Rune Johan Krumsvik


Professor, Dr. philos.


Research groups

Short info

I am a professor, dr.philos of Education at the University of Bergen and an adjunct professor at Volda University College. I have served as the head of department for seven years, I am the founder/research group leader for Digital Learning Communities, and founder/research school leader of WNGER II.

Dr.philos Rune Johan Krumsvik is Professor of Education, founder and Head of Western Norway Graduate School of Research (WNGER II, 2018--->) and founder and Head of the research group Digital Learning Communities (DLC) at the University of Bergen. Krumsvik is also Professor II at Volda University College, and former Head of the Department of Education, University of Bergen (2010-2017). His main research interests are artificial intelligence, doctoral education, formative assessment, school achievement, ICT, and digital learning. He has published/been an editor for 13 books, published 76 scientific articles (h-index 31, i10-index 57), and he has been a referee in 28 scientific journals. He has been a member of the Editorial Board of the British Journal of Educational Technology (BJET) and is currently Editor-in-Chief of the Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy and Associate Editor in Frontiers in Pediatrics. He is the main supervisor for 12 PhD candidates (11 completed) and co-supervisor for 6 PhD candidates (6 completed). He received the Teaching Award 2012 at the Faculty of Psychology, University of Bergen (UiB), and was nominated for the same award in 2015. In 2020, he was accredited as an Excellent Teaching Practitioner at the Faculty of Psychology, University of Bergen.

  • Research areas:
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Supervision
  • Digitalization and adaptive learning
  • ICT and learning in school and higher education
  • ICT-supported assessment in school and higher education
  • Digital competence
  • Gender differences in school achievement
  • Digital didactics
  • Doctoral education and doctoral supervision
  • Class management in technology-dense classrooms

Digital Learning Communities Artificial Intelligence Centre (DLCAIC)

The research environment behind this DLCAIC has been conducting technology research in the education sector since the late 1990s and eventually also towards the health sector. Since 2015, DLCAIC has been conducting AI research, and the overarching goal of the center will be to continue this AI research within learning, researcher education, and mental health in the education and health sectors. The center will particularly focus thematically on research methodological innovation and the application of artificial intelligence (AI) in health and education, as well as how AI-generated innovations and innovative research on AI can contribute to the transformation that the higher education sector faces in the coming years. The center will also address how the digital competence of young people and adults can contribute to a broader understanding of the connection between AI, social media, and mental (un)health, as well as how AI can either cement or break down digital divides and digital exclusion in the population. The center will be a national interdisciplinary, cross-sectoral, and inter-institutional research center and contribute to strengthening the societal impacts of AI research.

Relevant links: 

AI-eksperter | UiB AI | UiB

Mobiliseringsseminar: KI for tillit og bærekraft | UiB AI | UiB

Overview of Publications Related to Artificial Intelligence: 

  • Scientific articles

Krumsvik, R. J., Berrum, E. & Jones, L. Ø. (2018). Everyday digital schooling – implementing tablets in Norwegian primary school. Examining outcome measures in the first cohort. Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy, 16(1), 152–176.

Krumsvik, R. J., Berrum, E., Jones, L. Ø. & Gulbrandsen, I. P. (2021). Implementing tablets in Norwegian primary schools. Examining outcome measures in the second cohort. Frontiers in Education, 6, 642686.

Moltudal, S., Krumsvik, R. J. & Høydal, K.L. (2020). Glimpses into real-life introduction of adaptive learning technology: A mixed methods research approach to personalised pupil learning. Designs for Learning, 12, 13–28.

Moltudal S.H., Krumsvik R.J. & Høydal, K.L. (2022). Adaptive Learning Technology in Primary Education: Implications for Professional Teacher Knowledge and Classroom Management. Front. Educ. 7:830536. doi: 10.3389/feduc.2022.830536. Frontiers | Adaptive Learning Technology in Primary Education: Implications for Professional Teacher Knowledge and Classroom Management (

Krumsvik, R. J. (2024, submitted). GPT- 4’s capabilities of formative and summative assessment in Norwegian medicine exam - an intrinsic case study.

Krumsvik, R. J. (2024, submitted). Artificial intelligence in nurse education: GPT-4 capabilities of formative and summative assessment in National Examination in Anatomy, Physiology, and Biochemistry

Krumsvik, R. J. (2024, submitted). GPT-4 capabilities of handling essay-based exams in the Norwegian language - an intrinsic case study.


