Bettina Sandgathe Husebø
Professor, Leder for Senter for alders- og sykehjemsmedisin
- Nursing Home Medicine
- Palliative Medicine and Palliative Care
- Assessment of Pain in Patients with Dementia
- Impact of Pain on Behavioural Disturbances in Patients with Dementia
- Psychometrics and Algesimetry
- 2019 - Innovasjonsleder, IGS, UiB
- 2017 - Professor IGS, UoB/Leader of Centre for Elderly and Nursing Home Medicine
- 2012 - 2017 Assoc. prof., IGS, UoB, Leader of SEFAS
- 2016 - Researcher (20%) at Dep. Nursing Home Medicine, Municipality of Bergen
- 2011-2015 Researcher, National Centre Age-related Med (20%), Stavanger UniHosp
- 2012 Researcher at NOKLUS, Haraldsplass Diaconian Hospital (50%)
- 2001-2005 Consultant (20%) at Centre for Excellence Palliative Care, Western Norway
- 1997-2011 Medical Director Bergen Red Cross Nursing Home (BRKS)
- 1996-1997 Consultant Malteser University Hospital, University of Bonn
- 1993-1997 Leader for Home Care Service for Palliative Care (20%), University of Bonn
- 2014 Specialist in Elderly and Nursing Home Medicine, UoB (kompetansepåbygging)
- 2012 Specialist in Palliative Medicine, UoB (kompetansepåbygging)
- 2008-2011 Postdoctor fellow “Impact Pain in Dementia”; Research Council Norway (RCN) Grant
- 1995 Specialist in Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, University of Bonn, Germany
- 2021 Postgraduate Safety, Quality, Informatics and Leadership (SQIL) Program, Harvard University, Boston, USA
- 2014 Medical Specialization in Nursing Home Medicine, UIB
- 2012 Medical Specialization in Palliative Medicine, UIB
- 2008 PhD thesis, IGS, Faculty of Medicine Dentistry, UoB, Health Rehabilitation Grant
- 1993 Dissertation/Doctoral thesis, Faculty of Medicine, University of Bonn, Germany
- 1988 Medical doctor (MD), Faculty of Medicine, University of Bonn, Germany
2022 - National Dementia Award by His Majesty King Harald of Norway
2016 - “Epidemiology of Death at Home”, Kjellstadli C, et al., Poster award, IGS, UiB
2012 - Faculty of Medicine, UIB, Annual Award “Best Research Lecturer”,
2012 - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, IGS, UiB, Annual Award “Teacher of the year”
2010 - Stiftelsen DAM: Research Award PhD-project: Pain Assessment in Dementia
2010 - Norwegian Red Cross Award Protection Human Dignity: End-of-life Care in Dementia
2009 - Norwegian Pain Society Research Award. Husebo et al. “Who suffers most?”
2009 - Eur. Assoc. Palliative Care (EAPC) 1st place award: Pain Behavior People with Dementia
2008-2011 - Postdoctoral fellowship “Impact Pain in Dementia”; Research Council Norway (RCN)
2008 - Norwegian Red Cross: Torstein Dale Award for Palliative Care for Older Adults
2002 - Norwegian Ministry of Health and Care “The Helper Award” for establishing the first palliative care ward in a Norwegian nursing home
Teaching activities
Lectures (bachelor and master) in English, German, and Norwegian about Dementia, Pain in Dementia, Innovation and Technologies for Older Adults, Symptom Management at the End of Life, Systematic Medication Review, Advance Care Planning, Behavioral Disturbances in People with Dementia, Method Developments and Psychometric Properties, Health and Care Systems; Lectures for doctoral studies – at the Faculty of Medicine, UiB, and medical students’ bedside training in nursing homes.
Institutional responsibilities
2019 - Head of Innovation at IGS Department, Faculty of Medicine, UiB
2018-2022 - Head of Section for Elderly Medicine, Social Pharmacy, and Interprofessional Workplace Learning (FEST), IGS Department, Faculty of Medicine, UiB
2016 - Head of SEFAS Research Group, IGS Department, Faculty of Medicine, UiB
2012 - Head of Centre for Elderly and Nursing Home Medicine (SEFAS), UiB
- Boyle, Lydia; Husebø, Bettina Elisabeth Franziska; Marty, Brice Sylvain Daniel et al. (2024). Digital phenotyping for changes in activity at the end of life in people with dementia. (ekstern lenke)
- Førsund, Elise; Torrado Vidal, Juan Carlos; Fæø, Stein Erik et al. (2024). Active ageing in a community-based living environment. (ekstern lenke)
- Myrenget, Martin Elstad; Rustøen, Tone; Myskja, Audun et al. (2024). Reply to Kajiwara et al.. (ekstern lenke)
- Vislapuu, Maarja; Patrascu, Monica; Allore, Heather et al. (2024). Feedback System Analysis of a Multicomponent Intervention on Dyads of Home-Dwelling Persons With Dementia and Their Caregivers: Results From the LIVE@ Home.Path Trial. (ekstern lenke)
- Førsund, Elise; Torrado Vidal, Juan Carlos; Fæø, Stein Erik et al. (2024). Exploring active ageing in a community-based living environment: an ethnographic study in the Western Norway context. (ekstern lenke)
- Sandvik, Reidun Karin Norheim Myhre; Husebø, Bettina Elisabeth Franziska; Selbæk, Geir et al. (2024). Oral symptoms in dying nursing home patients. Results from the prospective REDIC study. (ekstern lenke)
- van Dam, Paulien H; Achterberg, Wilco; Husebø, Bettina Elisabeth Franziska et al. (2024). The effect of paracetamol on care dependency and daily functioning in persons with advanced dementia living in long-term care facilities. (ekstern lenke)
- van de Beek, Sifra H.; Erdal, Ane; Husebø, Bettina Elisabeth Franziska et al. (2024). Impact of Pain and Neuropsychiatric Symptoms on Activities in Nursing Home Residents (COSMOS Trial). (ekstern lenke)
- Collins, Jemima T.; Walsh, David A.; Gladman, John R. F. et al. (2024). The Difficulties of Managing Pain in People Living with Frailty: The Potential for Digital Phenotyping. (ekstern lenke)
- Myrenget, Martin Elstad; Rustøen, Tone; Myskja, Audun X. et al. (2024). The effect of a music-based caregiving intervention on pain intensity in nursing home patients with dementia: a cluster-randomized controlled study. (ekstern lenke)
- Berceanu, Cristian; Banu, Ionut; Husebø, Bettina S. et al. (2023). Crowd Simulation with Deliberative-Reactive Agents. (ekstern lenke)
- Patrascu, Monica; Reithe, Haakon; Marty, Brice Sylvain Daniel et al. (2023). Tremor Detection with Wavelets from Acceleration Measurements in Parkinson's Disease. (ekstern lenke)
- Puaschitz, Nathalie Genevieve; Jacobsen, Frode F.; Berge, Line Iden et al. (2023). Access to, use of, and experiences with social alarms in home-living people with dementia: results from the LIVE@Home.Path trial. (ekstern lenke)
- Helvik, Anne-Sofie; Bergh, Sverre; Saltyte Benth, Jurate et al. (2023). Pain and quality of life in nursing home residents with dementia after admission – a longitudinal study. (ekstern lenke)
- Gedde, Marie H.; Husebø, Bettina Elisabeth Franziska; Vahia, Ipsit V et al. (2022). Impact of COVID-19 restrictions on behavioural and psychological symptoms in home-dwelling people with dementia: A prospective cohort study (PAN.DEM). (ekstern lenke)
- Ito, Erika; Nouchi, Rui; Dinet, Jerome et al. (2022). The Effect of Music-Based Intervention on General Cognitive and Executive Functions, and Episodic Memory in People with Mild Cognitive Impairment and Dementia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Recent Randomized Controlled Trials. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina Elisabeth Franziska; Vislapuu, Maarja; Cyndecka, Malgorzata Agnieszka et al. (2022). Understanding pain and agitation through system analysis algorithms in people with dementia. A novel explorative approach by the DIGI.PAIN study. (ekstern lenke)
