Ane Johannessen
Professor, professor i epidemiologi, leder av TVEPS.
Jeg har to stillinger ved Institutt for global helse og samfunnsmedisin, med forskningsaktivitet i begge.
Som leder for TVEPS har jeg forskningsfokus på tverrprofesjonell samarbeidslæring. Jeg forsker på tverrprofesjonell samarbeidslæring både i et pedagogisk perspektiv med vekt på læringsutbytte for studenter og helsepersonell, og i et folkehelseperspektiv med vekt på potensialet slikt samarbeid i helsesektoren har for pasienter og befolkning.
Som leder for forskergruppe for grønne områder, luftforurensning og helse har jeg forskningsfokus på epidemiologi. Ulike helseutfall undersøkes i forhold til miljøeksponeringer og livsstilsfaktorer gjennom store befolkningsundersøkelser.
Jeg har omlag 15 vitenskapelige publikasjoner årlig, og omfattende aktivitet innen PhD- og master-veiledning.
Som leder av Senter for tverrprofesjonell samarbeidslæring (TVEPS) er undervisning en naturlig del av min arbeidshverdag. Som personlig bakteppe ligger et ønske om å formidle kunnskap til fremtidens helsepersonell. Å lære studentene å samarbeide på tvers av utdanningene og å bli gode på tverrfaglighet er mitt bidrag til at de skal kunne bli dyktige og reflekterte når de senere kommer ut i jobb. Målet mitt med undervisningen er at studentene skal lære verdien av andre helseprofesjoner; forstå det mektige potensialet som ligger i samarbeid; og lære å se pasienter og mennesker som en tverrfaglig helhet.
Ved TVEPS trener vi sisteårs-studenter fra 17 ulike helse- og sosialfag i tverrfaglig samarbeid. Det gjør vi ved å sette sammen studenter fra ulike profesjoner i tverrfaglige grupper à 4-5 studenter, der hver gruppe skal jobbe sammen om et felles oppdrag ute på en praksisarena. TVEPS-praksis er berammet til 20 timers arbeid for studentene, og omlag tusen studenter får på denne måten trent på tverrprofesjonelt samarbeid hvert år gjennom TVEPS. Vi har samarbeid med over hundre ulike praksissteder, hovedsakelig i Bergen og Øygarden kommune.
- Sinsamala, Robin Mzati; Johannessen, Ane; Marcon, Alessandro et al. (2024). Pregnancy outcomes as related to in utero exposure to air pollution and greenness: The Life-GAP Project. (ekstern lenke)
- Zaigham, S.; Bertelsen, Randi Jacobsen; Dharmage, S.C. et al. (2024). An observational analysis on the influence of parental allergic rhinitis, asthma and smoking on exhaled nitric oxide in offspring. (ekstern lenke)
- Mir Fakhraei, Rima; Lindberg, Eva; Benediktsdóttir, Bryndís et al. (2024). Gastroesophageal reflux and snoring are related to asthma and respiratory symptoms: Results from a Nordic longitudinal population survey. (ekstern lenke)
- Cestelli, Lucia; Stavem, Knut; Johannessen, Ane et al. (2024). Outcome-based Definition of the Lower Limit of Normal in Spirometry: A Study of 26,000 Young Adult Men. (ekstern lenke)
- Emilsson, Össur Ingi; Johansson, Henrik; Johannessen, Ane et al. (2024). Heritability of cough across two generations: the RHINESSA study. (ekstern lenke)
- Veenstra, Marijke; Selle, Maria Lie; Johannessen, Ane et al. (2024). Occupational class inequalities in all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in Norwegian men and women: a population-based approach with 45 years follow-up. (ekstern lenke)
- Xu, Shanshan; Marcon, Alessandro; Bertelsen, Randi Jacobsen et al. (2024). Associations of long-term exposure to air pollution and greenness with incidence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in Northern Europe: The Life-GAP project. (ekstern lenke)
- Gyawali, Sanjay; Lopez Cervantes, Juan Pablo; Jögi, Nils Oskar et al. (2023). Previous tuberculosis infection associated with increased frequency of asthma and respiratory symptoms in a Nordic–Baltic multicentre population study. (ekstern lenke)
