TI UTVALDE PUBLIKASJONAR (*corresponding author)
Henriet S, Sanmarti BC, Sumic S and Chourrout D* (2019) Evolution of the U2 Spliceosome for Processing Numerous and Highly Diverse Non-canonical Introns in the Chordate Fritillaria borealis. Curr Biol 29, 3193‐3199
Deng W*, Henriet S and Chourrout D* (2018) Prevalence of Mutation-Prone Microhomology-Mediated End Joining in a Chordate Lacking the c-NHEJ DNA Repair Pathway. Curr Biol 28:3337-3341
Wang S, Zhang J, Jiao W, Li J, Xun X, Sun Y, Guo X, Huan P, Dong B, Zhang L, Hu X, Sun X, Wang J, Zhao C, Wang Y, Wang D, Huang X, Wang R, Lv J, Li Y, Zhang Z, Liu B, Lu W, Hui Y, Liang J, Zhou Z, Hou R, Li X, Liu Y, Li H, Ning X, Lin Y, Zhao L, Xing Q, Dou J, Li Y, Mao J, Guo H, Dou H, Li T, Mu C, Jiang W, Fu Q, Fu X, Miao Y, Liu J, Yu Q, Li R, Liao H, Li X, Kong Y, Jiang Z, Chourrout D*, Li R* and Bao Z* (2017) Scallop genome provides insights into evolution of bilaterian karyotype and development. Nature Ecology Evolution 1:120-
Denoeud F, Henriet S, Mungpakdee S, Aury JM, Da Silva C, Brinkmann H, Mikhaleva J, Olsen LC, Jubin C, Cañestro C, Bouquet JM, Danks G, Poulain J, Campsteijn C, Adamski M, Cross I, Yadetie F, Muffato M, Louis A, Butcher S, Tsagkogeorga G, Konrad A. Singh S, Jensen MF, Cong EH, Eikeseth-Otteraa H, Anthouard V, Kachouri-Lafond R, Nishino A, Ugolini M, Chourrout P, Nishida H, Aasland R, Huzurbazar S, Westhof E, Delsuc F, Lehrach H, Reinhardt R, Weissenbach J, Roy SW, Artiguenave F, Postlethwait JH, Manak JR, Thompson EM, Jaillon O, Du Pasquier L, Boudinot P, Liberles DA, Volff JN, Philippe H, Lenhard B, Crollius HR, Wincker P* and Chourrout D* (2010). Plasticity of animal genome architecture unmasked by rapid evolution of a pelagic tunicate. Science 330:1381-1385
Schuettengruber B, Chourrout D, Vervoort M, Leblanc B, Cavalli G (2007) Genome regulation by polycomb and trithorax proteins. Cell 128:735-745.
Chourrout D*, Delsuc F, Chourrout P, Edvardsen RB, Rentzsch F, Renfer E, Jensen MF, Zhu B, de Jong P, Steele RE, Technau U* (2006) Minimal ProtoHox cluster inferred from bilaterian and cnidarian Hox complements. Nature 442:684-687.
Delsuc F, Brinkmann H, Chourrout D, Philippe H (2006) Tunicates and not cephalochordates are the closest living relatives of vertebrates. Nature 439:965-968.
Seo HC, Edvardsen RB, Maeland AD, Bjordal M, Jensen MF, Hansen A, Flaat M, Weissenbach J, Lehrach H, Wincker P, Reinhardt R, Chourrout D* (2004) Hox cluster disintegration with persistent anteroposterior order of expression in Oikopleura dioica.. Nature 431:67-71.
Seo HC, Kube M, Edvardsen RB, Jensen MF, Beck A, Spriet E, Gorsky G, Thompson EM, Lehrach H, Reinhardt R, Chourrout D* (2001) Miniature genome in the marine chordate Oikopleura dioica. Science 294:2506.
Joly JS, Bourrat F, Nguyen V, Chourrout D (1997): Ol-Prx 3, a member of a new class of homeobox genes, is unimodally expressed in several domains of the developing and adult CNS of the medakafish (Oryzias latipes). Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 94:12987-12992.
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