Bruce Kapferer



Bruce Kapferer har utført en rekke langvarige feltarbeid i Zambia, India (Kerala), Sri Lanka og Australia og hans engasjement innen antropologi har omhandlet problemstillinger knyttet til urbanisering og migrasjon, vold og statsdannelse, ritualteori og politiske og sosiale formasjoner, samt engasjert seg i teoridannelse innen sosialantropologi.

Før Kapferer kom til Institutt for sosialantropologi, UiB i 1999 har han arbeidet ved en lang rekke institusjoner som inkluderer Center For Advanced Studies in the Behavioral Sciences, Palo Alto, Netherlands Institute for Advanced Studies, Wassenaar, Institute For Advanced Studies, Hebrew University og Centre for Cultural Research, Aarhus.

Posisjoner han har holdt inkluderer Commonwealth Scholar & Research Affiliate, Rhodes Livingstone Institute (senere Institute For African Studies), Zambia 1963-1966, førsteamanuensis ved University of Manchester 1966-1973, professor ved University of Adelaide 1973-1985, professor ved University College London 1985 -1996 samt professor ved James Cook University 1996-1999. Kapferer har også i ulike kapasitetet vært tilknyttet University of California, Los Angeles, Stockholms Universitet, Københavns Universitet og Gøteborgs Universitet.


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Se en full oversikt over publikasjoner i Cristin

Utvalgte publikasjoner

2011. Legends of People, Myths of State. Violence, Intolerance and Political Culture in Sri Lanka and Australia. New York og Oxford: Berghahn Books. [Revidert utgave med kapitler og kommentarer av blant annet David Rampton, Roshan de Silva Wijeyeratne, Rohan Bastin og Barry Morris.]

1998 [1988]. Legends of People, Myths of State. Violence, Intolerance and Political Culture in Sri Lanka and Australia. Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press.

1997. The feast of the sorcerer. Practices of Consciousness and Power. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press.

1991 [1987]. A celebration of demons Exorcism and the Aesthetics of Healing in Sri Lanka. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

1972. Strategy and Transaction in an African Factory. Manchester: Manchester, University Press.

1967. Co-operation, leadership and village structure. A preliminary economic and political study of ten Bisa villages in the northern province of Zambia. Lusaka: University of Zambia.

1966. The Population of a Zambian Municipal Township. Communication I. Lusaka: Institute for Social Research.

Redigerte verk

2012. [med Angela Hobart] Contesting the state. The dynamics of resistance and control. Oxford: Sean Kingston Publishing.

2010. [med Annelin Eriksen og Kari Telle] Contemporary Religiosities. Emergent Socialities and the Post-Nation-State.  New York og Oxford: Berghahn Books.

2009. [with Bjørn Enge Bertelsen] Crisis of the state. War and Social Upheaval. New York og Oxford: Berghahn Books.

2005. Oligarchs and Oligopolies. New York og Oxford: Berghahn Books.

2005. The Retreat of the Social: The Rise and Rise of Reductionism. New York og Oxford: Berghahn Books.

2005. [med Angela Hobart] Aesthetics in Performance: Formations of Symbolic Construction and Experience. New York og Oxford: Berghahn Books.

2004. State, Sovereignty, War: Civil Violence in Emerging Global Realities. New York og Oxford: Berghahn Books.

2004. The World Trade Center and Global Crisis: Critical Perspectives. New York og Oxford: Berghahn Books.

2002. Beyond Rationalism: Rethinking Magic, Witchcraft and Sorcery. New York og Oxford: Berghahn Books.

2002. [med Georges Papigny] Tovil. Exorcismes therapeutiques bouddhistes. Paris: Editions DesIris.

1987. Power, process and transformation. Essays in memory of Max Gluckman. Temanummer av Social analysis, 22.

1979. The Power of ritual : transition, transformation and transcendence in ritual practice. Temanummer av Social analysis, 1

1976. Transaction and meaning. Directions in the anthropology of exchange and symbolic behavior. Philadelphia : Institute for the Study of Human Issues.

