Vigdis Broch-Due





Biographical Sketch

Vigdis Broch-Due is Professor at the Dep. of Social Anthropology at the University of Bergen, Norway. She also holds a special professorship in International Poverty Studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences. In addition to being awarded the Dr. Philos. degree in anthropology (1991), her academic education includes sociology, geography, comparative literature and philosophy. During the period of 2015-2018 she was on leave serving as Scientific Director at Centre for Advanced Study (CAS), Oslo, a center that fosters excellence through group-based, multi-disciplinary research across the whole spectrum of the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences on topics pitched by the scholars themselves. In January 2020, she was appointed to the board of the Danish National Research Foundation (DNRF) by the Ministry of Higher Education and Science after being nominatied by the Royal Danish Academy of Science and Letters.

Broch-Due's academic career has taken her from teaching positions in Anthropology at the Universities of Oslo and Washington (Seattle, USA), to the Directorship of the ‘Poverty and Prosperity Research Program’ at the Nordic Africa Institute, Uppsala (Sweden) to senior research positions at the Universities of Cambridge, SOAS and the LSE (UK) as well as Rutgers (USA). Over her academic career, she has been awarded 11 major grants supporting her research projects. 

Broch-Due has developed numerous courses and international study programs on MA and PhD levels within the discipline of anthropology but also beyond with interdisciplinary thematic across the humanities and social sciences. She has an extensive supervision record on MA and PhD levels and has been appointed member of several academic boards, local, national and international. Broch-Due has participated in research assessment through the evaluation of research applications and centers of excellence in Scandinavia and Germany, as well as assessing applicants to Professorships and Associate Professorships in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, UK and the US. 

She has an extensive research career in East-Africa spanning more than three decades, focusing on pastoral communities in Northern Kenya. She has carried out major ethnographic and historical studies among Turkana communities (herders, cultivators, foragers and fishers) and, more recently, in the pastoral borderlands in the wider region where Turkana intersect with Samburu, Borana, Somali, Maasai and Pokot. Another field of expertise is the history poverty and its ethnographic variations, including the European since the Middle Ages, and the British Empire focusing on India and Africa. 

Broch-Due has been involved in several documentary film projects not only in Kenya but also in India and South America, involving extended visits to Native American communities including Kogi of Colombia, Huichol of Mexico, and Maya of Guatemala. Broch-Due also has a long ledger of consultancies in East Africa and beyond, e.g. IFAD's future Focus on Rural Poverty, assessing the poverty alleviation policies of the Commission for the European Union, Expert groups on global poverty at the UN, New York, and in the evaluation of humanitarian and development projects (NORAD, FAO, and SIDA).

She has published articles/books on a diverse set of topics: gender and embodiment; cosmology; the relations between animals, people and nature; material culture and multiple temporalities; environmental history; colonial and postcolonial development regimes; poverty and changing property relations; violence, trauma, and memory; and the formations of trust and mistrust. Broch-Due has several book manuscripts in progress in addition to those already published, which include: 


Broch-Due, V. Rudie, I. and Bleie, T (eds.) Carved Flesh/Cast Selves: Gendered Symbols and Social Practices. Oxford & Providence: Berg Press. 1993 

Anderson, D. and Broch-Due, V. The Poor Are Not Us: Poverty and Pastoralism in Eastern Africa. Oxford & Athens: James Curry & Ohio University Press. 1999 

Broch-Due, V. and Schroeder, R. Producing Nature and Poverty in Africa.
Uppsala & Rutgers: The Nordic Africa Institute Press & Transaction Press. 2000 

Broch-Due, V. Violence and Belonging: The Quest for Identity in Post Colonial Africa. London & New York: Routledge. 2005 

Broch-Due, V. & Ystanes, M. (eds.) Trust and its Tribulation: Towards an Interdisciplinary Engagement. Oxford & New York: Berghahn, 2016 

Broch-Due, V. & Bertelsen, B.E (eds.) Violent Reverberations: Global Modalities of Trauma. London &New York. Palgrave Macmillan, 2016 

Broch-Due, V. & Ystanes, M. (eds.) Trust and its Tribulation: Towards an Interdisciplinary Engagement. Oxford & New York: Berghahn, 2020 (new paperback version).   





