Min hovedforskningsinteresse er i numeriske metoder for differensiallikninger. Jeg er spesielt interessert i metoder som bevarer underliggende geometriske egenskaper (f.eks. symplektiske metoder og volumbevarende metoder).
Jeg er også interessert i tverrfaglig bruk av matematikk og numerikk, spesielt rettet mot medisinske anvendelser, f.eks. bildeanalyse og modellering av fysiologiske prosesser eller maskinlæring for bildeanalyse og diagnostikk.
MAT101(Brukerkurs i matematikk)
MAT121(Lineær algebra/Linear algebra)
MNF130(Diskrete strukturar/Discrete mathematics)
MAT160(Beregningsalgoritmer/Numerical analysis 1)
MAT213(Funkskjonsteori/Complex analysis)
MAT251(Klassisk og beregningsorientert mekanikk/ Classical and computational mechanics)
MAT261(Numerisk lineæralgebra/Numerial linear algebra)
MAT262(Bildebehandling/Image processing)
MNF262(Innføringskurs i bildebehandling og visualisering)
Master students:
- Sjur Kvammen (2006) Geometric Integration Methods for Denoising Tensor-valued Images , University of Bergen
- Kristin Eik (2008) Om fluidregistrering for medisinske bilete , University of Bergen
- Eyram Schwinger (2009) Renal Function Estimation using Magnetic Resonance Images, University of Bergen
- Gleb Berdnikov (2011) Image registration with volume constraints, University of Bergen
- Jon Nyfløtt, (2011) "Comparison of distance measures in multimodal image registration", University of Bergen
- Anna Katharina Trull (2013) "Estimation of parameter stability in some compartment modeling in DCE-MRI", University of Lübeck.
- Milo Viviani (2015), "Geometric integration of the point vortex equation on a rotating sphere", Universita' degli studi di Pavia.
- Andrea Raffo (2016), "Comparmental analysis of 4D MRI data. Application to renal physiology", Universita' degli studi di Genova.
- Will Haugland (2017), "Real-time image based stabilization for Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound", Universitetet i Bergen
- Thorstein Rykkje (2018), "Lie groups and the principle of virtual work applied to systems of linked rigid bodies", University of Bergen
- Nikolai Sætran (2018), "Lagrangian dynamics for solid multi-body systems with the Moving Frame formalism", University of Bergen
- Håkon Gimse, (2019), Convolutional Neural Networks for Malaria Detection, University of Bergen
- Fredrick Pfeil, (2019), A higher order IMEX for highly oscillatory differential equations, University of Bergen
PhD Student:
- Are Losnegård (2009- ), co-supervisor
- Xue Huyian (2009-2013), "Volume preserving integrators for ordinary differential equations". UiB
- Eyram Schwinger (2011-2015) Mathematical methods for ship detection from Terra-SAR imaging. University of Ghana, Legon
- Tiril Pedersen Gurholt (2013) "Image processing, filtering and segmentation of data-sets for reservoir simulations", co-supervisor, UiB.
- Ulin Nuha Abdul Qohar (2017-2023) "Modeling and simulation of blood circulation and perfusion", UiB
- Geir K. Nilsen (2018-2022) "Epistemic Uncertainty Quantification in Deep Learning by the Delta Method", UiB
- I-Hao Chen (2022-), UiB, NORCE
Research associates:
- Åsmund Kjørstad, image segmentation of the kidney
- Erik Hanson, medical image processing
- Aurora Campo, image processing for biology, stereological methods.
- Ilan Degani (2006-2009), quantum control.
- Erlend Hodneland (2010-2011), image registration.
