Vitenskapelig artikkel
Soto Angel, Joan-Josep; Nordmann, Eva-Lena; Sturm, Daniela
et al. (2024). Stable Laboratory Culture System for the Ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi. (ekstern lenke)
Benvenuto, Giovanna; Leone, Serena; Astoricchio, Emanuele
et al. (2024). Evolution of the ribbon-like organization of the Golgi apparatus in animal cells. (ekstern lenke)
Hake, K.H.; West, P.T.; McDonald, K.
et al. (2024). A large colonial choanoflagellate from Mono Lake harbors live bacteria. (ekstern lenke)
Kollmar, Martin; Welz, Tobias; Ravi, Aishwarya
et al. (2024). Actomyosin organelle functions of SPIRE actin nucleators precede animal evolution. (ekstern lenke)
Soto Angel, Joan-Josep; Burkhardt, Pawel
(2024). Reverse development in the ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi. (ekstern lenke)
Burkhardt, Pawel; Colgren, Jeffrey John; Medhus, Astrid
et al. (2023). Syncytial nerve net in a ctenophore adds insights on the evolution of nervous systems. (ekstern lenke)
Gahan, James Michael; Kouzel, Ivan; Jansen, Kamilla Ormevik
et al. (2022). Histone demethylase Lsd1 is required for the differentiation of neural cells in Nematostella vectensis. (ekstern lenke)
Colgren, Jeffrey John; Burkhardt, Pawel
(2022). The premetazoan ancestry of the synaptic toolkit and appearance of first neurons. (ekstern lenke)
Musser, Jacob M.; Schippers, Klaske J.; Nickel, Michael
et al. (2021). Profiling cellular diversity in sponges informs animal cell type and nervous system evolution. (ekstern lenke)
Göhde, Ronja Alica Angelika; Naumann, Benjamin; Laundon, Davis
et al. (2021). Choanoflagellates and the ancestry of neurosecretory vesicles. (ekstern lenke)
Sachkova, Mariia; Nordmann, Eva-Lena; Angel, Joan-Josep Soto
et al. (2021). Neuropeptide repertoire and 3D anatomy of the ctenophore nervous system. (ekstern lenke)
Laundon, Davis; Larson, Ben T; McDonald, Kent
et al. (2019). The architecture of cell differentiation in choanoflagellates and sponge choanocytes. (ekstern lenke)
Naumann, Benjamin; Burkhardt, Pawel
(2019). Spatial cell disparity in the colonial choanoflagellate salpingoeca rosetta. (ekstern lenke)
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