Gunilla Öberg
Jeg er anerkjent for min banebrytende forskning innen klorbiogeokjemi og mitt lederskap innen tverrfaglig forskning og utdanning.
Forskningen min omhandler produksjon og bruk av vitenskap for politikkutforming med fokus på kjemikaliehåndtering. De spørsmålene som driver min nåværende forskning er:
- Hvilken type kunnskap er det behov for, og hvilken type kunnskap blir brukt og betrodd?
- Hvordan påvirker den kunnskapen som brukes forestilte løsninger?
- Hvordan kan vi legge til rette for at beslutningstakere og offentligheten kan "pakke ut" de antakelser, verdier og preferanser som er innebygd i slik kunnskap?
Min forskning innen høyere utdanning utforsker hvordan man underviser om vitenskap for politikkutforming. Boken min Interdisciplinary environmental studies – a primer er obligatorisk pensum i masterprogrammer ved University of California, Berkeley, Lancaster University i Storbritannia, Lund University i Sverige og andre steder.
2006-2011. Direktør for Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability, University of British Columbia Canada, som eksterne fagfeller vurdererer som ett av de ledende tverrfaglige miljøforskningssentrene i Nord-Amerika.
2004-2006. Grunnlegger og direktør for Center for Climate Science and Policy Research (CSPR) ved Linköping University i Sverige; et senter som på unikt vis integrerer klimamodellering, klimapolitikk og samfunnsvitenskap.
Undervisning ved UiB:
MNF990: Vitenskapsteori og etikk
Undervisning ved UBC:
RMES 502 Interdisciplinary Case Analysis and Research Design
Vitenskapelig artikkel
- Schäffer, Andreas; Groh, Ksenia J.; Sigmund, Gabriel et al. (2023). Conflicts of Interest in the Assessment of Chemicals, Waste, and Pollution. (ekstern lenke)
- McIlroy-Young, Bronwyn; Öberg, Gunilla; Leopold, Annegaaike (2021). The manufacturing of consensus: A struggle for epistemic authority in chemical risk evaluation. (ekstern lenke)
Se en full oversikt over publikasjoner i Cristin
Öberg, Gunilla, 2011. Interdisciplinary environmental studies – a primer. Blackwell & Wiley. A guidebook for graduate students grappling with interdisciplinary studies. Mandatory at several graduate programs around the world (e.g. University of Californa, Berkley in the USA, Lancaster University in the UK , Lund University, Sweden) (cited 48 x)
Representative publikasjonar
McIlroy‐Young, Browyn; Leopold, Annegaaike and Öberg, Gunilla (2021), Science, consencus and endocrine-disrupting chemicals: Rethinking disagreement in expert deliberations. Integr Environ Assess Manag, 17: 480-481.
Vazquez, Marco, McIlroy‐Young, Bronwyn, Steel, Daniel, Giang, Amanda, Öberg, Gunilla (2021) Exploring scientists’ values by analyzing how they frame nature and uncertainty. Risk Analysis.
McIlroy-Young, Bronwyn; Öberg, Gunilla & Leopold, Annegaaike (2021) The manufacturing of consensus: A struggle for epistemic authority in chemical risk evaluation. Environmental Science & Policy. Volume 122, 25-34.
Gunilla Öberg, Geneviève S. Metson, Yusuke Kuwayama and Steven Conrad. 2020. Conventional Sewer Systems are too Time-Consuming, Costly and Inflexible to meet the Challenges of the 21st Century. Sustainability 2020,12, 6518 (over 100 full text views within one week of publication).
Contribution: Conceptualization, coordination of research, analysis and ms development
Gunilla Öberg, Kevin Elliot and Annegaaike Leopold 2019 Science is Political But should Not be Partisan. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 16: 6-7. (cited 2x)
Contribution: Conceptualization, coordination of ms development
Gunilla Oberg and Annegaaike Leopold 2019 On the role of review papers in the face of escalating publication rates – a case study of research on contaminants of emerging concern (CECs). Environment International 131: 104960 (cited 1x)
Contribution: Conceptualization and research, coordination of analysis and ms development
Sarah A. Mason-Renton, Marco Vazquez, Connor Robinson, Gunilla Öberg 2019 Science for policy: A case-study of scientific polarization, values, and the framing of risk and uncertainty. Risk Analysis 39 (6): 1229-1242 (cited 1x)
Contribution: Conceptualization of study, supervision of research, analysis and ms development (Mason-Renton: post-doc, Vazquez and Robinson MSc students)
Gunilla Oberg and Alice Campell 2019 Navigating the divide between scientific practice and science studies to support undergraduate teaching of epistemic knowledge. International Journal of Science Education 41(2):230-247 (cited 2x)
Contribution: Conceptualization, coordination of research, analysis and ms development
Gunilla Öberg and Sarah A. Mason-Renton. 2018. On the limitation of evidence-based policy: Regulatory narratives and land application of biosolids/sewage sludge in BC, Canada and Sweden. Environmental Science & Policy 84: 88-96. (cited 13x)
Contribution: Conceptualization, research, analysis and development of first draft.
Genevieve S. Metson, Steve M. Powers, Rebecca L. Hale, Jesse s. Sayles, Gunilla Öberg, G., Graham K. MacDonald, , … & Alexander F. Bowman 2018. Socio-environmental consideration of phosphorus flows in the urban sanitation chain of contrasting cities. Regional environmental change, 8:1 387–1401 (cited 17x)
Contribution: Group effort coordinated by Metson. Öberg contributed to conceptualization, analysis and ms development.
Margaret del Carmen Morales*, Leila Harris and Gunilla Öberg. 2014. Citizenshit – The Right to Flush and the UrbanSanitation Imaginary. Environment and Planning A 46: 2816 – 2833 (cited 47x)
Contribution: Supervision of research, analysis and ms development (Carmen Morales: MA student, Harris: co-supervisor)
Gunilla Öberg, M. Gabriela Merlinsky, Alicia LaValle, Margaret Morales, and M. Melina Tobias. 2014. The Notion of Sewage as Waste – On Institutional Inertia and Infrastructure Change in Buenos Aires, Argentina and Vancouver, Canada. Ecology and Society 19(2)19 (cited 20 times)
Contribution: Conceptualization, coordination of research, analysis and ms development.
Jacqueline A. Belzile and Gunilla Öberg 2012 Where to begin? Grappling with how to use participant interaction in focus group design. Qualitative Research 12 (4): 459-472 (cited 166x)
Contribution: Supervision of research, analysis and ms development (Belzile: MA student)
Leiar av UBC-prosjektet Science, Values and Wastewater Controversies, finansiert av Canadian Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC).
Målet med prosjektet: We are examining the relationship between the values held by scientific experts, their disciplinary identities and the evidence-based policies they recommend and exploring how embracing the diversity of values among experts can be used to strengthen the democratic process, focusing on controversies surrounding wastewater management.