Knut Børve
NANO100 Perspektiv i nanovitskap og -teknologi. (Vår, 10 stp)
NANO300 Seminar i nanovitskap. (Haust, 5 stp)
Masteroppgåver blir gitt innan følgjande forskningsområde:
Nanodråpar: Ved hjelp av eksperiment og molekylmodellering undersøke korleis frie nøytrale nanodråpar av ulike molekyl blir danna og kva struktur, stabilitet og eigenskaper som dei har.
Teoretisk spektroskopi: Utvikle den teoretisk skildringa av høg-oppløyste fotoelektroneksperiment, med sikte på å hente ut mest mogeleg informasjon frå eksperimentelle studiar som nyttar denne teknikken.
Konformasjonsstudium av molekyl: Å undersøke konformasjonsjamvekter for molekyl i gassfase, ved å kombinere eksperiment (fotoelektronspektroskop) og avansert teoretisk modellering.
Døme på tidlegare masteroppgåver:
- Fotoelektronspektroskopi og kjemiske eigenskapar av substituerte propenar.
- Polarisasjonsenergien ved ionisering av eit argonatom på overflata av ein argonklase
- Aktiveringsenergiar, protonaffinitetar og ionisasjonsenergiar for klorsubstituerte etenar
- Linjeformer i fotoelektronspektra av edelgassklasar
Vitenskapelig foredrag
- Tysse, Morten; Jensen, Vidar Remi; Børve, Knut J. et al. (2021). Electrocatalytic Reduction of CO2 to CO by Iron and Zinc Porphyrin and Bacteriochlorin - A DFT study. (ekstern lenke)
- Winkler, Mathias; Harnes, Jarle; Abu-samha, Mahmoud et al. (2015). The structure of mixed molecular clusters from photoelectron spectroscopy and computational modeling. (ekstern lenke)
- Børve, Knut J. (2013). Insight to the structure of mixed clusters from core-level photoelectron spectroscopy and modeling. (ekstern lenke)
- Børve, Knut J. (2013). Modeling of chemical effects in x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. (ekstern lenke)
- Zahl, Maria Gundersen; Børve, Knut J.; Sæthre, Leif J (2012). Accurate Carbon 1s Hole-state Lifetimes for Chlorinated Methanes. (ekstern lenke)
- Børve, Knut J. (2012). Insight to hydrogen bonding from X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and modeling. (ekstern lenke)
- Børve, Knut J. (2012). What is water? An answer from a chemist. (ekstern lenke)
- Børve, Knut (2011). Theoretical modeling of neutral weakly bound nanoparticles and their core-level spectra. (ekstern lenke)
- Minenkov, Yury; Børve, Knut; Occhipinti, Giovanni et al. (2010). The nature of the barrier to phosphine dissociation from Grubbs olefin metathesis catalysts. (ekstern lenke)
- Holme, Alf; Børve, Knut J.; Sæthre, Leif J et al. (2009). Accurate Calculation of Chemical Shifts in Carbon 1s Ionization Energies. (ekstern lenke)
- Winkler, Mathias; Bergersen, Henrik; Abu-Samha, Mahmoud Ahmad M. et al. (2009). Neutral Binary Cluster of CF4/CH4 Studied by X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy. (ekstern lenke)
- Børve, Knut J. (2008). Free one- and two-component molecular clusters. (ekstern lenke)
- Børve, Knut J. (2008). Theoretical and electron-spectroscopy studies of molecular clusters. (ekstern lenke)
- Winkler, Mathias; Bergersen, Henrik; Abu-Samha, Mahmoud Ahmad M. et al. (2008). Neutral Binary Clusters of CF4/CH4 Studied by X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy. (ekstern lenke)
- Holme, Alf; Børve, Knut J.; Sæthre, Leif J et al. (2008). Carbon 1s Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Conformational Isomers. (ekstern lenke)
- Holme, Alf; Zahl, Maria Gundersen; Børve, Knut J. et al. (2008). Accurate calculation of C1s ionization energy shifts and vibrational structures. (ekstern lenke)
- Harnes, Jarle; Winkler, Mathias; Andreas, Lindblad et al. (2008). Learning about Neutral Free CS2 Clusters. (ekstern lenke)
- Sparta, Manuel; Børve, Knut J.; Jensen, Vidar Remi (2007). Activity of rhodium-catalyzed hydroformylation: Added insight and predictions from theory. (ekstern lenke)
- Børve, Knut J.; Sparta, Manuel; Loboda, Oleksandr et al. (2007). Metal-ligand bond energies in eta-2-bonded metallofullerenes and metalloethylenes. (ekstern lenke)
- Harnes, Jarle; Abu-Samha, Mahmoud Ahmad M.; Winkler, Mathias et al. (2007). Single-component CH3Br and CH3Cl clusters: Intermolecular interactions and structure studied by photoelectron spectroscopy and modeling. (ekstern lenke)
- Holme, Alf; Sæthre, Leif J; Børve, Knut J. (2007). Conformational Isomers of 1-Pentyne from Carbon 1s Photoelectron Spectroscopy. (ekstern lenke)
- Sparta, Manuel; Børve, Knut J.; Jensen, Vidar Remi (2007). Activity of rhodium-catalyzed hydroformylation: Added insight and predictions from theory. (ekstern lenke)
- Børve, Knut J. (2007). Studies of molecular clusters. (ekstern lenke)
- Børve, Knut J. (2007). Insight to the structure of molecular clusters from XPS and theoretical modeling. (ekstern lenke)
- Børve, Knut J. (2007). Structure of molecular nanodroplets. (ekstern lenke)
- Børve, Knut J. (2007). Photoelectron spectroscopy and molecular modeling - an old couple revitalized. (ekstern lenke)
- Børve, Knut J. (2007). Chemistry of Isolated and Aggregated Molecules - Present and Future Perspectives. (ekstern lenke)
- Andersen, T.H.; Gundersen, Maria; Svenum, I.-H. et al. (2006). Adsorption of 1,1-dichloroethene on the Si(111)-7x7 surface. (ekstern lenke)
- Myrseth, Velaug ; Sæthre, Leif J; Børve, Knut J. et al. (2006). The substituent effect of the methyl group. (ekstern lenke)
- Abu-samha, Mahmoud; Børve, Knut J.; Sæthre, Leif J et al. (2006). Evidence of H-Bonding in Inner-shell Photoelectron Spectra of Methanol Clusters. (ekstern lenke)
- Myrseth, Velaug ; Børve, Knut J.; Sæthre, Leif J et al. (2006). Carbon 1s ionization energies and proton affinities of six-membered cyclic hydrocarbons. (ekstern lenke)
- Myrseth, Velaug ; Børve, Knut J.; Sæthre, Leif J et al. (2006). The substituent effect of the methyl group in benzenes. (ekstern lenke)
- Børve, Knut J. (2006). Exploring molecular clusters by means of theory-assisted electron spectroscopy. (ekstern lenke)
- Børve, Knut J.; Lillehaug, Sindre (2006). Structural and mechanistic insight by way of theory: Catalytic properties of chromium on amorphous silica. (ekstern lenke)
- Jensen, Vidar Remi; Sparta, Manuel; Børve, Knut J. (2006). Substitutional Metallofullerenes of the d-Block Metals. (ekstern lenke)
- Abu-samha, Mahmoud; Børve, Knut J. (2006). Evidence of hydrogen bonding in inner-shell photoelectron spectra of methanol clusters. (ekstern lenke)
- Jensen, Vidar Remi; Sparta, Manuel; Børve, Knut J. (2005). DFT-based screening of structure and stability of transition metal–doped fullerenes. (ekstern lenke)
- Abu-samha, Mahmoud; Sæthre, Leif J; Børve, Knut J. (2005). Structure of liquid methanol - with implications for the C1s photoelectron spectrum. (ekstern lenke)
- Sæthre, Leif J; Thomas, T. Darrah; Børve, Knut J. et al. (2005). Reactivity and core-ionization energies in conjugated dienes. Carbon 1s photoelectron spectroscopy of 1,3-pentadiene. (ekstern lenke)
- Børve, Knut J. (2005). Theoretical modeling of x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. (ekstern lenke)
- Lillehaug, Sindre; Børve, Knut J. (2005). A Theoretical Study of the Dehydrogenation of Ethane over Cr/oxide Catalysts. (ekstern lenke)
- Abu-samha, Mahmoud; Børve, Knut J. (2005). Structure of Liquid Methanol – with Implications for the C1s Photoelectron Spectrum. (ekstern lenke)
- Bergersen, Henrik; Björneholm, Olle; Svensson, Svante et al. (2005). XPS lineshape modeling for size determination of free neutral clusters. (ekstern lenke)
- Sæthre, Leif J; Thomas, T. Darrah; Børve, Knut J. et al. (2005). Reactivity and core-ionization energies in conjugated dienes. Carbon 1s photoelectron spectroscopy of 1,3-pentadiene. (ekstern lenke)
- Bergersen, Henrik; Björneholm, Olle; Svensson, Svante et al. (2005). XPS lineshape modeling of free neutral clusters. (ekstern lenke)
- Sparta, Manuel; Jensen, Vidar Remi; Børve, Knut J. (2005). DFT-based screening of structure and stability of substitutionally doped metallofullerenes. (ekstern lenke)