  • Editorials in scientific journals

Krumsvik, R. J. (2023). Adaptive learning tools and artificial intelligence in schools – some trends. Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy, 18(1), 4–7.

Krumsvik, R. J. (2023). Screenagers, social media, screen time, and mental (ill) health. Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy, 18(2), 81–84.

Krumsvik, R.J. (2024). Everyday Discourse and Research Discourse on Large Language Models. Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy, 19 (1), 4-7.

Krumsvik, R.J. (2024). Artificial Intelligence, Education and the Professional Perspective. Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy, 19 (2), 55-63. Artificial Intelligence, Education and the Professional Perspective | Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy (

Krumsvik, R.J. (2024). Generation Z, Social Media, AI, and Mental (Ill)Health and Education. Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy, 19 (2), 112-118.Generation Z, Social Media, AI, and Mental (Ill)Health and Education | Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy (

  • Books

Krumsvik, R. J. (2023). Digital kompetanse i KI-samfunnet. Et glimt på hvordan kunstig intelligens former våre liv. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.

  • Op-eds and articles

Krumsvik, R. J. (2012). Digital dannelse og skjermtid. På Høyden.

Krumsvik, R. J. (2017). Digital kompetanse i høyere utdanning. Digital kompetanse i høyere utdanning (

Krumsvik, R. J. (2024) Som man roper i skogen får man svar. Digital Learning Communities, UiB:

Krumsvik, R. J. (2024). Digital kompetanse, Wearbles og kunstig intelligens. Digital Learning Communities, UiB:

Krumsvik, R. J. (2024). Kan kunstig intelligens revitalisere forskning? Dagens Medisin. Kan kunstig intelligens revitalisere forskning? (

Krumsvik, R. J. (2023). Kan kunstig intelligens gi oss en bedre forståelse av sammenhengen mellom sosiale medier og psykisk uhelse? Kan kunstig intelligens gi oss en bedre forståelse av sammenhengen mellom sosiale medier og psykisk uhelse? (

Krumsvik, R. J. (2023). KI er svaret hva var spørsmålet? Khrono:

Krumsvik, R. J. (2023). Er utdanningssektoren i stand til å takle endringene kunstig intelligens medfører.

Krumsvik, R. J. (2023). Må vi skjerme oss for skjermen Må vi skjerme oss for skjermen? (

Krumsvik, R. J. (2023). Adaptive læringsverktøy og kunstig intelligens i skolen – noen tendenser. Khrono.

Krumsvik, R. J. (2023). Usikker forbindelse mellom skjermtid og psykisk helse. Tidsskriftet for Norsk Psykologforening. Usikker forbindelse mellom skjermtid og psykisk uhelse  | Tidsskrift for Norsk psykologforening (

Krumsvik, R. J. (2024). Maskinlæring i en brytningstid I. Tidsskrift for den Norske Legeforening. Maskinlæring i en brytningstid | Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (

Krumsvik, R. J. (2023). Kunstig intelligens, chatboter og de nære. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.

Krumsvik, R. J. (2024). Smartklokka di er din nye hjertespesialist.

Krumsvik, R. J. (2024) AI is the answer – what was the question? British Educational Research Association Blog.

Krumsvik, R. J. (2024. Hva vet vi om ungdommer, angst og mobil?

Krumsvik, R.J. (2024). Kunstig intelligens forsterker stereotypier (invitert ekspertkommentar). Tidsskrift for Norsk Legeforening.

Krumsvik, R. J. (2024). Generasjon Z, sosiale medier, KI, psykisk (u)helse og (ut)danning. Digitale Læringsfellesskap, UiB.

Krumsvik, R.J. (2024). Maskinlæring i en brytningstid II. Tidsskrift for den Norske Legeforening: Maskinlæring i en brytningstid III | Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (

Krumsvik, R. J. (2024). Hva vet vi om ungdommene, angst og mobil? Klassekampen, 30. mai. 


  • Other resources

Krumsvik, R. J. & Røkenes, F. M. (2016). Learning analytics i skole og høyere utdanning. I R. J. Krumsvik (Red.), Digital læring i skole og lærerutdanning (s. 15–48). Universitetsforlaget.

Berrum, E., Gulbrandsen, I.P., Elgaard J. F. og Krumsvik, R.J. (2018). Evaluering av digital skolehverdag. Rambøll.

