Una Ørvim Sølvik


Associate Professor



Leader of the research group Work, Health and gender and affiliated with the research group SMIL 

My main research interests:

  • Women's health
  • Menopause
  • Laboratory medisin
  • Diabetes
  • Coagulation - INR
  • Self control of anticoagulant treatment
  • Analytical quality control

From 2023, Sølviks research is specifically focused on women, menopause, and work:

Every year, 27,500 Norwegian women enter menopause, and of these, approximately 30% will experience significant health issues that reduce their quality of life and work capacity. These health issues can range from depression, musculoskeletal pain, sleep problems, headaches, general fatigue, reduced lung capacity, to extreme hot flashes. These symptoms are often classified as nonspecific and contribute significantly to women's sick leave and disability pension.

There is limited research on women's menopause and limited knowledge among women themselves and in healthcare services. Lack of knowledge may result in women's symptoms not being associated with menopause and thus being diagnosed, treated, and medicated as nonspecific women's issues that women must live with.

The Women's Health Committee's report (NOU 2023: 5) highlights the need for more research to determine the role menopausal symptoms play in women's drop-out from the workforce at this age. Furthermore, there is a need for more research on the impact of menopause on women's physical and mental health, and how menopause is experienced by women in different socioeconomic positions. There is also a need for increased knowledge about the relationship between menopause and women's sick leave and exit from the workforce.


Associated with Section for Health Sciences and Teaching group leader for Master's in Health and Society

Associated with master in Health and Society and Masters in Health Science. 

Member of the group for teaching group leaders, Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care

Associated with Program committee for Master's in health sciences, IGS, UiB

Course coordinator Quantitative research methods, 5 ECTS (HELSAM303) and Quantitative research methods and traditions, 10 ECTS (HELSAM305)

Coordinator for Masters in Health Science, radiographer and biomedical laboratory scientists

Feature article
Academic lecture
Academic article
Doctoral dissertation
Letter to the editor
Masters thesis
Reader opinion piece

See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.

Sølvik UØ, Cooper JG, Løvaas KF, Ernes T, Madsen TV, Sandberg S, Ueland GÅ. A register-based study describing time trends 2012-2020 in risk factor control for people with type 1 diabetes in Norway and the effect of starting continuous glucose monitoring on HbA1c. Diabetes Medicine In Press

Risøy AJ, Kjome R, Sandberg S, Sølvik UØ. Diabetes risk assessments and HbA1c-measurements in community pharmacies. Int J Pharm Pract 2023; https://doi.org/10.1093/ijpp/riad055

Gidske G, Sandberg S, Fauskanger P, Pelanti J, Tollånes MC, Solsvik AE, Sølvik UØ, Vie WS, and Stavelin A. Aggregated data from the same laboratories participating in two glucose external quality assessment schemes show that commutability and transfers of values to control materials are decisive for the biases found. Clin Chem Lab Med 2023 https://doi.org/10.1515/cclm-2023-0532

Madsen TV, Cooper JG, Carlsen S, Løvaas K, Rekdal M, Igland J, Sandberg S, Ueland GÅ, Iversen MM, Sølvik UØ. Intensified follow-up of patients with type 1 diabetes and poor glycaemic control.A multi-centre quality improvement collaborative based on data from the Norwegian Diabetes Register for Adults. BMJ Open Quality 2023;12:e002099.

Hare L, Hetlevik A, Yogarajan R, Kjome RLS, Sølvik UØ. Type 2-diabetes i fastlegepraksis – en fokusgruppestudie. Tidsskr Nor Legeforen 2021. doi: 10.4045/tidsskr.20.0623.

Risøy AJ, Kjome, RLS, Svensberg K, Råheim M, Sølvik UØ. Pharmacists’ experience of a diabetes risk-assessment service and analytical quality control in community pharmacies: a focus-group study. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy 2020. Pharmacists’ experience of a diabetes risk-assessment service and analytical quality control in community pharmacies – A focus-group study - ScienceDirect

Sølvik UØ, Boija EE, Ekvall S, Jabbour A, Breivik AC Nordin G, Sandberg S. Performance and user-friendliness of the rapid antigen detection tests QuickVue Dipstick Strep A test and DIAQUICK Strep A Blue Dipstick for pharyngotonsillitis caused by Streptococcus pyogenes in primary health care. European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 2020 s. 1-10 

Kjome RL, Pettersen MS, Råheim M, Sølvik UØ. Being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes – shock, shame and information chaos. A focus group study among persons with type 2 diabetes in Norway.