- Børve, Knut (2004). Exploring the properties of chromium on amorphous silica by means of theory. (ekstern lenke)
- Børve, Knut (2004). Theoretical tools for interpreting high-resolution inner-shell electron spectroscopy. (ekstern lenke)
- Børve, Knut (2004). Presentasjon av katalyse- og elektronspektroskopigruppa i Bergen. (ekstern lenke)
- Ladadweh, Mahmoud; Bergersen, Henrik; Sæthre, Leif J et al. (2004). Toward theoretical lineshape models of atomic and molecular clusters. (ekstern lenke)
- Børve, Knut J. (2003). Theoretical tools for interpreting high-resolution inner-shell photoelectron spectra of molecules. (ekstern lenke)
- Børve, Knut J. (2003). Mechanistic studies of some chromium-based catalytic systems - by way of theory. (ekstern lenke)
- Børve, Knut J. (2002). Fine structure in C1s photoelectron spectra. (ekstern lenke)
- Børve, Knut J. (2002). Grunnundervisning i kjemi. (ekstern lenke)
- Børve, Knut J. (2002). Quantum chemical modeling of homogeneous and heterogeneous chromium-based catalysis. (ekstern lenke)
- Lillehaug, Sindre; Børve, Knut J. (2002). Catalytic dehydrogenation of ethane over Cr/silica. (ekstern lenke)
- Boitsov, Stepan; Børve, Knut J.; Rayyan, Saleh. A.M. et al. (2001). Conductivity Studies in Benzotrifluoride. (ekstern lenke)
- Espelid, Øystein; Børve, Knut J. (2001). Theoretical models of active sites at Cr/silica Phillips-type catalysts for ethylene polymerization. (ekstern lenke)
- Børve, Knut J. (2000). Catalytic olefin polymerization. (ekstern lenke)
- Karlsen, Tor; Børve, Knut; Sæthre, Leif J (1999). Theoretical Analyses of Carbon 1s Photoelectron Spectra of Simple Alkanes. (ekstern lenke)
- Espelid, Øystein; Børve, Knut (1999). Theoretical models of polymerization of ethylene over a Phillips catalyst. (ekstern lenke)
- Espelid, Øystein; Børve, Knut (1999). Theoretical models of polymerization of ethylene over a Phillips catalyst. (ekstern lenke)
- Børve, Knut (1999). Theoretical problems in photoelectron spectroscopy. (ekstern lenke)
- Børve, Knut (1999). Theoretical Studies of Chromium as a Polymerization Catalyst. (ekstern lenke)
- Angermund, K.; Børve, Knut; Jensen, Vidar Remi et al. (1998). The mechanism of chromium-catalysed polymerization: A theoretical study. (ekstern lenke)
- Espelid, Øystein; Børve, Knut; Jensen, Vidar Remi (1998). Bonding in Chromium oxides hydroxides and mixed oxo-hydroxides. (ekstern lenke)
- Børve, Knut (1998). Chain-growth on a (bis-imido)chromium(IV) complex. (ekstern lenke)
- Espelid, Øystein; Børve, Knut (1998). Theoretical Modeling of Reaction Mechanisms on a Cluster Mimicking a Mononuclear Chromium site on the Phillips Catalyst. (ekstern lenke)
- Angermund, K.; Børve, Knut; Jensen, Vidar Remi et al. (1998). The mechanism of chromium-catalysed polymerization: A theoretical study. (ekstern lenke)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
- Wang, Peng; Carroll, Thomas X.; Thomas, T. Darrah et al. (2021). Calibration of oxygen 1s ionization energies. Accurate energies for CO2, H2O, CO, and O2. (ekstern lenke)
- Travnikova, Oksana; Patanen, Minna; Söderström, Johan et al. (2019). Energy-dependent relative cross sections in carbon 1s photoionization: Separation of direct shake and inelastic scattering effects in single molecules. (ekstern lenke)
- Winkler, Mathias; Børve, Knut J. (2018). Attenuation of slow (10-40 eV) electrons in soft nanoparticles: Size matters in argon clusters. (ekstern lenke)
- Zahl, Maria Gundersen; Sæthre, Leif J; Thomas, Thomas Darrah et al. (2018). Carbocation stability as predictor for electrophilic addition of HCl to chlorinated ethenes and propenes in the gas phase. (ekstern lenke)
- Abu-Samha, Mahmoud; Ryding, Mauritz Johan Olof; Uggerud, Einar et al. (2017). Changing role of carrier gas in formation of ethanol clusters by adiabatic expansion. (ekstern lenke)
- Zahl, Maria Gundersen; Fossheim, Randi; Børve, Knut J. et al. (2015). Electronic properties of chlorine, methyl, and chloromethyl as substituents to the ethylene group-viewed from the core of carbon. (ekstern lenke)
- Harnes, Jarle; Abu-Samha, Mahmoud Ahmad M; Winkler, Mathias et al. (2015). Formation and growth of clusters of sulfur dioxide. (ekstern lenke)
- Ryding, Mauritz Johan Olof; Giuliani, Alexandre; Patanen, Minna et al. (2014). X-ray induced fragmentation of size-selected salt cluster-ions stored in an ion trap. (ekstern lenke)
- Winkler, Mathias; Myrseth, Velaug; Harnes, Jarle et al. (2014). Electron attenuation in free, neutral ethane clusters. (ekstern lenke)
- Abu-Samha, Mahmoud Ahmad M; Børve, Knut J. (2014). HCl dissociation in methanol clusters from Ab initio molecular dynamics simulations and inner-shell photoelectron spectroscopy. (ekstern lenke)
- Abu-Samha, Mahmoud Ahmad M; Børve, Knut J. (2013). Effective attenuation length from core-level photoelectron spectroscopy of CS2 clusters. (ekstern lenke)
- Sparta, Manuel; Jensen, Vidar Remi; Børve, Knut J. (2013). Accurate metal-ligand bond energies in the (2)-C2H4 and (2)-C-60 complexes of Pt(PH3)(2), with application to their Bis(triphenylphosphine) analogues. (ekstern lenke)
- Mårtensson, Nils; Söderström, Johan; Svensson, Svante et al. (2013). On the relation between X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy and XAFS. (ekstern lenke)
- Holme, Alf; Børve, Knut J.; Sæthre, Leif J et al. (2013). Conformations and CH/π Interactions in Aliphatic Alkynes and Alkenes. (ekstern lenke)
- Patanen, Minna; Travnikova, Oksana; Zahl, Maria Gundersen et al. (2013). Laboratory-frame electron angular distributions: Probing the chemical environment through intramolecular electron scattering. (ekstern lenke)
- Winkler, Mathias; Harnes, Jarle; Børve, Knut J. (2013). Structure of self-assembled free methanol/tetrachloromethane clusters. (ekstern lenke)
- Carroll, Thomas X.; Zahl, Maria Gundersen; Børve, Knut J. et al. (2013). Intensity oscillations in the carbon 1s ionization cross sections of 2-butyne. (ekstern lenke)
- Zahl, Maria Gundersen; Børve, Knut J.; Sæthre, Leif J (2012). Carbon 1s photoelectron spectroscopy of the chlorinated methanes: Lifetimes and accurate vibrational lineshape models. (ekstern lenke)
- Holme, Alf; Sæthre, Leif J; Børve, Knut J. et al. (2012). Chemical reactivity of alkenes and alkynes as seen from activation energies, enthalpies of protonation, and carbon 1s ionization energies. (ekstern lenke)
- Söderström, Johan; Mårtensson, Nils; Travnikova, Oksana et al. (2012). Nonstoichiometric Intensities in Core Photoelectron Spectroscopy. (ekstern lenke)
- Patanen, Minna; Børve, Knut J.; Kettunen, Jari A. et al. (2012). Valence photoionization and photoelectron-photoion coincidence (PEPICO) study of molecular LiCl and Li2Cl2. (ekstern lenke)
- Travnikova, Oksana; Børve, Knut J.; Patanen, Minna et al. (2012). The ESCA molecule-Historical remarks and new results. (ekstern lenke)
- Sæthre, Leif J; Børve, Knut; Thomas, T. Darrah (2011). Chemical shifts of carbon 1s ionization energies. (ekstern lenke)
- Harnes, Jarle; Abu-Samha, Mahmoud Ahmad M; Bergersen, Henrik et al. (2011). The structure of mixed methanol/chloroform clusters from core-level photoelectron spectroscopy and modeling. (ekstern lenke)
- Harnes, Jarle; Winkler, Mathias; Lindblad, Andreas et al. (2011). The size of free neutral CO2 clusters from carbon 1s ionization energies. (ekstern lenke)
- Holme, Alf; Børve, Knut J.; Sæthre, Leif J et al. (2011). Accuracy of Calculated Chemical Shifts in Carbon 1s Ionization Energies from Single-Reference ab Initio Methods and Density Functional Theory. (ekstern lenke)
- Winkler, Mathias; Harnes, Jarle; Børve, Knut J. (2011). Structure of Neutral Nanosized Clusters Produced by Coexpansion of CF4 and CH4. (ekstern lenke)
- Ottosson, Niklas; Børve, Knut J.; Spangberg, Daniel et al. (2011). On the Origins of Core-Electron Chemical Shifts of Small Biomolecules in Aqueous Solution: Insights from Photoemission and ab Initio Calculations of Glycine(aq). (ekstern lenke)