Berrum, E., Fyhn, J., Gulbrandsen, I., Nilsen, Ø.L. og Krumsvik, R.J. (2017). Evaluering av digital skolehverdag, Del II. Rambøll.

Krumsvik, R. J. (2018). Hva er det med Facebook som har gjort det så populært at vi deler det aller meste? [Kronikk]. Dagbladet.

Krumsvik, R. J. (2023). Writing the synopsis companion. Chatbot for doktorgradsutdanning.

Rambøll (2023). Digital læringsanalyse i norsk utdanning: omfang, pedagogisk praksis og holdninger:


Background and research profile:

  • One-year foundation level subject (grunnfag), Sport and physical education, Volda Lærerhøgskule (1985-1986)
  • Bachelor in sport and physical education, Elverum lærerhøgskole (1989-1991)
  • One-year fondation level subject (grunnfag), Pedagogy, Universitetet i Trondheim (1992)
  • The major subject in the first degree (mellomfag), Pedagogy, Universitetet i Trondheim (1993)
  • Cand. Mag. (1993), Elverum Lærerhøgskole
  • Part of an examination (24 ECTS), thesis at second degree level (deleksamen hovudfag), Pedagogy, (Universitetet i Trondheim, 1994-1998)
  • Cand. Scient. (1994-1996), Thesis at second degree level (hovudfag), Sport psychology, Norges Idrettshøgskole
  • Dr. Philos. (2001-2006), Universitetet i Bergen
  • Professor  (2010), Universitetet of Bergen

Dr.philos Rune Johan Krumsvik is Professor of Education, founder and Head of Western Norway Graduate School of Research (WNGER II, 2018--->) and founder and Head of the research group Digital Learning Communities (DLC) at University of Bergen. Krumsvik is also Professor II at Volda University College, Honorary Research Fellow at University of Bristol and former Head of the Department of Education, University of Bergen (2010-2017). His main research interests are artificial intelligence, doctoral education, formative assessment, school achievement, ICT and digital learning. He has published/been an editor for 13 books, published 76 scientific articles (h-index 31, i10-index 57) and he has been a referee in 28 scientific journals, has been a member of the Editorial Board of the British Journal of Educational Technology (BJET) and is currently he is Editor-in-Chief in Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy and associate Editor i Frontiers in Pediatrics. He is the main supervisor for 12 PhD-candidates (11 completed) and co-supervisor for 6 PhD-candidates (6 completed). He received the Teaching Award 2012 at the Faculty of Psychology, University of Bergen (UiB), and was nominated for the same award in 2015. In 2020, he was accredited as an Excellent teaching practitioner at the Faculty of Psychology, University of Bergen.

Research areas:

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Supervision
  • Digitalization and adaptive learning
  • ICT and learning in school and higher education
  • ICT-supported assessment in school and higher education
  • Digital competence
  • Gender differences in school achievement
  • Digital didactic
  • Doctoral education and doctoral supervision
  • Class management in technology dense classrooms
  • Physical activity, "friluftsliv" and health


Krumsvik, R.J. (2021). Koronapandemien og de beste blant oss. Kronikk. Dagens Medisin (Koronapandemien – og de beste blant oss - Debatt og kronikk - Dagens Medisin)

Krumsvik, R.J. (2021). Doktorgradsstipendiater – og effekt av digital undervisning? Kronikk. Dagens medisin (Doktorgradsstipendiater – og effekt av digital undervisning? - Debatt og kronikk - Dagens Medisin).

Krumsvik, R.J., Jones, L. & Klock Kristin (2021). Bruk av responsteknologi i forelesninger: Erfaringer fra «Praksisstudiet» ved UiBs tannlegeutdanning. Den Norske Tannlegers Forenings Tidende, 2 (131), 164-165.

Krumsvik, R.J. (2019) Trenerne i den akademiske maraton. Forskerforum, desember 2019. Kronikk. Oslo: Forskerforum

Krumsvik, R. J. (2018). VM-straffer i en digital tidsalder. Dagbladet, 13. juni. Kronikk. Oslo: Dagbladet

Krumsvik, R.J. (2018). Facebooks jordskjelv. Dagbladet, 8. mai 2018. Kronikk. Oslo: Dagbladet

Krumsvik, R.J. (2017). Digital kompetanse i høyere utanning. På Høyden - nettavis for Universitetet i Bergen: UiB

Krumsvik, R.J (2017). Digital kompetanse i høyere utdanning. 2017. Oslo: Utdanningsforbundet

Krumsvik, R.J. (2017). Når hiphop kom til Norge. Dagbladet. 1. november 2017. Oslo. Dagbladet

Krumsvik, R.J. (2017). Trenerne i den akademiske maraton. Oslo: Utdanningsforbundet.

