Ivar Rønnestad






Professor Ivar Rønnestad har en bakgrunn innen human og komparativ fysiologi. Tidlig i sin karriere arbeidet han med termoregulering og respiratoriske tilpasninger hos dykkere, med fokus på fysiologiske mekanismer som muliggjør at mennesker kan fungere i ekstreme miljøer, som ved dykking ned til 360 meters dybde. Rønnestad var involvert i forsøk som førte til utviklingen av Norges første pustgassesystem for dypdykking (OBS).

Overgangen til fiskefysiologi gjorde det mulig for Rønnestad å anvende sin kunnskap innen komparativ fysiologi, metabolsk regulering og adaptive mekanismer for å forbedre kunnskapen om fiskens utvikling, fôringsbiologi, vekst og miljøtilpasninger. Hans ekspertise innen disse områdene har bidratt til betydelige fremskritt i forståelsen av fiskens ernæringsfysiologi.

Siden 1988 har hans primære forskningsinteresse vært ernærings- og fordøyelsesfysiologi hos teleoster. For tiden fokuserer han på fordøyelse og appetittregulering, spesielt tarm-hjerne-aksen, og hvordan denne relaterer seg til vekst og energiomsetning. De siste årene har de fleste studiene på atlantisk laks, men Rønnestad har bred erfaring med andre akvakulturarter.

Professor Rønnestads forskning bidrar til grunnleggende vitenskap og praktiske forbedringer i akvakultur innen følgende områder:

Fordøyelsesfysiologi og fôropptak hos fiskelarver: Hans tidlige arbeid på teleoster utforsket fordøyelsesprosesser hos fiskelarver, inkludert fordøyelse, absorpsjon og den funksjonelle utviklingen av fordøyelsessystemer fra første fôring til metamorfose. Disse studiene har som mål å forbedre fôringsprotokoller og øke kvalitet og overlevelse i akvakultur.

Fiskens vekst og metabolisme: Hans nåværende forskning legger vekt på de molekylære og fysiologiske mekanismene som ligger til grunn for appetitt, fordøyelse, fôrinntak og vekst hos fisk. Et nøkkelområde er forståelsen av appetittkontroll og signalerveier i tarm-hjerne-aksen, spesielt hvordan tarm-avledede signaler som hormoner kommuniserer med hjernen for å regulere sult og metthet. Denne forskningen er viktig for å optimalisere fôrinntak, forbedre vekstrater og fremme bærekraft i akvakultur.

Melanokortinsystemet og appetittkontroll: Et viktig aspekt av hans arbeid omhandler studiet av nevropeptider i melanokortinsystemet, som er involvert i appetittkontroll som skjer i hypothalamus. Hans forskningsgruppe har kartlagt sentrale nevropeptider hos fisk som atlantisk laks, og knyttet disse til fôringsadferd og energihomeostase. Denne forskningen bidrar til mer effektiv akvakultur ved å optimalisere vekst, forbedre fôrutnyttelse og redusere utslipp fra anlegg.

Akvakultur og bærekraft Rønnestad er også involvert i prosjekter som har som mål å forbedre bærekraften i akvakultur, med fokus på bruk av alternative fôringredienser (f.eks. erstatning for fiskemel) og å undersøke effekten av miljøendringer som global oppvarming på fiskens fysiologi, veksty og velferd.

Gassboblesykdom hos fisk: Med utgangspunkt i hans tidlige arbeid med dykkefysiologi, har Rønnestad deltatt i nyere forskning på gassboblesykdom hos atlantisk laks. Denne tilstanden, relatert til gassovermetning, speiler utfordringer som man arbeider med innen human dykkefysiologi og er viktig for å forbedre operasjonelle prosedyrer for å redusere dødelighet og velferdsproblemer i akvakultur.

Samlet sett bidrar Professor Rønnestads arbeid både til den vitenskapelige forståelsen av fiskefysiologi og til utviklingen av praktiske løsninger for å forbedre effektiviteten og bærekraften i akvakultur.


Ivar Rønnestad underviser i fagene BIO104 (Komparativ fysiologi) og BIO 291 (Fiskebiologi II- Fysiologi) i tillegg til veiledning av postdoktor, PhD og Master studenter. Han leder EcelAQUA Sommerskole som er et samarbeide mellom Universitetet i Bergen, NORCE og syv ulike universiteter og forskningsinstitutt i Japan. Sommerskolen har også deltagere fra USA og Canada. 

Gjennom BioCEED har han samarbeid med forskere (Sehoya Cotner and Seth Thompson) innen pedagogikk ved Universitetet i Minnesota.