- Travnikova, O; Ceolin, D; Bao, Z et al. (2010). Selective vibrational excitation in the resonant Auger decay following core-to-pi transitions in N2O. (ekstern lenke)
- Zahl, Maria Gundersen; Myrseth, Velaug ; Andersen, Trine et al. (2010). Molecular Spectra As a Tool in Assigning Carbon 1s Photoelectron Spectra of Physisorbed Overlayers. (ekstern lenke)
- Carroll, Thomas X.; Thomas, T. Darrah; Sæthre, Leif J et al. (2009). Additivity of Substituent Effects. Core-Ionization Energies and Substituent Effects in Fluoromethylbenzenes. (ekstern lenke)
- Holme, Alf; Sæthre, Leif J; Børve, Knut J. et al. (2009). Carbon 1s photoelectron spectroscopy of 1-pentyne conformers. (ekstern lenke)
- Abu-Samha, Mahmoud Ahmad M.; Børve, Knut J.; Winkler, Mathias et al. (2009). The local structure of small water clusters: imprints on the core-level photoelectron spectrum. (ekstern lenke)
- Harnes, Jarle; Abu-Samha, Mahmoud Ahmad M.; Winkler, Mathias et al. (2008). Neutral CH3Cl and CH3Br clusters studied by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and modeling: Insight to intermolecular interactions and structure. (ekstern lenke)
- Sörensen, Stacey L.; Børve, Knut J.; Feifel, Raimund et al. (2008). The O 1s photoelectron spectrum of molecular oxygen revisited. (ekstern lenke)
- Abu-Samha, Mahmoud Ahmad M.; Børve, Knut J. (2008). Surface relaxation in water clusters: Evidence from theoretical analysis of the oxygen 1s photoelectron spectrum. (ekstern lenke)
- Andersen, Trine Højberg; Zahl, Maria Gundersen; Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene et al. (2007). Chemisorption of 1,1-dichloroethene on the Si(111)-7x7 surface. (ekstern lenke)
- Abu-Samha, Mahmoud Ahmad M.; Børve, Knut J.; Harnes, Jarle et al. (2007). What can c1s photoelectron Spectroscopy tell about structure and bonding in clusters of methanol and methyl chloride?. (ekstern lenke)
- Thomas, Thomas Darrah; Sæthre, Leif J; Børve, Knut J. (2007). Effects of molecular conformation on inner-shell ionization energies. (ekstern lenke)
- Myrseth, Velaug ; Sæthre, Leif J; Børve, Knut J. et al. (2007). The substituent effect of the methyl group. Carbon 1s ionization energies, proton affinities, and reactivities of the methylbenzenes. (ekstern lenke)
- Bergersen, Henrik; Abu-Samha, Mahmoud Ahmad M.; Harnes, Jarle et al. (2006). Size of neutral argon clusters from core-level photoelectron spectroscopy. (ekstern lenke)
- Carroll, Thomas X.; Thomas, T. Darrah; Bergersen, Henrik et al. (2006). Fluorine as a pi donor. Carbon 1s photoelectron spectroscopy and proton affinities of fluorobenzenes. (ekstern lenke)
- Sparta, Manuel; Jensen, Vidar Remi; Børve, Knut J. (2006). Structure and stability of substitutional metallofullerenes of the first-row transition metals. (ekstern lenke)
- Loboda, Oleksandr; Jensen, Vidar Remi; Børve, Knut J. (2006). Multiple additions of palladium to C-60. (ekstern lenke)
- Abu-Samha, Mahmoud Ahmad M.; Børve, Knut J.; Sæthre, Leif J et al. (2006). Lineshapes in carbon 1s photoelectron spectra of methanol clusters. (ekstern lenke)
- Bergersen, Henrik; Abu-Samha, Mahmoud Ahmad M.; Lindblad, Andreas et al. (2006). Two size regimes of methanol clusters produced by adiabatic expansion. (ekstern lenke)
- Abu-Samha, Mahmoud Ahmad M.; Børve, Knut J. (2006). Franck-Condon transitions in a system with large-amplitude anharmonic vibrations coupled to a harmonic-oscillator bath: Application to the C 1s photoelectron spectrum of ethanol. (ekstern lenke)
- Bergersen, Henrik; Abu-Samha, Mahmoud Ahmad M.; Lindblad, Andreas et al. (2006). First observation of vibrations in core-level photoelectron spectra of free neutral molecular clusters. (ekstern lenke)
- Sparta, Manuel; Børve, Knut J.; Jensen, Vidar Remi (2006). Structure and stability of networked metallofullerenes of the transition metals. (ekstern lenke)
- Lillehaug, Sindre; Jensen, Vidar Remi; Børve, Knut J. (2006). Catalytic dehydrogenation of ethane over mononuclear Cr(III) surface sites on silica. Part II. C–H activation by oxidative addition. (ekstern lenke)
- Thomas, T. Darrah; Sæthre, Leif J; Børve, Knut J. et al. (2005). Reactivity and core-ionization energies in conjugated dienes. Carbon 1s photoelectron spectroscopy of 1,3-pentadiene. (ekstern lenke)
- Abu-samha, Mahmoud; Børve, Knut J.; Sæthre, Leif J et al. (2005). Conformational effects in inner-shell photoelectron spectroscopy of ethanol. (ekstern lenke)
- Lillehaug, Sindre; Børve, Knut (2004). Catalytic Dehydrogenation of Ethane over Mononuclear Cr(III) Surface Sites on Silica. Part I. C�H activation by σ-bond metathesis. (ekstern lenke)
- Thomas, T. Darrah; Sæthre, Leif J; Børve, Knut et al. (2004). Carbon 1s photoelectron spectroscopy of halomethanes. Effects of electronegativity, hardness, charge distribution, and relaxation. (ekstern lenke)
- Oltedal, Velaug Myrseth; Børve, Knut; Sæthre, Leif J et al. (2004). Carbon 1s photoelectron spectroscopy of six-carbon cyclic hydrocarbons. (ekstern lenke)
- Boitsov, Stepan; Børve, Knut J.; Rayyan, Saleh. A.M. et al. (2003). Conductivity studies in Benzotrifluoride. (ekstern lenke)
- Carroll, Thomas X.; Børve, Knut J.; Sæthre, Leif J et al. (2002). Carbon 1s photoelectron spectroscopy of CF4 and CO. Search for chemical effects on the carbon 1s hole-state lifetime. (ekstern lenke)
- Giertz, Annika; Børve, Knut J.; Bassler, Margit et al. (2002). Vibrationally Resolved Photoelectron Spectra of the Carbon 1s and Nitrogen 1s Shells in Hydrogen Cyanide. (ekstern lenke)
- Myrseth, Velaug ; Børve, Knut J.; Sæthre, Leif J et al. (2002). Vibrational structure and vibronic coupling in the carbon 1s photoelectron spectra of benzene and deuterobenzene. (ekstern lenke)
- Karlsen, Tor; Børve, Knut J.; Sæthre, Leif J et al. (2002). Toward the spectrum of free polyethylene: Linear alkanes studied by carbon 1s photoelectron spectroscopy and theory. (ekstern lenke)
- Giertz, Annika; Bassler, Margit; Bjorneholm, Olle et al. (2002). High Resolution C1s and S2p Photoelectron Spectra of Thiophene. (ekstern lenke)
- Espelid, Øystein; Børve, Knut J. (2002). Molecular-Level Insight into Cr/Silica Phillips type Catalysts. Polymerization-Active Mononuclear Chromium Sites. (ekstern lenke)
- Jensen, Vidar Remi; Børve, Knut J. (2002). Reduction of chromium in ethylene polymerization using bis(imido)chromium(VI) catalyst precursors. (ekstern lenke)
- Espelid, Øystein; Børve, Knut J. (2002). Theoretical Analysis of CO Adsorption on the Reduced Cr/Silica System. (ekstern lenke)
- Espelid, Øystein; Børve, Knut J. (2002). Molecular-level insight into Cr/Silica Phillips-type catalysts. Polymerization-active dinuclear chromium sites. (ekstern lenke)
- Karlsen, Tor; Børve, Knut J.; Sæthre, Leif J (2001). Second-Order Møller-Plesset Perturbation Theory for Computing Molecular-Field Splitting. Application to the S2p3/2 Level in C2H2n+1SF5, n=0,1, and 2. (ekstern lenke)
- Jensen, Vidar Remi; Børve, Knut J. (2001). A theoretical investigation of bis(imido)chromium(VI) cations as polymerization catalysts. (ekstern lenke)
- Sæthre, Leif J; Berrah, Nora; Bozek, John D. et al. (2001). Chemical Insights from High-Resolution Photoelectron Spectroscopy and ab initio Theory: Propyne, Trifluoropropyne and Ethynylsulfur pentafluoride. (ekstern lenke)
- Espelid, Øystein; Børve, Knut J. (2001). Theoretical Analysis of d-d Spectra of the Reduced Cr/Silica System. (ekstern lenke)
- Karlsen, Tor; Sæthre, Leif J; Børve, Knut J. et al. (2001). Vibrational structure and vibronic coupling in the carbon 1s photoelectron spectra of ethane and deuteroethane. (ekstern lenke)
- Bassler, M.; Giertz, A.; Børve, Knut J. et al. (2000). Thiophene Photoelectron Spectra in the Gas Phase. (ekstern lenke)
- Jensen, Vidar Remi; Angermund, K.; Jolly, P.W. et al. (2000). Activity of Homogenous Cromium(III)-Based Alkene Polymerization Catalysts: The Lack of Importance of the Barrier to Ethylene Insertion. (ekstern lenke)
- Karlsen, Tor; Børve, Knut J. (2000). Accurate and Approximate Calculations of Franck-Condon Intensities in the Carbon 1s Photoelectron Spectrum of Methane. (ekstern lenke)