Media Participation and Popularization of Research


1981    Pilot study for film project (Turkana, Kenya and Equatoria, Sudan) and prepared 3 radio programs. NRK 

1985    Consultant/Interviewee in TV documentary on the Impact of  Famine Relief. Panorama Series. BBC. 

1985    Interviewed for radio about the effects of Norwegian development investments in Turkana, Kenya. NRK.

1989    Consultant for Telethon (Women’s groups in the South). NRK1994    Participated in the preparation of a radio program on Female Circumcision in Africa. Was also main interviewee, "Sånn er livet" series. NRK                

1996    Assisted in the making of the ethnographic TV film "The Children of the Sun" about the Huichol Indians. Sierra Madre, Central Mexico.  Café Production.

2000    Assisted during filming of three historical documentaries in the series "Treasure Seekers": Rajihstan, Dehli, and Kerala, India; Cambridge, UK & Carcassone, France. National Geographic Society. 

2001    Participated in a pilot study of the current situation of the Kogi and Arhuaco Indians, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Columbia. National Geographic Magazine

2006    Consultant/Interviewee the TV documentary Trade Not Aid. UNIVISJON. Norway

2007    Idea, Manus, and Co-producer of the documentary Oppskrift på Fattigdom(Recipe for Poverty). UNIVISJON. Norway

2008    Assisted in the preparation for the TV documentaries “Dawn of the Maya” and Ancient Voices, Modern World: Colombia (the Arhuaco Indians), National Geographic Channel film

2015    Interviewed about the effects of the UN’s  Sustainable Development Goals on the alleviation of global poverty. Her og Nå (NRK 1 og Alltid Nyheter)


 Professional and Public Service

2015 - 2018

            Interdisciplinary Basic Research

As Scientific Director for Centre for Advanced Study (CAS) at The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letter, my assignment was to promote basic research across the natural sciences, the humanities and the social sciences. CAS Oslo enhances interdisciplinary research, hosting 3 groups annually recruited across the academic spectrum. I also established a new program (Young CAS) to support talented young scholars. As Scientific Director,  I handled the application process and contact with external referees, familiarized myself with all the research topics each year, chaired workshops and conferences, participated actively in international networks of like-minded centers/institutes of advanced study, prepared ‘white papers’ on the significance of supporting basic research for the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research, and developed a new media platform to profile our basic research to a wider public.

 CAS is an independent foundation funded through the state budget and our private fond. During my tenure at CAS, I also served as a regular CEO with the responsibilities for our staff, administrative routines, economy and future planning. 

Currently, I am advising the Rectorate at University of Bergen in the promotion of basic research across the humanities and social sciences.         



            Research groups/educational programs

Head of Poverty Politics Research Group. Head of the international MPHIL Study Program “The Anthropology of Development”, UiB. Committee member of the interdisciplinary BA program “Global Development”, Committee member of the research training group, Department of Social Anthropology, UiB. Chair of numerous PhD committees both nationally and internationally. Developed numerous MA and PhD courses within the discipline of anthropology but also interdisciplinary courses across the humanities and social sciences. 

            Board memberships

Appointed board member of The Danish National Research Fund (2020…). Member of the University Library Board, UiB (2004-2013). External member on the board of the Department of Social Anthropology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology NTNU (2009-2013). Member of the board of Centre of Women and Gender (SKOK), UiB (2007-2014). Deputy Leader of the National Council of Development Studies (2010-2013).

            Research Assessment  

Evaluation of research applications and centers of excellence for the Research Council of Norway, the German Research Council and the Danish National Research Fund.  Evaluation of Applicants to Professorships and Associate Professorships for University of Bergen, University of Oslo, Oslo and Akershus University College (now OsloMet), University of Tromsø, University of Uppsala, University of Gothenburg, University of Stockholm, the Nordic Africa Institute, Michigan State University, and University of Sussex. Peer reviews for academic journals.

            Research Politics

Pro-rector candidate on Team Atakan, UiB rector election campaign 2013. The two teams met and discussed policy and principles significant for academia and the organization of universities at numerous  public meetings. In that context, I wrote several debate pieces published on the online newspaper PÅ Høyden and in the city’s main newspaper Bergens Tidende. 



            As head of the research program on poverty at the Nordic Africa Institute, I was frequently invited to give talks and participated in meetings and workshops on poverty alleviation organized by aid organizations like SIDA, DANIDA, other ODAs,  and the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 

In 1998, I was appointed as a key resource person to help designing IFAD's  future Focus on Rural Poverty. I was also part of a selected group of researchers appointed by the Commission for the European Union to assess their poverty alleviation policies and efforts. In 2002, I participated as member in the Expert groups on Poverty Alleviation, UN, New York.