Han mottok Olav Thon Stiftelsens nasjonale pris for fremragende undervisning i 2019


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FHF- Norwegian Seafood Research Fund: NYBRØK2. Ny brønnbåtkunnskap II -biologiske risikofaktorer ved bruk av brønnbåt til transport og behandling av laks. Grant No 901966 (PI with NIVA, NUI, Patogen, SeaFarm systems, iLAB & industry partners)  2024-26

NFR- Qualification commercialisation project: FishMet- a digital twin for smart feeding of fish. Grant 344608 (PI with VIS) 2023-24

Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway grants (FCT Portugal): NoviFEED – Novel tools for intelligent feeding management in Atlantic salmon and meagre farming Grant (PI with SPAROS, IPMA, SEAentia IMR ) 2022-24

UiB, Mat Nat Fac.: SPIRE. Strategic seed funding to establish SFI consortium 2022 24

FHF- Norwegian Seafood Research Fund: NYBRØK. Ny brønnbåtkunnskap -biologiske risikofaktorer ved bruk av brønnbåt til transport og behandling av laks. Grant No 901788 (PI with NIVA, NUI, Patogen, SeaFarm, iLAB & industry )  2022-24

Government of Japan: Constructing an ocean/fishery city based on regional carbon neutral aquaculture for salmon and seaweed in Hakodate, Hokkaido 2022-27

NFR Industry PhD: TAAM. Tasty appetizing accountable marine solubles Grant No 329104 (Partner and main PhD supervisor with Biomar, Nofima) 2021-25

NFR FORNY: CAPS. Effects of antifouling copper coating in aquaculture – implications for fish health, performance and sustainability of production. Grant No 325849 (PL. with NTNU, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences) 2021-25

NFR KSP: TIME4SUCCESS. Improve Atlantic salmon robustness in freshwater phase through training and feeding to a successfully timed sea transfer. Grant No 320566 (PI. with Lerøy SeaFood, Bremnes, IMR, Uni Sirling UK, Hokkaido Uni, Japan, CCMAR- Portugal ) 2021-24

NFR Industry PhD: Eat2Grow. Developing a feeding protocol for grow-out Atlantic halibut based on growth, physiological and behaviour responses to feeding frequencies. Grant No 320897 (Partner and main PhD supervisor with Sogn Aqua, IMR) 2021-25

FHF- Norwegian Seafood Research Fund: Optifeed. Optimal feeding of ballan wrasse in a salmon cage Grant No 901694 (PI with IMR & Nofima) 2021-24
FHF- Norwegian Seafood Research Fund: Nutrient requirements of Atlantic halibut. Grant No 901657 (PI with IMR, Nofima and 3 national halibut producers ) 2021-24

NFR IPN: Swimfit. Effekt av svømmetrening hos smolt; En grunnleggende studie. Grant No 309384 (PI Lerøy SeaFood, Bremnes SeaShore, NIVA, AkvaPlan niva, Uni Sirling UK, Hokkaido Uni, Jap, UiGothenburg, Swe, Radboud Uni, Nl) 2020-24

NFR IPN: NoFood2Waste. Appetite control of feeding in aquaculture of Atlantic salmon. (PL and PI with Lingalaks, CageEye, IMR, Uni Sirling UK, NRIA- Japan ) Grant No 317770 2021-23
NFR INTPART: ExcelAQUA-2.0. Norway-Japan Partnership for Excellent Research and Education in Sustainable Aquaculture- Phase 2. Grant No 309368 (PL and PI with bioCEED, CtrlAQUA, TSIC, and 8 Jpn collaborators) 2020-24

Faculty of Math. and Nat. Sciences UoB; Support for Research stay abroad 2020

NFR: Coordination and Support Activity / Support for Researcher Mobility Gut2Brain 2020 Research stay at Center for Clinical Metabolic Research. (Grant No 311627) 2020 313.000 Meltzer Foundation UoB; Support for Research stay abroad 2020

JSPS: Development of techniques, systems and network for sustainable aquaculture and resource enhancement for salmon”. (Partner w Univ Hokkaido and NORCE. Grant #120209901) 2020-22 Collaborator
EMFF-BlueEconomy-2018 EMFF-AG SEASTAR Real time monitoring and SurvEillance of Aquaculture farmS with neTworks of underwAter sensoRs (PI; Grant No. 863731) w/Lerøy Seafood, Mekatronic,WSENSE 2019-22

Spanish Ministry of Economic Affairs and Competitiveness- National Research Programme THERMOFISH (REF. RTI2018-096134-B-I00. Effect of water temperature on digestive function in marine fish of rapid growth (partner w/ Inst. Ciencias Marinas de Andalucía, Cadiz, Spain) 2019-22

H2020-BG-2018-1. CP-Innovation Action: iFishIENCI. Intelligent Fish feeding through Integration of ENabling technologies and Circular principle (PI; Grant No. 818036) 2018-23
JSPS: Control of the quality of juvenile salmon for aquaculture through Integrating genetics and environmental factors” (Partner w Univ Hokkaido and NORCE. Grant #120189903) 2018-20 Collaborator

JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science), Grant-in-Aid for Sci. Res (C). Nutrient sensing and its induction of digestive system at fish intestine 2018-21 Collaborator

NFR: KABIS. "Capacity building for sustainable and innovative seafood production". (PI; Grant No 221568/030) With Uni, HVL, Stirling Univ, Univ Aut Barcelona 2018-23

NFR Frimedbio: Gutsense. Evolution of umami taste receptor (T1R1-T1R3) system in vertebrates and its role in gut-brain axis communication. (Partner PD grant for A. Gomes with UCLA (Grant No 262096) 2017-20

NFR: QMAR. Unlocking the nutritional and technical quality potential of marine by-products in sustainable salmonid feeds. (Partner and PI; Grant No 268987) with Biomar, Nofima, Pelagia, Aker Biomarine, UCLA (USA) 2017-20
NFR: LeuSense. Exploring leucine's role in feed intake and growth under stress: from sensing to action. (PL and PI; Grant No 267626) With Nifes, Cargill, NRIA (Japan), UCLA (USA) 2017-21

SIU and NFR: ExcelAQUA. Norway-Japan Partnership for Excellent Research and Education in Sustainable Aquaculture. Grant No 261753 (PL and PI with Uni, CtrlAQUA, NCE SeaFood, and 8 Jpn collaborators) 2017-19
RFFV (Regional Research Fund West): Greenbag. A new and innovative production platform for closed aquaculture. Grant no 259183 (PI, scientific coordinator, with Hardingsmolt, UNI; Grant No 259183) 2017

RFFV (Regional Research Fund West): Fiskevelferd. Knowledge about fish welfare for applications in commercial aquaculture (PL w/ Natl Center Expertise, SeaFood Cluster+ Uni; Grant No 259919) 2016

BMC Bergen Marine Cluster: FeedApp. Biological effects of ingredients and feed quality on appetite and feed intake in Atlantic salmon (Partner with Nofima) 2016-17 250.000 Meltzer Foundation UoB; Travel support 2016

NCE SeaFood Cluster: ExcelAQUA- seed funding. Norway-Japan Partnership for Excellent Research and Education in Sustainable Aquaculture (Project leader and PI with Uni, and Japanese collaborators) 2016

NFR: PlastiCod. Digestion and maternal/paternal transfer of microplastic contaminants in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) food web (partner with Nofima and PI; Grant No 255267) 2016-21

H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015. MARIE Skłodowska-CURIE ACTIONS Research and Innovation Staff Exchange WiseFeed. Improving sustainability and performance of aquafeeds (Coordinator and PI; Grant No 691150)* 2015-18

RFFV (Regional Research Fund West): SalmoFeedPluss. Improved feed for salmon through the selection of protein ingredients based on their functional properties (partner with EWOS innovation; Grant No 247978) 2015-18

NORAD- QZA-0485 SRV-13/0010: Incorporating Climate Change into Ecosystem Approaches to Fisheries & Aquacult. Managm in Sri Lanka and Vietnam (partner w/ Nha Trang Univ, Univ o Ruhuna and Univ of Tromsø)  2014-17

NFR: Intestinal function and health in Ballan wrasse – No Guts, no Glory (partner with NIFES and NOFIMA; Grant No 244170)  2015-18

Spanish Ministry of Economic Affairs and Competitiveness- National Research Programme. Utilization of gastrointestinal models as a tool for increasing the digestion efficiency of feed protein in cultured marine fish. – EFISFDIGEST (partner w/ Inst. Ciencias Marinas de Andalucía, Cadiz, Spain)  2015-18

RFF, Regional Forskningsfond: Improved feed for salmon through the selection of protein ingredients based on their functional properties (partner with EWOS innovation; Grant No 247978)  2015-18

H2020-MARIE Skłodowska-CURIE ACTIONS. Research and Innovation Staff Exchange. RISE. WiseFeed. Improving sustainability and performance of aquafeeds.  (Coordinator and PI; Grant No 691150)

NFR: Digestion and maternal/paternal transfer of microplastic contaminants in  Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) food web (partner with NOFIMA and PI)  2016-18

Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia Portugal. Towards fishmeal-independent fish diets: the role of taurine (TOWTAU, PTDC/MAR/117047/2010) (partner w/CCMAR). 2012-2014

Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation Assessment of daily rhythm in the feeding activity and the digestive function in reared larvae of marine fish. Improving the feeding protocols. (partner w/ Inst. Ciencias Marinas de Andalucía, Cadiz, Spain) 2011-13

NFR. Integrated amino acid requirement in Atlantic salmon (contracted partner w EWOS Innovation;Grant # 208352) 2011-13

NFR. CODE- a national knowledge platform for the early stages of Atlantic cod (Leader and PI). (#199482) 2010-14