2012. [med Christopher Taylor] Introduction: Forces in the production of the state, i Bruce Kapferer og Angela Hobart (red.) Contesting the state. The dynamics of resistance and control. Oxford: Sean Kingston Publishing, pp. 1-19.

2012. [med Roshan de Silva Wijeyeratne] Post-war realities in Sri Lanka: From the crime of war to the crime of peace in Sri Lanka?, i Bruce Kapferer og Angela Hobart (red.) Contesting the state. The dynamics of resistance and control. Oxford: Sean Kingston Publishing, pp. 147-160.

2011. Louis Dumont and a holist anthropology, i Ton Otto og Nils Bubandt (red.) Experiments in holism. Theory and practice in contemporary anthropology. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 187-208.

2010. From the crime of war to the crime of peace, i Ana Pararajasingham (red.) Sri Lanka: 60 Years of 'Independence' and Beyond. Emmenbrucke, Switzerland: Centre for Just Peace and Democracy, pp. 182-191.

2009. [med Bjørn Enge Bertelsen] Introduction: The Crisis of Power and Reformations of the State in Globalizing Realities, i Bruce Kapferer og Bjørn Enge Bertelsen (red.) Crisis of the state. War and Social Upheaval. New York og Oxford: Berghahn Books, pp. 1-26.

2008. Afterword: Cosmologies, i Marianne Lien og Marit Melhus (red.) Holding Worlds Together. New York og Oxford: Berghahn, pp 185-198.

2007. Egalitarianism, i Michael Flood et al (red.) International encyclopedia of men and masculinities. Oxford: Routledge, pp. 167-168.

2007. Max Gluckman, i Clark, David Scott (red.) Encyclopedia of Law & Society. American and Global Perspectives. Los Angeles: Sage publications.

2006. Virtuality, i Jens Kreinath, Jan Snoek og Michael Stausberg (red.) Theorizing Rituals, Volume 1: Issues, Topics, Approaches, Concepts. Leiden og Boston: Brill, pp. 671-684.

2006. Dynamics, i Jens Kreinath, Jan Snoek og Michael Stausberg (red.) Theorizing Rituals, Volume 1: Issues, Topics, Approaches, Concepts. Leiden og Boston: Brill, pp. 506-522.

2006. [med Barry Morris] Nationalism and neo-populism in Australia: Hansonism and the politics of the New Right in Australia, i Andre Gingrich og Marcus Banks (red.) Neo-nationalism in Europe and Beyond: Perspectives From Social Anthropology. New York og Oxford: Berghahn Books, pp. 248-270.

2006. Situations, crisis, and the anthropology of the concrete. The contribution of Max Gluckman, i T.M.S. Evens og D. Handelman (red.) The Manchestes school. Practice and ethnographic praxis in anthropology. New York og Oxford: Berghahn Books, pp. 118-155.

2006. Coda. Recollections and refutations, i T.M.S. Evens og D. Handelman (red.) The Manchestes school. Practice and ethnographic praxis in anthropology. New York og Oxford: Berghahn Books, pp. 118-155.

2005. Oligarchic Corporations and New State Formations, i Bruce Kapferer (red.), Oligarchs and Oligopolies. New York og Oxford: Berghahn Books, pp. 1-23

2005. Mask and Face in Sinhala Exorcism, i D. Shulman (red.) Masked Ritual and Performance in South India: Dance, Healing and Possession. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, pp. 72-88.

2005. Sorcery and the Beautiful. A Discourse on the Aesthetics of Ritual, i Angela Hobart og Bruce Kapferer (red.), Aesthetics in Performance: Formations of Symbolic Construction and Experience. New York og Oxford: Berghahn Books, pp. 129-160.

2005. The Social Construction of Reductionist Thought and Practice, i Bruce Kapferer (red.) The Retreat of the Social: The Rise and Rise of Reductionism. New York og Oxford: Berghahn Books, pp. 1-18.

2005. Foreword, i Christian Krohn-Hansen og Knut Nustad (red.) State Formation: Anthropological Perspectives. London: Pluto Press, pp. vii-xii.