- Gedde, Marie H.; Husebø, Bettina Elisabeth Franziska; Mannseth, Janne et al. (2022). The impact of medication reviews by general practitioners on psychotropic drug use and behavioral and psychological symptoms in home-dwelling people with dementia: results from the multicomponent cluster randomized controlled LIVE@Home.Path trial. (ekstern lenke)
- Angeles, Renira Corinne; Berge, Line Iden; Husebø, Bettina Elisabeth Franziska et al. (2022). Cost-effectiveness of LIVE@Home.Path care model for home-dwelling persons with dementia: preliminary results from a stepped-wedge randomized controlled trial. (ekstern lenke)
- Vislapuu, Maarja; Berge, Line Iden; Angeles, Renira Corinne et al. (2022). Factors associated with formal and informal resource utilization in nursing home patients with and without dementia: cross-sectional analyses from the COSMOS trial. (ekstern lenke)
- Berceanu, Cristian; Banu, Ionut; Husebø, Bettina Elisabeth Franziska et al. (2022). Predictive Agent-Based Crowd Model Design Using Decentralized Control Systems. (ekstern lenke)
- Torrado Vidal, Juan Carlos; Husebø, Bettina Elisabeth Franziska; Allore, Heather G. et al. (2022). Digital phenotyping by wearable-driven artificial intelligence in older adults and people with Parkinson's disease: Protocol of the mixed method, cyclic ActiveAgeing study. (ekstern lenke)
- Berge, Line Iden; Gedde, Marie H.; Torrado Vidal, Juan Carlos et al. (2022). The acceptability, adoption, and feasibility of a music application developed using participatory design for home-dwelling persons with dementia and their caregivers. The “Alight” app in the LIVE@Home.Path trial. (ekstern lenke)
- Boyle, Lydia; Husebø, Bettina Elisabeth Franziska; Vislapuu, Maarja (2022). Promotors and barriers to the implementation and adoption of assistive technology and telecare for people with dementia and their caregivers: a systematic review of the literature. (ekstern lenke)
- Sallnow, Libby; Smith, Richard; Ahmedzai, Sam H et al. (2022). Report of the Lancet Commission on the Value of Death: bringing death back into life. (ekstern lenke)
- Helvik, Anne-Sofie; Bergh, Sverre; Kabukcuoglu, Kamile et al. (2022). Prevalence and persistent prescription of analgesic drugs in persons admitted with dementia to a nursing home - A longitudinal study. (ekstern lenke)
- Helvik, Anne-Sofie; Bergh, Sverre; Šaltytė Benth, Jūratė et al. (2021). Pain in nursing home residents with dementia and its association to quality of life. (ekstern lenke)
- Hillestad, Eirin; Husebø, Bettina Elisabeth Franziska; Tranvåg, Oscar (2021). Understanding the motive and meaning of volunteer support for persons with dementia. (ekstern lenke)
- de Jong-Schmit, Bianca E. M.; Poortvliet, Rosalinde K. E.; Böhringer, Stefan et al. (2021). Blood pressure, antihypertensive medication and neuropsychiatric symptoms in older people with dementia: The COSMOS study. (ekstern lenke)
- Sverdrup, Karen; Bergh, Sverre; Selbæk, Geir et al. (2021). Exploring life-space in the nursing home. An observational longitudinal study. (ekstern lenke)
- Kolberg, Eirin; Hjetland, Gunnhild Johnsen; Thun, Eirunn et al. (2021). The effects of bright light treatment on affective symptoms in people with dementia: a 24-week cluster randomized controlled trial. (ekstern lenke)
- Angeles, Renira Corinne; Husebø, Bettina Elisabeth Franziska (2021). Den problematiske pårørendebelastningen. (ekstern lenke)
- Flo-Groeneboom, Elisabeth; Elvegaard, Tony ; Gulla, Christine et al. (2021). The longitudinal association between the use of antihypertensive medications and 24-hour sleep in nursing homes: results from the randomized controlled COSMOS trial. (ekstern lenke)
- Achterberg, Wilco P.; Erdal, Ane; Husebø, Bettina Elisabeth Franziska et al. (2021). Are Chronic Pain Patients with Dementia Being Undermedicated?. (ekstern lenke)
- Blytt, Kjersti Marie; Flo-Groeneboom, Elisabeth; Erdal, Ane et al. (2021). Sleep and its association with pain and depression in nursing home patients with advanced dementia -a cross-sectional study. (ekstern lenke)
- Habiger, Torstein Frugård; Achterberg, Wilco; Flo-Groeneboom, Elisabeth et al. (2021). Managing Pain and Psychosis Symptoms in Nursing Home Patients: Results from a Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial (COSMOS). (ekstern lenke)
- Angeles, Renira Corinne; Berge, Line Iden; Gedde, Marie H. et al. (2021). Which factors increase informal care hours and societal costs among caregivers of people with dementia? A systematic review of Resource Utilization in Dementia (RUD). (ekstern lenke)
- Puaschitz, Nathalie; Jacobsen, Frode Fadnes; Mannseth, Janne et al. (2021). Factors associated with access to assistive technology and telecare in home-dwelling people with dementia: baseline data from the LIVE@Home.Path trial. (ekstern lenke)
- Berge, Line Iden; Gedde, Marie H.; Husebø, Bettina Elisabeth Franziska et al. (2021). Age and emotional distress during covid-19: Findings from two waves of the norwegian citizen panel. (ekstern lenke)
- Gedde, Marie H.; Husebø, Bettina Elisabeth Franziska; Fæø, Stein Erik et al. (2021). LIVE@Home.Path: Innovating the clinical pathway for home-dwelling people with dementia and caregivers . (ekstern lenke)
- Gedde, Marie H.; Husebø, Bettina Elisabeth Franziska; Berge, Line Iden (2021). Multicomponent intervention with medication reviews impact on psychotropic drug use and behavioural and psychological symptoms in home-dwelling persons with dementia. . (ekstern lenke)
- Gedde, Marie H.; Husebø, Bettina Elisabeth Franziska; Naik, Mala et al. (2021). Impact of medication review on psychotropic drug use for behavioral and psychological symptoms of home-dwelling persons with dementia. . (ekstern lenke)
- Vislapuu, Maarja; Angeles, Renira Corinne; Berge, Line I. et al. (2021). The consequences of COVID-19 lockdown for formal and informal resource utilization among home-dwelling people with dementia: results from the prospective PAN.DEM study. (ekstern lenke)
- Staats, Katrine; Christensen, Karen Erika Kirsten; Grov, Ellen Karine et al. (2021). Healthcare professionals’ perceptions of dignity-preserving care for older home-dwelling women with incurable cancer in Norway. (ekstern lenke)
- Wagatsuma, Shunta; Yamaguchi, Taizo; Berge, Line Iden et al. (2021). How, Why and Where it Hurts—Breaking Down Pain Syndrome Among Nursing Home Patients With Dementia: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of the COSMOS Trial. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina Elisabeth Franziska; Kerns, Robert D.; Han, Ling et al. (2021). Pain, complex chronic conditions and potential inappropriate medication in people with dementia. Lessons learnt for pain treatment plans utilizing data from the veteran health administration. (ekstern lenke)
- Gedde, Marie H.; Husebø, Bettina; Erdal, Ane et al. (2021). Access to and interest in assistive technology for home-dwelling people with dementia during the COVID-19 pandemic (PAN.DEM). (ekstern lenke)