- 2009: Erik Natvig, On the optimal control of quantum systems
- 2009: Børge Garpestad, Applications of differential geometry in computer graphics
- 2010: Steinar Børge, Pharmacokinetic and compartment modelling
Vitenskapelig artikkel
- Chen, I-Hao; Georgopoulou, Dimitra G.; Ebbesson, Lars et al. (2025). Acoustic tags versus camera—a case study on feeding behaviour of European seabass in sea cages. (ekstern lenke)
- Lorentzen, Rolf Johan; Nævdal, Geir; Sævareid, Ove et al. (2023). Perfusion estimation using synthetic MRI-based measurements and a porous media flow model. (ekstern lenke)
- Munthe-Kaas, Antonella Zanna (2022). Symplectic P-stable additive Runge—Kutta methods. (ekstern lenke)
- Qohar, Ulin Nuha Abdul; Munthe-Kaas, Antonella Zanna; Nordbotten, Jan Martin et al. (2021). A nonlinear multi-scale model for blood circulation in a realistic vascular system. (ekstern lenke)
- Nilsen, Geir Kjetil; Munthe-Kaas, Antonella Zanna; Skaug, Hans Julius et al. (2021). Epistemic uncertainty quantification in deep learning classification by the Delta method. (ekstern lenke)
- Hodneland, Erlend; Dybvik, Julie Andrea; Wagner-Larsen, Kari Strøno et al. (2021). Automated segmentation of endometrial cancer on MR images using deep learning. (ekstern lenke)
- Nilsen, Geir Kjetil; Brun, Morten; Zanna, Antonella et al. (2019). Efficient Computation of Hessian Matrices in TensorFlow . (ekstern lenke)
- Hodneland, Erlend; Hanson, Erik Andreas; Sævareid, Ove et al. (2019). A new framework for assessing subject-specific whole brain circulation and perfusion using MRI-based measurements and a multi-scale continuous flow model. (ekstern lenke)
- Hanson, Erik Andreas; Hodneland, Erlend; Lorentzen, Rolf Johan et al. (2019). Mathematics and Medicine: How mathematics, modelling and simulations can lead to better diagnosis and treatments . (ekstern lenke)
- Sætran, Nicolai; Zanna, Antonella (2019). Chains of rigid bodies and their numerical simulation by local frame methods. (ekstern lenke)
- Zanna, Antonella (2017). Some integrability properties of the Kahan method. (ekstern lenke)
- Hodneland, Erlend; Hanson, Erik Andreas; Zanna, Antonella et al. (2016). Physical models for simulation and reconstruction of human tissue deformation fields in dynamic MRI. (ekstern lenke)
- Verdier, Olivier; Xue, Huiyan; Zanna, Antonella (2016). A classification of volume preserving generating forms in R^3. (ekstern lenke)
- Norton, Richard A.; McLaren, David I.; Quispel, Gilles Reinout Willem et al. (2015). Projection methods and discrete gradient methods for preserving first integrals of ODES. (ekstern lenke)
- Munthe-Kaas, Antonella Zanna (2015). Explicit volume-preserving splitting methods for divergence-free ODEs by tensor-product basis decompositions. (ekstern lenke)
- Hodneland, Erlend; Lundervold, Arvid; Rørvik, Jarle et al. (2014). Normalized gradient fields for nonlinear motion correction of DCE-MRI time series. (ekstern lenke)
- Hodneland, Erlend; Lundervold, Arvid; Rørvik, Jarle et al. (2014). Normalized gradient fields and mutual information for motion correction of DCE-MRI images. (ekstern lenke)
- Xue, Huiyan; Zanna, Antonella (2014). Generating functions and volume preserving mappings. (ekstern lenke)
- Munthe-Kaas, Hans; Quispel, Reinout; Zanna, Antonella (2014). Symmetric spaces and Lie triple systems in numerical analysis of differential equations. (ekstern lenke)