2004. Ritual Dynamics and Virtual Practice. Against Representation and Meaning, i Don Handelman og Galina Lindquist (red.) Ritual in its own right: Exploring the dynamics of transformation. New York og Oxford: Berghahn Books, pp. 35-54.

2004. Introduction. Old permutations, new formations? War, state, and global aggression, i Bruce Kapferer (red.) State, Sovereignty, War: Civil Violence in Emerging Global Realities. New York og Oxford: Berghahn Books, pp. 1-15.

2004. Ethnic Violence and the Nationalism of Destruction in Sri Lanka, i Dinah Shelton (red.) Encyclopedia of Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity. Farmington Hills: Macmillan Reference.

2003. Sorcery, Modernity and the Constitutive Imaginary: Hybridising Continuities, i Bruce Kapferer (red.) Beyond Rationalism: Rethinking Magic, Witchcraft and Sorcery. New York og Oxford: Berghahn Books, pp. 105-128.

2003. Sorcery and the Shapes of Globalization Disjunctions and Continuities: The Case of Sri Lanka, i Jonathan Friedman (red.) Globalization, the State, and Violence. Walnut Creek: AltaMira Press, pp 249-78.

2002. Hatred, Revenge and Sorcery: Reflections on the personalization of violence in contemporary societies, i Tor Aase (red.) Tournaments of Power: Honor and Revenge in the Contemporary World. Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 143-149

2002. Outside All Reason: Magic, Sorcery and Epistemology in Anthropology, i Bruce Kapferer (red.) Beyond Rationalism: Rethinking Magic, Witchcraft and Sorcery. New York og Oxford: Berghahn Books, pp. 1-30.

2002. Sorcery, Modernity and the Constitutive Imaginary: Hybridizing Continuities, i Bruce Kapferer (red.), Beyond Rationalism: Rethinking Magic, Witchcraft and Sorcery. New York og Oxford: Berghahn Books, pp. 105-128.

1996. Remythologizing discourses. State and insurrectionary violence in Sri Lanka, i D. Apter (red.) Legitimation of violence. London: Routledge, pp. 159-188.

1995. Bureaucratic erasure: identity, resistance and violence : aborigines and a discourse of autonomy in a North Queensland town, i Daniel Miller (red.) Worlds apart. Modernity through the prism of the local. London: Routledge, pp. 69-90.

1995. From the edge of death. Sorcery and the motion of consciousness, i A. Cohen og N. Rapport (red.) Questions of consciousness. London: Routledge, pp. 134-152.

1995. The performance of categories. Plays of identity in Africa and Australia, i A. Rogers og S. Vertovec (red.) The urban context. Oxford: Berg Press, pp. 55-80.

1988. Performance and the structuring of meaning and experience, i Victor Turner og Edward M. Bruner (red.) The anthropology of experience. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, pp. 188-206.

1977. First class to Maradana. Secular drama in Sinhalese writing, i Sally Falk Moore og Barbara G. Myerhoff (red.) Secular ritual. Assen: Van Gorcum, pp. 91-123.

1976. Introduction: Transaction Models Reconsidered, i Bruce Kapferer (ed.) Transaction and Meaning. Philadelphia: Institute for the Study of Human Issues, pp. 1-22

1976. Conflict and process in a Zambian mine community, i Myron J. Aronoff (red.) Freedom and constraint. Amsterdam: Van Gorcum, pp. 55-82.

1973. Social Network and Conjugal Role in Urban Zambia: Towards a Reformulation of the Bott Hypothesis, i Jeremy Boissevain og J. Clyde Mitchell (red.) Network Analysis. Studies in Human Interaction. The Hague: Mouton.

1969. Norms and the Manipulation of Relationships in a Work Context, i J.C. Mitchell (red.) Social Networks in Urban Situations. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

2012. [with Diane Austin-Broos; Bastin, Rohan; Merlan, Francesca; Morris, Barry; Peterson, Nicolas; Vaarzon-Morel, Petronella] Responses to David Trigger's article 'Anthropology Pure and Profane: The Politics of Applied Research in Aboriginal Australia' (previous issue). Anthropological Forum, 22(1):67-93.2011.