Sølvik UØ, Løkkebø E, Kristoffersen AH, Brodin E, Averina M, Sandberg S. Quality of warfarin therapy and quality of life are improved by self-management for two years. Thrombosis and Haemostasis 2019;65:791-797.  https://www.thieme-connect.com/products/ejournals/html/10.1055/s-0039-1693703.

Bukve T, Sandberg S, Wenche SV, Sølvik U, Christensen NG, Stavelin A. Commutability of a whole-blood external quality assurance material for point-of-care C-reactive protein, glucose, and hemoglobin testing. Clin Chem 2019;65:6 http://clinchem.aaccjnls.org/content/clinchem/early/2019/03/06/clinchem.2018.300202.full.pdf

Aarsand AK, Diaz-Garzon J, Fernandez-Calle P, Guerra E, Locatelli M, Bartlett WA, Sandberg S, Røraas T, Ceriotti F,Sølvik UO, Sylte MS, Coskun A, Serteser M, Unsal I, Tosato F, Plebani M, Jonker N, Barla G and Carobene A. The EuBIVAS: Within- and between-subject biological variation data for electrolytes, lipids, urea, uric acid, total protein, total bilirubin, direct bilirubin and glucose. Clin Chem 2018;64:9.

Gidske G, Sølvik UØ, Kristensen GB, Sandberg S. Hemolysis interference studies: Freeze Method should be used in the preparation of hemolyzed samples. Clin Chem Lab Med. 2018; 56:e220–e222.

Sølvik UØ, Risøy AJ, Kjome R, Sandberg S. Quality control of Norwegian Pharmacy HbA1c testing: A modest beginning. J Diab Sci Technol. 2018;12:753–761. http://journals.sagepub.com/eprint/43MUKZ66cs8kvrKKFs2E/full

Risøy AJ, Kjome RLS, Sandberg S, Sølvik UØ.Risk assessment and HbA1c measurement in Norwegian community pharmacies to identify people with undiagnosed type 2 diabetes - a feasibility study. PLOS ONE. 2018;13: e0191316. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0191316.

Carobene A, Marino I, Coskun A, Serteser M, Unsal I, Guerra E, Bartlett WA, Sandberg S, Aarsand AK, Sylte MS, Røraas T,  Sølvik UO, Fernandez-Calle P, Diaz-Garzon J, Tosato F, Plebani M, Jonker N, Barla G and Ceriotti F on behalf of the European Biological Variation Study of the EFLM Working Group on Biological Variation. The EuBIVAS Project: Within–and Between-Subject Biological Variation Data for Serum Creatinine Using Enzymatic and Alkaline Picrate Methods and Implications for Monitoring. Clin Chem. 2017;63. http://clinchem.aaccjnls.org/content/early/2017/07/12/clinchem.2017.275115 

Sølvik UØ, Bjelkarøy WI, van den Berg K, Saga AL, Helle B. Hager HB and Sandberg S. Intensive educational efforts combined with external quality assessment improve the pre-analytical phase in general practitioner offices and nursing homes. Clin Chem Lab Med. 2017;55:1857-1864. DOI 10.1515/cclm-2016-115

Carobene A, Røraas T, Sølvik UO, Sylte MS, Sandberg S, Guerra E, Marino I, Jonker N, Barla G, Bartlett WA, Fernandez-Calle P, Garzon JG, Tosato F, Plebani M, Coskun A, Serteser M, Unsal I, and Ceriotti F. Biological variation estimates obtained from 91 healthy subjects for nine enzymes in serum. On behalf of the European Biological Variation Study (EuBIVAS) of the EFLM working-group on biological variation. Clin Chem 2017;63:1141-1150.

Løkkebø EL, Kristoffersen AH, Stavelin A, Sølvik UØ. Effect of dabigatran treatment at therapeutic levels on Point-of-Care International Normalized Ratio. Clin Chem Lab Med 2016. DOI 10.1515/cclm-2016-0872.

