Per Lægreid




  • Sentraladministrasjonen
  • Forvaltningspolitikk og reformer
  • Institusjonell endring
  • Nordisk samarbeid
  • Komparativ forvaltning
  • Europisering av forvaltninga
  • Lønns- og personalpolitikk i offentleg sektor
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Faglig kapittel
Vitenskapelig foredrag
Vitenskapelig monografi
Nettsider (opplysningsmateriale)
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Faglig foredrag
Vitenskapelig antologi/Konferanseserie
Populærvitenskapelig foredrag
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SOG omtale om "Change and Continuity in Public Sector Organisation"

Publikasjonar og forskningsaktivitet 2009

Monographs and edited books:


Transcending New Public Management. The Transformation of Public Sector Reforms.(with T. Christensen, eds.) Aldershot: Ashgate. 

Organization Theory and the Public Sector: Instrument, Culture and Myth (with T.Christensen, P.G. Roness and K.A. Røvik). London: Routledge.

Forvaltning og politikk  (Administration and politics) (with T. Christensen, M. Egeberg, H.O. Larsen and P.G. Roness).  Second edition. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.


Autonomy and Regulation. Coping with agencies in the modern state. (with T. Christensen, eds.) Cheltenhan: Edward Elgar.

Styring og autonomi. Organisasjonsformer på utlendingsfeltet (Control and autonomy. Organizational Forms on Immigration) (with T. Christensen and A.R. Ramslien). Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.


Organisationsteori för offentlig sektor (Organization theory for public sector) (with T. Christensen, P.G. Roness og K.A. Røvik). Stockholm: Liber.


Europeanization and Transnational States: Comparing Nordic Central Governments (with B. Jacobsson and O.K. Pedersen). London: Routledge.

Organisasjonsteori for offentlig sektor. Instrument, kultur, myte.(Organization theory for public sector, Instrument, culture, myth) (with T. Christensen, P.G. Roness and K.A. Røvik) Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.


Forvaltning og politikk (Administration and politics) (with T. Christensen, M. Egeberg, H.O. Larsen and P.G. Roness). Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.

Reformer og lederskap. Omstilling i den utøvende makt. (Reforms and leadership. Change in the Executive) (with T. Christensen). Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.


New Public Management. The Transformations of Ideas and Practice (with T. Christensen, eds.) London: Ashgate. 2. paperback edition 2002.

 Europaveje. EU i de nordiske centralforvaltninger. (Roads to Europe. The EU in the Nordic Central Government) (with B. Jacobsson and O.K. Pedersen, eds.) Copenhagen: Jurist- og Økonomforbundets forlag.


Fra opbygning til  ombygning i staten. Organisationsforandringer i tre nordiske lande (From construction to reconstruction in the state. Organizational change in three Scandinavina Countries) (with O.K. Pedersen, eds.) Copenhagen: Jurist- og Økonomforbundets forlag.

 Organizing Political Institutions. Essays for Johan P. Olsen (with M. Egeberg,  eds.) Oslo: Scandinavian University Press.


Den moderne forvaltning. Om reformer i sentralforvaltningen. (The Modern Administration. Reforms in Civil Service) (with T. Christensen). Oslo: Tano Aschehoug.


Integration og Decentralisering. Personale og forvaltning i Skandinavien. (Integration and Decentralisation. Personell and Administration in Scandinavia) (with O. K. Pedersen, eds.). Copenhagen: Jurist‑ og Økonomforbundets forlag.


Lønnspolitikk i offentlig sektor (Pay Policy in the Public Sector) (ed.). Oslo: TANO.

Nordiske forvaltningsreformer (Administrative reforms in the Nordic Countries) (with O.K. Pedersen, eds.). Copenhagen: Danmark Forvaltningshøjskoles forlag.


Forvaltningspolitik i Norden (Administrative Policy in the Nordic Countries) (with O. K. Pedersen, eds.) Copenhagen: Jurist‑ og Økonomforbundets Forlag.


Organisering av offentlig sektor (Organizing the Public Sector) (with J. P. Olsen, eds.) Oslo: TANO.


Målstyring og virksomhetsplanlegging i offentlig sektor (Management‑by‑objectives and operational planning in the public sector) (ed.) Bergen: Alma Mater. 


Sentralstyring og insitusjonell autonomi, (Central Government and Institutional Autonomy) (with H. Baldersheim, T. Grønlie, H.W. Lorentzen, J.P. Olsen, I.J. Sand and P. Selle). Bergen: Alma Mater.