Strathern’s new comparative anthropology. Common Knowledge, 17(1): 104-110.

2010. [med Lotte Meinert] In the event. Towards an anthropology of generic moments. Social Analysis, 54(3): 1-30.

2010. The Aporia of Power: Crisis and the Emergence of the Corporate State.  Social Analysis, 54(1): 125-151. 

2009. [med Annelin Eriksen og Kari Telle] Religiosities toward a Future. In Pursuit of the New Millennium. Social analysis, 53(1): 1-16.

2008. Beyond Symbolic representation: Victor Turner and Variations on the Themes of Ritual Process and Liminality. Suomen Antropologi: Journal of the Finnish Anthropological Society, 33 (4): 5-24.

2008. Comment: Interrogating the new-pluralist orthodoxy in American Anthropology A new ethnography of the state? Dialectical Anthropology, 32 (1-2): 93-95.

2007. Anthropology and the dialectic of enlightenment: A discourse on the definition and ideals of a threatened discipline. The Australian Journal of Anthropology, 18 (1): 72-96.

2007. [med E. Hirsch, E. Martin og A. Tsing] 'Anthropologists Are Talking' about anthropology after globalisation. Ethnos, 72(1): 102-126.

2005. New Formations of Power, the Oligarchic-Corporate State, and Anthropological Ideological Discourse. Anthropological Theory, 5(3): 285-299.

2005. In positions to do great Damage. A comment on the Cushman, Denich, Hayden and Wilson debate. Anthropological theory, 5(4): 577-581.

2005. Situations, crisis, and the anthropology of the concrete. The contribution of Max Gluckman. Social analysis, 49(3): 85-133.

2005. Coda. Recollections and refutations. Social analysis, 49(3): 273-283.

2004. Ritual Dynamics and Virtual Practice: Beyond Representation and Meaning. Social Analysis, 48 (2): 33-54.

2004. Democracy, Wild Sovereignties and the New Leviathan. Bulletin of the Royal Institute of Inter-Faith Studies, 6 (2): 23-38.

2003. Injustice, Suffering and the State: Sorcery and renewal in Contemporary Sri Lanka. Bulletin of the Royal Institute of Inter-Faith Studies, 5(2).

2003. The Australian Society of the State. Social analysis, 47(3): 80-107.

2003. Erindring om forgangne tider. Gluckman og Manchester-skolen i social-antropologiens historie. Jordens folk, 38(3): 11-14.

2002. Outside All Reason: Magic, Sorcery and Epistemology in Anthropology. Social Analysis, 46 (3): 1-30.

2002. Sorcery, Modernity and the Constitutive Imaginary: Hybridizing Continuities. Social Analysis, 46 (3): 103-128.

2002. Ethnicity, Nationalism and Culture of the State. The 17th Edvard Westermarck Memorial Lecture. Suomen Antropologi: Journal of the Finnish Anthropological Society, 27 (2): 2-23.

2002. Foundation and Empire (with apologies to Isaac Asimov): A Consideration of Hardt and Negri's Empire. A Review Article. Social analysis, 46(1): 167-179.

2001. Anthropology. The paradox of the secular. Social Anthropology, 9(3): 341-344.

2001. Comment on "Random Mind: Towards an Appreciation of Openness in Individual, Society and Anthropology" by Nigel Rapport. The Australian Journal of Anthropology, 12(2): 212-214.

2001. Ethnic Nationalism and the Discourses of Violence in Sri Lanka. Communal Plural, 9(1): 33-67.

2001. Globalization, The State and Civil Violence in Sri Lanka. Bulletin of the Royal of Inter-Faith Studies, 3(2): 59-111.

2001. Sorcery and the Shapes of Globalization. Disjunctions and Continuities- the case of Sri Lanka. Journal of the Finnish Anthropological Society, 26(1): 4-28.

2001. Star Wars. About anthropology, culture and globalisation. Journal of the Finnish Anthropological Society, 26(3): 2-29.