            I gave frequent talks to development personnel and participated in seminars and meetings by NORAD, UD, FAO and NGOs operating in northern Kenya, to discuss the design of development inputs with particular focus on water supply, roadbuilding, irrigation, fishery, pastoralism and issues concerning popular participation (specifically the involvement of women). I was commissioned by NORAD, FAO, and SIDA to undertake several major socio-economic background studies and evaluation of development projects in Kenya. The findings were published in a series of reports.



Recent Teaching Portfolio at The Department of Social Anthropology

SANT 285-5 --The Shape of Time: An anthropological inquiry into theories of temporality and materiality (10 Credits, Con Amore course, BA level).

‘Time’ and ‘matter’ are terms that at first glance may seem both common-sense and commonplace, albeit rather abstract. Upon closer scrutiny, however, ‘time’ and ‘matter’ and the ways in which they are embedded and transform, happen to be one of the oldest and most complex subjects of philosophical reflection, artistic representation and aesthetic discourse. ‘Time’ and ‘matter’, and the multiple forms and processes they give rise to, underpins virtually all aspects of life, both the rhythms of the everyday and the material culture and buildings we inhabit, but also those experiences that accumulate over a life-course, and across the generations. ‘Time’ and ‘matter’ structure the entire physical world; from the universe down to the specific milieus that humans share with other species. ‘Time’ and ‘matter’ are also powerfully at work in memories, imaginaries, cosmologies, religions and futures.  Historical and cross-cultural analysis of these concepts show them to be as changeable and various as they are grand and important. The shaping of ‘time’ and ‘matter’ are shot through with issues of power and hegemony, being at stake in much political struggle both in the past and the present. 

In this course we explore together how scholars across the humanities and social sciences have conceptualized, researched and represented this enigma of time, matter, form and fluidity. We will examine the temporal regimes embedded in the work of Hutton, Darwin, Freud, Bergson, Whitehead, Fabian, and Deleuze, and explore how matter is analysed in contemporary schools of thought such as ‘Object Oriented Ontology’, ‘New Materialism’ and ‘Post-humanism’. We will critically engage these theories from an anthropological perspective by bringing ethnographic examples into the discussion. We will take a closer look at the analytical contributions to this scholarly field by anthropologists, psychologists, geographers, archaeologists, and historians but also how the entanglements of myriad forms of materialities and temporalities are artistically expressed in fiction, painting, film and exhibitions.

SANT 304 Introducing anthropology and its subjects: history, poverty, and social transformation (15 credits, MA level, taught on Mphil. in Anthropology of Development - MASV-SADE, 2004-2016)

Concerns about poverty - who are the 'poor'; why are they poor; and what can be deemed proper responses to their condition - have long been at the core of discourses about society and its 'others'. European views of the poor were exported throughout the empires, in this process shaping perceptions of indigenous societies and colonial policies directed towards them. European ideas about gender, class and race continue in the post-colonial world in various transmutations, to effect discourses of development. The course explores how local and global ideas of social inequality interact. It focuses on the implications of such encounters for the social identities of the poor and for interventions into their lives by states, mission and transnational aid agencies.Although a category like "the poor" seems too abstract and generic to generate much specific ethnography, it does in fact consist largely of the classical subjects of anthropology. Indeed, the discipline of the discipline of anthropology itself grew out of the 19th century global reconfiguration of "poverty", "the state" and the "public sphere". Poverty continued to be addressed in anthropological scholarship, although intermittently, after the second world-war to become crystallised as the problem matter in the sub-field of the Anthropology of Development and globalization studies.By following the history of the heterogeneous category of "the poor" from an anthropological perspective, this course is designed as an introduction to both mainstream and development anthropology on the master level.The course aims to provide students with the basic analytical tools for addressing critical issues of globalization particularly as they affect the South, by linking method and theory in anthropology with the detailed case material and thematic studies that emerges from field research. By focusing on poverty, the course aims to develop student ́s grasp of the ways in which anthropologists have theorised social and economic change, and sensitise students to the ethical implications of anthropologists practical engagement with development intervention both during the colonial and post-colonial era.