Krumsvik, R. J. (2016). Vil du bli psykologilektor? 25. Oktober. Oslo: Psychologist.

Krumsvik, R.J., Hesjedal, E., Furnes, B. & Øen, K. (2016). Akutt behov for spesialpedagogisk kompetanse. Dag og Tid, 12. februar. Kronikk. Oslo: Dag og Tid.

Egelandsdal, K. & Krumsvik, R. J. (2016). Responsteknologi i universitetsforelesninger. Psykologisk tidsskrift, 3 (20), 41-46.  

Krumsvik, R.J. & Jones, L. (2016). Hvorfor dropper "kronjuvelen" ut. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening, 12(53), 1022-1024

Krumsvik, R (2014). Straffesparket og livets skule. Dagbladet, 8. juli 2014.

Krumsvik, R (2014). Omvendt undervising., 26. juni 2014.

Krumsvik, R & Sarastuen, N. (2014). Snu klasserommet! Bergens Tidende, 26. juni 2014.

Krumsvik, R (2014). Omvendt undervising. Klassekampen, 25. juni 2014.

Krumsvik, R.J. (2014). Kommentar til bokanmeldelsen "Best som muntlig fortelling". Tidsskrift for den

Norske Legeforening, 18 (134), 1772.

Krumsvik, R. (2013). Digitale skilje i skulekvardagen. Bergens Tidende, 25. mai 2013.

Krumsvik, R. (2012). Klasseleiing og elevane sin digitale livsstil. Bergens Tidende, 10. februar 2012

Krumsvik, R. (2012). Indikatorar for IKT og læringsutbytte. Kronikk. Lektorbladet, 6/2012.

Krumsvik, R. (2012). Skjermtid og digital danning. Kronikk. Barnevakten 4/2012.

Krumsvik, R. (2012). Plenumsforelesninger og læringsutbytte. Skolemagasinet, 3, 14-15.

Krumsvik, R. (2012). Sjå opp for digital Matteus-effekt. Bergens Tidende. 11. april.

Krumsvik, R. (2012). Inn med nybrotsførelesinga. Klassekampen. 16. februar.

Krumsvik, R. (2012). Klasseleiing og elevane sin digitale livsstil. Kronikk. Bergens Tidende. 10. februar.

Krumsvik, R. (2011). Fysisk klasseskilje. Kronikk. Dagens Næringsliv. 22. juli.

Krumsvik, R. & Jones, L. (2011). Digital Matteus-effekt? Kronikk, Klassekampen. 21. juli.

Krumsvik, R. (2011). Skule og samfunn i digitale trongsteg. Kronikk. Dag og Tid. 1. juli.

Krumsvik, R . (2007). Digital danning. Kronikk. 03.07. Verdens Gang.

Krumsvik, R. (2007). Digital danning. Kronikk. 08.07. Bergens Tidende.

Krumsvik, R. (2004): Digital læringsrevolusjon?, Bergens Tidende, Kronikk, 5. mars

Krumsvik, R. (2003). PILOT inn for landing, kronikk i Sunnmørsposten. Mai

Krumsvik, R. (2002). Fjella sitt år og helsevinst, kronikk i Sunnmørsposten, mars.

Krumsvik, R. (2003): Fysisk fostring på anbod?, Bergens Tidende, Kronikk, september.

Erstad, O. & Krumsvik, R. (2003): Godøy skule - ein unik skulekultur? Sunnmørsposten, Kronikk, mars.

Krumsvik, R. (2002): Ekstremsporten VM-fotball, Aftenposten, Kronikk, juli.

