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Gujord, Heming H.; Kvernenes, Monika; Fiksen, Øyvind
et al. (2019). Meritteringsordning for fremragende undervisere - hva har vi erfart og hvor er vi. Paneldebatt.. (ekstern lenke)
Allern, Marit; Andersson, Roy Oloph; Førland, Oddfrid T. Kårstad
et al. (2018). Merittering av utdanningsfaglig kompetanse – erfaringer fra institusjoner med meritteringssystem. (ekstern lenke)
Vandvik, Vigdis; Førland, Oddfrid T. Kårstad; Høie, Eli Neshavn
et al. (2018). Rewarding excellence in education - Establishing a merit system for teaching at UiB. (ekstern lenke)
Walderhaug, Harald James
(2017). Thirty five years of Norwegian paleomagnetism - The Torsvik legacy. (ekstern lenke)
Vitenskapelig foredrag
Førland, Oddfrid T. Kårstad; Høie, Eli Neshavn; Vandvik, Vigdis
et al. (2017). Rewarding excellence in education: establishing a merit system for teaching at university.. (ekstern lenke)
Andersson, Roy Oloph; Førland, Oddfrid T. Kårstad; Raaheim, Arild
et al. (2017). "Good teaching comes from the heart". Resistance towards educational reforms - a case study. (ekstern lenke)
Halvorsen, Erik; Løvlie, Reidar; Andresen, Arild
et al. (2012). Complete Cenozoic remagnetization of Cretaceous sills and lavas from the High Arctic Igneous Province (HALIP) on Svlabrad imposed during faulting and burial/uplift. (ekstern lenke)
Walderhaug, Harald; Emmel, Benjamin; Hovland, Anett
et al. (2012). Baltica in the neoproterozoic: New paleomagnetic data from the Varanger sediments, Northern Norway. (ekstern lenke)
Walderhaug, Harald
(2009). Paleomagnetic investigations in the Izmir area and connections to tectonics and seismology. (ekstern lenke)
Meert, J. . G.; Walderhaug, Harald; Torsvik, T.H.
et al. (2006). Age and paleomagnetic signature of the Alno Carbonatite Complex (NE Sweden): Additional Controversy for the Neoproterozoic Paleoposition of Baltica. (ekstern lenke)
Walderhaug, Harald
(2006). Paleomagnetism and block rotations. (ekstern lenke)
Walderhaug, Harald
(2004). Baltica in the Vendian � high or low latitude?. (ekstern lenke)
Scott, Robert; Torsvik, Trond H.; Eide, Elizabeth
et al. (2003). Evolution of the Taimyr Peninsula (Arctic Siberia) and the implications for surrounding hydrocarbon basins, AAPG Annual Conference 2003. AAPG, Salt Lake City. (abstract). (ekstern lenke)
Walderhaug, Harald
(2003). Eksempel fra sammenslåingsprosessen ved etablering av Institutt for geovitenskap - tips til biologene. (ekstern lenke)
Eide, Elizabeth; Walderhaug, Harald; Torsvik, Trond H.
et al. (2002). Middle Triassic through Early Jurassic eruptives and intrusives from Taimyr, Arctic Siberia: new 40Ar/39Ar ages and Mesozoic deformation. (ekstern lenke)
Walderhaug, Harald; Torsvik, Trond H.; Eide, Elizabeth
et al. (2001). Paleomagnetic results from Taimyr, arctic Siberia; positive field tests from remagnetized rocks. (ekstern lenke)
Madsen, Karen Nørgaard; Walderhaug, Harald; Torsvik, Trond H.
(2001). Syn-tectonic fold tests as an artefact of post-tectonic alteration CRM. (ekstern lenke)
Løvlie, R.; Walderhaug, Harald; Slinning, Anne Grete
(2001). Discrete carriers of Magnetic Fabric and Natural Remanent Magnetisation Observed in a Late Weichselian Slump-fold. (ekstern lenke)
Walderhaug, Harald; Torsvik, Trond H.; Eide, Elizabeth
et al. (2000). Paleomagnetic results from South and Central Taimyr; Implications for timing and evolution of the Taimyr fold belt. (ekstern lenke)
Løvlie, R.; Walderhaug, Harald; Slinning, Anne Grethe
(2000). Evidence for discrete Carriers of Magnetic Fabric and Natural Remanent Magnetisation Observed in a Late Weichselian Slump-fold. (ekstern lenke)
Walderhaug, Harald
(1999). The Sweconorwegian loop revisited: Implications for the paleoposition of Baltica and Rodinia reconstructions. (ekstern lenke)
Torsvik, Trond H.; Eide, Elizabeth A.; Smethurst, Mark A.
et al. (1997). Unsolved Mysteries of Rodinia: A Northern Perspective. (ekstern lenke)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Halvorsen, Erik; Løvlie, Reidar; Andresen, Arild
et al. (2012). Complete Cenozoic remagnetization of Cretaceous sills and lavas from the High Arctic Igneous Province (HALIP) on Svlabrad imposed during faulting and burial/uplift. (ekstern lenke)
Walderhaug, Harald; Knudsen, Kenneth
(2012). Aqueous Mixtures of a Trisiloxane Surfactant and Oil Studied by SANS and NMR Self-diffusion: Effect of Temperature and Oil Concentration. (ekstern lenke)
Zhang, Shuwei; Canon-Tapia, Edgardo; Walderhaug, Harald
(2011). Magnetic fabric and its significance in the sills and lava flows from Taimyr fold-belt, Arctic Siberia. (ekstern lenke)
Zhang, Shuwei; Walderhaug, Harald; YueJun, Y.