- Kisiel, Marta A.; Sedvall, Martin; Malinovschi, Andrei et al. (2023). Inflammatory bowel disease and asthma. Results from the RHINE study. (ekstern lenke)
- Abbah, Achenyo Peace; Xu, Shanshan; Johannessen, Ane (2023). Long-term exposure to outdoor air pollution and asthma in low-and middle-income countries: A systematic review protocol. (ekstern lenke)
- Markevych, Iana; Zhao, Tianyu; Fuertes, Elaine et al. (2023). Residential greenspace and lung function decline over 20 years in a prospective cohort: The ECRHS study. (ekstern lenke)
- Khomich, Maryia; Lin, Huang; Malinovschi, Andrei et al. (2023). Association between lipid-A-producing oral bacteria of different potency and fractional exhaled nitric oxide in a Norwegian population-based adult cohort. (ekstern lenke)
- Kisiel, Marta A.; Arnfelt, Oscar; Lindberg, Eva et al. (2023). Association between abdominal and general obesity and respiratory symptoms, asthma and COPD. Results from the RHINE study. (ekstern lenke)
- Veber, Triin; Pyko, Andrei; Carlsen, Hanne Krage et al. (2023). Traffic noise in the bedroom in association with markers of obesity: a cross-sectional study and mediation analysis of the respiratory health in Northern Europe cohort. (ekstern lenke)
- Gyawali, Sanjay; Lopez Cervantes, Juan Pablo; Johannessen, Ane et al. (2023). Maternal and paternal tuberculosis is associated with increased asthma and respiratory symptoms in their offspring: a study from Northern Europe. (ekstern lenke)
- Kitaba, Negusse Tadesse; Knudsen, Gerd Toril Mørkve; Johannessen, Ane et al. (2023). Fathers’ preconception smoking and offspring DNA methylation. (ekstern lenke)
- Cestelli, Lucia; Gulsvik, Amund; Johannessen, Ane et al. (2023). Reduced lung function and cause-specific mortality: A population-based study of Norwegian men followed for 26 years. (ekstern lenke)
- Shigdel, Rajesh; Johannessen, Ane; Lin, Huang et al. (2023). Oral bacterial composition associated with lung function and lung inflammation in a community-based Norwegian population. (ekstern lenke)
- Xu, Shanshan; Marcon, Alessandro; Bertelsen, Randi Jacobsen et al. (2023). Long-term exposure to low-level air pollution and greenness and mortality in Northern Europe. The Life-GAP project. (ekstern lenke)
- Zhao, Tianyu; Markevych, Iana; Fuertes, Elaine et al. (2023). Impact of long-term exposure to ambient ozone on lung function over a course of 20 years (The ECRHS study): a prospective cohort study in adults. (ekstern lenke)
- Hustoft, Merethe; Johannessen, Ane (2023). Senter for Tverrprofesjonell Samarbeidslæring - TVEPS. (ekstern lenke)
- Cestelli, Lucia; Johannessen, Ane; Stavem, Knut et al. (2022). Period and cohort effects: consequences on spirometric lung function in Norway during the 20th century. (ekstern lenke)
- Lønnebotn, Marianne; Calciano, Lucia; Johannessen, Ane et al. (2022). Parental Prepuberty Overweight and Offspring Lung Function. (ekstern lenke)
- Svanes, Cecilie; Johannessen, Ane; Bertelsen, Randi Jacobsen et al. (2022). Cohort profile: the multigeneration Respiratory Health in Northern Europe, Spain and Australia (RHINESSA) cohort. (ekstern lenke)
- Wang, Juan; Janson, Christer; Malinovschi, Andrei et al. (2022). Asthma, allergic rhinitis and atopic dermatitis in association with home environment - The RHINE study. (ekstern lenke)
- Boudier, Anne; Markevych, Iana; Jacquemin, Bénédicte et al. (2022). Long-term air pollution exposure, greenspace and health-related quality of life in the ECRHS study. (ekstern lenke)