Krumsvik, R. (2001): Vår sosialt konstruerte risikokultur, Aftenposten, Kronikk, juli

Krumsvik, R (1999): Samhandling og ungdomsskulen, Bergens Tidende, Kronikk, juni

Krumsvik, R. (1998): Ekstremsport og jakta på det gode liv, Verdens Gang, Kronikk, juli

Articles in popular scientific journals:

Krumsvik, R. (2007). Ein grenselaus generasjon. Ny Tid. 33(55), 30-31

Krumsvik, R. (2004): Internettet – læringsarena eller søppeldunge? Fotefar, 26, 1, 12-17.

Krumsvik, R. (2004): PILOT inn for landing. Utdanning, 7.

Krumsvik, R. (2003): Slipp PC'en til ved eksamensbordet. Utdanning, 20.

Krumsvik, R. (2003): Gir bruk av data flinkare elevar? Bedre skole, 1, 65 - 60

Krumsvik, R. (2003): Digital kompetanse i morgendagens skule. Fotefar, 25, 4, 43 - 50

Krumsvik, R. (2002): Pedagogisk "E"-revolusjon som lovar godt for framtida. Utdanning, 5.

Krumsvik, R. (1999): En anakronistisk eller innovativ ungdomsskole? Skolefokus (mai 1999)


Teaching experience:

  • 3 years as teacher at upper secondary schools in Norfjordeid and Volda (1987-1991)
    • Teaching within health, physical activity and sport in upper secondary school
  • 10 years as assistant professor at University College of Volda (1991-2003)
    • Teaching experience within pedagogy, health and physical activity at different levels
  • 16 years as associate professor and professor at University of Bergen (2003-d.d.)
    • Teaching experience from the teacher education programs at UiB (Bachelor/master-level, 16 years)
    • Course leader and lecturer in qualitative methods in bachelor in health promotion, pedagogy and psychology (7 years) 
    • Lecturer in qualitative methods in the psychology program (first year) (7 years)
    • Lectures in master in pedagogy (2006 -2013), UiB
    • Course leader and lecturer for qualitative methods for master in organizational psychology (2007-2011)
    • Teaching and supervising at master in ICT and learning, University college of Stord/Haugesund (2010-2016).
    • Annual lectures about supervision at the Dentist education, Faculty of Medicine, UiB (2012-d.d.)    
    • Teaching in doctoral education at UiB and WNGER II:
      • 11 PhD-courses in Writing the synopsis of the PhD-thesis (2010-d.d.)
      • 7 PhD-courses in qualitative methods at PhD-level (2010-d.d.)
      • 3 PhD-courses in writing scientific articles (2010-d.d.)
      • 5 PhD-courses in Literature Review on doctoral level
      • 1 PhD-course in Meta Analysis
      • 7 PhD-courses in Mixed Method Research


Supervision on doctoral level

Main supervisor for:

Rune Herheim (completed,

Aslaug G. Almås (completed,

Ingrid Helleve (completed,

Vigdis Vangsnes (completed,

Fredrik M. Røkenes (completed,

Kjetil Egelandsdal (completed,

Petter Kongsgården (completed,

Kristine Ludvigsen (completed:

Synnøve Moltudal, HVO/UiB (started January 2015, disputation in 2020).

Eli-Karin Sjåstad, HVO (started august 2018, disputation in 2021)

Minttu Johler, UiS (started in august 2018, disputation 2021)

Kristian Øen, UiB (started 01.08.2019, disputation 2023)


PhD, co-supervisor for:

Kirsten Vennebo, UiO (completed,

Torill Aagaard (completed,

Morten Kronstad (completed,

Sigve Høgheim (UiB) (completed,

Hanne Bingen (VID, in process, disputation 2021).

Han Han, NTNU (started 01.08.2019)

Supervision at master level

Main supervisor for 14 master students from 1998-2015 (all completed).

Supervision at bachelor level

Main supervisor for 12 bachelor students from 2002-2016 (all completed).


Scientific articles:

53. Egelandsdal, K. & Krumsvik, R.J. (2019). Clicker Interventions at University Lectures and the Feedback Gap. Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy, 1-2

52. Moltudal, S., Krumsvik, R., Jones, L. Eikeland, O.J. & Johnson, B. (In press). The relationship between teachers’ perceived classroom management abilities and their professional digital competence: Experiences from upper secondary classroom. Designs For Learning, 11(1), 80–98.

51. Krumsvik, R.J. (2019). Gutter er gutter. Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift, 2(36), 115-132.

50. Bingen, H. M, Tveit, B., Krumsvik, R.J., Steindal, S. A. (2019). Nursing students’ experiences with the use of a student response system when learning physiology. Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy 2019, 1-2.

