Ulla Kallenbach
Professor, Theatre Studies
Ulla Kallenbach Professor in Theatre Studies at the Department of Linguistic, Literary and Aesthetic Studies, heading the Theatre History and Dramaturgy Research Group.
She is also steering committee member of the Centre for Historical Performance Practice (CHiPP), Aarhus University, Denmark, and President of the Association of Nordic Theatre Scholars.
Kallenbach currently heads the international collective research project Artistic Exchanges - The Royal Danish Theatre and Europe (see more under Current Projects).
Ulla Kallenbach holds a MA in Text and Performance (2005, King’s College London/Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts) and an MA in Theatre Studies for which she received the University of Copenhagen’s Gold Medal for the dissertation ‘Space and Visuality in the Drama Text’ (2007). In 2014, she completed her Ph.D. thesis entitled ‘The Theatre of Imagining: Imagination in the Mind – Imagination on the Stage’, published by Palgrave Macmillan in 2018 as the first comprehensive study of the cultural history of imagination in the context of theatre and drama.
Prior to joining the University of Bergen, Kallenbach was a Carlsberg Foundation research fellow in Comparative Literature at the Department for the Study of Culture, University of Southern Denmark with the project Imagining Imagination in Philosophy and Drama 1960-.
I teach and supervise students from BA to PhD level in a broad range of topics, mainly related to dramaturgy, theatre history and historiography.
Academic lecture
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2024). Dual gazes: Experiencing the Comédie-Française through Danish Eyes 1788-1838. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla; Lawaetz, Anna (2024). Holberg og digital dramaanalyse. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2024). Analogue/Digital theatre histories. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla; Lawaetz, Anna (2024). Svend Borberg. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla; Anna, Lawaetz (2024). ‘Svend Borbergs skuespil Baaden (1943): Litterær kollaboration eller refleksion af den danske krigserfaring? Konstruktionen af et eftermæle’. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla; Anna, Lawaetz; Kuhlmann, Annelis (2024). ’Digital dramaturgisk analyse af Holbergs komedier’. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2023). Women's theatre archives between materialism and idealism: Johanne Luise Heiberg, star actress and the first female stage director at the Royal Danish Theatre in the Nineteenth Century. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla; Lawaetz, Anna (2023). Levels of presence in the drama text: Between close and distant reading. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2023). Edward Gordon Craig’s pioneering Pretenders in Copenhagen. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2023). Artistic Exchanges: The Royal Danish Theatre and Europe. Transnational, transinstitutional and transdisciplinary perspectives. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2023). Artistic Exchanges: Between National and Transnational Dramaturgies. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2023). Panel discussion among researchers in theatre archives. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2023). Traces of Italy in the Royal Danish Theatre (‘s Archive). (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2023). Performing Nations as “imaginaries”: Mythologizing Italy on the Danish National Stage. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla; Crouch, Tim (2023). 'See with your ears': a conversation on dramaturgy and imagination. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2023). Negotiating Acting Conventions in 19th Century Denmark: Johanne Luise Heiberg. Between Idealism and Realism. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2023). Transnational traces in the material and digital archive. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla; Kuhlmann, Annelis; Lawaetz, Anna (2023). New approaches to analysing drama with digital tools. Demonstration and discussion. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2023). Databases, Mappings, Image Analyses: Digital humanities and the Royal Danish Theatre. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2023). What Underlies the Danish-British Connection? UK-DK cultural exchange in the modern world – a return ticket. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2023). At læse Strindberg med AntConc. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2023). Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House – between idealism and realism. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2023). August Strindberg’s Miss Julie – between naturalism and symbolism. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla; Kuhlmann, Annelis; Lawaetz, Anna (2022). How to perceive perception (and make the invisible visible) in digital drama analysis and what to do when you can’t?. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2022). Digital challenges and possibilities in theatre research. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2022). Transgressing Borders: Practices of Mobility and Cultural Exchange at The Royal Danish Theatre. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2022). Dramaturgy and Imagination. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2022). Forskerens bruk av digitale arkiv: digitale udfordringer i teaterforskningen. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2022). Travelling through Europe 1788 – A digital mapping of mobility. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2022). Illusion, ideality and the “theatrical mind” of Johanne Luise Heiberg – between the real and the imaginary in the 19th century. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2022). Holbergs komedier i digital dramaanalyse. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2022). Hvad er dansk teater?. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2022). Presentation of the ArtEx Database. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla; Lawaetz, Anna; Kuhlmann, Annelis (2022). Farvestabilitet på tværs i dataanalyser. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2022). Holberg og digital humaniora. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2021). Artistic Exchanges: On the Nordicness and Europeaness of the First Nordic National Theatre. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2021). Artistic exchanges at the Royal Danish Theatre. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2020). Ethical dramaturgies, dramaturgies of spectatorship. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2020). Psykologisk realisme på scenen. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2019). Fantasiens historie og dens betydning for forståelsen af kreativitet, kunstneriske skabelsesprocesser og tilskuerpositioner. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2019). The Hybridity of Imagination and Spectatorship. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2018). Fantasiens historie og teatret. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2018). Imagination and Dramaturgy. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2018). Book presentation, ‘The Theatre of Imagining’. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2017). Tracing the Concept of Imagination. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2017). The Ethics of Spectating and Imagining. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla; Kuhlmann, Annelis (2017). Re-thinking Dramaturgy and Drama Analysis. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2017). Hvad er fantasi – og kreativitet?. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2017). Fantasiens kulturhistorie. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2017). Imagination and spectatorship. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2016). Historical mimesis in-between the real and the imaginary. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2016). The staging of space in Hamlet: between the real and the imaginary. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2016). Conflux and Imagination: Perspectives from Philosophy and Drama. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2015). Beautiful dream' or 'loathsome delusion': Imagination and ideality. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2014). Alien worlds within: (re-)imagining reality/history. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2014). Layers of Imagination: Imagination in the mind and on the stage. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2014). Conceptualising Imagination in the Early Modern Period. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2013). Performance in the Text. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2013). The Transformation of Imagination. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2011). Imagination and Spectatorship. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2010). Fiction on the Brink of Reality/Reality on the Brink of Fiction. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2010). Imagining Absence. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2010). Værk/Fantasi/Virkelighed. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2009). Macbeth: The Catastrophe of Regicide and the Crisis of Imagination’, The Cultural Life of Catastrophes and Crises. (external link)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Kallenbach, Ulla; Arntzen, Knut Ove (2024). Theatre Censorship in Denmark and Norway. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2021). Demaskeringen af idealismen – om historicitet og dramaturgi i Et Dukkehjem. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2016). Imagination at play. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2016). Fantasiens teaterhistorie. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla; Lawaetz, Anna (2016). Introduction. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2014). Imagining Absence: Performance in the Text. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2012). Macbeth - The Catastrophe of Regicide and the Crisis of Imagination. (external link)
Popular scientific lecture
Academic article
- Lawaetz, Anna; Kallenbach, Ulla (2023). Svend Borberg: Mellemkrigstidens fortrængte dramatiker. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla; Lawaetz, Anna (2023). Levels of presence in the drama text: Between close and distant reading. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla; Lawaetz, Anna (2023). Eksklusionen: Danske Dramatikeres Forbunds opgør med Svend Borberg efter besættelsen. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2022). Harold Pinter's Old Times and the play of indistinction. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla; Anna, Lawaetz (2022). Svend Borberg: Punktummet, der ikke blev sat. Uopdagede værker fra en dramatiker med europæisk udsyn. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2020). The ethics of imagining and the dramaturgy of spectatorship. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla; Kuhlmann, Annelis (2019). Towards a Spectatorial Approach to Drama Analysis. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2018). Feigning History: the early modern imagination and the theatre. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2018). “Beautiful Dream” or “Loathsome Delusion”: Imagination and Ideality in Nineteenth-Century Denmark. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2014). The Disenchantment of the Wonderful - A Doll’s House and the Idealist Imagination. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2010). Værk/fantasi/virkelighed: Salò og det interaktive teater. (external link)
Academic monograph
Programme participation
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Kallenbach, Ulla; Kluge, Sofie (2021). Det historiske blik. (external link)
- Holm, Bent; Kallenbach, Ulla (2016). Djævelens billede - maskens magt - fra karneval til Dario Fo. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla; Lawaetz, Anna (2016). stage / page / play – Interdisciplinary Approaches to Theatre and Theatricality. (external link)
Encyclopedia article
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2020). Læsedrama. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2020). Freytags pyramide. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2020). Monolog (drama). (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2020). Absurd drama. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2020). Dramaturgi. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2020). Simultanscene. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2020). Versdrama. (external link)
Popular scientific article
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2017). Forestillinger om fantasi. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2017). Tilfældighedernes spil. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2017). Hvem er Hamlet. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2016). Kongen og Narren i King Lear. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2016). Dømt til undergang: om den tragiske karakter. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2015). Historien om historien på teatret. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2014). Meningsløs vold?. (external link)
- Kallenbach, Ulla (2014). Fantasi i frit spil. (external link)
Book review
Doctoral dissertation
Introduction, musical or theatrical programme
PI of the international collective research project Artistic Exchanges - The Royal Danish Theatre and Europe. The project explores how the theatre was a “window to the world,” an essential agent for offering the public experiences of foreign cultures and for negotiating cultural identities at a time when international travelling was still rare. Using state of the art digital tools, we are currently developing databases and mappings that will allow us to analyse how artists travelled and how travelling influenced the repertoire and performance practices.
In 2020-21, I have also been participating in the pilot project Danish theater archives in the digital era in research and teaching under DeiC (Danish e-Infrastructure Cooperation) and Royal Danish Library’s Cultural Heritage Cluster exploring Ludvig Holberg’s comedies.