- Population Economics
- Contract theory
- Regulation
- Industrial organization
- Auctions
Masters thesis
- Magnesen, Even Jordal; Meland, Frode; Vagstad, Steinar (2020). Effekter av krysseierskap på konkurransen i det norske kraftmarkedet. (external link)
- Sundal, Louise-Mari Høie; Meland, Frode; Vagstad, Steinar (2020). Konfidensielle kontrakter ved offentlige innkjøp av legemidler. (external link)
- Gangstøe, Susanne Helen; Meland, Frode; Vagstad, Steinar (2019). Hemmelige kontrakter i dagligvaremarkedet.. (external link)
- Havsgård, Kristianne Nordeide; Meland, Frode; Vagstad, Steinar (2019). Lojalitetsprogram og deres innvirkning på konkurransen i drivstoffmarkedet.. (external link)
- Nguyen, Ngoc Ly; Vagstad, Steinar (2018). Crossing Bjørnafjorden - A practical Cost-Benefit Analysis. (external link)
- Kjos, Øyvind Kragh; Vagstad, Steinar (2018). Kontanter, svart økonomi og negative renter - En utredning av mulige konsekvenser ved å fase ut kontanter. (external link)
Academic article
- Lommerud, Kjell Erik; Straume, Odd Rune; Vagstad, Steinar (2018). Employment Protection and Unemployment Benefits: On Technology Adoption and Job Creation in a Matching Model. (external link)
- Lommerud, Kjell Erik; Straume, Odd Rune; Vagstad, Steinar (2015). Mommy tracks and public policy: On self-fulfilling prophecies and gender gaps in hiring and promotion. (external link)
- Brunstad, Rolf Jens; Vagstad, Steinar (2010). Veiprising mot køer og forurensning :. (external link)
- Linnerud, Kristin; Vagstad, Steinar (2010). Access pricing with regulated downstream competition and upstream externalities. (external link)
- Vagstad, Steinar; Gabrielsen, Tommy Staahl (2008). M2M Call Termination - Regulation or Competition?. (external link)
- Gabrielsen, Tommy Staahl; Vagstad, Steinar (2008). Why is on-net traffic cheaper than off-net traffic? Access markup as a collusive device. (external link)
- Vagstad, Steinar (2007). Should auctioneers supply early information for prospective bidders?. (external link)
- Gabrielsen, Tommy Staahl; Vagstad, Steinar (2004). On how size and composition of customer bases affect equilibrium in a duopoly with switching costs. (external link)
- Gabrielsen, Tommy Staahl; Vagstad, Steinar (2003). Consumer heterogeneity, incomplete information and pricing in a duopoly with switching costs. (external link)
- Vagstad, Steinar (2001). On private incentives to acquire household production skills. (external link)
- Vagstad, Steinar (2000). Centralized vs. decentralized procurement: Does dispersed information call for decentralized decision-making?. (external link)
- Kjerstad, Egil; Vagstad, Steinar (2000). Procurement auctions with entry of bidders. (external link)
- Vagstad, Steinar (2000). Centralized vs. decentralized procurement: Does dispersed information call for decentralized decision-making?. (external link)
- Kjerstad, Egil; Vagstad, Steinar (2000). Procurement auctions with entry of bidders. (external link)
- Erbenová, Michaela; Vagstad, Steinar (1999). Investors facing opportunistic governments: Is it really good to "know the market" before investing?". (external link)
Academic lecture
- Cyndecka, Malgorzata Agnieszka; Helle, Herdis; Vagstad, Steinar (2016). BECCLE-Seminar: Kryssubsidiering, effektiv ressursbruk og ESAs kontroll av det offentlige. (external link)
- Vagstad, Steinar (2010). The male-female wage gap revisited. (external link)
- Vagstad, Steinar (2004). Should auctioneers supply early information for prospective bidders?. (external link)
- Vagstad, Steinar (2002). On how size and composition of customer bases affect equilibrium in a duopoly with switching costs. (external link)
- Vagstad, Steinar (2002). Dilemmaer i reguleringspolitikken. (external link)
- Vagstad, Steinar (2002). Double burdens and leisure gaps as effects of shorter working hours?. (external link)
- Vagstad, Steinar (2001). Should auctioneers supply early information to prospective bidders?. (external link)
- Vagstad, Steinar (2000). Consumer heterogeneity and pricing in a duopoly with switching costs. (external link)
- Vagstad, Steinar (2000). Prisdiskriminering med usikre kunder. (external link)
- Vagstad, Steinar (2000). Prisdiskriminering med usikre kunder. (external link)
- Vagstad, Steinar (2000). Prisdiskriminering med usikre kunder. (external link)
- Vagstad, Steinar (2000). Prisdiskriminering med usikre kunder. (external link)
