Simon Gilbertson


Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Music Therapy


Research groups


Music and the nervous system, central, peripheral and social

Multi-modal sensory and cognitive processes in communication

Interdisciplinary communication and interaction

Improvisation and meaning

Music therapy and neurorehabilitation


Since joining UiB in 2010 I have taught in the following courses:

MUF101 Music, culture and society

MUTP101 Introduction to music therapy

MUTP104 Musicking

MUTP111 Music and Brain

MUTP203 Music making in music therapy groups

MUTP205 Introduction to music therapy practice

MUTP302 Improvisation in music therapy

MUTP303 Music therapy profession

MUTP305 Music therapy in medical contexts

MUTP312 Music therapy research methods

MUTP350 Master thesis supervision

Guest lecturer:

ELMED230 Brain and Music

VIT210 Mennesket: Natur og kultur

Popular scientific lecture
Academic article
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Academic lecture
Other presentation
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Book review
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Reference material
Academic monograph

See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.

Book: Gilbertson, S. & Aldridge, D. (2008). Music therapy and traumatic brain injury: A light on a dark night. London, Jessica Kingsley Publishers.


In Visible Hands: An arts-based research project investigating the meaning given to embodiment in music therapy practice using sculpture and qualitative analysis of therapist's narratives on the use and meaning of their hands in music therapy.

In Audible Movements: A multidisciplinary collaborative research project investigating interrelations between physical movement and musical structures in multidisciplinary music improvisation. Study uses multiple high definition cameras and Noldus Observer XT data capture and analysis software.

Music therapy implementation in medical contexts: An international collaboration between Grieg Academy Music Therapy Research Centre (GAMUT) and Leeds Institute of Medical Education (LIME)

Interdisciplinary education and training in primary health care (TVEPS and TVEPS Research)