SANT 309Conceptualizing society: Applications of anthropological theory (15 credits MA level – taught on Mphil. in Anthropology of Development - MASV-SADE, 2004-2016)

This course focuses on the end stage of the research process, notably the crafting of the ethnographic product in its many guises; mostly as texts, but also as film, or as soundtracks.All students are to read and critically work through a selection of anthropological monographs that covers different continents, different theoretical perspectives, and different stages in the history of anthropology. The course explores the history of ethnographic representation and its reception and engages students in the theories and experiences that informed different templates of writing and the analytical controversy engendered. The course looks into the ways in which new technologies have influenced and multiplied ethnographic modes of representation from the print media only to the inclusion of film, sound and lately, the web. Through studies of selected anthropological monographs - classical as well as more resent - the students are to develop insights in the comparative analytical use of anthropological theory on complex empirical cases. For the final exam the students are to demonstrate abilities for comparative analytical reasoning over different ethnographic cases and different media of ethnographic representation.

SANT 301 Antropologisk kunnskapsproduksjon og etnografisk praksis (20 Credits, MA nivå, taught in Norwegian)

Emnet tar opp metodiske og kunnskapsteoretiske områder i faget. Det går inn på aktuelle og sentrale problemstillinger, og tar opp teoridanning og debatter med en primær målsetning om å utvikle studentenes egen forskingsferdigheter. Emnet gir et kritisk inntak til antropologisk forskingspraksis og kunnskapsproduksjon: deltakende observasjon og feltarbeid, produksjon og handsaming av data, framstilling og analyse av empirisk materiale, og argument utforming. Det viser analytiske framgangsmåter ved bruk av aktuelle teoretiske perspektiv til konkrete forskingsformål, der faget sitt sentrale helhetsperspektiv på samfunn og kultur blir ivaretatt. 

SANT 302 --Individuell prosjektutvikling (10 Credits, MA level, taught in Norwegian)

Dette emnet supplerer SANT301 og består av seminer og individuell veiledning der målet er individuell prosjektutvikling og å sikre at studenten utformer et prosjekt som lar seg gjennomføre basert på ett semesters feltarbeid. Konkret blir dette arbeidet utviklet gjennom individuelle prosjektskildringer. Med utgangspunkt i presentasjoner av skisser til prosjektfremstilling blir feltarbeidet drøftet i seminer. I seminaret blir det arbeidet med utvikling av problemstillinger og forskingshypoteser i individuelle prosjekt. Med utgangspunkt i ulike antropologers presentasjoner av feltarbeidserfaringer blir praktiske og metodiske utfordringer ved feltarbeidet diskutert. Emnet gir også en orientering i personvern og i litteratursøking. 


Additional Courses in Social Anthropology

SANT307 / Contested Resources: Ecological Anthropology in Global Perspective (MPHIL)

SANT303 / Project Proposal and Methodology for the Anthropology of Development (MPHIL)

SANT322 / Practical Methodology: Anthropological Fieldwork (MPHIL)

SANT201 / Teori- og faghistorie i sosialantropologi (BA)

SANT220 / Antropologi, intervensjon og utvikling (BA)

Interdisciplinary Courses

GDC08-08 / Global Reconfigurations of Poverty and the Public: Anthropological Perspectives and Ethnographic Challenges (PhD)

GLOB101 / Global utvikling (BA)

SAMPOL310 / The Global Poor: Discourses of Poverty and their Discontents (MA)

I was the leader of the international Master programme ’Anthropology of Development’ at the department in the period of 2004-2016, that recruited and brought together talented students from the global South and North. I developed the overall concept of the programme and many of the courses. I have also taught numerous courses on all levels (including PhD) at other universities where I have been within the discipline of anthropology but also beyond with interdisciplinary thematic across the humanities and social sciences. I have an extensive supervision record on MA and PhD levels.



Masters thesis
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Doctoral dissertation
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Academic lecture
Interview Journal
Academic article
Book review
Thesis at a second degree level
Popular scientific article
Non-fiction book
Popular scientific lecture

See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.

Selected Publications


Broch-Due, V.  Rudie, I. and Bleie, T (eds.) Carved Flesh/Cast Selves: Gendered Symbols  

            and Social Practices. Oxford & Providence: Berg Press. 1993

Anderson, D. and Broch-Due, V. The Poor Are Not Us: Poverty and Pastoralism in Eastern 

            Africa. Oxford & Athens: James Curry & Ohio University Press. 1999

Broch-Due, V. and Schroeder, R. Producing Nature and Poverty in Africa.