- Vagstad, Steinar (2000). Consumer heterogeneity and pricing in a duopoly with switching costs. (external link)
- Vagstad, Steinar (1998). Acquisition of household production skills: private incentives vs. efficiency. (external link)
- Gabrielsen, Tommy Staahl; Sørgard, Lars; Vagstad, Steinar et al. (2013). Kjøpermakt i dagligvaresektoren. (external link)
- Gabrielsen, Tommy Staahl; Vagstad, Steinar (2005). Ny markedsordning for melk - en vurdering av prinsipper og metoder for beregning av pris for melkeråvare. (external link)
- Gabrielsen, Tommy Staahl; Vagstad, Steinar (2002). Markets with consumer switching costs and non-linear pricing. (external link)
- Gabrielsen, Tommy Staahl; Vagstad, Steinar (2002). Why is on-net traffic cheaper than off-net traffic?. (external link)
- Naz, Ghazala; Nilsen, Øivind Anti; Vagstad, Steinar (2002). Educational and completed fertility in Norway. (external link)
- Vagstad, Steinar (2001). Should auctioneers supply early information for prospective bidders?. (external link)
- Gabrielsen, Tommy Staahl; Vagstad, Steinar (2001). Second-period pricing in a duopoly with switching costs: the effect of size and composition of customer bases. (external link)
- Gabrielsen, Tommy Staahl; Vagstad, Steinar (2001). Consumer heterogeneity and pricing in a duopoly with switching costs. (external link)
- Vagstad, Steinar (2001). Should auctioneers supply early information for prospective bidders?. (external link)
- Vagstad, Steinar (2001). Price discrimination with uncertain consumers. (external link)
- Gabrielsen, Tommy Staahl; Vagstad, Steinar (2001). On how size and composition of customer bases affect equilibrium in a duopoly with switching costs. (external link)
- Lommerud, Kjell Erik; Vagstad, Steinar (2000). Mommy tracks and public policy: On self-fulfilling prophecies and gender gaps in promotion. (external link)
- Lommerud, Kjell Erik; Vagstad, Steinar (2000). Mommy Tracks and public policy: On self-fulfilling prophecies and gender gaps in promotion. (external link)
- Lommerud, Kjell Erik; Vagstad, Steinar (2000). Mommy tracks and public policy: On self-fulfilling prophecies and gender gaps in promotion. (external link)
- Lommerud, Kjell Erik; Vagstad, Steinar (2000). Mommy tracks and public policy: On self-fulfilling prophecies and gender gaps in promotion. (external link)
- Hagen, Kåre P.; Fjell, Kenneth; Foros, Øystein et al. (1999). Problemstillinger for videre forskning på prising av teletjenester. (external link)
- Vagstad, Steinar (1999). On Private Incentives to Acquire Household Production Skills. (external link)
- Bjørnenak, Trond; Gabrielsen, Tommy S.; Vagstad, Steinar (1998). Verdiskapende samtrafikkavtaler: Prising av samtrafikk. (external link)
- Gabrielsen, Tommy Staahl; Vagstad, Steinar (1998). Konkurranse i telesektoren: Hvordan rasjonalisere observert atferd?. (external link)
- Gabrielsen, Tommy Staahl; Vagstad, Steinar (1998). Interconnecting Norwegian Mobile Phone Networks: Competition or cooperation?. (external link)
- Erbenová, Michaela; Vagstad, Steinar (1998). Investors facing opportunistic governments: Is it really good to "know the market" before investing?. (external link)
- Vagstad, Steinar (1997). Centralized vs. decentralized procurement: Does dispersed information call for decentraliced decision-making. (external link)
- Kjerstad, Kjell; Vagstad, Steinar (1994). Procurement auctions with entry of bidders. (external link)
- Sørgard, Lars; Vagstad, Steinar (1992). A monopolist facing a puppy dog entrant: Optimal choice of technology. (external link)
- Vagstad, Steinar (1992). Promoting 'fair' competition in public procurement. (external link)
Feature article
- Vagstad, Steinar; Lommerud, Kjell Erik (2012). Er offentlig ansatte produktive? Gode vitnemål er ikke tilstrekkelig. (external link)
- Vagstad, Steinar; Lommerud, Kjell Erik (2012). Luftmilliarder. (external link)
- Vagstad, Steinar; Lommerud, Kjell Erik (2012). Frontfagsmodell for fall. (external link)
- Vagstad, Steinar (2010). Unødvendig dyre krisetiltak. (external link)
- Brunstad, Rolf Jens; Bruvoll, Annegrete; Vagstad, Steinar (2009). Miljøvenleg avgift på biodiesel. (external link)
- Vagstad, Steinar; Brunstad, Rolf Jens; Bruvoll, Annegrete (2009). Miljøvenleg avgift. (external link)
- Sandvik, Bjørn; Vagstad, Steinar (2003). Straumkundane betaler i flokk (opprinnelig Marginbasert prising av straum og banklån). (external link)
