Gunn Mangerud
Dekan, Dean, The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.
From August 2021 I was appointed the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. The faculty consists of seven departments which jointly represents the foundation of our research and education within disciplines such as mathematics, chemistry, physics, computer science, earth science and life sciences, and with cross-diciplinary emphasis on climate, energytransition and marine research and education.
My research focuses on biostratigraphy by applying various aspects of palynology and palynofacies as keys to understand rock-age relations (dating and correlation). My work also includes applying palynology as proxies for paleovegetation, paleoclimate, and paleogeographic reconstructions, ranging in age from the Carboniferous up to the Pliocene. Since dating and reliable correlation tools are essential in every aspect of geological mapping and paleogeographic reconstructions I have worked both on a basinwide scale as as well on developing local zonations.
My ongoing research focus includes the Triassic and Paleozoic of the Arctic areas and includes novel palynological work in areas and parts of the successions previously not studied. This has a.o. resulted in various publications from the Barents Sea/Svalbard area.
Research areas/interests
· Biostratigraphy, palynology, palynofacies, Triassic, Carboniferous
· High resolution biostratigraphy, correlations, dating, zonations, biofacies
· Main geographic areas: Arctic/Barents Sea, Norwegian Continental Shelf
Mer populært: Fagområdet innenfor geologen som kalles biostratigrafi har med fossiler å gjøre, i mitt tilfelle mikrofossiler, fossiler som er så små at de må studeres i mikroskop. Jeg studerer sporer og pollen fra planter som spres med vind og vann og jeg studerer encellede alger som f.eks. dinoflagellater. Det er f.eks. dinoflagellater som skaper morild - når du ser at sjøen i blant «lyser» i mørket på høsten. Mikrofossilene jeg studerer er mange millioner år gamle, opptil 380 millioner år. Fordi de har en eksepsjonelt resistent vegg, er tallrike, små og spres lett, begraves de sammen med sedimenter og blir en del av bergarten. Jeg fjerner altså bergarten for å studere disse – og kan anvende sammensetning og identifisering til å rekonstruere avsetningsmiljø, aldersbestemmelse og indikere hvilken vegetasjon som dominerte på stedet.
Dekanbloggen – Gunn Mangerud – #RealfagUiB – Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultetet, UiB
Mangerud & Frøysa. Mangfald eller konsentrasjon innan energiforskinga?
Mangfald eller konsentrasjon innan energiforskinga? (
Mangerud G.Kva er det grøne skiftet og kvifor er dette viktig? Korleis kan vi bruke næringslivet og industrien i samarbeid med forskings- og utdanningsmiljøa for å gjennomføre denne omstillinga? LOs Regionkonferanse
Mangerud G. A newly formed knowledge-cluster; Energiomstilling Vest. DG Energy, EU Commission, Brussel
Mangerud G. CCUS research in the Bergen area. STEM/CCS Open Science Meeting.
White, J.M, Galloway, J., Mangerud, G., Beauchamp, B. 2019. John Utting (1940–2018), Palynology,
Mangerud, G. Research and Education for our future society. Norsk Olje og Gass
Mangerud, G. Energiomstilling ved UIB. Hordalandsbenken , Stortinget
Schneebeli-Hermann, E., Weissert, H., Bucher, H., Heimhofer, U., Mangerud, G., Riding, J. 2018. Peter A. Hochuli (1946-2018). Palynology 42 (4), 435-437
Mangerud, G. & Niall Paterson (2017). Why a geologist removes all the rock minerals to reveal the past. In: 52 more Things You Should Know About Palaeontology (Cullum & Martinius, eds.). Agile Libre (ISBN 978-0-9879594-7-8)
Mangerud G., Vigran J.O., B jørlykke K. & Riding J.B. 2016. A biography and obituary of Svein B. Manum (1926–2015). Palynology 40 (3). DOI:10.1080/01916122.2016.1209319. Palynology
Mangerud, G. (oral presentation), Recruiting to permanent Academic positions.