- Heldin, Johanna; Malinovschi, Andrei; Johannessen, Ane et al. (2022). Clinical remission of asthma and allergic rhinitis-in a longitudinal population study. (ekstern lenke)
- Madsen, Marie Kjær; Schlünssen, Vivi; Svanes, Cecilie et al. (2022). The effect of farming environment on asthma; time dependent or universal?. (ekstern lenke)
- Wåtevik, Marie ; Frisk, Bente; Real, Francisco Gomez et al. (2021). CT-defined emphysema in COPD patients and risk for change in desaturation status in 6-min walk test. (ekstern lenke)
- Ekström, Magnus; Johannessen, Ane; Abramson, Michael J. et al. (2021). Breathlessness across generations: Results from the RHINESSA generation study. (ekstern lenke)
- Krantz, Christina; Accordini, Simone; Alving, Kjell et al. (2021). Cross-sectional study on exhaled nitric oxide in relation to upper airway inflammatory disorders with regard to asthma and perennial sensitization. (ekstern lenke)
- Tjalvin, Gro; Svanes, Øistein; Igland, Jannicke et al. (2021). Maternal preconception occupational exposure to cleaning products and disinfectants and offspring asthma. (ekstern lenke)
- Stavem, Knut; Johannessen, Ane; Nielsen, Rune et al. (2021). Respiratory symptoms and respiratory deaths: A multi-cohort study with 45 years observation time. (ekstern lenke)
- Accordini, Simone; Calciano, Lucia; Johannessen, Ane et al. (2021). Prenatal and prepubertal exposures to tobacco smoke in men may cause lower lung function in future offspring: a three-generation study using a causal modelling approach. (ekstern lenke)
- Värendh, Maria; Janson, Christer; Bengtsson, Caroline et al. (2021). Nasal symptoms increase the risk of snoring and snoring increases the risk of nasal symptoms. A longitudinal population study. (ekstern lenke)
- Wang, Juan; Janson, Christer; Jõgi, Rain et al. (2021). A prospective study on the role of smoking, environmental tobacco smoke, indoor painting and living in old or new buildings on asthma, rhinitis and respiratory symptoms. (ekstern lenke)
- Johansson, Henrik; Johannessen, Ane; Holm, Mathias et al. (2021). Prevalence, progression and impact of chronic cough on employment in Northern Europe. (ekstern lenke)
- Nerpin, Elisabet; Ferreira, Diogenes Seraphim; Weyler, Joost et al. (2021). Bronchodilator response and lung function decline: Associations with exhaled nitric oxide with regard to sex and smoking status. (ekstern lenke)
- Kisiel, Marta A.; Zhou, Xingwu; Björnsson, Eythor et al. (2021). The risk of respiratory tract infections and antibiotic use in a general population and among people with asthma. (ekstern lenke)
- Kuiper, Ingrid Nordeide; Svanes, Cecilie; Markevych, Iana et al. (2021). Lifelong exposure to air pollution and greenness in relation to asthma, rhinitis and lung function in adulthood. (ekstern lenke)
- Timm, Signe; Svanes, Cecilie; Frydenberg, Morten et al. (2020). Does parental farm upbringing influence the risk of asthma in offspring? A three-generation study.. (ekstern lenke)
- Pape, Kathrine; Svanes, Cecilie; Sejbaek, Camilla Sandal et al. (2020). Parental occupational exposure pre- and post-conception and development of asthma in offspring. (ekstern lenke)
- Hägg, Shadi Amid; Ljunggren, Mirjam; Janson, Christer et al. (2020). Smokers with insomnia symptoms are less likely to stop smoking. (ekstern lenke)
- Kuiper, Ingrid Nordeide; Markevych, Iana; Accordini, Simone et al. (2020). Associations of preconception exposure to air pollution and greenness with offspring asthma and hay fever. (ekstern lenke)
- Lindberg, Eva; Janson, Christer; Johannessen, Ane et al. (2020). Sleep time and sleep-related symptoms across two generations – results of the community-based RHINE and RHINESSA studies. (ekstern lenke)
