manning P (2022).  The supply of multiple ecosystem services requires biodiversity across spatial scales. Nature Ecology and Evolution. 7, 236–249

Orive G*, Lertxundi U, Brodin T & Manning P* 2022 Greening the pharmacy. Science 377, 259-260.

Peter S, Le Provost G, Mehring M, Müller T, Manning P (2022) Cultural worldviews consistently explain bundles of ecosystem service prioritisation across rural Germany. People and Nature. 4, 218-230

Neyret M, Fischer M, Allan E, Hölzel N, Klaus VH, Kleinebecker T, Krauss J, Le Provost G, Peter S, Schenk N, Simons NK, van der Plas F, Binkenstein J, Börshig C, Jung K, Prati D, Schäfer M, Schäfer D, Schöning I, Schrumpf M, Tschapka M, Westphal C, Manning P (2021). Assessing the impact of grassland management on landscape multifunctionality. Ecosystem Services. 52, 101366

Le Provost G, Thiele J, Westphal C, Penone C, Allan E, Neyret M, van der Plas F, Ayasse M, Bardgett RD, Birkhofer K, Boch S, Bonkowski M, Buscot F, Feldhaar H, Gaulton R, Goldmann K, Gossner M, Klaus V, Kleinebecker T, Krauss J, Renner S, Scherreiks P, Sikorski J, Blüthgen N, Bolliger R, Börschig C, Busch V, Chisté M, Fiore-Donno AM, Fischer M, Arndt H, Hoelzel N, Jung K, Lange M, Marzini C, Overmann J, Paŝalić E, Perović D, Prati D, Schäfer D, Schöning I, Schrumpf M, Sonnemann I, Steffan-Dewenter I, Tschapka M, Türke M, Vogt J, Weiner C, Weisser W, Werner M, Wolters V, Wubet T, Wurst S, Manning P (2021) Contrasting impacts of multiple components of land-use intensity on above- and belowground diversity. Nature Communications 12, 3918

Linders TEW, Schaffner U, Alamirew T, Allan E, Choge SK, Eschen R, Shiferaw H, Manning P (2021). Stakeholder identity determines the impact of an alien tree invasion on ecosystem multifunctionality. People and Nature. 3, 658-672

Jochum M, Fischer M, Isbell F, Roscher C, van der Plas F, Boch S, Boenisch G, Buchmann N, Catford JA, Cavender-Bares J, Ebeling A, Eisenhauer N, Gleixner G, Hölzel N, Kattge J, Klaus VH, Kleinebecker T, Lange M, Le Provost G, Meyer ST, Molina-Venegas R, Mommer L, Oelmann Y, Penone C, Prati P, Reich PB, Rindisbacher A, Schäfer D, Scheu S, Schmid B, Tilman T, Tscharntke T, Vogel A, Wagg C, Weigelt A, Weisser WW, Wilcke W, Manning P (2020) The results of biodiversity-ecosystem functioning experiments are realistic. Nature Ecology and Evolution. 4, 1485-1494

Washbourne CL, Goddard MA, Le Provost G, Manning DAC & Manning P (2020). Trade-offs and synergies in the ecosystem service demand of urban brownfield stakeholders. Ecosystem Services. 42, 101074

Manning P, Loos J, Barnes AD, Batáry P, Bianchi FJJA, Buchmann N, De Deyn GB, Ebeling A, Eisenhauer N, Fischer M, Fründ J, Grass I, Isselstein J, Jochum M, Klein AM, Klingenberg EOF, Landis DA, Lepš J, Lindborg R, Meyer ST, Temperton VM, Westphal C, Tscharntke T. (2019) Transferring biodiversity-ecosystem function research to the management of ‘real-world’ ecosystems. Advances in Ecological Research. 61, 323-356.

Boeddinghaus RS., Marhan S, Berner D, Boch S, Fischer M, Hölzel N, Kattge J, Klaus VH, Kleinebecker T, Oelmann Y, Prati D, Schäfer D, Schöning I, Schrumpf M, Sorkau E, Kandeler E. & Manning P (2019) Plant functional trait shifts explain concurrent changes in the structure and function of grassland soil microbial communities. Journal of Ecology. 107, 2197-2210.

van der Plas F, Allan E, Fischer M, Alt F, Arndt H, Binkenstein J, Blaser S, Blüthgen N, Böhm S, Hölzel N, Klaus VH, Kleinbecker T, Morris K, Oelmann Y, Prati D, Renner SC, Rillig MC, Schäfer M, Schloter M, Schmitt B, Schöning I, Schrumpf M, Solly E, Sorkau E, Steckel J, Steffan-Dewenter I, Stempfhuber B, Tschapka M, Weiner CN, Weisser WW, Werner M, Westphal C, Wilcke W, Manning P (2019) Towards the development of general rules describing landscape heterogeneity-multifunctionality relationships. Journal of Applied Ecology, 56, 168-179.

Craven D, Eisenhauer N, Pearse WD, Hautier Y, Roscher C, Isbell F, Bahn M , Beierkuhnlein,  Bönisch G, Buchmann N, Byun C, Catford JA, Cerabolini BEL, Cornelissen JHC, Craine JM, De Luca E, Ebeling A, Griffin JN, Hector A, Hines J, Jentsch A, Kattge J, Kreyling J, Lanta V, Lemoine N, Meyer ST, Minden V, Onipchenko V, Polley HW,  Reich PB, van Ruijven J, Schamp B, Smith MD, Soudzilovskaia NA, Tilman D, Weigelt A, Wilsey B, Manning P. (2018) Multiple facets of biodiversity drive the diversity-stability relationship. Nature Ecology and Evolution, 2, 1579–1587.

Manning P, van der Plas F, Soliveres S, Allan E, Maestre FT, Mace G, Whittingham MJ, Fischer M. (2018) Redefining ecosystem multifunctionality.  Nature Ecology and Evolution, 2, 427-436.

For a full list see Google Scholar

For PDFs of publications see Research Gate