Short communication
Programme participation
Popular scientific lecture
- Vagstad, Steinar (2008). Tilgangsprising i telesektoren. (external link)
- Vagstad, Steinar (1998). On private incentives to acquire household production skills. (external link)
- Vagstad, Steinar (1998). Kontantstøtteordninga - Velfundert reform eller dristig eksperiment?. (external link)
- Vagstad, Steinar (1998). Kontantstøtte og familieøkonomisk teori: Har feministane rett?. (external link)
- Vagstad, Steinar (1998). Konkurranseformer i telesektoren: Hvordan rasjonalisere observert atferd?. (external link)
Reader opinion piece
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Nilsen, Øivind Anti; Naz, Ghazala; Vagstad, Steinar (2006). Education and completed fertility in Norway. (external link)
- Vagstad, Steinar; Naz, Ghazala; Nilsen, Øivind Anti (2006). Education and completed fertility in Norway. (external link)
- Gabrielsen, Tommy Staahl; Vagstad, Steinar (2001). Prising av teletjenester. (external link)
- Vagstad, Steinar (1998). Auksjonsteori og offentleg politikk. (external link)
- Vagstad, Steinar (1997). Information rent and technology choice in a regulated firm. (Contributions to economics). (external link)
Doctoral dissertation
See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.
- Økologisk jordbruk og jordbrukspolitiske målsettingar, Master’s thesis, Department of Economics, University of Bergen, 1987.
- Five essays on incentives in procurement contracting, Dissertations in Economics no. 4, Department of Economics, University of Bergen, 1994.
International publications
- “Promoting fair competition in public procurement,” Journal of Public Economics, Vol. 58: 283-307, 1995.
- “Information rent and technology choice in a regulated firm,” in Picot, A. and E. Schlicht (Eds.): Firms, Markets, and Contracts — Contributions to Neo-Institutional Economics, Corrected 2nd printing, Physica-Verlag, 1997.
- "Investors facing opportunistic governments: Is it really good to “know the market” before investing?” [with Michaela Erbenová, CERGE-EI, Prague], Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 101(3): 459-75, 1999.
- “Centralized vs. decentralized procurement: Does local information call for decentralized decision-making?” International Journal of Industrial Organization, 18: 949-963, 2000.
- "Procurement auctions with entry of bidders" [with Egil Kjerstad, SNF], International Journal of Industrial Organization 18: 1243-1257, 2000.
- "On private incentives to aquire household skills," Journal of Population Economics, 14, 301-312, 2001.
- “Consumer heterogeneity, incomplete information and pricing in a duopoly with switching costs” [with Tommy Staahl Gabrielsen, University of Bergen]. Information Economics and Policy 5(3): 384-401, 2003.
- “On how size and composition of customer bases affect equilibrium in a duopoly with switching costs [with Tommy Gabrielsen].” Review of Economic Design, 9: 59-71, 2004.
- “Education and completed fertility in Norway” [with Øivind Anti Nilsen and Ghazala Naz]. In Gustafsson, Siv; Kalwij, Adriaan (Eds.) Education and Postponement of Maternity, European Studies of Population, Vol.15. Springer Verlag, 2006.
- “Should auctioneers supply early information for prospective bidders?” International Journal of Industrial Organization, 25: 597-614, 2007.
- “Why is on-net traffic cheaper than off-net traffic? Access markup as a collusive device?” [with Tommy Gabrielsen]. European Economic Review, 52: 99–115, 2008.
- “M2M Call Termination – Regulation or Competition?” [with Tommy Gabrielsen]. Applied Economics Quarterly, 54: 203-215, 2008.
- “Access pricing in agricultural markets with regulated downstream competition and upstream externalities” [with Kristin Linnerud], European Review of Agricultural Economics, 37 (1): 77-96.
Work in progress
- Price discrimination with uncertain consumers. Mimeo, Department of Economics, University of Bergen.
- Mommy tracks and public policy: On self-fulfilling prophecies and gender gaps in promotion. WP 0600, Department of Economics, University of Bergen (with Kjell Erik Lommerud). Second resubmission invited by the Journal of Labor Economics.
- Playing monopoly with the government: Time inconsistency of industrial policy revisited. Mimeo, Department of Economics, University of Bergen.
Born 1963. Dr. polit. 1994 (University of Bergen). Professor of Economics since 2001. Full CV.