Anders Bærheim


Emeriti, Professor emeritus in agreement with the University of Bergen



Current educational projects


The Centre for Interprofessional Work-Place Learning in Primary Care (TVEPS) trains final-year health profession students in clinical work-place teamwork for the benefit of patients, students, work-place staff, and participating educational programs. Leader is professor Ane Johannessen. TVEPS is established as a consortium with the following partners: (1) the Faculty of medicine and dentistry, the Faculty of psychology, and the Grieg Academy at the University of Bergen.  (2) The Faculty of Health and Social Sciences at the University College of Bergen, and (3) Bergen and Fjell Fjell Municipalities. 



The medical students' prize of honor 2019

The 'Hugin' prize for best educational project 2013

The Medical-odontical fakulty's Educational prize 2009 and 2013

The IG Nobel Prize in Biology 1994


Curriculum work

leading the Work force 3 for learning and assessment methods in our new medical curriculum The work has been aimed on alignment between described learning outcome, learning milieu offered (bedside teaching and Team Based Learning) and assessment methods applied (e.portefolio).


Other educational innovations

I chaired the Board of the medical study in Bergen through 2009-2013. During that period several projects were started:

  • The first major curriculum change for over 20 years in Bergen ( Two major workforces has been working:
    • Work force 1 for a macro plan (lead by Kjell Haug)
    • Work force 3 for learning and assessment methods (lead by Anders Bærheim)
  • The Centre for Interprofessional Work-Place Learning in Primary Care (, founder Anders Bærheim
  • A student-led assessment of students’ clinical skills (student Ingrid Neteland)
  • A self-administered questionnaire for patients to score medical students on their relational skills (student Eivind Valestrand)
  • A curriculum element for training in professionalism has been established (leader Edvin Schei)
  • A unit for learning has been established at the faculty


Ad lib prosjekter

Jeg er med i styret av Besteforeldrenes Klimaaksjon, avdeling Bergen og omegn:


Jeg har gitt ut to diktsamlinger:

Paul Celan: Snøpart. 2013, Herterwig Akademiske. Oversatt av Anders Bærheim og Cornelia Simon. ISBN 9788282172059

Anders Bærheim: Underveis i landskap. 2022, Lyrikkforlaget. ISBN:9788283982930





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Se en full oversikt over publikasjoner i Cristin

Educational research Anders Baerheim

Recent publications

Baerheim A, Ødegaard EE, Ness IJ. Team reflexivity and the shared mind in interprofessional learning. Policy Futur Educ 2022.

Rosendahl-Riise H, Transeth E, Ulstein I, Bærheim A. Mini-CEX – et hjelpemiddel for formativ vurdering av ernæringsstudenters kliniske kompetanse. 2022; 20,2: 15 – 23.

Baerheim A, Ness IJ. Reflexivity and expansive learning theory in interprofessional workplace learning. J Interprof Care 2021; 35, 6: 878-883.

Gude T, Vaglum P, Anvik T, Bærheim A, Fasmer OB, Grimstad H, Holen A. Undervisning i klinisk kommunikasjon kan bli enda bedre. Tidsskr Nor Legeforen 2021. DOI: 10.4045/tidsskr.20.093. 

Baerheim A, Ness IJ. Ricoeur’s triple mimesis and the zone of proximal development in the learning processes of interprofessional student teams. J Ped Soc Psychol 2020, 2(2): 86-91.

Barheim A, Raaheim A. Pedagogical aspects of interprofessional workplace learning: a case study. J Interprof Care 2020; 34,1: 59-65.

Lunde L, Bærheim A, Johannessen A, Aase I, Almendingen K, Andersen IA, Bengtsson R, Brenna SJ, Hauksdottir N, Steinsbekk A, Rosvold EO. Evidence of validity for the Norwegian version of the interprofessional collaborative competency attainment survey (ICCAS). J Interprof Car 2019, 35:4, 604-611, DOI: 10.1080/13561820.2020.1791806.