- Wåtevik, Marie Johanne; Frisk, Bente; Gomez Real, Francisco et al. (2020). One Year Change in 6-Minute Walk Test Outcomes is Associated with COPD Prognosis. (ekstern lenke)
- Lunde, Lene; Baerheim, Anders; Johannessen, Ane et al. (2020). Evidence of validity for the Norwegian version of the interprofessional collaborative competency attainment survey (ICCAS). (ekstern lenke)
- Knudsen, Gerd Toril Mørkve; Dharmage, Shyamali C.; Janson, Christer et al. (2020). Parents’ smoking onset before conception as related to body mass index and fat mass in adult offspring: Findings from the RHINESSA generation study. (ekstern lenke)
- Janson, Emma; Johannessen, Ane; Holm, Mathias et al. (2020). Insomnia associated with traffic noise and proximity to traffic-a cross-sectional study of the respiratory health in northern Europe III population. (ekstern lenke)
- Triebner, Kai; Johannessen, Ane; Svanes, Cecilie et al. (2020). Describing the status of reproductive ageing simply and precisely: A reproductive ageing score based on three questions and validated with hormone levels. (ekstern lenke)
- Wang, Juan; Janson, Christer; Lindberg, Eva et al. (2020). Dampness and mold at home and at work and onset of insomnia symptoms, snoring and excessive daytime sleepiness. (ekstern lenke)
- Peralta, Gabriela P.; Marcon, Alessandro; Carsin, Anne-Elie et al. (2020). Body mass index and weight change are associated with adult lung function trajectories: The prospective ECRHS study. (ekstern lenke)
- Bédard, Annabelle; Carsin, Anne-Elie; Fuertes, Elaine et al. (2020). Physical activity and lung function-cause or consequence?. (ekstern lenke)
- Perez, Tamara Alonso; Castillo, Elena García; Ancochea, Julio et al. (2020). Sex differences between women and men with COPD: A new analysis of the 3CIA study. (ekstern lenke)
- Erdal, Marta; Johannessen, Ane; Bakke, Per S. et al. (2020). Incremental costs of COPD exacerbations in GOLD stage 2+ COPD in ever-smokers of a general population. (ekstern lenke)
- Castillo, Elena García; Pérez, Tamara Alonso; Ancochea, Julio et al. (2020). Mortality prediction in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease comparing the gold 2015 and gold 2019 staging: A pooled analysis of individual patient data. (ekstern lenke)
- Triebner, Kai; Accordini, Simone; Calciano, Lucia et al. (2019). Exogenous female sex steroids may reduce lung ageing after menopause: A 20-year follow-up study of a general population sample (ECRHS). (ekstern lenke)
- Pape, Kathrine; Svanes, Cecilie; Malinovschi, Andrei et al. (2019). Agreement of offspring-reported parental smoking status: the RHINESSA generation study. (ekstern lenke)
- Johannessen, Ane (2019). Tverrprofesjonell samarbeidslæring - TVEPS-praksis. (ekstern lenke)
- Marcon, Alessandro; Marchetti, P; Anto, J.M. et al. (2019). Atopy Modifies the Association Between Inhaled Corticosteroid Use and Lung Function Decline in Patients with Asthma.. (ekstern lenke)
- Knudsen, Gerd Toril Mørkve; Rezwan, FI; Johannessen, Ane et al. (2019). Epigenome-wide association of father's smoking with offspring DNA methylation: A hypothesis-generating study. (ekstern lenke)
- Janson, Christer; Accordini, Simone; Cazzoletti, Lucia et al. (2019). Pharmacological treatment of asthma in a cohort of adults during a 20-year period: Results from the european community respiratory health survey I, II and III. (ekstern lenke)
- Nerpin, Elisabet; Olivieri, Mario; Gislason, Thorainn et al. (2019). Determinants of fractional exhaled nitric oxide in healthy men and women from the European Community Respiratory Health Survey III. (ekstern lenke)