(2008). Rock magnetism and magnetic anisotropy in folded sills and basaltic flows: A case study of volcanics from the Taimyr Peninsula, Northern Russia. (ekstern lenke)
Zhang, Shuwei; Walderhaug, Harald; Yang, Yuejun
(2008). Rock magnetism and magnetic anisotropy in folded sills and basaltic flows: A case study of volcanics from the Taimyr Peninsula, Northern Russia. (ekstern lenke)
Walderhaug, Harald; Torsvik, T.H.; Halvorsen, Erik
(2007). The Egersund dykes (SW Norway): a robust Early Ediacaran (Vendian) palaeomagnetic pole from Baltica. (ekstern lenke)
Walderhaug, HJ; Torsvik, Trond H.; Halvorsen, E
(2007). The Egersund dykes (SW Norway): A robust Early Ediacaran (Vendian) palaeomagnetic pole from Baltica. (ekstern lenke)
Meert, Joseph G.; Walderhaug, Harald; Torsvik, Trond H.
et al. (2007). Age and paleomagnetic signature of the Alno carbonatite complex (NE Sweden): Additional controversy for the Neoproterozoic paleoposition of Baltica. (ekstern lenke)
Walderhaug, Harald; Bjørkum, Per Arne; Aase, N.E.
(2006). Kaolin-coating of stylolites, effect on quartz cementation and general implications for dissolution at mineral surfaces. (ekstern lenke)
Walderhaug, Harald; Eide, E.A; Scott, R.A
et al. (2005). Palaeomagnetism an 40Ar/39Ar geochronology from the South Taimyr igneous complex, Arctic Russia: a Middle-Late Triassic magmatic pulse after Siberian flood-basalt volcanism. (ekstern lenke)
Nysæther, Elin; Torsvik, Trond H.; Feist, Raimund
et al. (2002). Ordovician palaeogeography with new paleomagnetic data from the Montagne Noire (Southern France). (ekstern lenke)
Madsen, Karen Nørgaard; Walderhaug, Harald; Torsvik, Trond H.
(2002). Erroneous fold tests as an artifact of alteration chemical remanent magnetization. (ekstern lenke)
Torsvik, Trond H.; Van der Voo, Rob; Meert, Joseph
et al. (2001). Reconstructions of the continents around the North Atlantic at about the 60th parallel. (ekstern lenke)
Walderhaug, Harald; Torsvik, Trond H.; Eide, Elizabeth A
et al. (1999). Geochronology and paleomagnetism of the Hunnedalen dykes, SW Norway: Implications for the Sweconorwegian apparent polar wander loop. (ekstern lenke)
Walderhaug, Harald; Torsvik, Trond H.; Eide, Elizabeth A
et al. (1999). Geochronology and palaeomagnetism of the Hunnedalen dykes, SW Norway: Implications for the Sveconorwegian apparent polar wander loop. (ekstern lenke)
Torsvik, Trond H.; Eide, Elizabeth A.; Meert, J. . G.
et al. (1998). The Oslo Rift: New palaeomagnetic and 40Ar/39Ar age constraints. (ekstern lenke)
Torsvik, Trond H.; Andersen, T.B.; Eide, Elizabeth A.
et al. (1997). The age and tectonic signifiance of dolerite dykes in Western Norway. (ekstern lenke)
Torsvik, Trond H.; Andersen, Torgeir B.; Eide, Elizabeth A.
et al. (1997). The age and tectonic significanse of dolerite dykes in western Norway. (ekstern lenke)
Torsvik, Terje; Smethurst, M. A.; Meert, J. G.
et al. (1996). Continental breakup and collision in the Neoproterozoic and Palaeozoic - A tale of Baltica and Laurentia. (ekstern lenke)
Torsvik, T.H; Smethurst, M.A; Meert, J.G.
et al. (1996). Continental break-up and collision in the Neoproterozoic and Palaeozoic - A tale of Baltica and Laurentia. (ekstern lenke)
Torsvik, Terje; Trench, A.; Svensson, I.
et al. (1993). Palaeogeographic significance of mid-Silurian palaeomagnetic results from sothern Britain - major reviasion of the apparent polar wander path for eastern Avalonia. (ekstern lenke)
Walderhaug, Harald
(1993). Rock magnetic and magnetic fabric variation across three thin alkaline dykes from Sunndhordland, Western Norway; influence of initial mineralogy and secondary chemical alterations. (ekstern lenke)
Walderhaug, Harald
(1992). Directional properties of alteration CRM in basic igneous rocks. (ekstern lenke)
Walderhaug, Harald
(1992). Rock magnetic and magnetic fabric variations across three thin alkalie dykes from Sunnhordland, Western Norway; Influence of initial mineralogy and secondary chemical alterations. (ekstern lenke)
Trench, A.; Torsvik, Terje; Dentith, M. C.
et al. (1992). A High Southerly palaeolatitude for southern Britain in early ordovician times: Palaeomagnetic data from the Treffgarne volcanic formation SW Wales. (ekstern lenke)
Torsvik, Terje; Olesen, O.; Trench, A.
et al. (1992). Geophysical investigation of the Honningsvåg igneous complex, Scandinavian Caledonides. (ekstern lenke)
Walderhaug, Harald James; Torsvik, Trond Helge; Løvlie, Reidar
(1991). Experimental CRM production in a basaltic rock; evidence for stable, intermediate palaeomagnetic directions. (ekstern lenke)
Trench, Allan; Torsvik, Trond Helge; Walderhaug, Harald James
et al. (1990). Paleomagnetic and rock magnetic reliability criteria in ophiolitic rocks: a case study from the Palaeozoic Bal¬lantrae ophiolite, Scotland. . (ekstern lenke)
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