2000. Star Wars: About Anthropology, Culture and Globalization. The Australian Journal of Anthropology, 11(3): 174-198.

2000. Sexuality and the Art of Seduction in Sinhalese Exorcism. Ethnos, 65 (1): 5-32.

2000. The sorcery of Consciousness: A Sinhala Discourse on the Dynamics of Consciousness". Jnl. Of Communication and Cognition, 33(1-2).

1999. [med Edward F. Fischer, Quetzil E. Castaneda, Quetzil E. Castañeda, Johannes Fabian, Jonathan Friedman, Charles Hale, Richard Handler, Michael Kearney] Cultural Logic and Maya Identity: Rethinking Constructivism and Essentialism [and Comments and Reply]. Current Anthropology, 40(4): 473-499.

1990. [med Jonathan Spencer, Richard Handler, R. S. Khare, Dennis B. McGilvray, Gananath Obeyesekere, Daniel A. Segal og Martin Southwold] Writing Within: Anthropology, Nationalism, and Culture in Sri Lanka [and Comments and Reply]. Current Anthropology, 31(3): 283-300.

1989. Nationalist ideology and a comparative anthropology. Ethnos, 195-234.

1988. The anthropologist as hero. Critique of anthropology, 8(2): 77-104.

1988. Gramsci's Body and a Critical Medical Anthropology. Medical Anthropology Quarterly, N.S. 2(4): 426-432.

1980. [med Don Handelman] Symbolic types, mediation and the transformation of ritual context: Sinhalese demons and Tewa clowns. Semiotica, 30(1-2): 41-72.

1979. Mind, Self, and Other in Demonic Illness: The Negation and Reconstruction of Self. American Ethnologist, 6(1): 110-133.

1979. Introduction: Ritual Process and the Transformation of Context. Social Analysis, 1: 3-19.

1979. Entertaining Demons: Comedy, Interaction and Meaning in a Sinhalese Healing Ritual. Social Analysis, 1:108-152.

1978. Structural marginality and the urban social order. Urban Anthropology, 7(3): 287-320.

1977. [med Thomas J. Scheff, Brenda E. F. Beck, Michael P. Carroll, Arlene Kaplan Daniels, Richard Day, Stephen Fuchs, Jeffrey H. Goldstein, Don Handelman, Arlie Russell Hochschild, Ivan Karp, Aaron Lazare, Philippe Mitrani, Kurt O. Schlesinger, John D. Stoeckle, Jan Van Baal, W. E. A. Van Beek, Thomas Rhys Williams] The Distancing of Emotion in Ritual [and Comments and Reply]. Current Anthropology, 18(3): 483-505.

1972. [med Don Handelman] Forms of Joking Activity: A Comparative Approach. American Anthropologist, 74(3): 484-517.

1971. [med G.K. Garbett] Theoretical orientations in the study of labour migration. New Atlantis, 2: 179-197.

1998. Bokomtale. Understanding Witchcraft and Sorcery in Southeast Asia av C. W. Watson og Roy Ellen. American Ethnologist, 25(3): 521-522.

1994. Bokomtale. Buddhism Betrayed? Religion, Politics, and Violence in Sri Lanka av Stanley Jeyaraja Tambiah. American Anthropologist, 96(1): 172-174 .

1994. Bokomtale. Cultural Complexity: Studies in the Social Organization of Meaning av Ulf Hannerz. American Anthropologist, 96(2): 460-462.

1993. Bokomtale. The Theater of the Mahābhārata: Terukkūttu Performances in South India av Richard A. Frasca. American Ethnologist, 20(3): 637-638.

1992. Bokomtale. A Sinhala Village in a Time of Trouble: Politics and Change in Rural Sri Lanka av Jonathan Spencer. American Ethnologist, 19(4): 843-844.

1992. Bokomtale. Fusion of the Worlds: An Ethnography of Possession among the Songhay of Niger av Paul Stoller. American Ethnologist, 19(4): 845-846.

1985. Bokomtale. The Cult of the Goddess Pattini av Gananath Obeyesekere. American Ethnologist, 12(1): 176-179.

1984. Bokomtale. Medusa's Hair: An Essay on Personal Symbols and Religious Experience av Gananath Obeyesekere. American Ethnologist, 11(2): 384-386.