- Wang, Juan; Pindus, Mihkel; Janson, Christer et al. (2019). Dampness, mould, onset and remission of adult respiratory symptoms, asthma and rhinitis. (ekstern lenke)
- Bengtsson, Caroline; Jonsson, Lars; Holmström, Mats et al. (2019). Incident chronic rhinosinusitis is associated with impaired sleep quality: Results of the RhiNE study. (ekstern lenke)
- Timm, Signe; Frydenberg, Morten; Abramson, Michael J. et al. (2019). Asthma and selective migration from farming environments in a three-generation cohort study. (ekstern lenke)
- Almagro, Pere; Martínez-Camblor, Pablo; Miravitlles, Marc et al. (2019). External Validation and Recalculation of the CODEX Index in COPD Patients. A 3CIAplus Cohort Study. (ekstern lenke)
- Le, Lan Ai Kieu; Johannessen, Ane; Hardie, Jon Andrew et al. (2019). Prevalence and prognostic ability of the GOLD 2017 classification compared to the GOLD 2011 classification in a Norwegian COPD cohort. (ekstern lenke)
- Königstein, Karsten; Infanger, Denis; Bertelsen, Randi Jacobsen et al. (2019). Is atopic sensitization associated with indicators of early vascular ageing in adolescents?. (ekstern lenke)
- Johannessen, Ane; Lønnebotn, Marianne; Calciano, Lucia et al. (2019). Being overweight in childhood, puberty, or early adulthood: Changing asthma risk in the next generation?. (ekstern lenke)
- Kuiper, Ingrid Nordeide; Svanes, Cecilie; Benediktsdóttir, Bryndís et al. (2018). Agreement in reporting of asthma by parents or offspring - the RHINESSA generation study. (ekstern lenke)
- Marcon, Alessandro; Locatelli, Francesca; Keidel, Dirk et al. (2018). Airway responsiveness to methacholine and incidence of COPD: An international prospective cohort study. (ekstern lenke)
- Perez Barrionuevo, Antonio Manuel; Gomez Real, Francisco; Igland, Jannicke et al. (2018). Periodontal Health status and lung function in two Norwegian cohorts. (ekstern lenke)
- Brenna, Sissel Johansson; Baerheim, Anders; Grimeland, Tiril et al. (2018). Betydningen av å utvikle tverrprofesjonell samarbeidskompetanse: Efaringer fra TVEPS som arena for tverrprofesjonell utdanning . (ekstern lenke)
- Fuertes, Elaine; Markevych, Iana; Jarvis, Deborah et al. (2018). Residential air pollution does not modify the positive association between physical activity and lung function in current smokers in the ECRHS study. (ekstern lenke)
- Janson, Christer; Johannessen, Ane; Franklin, Karl et al. (2018). Change in the prevalence asthma, rhinitis and respiratory symptom over a 20 year period: Associations to year of birth, life style and sleep related symptoms. (ekstern lenke)
- Accordini, Simone; Calciano, Lucia; Johannessen, Ane et al. (2018). A three-generation study on the association of tobacco smoking with asthma. (ekstern lenke)
- Jögi, Nils Oskar; Svanes, Cecilie; Siiak, Silver Peeter et al. (2018). Zoonotic helminth exposure and risk of allergic diseases: A study of two generations in Norway. (ekstern lenke)
- Guerra, Beniamino; Haile, Sarah R.; Lamprecht, Bernd et al. (2018). Large-scale external validation and comparison of prognostic models: An application to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. (ekstern lenke)
- Bertelsen, Randi Jacobsen; Rava, Marta; Carsin, Anne Elie et al. (2017). Clinical markers of asthma and IgE assessed in parents before conception predict asthma and hayfever in the offspring. (ekstern lenke)
- Lindberg, Eva; Benediktsdóttir, Bryndís; Franklin, Karl A. et al. (2017). Women with symptoms of sleep-disordered breathing are less likely to be diagnosed and treated for sleep apnea than men. (ekstern lenke)
- Triebner, Kai; Matulonga, Bobette; Johannessen, Ane et al. (2017). Menopause is associated with accelerated lung function decline.. (ekstern lenke)