Staff Mobility Seminar for international participants, UoBergen
Mangerud, G. (oral presentation). Innovasjon - et lederansvar for universitetsledere. UiBs Vårsamling for ledere
Mangerud, G. "Subtropisk skog i Barentshavet? Hopen og Bjørnøya: vindu inn i Barentshavets geologi". Bergen Vest Rotary, foredrag
Mangerud, G. Nysgjerrighet som drivkraft, Geoprofilen i GEO, 18 årgang, nr. 4, s 58-59
Mangerud, G. Pollen for people with allergies. In: 52 things you should know about Palaeontology and Biostratigraphy (ed. Matt Hall). Agile Libre (ISBN/0987959441)
Helland-Hansen, W. Johansen, T.A., Mangerud, G. Rett og galt i petroleumsforskning. Kronikk, Bergens Tidende 21.4.14.
Mangerud, G. Johansen, G.A., Blokhus, A.M., Bertsen, J. Akademiaavtale til glede, ikke besvær. På Høyden, 10.12.13
Mangerud, G. Lange linjer – korte glimt: geovitenskapens betydning for velferdssamfunnet. Christiekonferansen 2013 (foredrag)
Mangerud, G. Palynological research in a Norwegian context. Opening ceremony of the new Organic Matter Laboratory, University of Oslo
Mangerud, G. Geofag og fagdidaktikk. Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultets vårseminar, Lindås
Mangerud, G. Målrettet mobilitet. Internasjonaliseringskonferansen 2013 - «Internasjonalisering som kvalitetsstempel i høyere utdanning», Bergen
Mangerud, G. Faglig utbytte ved utveksling. Åpning av Internasjonal Uke, UiB
Mangerud G. An academic career. Informatics Female Network (talk)
Mangerud, G. Nye arbeidsplasser til talentfulle forskere: « Eia var jeg der». På Høyden. Nettavis for Universitetet i Bergen
Intervju. Glemmer aldri studier i Øst-Sibir. Teknisk Ukeblad, nr. 39, 2012
Berre, I. & Mangerud G. Matematikk, naturvitenskap og teknologi - kan en stereotypi fjerne en annen? Aftenposten, 7.7.12
Mangerud G. Vil ha Geofag på dagsorden. Leder i bilag til Dagens Næringsliv utarbeidet av Norsk Geologisk Forening, september 2012
Mangerud G. Språkutfordringer på et institutt med mange internasjonale ansatte. UiB seminaret seminaret «Internasjonalisering og undervisningsspråk»
Mangerud, G. Hvorfor skal jeg dra på utveksling - og hvor i all verden skal jeg dra? Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultetets internasjonale studentdag
Mangerud, G. Climate research at Department of Earth Science. University of Bergen Climatic Seminar , Norway.
Mangerud, G. Instituttlederrollen - det umuliges kunst? Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultets ledersamling, Solstrand
Mangerud, G. Hvorfor skal jeg dra på utveksling - og hvor i all verden skal jeg dra? Innlegg på Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultetets internasjonale studentdag
Jensen, Hans Petter; Mark, Charlotte; Salskov-Iversen, Dorte; Mangerud, Gunn; Jensen, Hans Siggaard; Sveidahl, Henrik; Andersen, John E.; Jakobsen, Laust Joen; Christensen, Lisa Holden; van Laer, René; Johnsen, Vibeke Thornvig. Uddannelser til et globalt arbeidsmarked. Rådet for Internationalisering av Uddannelserne, Danmark 2010, 20 sider
Mangerud, G. Fruktbar kontakt over landegrensene. Debatt, Bergens Tidende, 24.02.2009
Mangerud, G. 2009. Internationalisation of Norwegian higher education in the 21st century. In Maija Airas-Hyödynmaa (ed.) Across the Borders: Internationalisation of Finnish Higher Education CIMO, Finland
Mangerud, G. (talk)
Profilering av Norge som studie- og forskningsland.
Innovasjon Norge, Paris, France.
Mangerud, G. (talk)
Structures in the Norwegian Research and Higher Education Area
University of Katmandu, Nepal
Mangerud, G. (talk)
Nordisk utdannningsamarbeid i endring.
Nordplus lanseringskonferanse, Oslo
Mangerud, G. (talk)
South - South - North cooperation for strengthening higher education and research in developing countries - Norwegian initiatives.