NFR: Local effects of global warming: Effects of period of higher temperature than the normal range for Atlantic salmon. (contracted partner w NIFES; yngre fremragende forsker tildelt E.M Hevrøy # 199683) 2010-13

NFR: BIOplus. Innovative use of bioactive marine ingredients as strategy to sustain growth in fish farming prod. and to improve fish flesh quality. (contracted partner w NOFIMA; Grant # 190043). 2009-12

NFR: GutFeeling. New feeding strategies for Atlantic halibut and cod larvae to increase the output of high quality juveniles in production systems. (w partners IMR #190019) 2009-11

EU- FP7-KBBE-2007-2A. LIFECYCLE. Building a biological knowledge-base on fish lifecycles for competitive, sustainable European aquaculture. (Collaborative project, Large scale Integrating Project, Partner) 2009- 13

Helse Vest & UoB: NettMettBAP. Bioactive peptides. 2009

Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia Portugal. Improved dietary nitrogenformulations for marine fish larvae: effects on growth performance and skeletal formation - HYDRAA (PTDC/MAR/71685/2006)(partner w/CCMAR) 2008-11

NFR: DGS- Distended gut syndrome in larval Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua). (w industry partner SagaFjord SeaFarm #187281) 2008-09

NORAD- SRV 2701 Improving training and Research Capacity at the Nha Trang University, Vietnam- Phase II (UiT, UiB, NTNU, NUT) 2008- 12

Helse Vest & UoB: NettMettBAC. Bioactive compounds- absorption and function 2008

BTO: Hydroxyproline as an essential component in fish and animal nutrition. (contracted partner w Fiskeriforskning) 2008

NFR- Development of endocrine and digestive systems in marine fish larvae (#187063; Leiv Erikssson) 2008

NFR: Ontogeny of lipid digestion and effects of feeding pre-digested lipids to cod larvae (#179016, partner w/ proj leader NIFES; FF and IMR) 2007-09

Helse Vest & UoB: NettMett2. Network for metabolic collaborative studies in Bergen 2007

AVIT-NFR: Gene expression analysis platform (GExAP-RNA) #183740 2007

NFR: Leptin in fish - exploring the actions of a novel hormone and its role in control of appetite, growth and puberty in Atlantic salmon and cod (#172548/S40) 2006-08

NFR: Genes linked to normal development and survival of fish larvae. Strategic programme (headed by Dept. Molecular biology, UoB) 2006-08

NFR: CodGut-Digestive function in Atlantic cod larvae- effects of intensive and extensive rearing systems and correlation with peaks in mortality. (w industry partner SagaFjord SeaFarm #174229/S15) 2006-07

BILAT: PepTalk- Project establishment support for studies on peptide nutrition growth and dev. of larval fish between Norway and USA (#175021) 2006

Scandinavia - Japan Sasakawa foundation, Travel Support 2006

FUGE: Puberty in Atlantic cod (industry partner Marine Harvest) 2006

NFR: Differential protein expression in relation to dietary AA composition: a proteomic approach towards understanding growth in fish (#165203/S40) 2005-08

UoB, Marine Science Programme, Research Locus support 2005-08

Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia Portugal. Dietary amino acids and skeletal development in white bream - SAARGO (POCI/MAR/61623/2004) (partner w CCMAR) 2005-08

Helse Vest & UoB: NETTMETT. Network for metabolic collaborative studies in Bergen 2005-06

NFR: Intensive production of halibut fry - Larviculture and nutrition. (partner; w/ NIFES and Inst. of Mar Research; # 152932/120.) 2003-05

MariPro- NFR (partner): Use of protein and hydrolysate in Microdiets 2003

NFR: Functional development of the gut in marine fish larvae (#141990/120) 2001-03

NFR: Nutrition in larvae and juveniles of the Atlantic halibut Strategic programme (partner and steering committee member. w/ IoN, IMR) 2001-03

Meltzer Foundation UoB; Functional development of marine fish larvae 2001

UoB, Marine Science Programme, Research Locus support 2000-2004

NFR, Ontogeny of digestive function in fish larvae (#138382/140) 2000

KUD: IKT- Læring på tvers, Develop an IT-based interactive coursework 1999-00

Portugal Ministério da Ciência Tecnologia, Invited Professor Fellowship 1999

TEFT: Utilisation of a protein concentrate for Artemia enrichment 1998

Kyoto University Foundation, Invited visiting professor; Award 1998

NFR, Feasibility study of marine aquaculture in Indonesia (# 36341) 1997

NFR, Digestive function and AA metabolism in fish larvae (#115876/122) 1997-99

Norway-Israel Specialist Exchange Programme, Travel Support 1997

Scandinavia - Japan Sasakawa foundation, Travel Support 1994

Meltzer Foundation, Research Support 1990

Norwegian Sports Divers Association, Mental performance in scientific divers 1987