- Karlsen, Tor; Børve, Knut J. (2000). Evidence of Fermi Resonance in Core-ionized Methane. (ekstern lenke)
- Børve, Knut J.; Thomas, T.D. (2000). Calculation of Initial-State Effects on Inner-Shell Ionization Energies. (ekstern lenke)
- Doudin, K.; Berge, Rolf Kristian; Børve, Knut et al. (2000). 2,2'-Selenobis(acetic acid), Se(CH2C(o)OH)2: an old compound with a novel structure. (ekstern lenke)
- Børve, Knut J.; Sæthre, Leif J; Bozek, J.D. et al. (2000). Vibronic Coupling in the Carbon 1s Photoelectron spectrum of HCCH and DCCD. (ekstern lenke)
- Espelid, Øystein; Børve, Knut J. (2000). Theoretical Models of Ethylene Polymerization over a Mononuclear Chromium(II)/Silica Site. (ekstern lenke)
- Børve, Knut; Sæthre, Leif J; Bozek, John D. et al. (1999). Molecular-field splitting and vibrational structure in the phosphorus 2p photoelectron spectrum of PF3. (ekstern lenke)
- Todnem, Kjetil; Børve, Knut; Nygren, Martin (1999). Molecular adsorption of methane and methyl onto MgO(100). An embedded-cluster study. (ekstern lenke)
- Børve, Knut; Sæthre, Leif J; Svensson, Svante (1999). Molecular-field splitting in Scl2 and S(CH3)2. (ekstern lenke)
- Børve, Knut; Thomas, T. Darrah (1999). Molecular-field splitting of the 2p3/2 level in second-row atoms- a theoretical study of phosphine and phosphorus trifluoride. (ekstern lenke)
- Jensen, Vidar Remi; Børve, Knut (1998). An investigation of the quantum chemical description of the ethylenic double bond in reactions. Part II Insertion of ethylene into a titanium-carbo bond. (ekstern lenke)
- Børve, Knut; Espelid, Øystein; Jensen, Vidar Remi (1998). Structure and thermodynamics of Gaseous Oxides, Hydroxides and mixed Oxo-hydroxides of Chromium, CrOm/(OH)n. (ekstern lenke)
- Espelid, Øystein; Børve, Knut (1997). Accurate enthalpies of formation for CrX, X=O, OH, F.A computational study. (ekstern lenke)
- Jensen, Vidar Remi; Børve, Knut (1997). Quantum chemical investigation of ethylene insertion into the Cr-CH3 bond in CrCl(H2O)CH3+ as a model of homogeneous ethylene polymerization. (ekstern lenke)
- Børve, Knut; Jensen, Vidar Remi; Karlsen, Tor et al. (1997). Evaluation of PM3(tm ) as a geometry generator in theoretical studies of transition-metal based catalysts for polymerizing olefins. (ekstern lenke)
- Førland, Geir Martin; Rahman, Tamizur; Høiland, Harald et al. (1996). Adsorption of Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate and Butanol onto Acidic and Basic Alumina. (ekstern lenke)
- Børve, Knut (1996). On the calculation of molecular field splitting in S2p photoelectron spectra. (ekstern lenke)
- Børve, Knut; Jensen, Vidar Remi (1996). An investigation of the quantum chemical description of the etylenic double bond in reactions. Part I. The electrophilic addition of hydrocloric acid to ethylene. (ekstern lenke)
- Førland, Geir M.; Libnau, Fred Olav; Høiland, Harald et al. (1996). Self-association of medium chain alcohols in <EM>n</EM>-decane solutions. (ekstern lenke)
- Førland, Geir M.; Rahman, Tanizur; Høiland, Harald et al. (1996). Adsorption of sodium sulfate and butanol onto acidic and basic alumina. (ekstern lenke)
- Siggel, M.R.F.; Field, C.; Sæthre, Leif J et al. (1996). High resolution photoelectron spectroscopy of sulfur 2p electrons in H<SUB>2</SUB>S, SO<SUB>2</SUB>, CS<SUB>2</SUB> and OCS. (ekstern lenke)
- Børve, Knut (1996). On the calculation of molecular field splitting in S2p photoelectron spectra. (ekstern lenke)
- Førland, Geir Martin; Børve, Knut; Høiland, Harald et al. (1994). Adsorption of Short Chain Alcohols from Decane Solutions onto Kaolinite. (ekstern lenke)
- Børve, Knut; Hansen, Jan Petter (1993). Electron capture from the light noble gases. (ekstern lenke)
- Børve, Knut; Hansen, Jan Petter (1993). On the cluster dependence of electron capture cross sections in ion-cluster collisions. (ekstern lenke)
- Børve, Knut; Ebeltoft, H.; Sjøblom, J. (1993). Moderne Instrumentering i Overflate og Kolloidkjemi. I. Langmuir och Langmuir Blodgett Filmer. (ekstern lenke)
- Sjøblom, Johan; Urdahl, Olav; Børve, Knut et al. (1992). Stabilization and Destabilization of Water-in-crude Oil Emulsions from the Norwegian Continental Shelf. Correlation with Model Systems. (ekstern lenke)
- Travnikova, O.; Patanen, M.; Söderström, J. et al. (2020). Energy dependent relative cross sections in carbon 1s photoionization. (ekstern lenke)
- Bergersen, Henrik; Abu-Samha, Mahmoud Ahmad M.; Lindblad, Andreas et al. (2007). First observation of vibrations in core-level photoelectron spectra of free neutral molecular clusters. (ekstern lenke)
- Børve, Knut J. (2007). Exploring molecular clusters by means of theory-assisted electron spectroscopy. (ekstern lenke)
- Wang, Peng; Børve, Knut J.; Sæthre, Leif J (2017). Conformational distributions of linear alcohols from ab initio calculations. (ekstern lenke)
- Isaksen, Ingvild; Holme, Alf; Sæthre, Leif J et al. (2014). Hydrogen bonding from quantum chemistry and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. (ekstern lenke)
- Sæthre, Leif J; Carroll, Thomas X.; Zahl, Maria Gundersen et al. (2013). Nonstoichiometric Carbon 1s Intensity Ratios in 2-Butyne. (ekstern lenke)
- Stokkenes, Bente R.; Abu-Samha, Mahmoud Ahmad M; Børve, Knut J. et al. (2012). Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Modeling of Krypton Clusters. (ekstern lenke)
- Abu-Samha, Mahmoud Ahmad M; Børve, Knut J. (2012). Photoelectron Spectroscopy of HCl dissociation in methanol clusters. (ekstern lenke)
- Myrseth, Velaug ; Harnes, Jarle; Sæthre, Leif J et al. (2012). Ethane clusters studied by carbon 1s photoelectron spectroscopy and modeling. (ekstern lenke)
- Sæthre, Leif J; Holme, Alf; Børve, Knut J. et al. (2012). Chemical Reactivity of Alkenes and Alkynes from Carbon 1s Ionization Energies, Enthalpies of Protonation and Theory. (ekstern lenke)
- Travnikova, Oksana; Børve, Knut J.; Patanen, Minna et al. (2012). The ESCA Molecule. (ekstern lenke)
- Myrseth, Velaug ; Harnes, Jarle; Sæthre, Leif J et al. (2010). Ethane clusters studied by carbon 1s photoelectron spectroscopy and modeling. (ekstern lenke)
- Myrseth, Velaug ; Harnes, Jarle; Sæthre, Leif J et al. (2010). Ethane clusters studied by carbon 1s photoelectron spectroscopy and modeling. (ekstern lenke)
- Winkler, Mathias; Harnes, Jarle; Lindblad, Andreas et al. (2009). A New Approach to Study Inelastic Scattering of Electrons in Free Nanoparticles. (ekstern lenke)
- Harnes, Jarle; Winkler, Mathias; Abu-Samha, Mahmoud Ahmad M. et al. (2009). Large polarization-induced cluster-to-monomer shifts in C1s XPS ionization energy of neutral of CS2 Clusters. (ekstern lenke)
- Holme, Alf; Sæthre, Leif J; Børve, Knut J. et al. (2009). Carbon 1s photoelectron spectroscopy as a tool in molecular conformational studies. (ekstern lenke)
- Holme, Alf; Sæthre, Leif J; Børve, Knut J. et al. (2009). Carbon 1s photoelectron spectroscopy as a tool in molecular conformational studies. (ekstern lenke)
- Harnes, Jarle; Winkler, Mathias; Abu-Samha, Mahmoud Ahmad M. et al. (2008). Large Polarization-induced cluster-to-monomer shifts in C1s XPS ionization energy of neutral CS2 Clusters. (ekstern lenke)
- Holme, Alf; Zahl, Maria Gundersen; Sæthre, Leif J et al. (2008). Accurate calculation of C1s ionization energy shifts and vibrational structure. (ekstern lenke)
- Sæthre, Leif J; Thomas, T. Darrah; Børve, Knut J. (2007). Effects of molecular conformation on inner-shell ionization energies. (ekstern lenke)
- Gundersen Zahl, Maria; Børve, Knut J.; Sæthre, Leif J et al. (2007). Adsorption of 1,1-dichloroethene on the Si(111)-7x7 surface. (ekstern lenke)
- Andersen, T.H.; Borg, Anne; Ramachandran, A. et al. (2007). Adsorption at the Pd(110) surface: 1,3-cyclohexadiene and 1,1-dichloroethene. (ekstern lenke)
- Winkler, Mathias; Bergersen, Henrik; Harnes, Jarle et al. (2007). Unraveling the Structure of Mixed CH4/CF4 Clusters. (ekstern lenke)