- Fæø, Stein Erik; Tranvåg, Oscar ; Bruvik, Frøydis Kristine et al. (2021). Perceptions on care and support as described by home-dwelling persons with dementia. (ekstern lenke)
- Fæø, Stein Erik; Husebø, Bettina Elisabeth Franziska; Bruvik, Frøydis Kristine et al. (2021). Being Home with Dementia: Explorations of the Meaning of Home and Approaches to Care and Support. (ekstern lenke)
- Fæø, Stein Erik; Bruvik, Frøydis Kristine; Tranvåg, Oscar et al. (2020). Home dwelling persons with dementia's perception on care support: Qualitative study. (ekstern lenke)
- Sævareid, Trygve Johannes Lereim; Karlsen, Heidi Marie; Pedersen, Reidar et al. (2020). Belastende besøksstans. (ekstern lenke)
- Wong, Eliza Lai-Yi; Liao, Jennifer Mengwei; Etherton-Beer, Christopher et al. (2020). Scoping review: Intergenerational resource transfer and possible enabling factors. (ekstern lenke)
- Gedde, Marie H.; Husebø, Bettina Elisabeth Franziska; Puaschitz, Nathalie et al. (2020). Access to and interest in assistive technology for home-dwelling people with dementia under COVID-19. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina; Allore, Heather; Achterberg, Wilco et al. (2020). LIVE@Home.Path--innovating the clinical pathway for home-dwelling people with dementia and their caregivers: Study protocol for a mixed-method, stepped-wedge, randomized controlled trial. (ekstern lenke)
- MacNeil Vroomen, Janet L.; Kjellstadli, Camilla; Allore, Heather G. et al. (2020). Reform influences location of death: Interrupted time-series analysis on older adults and persons with dementia. (ekstern lenke)
- van Dam, Paulien H.; Achterberg, Wilco; Husebø, Bettina Elisabeth Franziska et al. (2020). Does paracetamol improve quality of life, discomfort, pain and neuropsychiatric symptoms in persons with advanced dementia living in long-term care facilities? A randomised double-blind placebo-controlled crossover (Q-PID) trial. (ekstern lenke)
- Fæø, Stein Erik; Tranvåg, Oscar ; Samdal, Rune et al. (2020). The compound role of a coordinator for home-dwelling persons with dementia and their informal caregivers: qualitative study. (ekstern lenke)
- Gedde, Marie H.; Husebø, Bettina; Mannseth, Janne et al. (2020). Less is more: The impact of deprescribing psychotropic drugs on behavioral and psychological symptoms and daily functioning in nursing home patients. Results from the Cluster-Randomized Controlled COSMOS Trial. (ekstern lenke)
- Achterberg, Wilco; Lautenbacher, Stefan; Husebø, Bettina et al. (2020). Pain in dementia. (ekstern lenke)
- Sverdrup, Karen; Bergh, Sverre; Selbæk, Geir et al. (2020). Trajectories of physical performance in nursing home residents with dementia. (ekstern lenke)
- Kjellstadli, Camilla; Allore, Heather; Husebø, Bettina et al. (2020). General practitioners' provision of end-of-life care and associations with dying at home: a registry-based longitudinal study. (ekstern lenke)
- Kunz, Miriam; de Waal, Margot W. M.; Achterberg, Wilco P. et al. (2020). The Pain Assessment in Impaired Cognition scale (PAIC15): A multidisciplinary and international approach to develop and test a meta-tool for pain assessment in impaired cognition, especially dementia. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina; Heintz, Hannah L.; Berge, Line Iden et al. (2020). Sensing technology to monitor behavioral and psychological symptoms and to assess treatment response in people with dementia: A systematic review. (ekstern lenke)
- Staats, Katrine; Grov, Ellen Karine; Husebø, Bettina et al. (2020). Dignity and dignity loss in end-of-life of older women with incurable cancer living at home: Informal caregiver perceptions. (ekstern lenke)
- Ito, Erika; Berge, Line Iden; Husebø, Bettina et al. (2020). The negative impact of psychotropic drug use on quality of life in nursing home patients at different stages of dementia: Cross-sectional analyses from the COSMOS trial. (ekstern lenke)
- Staats, Katrine; Grov, Ellen Karine; Husebø, Bettina et al. (2020). Dignity of older home-dwelling women nearing end-of-life: Informal caregivers’ perception . (ekstern lenke)
- Eriksen, Siren ; Grov, Ellen Karine; Lichtwarck, Bjørn et al. (2020). Behandling, omsorg og pleie for døende sykehjemspasienter med covid-19. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina; Berge, Line Iden (2020). Politikerne hykler om velferdsteknologi. (ekstern lenke)
- Achterberg, Wilco P.; Lautenbacher, Stefan S.; Husebø, Bettina et al. (2020). Pain in dementia. (ekstern lenke)
- Staats, Katrine; Grov, Ellen Karine; Husebø, Bettina et al. (2020). Dignity and loss of dignity: Experiences of older women living with incurable cancer at home. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina Elisabeth Franziska; Berge, Line Iden (2020). Intensive Medicine and Nursing Home Care in Times of SARS CoV-2: A Norwegian Perspective. (ekstern lenke)
- Fæø, Stein Erik; Husebø, Bettina; Bruvik, Frøydis Kristine et al. (2019). The significance of the home in persons with dementia - A qualitative study. (ekstern lenke)
- Staats, Katrine; Grov, Ellen Karine; Husebø, Bettina et al. (2019). Framework for Patient and Informal Caregiver Participation in Research (PAICPAIR): Part 1. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina; Flo, Elisabeth (2019). Eldreboken: Diagnoser og behandling. (ekstern lenke)
- Kjellstadli, Camilla; Han, Ling; Allore, Heather G et al. (2019). Associations between home deaths and end-of-life nursing care trajectories for community-dwelling people: a population-based registry study. (ekstern lenke)
- Staats, Katrine; Grov, Ellen Karine; Husebø, Bettina et al. (2019). Hva styrker verdigheten til kreftsyke kvinner som ønsker å dø hjemme?. (ekstern lenke)
- Blytt, Kjersti Marie; Flo, Elisabeth; Husebø, Bettina et al. (2019). Sleep in Nursing Home Patients: Clinical Assessment and the Effects of Pain Treatment on Sleep. (ekstern lenke)
- Gulla, Christine; Flo, Elisabeth; Kjome, Reidun Lisbet Skeide et al. (2019). Implementing a novel strategy for interprofessional medication review using collegial mentoring and systematic clinical evaluation in nursing homes (COSMOS). (ekstern lenke)
- Bondevik, Gunnar Tschudi; Hofoss, Dag; Husebø, Bettina et al. (2019). The safety attitudes questionnaire – ambulatory version: psychometric properties of the Norwegian version for nursing homes. (ekstern lenke)
- Erdal, Ane; Ballard, Clive; Vahia, Ipsit Vihang et al. (2019). Analgesic treatments in people with dementia - how safe are they? A systematic review. (ekstern lenke)
- Erdal, Ane; Husebø, Bettina (2019). Efficacy and safety of analgesic treatment for depression in nursing home patients with dementia. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina; Ballard, Clive; Aarsland, Dag et al. (2019). The effect of a multicomponent intervention on quality of Life in residents of nursing homes: A randomized controlled trial (COSMOS). (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina; Tranvåg, Oscar ; Fæø, Stein Erik et al. (2019). LIVE@Home.Path. (ekstern lenke)
- Fæø, Stein Erik; Tranvåg, Oscar ; Bruvik, Frøydis Kristine et al. (2019). Å leve hjemme med demens. (ekstern lenke)