            Uppsala & Rutgers: The Nordic Africa Institute Press & Transaction Press. 2000

Broch-Due, V. Violence and Belonging: The Quest for Identity in Post Colonial Africa

            London & New York: Routledge. 2005

Broch-Due, V. & Ystanes, M. (eds.) Trust and its TribulationTowards an

            Interdisciplinary Engagement. Oxford & New York: Berghahn, 2016

Broch-Due, V. & Bertelsen, B.E (eds.) Violent Reverberations: Global

            Modalities of Trauma. London &New York. Palgrave Macmillan, 2016


Manuscripts under Completion and Forthcoming Books 2021-2024

Broch-Due, V. Belly and Universe: Turkana Pathways to the Regeneration of Life in Human,    

            Animal and Nature 

Broch-Due, V. Dislocation and Destitution in Colonial and Post-Colonial Kenya. 

            The Case of the Isiolo Turkana.

Broch-Due, V. The Social Burden of Beasts: The Progress and Regress of Commodification 

            in Turkanaland.1890-1990s 

Broch-Due, V  Place Versus Path: Reconfiguring Nomads to Fit the State


 Selected Articles in Journals and Anthologies  

Broch-Due, V. 2019

“Poverty Contradictions: How the nexus of gender, sexuality, and primitivism shaped modernity, colonial encounters and contemporary inequalities”.

In McCallum, C.,Posocco, S. & Fotta, M. (eds.) The Cambridge Handbook of the Anthropology of Gender and Sexuality, Cambridge University Press (fall 2020)

Broch-Due, V. 2019

“Engendering Domestication: Notes on the History of Pastoralism in Lake Turkana Basin” Under review for publication.

Broch-Due, V & Bertelsen, B. 2016

“Violent Reverberations: An Introduction to our Trauma Scenarios” in Broch-Due, V & Bertelsen (Ibid). 

 Broch-Due, V. 2016

"Trauma, Violence, Memory: Reflections on the Bodily, the Self, the Sign and the Social". In Broch-Due & Bertelsen (ibid). 

Broch-Due, V & Ystanes, M. 2016 "Introducing Ethnographies of Trusting" in Broch-Due & Ystanes (ibid). 

Broch-Due, V. 2016

"The Puzzle of the Animal Witch: Intimacy, Trust and Sociality among Pastoral Turkana". Broch-Due & Ystanes (ibid). 

Broch-Due, V. 2016 

"Intimacy, Trust and the Social: Interdisciplinary Reflections".  (Ibid). 

Broch-Due, V. 2014

 "Egalitarian Imaginaries: Technologies of Templates, Novels and Mobile Phones". Invited paper for the Opening Conference on the ERC Egalitarian Project.

Broch-Due, V. 2012

 "Intimacy, Trust and the Social: Some Reflections", Conference Paper. 

Broch-Due, V. 2012

"Polis and Cosmopolis: An Uneasy Relation" introductory paper for the invited conference Cosmopolitanism,UiB. 

Broch-Due, V. 2011

"Animal In Mind: People, Cattle and Shared Nature on the African Savannah". Invited article for the digital forum/journal "On the Human" hosted an organized by the National Humanities Center, USA. 

Broch-Due, V. 2011

 "Forenklet fortelling om fattigdom". Hubro. Magasin for Universitetet i Bergen.

Broch-Due, V. 2010

“Bodies, Pots, Landscapes: Choreographies of Birth and Death in Turkana  Northern Kenya”. Invited Conference Presentation at Rutgers University, USA. Forthcoming Grosz, E. (ed.)  Affective Tendencies. Bodies, Pleasures, Sexualities.

Broch-Due, V. 2009

“In Praise of Complexity: Higher Education and the Real World”. Key Note Speech at annual conference for the Southern African – Nordic Centre (SANORD). 

Broch-Due, V; Coffman, J; Little, P;  Ntarangwi, M; Prazak, M;  & Shipton, P. 2009

“Insights into Kenya’s Post election Violence” in Beliefs and Values: Understanding the Global Implications of Human Nature. VOL 1 Biannual. 

Broch-Due, V; 2008

 “Marilyn Strathern”, in Kjønnsteori, Mortensen, E.; Egeland, C.; Gressgård, 

 R.; Holst, C.; Jegerstedt, K.; Rosland, S.; Sampson, K. (eds). 