Oljebyråkratiet (The Petroleum Bureaucracy) Oslo: TANO.


Sentraladministrasjonen (The Civil Service) (with P. G. Roness).Oslo: Tiden.


Byråkrati og beslutninger (Bureaucracy and Decision Making) (with J. P. Olsen) Bergen: Universitetsforlaget.


Selected chapters in books, articles in journals:


"Civil Servants' Perceptions Regarding ICT Use in Norwegian Central Governmen" (with T. Christensen). Journal of Information Technology & Politics, Volume 7, Issue 1 January 2010

How to assess administrative reform? Investigating the adoption and preliminary impacts of the Norwegian welfare administration reform” (with J. Askim, T. Christensen and A.L. Fimreite). Public Administration


ICT tools in central government: Scope, effects and driving forces 

Challenges and effects of administrative reform - Reorganizing the Norwegian welfare administration 

Administrative reforms and competenses in central government organizations 

Byråkrati og partnerskap hånd i hånd? Om partnerskapsutfordringer i NAV 

Living in the past - tenure, roles and attitudes in the central civil service 

"Crises management - the case of internal security in Norway" 

“Development of the Norwegian civil service system: Gradual transformation of the centralized state” (with T. Christensen). In R.J. Mathur, ed. Administrative set-up and approaches to reform in small and medium countries: A civil service approach. Hyderabad: IFAI University Press.

“Public Management Reform in Norway – Reluctance and Tensions” (with T. Christensen) In S. Goldfinch and J. Wallis (eds.) International Handbook of Public Management Reform.   (Forthcoming).

“Organizing Immigration Policy – The Unstable Balance between Political Control and Agency Autonomy” (with T. Christensen). Policy and Politics, 37 (2): 161-177.

“Living in the Past? – tenure, roles and attitutdes in the central civil service” (with T. Christensen). Public Administration Review (Forthcoming)

“Reorganization of the Welfare State Adminstration: Partnerships, networks and accountability” (with A.L. Fimreite). Public Management Review, 11 (3): 281-297.

”Moderne organisasjonsoppskrifter i norske direktorat. Frå ledelse til styring” (with P.G. Roness and K. Rubecksen). Nordiske Organisasjonsstudier, 11 (2) (Forthcoming).

“New Public Management”. In Badie, B., D. Berg-Schlossen and L. Morlino, eds. Enclycopedia of Political Science. London: Sage (Forthcomming).


“Modern Regulatory Policy – Ideas and Practice” (with T. Christensen). Policy & Society, 6(4): 19-39.

“The Challenge of Coordination in Central Government Organizations: The Norwegian Case” (with T. Christensen). Public Organization Review. A Global Journal, 8 (2): 97-116.

 The Governance, Autonomy and Coordination of Public Sector Organizations, (with K. Verhoest and W. Jann). Public Organization Review. A Global Journal, 8 (2): 93-96.

"Transnational Regulation: Europeanization of Nordic Central Governments” (with R. Steinthorsson and B. Thorhallsson),  in P. Nedergaard & J. L. Campbell  (eds.) Institutions and Politics. DJOEF Publishing. Copenhagen.

"The regulatory orthodoxy in practice" (with T. Christensen), in U. Sverdrup and J. Trondal (eds) The Organizational Dimension of Politics, Bergen:  Fagbokforlaget.

 “The Study of Public Administration and Management in Norway. Combining Organizational      Theory and political Science ” (with T. Christensen). In       W. Kickert, ed. The Study of Public    Management in Europe and the US. London: Routledge.       

“Reorganizing for Homeland Security: The Case of Norway” (with S. Serigstad). In J.   Pinkowsky, ed. Homeland Security Handbook. CRL Press/Taylor & Francis.

“Nyinstitusjonalisme, aktørar og autonomi innafor statsvitskapen”. (Neo-institutionalism, actors and autonomy in political science” (with P.G. Roness). Norsk Statsvitenskapelig Tidsskrift 24 (1-2): 135-144..

“Regulation for Safe Food. A Comparison of Five European Countries” (with K.T.Elvbakken, and L. H. Rykkja), Scandinavian Political Studies, 31 (2): 109-132.

 “Beyond New Public Management: Agencification and regulatory reform in Norway”. (with T. Christensen and A. Lie). Financial Accountability & Management, 24 (1): 15-30.