49. Bingen, H. M., Steindal, S. A., Krumsvik, R.J. & Tveit, B. (2019). Nursing students studying physiology within a flipped classroom, self-regulation and off-campus activities. Nurse Education in Practice, 55, 55-62.

48. Kongsgården, P. & Krumsvik, R. J. (2019). Vurdering for læring i teknologirikt læringsmiljø – en kasusstudie av selvregulert læring blant elever i videregående skole. Nordic Studies in Education 2 (39), 137-158.

47. Krumsvik, R.J., Berrum, E. & Jones, L. (2018). Everyday Digital Schooling – implementing tablets in Norwegian primary school. Examining outcome measures in the 1st cohort. Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy 3 (12), 152-176.

46. Krumsvik, R.J., Jones, L., Leer-Salvesen, K., Høydal, K., & Røkenes, F. (2019). Face-to-face and remote teaching in a doctoral education course: Using Flipped classroom, formative assessment and remote teaching to increase the teaching quality of a literature review course. Uniped, 2(42), 194-214.

45. Egelandsdal, K. & Krumsvik, R.J. (2018). Peer discussions and response technology: short interventions, considerable gains. Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy 12.(1-2), 19-30

44. Krumsvik, R.J & Jones, L.Ø (2017). Utdanningsledelse og digitale læringsformer i høyere utdanning. Uniped, 1 (40), 18-37.

43. Kongsgården, P. & Krumsvik, R.J. (2016). Use of tablets in primary and secondary school - a case study. Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy, 4(11), 248-270.

42. Røkenes, F.M. & Krumsvik, R.J. (2016). Prepared to teach ESL with ICT? A study of digital competence in Norwegian teacher education. Computers and Education, 97, 1-20.

41. Krumsvik, R., Jones, L. & Eikeland, O.J. (2016). Upper Secondary School Teachers' Digital Competence: Analysed by Demographic, Personal and Professional Characteristics. Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy, 3(11)), 143-164.

40. Krumsvik, R. & Jones. L. (2016). Flipped Classroom i naturfag. Norsk Pedagogisk Tidsskrift. 1(100), 61-73.

39. Krumsvik, R. J. (2015). Increasing teaching quality in teacher education. Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy, 1(10), 4–7.

38. Krumsvik, R.J. & Jones, L.Ø. (2015). Digital Learning Aids for Nynorsk Pupils in School - A Politically Sensitive Area or a Question of a Deeper Scientific Understanding of Learning? : Media, technology and lifelong learning, 3(11), 194-208.

37. Krumsvik, R.; Øfstegaard, M.; Jones, L. (2016). Retningslinjer og vurderingskriterier for den artikkelbaserte ph.d-avhandlingen. Uniped, 1(39), 78-94.

36.Egelandsdal, K.& Krumsvik, R.J. (2016). Clickers and Formative Feedback at University Lectures. Education and Information Technologies : Official Journal of the IFIP technical committee on Education, 1(22), 55-74.

35.Krumsvik, R.J. & Jones, L.Ø. (2015). Klasseleiing i teknologirike klasserom i vidaregåande opplæring (Rogalandsstudien). Norsklæreren, 3, 36-50.

34. Ludvigsen, K., Krumsvik, R. & Furnes, B. (2015). Creating Formative Feedback Spaces in Large Lectures, Computers and Education, 88, 48-63.

33. Krumsvik, R. (2015). Increasing teaching quality in teacher education. Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy, 1(10), 4-7.

32. Skaar, Ø.O. & Krumsvik (2015). A multimedia discrepancy: The impact of multimodal presentations in plenary lectures as perceived by students. Uniped, 1 (38), 53-73.

31. Røkenes, M. F. & Krumsvik, R.J. (2014). Development of Student Teachers’ Digital Competence in Teacher Education – a literature review. Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy 4(9), 250–280.

30. Kongsgården, P. & Krumsvik, R.J. (2013). Bruk av digitale verktøy i elevers læringsarbeid – med fokus på sammenhengen mellom læring og vurdering for læring. Acta Didactica Norge, 1(7), 1-19.

29. A.G. Nilsen, A.G. Almås og R. Krumsvik (2013). Teaching online or on-campus? - What students say about desktop videoconferencing. Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy, 1(8) 90-106.