- Fæø, Stein Erik; Husebø, Bettina; Bruvik, Frøydis Kristine et al. (2019). “We live as good a life as we can, in the situation we’re in” – the significance of the home as perceived by persons with dementia. (ekstern lenke)
- Deilkås, Ellen C Tveter; Hofoss, Dag; Husebø, Bettina et al. (2019). Opportunities for improvement in nursing homes: Variance of six patient safety climate factor scores across nursing homes and wards - Assessed by the Safety Attitudes Questionnaire. (ekstern lenke)
- Habiger, Torstein Frugård; Achterberg, Wilco; Flo, Elisabeth et al. (2019). Psychosis symptoms in nursing home residents with and without dementia?Cross-sectional analyses from the COSMOS study. (ekstern lenke)
- Vislapuu, Maarja; Berge, Line Iden; Gedde, Marie Hidle et al. (2019). Ethics, privacy and regulations in research including home-dwelling people with dementia. . (ekstern lenke)
- Fæø, Stein Erik; Husebø, Bettina; Bruvik, Frøydis Kristine et al. (2019). A bu heime med demens. (ekstern lenke)
- Fæø, Stein Erik; Husebø, Bettina; Bruvik, Frøydis Kristine et al. (2019). LIVE@Home.Path. (ekstern lenke)
- Gedde, Marie Hidle; Husebø, Bettina; Vislapuu, Maarja et al. (2019). Digital Assessments for Individualized Dementia Care. (ekstern lenke)
- Staats, Katrine; Grov, Ellen Karine; Husebø, Bettina et al. (2019). Patient and Informal Caregiver Participation in Research (PAICPAIR) Part 1. (ekstern lenke)
- van Dam, Paulien H; Caljouw, Monique A. A.; Slettebø, Dagrun Daltveit et al. (2019). Quality of Life and Pain Medication Use in Persons With Advanced Dementia Living in Long-Term Care Facilities. (ekstern lenke)
- Staats, Katrine; Grov, Ellen Karine; Husebø, Bettina et al. (2019). Dignity-preserving care as perceived by older women living at home with incurable cancer – preliminary results. (ekstern lenke)
- Halvorsen, Kjell H.; Goodman, Claire; Achterberg, Wilco et al. (2018). Experiences from how interdisciplinary network initiatives enhance care home research. (ekstern lenke)
- Kjellstadli, Camilla; Husebø, Bettina; Sandvik, Hogne et al. (2018). Few planned home deaths in Norway. A population-based cross-sectional study. (Oral session O6.2.1). (ekstern lenke)
- Strand, Liv Inger; Gundrosen, Kim Frederik; Lein, Regina Küfner et al. (2018). Body movements as pain indicators in older people with cognitive impairment: A systematic review.. (ekstern lenke)
- van Dam, Paulien H.; Achterberg, Wilco; Gussekloo, Jacobijn et al. (2018). Quality of life and paracetamolin advanced dementia (Q-TIP): A randomized double blind controlled cross-over trial. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina; Fleten Mo, Ingunn; Strand, Liv Inger (2018). Pain and physical function among nursing home patients and people with dementia. (ekstern lenke)
- Fæø, Stein Erik; Husebø, Bettina; Bruvik, Frøydis Kristine et al. (2018). LIVE@HOME with dementia - a pilot study. (ekstern lenke)
- Fæø, Stein Erik; Tranvåg, Oscar ; Husebø, Bettina et al. (2018). Living at home with dementia. (ekstern lenke)
- Gulla, Christine; Husebø, Bettina (2018). A Fine Balance: Drug Use in Norwegian Nursing Homes. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2018). Styrker arbeidet for de eldre. (ekstern lenke)
- Aasmul, Irene; Husebø, Bettina; Sampson, Elizabeth L. et al. (2018). Advance Care Planning in Nursing Homes–Improving the Communication Among Patient, Family, and Staff: Results From a Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial (COSMOS). (ekstern lenke)
- Erdal, Ane; Slettebø, Dagrun Daltveit; Husebø, Bettina (2018). Authors’ Reply to Stefani: “Efficacy and Safety of Analgesic Treatment for Depression in People with Advanced Dementia: Randomised, Multicentre, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial (DEP.PAIN.DEM)”. (ekstern lenke)
- Gulla, Christine; Flo, Elisabeth; Kjome, Reidun Lisbet Skeide et al. (2018). Deprescribing antihypertensive treatment in nursing home patients and the effect on blood pressure. (ekstern lenke)
- Aasmul, Irene; Husebø, Bettina; Flo, Elisabeth (2018). Description of an advance care planning intervention in nursing homes: Outcomes of the process evaluation. (ekstern lenke)
- Erdal, Ane; Flo, Elisabeth; Aarsland, Dag et al. (2018). Efficacy and Safety of Analgesic Treatment for Depression in People with Advanced Dementia: Randomised, Multicentre, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial (DEP.PAIN.DEM). (ekstern lenke)
- Erdal, Ane; Flo, Elisabeth; Aarsland, Dag et al. (2018). Tolerability of buprenorphine transdermal system in nursing home patients with advanced dementia: a randomized, placebo-controlled trial (DEP.PAIN.DEM). (ekstern lenke)
- Blytt, Kjersti Marie; Bjorvatn, Bjørn; Husebø, Bettina et al. (2018). Effects of pain treatment on sleep in nursing home patients with dementia and depression: A multicenter placebo-controlled randomized clinical trial. (ekstern lenke)
- Kjellstadli, Camilla; Husebø, Bettina; Sandvik, Hogne et al. (2018). Comparing unplanned and potentially planned home deaths: a population-based cross-sectional study. (ekstern lenke)
- Blytt, Kjersti Marie; Husebø, Bettina; Flo, Elisabeth et al. (2018). Long-term pain treatment did not improve sleep in nursing home patients with comorbid dementia and depression: A 13-week randomized placebo-controlled trial. (ekstern lenke)
- Bondevik, Gunnar Tschudi; Hofoss, Dag; Husebø, Bettina et al. (2017). Patient safety culture in Norwegian nursing homes. (ekstern lenke)
- Blytt, Kjersti Marie; Bjorvatn, Bjørn; Husebø, Bettina et al. (2017). Clinically significant discrepancies between sleep problems assessed by standard clinical tools and actigraphy. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina; Flo, Elisabeth; Engedal, Knut (2017). The Liverpool Care Pathway: a systematic review discarded in cancer patients but good enough for dying nursing home patients. (ekstern lenke)
- Blytt, Kjersti Marie; Selbæk, Geir; Drageset, Jorunn et al. (2017). Comorbid dementia and cancer in residents of nursing homes: secondary analyses of a cross-sectional study. (ekstern lenke)
- Sandvik, Reidun Karin; Husebø, Bettina (2017). Management of pain and burdensome symptoms in nursing home patients. (ekstern lenke)
