Academic article
Tornaas, Stian; Kleftogiannis, Dimitrios; Fromreide, Siren
et al. (2024). Development of a high dimensional imaging mass cytometry panel to investigate spatial organization of tissue microenvironment in formalin-fixed archival clinical tissues. (external link)
Borge, Hanne; Ringstad, Ingrid Beate; Aqrawi, Lara A.
et al. (2024). Increased expression of CXCL10 and CCL3 salivary gland chemokines in primary Sjögren's syndrome detected and systematically quantified using novel RNAscope® in situ hybridization. (external link)
Moe, Svein Erik Emblem; Erland, Fredrik Atteraas; Fromreide, Siren
et al. (2023). The TP53 Codon 72 Arginine Polymorphism Is Found with Increased TP53 Somatic Mutations in HPV(−) and in an Increased Percentage among HPV(+) Norwegian HNSCC Patients. (external link)
Kråkenes, Torbjørn; Wergeland, Stig; Al-Sharabi, Niyaz Abdulbaqi Abdulmajid
et al. (2023). The neuroprotective potential of mesenchymal stem cells from bone marrow and human exfoliated deciduous teeth in a murine model of demyelination. (external link)
Dongre, Harsh Nitin; Elnour, Rammah; Tornaas, Stian
et al. (2023). TP53 mutation and human papilloma virus status as independent prognostic factors in a Norwegian cohort of vulva squamous cell carcinoma. (external link)
Tornaas, Stian; Kleftogiannis, Dimitrios; Fromreide, Siren
et al. (2022). Development of an antibody panel for imaging mass cytometry to investigate cancer-associated fibroblast heterogeneity and spatial distribution in archival tissues. (external link)
Mohamed, Nuha Mohamed Gaafar; Osman, Tarig Al-Hadi; Elsheikh, Mariam
et al. (2022). Epithelial PD-L1 expression at tumor front predicts overall survival in a cohort of oral squamous cell carcinomas from Sudan. (external link)
Bharaj, Tamandeep Kaur; Aqrawi, Lara A.; Fromreide, Siren
et al. (2021). Inflammatory Stratification in Primary Sjögren’s Syndrome Reveals Novel Immune Cell Alterations in Patients’ Minor Salivary Glands. (external link)
Mohamed, Nuha Mohamed Gaafar; Osman, Tarig Al-Hadi; Ahmed, Israa A.H.
et al. (2021). Characterization of immune cell infiltrate in tumor stroma and epithelial compartments in oral squamous cell carcinomas of Sudanese patients. (external link)
Dongre, Harsh N.; Haave, Hilde; Fromreide, Siren
et al. (2021). Targeted Next-Generation Sequencing of Cancer-Related Genes in a Norwegian Patient Cohort With Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Reveals Novel Actionable Mutations and Correlations With Pathological Parameters. (external link)
Dongre, Harsh; Rana, Neha; Fromreide, Siren
et al. (2020). Establishment of a novel cancer cell line derived from vulvar carcinoma associated with lichen sclerosus exhibiting a fibroblast-dependent tumorigenic potential. (external link)
Aqrawi, Lara Adnan; Jensen, Janicke Cecilie Liaaen; Fromreide, Siren
et al. (2020). Expression of NGAL-specific cells and mRNA levels correlate with inflammation in the salivary gland, and its overexpression in the saliva, of patients with primary Sjögren’s syndrome. (external link)
Academic lecture
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