28. Krumsvik, R. & Ludvigsen, K. (2013). Theoretical and methodological issues of formative e-assessment in plenary lectures. International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning 2(8), 78-92.

27. Krumsvik, R., Westrheim, K., Sunde, E. & Langørgen. K. (2012). "Teach as we preach" - lærerutdannerens digitale kompetanse. Högre Utbildning, 2(2), 93-108.

26. Krumsvik, R. (2012). Teacher educators' digital competence. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 3(58), 269-280.

25. Vangsnes, V., Økland, N.T. & Krumsvik, R. (2012). Computer games in pre-school settings. Didactical challenges when commercial educational computer games are implemented in kindergartens. Computers & Education, 1(58), 1138-1148.

24. Krumsvik, R. & Ludvigsen, K. (2012). Formative e-assessment and learning outcome in higher education. Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy 1(6), 36-54.

23. Krumsvik, R. (2012). Action research and ICT implementation. Research in comparative international education, 2(7), 209-225.

22. Krumsvik, R. (2011). Digital competence in the Norwegian teacher education and school, Högre Utbildning, 1(1), 39-51.

21. Herheim, R. & Krumsvik, R. (2011). Communication in computers settings. Journal of Educational Research Online, 1(3), 29-55.

20. Olivero, F. & Krumsvik, R. (2009). Introduction to the themed articles on videopapers, Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 3(18), 249 – 253.

19. Krumsvik, R. & Smith, K. (2009). Video papers – an attempt to narrow the notorious gap between theory and practise in Teacher Education. Technology, Pedagogy and Education. 3(18) 269-278,

18. Krumsvik, R. (2009). Situated learning in the network society and digitized school. European Journal of Teacher Education, 2(32), 167-185.

17. Krumsvik, R. (2008). Situated learning and digital competence. Education and Information Technology, 4(13), 279-290.

16. Krumsvik, R. (2008). From digital divides to digital inequality. US-China Educational Review, 9 (5), 1-16.

15. Almås, A.G. & Krumsvik, R. (2008). Teaching in Technology-Rich Classrooms: is there a gap between teachers’ intentions and ICT practices? Research in Comparative and International Education 2(3), 103-121.

14. Krumsvik, R. (2008). Educational technology, epistemology and discourses in curricula and school. US-China Educational Review, 5(5), 1-16.

13. Krumsvik, R. (2008). The view of knowledge and the new national curriculum in Norway. US-China Educational Review, 7(5), 13-28.

12. Krumsvik, R. (2008). Situated learning in the Network Society., Media, Technology & Lifelong Learning, 2(4), 1-6.

11. Jones. L. & Krumsvik, R. (2008). Special needs student in higher education. US-China Educational Review, 3(5), 58-67.

10. Smith, K. & Krumsvik, R. (2007). Video papers - a means for documenting practitioners' reflections on practical experiences: The story of two teacher educators. Research in Comparative and International Education, 2 (4), 272-282.

9. Almås, A.G. & Krumsvik, R. (2007). Digital literate teachers in Leading Edge schools in Norway. Journal of In-Service Education, 4, 479-497.

8. Krumsvik, R. & Jones, L.(2007). Situert læring, digital kompetanse og tilpassa opplæring. Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift 4(91), 316-328.

7. Krumsvik, R. (2006). Challenges in school and teacher education. FreesideEurope Online Academic Journal, 1(2), 26-37.

6. Krumsvik, R. (2006). Kulturella möteplatser i tid och rum: ICT and innovations in the lower secondary school. Pedagogiska fakulteten vid Åbo Akademi, Blå (rapport), 2(18), 55-82. 

5. Krumsvik, R. (2006). The digital challenges of school and teacher education – some urgent questions and the search for answers. Education and Information Technologies, 3 & 4(11), 239-256.

4. Krumsvik, R. (2005): ICT and community of practise. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 49, 1, 26-50.

3. Krumsvik, R. (2005): ICT and innovations in lower secondary school. Nordisk Pedagogik, 25(3), 206-233.

2. Krumsvik, R. (2004): Elevar som kunnskapsprodusentar. Norsk Pedagogisk Tidsskrift, 88, 467 – 480.

1. Krumsvik, R. (2003): Når teknologien sit i førarsete. Norsk Pedagogisk Tidsskrift, 87, 3-4, 133-145.