 “Controlling Regulatory Agencies” (with P.G. Roness and K. Rubecksen). Scandinavian Political Studies, 31 (1): 1-26.

“NPM and beyond – leadership, culture and demography” (with T. Christensen). International Journal of Administrative Sciences, 74 (1): 5-21.

“Performance Information and Performance Steering” (with P.G. Roness and K. Rubecksen). In S. van der Walle and W. van Dooren (eds.) Utilizing Public Sector Performance Information. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmilan.

“Samordning – flernivåstyringens store utfordring” (coordination- the big challenge of multi-level-governance) (with A.L. Fimreite). In I. Helgøy and J. Aars (eds.) Flernivåstyring og demokrati. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget.

“Post New Public Management Reforms – Exploring the Whole-of-Government Approach to    Public Sector Reform” (with T. Christensen). In A.M. Bissessar, ed. Rethinking the Reform Question. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholar Press.


“Reforming Human Resource Management in Civil Service Systems”. (with L. Wise). In F. van der Meer, T. Thoonen and J. Raadschelders, eds. Comparative Civil Service Systems in the 21th Century. London: Palgrave, pp 169-182.

“Introduction – Theoretical Approach and Research Questions” (with T. Christensen). In T. Christensen and P. Lægreid, eds. Transcending New Public Management. The Transformation of Public Sector Reforms. Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 1-17.

“Still Fragmented Government or Reassertion of the Centre?” (with T. Christensen and A. Lie In T. Christensen  and P. Lægreid, eds. Transcending New Public Management. The Transformation of Public Sector Reforms. Aldershot: Ashgate, pp 17-42. 

“Organizing Immigration – a Comparison of New Zealand and Norway”.  (with T. Christensen and R. Norman). In T. Christensen and P. Lægreid, eds. Transcending New Public Management. The Transformation of Public Sector Reforms. Aldershot: Ashgate, pp 110-134. 

 “Reform of Employment and Welfare Administration – the challenge of coordinating diverge public organizations”. (with T. Christensen and A.L. Fimreite). International Review of  Administrative Science, 73 (3) (September): 389-408.

“Introduction” (with W. Jann and K. Verhoest). International Review of Administrative Sciences 73 (3): 323-324.

 “Regulatory agencies – the challenge of balancing agency autonomy and political control”. (with T. Christensen). Governance, 20 (3): 497-519.

“Organization Theory – the Scandinavian Way”. Nordiske Organisasjonsstudier, 9 (1): 77-82.

“The Whole-of-Government Approach to Public Sector Reform” (with T. Christensen). Public Administration Review, 67 (6): 1057-1064.

 “Reformas Post Nueva Gestion Publica” (with T. Christensen). Gestion y Politica Publica, 16 (2): 539-564.

 “Modern management tools in state agencies: The case of Norway” (With P.G.  Roness and     K. Rubecksen). International Public Management Journal, 10 (4): 387-413.

”Etatsstyring og IKT på utlendingsfeltet” (with Arne R. Ramslien) In T. Tranvik (ed.) Digital    teknologi og organisasjonsendring. Studier av offentlig og frivillig sektor (Digital technology   and organizational change. Studies of public and civil society sectors). Bergen: Fagbokforlaget,  pp. 79-117.

"The Whole of Government Approach to Modernization”. (with T. Christensen). In H. Hill,  ed. Modernizing Government in Europe. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag.

 “Garbage can modellen” (The Gargbage Can Model), in Ø. Østerud, ed. Statsvitenskapelig Leksikon. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.

“New Public Management”, in Ø. Østerud, ed. Statsvitenskapelig Leksikon. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. 


“Framing the field of Homeland Security: The Case of Norway”. (with S. Serigstad) Journal of Management Studies, 43 (6): 1395-1413.

“Globalization of Administrative Reforms: The Dilemmas of Combining Political Control and Increased Institutional Autonomy”. (with T. Christensen) I A. Farazmand and J. Pinkowski, eds. Handbook of Globalization, Governance and Public Administration.  New York: Taylor and Francis.