- Winkler, Mathias; Bergersen, Henrik; Abu-Samha, Mahmoud Ahmad M. et al. (2007). Unraveling the Structure of Mixed CH4/CF4 Clusters. (ekstern lenke)
- Zahl, Maria Gundersen; Børve, Knut J.; Sæthre, Leif J et al. (2007). Adsorption of 1,1-dichloroethene on the Si(111)-7x7 surface. (ekstern lenke)
- Abu-Samha, Mahmoud Ahmad M.; Børve, Knut J.; Andreas, Lindblad et al. (2007). An electron spectroscopy and theoretical study of water clusters. (ekstern lenke)
- Sæthre, Leif J; Thomas, T. Darrah; Børve, Knut J. (2007). Effects of molecular conformation on inner-shell ionization energies. (ekstern lenke)
- Andersen, Trine Højberg; Borg, Anne; Ramachandran, Amutha et al. (2007). Adsorption at the Pd(110) surface: 1,3-cyclohexadiene and 1,1-dichloroethene. (ekstern lenke)
- Harnes, Jarle; Abu-Samha, Mahmoud Ahmad M.; Winkler, Mathias et al. (2007). Single-component CH3Br and CH3Cl clusters - compared by electron spectroscopy and modeling. (ekstern lenke)
- Harnes, Jarle; Abu-Samha, Mahmoud Ahmad M.; Winkler, Mathias et al. (2007). Single-component CH3Br and CH3Cl clusters - compared by electron spectroscopy and modeling. (ekstern lenke)
- Harnes, Jarle; Abu-Samha, Mahmoud Ahmad M.; Winkler, Mathias et al. (2007). Single-component CH3Br and CH3Cl clusters: -compared by electron spectroscopy and modeling. (ekstern lenke)
- Winkler, Mathias; Bergersen, Henrik; Abu-Samha, Mahmoud Ahmad M. et al. (2007). Unraveling the Structure of Mixed CH4/CF4 Clusters. (ekstern lenke)
- Sparta, Manuel; Børve, Knut J.; Jensen, Vidar Remi (2006). Prediction of Structure and Stability of Networked Metallofullerenes of the Transition Metals. (ekstern lenke)
- Andersen, T.H.; Borg, Anne; Svenum, I.-H. et al. (2005). Adsoption of 1,1-dichloroethene on Si(111)-7x7. (ekstern lenke)
- Sæthre, Leif J; Thomas, T. Darrah; Børve, Knut J. et al. (2005). Reactivity and core-ionization energies in conjugated dienes. Carbon 1s photoelectron spectroscopy of 1,3-pentadiene. (ekstern lenke)
- Myrseth, Velaug ; Børve, Knut J.; Sæthre, Leif J et al. (2005). Molecular reference spectra for use in adsorption studies. (ekstern lenke)
- Loboda, Oleksandr; Jensen, Vidar Remi; Børve, Knut J. (2005). Structural and electronic properties of exohedrally metal-doped fullerenes. (ekstern lenke)
- Jensen, Vidar Remi; Sparta, Manuel; Loboda, Oleksandr et al. (2005). DFT-based screening of structure and stability of transition-metal-doped fullerenes. (ekstern lenke)
- Lillehaug, Sindre; Børve, Knut; Sierka, Marek et al. (2004). Catalytic Dehydrogenation of Ethane over Mononuclear Cr(III)Surface Sites on Silica. (ekstern lenke)
- Sparta, Manuel; Børve, Knut; Jensen, Vidar Remi (2004). Metal-doped nanostructures: Theoretical screening of fullerenes. (ekstern lenke)
- Sæthre, Leif J; Thomas, T. Darrah; Børve, Knut et al. (2004). Carbon 1s photoelectron spectroscopy of halomethanes. Effects of electronegativity, hardness, charge distribution, and relaxation. (ekstern lenke)
- Børve, Knut J.; Helgaker, Trygve; Jensen, Vidar R. et al. (2004). Molecular modeling in nanotechnology. (ekstern lenke)
- Holme, Alf; Myrseth, Velaug ; Wiesner, Karoline et al. (2003). Chemical Reactivity of Molecules with Double and Triple Bonds from Carbon 1s Photoelectron Spectra and Theory. (ekstern lenke)
- Oltedal, Velaug Myrseth; Børve, Knut J.; Sæthre, Leif J et al. (2003). Carbon 1s photoelectron spectroscopy of six-carbon cyclic hydrocarbons. (ekstern lenke)
- Oltedal, Velaug Myrseth; Børve, Knut J.; Sæthre, Leif J et al. (2003). Carbon 1s photoelectron spectroscopy of six-carbon cyclic hydrocarbons. (ekstern lenke)
- Ladadweh, Mahmoud; Holme, Alf; Thomas, T. Darrah et al. (2003). Evidence of Conformational Effects in Carbon 1s Photoelectron Spectra. (ekstern lenke)
- Thomas, T. Darrah; Sæthre, Leif J; Børve, Knut J. et al. (2003). Carbon 1s photoelectron spectroscopy of halomethanes. A probe of electronegativity and hardness. (ekstern lenke)
- Børve, Knut J.; Espelid, Øystein; Al Falah, Sherin et al. (2002). Active sites at Phillips-type Cr/silica catalysts for ethylene polymerization. (ekstern lenke)
- Myrseth, Velaug ; Børve, Knut J.; Wiesner, Karoline et al. (2002). Vibrationally Structure and Vibronic Coupling in the Carbon 1s Photoelectron Spectra of Benzene and Deuterobenzene. (ekstern lenke)
- Holme, Alf; Myrseth, Velaug ; Børve, Knut J. et al. (2002). Carbon 1s Photoelectron Spectra and Chemical Reactivity of Molecules with Double and Triple Bonds. (ekstern lenke)
- Sæthre, Leif J; Børve, Knut J.; Karlsen, Tor et al. (2002). The Spectrum of Free Polyethylene. Carbon 1s Spectroscopy of Linear Alkanes. (ekstern lenke)
- Myrseth, Velaug ; Børve, Knut J.; Wiesner, Karoline et al. (2001). Vibrational Structure and Vibronic Coupling in the Carbon 1s Photoelectron Spectra of Benzene and Deuterobenzene. (ekstern lenke)
- Holme, Alf; Myrseth, Velaug ; Børve, Knut J. et al. (2001). The Carbon 1s Photoelectron Spectra of 1-Hexyne, 2-Hexyne, and 3-Hexyne. (ekstern lenke)
- Karlsen, Tor; Børve, Knut J.; Sæthre, Leif J et al. (2001). Toward the Spectrum of Free Polyethylene: Linear Alkanes Studied by Carbon 1s Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Theory. (ekstern lenke)
- Børve, Knut J.; Jensen, Vidar Remi (2000). What are the active components in recently suggested bis(imido)chromium(VI)catalysts for ethylene polymerization? A computational investigation. (ekstern lenke)
- Karlsen, Tor; Børve, Knut J.; Sæthre, Leif J (2000). Calculations of the molecular-field splitting of the sulfur 2p 3/2 level using second-order Møller-Plesset perturbation theory. (ekstern lenke)
- Giertz, A.; Børve, Knut J.; Sæthre, Leif J et al. (2000). Vibrationally Resolved X-ray Photoelectron Spectra of C1s and N1s in Hydrogen Syanide. (ekstern lenke)
- Børve, Knut J.; Karlsen, Tor; Sæthre, Leif J et al. (2000). Molecular-field Splitting of 2p 3/2 Levels in Second-Row atoms. (ekstern lenke)
- Børve, Knut J.; Thomas, T. Darrah; Carroll, Thomas X. et al. (2000). Vibronic Structure in the Carbon 1s Photoelectron Spectra of HCCH and DCCD. (ekstern lenke)
- Karlsen, Tor; Børve, Knut (1999). Theoretical analysis of vibrational structures in the carbon 1s photoelectron spectrum of ethane. (ekstern lenke)
- Karlsen, Tor; Børve, Knut (1999). Theoretical analysis of vibrational structures in the carbon 1s photoelectron spectrum of methane. (ekstern lenke)
- Espelid, Øystein; Børve, Knut (1999). Theoretical models of polymerization of ethylene over a Phillips catalyst. (ekstern lenke)
- Todnem, Kjetil; Børve, Knut; Nygren, Martin (1997). A theoretical investigation of the adsorption of methane and methyl on MgO(100). (ekstern lenke)
- Karlsen, Tor; Børve, Knut; Jensen, Vidar Remi (1997). Et kvantekjemisk studie av heterogen Ziegler-Natta polymerisering av eten. (ekstern lenke)
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
- Børve, Knut J. (2016). Rapport frå Division of Computational Chemistry og den 10. konferansen i EUCO-CC-serien. (ekstern lenke)
- Børve, Knut J. (2012). La oss snakke om nanoteknologi!. (ekstern lenke)
- Børve, Knut J. (2012). Nanopartiklar, naturlegvis!. (ekstern lenke)
- Holme, Alf; Olsson, Elaine; Zahl, Maria Gundersen et al. (2009). Tettleiksfunksjonalteori med meir. (ekstern lenke)
- Grung, Bjørn; Børve, Knut J. (2005). Kunnskapsløftet - eit løft for kjemi?. (ekstern lenke)
- Børve, Knut; Espelid, Øystein; Jensen, Vidar Remi et al. (1998). Molecular modeling of metal-catalyzd reactions. (ekstern lenke)
- Zahl, Maria Gundersen; Børve, Knut J.; Sæthre, Leif J (2015). Chlorine as a substituent – from quantum chemistry and photoelectron spectroscopy. (ekstern lenke)
- Winkler, Mathias; Børve, Knut J. (2015). Radial Structure and Electron Transport in Weakly-Bonded Clusters. (ekstern lenke)
- Hajjar, Eric; Reuter, Nathalie; Børve, Knut J. (2007). Molecular modeling of the substrate specificity and of the membrane anchoring of Proteinase 3. (ekstern lenke)