- Hodneland, Erlend; Hanson, Erik Andreas; Lundervold, Arvid et al. (2014). Segmentation-driven image registration-application to 4D DCE-MRI recordings of the moving kidneys. (ekstern lenke)
- Schwinger, Eyram; Munthe-Kaas, Antonella Zanna (2013). Comparative analysis of various thresholding techniques on TerraSAR-X images in the presence of speckle noise. (ekstern lenke)
- Xue, Huiyan; Zanna, Antonella (2013). Explicit volume-preserving splitting methods for polynomial divergence-free vector fields. (ekstern lenke)
- Hodneland, Erlend; Ystad, Martin Andreas; Haász, Judit et al. (2012). Automated approaches for analysis of multimodal MRI acquisitions in a study of cognitive aging. (ekstern lenke)
- Degani, Ilan; Zanna, Antonella (2012). Optimal quantum control by an adapted coordinate Ascent algorithm. (ekstern lenke)
- Hodneland, Erlend; Kjørstad, Åsmund; Andersen, Erling et al. (2011). In vivo estimation of glomerular filtration in the kidney using DCE-MRI. (ekstern lenke)
- Celledoni, Elena; Zanna, Antonella (2010). Algorithm 903: FRB-Fortran Routines for the Exact Computation of Free Rigid Body Motions. (ekstern lenke)
- Anderlik, Andreea Maria; Zanna, Antonella ; Øye, Ola Kristoffer et al. (2009). Quantitative assessment of kidney function using dynamic contrast enhanced MRI – Steps towards an integrated software prototype. (ekstern lenke)
- Krogstad, Stein; Munthe-Kaas, Hans; Zanna, Antonella (2009). Generalized polar coordinates on Lie groups and numerical integrators. (ekstern lenke)
- Degani, Ilan; Zanna, Antonella ; Sælen, Lene et al. (2009). QUANTUM CONTROL WITH PIECEWISE CONSTANT CONTROL FUNCTIONS. (ekstern lenke)
- Mclachlan, Robert, i; Munthe-Kaas, Hans; Quispel, Reinout et al. (2008). Explicit Volume-Preserving Splitting Methods for Linear and Quadratic Divergence-Free Vector Fields. (ekstern lenke)
- Celledoni, Elena; Fasso, Francesco; Säfström, Niklas et al. (2007). The exact computation of the free rigid body motion and its use in splitting methods. (ekstern lenke)
- Hong, Jialin; Ying, Liu; Munthe-Kaas, Hans et al. (2006). Globally conservative properties and error estimation of a multi-symplectic scheme for Schrödinger equations with variable coefficients. (ekstern lenke)
- Iserles, Arieh; Zanna, Antonella (2005). Efficient computation of the matrix exponential by generalized polar decompositions. (ekstern lenke)
- McLachan, Robert I.; Zanna, Antonella (2005). The discrete Moser-Veselov algorithm for the free rigid body, revisited. (ekstern lenke)
- Zanna, Antonella (2004). Recurrence relations and convergence theory of the generalized polar decomposition on Lie groups. (ekstern lenke)
- Zanna, Antonella ; Iserles, Arieh (2004). On the Spectra of Certain Matrices Generated by Involutory Automorphisms. (ekstern lenke)
- Celledoni, Elena; Ebrahimi-Fard, Kurusch; Munthe-Kaas, Antonella Zanna (2024). Preface: SPECIAL ISSUE ON THEORETICAL AND COMPUTATIONAL ASPECTS OF DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS. PART I. (ekstern lenke)
- Celledoni, Elena; Munthe-Kaas, Hans Zanna; Owren, Brynjulf Rustad et al. (2024). PREFACE SPECIAL ISSUE ON MECHANICS, COMPUTATION AND THEIR MATH FOUNDATIONS. PART I. (ekstern lenke)
- Celledoni, Elena; Munthe-Kaas, Hans Zanna; Owren, Brynjulf Rustad et al. (2024). PREFACE SPECIAL ISSUE ON MECHANICS, COMPUTATION AND THEIR MATH FOUNDATIONS. PART II. (ekstern lenke)
- Zanna, Antonella (2019). Symplectic P-stable Additive Runge--Kutta Methods. (ekstern lenke)