Broch-Due, V; 2006

“Costruire significati dalla materia: percezioni del seso, del genere e dei corpitra i Turkana”, in Antropologia, Genere, Riproduzione: La construzione culturale della femminilitaSilvia Forni, Cecilia Pennacini, & Chiara Pussetti (eds.). Rome: Carocci editore. 

Broch-Due, V. 2005

 “Violence and Belonging: Ananlytical Reflections”  (Ibid)

Broch-Due, V.2004 

"Creation and the Multiple Female Body: Turkana Perspectives on Gender and Cosmos". Chapter in Moore, H,  Kaare & Sanders (eds.) Those Who Play with Fire: Gender, Fertility and Transformation in East and Southern Africa. London: Athlone Press

Broch-Due, V. 2000 

"The Fertility of Houses and Herds. Producing Kinship and Gender among Turkana Pastoralists" in Hodgson, D. (ed.) Rethinking Pastoralism: Gender, History and the Myth of the Patriarchal Pastoralist. Oxford & Athens: James Curry and Ohio University Press

Broch-Due, V. 2000

"A Proper Cultivation of  Peoples: The Colonial Reconfiguration of Pastoral tribes and Places in Kenya." In, Broch-Due, V. and Schroeder, R. Producing Nature and Poverty in Africa. Uppsala & Rutgers: The Nordic Africa Institute Press & Transaction Press 


Broch-Due, V. 2000

"Producing Poverty and Nature: An Introduction" (Ibid.)

Broch-Due, V. and Sanders, T. 1999 

"Rich Man, Poor Man, Administrator, Beast: The Politics of Impoverishment in Turkana, Kenya, 1890-1990". In Nomadic Peoples, Special edition: Social Change in Eastern Africa (Fratkin, E. and McCabe, T, eds.) 

Broch-Due, V. 1999

"Remembered Cattle, Forgotten People: The Morality of Exchange and the Exclusion  of the Turkana Poor" in Anderson, D. & Broch-Due, V.The Poor are Not Us: Poverty and Pastoralism in Eastern Africa.Oxford & Athens: James Curry & Ohio University Press.   

Broch-Due, V. &  Anderson, D.  1999 

"Poverty and the Pastoralist: Deconstructing Myths, Reconstruction Realities"  (Ibid.)

Broch-Due, V. 1996

“The ‘Poor’ and the ‘Primitive’ - Discursive and Social Transformations” Occasional Paper Series, No 5, Poverty & Prosperity Uppsala: The Nordic Africa Institute

Broch-Due, V. 1995 

Feminisering av Fattigdom" Seminar Proceedings, UNESCO & CROP. 

Broch-Due, V. 1995

"Poverty and Prosperity in Africa: Local and Global Perspectives". Occasional Paper Series, No.1, Poverty & Prosperity. Uppsala: The Nordic Africa Institute

Broch-Due, V. 1995 

"Domestication Reconsidered: Towards a New Dialogue between WID  and Feminist Research" Occasional  Paper Series, No.3, Poverty & Prosperity, Uppsala: The Nordic Africa Institute 

Broch-Due, V.1995 

"Poverty Paradoxes: The Economy of Engendered Needs".Occasional Paper Series, No.4, Poverty & Prosperity,Uppsala: The Nordic Africa Institute

Broch-Due, V. 1993 

"Making Meaning Out  of Matter: Perceptions of Sex, Gender and Bodies among the Turkana" in Broch-Due, V., Rudie, I.,  and Bleie, T. (eds.), Carved Flesh/Cast Selves: Gendered Symbols and Social Practices. Oxford & Providence: Berg Press

Broch-Due, V. & Rudie, I.1993.

"Carved Flesh - Cast Selves: An Introduction”. (Ibid).

Broch-Due, V. 1991 

“Cattle are Companions, Goats are Gifts: Animal and People in Turkana Thought” in Paulsen, G. (ed.) From Water to World Making: Arid Lands and African Accounts. Uppsala: The Nordic Africa Institute Press.

Broch-Due, V. 1990

“Livestock Speak Louder than Sweet Words: Changing Property and Gender Relations among the Turkana”. In,  Baxter, P.T.W, and Hogg, R. (eds.) Property, Poverty and People: Changing Rights in Property and The Problems of Pastoral Development Manchester: Manchester University Press

Broch-Due, V. 1989

“From Sameness to Difference in Women’s Lives. Some Suggestions for Improving the Relations between Women Oriented Aid and Feminist Research”. In Proceedings from Nordic Women’s Forum. Oslo.