- Russell, Melissa A.; Janson, Christer; Gomez Real, Francisco et al. (2017). Physical activity and asthma: A longitudinal and multi-country study. (ekstern lenke)
- Burgel, Pierre-Régis; Paillasseur, Jean-Louis; Janssens, Wim et al. (2017). A simple algorithm for the identification of clinical COPD phenotypes. (ekstern lenke)
- Carlsen, Hanne Krage; Back, Erik; Eneroth, Kristina et al. (2017). Indicators of residential traffic exposure: Modelled NOX, traffic proximity, and self-reported exposure in RHINE III. (ekstern lenke)
- Johannessen, Ane (2017). Bronchodilator response in FVC is larger and more relevant than in FEV1 in severe airways obstruction.. (ekstern lenke)
- Johannessen, Ane (2017). Multiple Score Comparison: a network meta-analysis approach to comparison and external validation of prognostic scores.. (ekstern lenke)
- Johannessen, Ane (2017). Absolute values of lung function explain the sex difference in breathlessness in the general population.. (ekstern lenke)
- Skulstad, Svein Magne; Igland, Jannicke; Johannessen, Ane et al. (2017). Validation of maternal reported pregnancy and birth characteristics against the Medical Birth Registry of Norway. (ekstern lenke)
- Grønseth, Rune; Erdal, Marta; Tan, Wan C. et al. (2017). Unemployment in chronic airflow obstruction around the world: Results from the BOLD study. (ekstern lenke)
- Gíslason, Þórarinn; Bertelsen, Randi Jacobsen; Gomez Real, Francisco et al. (2016). Self-reported exposure to traffic pollution in relation to daytime sleepiness and habitual snoring: a questionnaire study in seven North-European cities. (ekstern lenke)
- Dratva, Julia; Bertelsen, Randi Jacobsen; Janson, Christer et al. (2016). Validation of self-reported figural drawing scales against anthropometric measurements in adults. (ekstern lenke)
- Langhammer, Arnulf; Johannessen, Ane; Holmen, Turid Lingaas et al. (2016). Global lung function initiative 2012 reference equations for spirometry in the Norwegian population. (ekstern lenke)
- Gomez Real, Francisco; Barrionuevo, Laura Perez; Franklin, K. et al. (2016). The Association of gum bleeding With respiratory Health in a population based study from Northern Europe. (ekstern lenke)
- Triebner, Kai; Johannessen, Ane; Puggini, Luca et al. (2016). Menopause as a predictor of new-onset asthma: A longitudinal Northern European population study. (ekstern lenke)
- Quanjer, Philip; Ruppel, GL; Langhammer, Arnulf et al. (2016). Bronchodilator response in FVC is larger and more relevant than in FEV1 in severe airflow obstruction.. (ekstern lenke)
- Svanes, Cecilie; Koplin, Jennifer; Skulstad, Svein Magne et al. (2016). Father’s environment before conception and asthma risk in his children: a multi-generation analysis of the Respiratory Health In Northern Europe study. (ekstern lenke)
- Wåtevik, Marie Johanne; Johannessen, Ane; Gomez Real, Francisco et al. (2016). Oxygen desaturation in 6-min walk test is a risk factor for adverse outcomes in COPD patients.. (ekstern lenke)
- Saure, Eirunn Waatevik; Bakke, Per S.; Eagan, Tomas Mikal et al. (2016). Diffusion capacity and CT measures of emphysema and airway wall thickness – relation to arterial oxygen tension in COPD patients.. (ekstern lenke)
- Christensen, Stine Holmegaard; Timm, Signe; Janson, Christer et al. (2016). A clear urban–rural gradient of allergic rhinitis in a population-based study in Northern Europe. (ekstern lenke)
- Erdal, Marta; Johannessen, Ane; Eagan, Tomas Mikal et al. (2016). Incidence of utilization- and symptom-defined COPD exacerbations in hospital- and population-recruited patients. (ekstern lenke)
- Vara, Ellen Johanne; Svanes, Cecilie; Skorge, Trude Duelien et al. (2016). Functional gastrointestinal symptoms are associated with higher serum total IgE levels, but less atopic sensitization. (ekstern lenke)
- Svanes, Øistein; Skorge, Trude Duelien; Johannessen, Ane et al. (2015). Respiratory health in cleaners in Northern Europe: Is susceptibility established in early life?. (ekstern lenke)
- Soriano, Joan B.; Lamprecht, Bernd; Ramírez, Ana S. et al. (2015). Mortality prediction in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease comparing the GOLD 2007 and 2011 staging systems: A pooled analysis of individual patient data. (ekstern lenke)
- Pesce, Giancarlo; Locatelli, Francesca; Cerveri, Isa et al. (2015). Seventy years of asthma in Italy: Age, period and cohort effects on incidence and remission of self-reported asthma from 1940 to 2010. (ekstern lenke)
- Nilsen, Roy Miodini; Mastroiacovo, Pierpaolo; Gunnes, Nina et al. (2014). Folic acid supplementation and interpregnancy interval. (ekstern lenke)
- Saure, Eirunn Waatevik; Eagan, Tomas Mikal; Jensen, Robert Leroy et al. (2014). Predictors for PaO2 and hypoxemic respiratory failure in COPD-A three-year follow-up. (ekstern lenke)
- Johannessen, Ane; Verlato, Guiseppe; Benediktsdottir, Bryndis et al. (2014). Longterm follow-up in European respiratory health studies - patterns and implications. (ekstern lenke)
- Timm, Signe; Svanes, Cecilie; Janson, Christer et al. (2014). Place of upbringing in early childhood as related to inflammatory bowel diseases in adulthood: A population-based cohort study in Northern Europe. (ekstern lenke)
- Grønseth, Rune; Vollmer, William M.; Hardie, Jon Andrew et al. (2014). Predictors of dyspnoea prevalence: Results from the BOLD study. (ekstern lenke)
- Erdal, Marta; Johannessen, Ane; Askildsen, Jan Erik et al. (2014). Productivity losses in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a population-based survey.. (ekstern lenke)
- Macsali, Ferenc; Svanes, Cecilie; Sothern, R. B. et al. (2013). Menstrual Cycle and Respiratory Symptoms in a General Nordic-Baltic Population. (ekstern lenke)
- Waatevik, Marie Johanne; Skorge, Trude Duelien; Omenaas, Ernst et al. (2013). Increased prevalence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in a general population. (ekstern lenke)
- Johannessen, Ane; Nilsen, Roy Miodini; Storebø, Michael Langballe et al. (2013). Comparison of 2011 and 2007 global initiative for chronic obstructive lung disease guidelines for predicting mortality and hospitalization. (ekstern lenke)
- Johannessen, Ane; Skorge, Trude Duelien; Bottai, Matteo et al. (2013). Mortality by level of emphysema and airway wall thickness. (ekstern lenke)
- Johannessen, Ane; Bakke, Per S.; Hardie, Jon Andrew et al. (2012). Association of exposure to environmental tobacco smoke in childhood with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and respiratory symptoms in adults. (ekstern lenke)
- Waatevik, Marie Johanne; Johannessen, Ane; Hardie, Jon Andrew et al. (2012). Different COPD disease characteristics are related to different outcomes in the 6-minute walk test. (ekstern lenke)
- Eagan, Tomas Mikal Lind; Aukrust, Pål; Ueland, Thor et al. (2010). Body composition and plasma levels of inflammatory biomarkers in COPD. (ekstern lenke)
- Johannessen, Ane; Eagan, Tomas Mikal Lind; Omenaas, Ernst et al. (2010). Socioeconomic risk factors for lung function decline in a general population. (ekstern lenke)
- Sørheim, Inga Cecilie; Bakke, Per S.; Gulsvik, Amund et al. (2010). alpha(1)-Antitrypsin Protease Inhibitor MZ Heterozygosity Is Associated With Airflow Obstruction in Two Large Cohorts. (ekstern lenke)
- Sørheim, Inga Cecilie; Johannessen, Ane; Gulsvik, Amund et al. (2010). Gender differences in COPD: are women more susceptible to smoking effects than men?. (ekstern lenke)