Carobene A, Strollo M, Jonker N, Barla G, Bartlett WA, Sandberg S, Sylte MS, Røraas T, Sølvik UØ, Fernandez-Calle P, Díaz-Garzón J, Tosato F, Plebani M, Coşkun A, Serteser M, Unsal I, Ceriotti F. Sample collections from healthy volunteers for biological variation estimates´ update: a new project undertaken by the Working Group on Biological Variation established by the European Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine. Clin Chem Lab Med 2016. DOI 10.1515/cclm-2016-0035.

Andreassen LM, Kjome RL, Sølvik UØ, HoughtonJ, Desborough JA. The potential for deprescribing in care home residents with Type 2 diabetes. Int J Clin Pharm 2016;38:977-84.

Sølvik UØ, Risa M, JacobsenC, MonsenG, Sandberg S. Performance of ten systems for self-monitoring of blood glucose by trained healthcare professionals and in the hands of the users. Clin Chem 2015;61:772-4. 

Sølvik UØ, Løkkebø ES, Kristoffersen AH, Stavelin A, Binder S, Sandberg S. Self-management of warfarin therapy. Tidsskr Nor Legeforening 2015;135:849-53.

Andreassen LM, Kjome RL, Kristensen G, Sølvik UØ, Sandberg S. Nursing home patients with diabetes: Prevalence, drug treatment and glycemic control. Diabetes Res Clin Pr 2014;105:102-9.
Sølvik UØ, Røraas TH, Petersen PH, Stavelin AV, Monsen G, Sandberg S. The influence of coagulation factors on the in-treatment biological variation of international normalized ratio for patients on warfarin. Scand J Clin Lab Invest 2014;74:470-6.
Sølvik UØ, Røraas T, Christensen NG, Sandberg S. Diagnosing Diabetes Mellitus: Performance of Hemoglobin A1c Point-of-Care Instruments in General Practice Offices. Clin Chem 2013;59:1790-801.
Stavelin A, Petersen PH, Sølvik UØ, Sandberg S. External Quality Assessment of Point-of-Care Methods: Model For Combined Assessment of Method Bias and Single-Participant Performance by the Use of Native Patient Samples and Noncommutable Control Materials. Clin Chem 2013;59:363-71.
Sølvik UØ, Røraas TH, Petersen PH, Stavelin AV, Monsen G, Sandberg S. Effect of coagulation factors on discrepancies in International Normalized Ratio results between instruments. Clin Chem Lab Med 2012;50:1611-20.
Sølvik UØ, Petersen PH, Monsen G, Stavelin AV, Sandberg S. Discrepancies in international normalized ratio results between instruments: a model to split the variation into subcomponents. Clin Chem 2010;56:1618-26.
Stavelin A, Petersen PH, Sølvik U, Sandberg S. Internal quality control of prothrombin time in primary care: comparing the use of patient split samples with lyophilised control materials. Thromb Haemost 2009;102:593-600.
Sølvik UØ, Stavelin A, Christensen NG, Sandberg S. External quality assessment of prothrombin time: the split-sample model compared with external quality assessment with commercial control material. Scand J Clin Lab Invest 2006;66:337-49.
Orning L, Fischer PM, Hu CK, Agner E, Engebretsen M, Husbyn M, Petersen LB, Ørvim U, Llinas M, Sakariassen KS. A cyclic pentapeptide derived from the second EGF-like domain of Factor VII is an inhibitor of tissue factor dependent coagulation and thrombus formation. Thromb Haemost 2002;87:13-21.
Sølvik UØ, Haraldsen G, Fiane AE, Boretti E, Lambris JD, Fung M, Thorsby E, Mollnes TE. Human serum-induced expression of E-selectin on porcine aortic endothelial cells in vitro is totally complement mediated. Transplantation 2001;72:1967-73.
Saethre M, Sølvik UØ, Haraldsen G, Fiane AE, Boretti E, Thorsby E, Platt JL, Mollnes TE. Human serum-induced porcine endothelial cell E-selectin expression is associated with IgG3 and IgM anti-Gal antibodies. Xenotransplantation 2002;9:350-8.
Sølvik UØ, Haraldsen G, Fiane AE, Boretti E, Lambris JD, Fung M, Thorsby E, Mollnes TE. Human serum-induced expression of E-selectin on porcine aortic endothelial cells in vitro is totally complement mediated. Transplantation 2001;72:1967-73.
Sølvik UO, Haraldsen G, Fiane AE, Boretti E, Thorsby E, Mollnes TE. C1-inhibitor attenuates human serum induced E-selectin expression of pig aortic endothelial cells. Transplant Proc 2001;33:789-90.