- Erdal, Ane; Flo, Elisabeth; Selbæk, Geir et al. (2017). Associations between pain and depression in nursing home patients at different stages of dementia. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2017). Slik reduserte de medisinbruken på sykehjemmet. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2017). Nytt om helsefolk. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2017). Hvordan skal vi pleie døende personer med demens?. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2017). Dronningen er et forbilde (kronikk). (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2017). Hjemmedød: Ingjerd (64) mistet ektemannen Arne i kreft. Han fikk oppfylt sitt siste ønske: Å dø hjemme. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2017). Gut vernetz. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina; Erdal, Ane; Kjellstadli, Camilla et al. (2017). Kunnskapsoppsummering - Helsehjelp til eldre. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2017). Kampen for de døende. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2017). – LCP ikke tilpasset demenspasienter. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina; Ballard, Clive; Aarsland, Dag et al. (2017). Response of Agitated Behaviour to Pain Management in People with Dementia. RCT trial.. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2017). Assessment and treatment of persistent pain in nursing home residents should be implemented systematically to prevent suffering. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2017). Dialogmøte om omsorg og behandling mot livets slutt til personer med demens. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2017). Smertevurdering- og behandling hos personer med demens. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2017). What can we learn from Norway?. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2017). Hva vet vi om palliasjon og demens? Med utgangspunkt i review til EU-Joint Action Dementia.. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2017). Forschung im Pflegeheim. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2017). Palliativmedizin in der Geriatrie. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2017). Ikke bare et omdømmeproblem; utfordringer i eldreomsorgen. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2017). Oppsummering av kunnskap og forskningsresultater som del av kunnskapsgrunnlaget for Leve hele livet – en kvalitetsreform for elder. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2017). Når er riktig tidspunkt for å flytte til sykehjem for personer med demens?. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina; Habiger, Torstein Frugård (2017). Relationship between Pain, Psychosis and Agitation in People with Dementia: A RCT Trial.. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2017). ICI-HomeTime: Integrated Care Innovation to Improve Home Time in People with Dementia. A Stepped Wedge Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial.. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2017). Japan - Norway Collaboration in Elderly Care and Medicine. (ekstern lenke)
- Griffioen, Charlotte; Husebø, Bettina; Flo, Elisabeth et al. (2017). Opioid Prescription Use in Nursing Home Residents with Advanced Dementia. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2017). Alters – und Pflegeheimsmedizin. Eine globale Herausforderung in norwegischem/deutschem Alltag. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina Elisabeth Franziska; Flo-Groeneboom, Elisabeth; Engedal, Knut (2017). Erratum to: The Liverpool Care Pathway: discarded in cancer patients but good enough for dying nursing home patients? A systematic review. (ekstern lenke)
- Flo, Elisabeth; Bjorvatn, Bjørn; Corbett, Anne et al. (2016). Joint occurrence of pain and sleep disturbances in people with dementia. A systematic review. (ekstern lenke)
- Aasmul, Irene; Husebø, Bettina; Flo, Elisabeth (2016). Staff distress improves by treating pain in nursing home patients with dementia: results from a cluster-randomized controlled trial. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina; Achterberg, Wilco; Flo, Elisabeth (2016). Identifying and managing pain in people with Alzheimer’s Disease and other types of dementia: a aystematic review. (ekstern lenke)
- Van Kooten, Janine; Binnekade, Tarik T.; Van Der Wouden, Johannes C. et al. (2016). A review of pain prevalence in Alzheimer's, vascular, frontotemporal and lewy body dementias. (ekstern lenke)
- Blytt, Kjersti Marie; Bjorvatn, Bjørn; Husebø, Bettina et al. (2016). "Sleep in Nursing Home Patients: A Cross-sectional Study Using Actigraphic and Informant-observed Assessments of Sleep Disturbances" . (ekstern lenke)
- Gulla, Christine; Flo, Elisabeth; Kjome, Reidun Lisbet Skeide et al. (2016). Medication review based on clinical evaluation in nursing homes. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2016). Fremover 4. juli 2016: Halvparten på sykehjem dør med store smerter. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2016). Sykepleien 11. august 2016: Palliasjonens mor. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2016). Bergens Tidende 26. juli 2016 Eldreomsorg i trøbbel. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2016). Trønderavisa 3. oktober 2016 På bunn i hjemmedød. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2016). NRK Hordaland 7.november 2016 Forskar ut mot Helsedirektoratet. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2016). 2. november 2016 Fleire eldre bør få døy heime. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2016). NRK Frokostradio/Jacobsen 3.november 2016 Forsker på hjemmedød. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2016). Palliative Care in People With Dementia. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2016). Morgenbladet 4. november 2016 Skyt de gamle.... (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2016). Dagbladet Magasinet 26. november 2016 Eldresviket. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2016). Alters – und Pflegeheimsmedizin Eine globale Herausforderung in norwegischem/deutschem Alltag . (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2016). NRK P1/P2/Hordaland 2.november 2016 Forsker på hjemmedød. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2016). NRK P1+ 8. og 9. november 2016 Forskar ut mot Helsedirektoratet. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2016). 7. november 2016 Forskar trur demente feilaktig blir lagt på dødsleie. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2016). Batschunzer Palliativ Kongress: Neue Wege in der Pflegeheimsmedizin. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2016). Christies Konferenzen: Eldreomsorg - en global utfordring i en norsk hverdag. (ekstern lenke)
- Sandvik, Reidun Karin; Selbaek, G; Husebø, Bettina et al. (2016). Signs of Imminent Dying and Change in Symptom Intensity during Pharmacological Treatment in Dying Nursing Home Patients. A Prospective Trajectory Study. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2016). 2. januar 2016: Helsevesenet bruker ikke ny forskning. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2016). Her og nå, NRK Radio 28. juni 2016: Roboter skal fikse eldreomsorg. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2016). Vorarlberger Nachrichten 19. mars 2016: Es ist ein Privileg, altern zu dürfen. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2016). Aftenposten 2. juli 2016: 9000 dør med store smerter på norske sykehjem. (ekstern lenke)
