Visa Immonen
Short info
I am Professor of Archaeology at the University of Bergen. Much of my work focuses on medieval material culture in the Nordic countries, but I am also interested in cultural heritage, and heritage management.
Academic lecture
- Immonen, Visa Aleksis (2024). What can failing tell about the relationship between heritage and archaeology?. (external link)
- Immonen, Visa Aleksis (2024). When silence abounds – The removal of public Lenin sculptures in Finland in 2022. (external link)
- Immonen, Visa Aleksis (2024). Museoaktivismin yhteisöt ja niiden visiot museoiden tehtävästä. (external link)
- Immonen, Visa Aleksis (2023). Artefacts, Science and Ecocriticism: The Use of Wood in Medieval North-Eastern Europe. (external link)
- Immonen, Visa Aleksis (2023). The Christianisation of Finland from an archaeological point of view. (external link)
- Immonen, Visa Aleksis; Hakkarainen, Niko; Sivula, Anna (2023). “The most important thing about a church is that it is there!" – Finnish ecclesiastical heritage and dealing with anticipatory grief. (external link)
- Immonen, Visa Aleksis; Sivula, Anna (2022). Intercultural heritage, and national elementary school curricula. (external link)
- Immonen, Visa Aleksis (2022). Biography, itinerary, assemblage – What is a ship?. (external link)
- Immonen, Visa Aleksis (2022). Wood in Northern Europe, and Medieval Ecocriticism. (external link)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Harjula, Janne; Immonen, Visa Aleksis; Ratilainen, Tanja (2024). Nobility in Medieval Turku: The Challenge of the Disjointed Source Material. (external link)
- Immonen, Visa Aleksis (2022). 3D Modelling of Heritage Objects: Representation, Engagement and Performativity of the Virtual Realm. (external link)
- Immonen, Visa Aleksis; Mäki, Maija (2022). Urban heritage as the anchor for an uncertain future? The city of Turku and the COVID-19 crisis . (external link)
Academic article
- Pesonen, Petro; Moilanen, Ulla; Roose, Meeli et al. (2024). Archaeological Artefact Database of Finland (AADA). (external link)
- Immonen, Visa Aleksis; Sivula, Anna (2024). The politics of heritage education: an analysis of national curriculum guidelines in Estonia, Finland, and Sweden. (external link)
- Immonen, Visa Aleksis (2024). Heritage as a gift of Public space: The removal of Lenin Memorials in Finland in 2022. (external link)
- Immonen, Visa Aleksis (2024). Urban Heritage, and the Theory of Fragmentation: The Development of Archaeology in the City of Turku, Finland. (external link)
- Immonen, Visa Aleksis (2023). Urbaani kulttuuriperintö ja fragmentaatioteoria: Esimerkkinä Turun kaupunkiarkeologia . (external link)
- Immonen, Visa Aleksis (2023). Culture as colonialism: The Hanseatic League in Bergen and Turku. (external link)
- Immonen, Visa Aleksis (2023). Fragmentaatioteoria arkeologiassa ja sen uudet suunnat. (external link)
- Immonen, Visa Aleksis (2023). Genes as Cultural Heritage: A Case Study on Finnish Amateur Discussions. (external link)
- Pellinen, Hanna-Maria; Aalto, Silja; Kinnunen, Jussi et al. (2022). Arkeologisen kylätutkimuksen menetelmät: Esimerkkinä Turun kaupunkia ympäröivät keskiaikaiset kylät . (external link)
- Immonen, Visa Aleksis (2022). Nude heritage selfies as a visual practice. (external link)
- Immonen, Visa Aleksis; Kinnunen, Joonas; Harjula, Janne (2022). At the fringes of urbanisation: A socio-economic model of founding of the town of Turku, Finland, c. 1300. (external link)
- Immonen, Visa Aleksis; Räsänen, Marika (2022). Splendor and Scarcity of Religious Matter: Medieval Cathedral Treasuries of the North. (external link)
- Immonen, Visa Aleksis; Ratilainen, Tanja; Kinnunen, Jussi et al. (2022). The Construction Date of the Dominican Convent of St Olaf in Turku, Finland: A Re-Evaluation. (external link)
- Immonen, Visa Aleksis (2022). What is Queer Heritage? Queercache and the Epistemology of the Closet. (external link)
- Pellinen, Hanna-Maria; Silja, Aalto; Kinnunen, Jussi et al. (2022). Tiilentekijöitä jäljittämässä Turun Kakskerran Poralan kylätontilla. (external link)