“Introduction” (with T. Christensen) In T. Christensen and P. Lægreid, eds. Autonomy and Regulation. Coping with agencies in the modern state. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

“Agencification and regulatory reform” (with T. Christensen) In T. Christensen and P. Lægreid, eds. Autonomy and Regulation. Coping with agencies in the modern state. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

“Autonomy and control in the Norwegian Civil Service: Does agency form matter?” (with P.G. Roness and K. Rubecksen).  In T. Christensen and P. Lægreid, eds. Autonomy and Regulation. Coping with agencies in the modern state. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

“Rebalancing the State: Reregulation and Reassertion of the Centre”. In T. Christensen and P. Lægreid, eds. Autonomy and Regulation. Coping with agencies in the modern state. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

“Performance management in practice – The Norwegian Way” (with P.G. Roness and K. Rubecksen). Financial Accountability and Management, 22 (3): 251-270.

“Performance Management and Public Sector Reform: The Norwegian Hospital Reform”. (With T. Christensen and I. M. Stigen). International Public Management Journal, 9 (2): 1-27.

“Hou xin gonggong guanli gaige” , (Reforms in Post-New Public Management) (with T. Christensen) Zhongguo xingzheng guanli (Chinese Public Administration), nr. 9, pp 83-90.

“A transformative perspective on administrative reforms” (with T. Christensen). In P.J. Shak and M. Bakore, eds. Handbook of New Public Governance. New Dehli: Centre for Civil Society.

“New Public Management - Undermining Political Control?” (with T. Christensen). In P.J. Shak and M. Bakore, eds. Handbook of New Public Governance. New Dehli: Centre for Civil Society.


“Autonomization and Policy Capacity – the Dilemmas and Challenges Facing Political Executives” (with T. Christensen). In M. Painter and J. Pierre, eds. Challenges to State Policy Capacity Global Trends and Comparative Perspectives. London: Palgrave

"Statlig samordning, spesialisering og kommunalt selvstyre" (Central governmental coordination, specialization and local self governance). (With A.L. Fimreite) In NOU 2005: 6 Samspill og tillit. Om staten og lokaldemokratiet, vedlegg 4, pp 175-192.

“Trust, quality measurement models, and value chain monitoring: symposium introduction” (with G. Bouckaert and S. Van de Walle). Public Performance & Management Review, 28 (4): 460-64.

“Trust in Government – the relative importance of service satisfaction, political factors and demography” (with T. Christensen). Public Performance & Management Review, 28 (4): 487-511.

"Den norske sykehusreformen. Mer politisk styring enn fristilling?" (The Norwegian Hospital reform. More political steering than local autonomy?). (with I. Stigen and S. Opedal).  Nordiske Organisasjonsstudier  3(2):  19-36.

“The Norwegian Hospital Reform – Balancing political control and enterprise autonomy” (with S. Opedal and I.M. Stigen), Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 30 (6):1035-1072.

“El estado fragmentado: Los retos de combiner efficiencia, normas institucionales y democracis”. (with T. Christensen).Gestion y Politica Publicia, (Mexico), 16 (3):557-598.

“Los politicos y la reforma de la administracion publicia en la era de la Nuvea Gestoin Publica: el caso noruego”. Foro Internacional (Mexico), 45 (4): 705-733. 


“The Europeanization of  central government administration in the Nordic states” (with R.S. Steinthorsson and B. Thorhallsson). Journal of Common Market Studies, 42 (2): 347-369.

“Robust and Flexible States: The Transnationalization of Nordic Central Administration” (with B. Jacobsson and O.K. Pedersen). Zeitschrift für Staats- und Europawissenschaften, 2 (1): 32-55.

“Public Administration Research in Norway: Organization Theory, Institutionalism and Empirical Studies in a Democratic Context” (with T. Christensen). Public Administration 83 (3), 679-690.

“Governmental Autonomization and Control – The Norwegian Way“. (with T. Christensen). Public Administration and Development, 24: 129-135.

“Norway: managerialism and parliamentary oversight in lock-step?” In C. Hood et al., eds. Controlling Modern Government. Variety, Communality and Change. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

“Norway: a stable oversight/mutuality hybrid amid limited diversification of professional mutuality” (with M.H. Wik). In C. Hood et al., eds. Controlling Modern Government. Variety, Communality and Change. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. 


“Administrative Reform Programs and Institutional Response in Norwegian Central Government” (with P. G. Roness).  In J.J. Hesse, C. Hood and B.G. Peters (eds.) Paradoxes in Public Sector Reform. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot.

“Coping with modern leadership roles – the problematic redefenition of public companies”. (with T. Christensen) Public Administration 81 (4): 803-831.