- Lillehaug, Sindre; Børve, Knut J. (2006). A theoretical study of Cr/oxide catalysts for dehydrogenation of short alkanes. (ekstern lenke)
- Abu-samha, Mahmoud; Børve, Knut J.; Sæthre, Leif J (2006). Lineshape models in inner-shell photoelectron spectra of free molecules and clusters. (ekstern lenke)
- Børve, Knut (1991). Quantum chemical modeling of small molecules on solid surfaces. (ekstern lenke)
- Carroll, Thomas X.; Zahl, Maria Gundersen; Børve, Knut J. et al. (2013). Photon-energy dependent oscillations of carbon 1s photoelectron intensities in 2-butyne. (ekstern lenke)
- Holme, Alf; Børve, Knut J.; Sæthre, Leif J et al. (2013). Conformational information for 1-butene from its C1s photoelectron spectrum. (ekstern lenke)
- Holme, Alf; Sæthre, Leif J; Børve, Knut J. et al. (2013). Chemical reactivity of alkenes and alkynes from carbon 1s ionization energies and theory. (ekstern lenke)
- Holme, Alf; Børve, Knut J.; Sæthre, Leif J et al. (2012). Evaluation of calculated chemical shifts in carbon 1s ionization energies using single-reference ab initio methods. (ekstern lenke)
- Harnes, Jarle; Winkler, Mathias; Lindblad, Andreas et al. (2012). Size of CO2 clusters from C1s photoelectron spectra. (ekstern lenke)
- Harnes, Jarle; Abu-samha, Mahmoud; Bergersen, Henrik et al. (2012). Core-level photoelectron spectroscopy of binary methanol/chloroform clusters. (ekstern lenke)
- Carroll, Thomas X.; Thomas, T. Darrah; Bergersen, Henrik et al. (2005). Carbon 1s Photoelectron Spectra of Fluorobenzenes. (ekstern lenke)
- Abu-samha, Mahmoud; Børve, Knut J.; Sæthre, Leif J et al. (2005). Preliminary investigation of conformational effects in the C1s photoelectron spectrum of ethanol. (ekstern lenke)
- Thomas, T. Darrah; Sæthre, Leif J; Børve, Knut J. et al. (2005). Reactivity and Core-ionization Energies in Conjugated Dienes. Carbon 1s Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Butadiene and Pentadiene. (ekstern lenke)
- Ladadweh, Mahmoud; Holme, Alf; Thomas, T. Darrah et al. (2003). Evidence of Conformational Effects in Carbon 1s Photoelectron Spectra. (ekstern lenke)
Populærvitenskapelig foredrag
- Børve, Knut J. (2013). Nanovitskap ved UiB - Forskning og utdanning. (ekstern lenke)
- Børve, Knut J. (2012). Storm i eit vatnglas - om over 100 års forskning på vatnet sin struktur. (ekstern lenke)
- Børve, Knut J. (2008). Molekyl i røntgenlys. (ekstern lenke)
- Børve, Knut J. (2008). Nano activities in the “Quantum Chemistry Group”. (ekstern lenke)
- Børve, Knut J. (2008). Education in nanoscience and technology @ University of Bergen. (ekstern lenke)
- Børve, Knut J. (2008). Molekyl og Nanodråpar i røntgenlys og under teori-lupa. (ekstern lenke)
- Børve, Knut J. (2007). Gerhard Ertl – Nobelprisen i kjemi for sine studier av “chemical processes at solid surfaces.”. (ekstern lenke)
- Børve, Knut (1999). Katalyse og katalysatorar. (ekstern lenke)
- Børve, Knut; Espelid, Øystein (1998). Ongoing work towards an understanding of the Phillips catalyst. (ekstern lenke)
- Børve, Knut (1997). Ethylene polymerization using homogeneous Cr(III) and Cr(VI) catalysts: A quantum chemical approach. (ekstern lenke)
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
- Myrseth, Velaug ; Harnes, Jarle; Sæthre, Leif J et al. (2011). C1s photoelectron spectroscopy and modeling of ethane clusters. (ekstern lenke)
- Zahl, Maria Gundersen; Myrseth, Velaug ; Holme, Alf et al. (2011). Is there a simple relationship between C1s ionization energies and hybridization?. (ekstern lenke)
- Harnes, Jarle; Winkler, Mathias; Abu-samha, Mahmoud et al. (2010). Carbon 1s photoelectron spectra of neutral CO2 clusters: Theoretical models applied to experimental spectra. (ekstern lenke)
- Holme, Alf; Sæthre, Leif J; Børve, Knut et al. (2010). Carbon 1s photoelectron spectroscopy as a tool in molecular conformational studies. (ekstern lenke)
- Abu-samha, Mahmoud; Børve, Knut J.; Winkler, Mathias et al. (2009). The structure of small water clusters revealed by photoelectron spectroscopy. (ekstern lenke)
- Carroll, Thomas X.; Thomas, T. Darrah; Sæthre, Leif J et al. (2009). Photoelectron spectroscopy of fluoromethylbenzenes. (ekstern lenke)
- Holme, Alf; Børve, Knut J.; Sæthre, Leif J et al. (2008). 1-Pentyne Conformers from Carbon 1s Photoelectron Spectroscopy. (ekstern lenke)
- Winkler, Mathias; Bergersen, Henrik; Abu-Samha, Mahmoud Ahmad M. et al. (2008). XPS of neutral CF4 Clusters - Size vs. Chemical Shifts. (ekstern lenke)
- Abu-samha, Mahmoud; Børve, Knut J. (2008). Theoretical interpretation of the O1s photoelectron spectrum of medium-sized neutral water clusters. (ekstern lenke)
- Harnes, Jarle; Abu-Samha, Mahmoud Ahmad M.; Winkler, Mathias et al. (2008). Neutral CH3Br clusters studied by inner-shell XPS and modeling: Assessment of the polarization-only model for cluster-to-monomer shifts. (ekstern lenke)
- Thomas, T. Darrah; Sæthre, Leif J; Børve, Knut J. (2007). Effects of Molecular Conformation on Inner-shell Ionization Energies. (ekstern lenke)
- Myrseth, Velaug ; Sæthre, Leif J; Børve, Knut J. et al. (2007). Photoelectron spectroscopy of substituted benzenes. (ekstern lenke)
- Andersen, Trine Højberg; Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene; Frafjord, Øyvind et al. (2005). Adsorption of 1,1-dichloroethene on the Si(111)-7x7 surface. (ekstern lenke)
- Abu-samha, Mahmoud; Børve, Knut J.; Sæthre, Leif J et al. (2004). Preliminary investigation of conformational effects in the C1s photoelectron spectrum of ethanol. (ekstern lenke)
- Børve, Knut J.; Espelid, Øystein (2002). Theoretical Models of Active Sites: General Considerations and Application to the Study of Phillips-Type Cr/Silica Catalysts for Ethylene Polymerization. (ekstern lenke)
- Berrah, Nina; Børve, Knut; Bozek, John et al. (1999). High-Resolution Carbon Is Photoelectron Spectrum of Small Molecules. (ekstern lenke)
- Sjøblom, Johan; Børve, Knut (1992). Recent Advances in Improved Oil Recovery Methods for North Sea Sandstone Resevoirs. (S. M. Skjæveland og J. Kleppe, eds.). (ekstern lenke)
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
- Bergersen, Henrik; Abu-Samha, Mahmoud Ahmad M.; Andreas, Lindblad et al. (2007). Two Size Regimes of Methanol Clusters Produced by Adiabatic Expansion. (ekstern lenke)
- Abu-Samha, Mahmoud Ahmad M.; Børve, Knut J.; Sæthre, Leif J et al. (2007). Insight to methanol clusters from core-level spectroscopy and theoretical modelling. (ekstern lenke)
- Bergersen, Henrik; Abu-Samha, Mahmoud Ahmad M.; Andreas, Lindblad et al. (2007). First Observation of vibrations in core-level photoelectron spectra of free, neutral molecular clusters. (ekstern lenke)
- Myrseth, Velaug ; Børve, Knut; Sæthre, Leif J et al. (2004). Torsional effects in the core-photoelectron spectrum of o-xylene. (ekstern lenke)
- Bergersen, Henrik; Ladadweh, Mahmoud; Børve, Knut (2004). Lineshapes in inner-shell photoelectron spectra of argon clusters. (ekstern lenke)
Se en full oversikt over publikasjoner i Cristin
105. P. Wang, T. X. Carroll, T. D. Thomas, L. J. Sæthre, K. J. Børve, Calibration of oxygen 1s ionization energies. Accurate energies for CO2, H2O, CO, and O2. J. Electron Spectrosc. Relat. Phenom. 251 (2021) 147103.
104. O. Travnikova, M. Patanen, J. Söderström, A. Lindblad, J. J. Kas, F. D. Vila, D. Ceolin, T. Marchenko, G. Goldsztejn, R. Guillemin, L. Journel, T. X. Carroll, K. J. Børve, P. Decleva, J. J. Rehr, N. Mårtensson, M. Simon, S. Svensson, L. J. Sæthre, Energy-dependent relative cross sections in carbon 1s photoionization: Separation of direct shake and inelastic scattering effects in single molecules. J. Phys. Chem. A 123 (2019) 7619-7636.
103. M. G. Zahl, L. J. Sæthre, T. D. Thomas, and K. J. Børve, Carbocation Stability as Predictor for Electrophilic Addition of HCl to Chlorinated Ethenes and Propenes in the Gas Phase. J. Phys. Org. Chem. 32 (2019) e3922-1-11.
102. M. Winkler, and K. J. Børve. Attenuation of Slow (10-40 eV) Electrons in Soft Nanoparticles: Size Matters in Argon Clusters. Phys. Rev. E 97 (2018) 012604-1-10.