Broch-Due, V, 1985 

“The Social Impact of the Turkana Fishery Project” in I. Bryceson (ed.) Fisheries Development. DUH,  Norway.

Ask, K. Bleie, T., and Broch-Due, V. 1985

             "Forskning på Kvinner eller Kjønnsrelasjoner?". In, Nytt om Kinneforskning. Oslo

Broch-Due, V., Garfield, E., and Langton, P.1981

"Women and Pastoral Development: Some Research Priorities for the Social Sciences". In Galaty, J.,Aronson,D., & Salzman,P (eds.)  The Future of Pastoral Peoples. Ottawa: International Development Research Center.


Thesis and Monographs


Broch-Due, V. 

The Bodies within the Body: Journeys in Turkana Thought and Practice. Dr. Philos. Dissertation, University of Bergen, Norway. 1990

Broch-Due, V. 

From Herds to Fish and from Fish to Food Aid: the Impact of Development on the Fishing Population along the Western Shores of Lake Turkana, Kenya. NORAD, Norway. 1985

Broch-Due, V. 

Women at the Backstage of Development: the Negative impact on Project Realization by Neglecting the Crucial Roles of Women as Producers and Providers. FAO, Rome, Italy. 1983

1983 Broch-Due, V., & Storås, F. 

'The Fields of the Foe'. Factors Constraining Agricultural Outputs and Farmers' Capacity for Participation. A Socio-Anthropological Case Study Of Household Economy among the Inhabitants on Katilu Irrigation Scheme. NORAD, Norway. 1983 




Research Grants and Projects


Research grant from the Meltzer Research Fund for the long-term project “Resource Struggles: Environmental History, Marginalization and Gender Relations Among Pastoralist Groups in Northern Kenya”.


Research grant from The Research Council of Norway (RCN) for the project “The Effects of Impoverishment and Violence on Psychosocial Health Among Pastoralist Communities in Northern Kenya” 


Research grant from RCN (& Kathinka Frøystad)  Cosmopolitanism and its Paradoxes


Research grant from RCN (& Ellen Mortensen) Thought as Action: Gender, Democracy, Freedom


Research grant from RCN for the interdisciplinary project “Poverty Politics: Changing Approaches to its Production and Reduction”.


Research grant from RCN for the project  “Cattle, Commodification and Unruly Change: The Reconfiguration of Livestock Trajectories and Social Identities in Turkanaland, 1880s-1990s.”


Research funding from Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the project “Poverty, Conflict and Gender: The Politics of Reconstruction and Redistribution


Post doctoral fellowship, Norwegian Research Council for Science and the Humanities


Grant from the Nordic Exchange Programme, London School of Economics


Research grant, Norwegian Council for Applied Research in Social Science


Doctoral fellowship, Norwegian Research Council for Science and the Humanities


 Research fellowship, Norwegian Research Council for Science and the Humanities


Research fellowship, Norwegian Research Council for Science and the Humanities


International Academic Conferences Convened and Organized

1988    Gender as Symbolic and Social Practices.  University of Bergen. Norway

1995     Poverty  & Pastoralism in Eastern Africa. “Poverty & Prosperity” Research Programme, NAI. 

1997    Poverty and Environmental Interventions. “Poverty & Prosperity” Research Programme, NAI. 

1997    Poverty and Prosperity: The Politics of Wealth. Nordic Africa Days, 

Uppsala, Sweden.

1999    Conflict’s Fruit Poverty, Violence and the Politics of identity in African Arenas, Copenhagen, Denmark 

1999    Understanding Conflict and Violence. Nordic Africa Days, Uppsala, Sweden

2005    The Public Reconfigured: The Production of Poverty in an Age of Advancing Liberalism. The Poverty Politics research project (POVPOL), NFR,  UiB

2007    Place Versus Path: Reconfiguring Nomads to Fit the State. International conference under the auspices of the Poverty Politics research project (POVPOL), NFR, UiB

2012    Rethinking Cosmopolitanism: Critical Perspectives from Anthropology, History and Philosophy, COSMO research Project. RCN, UiB

2012    The Entangled Tensions of Intimacy, Trust and the Social. Violence & Psychosocial project,  UiB, RCN 

2013    Re-assessing Trauma and Violence. Violence & Psychosocial research project,  UiB, RCN