Hagberg IA, Sølvik UØ, Opdahl H, Roald HE, Lyberg T. Inhalation of nitric oxide inhibits ADP-induced platelet aggregation and alpha-granule release. Platelets 1999;10:382-90.
Sakariassen KS, Holme PA, Ørvim U, Barstad RM, Solum NO, Brosstad FR. Shear-induced platelet activation and platelet microparticle formation in native human blood. Thromb Res 1998;92(6 Suppl 2):S33-41.
Ørvim U, Barstad RM, Orning L, Petersen LB, Ezban M, Hedner U, Sakariassen KS.
Antithrombotic efficacy of inactivated active site recombinant factor VIIa is shear dependent in human blood. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 1997;17:3049-56.
Holme PA, Ørvim U, Hamers MJ, Solum NO, Brosstad FR, Barstad RM, Sakariassen KS. Shear-induced platelet activation and platelet microparticle formation at blood flow conditions as in arteries with a severe stenosis. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 1997;17:646-53.
Barstad RM, Buchmann MS, Hamers MJ, Orning L, Ørvim U, Stormorken H, Sakariassen KS. Effects of ionic and nonionic contrast media on endothelium and on arterial thrombus formation. Acta Radiol 1996;37:954-61.
Ørvim U, Barstad RM, Stormorken H, Brosstad F, Sakariassen KS. Immunologic quantification of fibrin deposition in thrombi formed in flowing native human blood. Br J Haematol 1996;95:389-98.
Barstad RM, Ørvim U, Hamers MJ, Tjønnfjord GE, Brosstad FR, Sakariassen KS.
Reduced effect of aspirin on thrombus formation at high shear and disturbed laminar blood flow. Thromb Haemost 1996;75:827-32.
Ørvim U, Barstad RM, Vlasuk GP, Sakariassen KS. Effect of selective factor Xa inhibition on arterial thrombus formation triggered by tissue factor/factor VIIa or collagen in an ex vivo model of shear-dependent human thrombogenesis. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 1995;15:2188-94.
Ørvim U, Roald HE, Stephens RW, Roos N, Sakariassen KS. Tissue factor-induced coagulation triggers platelet thrombus formation as efficiently as fibrillar collagen at arterial blood flow conditions. Arterioscler Thromb 1994;14:1976-83.
Syversen PV, Saeter U, Cunha-Ribeiro L, Ørvim U, Sletten K, Husby G, Sakariassen KS. The effect of serum amyloid protein A fragment-SAA25-76 on blood platelet aggregation. Thromb Res 1994;76:299-305.
Roald HE, Ørvim U, Bakken IJ, Barstad RM, Kierulf P, Sakariassen KS. Modulation of thrombotic responses in moderately stenosed arteries by cigarette smoking and aspirin ingestion. Arterioscler Thromb 1994;14:617-21.


KLAR - Women's health, menopause and working life. From 2023, I have been engaged in developing a project where menopause and work are at the centre. There is little research into how health problems during women's menopause can affect work participation, and varying knowledge of the topic among women themselves and in health care. Lack of knowledge can lead to women's complaints not being associated with menopause and thus being diagnosed, treated and medicated as non-specific women's complaints. These complaints are the most common reasons for women's sickness absence mid-life. The project is funded by Grig Foundation

Patients' experiences with self-management of anticoagulation treatment Studies have shown that patients who engage in self-monitoring of Marevan treatment (measuring the INR and dosing Marevan themselves) have fewer clinical events compared to conventional treatment by the GP. In Norway, approx. 2500 patients have been trained to self-management the approx. 25,000 who use Marevan. It is therefore desirable that more suitable patients are trained to self-management of anticoagulation treatment so that they receive the best possible treatment. The purpose of the project is to gain additional knowledge about the patients' experiences with self-management of anticoagulation treatment. More specifically, we want to know what motivates the patients to perform self-management, what advantages and challenges they face.