- Griffioen, Charlotte; Willems, E; Husebø, Bettina et al. (2016). Prevalence of the use of opioids for the treatment of pain in persons with a cognitive impairment compared with cognitivley intact persons : a systematic review.. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2016). Bergens Tidende 12. januar 2016: Fullt hus på helsedebatt. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2016). Bergens Tidende 2. mars 2016: Mangedobling i bruken av smertestillende på sykehjem. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2016). 19. april 2016: Hva skjer egentlig når vi skal dø?. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2016). Vi over 60 27. juni 2016: HER VIL JEG LEVE, her vil jeg dø. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2016). Österreichischer Rundfunk (ORF) 8. mars 2016: Intervju på radio i Østerrike. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2016). Avisa Nordland 2. juli 2016: Halvparten på sykehjem dør med store smerter. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2016). Bergens Tidende 30. juni 2016: Tysk prins vil lære norsk eldreomsorg. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2016). VG 2. juli: Nesten halvparten av sykehjemspasientene har en smertefull død. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2016). Bergens Tidende 1. juli 2016: Kjerringrådene du kan trenge i sommer. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2016). Intergeneration solutions. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2016). Würde im Alter – Altersfürsorge in neuem Licht . (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2016). Lindrende demensomsorg. (ekstern lenke)
- Flo, Elisabeth; Husebø, Bettina; Bruusgaard, Pernille et al. (2016). A review of the implementation and research strategies of advance care planning in nursing homes. (ekstern lenke)
- Kvalheim, Siri Flagestad; Strand, Gunhild V; Husebø, Bettina et al. (2016). End-of-life palliative oral care in Norwegian health institutions. An exploratory study. (ekstern lenke)
- Gulla, Christine; Selbæk, Geir; Flo, Elisabeth et al. (2016). Multi-psychotropic drug prescription and the association to neuropsychiatric symptoms in three Norwegian nursing home cohorts between 2004 and 2011. (ekstern lenke)
- Sandvik, Reidun Karin; Selbæk, Geir; Kirkevold, Øyvind et al. (2016). Corrigendum to 'Analgesic prescribing patterns in Norwegian nursing homes from 2000 to 2011: Trend analyses of four data samples'. (ekstern lenke)
- Sandvik, Reidun Karin Norheim Myhre; Selbæk, Geir; Bergh, Sverre et al. (2016). Signs of imminent dying and change in symptom intensity during pharmacological treatment in dying nursing home patients: a prospective trajectory study. (ekstern lenke)
- Habiger, Torstein Frugård; Flo, Elisabeth; Achterberg, Wilco P. et al. (2016). The interactive relationship between pain, psychosis, and agitation in people with dementia: results from a cluster-randomised clinical trial. (ekstern lenke)
- Sandvik, Reidun Karin; Selbæk, Geir; Kirkevold, Øyvind et al. (2016). Analgesic prescribing patterns in Norwegian nursing homes from 2000 to 2011: trend analyses of four data samples . (ekstern lenke)
- Aasmul, Irene; Husebø, Bettina; Flo, Elisabeth (2015). Advance care planning in norwegian nursing homes – study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina; Flo, Elisabeth; Aarsland, Dag et al. (2015). COSMOS-improving the quality of life in nursing home patients: Protocol for an effectiveness-implementation cluster randomized clinical hybrid trial. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina; Habiger, Torstein Frugård (2015). Vurdering og behandling av smerte hos pasienter med demens. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2015). Vurdering og behandling av smerte hos pasienter med demens. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Stein Borge; Husebø, Bettina (2015). Omsorg ved livets slutt - forberedende samtaler. (ekstern lenke)
- Flo, Elisabeth; Husebø, Bettina (2015). Treating pain in dementia - are we good enough?. (ekstern lenke)
- Flo, Elisabeth; Husebø, Bettina; Brusgaard, Pernille et al. (2015). Implementation and Research Strategies of Advance Care Planning in Nursing Homes. A Review of the Literature.. (ekstern lenke)
- Flo, Elisabeth; Husebø, Bettina (2015). Kvalitet og kompetanse på sykehjem – behov for en standard for behandling og omsorg. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2015). Pain Assessment in People with Dementia. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2015). KOSMOS & Omsorg i livets slutt. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2015). KLINISK FORSKNING – Det beste for pasienter og samfunnet- Utfordringer og muligheter for kliniske studier. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2015). Pain in People with Dementia. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2015). Vil ha en time med aktivitet på sykehjem . (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2015). Leger lar seg påvirke for mye . (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2015). Forskning ved sykehjem kommer ikke til nytte. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2015). Omsorg oppnådd . (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2015). Sykehjem som forskningsarena. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2015). Sykehjemspasienter med demens lider unødig. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2015). Demente lider i stillhet. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2015). Demente lider unødig . (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2015). Eldre i helsevesenet. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2015). Hjemmedød. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2015). Bestemor står bakerst i køen. (ekstern lenke)
- Achterberg, Wilco P.; Caljouw, Monique; Husebø, Bettina (2015). Towards academic nursing home medicine: a Dutch example for Norway?. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2015). KOSMOS study and Advance Care Planning (ACP) in Norwegian Nursing Homes. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2015). KOSMOS & Omsorg i livets slutt. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2015). Efficacy of treating pain on agitation. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2015). Efficacy of treating pain on behavioural disturbances in people with dementia. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2015). Pain and dementia. New developments in Norway. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2015). Pharmacological and non-pharmacological approaches to intervention/treatment.. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2015). Samarbeider om riktig smertebehandling. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2015). Vil pålegge kommuner legemiddelgjennomgang. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2015). Mener bruk av tiltaksplan bør stoppes. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2015). LCP på sykehjem. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2015). Komplekse forskningsintervensjoner. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2015). Smerteforskning hos personer med demens. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2015). Forskning på sykehjem: Alderdom en kvinnesak.. (ekstern lenke)
- Habiger, Torstein Frugård; Flo, Elisabeth; Achterberg, Wilco et al. (2015). Psychosis and agitation and their interactive relationship to pain in people with dementia: results from a randomized clinical trial. (ekstern lenke)