101. M. Abu-samha, M. J. Ryding, E. Uggerud, L. J. Sæthre, and K. J. Børve. Changing Role of Carrier Gas in Formation of Ethanol Clusters by Adiabatic Expansion. J. Chem. Phys. 147 (2017) 014301-1-9.
100. M. G. Zahl, R. Fossheim, K. J. Børve, L. J. Sæthre and T. D. Thomas, Electronic Properties of Chlorine, Methyl, and Chloromethyl as Substituents to the Ethylenic Group – Viewed from the Core of Carbon. J. Phys. Chem. A 119 (2015) 9481–9493.
99. J. Harnes, M. Abu-samha, M. Winkler, and K. J. Børve. Formation and Growth of Clusters of Sulfur Dioxide. Aerosol Sci. & Technol. 49 (2015) 451-462.
98. M. Winkler, V. Myrseth, J. Harnes, and K. J. Børve. Electron Attenuation in Free, Neutral Ethane Clusters. J. Chem. Phys. 141 (2014) 141-149.
97. M. J. Ryding, A. Giuliani, M. Patanen, J. Niskanen, G. Simões, G. B. S. Miller, E. Antonsson, T. Jokinen, C. Miron, O. Björneholm, K. Hansen, K. J. Børve and E. Uggerud. X-ray induced fragmentation of size-selected salt cluster-ions stored in an ion trap. RSC Adv. 4 (2014) 47743-47751.
96. M. Abu-samha and K. J. Børve. HCl Dissociation in Methanol Clusters from ab initio Molecular Dynamics Simulations and Inner-Shell Photoelectron Spectroscopy. J. Phys. Chem. A 118 (2014) 6900-6907.
95. M. Winkler, J. Harnes, and K. J. Børve, Structure of Self-Assembled Free Methanol/Tetrachloromethane Clusters. J. Phys. Chem. A 117 (2013) 13127–13137.
94. M. Sparta, V. R. Jensen, and K. J. Børve, Accurate Metal—Ligand Bond Energies in the ηÇ-C2H4 and ηÇ-C60 Complexes of Pt(PH3)2, with application to their bis(triphenylphosphine) analogues. Mol. Phys. 111 (2013) 1599.
93. M. Patanen, O. Travnikova, M. G. Zahl, J. Söderström, P. Decleva, T. D. Thomas, S. Svensson, N. Mårtensson, L. J. Sæthre, K. J. Børve, and C. Miron, Laboratory-frame electron angular distributions: Probing the chemical environment through intramolecular electron scattering. Phys. Rev. A 87 (2013) 063420.
92. T. X. Carroll, M. G. Zahl, K. J. Børve, L. J. Sæthre, P. Decleva, A. Ponzi, J. J. Kas, F. D. Vila, J. J. Rehr, and T. D. Thomas, Intensity oscillations in the carbon 1s ionization cross sections of 2-butyne. J. Chem. Phys. 138 (2013) 234310.
91. A. Holme, K. J. Børve, L. J. Sæthre, T. D. Thomas. Conformations and CH/π interactions in aliphatic alkynes and alkenes. J. Phys. Chem. A 117 (2013) 2007-2019.
90. M. Abu-samha and K. J. Børve. Effective attenuation length from core-level photoelectron spectroscopy of CS2 clusters. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 46 (2013) 025102.
89. N. Mårtensson, J. Söderström, S. Svensson, O. Travnikova, M. Patanen, C. Miron, L. J. Sæthre, K. J. Børve, T. D. Thomas, J. J. Kas, F. D. Vila, and J. J. Rehr, On the relation between Photoelectron Spectroscopy and XAFS. J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 430 (2013) 012131-1-12.
88. K. J. Børve, Comment on `Photoelectron and electron momentum spectroscopy of 1-butene at benchmark theoretical levels. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 45 (2012) 238001-1-3
87. A. Holme, L. J. Sæthre, K. J. Børve, T. D. Thomas. Chemical reactivity of alkenes and alkynes as seen from activation energies, enthalpies of protonation, and carbon 1s ionization energies. J. Org. Chem. 77 (2012) 10105-10117.
86. M. G. Zahl, K. J. Børve, L. J. Sæthre, Carbon 1s photoelectron spectroscopy of the chlorinated methanes: Lifetimes and accurate vibrational lineshape models. J. Electron Spectrosc. Relat. Phenom. 185 (2012) 226-233.
85. M. Patanen, K. J. Børve, J. A. Kettunen, S. Urpelainen, M. Huttula, H. Aksela, S. Aksela, Valence photoionization and photoelectron-photoion coincidence (PEPICO) study of molecular LiCl and Li2Cl2. J. Electron Spectrosc. Relat. Phenom. 185 (2012) 285-293.
84. O. Travnikova, K. J. Børve, M. Patanen, J. Söderström, C. Miron, L. J. Sæthre, N. Mårtensson, S. Svensson The ESCA molecule - historical remarks and new results. J. Electron Spectrosc. Relat. Phenom. 185 (2012) 191-197.
83. J. Söderström, N. Mårtensson, O. Travnikova, M. Patanen, C. Miron, L. J. Sæthre, K. J. Børve, J. J. Rehr, J. J. Kas, F. D. Vila, T. D. Thomas, and S. Svensson, Non-stoichiometric intensities in core photoelectron spectroscopy. Phys. Rev. Lett. 108 (2012) 193005-1-4.
82. A. Holme, K. J. Børve, L. J. Sæthre, and T. D. Thomas, Accuracy of calculated chemical shifts in carbon 1s ionization energies from single-reference ab initio methods and density-functional theory. J. Chem. Theory Comput. 7 (2011) 4104–4114.
81. M. Winkler, J. Harnes, and K. J. Børve, The Structure of Neutral Nanosized Clusters Produced by Co-Expansion of CF4 and CH4. J. Phys. Chem. A 115 (2011) 13259–13268.
80. J. Harnes, M. Winkler, A. Lindblad, L. J. Sæthre and K. J. Børve, The Size of Free Neutral CO2 Clusters from Carbon 1s Ionization Energies. J. Phys. Chem. A 115 (2011) 10408–10415.
79. J. Harnes, M. Abu-samha, H. Bergersen, M. Winkler, A. Lindblad, L. J. Sæthre, O. Björneholm and K. J. Børve, The structure of mixed methanol/chloroform clusters from core-level photoelectron spectroscopy and modeling. New J. Chem. 35 (2011) 2564-2572.
78. N. Ottosson, K. J. Børve, D. Spångberg, et al. " On the origins of core-electron chemical shifts of small biomolecules in aqueous solution: Insights from photoemission and ab initio calculations of glycine_aq" J. Am. Chem. Soc. 133 (2011) 3120-3130.
77. L. J. Sæthre, K. J. Børve and T. D. Thomas, Chemical shifts of carbon 1s ionization energies, J. Electron Spectrosc. Rel. Phen. (2010) J. Electron Spectrosc. Relat. Phenom. 183 (2011) 2-9.
76. M. G. Zahl, V. Myrseth, T. H. Andersen, A. Borg, L. J. Sæthre and K. J. Børve, Molecular spectra as a tool in assigning carbon 1s photoelectron spectra of physisorbed overlayers. J. Phys. Chem. C (2010) 114 15383–15393.
75. O. Travnikova, D. Céolin, Z. Bao, K. J. Børve, T. Tanaka, M. Hoshino, H. Kato, H. Tanaka, J.R. Harries, Y. Tamenori, G. Prümper, T. Lischke, X.-J. Liu, M.N. Piancastelli, K. Ueda Selective vibrational excitation in the resonant Auger decay following core-to-π* transitions in N2O. J. Electron Spectrosc. Rel. Phen. (2010) 181 129-134.
74. A. Holme, L.J. Sæthre, K.J. Børve, T.D. Thomas, Carbon 1s photoelectron spectroscopy of 1-pentyne conformers. J. Mol. Struct. (2009) 920 387-392.
73. T.X. Carroll, T.D. Thomas, L.J. Sæthre, K. J. Børve, Additivity of substituent effects. Core-ionization energies and substituent effects in fluoromethylbenzenes, J. Phys. Chem. A (2009) 113 3481–3490
72. M. Abu-samha, K. J. Børve, A. Lindblad, H. Bergersen, M. Winkler, J. Harnes, G. Öhrwall, O. Björneholm, S. Svensson, and L. J. Sæthre, The local structure of small water clusters: imprints on the core-level photoelectron spectrum. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. (2009) 42 055201.
71. J. Harnes, M. Abu-samha, M. Winkler, H. Bergersen, L. J. Sæthre and K. J. Børve, Neutral CH3Cl and CH3Br clusters studied by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and modeling: Insight to intermolecular interactions and structure. J. Electron Spectrosc. Relat. Phen. (2008) 166-167, 53-64.
70. M. Abu-samha and K. J. Børve, Surface relaxation in water clusters: Evidence from theoretical analysis of the oxygen 1s photoelectron spectrum. J. Chem. Phys. (2008) 128, 154710.
69. S.L.Sorensen, K.J.Børve, R.Feifel, A. de Fanis and K.Ueda, The O1s photoelectron spectrum of molecular oxygen revisited. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. (2008) 41, 095101.
68. T H Andersen, M G Zahl, I-H Svenum, K J Børve, A. Borg; and L J Sæthre, Chemisorption of 1,1-dichloroethene on the Si(111)-7x7 surface. Surface Science (2007) 601, 5510-5514.
67. M. Abu-samha, K. J. Børve, J. Harnes, and H. Bergersen. What can C1s photoelectron spectroscopy tell about structure and bonding in clusters of methanol and methyl chloride? J. Phys. Chem. A (2007) 111 8903-8909.