Vitenskapelig foredrag
- Qohar, Ulin Nuha Abdul; Sourbron, Steven; Munthe-Kaas, Antonella Zanna et al. (2021). A computational fluid dynamics framework to generate digital reference objects for perfusion imaging. (ekstern lenke)
- Qohar, Ulin Nuha Abdul; Hanson, Erik Andreas; Nordbotten, Jan Martin et al. (2021). Computational Study of Vessel Occlusion using a Nonlinear Multiscale Blood Flow Model. (ekstern lenke)
- Hodneland, Erlend; Nævdal, Geir; Zanna, Antonella (2020). Nye metoder for distribuert og data-drevet simulering av blodstrøm i hjernen. (ekstern lenke)
- Qohar, Ulin Nuha Abdul; Zanna, Antonella; Nordbotten, Jan Martin et al. (2019). A study of blood flow regulation on collateral circulation using multiscale flow model. (ekstern lenke)
- Qohar, Ulin Nuha Abdul; Zanna, Antonella; Nordbotten, Jan Martin et al. (2019). A multi-scale flow model for studying blood circulation in the vascular system. (ekstern lenke)
- Zanna, Antonella (2019). On the construction of some symplectic P-stable additive Runge—Kutta methods. (ekstern lenke)
- Zanna, Antonella (2019). Mathematics and Medicine. Some interdisciplinary projects at the University of Bergen. (ekstern lenke)
- Zanna, Antonella (2018). A family of modified trigonometric integrators for highly oscillatory problems with good geometric properties. (ekstern lenke)
- Zanna, Antonella (2017). Mathematics & Medicine - how mathematics, modelling and simulation can lead to better diagnosis and treatment. (ekstern lenke)
- Zanna, Antonella (2017). A modified trigonometric integrator for highly oscillatory problems. (ekstern lenke)
- Zanna, Antonella (2017). A family of modified trigonometric integrators for highly oscillatory problems with good geometric properties. (ekstern lenke)
- Zanna, Antonella (2014). On a problem in quantum control. (ekstern lenke)
- Zanna, Antonella; Hansen, Jan Petter (2014). On a problem in quantum control. (ekstern lenke)
- Zanna, Antonella (2014). Testing explicit volume-preserving methods: Quasi-Geostrophic flows. (ekstern lenke)
- Schwinger, Eyram; Munthe-Kaas, Antonella Zanna (2013). Comparative Analysis of Various Thresholding Techniques on TerraSAR-X Images in the Presence of Speckle Noise. (ekstern lenke)
- Zanna, Antonella (2013). Generating forms and volume preserving numerical integrators. (ekstern lenke)
- Munthe-Kaas, Antonella Zanna (2013). An introduction to image registration. (ekstern lenke)
- Zanna, Antonella (2013). Symmetric spaces and Lie triple systems in numerical analysis of differential equations. (ekstern lenke)
- Zanna, Antonella; Xue, Huiyan; Verdier, Olivier (2013). Volume preserving numerical methods and generating forms. (ekstern lenke)
- Hodneland, Erlend; Lundervold, Arvid; Rørvik, Jarle et al. (2013). Normalized gradient fields and mutual information for motion correction of DCE-MRI images. (ekstern lenke)
- Zanna, Antonella (2013). Some new insight in volume preserving forms and divergence free differential equations. (ekstern lenke)
- Munthe-Kaas, Antonella Zanna (2013). Model based perfusion/filtration of the kidney. (ekstern lenke)
- Hodneland, Erlend; Kjørstad, Åsmund; Andersen, E. et al. (2011). In vivo estimation of glomerular filtration in the kidney using DCE-MRI. (ekstern lenke)
- Munthe-Kaas, Antonella Zanna (2011). Testing explicit volume-preserving splitting methods: Quasi-Geostrophic equations. (ekstern lenke)