- Habiger, Torstein Frugård; Flo, Elisabeth; Achterberg, Wilco et al. (2015). The effect of pain and pain treatment on agitation and psychosis in nursing home patients suffering from dementia. (ekstern lenke)
- Tranvåg, Oscar ; Husebø, Bettina; Thoresen, Camilla Kjellstadli et al. (2015). Vil ha døden tilbake til hjemmet. (ekstern lenke)
- Tranvåg, Oscar ; Husebø, Bettina; Thoresen, Camilla Kjellstadli et al. (2015). Norge på sisteplass i hjemmedød. (ekstern lenke)
- Aasmul, Irene; Husebø, Bettina; Flo, Elisabeth (2015). Implementation of Advance Care Planning in Norwegian Nursing Homes An effectiveness-implementation hybrid trial . (ekstern lenke)
- Gulla, Christine; Kjome, Reidun Lisbet Skeide; Husebø, Bettina (2015). Legemidler i sykehjem - en balansekunst. (ekstern lenke)
- Thoresen, Camilla Kjellstadli; Husebø, Bettina (2015). "Eg vil døy heime!" Kvifor er dette så vanskeleg i Noreg?. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina; Aasmul, Irene; Flo, Elisabeth (2015). Lindrende behandling og omsorg ved livets slutt hos personer med demens. (ekstern lenke)
- Thoresen, Camilla Kjellstadli; Husebø, Bettina; Flo, Elisabeth et al. (2015). Epidemiology of Home Death in Norway. (ekstern lenke)
- Gulla, Christine; Selbæk, Geir; Kjome, Reidun Lisbet Skeide et al. (2015). Multi-psychotropic drug prescription in nursing home patients with dementia. (ekstern lenke)
- Thoresen, Camilla Kjellstadli; Flo, Elisabeth; Husebø, Bettina (2015). Kan jeg få dø hjemme?. (ekstern lenke)
- Elvegaard, Tony Matias; Husebø, Bettina; Flo, Elisabeth (2015). Daytime sleep and Activity - a Descriptive Study of Elderly Nursing Home Patients in Norway. (ekstern lenke)
- Elvegaard, Tony Matias; Husebø, Bettina; Flo, Elisabeth (2015). Aktiviteter på sykehjem - hva fungerer?. (ekstern lenke)
- Blytt, Kjersti Marie; Husebø, Bettina; Selbæk, Geir et al. (2015). Prevalence of Cancer in Nursing Home Patients with and without Dementia.7 th Eur Con Pain Dementia. P 007.. (ekstern lenke)
- van Dalen-Kok, Annelore H.; Pieper, Marjoleine J.C.; de Waal, Margot W.M. et al. (2015). Association between pain, neuropsychiatric symptoms, and physical function in dementia: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (ekstern lenke)
- Drageset, Jorunn; Corbett, Anne; Selbæk, Geir et al. (2014). Cancer-related pain and symptoms among nursing home residents: a systematic review. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina; Ballard, Clive; Fritze, Friederike et al. (2014). Efficacy of pain treatment on mood syndrome in patients with dementia: A randomized clinical trial. (ekstern lenke)
- Sandvik, Reidun Karin; Selbæk, Geir; Seifert, Reinhard et al. (2014). Impact of a stepwise protocol for treating pain on pain intensity in nursing home patients with dementia: A cluster randomized trial. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina; Corbett, Anne (2014). Pain management in dementia--the value of proxy measures. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2014). Døden på resept – Verdi Debatt. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2014). Tysk doktor i Norsk demensomsorg. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2014). Hva behandler vi egentlig - agitasjon, depresjon eller smerte?. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2014). Demenspasienter trenger bedre smertebehandling . (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2014). Demente trenger vurdering og behandling av smerte . (ekstern lenke)
- Sandvik, Reidun Karin; Husebø, Bettina (2014). Smertevurdering hos pasienter med demens. (ekstern lenke)
- Corbett, Anne; Achterberg, Wilco; Husebø, Bettina et al. (2014). An international road map to improve pain assessment in people with impaired cognition: the development of the Pain Assessment in Impaired Cognition (PAIC) meta-tool. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2014). LVS kurs: Seponeringsstrategier og medisinering på Shj. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2014). Aktiv aldring. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2014). Omsorg i livets slutt. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2014). Pain Item Reduction Process. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2014). Aktiv aldring. (ekstern lenke)
- Flo, Elisabeth; Husebø, Bettina (2014). Søvn og smerter blant pasienter med demens. (ekstern lenke)
- Thoresen, Camilla Kjellstadli; Flo, Elisabeth; Husebø, Bettina (2014). Døden flyttet inn på institusjon. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2014). Tragisk at man ikke vet effekten! . (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2014). Smertebehandling mot depresjon. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2014). Smertebehandling øker aktivitet hos demente . (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2014). Smertevurdering hos pasienter med demens . (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2014). Eldrebølgen. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2014). Psychometric properties and validation of PAIC. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2014). Etikk, kommunikasjon, forskning på sykehjem. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2014). Neue Wege in der Pflegeheimsmedizin. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2014). Kveldsundervisning forskning og omsorg I livets slutt. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2014). Forschung im Pflegeheim, Schmerz bei Demenz. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2014). Tagesseminar: Forschung im Pflegeheim, Schmerz bei Demenz. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2014). Debatt med innlegg om aktiv dødshjelp. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2014). Smerte og symptomlindring, kommunikasjon, palliativmedisin. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2014). Advance Care Planning. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2014). Forschung im Pflegeheim, Schmerzbehandlung bei Demenz. (ekstern lenke)
- Toxopeus, Anne; Husebø, Bettina; Strand, Liv Inger et al. (2014). The mouth care item of the MOBID pain scale: secondary analyses of unique video uptakes by dental professionals.. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2014). Smertebehandling hjelper, men for hva?. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2014). Pain and depression. (ekstern lenke)
- Sandvik, Reidun Karin; Husebø, Bettina (2014). . Individuell smertebehandling reduserer smerte hos pasienter med demens. (ekstern lenke)
- Flo, Elisabeth; Gulla, Christine; Husebø, Bettina (2014). Effective pain management in patients with dementia: benefits beyond pain?. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina; Ostelo, Raymond; Strand, Liv Inger (2014). The MOBID-2 pain scale: Reliability and responsiveness to pain in patients with dementia. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina; Ballard, Clive; Cohen-Mansfield, Jiska et al. (2014). The response of agitated behavior to pain management in persons with dementia. (ekstern lenke)
- Corbett, Anne; Husebø, Bettina; Achterberg, Wilco P. et al. (2014). The importance of pain management in older people with dementia. (ekstern lenke)