Conference on Higher Education and Research in developing countries.
The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, Oslo, Norway.
Mangerud, G. (talk)
Internasjonalisering for kvalitet og relevans.
Kunnskapsdepartementets fagseminar før Stortingsmelding om internasjonalisering av utdanningen, Oslo.
Mangerud, G. (lecture)
An introduction to the Higher Education Sector in Norway – strategies and challenges
Erasmus Mundus Course, University of Joensuu, Finland
Mangerud, G. (talk)
Transatlantic Cooperation – partnerships in higher education (Key note)
Trans Atlanctic Science Week, Ottawa, Canada
Mangerud, G. (talk)
Partnerships in higher education.
Trans Atlanctic Science Week, Washington DC, USA
Mangerud, G. (talk)
Global health research - a priority of Norwegian research institutions and funding agencies?
3rd Conference on Global health and Vaccination Research, Bergen; Norway.
Mangerud, G.
”Kjære Utenlandsstudent”. Politisk innlegg ANSANYTT nr.1/2008
Mangerud, G.
Færre studenter til utlandet. Debatt, ANSANYTT nr.2/2008
Mangerud, G.
Utdanning fra utlandet er gull verdt. Debatt, Bergens Tidende 21. august 2008
Mangerud, G.
”I høyeste grad seriøs”. Forskerforums nettutgave 22. august
Mangerud, G.
Norge frister utenlandske studenter. Meninger, Dagsavisen 25. August 2008
Mangerud, G.
Effekter av internasjonalisering på utdanning og arbeidsliv. Panelist
Unio og NHOs Frokostseminar om internasjonalisering av utdanning, Oslo
Mangerud, G. & Pedersen V.
Nødvendig med mer internasjonalisering – et internasjonalisert arbeidsliv.
Mangerud, G.
The Norwegian Research and Higher education area – various possibilities for increased Norwegian - Canadian academic cooperation.
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
Mangerud, G.
The Norwegian Research and Higher education area – various possibilities for increased Norwegian - Canadian academic cooperation.
University of British Colombia, Vancouver, Canada
Mangerud, G.
The Norwegian Research and Higher education area – future prospects for academic cooperation between
Norway and Argentina
University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Mangerud, G.
Incentives for increased collaboration between Norway and Argentina in the Higher Education area
Ministry of Higher Education, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Mangerud, G. Scholarship funds under the EEA financial mechanisms system
Seminar on academic cooperation within the EEA financial mechanisms system, Bergen, Norway
Mangerud, G.
Hvilke nasjonale programmer, insentivordninger og andre virkemidler kan nyttes i samarbeid med Kina?
Erfaringsseminar om akademisk samarbeid mellom norske og kinesiske institusjoner for høyere utdanning, Høyskolen i Narvik, Norway
Mangerud, G.
Latin-Amerika: Utdanningssamarbeid – status og mulige tiltak
Kunnskapsdepartementets fagseminar om utdanning og forskningssamarbeid med Sør-Amerika, Oslo, Norway.
Mangerud, G.
The framework agreement between Norway and Tanzania, impact from research collaborations
University of Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
Mangerud, G.
Possibilites for increased student exchange. Association of International Educators Conference, Minneapolis, USA
Mangerud, G.
Norge i Europa – europeisk utdanningssamarbeid. Lanseringskonferanse for EUs nye utdanningsprogram – program for livslang læring, Oslo, Norway..
Mangerud, G.
International Cooperation in Higher Education – the High North dimension. Seminar on Educational Cooperation in the Circum Arctic Area, Bodø University College, Norway
Mangerud, G.
The role of Higher Education in development. NOMA conference, Maputo, Mosambik
Mangerud, G. & Pedersen, V.
Europeiske muligheter. Livslang Læring i Europa. Itinera – skriftserie om internasjonalt utdannings- og forskningssamarbeid, Nr 1 2007
Mangerud, G.
Norske studenter skal reise! Replikk, Aftenposten, fredag 12. oktober 2007
Mangerud, G.
Fighting prejudice.Global Knowledge. Norwegian Centre for international Cooperation in Higher Education Publications Series P3
Mangerud, G.