- Munthe-Kaas, Antonella Zanna (2011). MR perfusion imaging of the kidney. (ekstern lenke)
- Munthe-Kaas, Antonella Zanna (2011). Recent advancements on explicit volume-preserving splitting methods. (ekstern lenke)
- Munthe-Kaas, Antonella Zanna (2011). Recent advancements on explicit volume-preserving splitting methods. (ekstern lenke)
- Munthe-Kaas, Antonella Zanna (2010). Generalized Polar coordinates in Control. (ekstern lenke)
- Munthe-Kaas, Antonella Zanna; Xue, Huiyan (2010). Explicit volume-preserving methods for divergence-free vector fields: basis tensor product. (ekstern lenke)
- Munthe-Kaas, Antonella Zanna; Xue, Huiyan (2010). Explicit volume preserving splitting methods for divergence-free vectorfields: Laurent polynomials. (ekstern lenke)
- Munthe-Kaas, Antonella Zanna (2010). Explicit volume-preserving splitting methods II: the case of trigonometric polynomials and tensor-product bases. (ekstern lenke)
- Munthe-Kaas, Antonella Zanna (2010). Generalized polar decompositions in control. (ekstern lenke)
- Zanna, Antonella (2009). Generalized polar coordinates on Lie groups. (ekstern lenke)
- Anderlik, Andreea Maria; Zanna, Antonella ; Øye, Ola Kristoffer et al. (2009). Quantitative assessment of kidney function using dynamic contrast enhanced MRI – Steps towards an integrated software prototype. (ekstern lenke)
- Zanna, Antonella ; Degani, Ilan (2009). Issues in quantum computing. (ekstern lenke)
- Zanna, Antonella (2008). Image registration by matrix group transformations. (ekstern lenke)
- Degani, Ilan; Zanna, Antonella (2008). Control and efficient simulation of quantum dynamics. (ekstern lenke)
- Degani, Ilan; Zanna, Antonella (2008). Control and efficient simulation of quantum dynamics. (ekstern lenke)
- Degani, Ilan; Zanna, Antonella (2008). Control and efficient simulation of quantum dynamics. (ekstern lenke)
- Degani, Ilan; Zanna, Antonella (2008). Control and efficient simulation of quantum dynamics. (ekstern lenke)
- Degani, Ilan; Zanna, Antonella (2008). Control and efficient simulation of quantum dynamics. (ekstern lenke)
- Degani, Ilan; Zanna, Antonella (2008). Control and efficient simulation of quantum dynamics. (ekstern lenke)
- Zanna, Antonella ; Anderlik, Andreea Maria; Lundervold, Arvid (2008). A phantom model for testing registration in kidney perfusion analysis. (ekstern lenke)
- Zanna, Antonella ; Celledoni, Elena; Fasso, Francesco et al. (2007). Exact and approximate methods for the free rigid body. (ekstern lenke)
- Zanna, Antonella (2007). Lie group methods: where are we heading next?. (ekstern lenke)
- Zanna, Antonella ; Celledoni, Elena (2007). On the exact integration of Rigid Body equations. (ekstern lenke)
- Mclachlan, Robert, i; Munthe-Kaas, Hans; Quispel, Reinout et al. (2006). Explicit volume preserving methods for divergence-free polynomial vector fields. (ekstern lenke)
- Mclachlan, Robert, i; Munthe-Kaas, Hans; Quispel, Reinout et al. (2006). Explicit, volume preserving splitting methods for divergence-free polynomial vector fields. (ekstern lenke)
- Zanna, Antonella (2006). On the integration of the attitude matrix for the rigid body. (ekstern lenke)
- Mclachlan, Robert, i; Munthe-Kaas, Hans; Quispel, Reinout et al. (2006). Volume preserving splitting methods for divergence free vector fields. (ekstern lenke)
- Zanna, Antonella (2006). Geometric methods in diffusion tensor imaging of the brain. (ekstern lenke)
- Zanna, Antonella (2004). The Moser--Veselov algorithm for the free rigid body, revisited. (ekstern lenke)