- Achterberg, Wilco P.; Pieper, Marjoleine J.C.; van Dalen-Kok, Annelore H. et al. (2013). Pain management in patients with dementia. (ekstern lenke)
- Pieper, MJC; van Dalen-Kok, AH; Francke, AL et al. (2013). Interventions targeting pain or behaviour in dementia: A systematic review. (ekstern lenke)
- Graverholt, Birgitte; Riise, Trond; Jamtvedt, Gro et al. (2013). Acute hospital admissions from nursing homes: predictors of unwarranted variation?. (ekstern lenke)
- Reitinger, Elisabeth; Froggatt, Katherine; Brazil, Kevin et al. (2013). Palliative care in long-term care settings for older people: Findings from an EAPC Taskforce. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina; Husebø, Stein Borge (2012). Behandling i livets slutt – legens ansvar. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2012). Behavioral aspects of dementia & impaired cognition. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Stein Borge; Husebø, Bettina (2012). Gamle - og pasienter med demens - omsorg ved livets slutt :. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina; Husebø, Stein Borge (2012). Tverrfaglig Geriatri. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina; Kunz, Miriam; Achterberg, WP et al. (2012). Pain assessment and treatment challenges in patients with dementia. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2012). Behandling av smerte hos pasienter med demens. (ekstern lenke)
- Ruths, Sabine; Sørensen, Pernille Hegre; Kirkevold, Øyvind et al. (2012). Trends in psychotropic drug prescribing in Norwegian nursing homes from 1997 to 2009: a comparison of six cohorts. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina; Husebø, Stein Borge (2012). Behandling i livets slutt – legen har nøkkelposisjonen. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2012). Efficacy of treating pain to reduce behavioural disturbances in residents og nursing homes with dementia: Cluster randomized clinical trial. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2012). Demenz – Agitation: was bringt eine Schmerztherapie?. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2012). Assessment of Pain in Patients with BPSD. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina; Achterberg, WP; Lobbezoo, Frank et al. (2012). Pain in patients with dementia: A review of pain assessment and treatment challenges. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2012). The anticipatoric corps. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Stein Borge; Husebø, Bettina (2012). “I never died before…” End-of-life communication with elderly cancer patients. (ekstern lenke)
- Corbett, Anne; Husebø, Bettina; Malcangio, Marzia et al. (2012). Assessment and treatment of pain in people with dementia. (ekstern lenke)
- Graverholt, Birgitte; Riise, Trond; Jamtvedt, Gro et al. (2012). Acute hospitalizations from nursing homes - an example of unwarranted variation?. (ekstern lenke)
- Sandvik, Reidun Karin; Husebø, Bettina; Testad, Ingelin et al. (2011). Assessment of pain and symptoms in dying unconscious nursing home patients. A systematic review. (ekstern lenke)
- Sandvik, Reidun Karin; Husebø, Bettina (2011). Måler smerte hos personer med demens. (ekstern lenke)
- Sandvik, Reidun Karin; Husebø, Bettina (2011). Smerte og demens. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina; Ballard, C.; Årsland, Dag (2011). Pain treatment of agitation in patients with dementia: a systematic review. (ekstern lenke)
- Årsland, Dag; Husebø, Bettina; Ballard, Clive (2011). PAIN AND AGITATION IN DEMENTIA Authors' reply to McShane and Regnard. (ekstern lenke)
- Sandvik, Reidun Karin; Husebø, Bettina (2011). Smertevurdering hos pasienter med demens. (ekstern lenke)
- Ballard, Clive; Smith, Jess; Husebø, Bettina et al. (2011). The role of pain treatment in managing the behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD). (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina; Ballard, Clive; Sandvik, Reidun Karin et al. (2011). Efficacy of treating pain to reduce behavioural disturbances in residents of nursing homes with dementia: cluster randomised clinical trial. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina; Strand, Liv Inger; Moe-Nilssen, Rolf et al. (2010). Pain in older persons with severe dementia. Psychometric properties of the Mobilization-Observation-Behaviour-Intensity-Dementia (MOBID-2) Pain Scale in a clinical setting. (ekstern lenke)
- Ruths, Sabine; Sørensen, Pernille; Selbæk, Geir et al. (2010). Trends in psychotropic drug prescribing in Norwegian nursing homes: a 10-year perspective. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina; Strand, Liv Inger; Moe-Nilssen, Rolf et al. (2008). Who suffers most? Dementia and pain in nursing home patients: A cross-sectional study. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina (2008). Assessment of pain in patients with dementia. (ekstern lenke)
- Husebø, Bettina; Strand, Liv Inger; Moe-Nilssen, Rolf et al. (2008). Who suffers most? Dementia and pain in nursing home patients. (ekstern lenke)
Se en full oversikt over publikasjoner i Cristin
PhD - thesis Husebo BS. Assessment of Pain in Patients with Dementia. Dissertation for the degree of doctor philosophiae. University of Bergen, 2008. ISBN 978-82-308-0601-2.
Dissertation, Dr. med. Sandgathe, B. Die Beziehung zwischen den bekannten Anomalien des Chromosoms 4 und Auftreten neurologischer Symptome unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Epilepsie. Grad eines Doktors der Medizin durch Dissertation. Rheinische Friederich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, 1993.
Publications by year:
2017-2020 CombHI; EU-application network, Research Council of Norway (RCN) (0.2 mil. €)
2020 RCN- Equivalent for private research funding by GC Rieber Foundation (0.4 mil. €)
2015-2019 Nat. Univ. Res. Network Elderly Nursing Home Medicine; National Budget (0.3 mil. €)
2015-2019 ICI HomeTime Trial; Dignity Centre, Womens’ Health, Rieber Foundation (0.8 mil. €)
2016-2020 «May I Die at Home?»; Stiftelsen DAM (0.4 mil. €)
2015-2018 SLEEP.PAIN.DEM RCT Trial; Health Region West (0.5 mil. €)
2013-2017 COSMOS RCT Trial; RCN (1.6 mil. €)
2013-2017 DEP.PAIN.DEM RCT Trial; RCN (0.6 mil. €)
2011-2015 WP2-leader EU-COST Action TD1005 “Pain Patients with Dementia” (4 mil. €)
2008-2011 PAIN.BPSD RCT Trial; RCN (0.6 mil. €)
MAJOR COLLABORATIONS (selected, ongoing)
2018- Team of the Lancet Commission on the Value of Death, London, UK
2021- Prof Jeff Kaye, Assisted living technologies, Oregon Univ., US
2019- Prof Monica Patrascu, Complex systems modelling, Univ. Politehnica of Bucharest, RO
2018- Prof Ipsit Vahia, Digital phenotyping in dementia, Harvard Univ., McLean, Boston, US
2017- Profs Ruyta Kawashima and Rui Nouchi, Mental activities, Tohoku University, Japan
2016- Prof Heather Allore, Biostatistics, Yale University, US
2011- Prof Wilco P. Achterberg, Pain in dementia, Univ. of Leiden, NL
2008- Prof Clive Ballard, Geriatric psychology, Medical School, Univ. of Exeter, UK
2007- Prof Dag Aarsland, Intervention trials in dementia, King’s College, London, UK