Effective and diverse industry – academia cooperation involving students - a Norwegian experience
EU Conference on University Enterprise Cooperation, Helsinki, Finland
Mangerud, G.
Norwegian Higher Education – possibilities for collaboration with Chinese universities
Chengdu University, China
Mangerud, G.
How can Norway and China find fruitful collaborative initiatives within Higher Education?
Chinese Ministry of Higher Education, Beijing, China
Mangerud, G.
Bologna reforms and internationalisation strategies in Norwegian Higher Education - possibilities and challenges.
European Association for International Education (EAIE), Basel, Sveits.
Mangerud, G.
Kan SIUs portefølje innen utviklingssamarbeid gi muligheter for byens næringsliv?
Bergen Næringsråd, Internasjonalt seminar, Bergen, Norway
Mangerud, G.
The formats of EU and national programmes and their relative merits.
Conference on European and National Programmes in Higher education, Bratislava, Slovakia.
Mangerud, G.
Nye krav til kunnskap. Itinera – skriftserie om internasjonalt utdannings- og forskningssamarbeid. Nr 1 2005
Mangerud, G.
Den ”bergenske” Bologna prosessen – betydning for Norge.
Nettverk for Private Høyskolers Årlige Konferanse, Bergen.
Mangerud, G.
Hvilke internasjonale initiativ bør Norge ta innen utdanning og forskning?
Utdannings- og forskningsdepartementets Holmen seminar, Oslo.
Mangerud, G.
Status & Trender i internasjonalisering – forventninger til sektoren.
Seminar om internasjonalisering, Høyskolen i Østfold.
Mangerud, G.
A presentation of the Norwegian politics on international cooperation in Higher Education.
Trilateral Workshop on Student Mobility , USA –Canada – Norway.
Forskningsdagene, Den norske ambassaden i Washington D.C.
Introduction to palynology 5 ECTS
Master studenter:
Tone Hetland Hansen "Source rock validation based on palynofacies - a case study from Carboniferous succession, Barents Sea" completed June 2017
Kurt Inge Miljeteig "Palynostratigraphy & paleoenvironment, Late Triassic, Offshore kong Karls Land, Barents Sea" completed June 2016
Anders Kleppa Meltveit "The Ladinian - Carnian transition in the Barents Sea area: dating and paleoenvironmental analyses based on palynology" Completed Nov. 2015
Johne Landa "The Carnian – Ladinian transition in the Barents Sea area, dating and paleoenvironmental analyses based on palynology the Sentralbanken area". Completed Sept 2015
Lubna Al-Saadi "Dinoflagellate cyst stratigraphy and palaeoenvironment of the “Utsira Sands” in the northern North Sea" Completed Dec 2014
Lars Haug Holen (Palynostratigraphy & paleoenvironment, Late Triassic, Sentralbanken, Barents Sea) Completed Aug 2014
Marianne Ask (Late Triassic palynostratigraphy, Spitsbergen and Hopen) Completed June 2013
Kristina Beck (ODP Vøring /Miocene Utsira Fm) Completed 2013
- Bujak, J.; Fensome, Robert A.; Mangerud, Gunn et al. (2021). Introduction to the “Circum-Arctic Palynological Event Stratigraphy” (CAPE) Series of Papers. (ekstern lenke)
- Lopes, Gilda Maria Rodrigues; Mangerud, Gunn; Clayton, Geoffrey et al. (2021). Palynostratigraphic reassessment of the Late Devonian of Bjørnøya, Svalbard. (ekstern lenke)
- Mangerud, Gunn; Paterson, Niall William; Bujak, J. (2021). Triassic palynoevents in the circum-Arctic region. (ekstern lenke)
- Mangerud, Gunn; Paterson, Niall; Bujak, J. (2021). Palynologie de Le Permienne dans la région de l’Arctique. (ekstern lenke)
- Mangerud, Gunn; Lopes, Gilda Maria Rodrigues; Bujak, J. (2021). Palynologie de Le Carbonifère dans la région de l’Arctique. (ekstern lenke)
- Paterson, Niall William; Mangerud, Gunn; Holen, Lars Haug et al. (2019). Late Triassic (early Carnian–Norian) palynology of the Sentralbanken High, Norwegian Barents Sea. (ekstern lenke)
- Radmacher, Wiesława; Niezgodzki, Igor; Tyszka, Jarosław et al. (2019). Palynology vs. model simulation: oceanographic reconstruction of incomplete data from the Cretaceous Greenland–Norwegian Seaway. (ekstern lenke)