- Zanna, Antonella (2004). The discrete Moser--Veselov algorithm for the rigid body. (ekstern lenke)
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Faglig foredrag
- Zanna, Antonella (2019). UHT-MNT Fagorgan i matematikk og Norsk matematikkråd. (ekstern lenke)
- Zanna, Antonella (2018). Flow based interpretation of dynamical contrast enhanced data. (ekstern lenke)
- Zanna, Antonella (2017). Experience with Canvas/MittUib and integration with external tools. (ekstern lenke)
- Zanna, Antonella; Munthe-Kaas, Hans; Quispel, Reinout (2014). Symmetries and reversing symmetries in differential equations and linear algebra. (ekstern lenke)
- Qohar, Ulin Nuha Abdul; Zanna, Antonella; Nordbotten, Jan Martin et al. (2019). Fractal vascular structure optimization based on a multi-scale blood flow model. (ekstern lenke)
- Hanson, Erik Andreas; Hodneland, Erlend; Zanna, Antonella et al. (2014). Poroelastic regularization of image registration. (ekstern lenke)
- Losnegård, Are; Munthe-Kaas, Antonella Zanna; Hartveit, Espen et al. (2011). Segmentation and reconstruction of neurons for simulation of signal transmission. (ekstern lenke)
- Hodneland, Erlend; Munthe-Kaas, Antonella Zanna; Haàsz, Judith et al. (2011). Normalized gradient fields for multimodal image registration between DT-MRI and 3D T1-weighted MRI. (ekstern lenke)
- Øye, Ola Kristoffer; Anderlik, Andreea Maria; Zanna, Antonella et al. (2009). MRI kidney - Quantitative assessment of kidney function using DCE-MRI. (ekstern lenke)
- Anderlik, Csaba; Anderlik, Andreea Maria; Zanna, Antonella et al. (2009). Integrated software prototype for medical image processing. (ekstern lenke)
- Anderlik, Andreea Maria; Rørvik, Jarle; Zöllner, Frank et al. (2008). Functional kidney imaging In silico – a framework for studying motion correction and pharmacokinetics. (ekstern lenke)
- Zanna, Antonella; Gimse, Håkon (2019). Convolutional Neural Networks for Malaria Detection. (ekstern lenke)
- Zanna, Antonella; Sætran, Nicolai (2018). Lagrangian dynamics for solid multi-body systems with the Moving Frame formalism. (ekstern lenke)
- Munthe-Kaas, Antonella Zanna; Berdnikov, Gleb (2011). Image Registration with Volume Constraints. (ekstern lenke)
- Munthe-Kaas, Antonella Zanna; Nyfløtt, Jon (2011). Comparison of distance measures in Multimodal registration of medical images. (ekstern lenke)
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
- Munthe-Kaas, Antonella Zanna (2011). Generalized polar decompositions in control. (ekstern lenke)
- Hodneland, Erlend; Ystad, Martin Andreas; Haasz, Judit et al. (2010). Automated workflow for spatial alignment of multimodal MR image acquisitions in a longitudinal study of cognitive aging. (ekstern lenke)
Nettsider (opplysningsmateriale)
Populærvitenskapelig foredrag
Se en full oversikt over publikasjoner i Cristin
Publikasjoner fra MathSciNet (krever tilgang).
Cody: Computational Dynamics (2006-2009)
NFR no. 191178/V30, GeNuIn: Geometric Numeric Integration in Applications. (NFR, 2009-2012)
MedViz: From Vision to Decision
CRiSP (EU, 2011-2013)
NFR no. 208081 DAADppp Bergen-Lübeck, "Explicit Modelling in DCE-MRI" (2011-2012)
UiB-Meltzer "Imagina -- Multimodal image alignment" (2011-2012)
UiB-SPIRE "Modelling and Quantification in DCE-MRI" (2013-2014)
NFR no. 262203 Frinatek "Flow-based interpretation of dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI"