Steinar Vagstad




  • Population Economics
  • Contract theory
  • Regulation
  • Industrial organization
  • Auctions
Masters thesis
Academic article
Academic lecture
Feature article
Short communication
Programme participation
Popular scientific lecture
Reader opinion piece
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Doctoral dissertation

See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.


  1. Økologisk jordbruk og jordbrukspolitiske målsettingar, Master’s thesis, Department of Economics, University of Bergen, 1987.
  2. Five essays on incentives in procurement contracting, Dissertations in Economics no. 4, Department of Economics, University of Bergen, 1994.


International publications

  1. “Promoting fair competition in public procurement,” Journal of Public Economics, Vol. 58: 283-307, 1995.
  2. “Information rent and technology choice in a regulated firm,” in Picot, A. and E. Schlicht (Eds.): Firms, Markets, and Contracts — Contributions to Neo-Institutional Economics, Corrected 2nd printing, Physica-Verlag, 1997.
  3. "Investors facing opportunistic governments: Is it really good to “know the market” before investing?” [with Michaela Erbenová, CERGE-EI, Prague], Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 101(3): 459-75, 1999.
  4. “Centralized vs. decentralized procurement: Does local information call for decentralized decision-making?” International Journal of Industrial Organization, 18: 949-963, 2000.
  5. "Procurement auctions with entry of bidders" [with Egil Kjerstad, SNF], International Journal of Industrial Organization 18: 1243-1257, 2000.
  6. "On private incentives to aquire household skills," Journal of Population Economics, 14, 301-312, 2001.
  7. “Consumer heterogeneity, incomplete information and pricing in a duopoly with switching costs” [with Tommy Staahl Gabrielsen, University of  Bergen]. Information Economics and Policy 5(3): 384-401, 2003.
  8. “On how size and composition of customer bases affect equilibrium in a duopoly with switching costs [with Tommy Gabrielsen].” Review of Economic Design, 9: 59-71, 2004.
  9. “Education and completed fertility in Norway” [with Øivind Anti Nilsen and Ghazala Naz]. In Gustafsson, Siv; Kalwij, Adriaan (Eds.) Education and Postponement of Maternity, European Studies of Population, Vol.15. Springer Verlag, 2006.
  10.  “Should auctioneers supply early information for prospective bidders?” International Journal of Industrial Organization, 25: 597-614, 2007.
  11. “Why is on-net traffic cheaper than off-net traffic? Access markup as a collusive device?” [with Tommy Gabrielsen]. European Economic Review, 52: 99–115, 2008.
  12. “M2M Call Termination – Regulation or Competition?” [with Tommy Gabrielsen]. Applied Economics Quarterly, 54: 203-215, 2008.
  13. Access pricing in agricultural markets with regulated downstream competition and upstream externalities” [with Kristin Linnerud], European Review of Agricultural Economics, 37 (1): 77-96.

Work in progress



Born 1963. Dr. polit. 1994 (University of Bergen). Professor of Economics since 2001. Full CV.