- Paterson, Niall William; Mangerud, Gunn (2019). A revised palynozonation for the Middle–Upper Triassic (Anisian–Rhaetian) Series of the Norwegian Arctic. (ekstern lenke)
- Paterson, Niall William; Morris, Peter H.; Mangerud, Gunn (2019). Lycopsid megaspores from the upper Triassic of Svalbard and their relationship to the floras and palaeoenvironments of northern Pangaea. (ekstern lenke)
- Lopes, Gilda Maria Rodrigues; McLean, Duncan; Mangerud, Gunn et al. (2018). A new Mississippian biozonal scheme for the Finnmark Platform, Norway – Palynostratigraphic integration of exploration wells 7128/4-1 and 7128/6-1. (ekstern lenke)
- Lopes, Gilda Maria Rodrigues; Mangerud, Gunn; Clayton, Geoffrey (2018). The palynostratigraphy of the Mississippian Birger Jonhsonfjellet section, Spitsbergen, Svalbard. (ekstern lenke)
- Mangerud, Gunn; Paterson, Niall William; Riding, James B. (2018). The temporal and spatial distribution of Triassic dinoflagellate cysts. (ekstern lenke)
Se en full oversikt over publikasjoner i Cristin
The Circum-Arctic Palynological Events (CAPE) project (as contributor and editor of planned publications in Atlantic Geology ) (which ultimately will contribute to the “CAPE datapack” in Time Scale Creator - TSC;
Middle to Late Triassic palynostratigraphy in the Barents Sea area.
Early Carboniferous biostratigraphy of the Barents Sea (inkl Svalbard). Ended, but still working on publications!
Late Triassic dinoflagellate cysts, their ranges and distribution
Kompetanse (CV)
Short CV
1994: Dr. scient. (PhD/geology), University of Bergen
1988: Cand. scient. (Master's degree) (pre-Quaternary biostratigrafi), University of Trondheim
Professional positions
2021- Dean Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
2019-2021 Vice Dean, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
2009 - Professor, Department of Earth Science, University of Bergen
2018 (May - Nov) Visiting professor GEUS, Copenhagen, Denmark
2017-2018 (Sept- April) Visiting professor, Universidad de Concepción, Chile
2009- 2017 Head of Department/Professor, Department of Earth Science, University of Bergen
2004-2009: Director, The Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Higher Education (SIU), Bergen
2003-2004: Chief Professional Geology, Technology & Research, Hydro Oil and Energy, Bergen/Oslo
2001-2003: Manager Geology/Senior Geologist, Oseberg Petroleum Technology, Hydro Oil and Energy, Bergen
1999-2001: Head of Section/Senior Geologist, Norsk Hydro’s Research Centre, Bergen
1995-1998: Researcher/ Senior Geologist /Project leader, Norsk Hydro’s Research Centre, Bergen
1993-1995: Researcher /Geologist, Norsk Hydro’s Research Centre, Bergen
1988-1993: Researcher, IKU Petroleum Research, SINTEF, Trondheim
Academy recognition:
2022 Elected member The Royal Norwegian Society of Science and Letters (DKNVS)
2011 Elected member The Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences (NTVA)
Boards and commisions (selected):
2021- Board member, NERSC, Nansen Environmental and remote Sensing Center
2019- Board member, The Polish Applied Research Programme (NORPOL) (Appointed by RCN)
2019- Advisory Committee Member, Trond Mohn Foundation (
2018 - Director, Board CMI (CMI - Chr. Michelsen Institute) (
2018- Deputy Chair, Chr. Michelsen Fund
2017 - Faculty Board Member (external), The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Univ of Oslo
2019- Election Commitee, Norwegian Academy of Science and Technology
2019-20 Board Member, AASP – The International Palynological Association
2017 -19 President, AASP – The International Palynological Assosiation
2016 -19 Board member, Program Board/Petromaks2, The Research Council of Norway (re-appointed for 4 years)
2016-17 Board member Uni Research AS
2016-17 Board member / President-elect, AASP – The Palynological Assosiation