66. M. Sparta, K. J. Børve, and V. R. Jensen, Activity of Rhodium-Catalyzed Hydroformylation: Added Insight and Predictions from Theory. J. Am. Chem. Soc. (2007) 129 8487 -8499.
65. V. Myrseth, , L. J. Sæthre, K. J. Børve, and T. D. Thomas, The Substituent Effect of the Methyl Group. Carbon 1s Ionization Energies, Proton Affinities, and Reactivities of the Methylbenzenes. J. Org. Chem. (2007) 72, 5715 -5723.
64. T. D. Thomas, L. J. Sæthre, and K. J. Børve, Effects of molecular conformation on inner-shell ionization energies. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. (2007) 9, 719 – 724.
63. H. Bergersen, M. Abu-samha, A. Lindblad, R. R. T. Marinho, G. Öhrwall, M. Tchaplyguine, K. J. Børve, S. Svensson, and O. Björneholm, Two size regimes of methanol clusters produced by adiabatic expansion. J. Chem. Phys. 125 (2006)184303.
62. M. Abu-samha and K. J. Børve, Franck-Condon transitions in a system with large-amplitude anharmonic vibrations coupled to a harmonic-oscillator bath: Application to the C 1s photoelectron spectrum of ethanol. Phys. Rev. A. 74 (2006) 042508.
61. M. Sparta, K. J. Børve, and V. R. Jensen. Structure and Stability of Networked Metallofullerenes of the Transition Metals. J. Phys. Chem. A 110 (2006) 11711-11716.
60. H. Bergersen, M. Abu-samha, A. Lindblad, R. R.T. Marinho, D. Céolin, G. Öhrwall, L. J. Sæthre, M. Tchaplyguine, K. J. Børve, S. Svensson and O. Björneholm. First observation of vibrations in core-level photoelectron spectra of free neutral molecular clusters. Chem. Phys. Lett. 429 (2006) 109-113.
59. M. Abu-samha, K. J. Børve, L. J. Sæthre, G. Öhrwall, H. Bergersen, T. Randers, O. Björneholm, and M. Tchaplyguine. Lineshapes in carbon 1s photoelectron spectra of methanol clusters. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 8 (2006) 2473 - 2482.
58. Sparta, M.; Jensen, V. R.; Børve, K. J.. Structure and stability of substitutional metallofullerenes of the first-row transition metals. Fullerenes Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures. 14 (2006) 269-278.
57. Loboda, O.; Jensen, V. R.; Børve, K. J.. Multiple additions of palladium to C60. Fullerenes Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures. 14 (2006) 365 - 371.
56. T.X. Carroll, T. D. Thomas, H. Bergersen, K. J. Børve, and L J. Sæthre, Fluorine as a pi donor. Carbon 1s photoelectron spectroscopy and proton affinities of fluorobenzenes. J. Org. Chem. 71 (2006) 1961-1968.
55. H. Bergersen, M. Abu-samha, J. Harnes, O. Björneholm, S. Svensson, L. J. Sæthre, and K. J. Børve, Size of neutral argon clusters from core photoelectron spectroscopy. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 8 (2006) 1891-1898.
54. S. Lillehaug, V. R. Jensen and K. J. Børve, Catalytic Dehydrogenation of Ethane over Mononuclear Cr(III) Surface Sites on Silica. Part II. C–H activation by oxidative addition. Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry 19 (2006) 25-33.
53. M. Abu-samha, K. J. Børve, L. J. Sæthre, and T. D. Thomas, Conformational Effects in Inner-Shell Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Ethanol. Physical Review Letters 95 (2005) 103002.
52. T. D. Thomas, L. J. Sæthre, K. J. Børve, M. Gundersen and E. Kukk, Reactivity and core-ionization energies in conjugated dienes. Carbon 1s photoelectron spectroscopy of 1,3-pentadiene. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 109 (2005) 5085-5092.
51. S. Lillehaug, K. J. Børve, M. A. Sierka and J. Sauer Catalytic Dehydrogenation of Ethane over Mononuclear Cr(III) Surface Sites on Silica. Part I. C–H activation by σ-bond metathesis. Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry 17 (2004) 990-1006.
50. V. M. Oltedal, K. J. Børve, L. J. Sæthre, T. D. Thomas, J. D. Bozek and E. Kukk Carbon 1s photoelectron spectroscopy of six-membered cyclic hydrocarbons. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 6 (2004) 4254-4259.
49. T. D. Thomas, L. J. Sæthre, K. J. Børve, V. M. Oltedal, J. D. Bozek, M. Huttula, and E. Kukk Carbon 1s photoelectron spectroscopy of halomethanes. Effects of electronegativity, hardness, charge distribution, and relaxation. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 108 (2004) 4983-4990.
48. S. Boitsov, K. J. Børve, S. Rayyan, K. W. Törnroos and J. Songstad, Conductivity studies in benzotrifluoride. Journal of Molecular Liquids 103-104 (2003) 221-233.
47. V. Myrseth, K. J. Børve L. J. Sæthre, K. Wiesner, M. Bässler and S. Svensson, Vibrational structure and vibronic coupling in the carbon 1s photoelectron spectra of benzene and deuterobenzene. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 4 (2002) 5937 - 5943.
46. A. Giertz, M. Bäßler, O. Björneholm, H. Wang, R. Feifel, C. Miron, L. Karlsson, S. Svensson, K. J. Børve, and L. J. Sæthre, High Resolution C1s and S2p Photoelectron Spectra of Thiophene. J. Chem. Phys. 117 (2002) 7587-7592.
45. T. Karlsen, K. J. Børve L. J. Sæthre, K. Wiesner, M. Bässler and S. Svensson, Toward the spectrum of free polyethylene: Linear alkanes studied by carbon 1s photoelectron spectroscopy and theory. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 124 (2002) 7866-7873.
44. T. X. Carroll, K. J. Børve, L. J. Sæthre, J. D. Bozek, E. Kukk, J. A. Hahne and T. D. Thomas, Carbon 1s photoelectron spectroscopy of CF4 and CO. Search for chemical effects on the carbon 1s hole-state lifetime. J. Chem. Phys. 116 (2002) 10221-10228.
43. Ø. Espelid and K. J. Børve, Molecular-Level Insight into Cr/Silica Phillips- type Catalysts. Polymerization-Active Dinuclear Chromium Sites. J. Catal. 206 (2002) 331-338.
42. A. Giertz, K. J. Børve, M. Bäßler, K. Wiesner, S. Svensson, L. Karlsson, and L. J. Sæthre, Vibrationally Resolved Photoelectron Spectra of the Carbon 1s and Nitrogen 1s Shells in Hydrogen Cyanide. Chem. Phys. 277 (2002) 83-90.
41. V.R. Jensen and K.J. Børve, Reduction of chromium in ethylene polymerization using bis(imido)chromium(VI) catalyst precursors. Chem. Commun. (2002) 542-3.
40. Ø. Espelid and K. J. Børve, Molecular-Level Insight into Cr/Silica Phillips’ type Catalysts. Polymerization-Active Mononuclear Chromium Sites. J. Catal. 205 (2002) 366-374.
39. Ø. Espelid and K. J. Børve, Theoretical Analysis of CO Adsorption on the Reduced Cr/Silica System. J. Catal. 205 (2002) 177-190.
38. L. J. Sæthre, N. Berrah, J. D. Bozek, K. J. Børve, T. X. Carroll, E. Kukk, G. L. Gard, R. Winters and T.D. Thomas, Chemical Insights from High-Resolution Photoelectron Spectroscopy and ab initio Theory: Propyne, Trifluoropropyne and Ethynylsulfur pentafluoride. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 123 (2001) 10729-10737.
37. T. Karlsen, L. J. Sæthre, K. J. Børve, N. Berrah, E. Kukk, J. D. Bozek, T. X. Carroll, and T.D. Thomas, Vibrational structure and vibronic coupling in the carbon 1s photoelectron spectra of ethane and deuteroethane. J. Phys. Chem. A 105 (2001) 7700-7706.
36. Ø. Espelid and K. J. Børve, Theoretical Analysis of d-d Spectra of the Reduced Cr/Silica System. Catal. Lett. 75 (2001) 49-56.
35. T. Karlsen, K. J. Børve and L. J. Sæthre, Second-Order Møller-Plesset Perturbation Theory for Computing Molecular-Field Splitting. Application to the S2p3/2 Level in C2H2n+1SF5, n=0,1, and 2. Chem. Phys. 270 (2001) 55-65.
34. V.R. Jensen and K.J. Børve, A theoretical investigation of bis(imido)chromium(VI) cations as polymerization catalysts. Organometallics 20 (2001) 616-626.
33. K.J. Børve, L.J. Sæthre, J.D. Bozek, T. X. Carroll, and T.D. Thomas, Vibronic Coupling in the Carbon 1s Photoelectron Spectrum of HCCH and DCCD. Phys. Rev. A. 63 (2001) 012506-1-14
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31. K.I. Doudin, R.K. Berge, K.J. Børve, J. Songstad, and K.W. Törnroos, 2,2’-Selenobis(acetic acid), Se(CH2C(O)OH)2; An Old Compound with a Novel Structure. J. Mol. Struc. 554 (2000) 149-161.
30. K.J. Børve and T.D. Thomas, Calculation of Initial-State Effects on Inner-Shell Ionization Energies. J. Electron Spec. Rel. Phen. 107 (2000) 155-161.
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27. V.R. Jensen, K. Angermund, P.W. Jolly, and K.J. Børve, Activity Of Homogeneous Chromium(III)-Based Alkene Polymerization Catalysts: The Lack of Importance of the Barrier to Ethylene Insertion. Organometallics 19 (2000) 403-410.
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