- Sørheim, Inga Cecilie; Johannessen, Ane; Grydeland, Thomas et al. (2010). Case-control studies on risk factors for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: how does the sampling of the cases and controls affect the results?. (ekstern lenke)
- Hægstad, Lars Kåre; Bjotveit, Torbjørn; Johannessen, Ane et al. (2009). How frequently are physiological variables recorded in the emergency room in patients with obstructive pulmonary diseases and pneumonia?. (ekstern lenke)
- Nielsen, Rune; Johannessen, Ane; Bakke, Per S. et al. (2009). Aspects of healthcare utilisation in self-reported obstructive lung disease. (ekstern lenke)
- Sørheim, Inga Cecilie; Johannessen, Ane; Grydeland, Thomas et al. (2009). Case–control studies on risk factors for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: how does the sampling of the cases and controls affect the results?. (ekstern lenke)
- Nielsen, Rune; Johannessen, Ane; Benediktsdottir, Bryndis et al. (2009). Present and future costs of COPD in Iceland and Norway: results from the BOLD study. (ekstern lenke)
- Johannessen, Ane; Omenaas, Ernst; Bakke, Per et al. (2005). Implications of reversibility testing on prevalence and risk factors for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a community study. (ekstern lenke)
- Omenaas, Ernst; Johannessen, Ane; Wentzel-Larsen, Tore et al. (2005). Mechanisms implicated in the relationship of diet to respiratory disease. (ekstern lenke)
- Johannessen, Ane; Omenaas, Ernst; Bakke, Per et al. (2005). Incidence of GOLD-defined chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in a general adult population. (ekstern lenke)
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Listen nedenfor viser mine publikasjoner i form av vitenskapelige artikler og lærebok-kapitler. I tillegg kommer en rekke foredrag og posterpresentasjoner jeg har hatt på nasjonale og internasjonale konferanser opp i gjennom årene, samt populærvitenskapelig formidling i form av kronikker og nyhetssaker.
I tillegg til å være leder for TVEPS og leder for forskningsgruppe for grønne områder, luftforurensning og helse, er jeg prosjektleder for:
- Bruk av ICCAS som evalueringsverktøy: et forskningsprosjekt der ulike emner innen tverrprofesjonell samarbeidslæring i Norge samler inn data om studentenes læringsutbytte gjennom det internasjonalt anerkjente spørrreskjemaet Interprofessional Collaborative Competency Attainment Survey (ICCAS). I tillegg til data fra TVEPS inngår data fra Høgskulen på Vestlandet, Universitetet i Tromsø, Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet, Universitetet i Oslo, Universitetet i Stavanger, og OsloMet Storbyuniversitetet.
- Lifespan and inter-generational respiratory effects of exposures to greenness and air pollution (Life-GAP): et forskningsprosjekt i perioden 2020-2025 finansiert med 12 mill NOK fra Forskningsrådet (BEDREHELSE programmet). Prosjekt er designet for å studere hvordan luftforurensning og grønne områder påvirker lungehelse gjennom livsløpet og på tvers av generasjoner, og omfatter to PhD-kandidater og en postdoc forsker i tillegg til seniorforskere og masterstudenter.
- Respiratory Health in Northern Europe (RHINE) studien: Dette er en longitudinell lungehelseundersøkelse med > 20 000 deltakere ved oppstart i 1990, og oppfølgingsundersøkelser gjennomført i 2000, 2010 og 2020. Deltakerne kommer fra sju steder: Bergen (Norge); Gøteborg, Umeå og Uppsala (Sverige); Reykjavik (Island); Aarhus (Danmark); Tartu (Estland). Jeg er prosjektleder for RHINE Bergen, med koordinerende ansvar for hele RHINE (alle sju sentre).