2015-17 Board Member, ARCEX Center (RCN funded), Univ. of Tromsø
2015-17 Board Deputy Member, The Nansen Legacy
2014-18: Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences, Program Committee Bergen division
2013-17: Board Member, VilVite, Bergen Science Centre
2013-16 : Leader, National committee for the Geosciences, The Norwegian Association of Higher Education Institutions (UHR)
2013-14: Member of the Follow-Up Committee of the National Earth Science Evaluation, The Research Council of Norway
2012- 16: Programme Board Member, Petromaks2, The Research Council of Norway
2011-13 : President, Norwegian Geological Society (
2010- 17: Center for Climate Dynamics (SKD), Deputy Member to the Board
2010 - 17: Board member OG21 (
2010-14 : Uni Research, Member to the Corporate Assembly
2010-12 : Member of the Commission for internationalization of Education under the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, Denmark
2011-2013: Representative in administrative council, Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP)
2011-13: Board member, UniGEO AS
2010- : Committee member for the Brøgger award 2010 (Norwegian Geological Society)
2010- : Committee member for "Vår geologiske nasjonalarv" (Norwegian Geological Society)
2008 : Committee member for the Reusch Medal (Norwegian Geological Society)
2008-09: Vice President, Academic Co-operation Association (ACA), Brussels
2007-12 : Board Member Gea Norwegica Geopark (UNESCO park)
2005-09: National member, Academic Co-operation Association (ACA), Brussels
2005-09: Re-elected external Representative, Program Board, Faculty of Geosciences and Petroleum, NTNU
2007-08: Board Member, Global Rig ASA
2006-08: Board Member, Academic Co-operation Association (ACA) Administrativ Council, Brussel
2004-06: Norwegian Geological Society’s Steering Committee for the book: “Landet blir til - Norges Geologi” and ”The making of a Land”
2003-05: Vice President, Norwegian Geological Society
2003-04:Member, the European Association of Exploration Geophysicists (EAEG) Research Committee
2003: Chair, Program Committee arranging the conference ”Production Geoscience”
2002-05:External Representative, Program Board, Faculty of Geosciences and Petroleum, NTNU
2002: Program Committee, the Geological Winter Meeting 2002, Chair for the Petroleum Sessions
2001-03: Board member, Norwegian Geological Society
2001-03: Chair, Bergen Division of the Norwegian Geological Society
2000-01: Board member, Bergen Division of the Norwegian Geological Society
1999 : Chair, Program Committee , Norwegian Biostratigraphic Meeting
1998 : Chair, Program Committee, Nordic Palynological Meeting
1997-98: Chair, Steering Committee, the Norwegian Research Councils Project: Tectonic Impact on sedimentary respons in the post-rift phase
1993-00: Editorial Board, Grana
1992-96: Norwegian representative in the board of Collegium Palynologicum Scandinavicum (CPS)
1989-91: Board member/treasurer, Trøndelag Division of the Norwegian Geological Society
Dekan for det Matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet
Som dekan leder jeg et spennende fakultet bestående av ca. 1100 ansatte og 4100 studenter. Vi representere over 60 ulike nasjonaliteter. Fakultetet er organisert i syv institutter som sammen utgjør grunnstammen for forskning og utdanning innen disipliner som matematikk, kjemi, fysikk, datavitenskap, samt geo- og biofag. Vi har flere ERC'er, ulike sentre inkludert SFF'en Birkelandsenteret og SFI'en Smart Ocean.
Fakultet har 2 sentre for fremragende utdanning (iEarth og BioCeed) fordelt på bachelor, master, og en rekke integrerte masterstudier/profesjonsstudier og program.
Vi driver også med forskning og utdanning innen områder som går på tvers av fagdisiplinene, med særlig vekt på klima, energi og marine fag.
Følg gjerne dekanbloggen:
Dekanbloggen – Gunn Mangerud – #RealfagUiB – Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultetet, UiB