“Evaluating Public Management Reforms in Central Government: Norway, Sweden and the United States of America” (with T. Christensen and L. Wise). In H. Wollmann (ed.) Evaluating Public Sector Reform. N.Y.: E. Elgar.

“Administrative Reform Policy: The Challenge of Turning Symbols into Practice” (with T. Christensen). Public Organization Review, 3 (1): 3-27.

“Europuvvæding, stjornsyslunnar: Ahrif Evropusamvinnunnar a stjornsyslu Nordulanda” (with R.S. Steinthorsson and B. Thorhallsson), In F.H. Jonsson (ed.) Rannsokning i felagsvisindum IV. Reykjavik: Islands University.

”Ahrif Evropusamvinnunnar a stjornsysly Islands og Noregs”. (with R.S. Steinthorsson and B. Thorhallsson), In F.H. Jonsson (ed.) Rannsokning i felagsvisindum IV. Reykjavik: Island University.

”Ahrif Evropusamvinnunnar a stjornsyslu ESD rikjanna Svirjodar, og Finnlands og EFTA/EES rikjanna Islands og Noregs”. (with R.S. Steinthorsson and B. Thorhallsson) In F.H. Jonsson (ed.) Rannsokning i felagsvisindum IV. Reykjavik: Island University.

”Politisk styring og privatisering. Holdninger i elitene og i befolkningen”. (Political steering and privatization. Attitudes among the citizens and in the elites) (with T. Christensen). Norsk Statsvitenskapelig Tidsskrift, 19 (4):385-411.

”Complex interaction and influence among political and administrative leaders”(with T. Christensen). International Review of Administrative Sciences, 69 (3): 385-400.


New Public Management – Puzzles of Democracy and the Influence of Citizens”. (with T. Christensen) Journal of Political Philosophy, 10 (3): 267-296.

“Increasing Parliamentary Control of the Executive? New Instruments and Emerging Effects”. (with T. Christensen and P.G. Roness). Journal of Legislative Studies, 8 (1): 37-62

“Transforming Administrative Policy” (with T.Christensen and L. Wise). Public Administration, 80 (1): 153-170.      

2001     “New Public Management: The Effects of Contractualism and Devolution on Political Control”. (with T. Christensen). Public Management Review, 3 (1): 73-94.

“La nueva administracion publicia: el equlibrio entre la gobernanza administrativa” (with T. Christensen). Gestion y Politica Publicia, (Mexico) 10 (1): 55-100. Also printed in Revista do Serviso Publicio (Brasil) 52 (2): 69-110.

“Introduction” (with T. Christensen). In T. Christensen and P. Lægreid (eds.) New Public Management. The Transformation of Ideas and Practice, 1-12. Aldershot: Ashgate.

“A Transformative Perspective on Administrative Reforms”  (with T. Christensen). In T. Christensen and P. Lægreid (eds.) New Public Management. The Transformation of Ideas and Practice, 13-42. Aldershot: Ashgate.

“New Public Management - Undermining Political Control?”. (with T. Christensen). In T. Christensen and P. Lægreid (eds.) New Public Management. The Transformation of  Ideas and Practice, 193-120. Aldershot: Ashgate.

“Transforming Top Civil Servant Systems”. In T. Christensen and P. Lægreid (eds.) New Public Management. The Transformation of Ideas and Practice, 145-172. Aldershot: Ashgate.

“Europeisering och de nordiska statsförvaltningarna” (Europeanization and Nordic civil service) In B. Jacobsson, P. Lægreid and O.K. Pedersen (eds.) Europaveje. EU i de nordiske centralforvaltninger, 11-42. Copenhagen: Jurist- og Økonomforbundets forlag.

“Organisasjonsformer: robusthet og fleksibilitet” (Organization forms: Robustness and flexibility). In B. Jacobsson, P. Lægreid and O.K. Pedersen (eds.) Europaveje. EU i de nordiske centralforvaltninger, 43-68. Copenhagen: Jurist- og Økonomforbundets forlag.

“Innvevd og segmentert” (Embedded and segmented). In B. Jacobsson, P. Lægreid and O.K. Pedersen (eds.) Europaveje. EU i de nordiske centralforvaltninger, 69-94. Copenhagen: Jurist- og Økonomforbundets forlag.

“Ulike veger til Europa” (Different roads to Europe). (with B. Jacobsson and O.K. Pedersen).  In B. Jacobsson, P. Lægreid and O.K. Pedersen (eds.) Europaveje. EU i de nordiske centralforvaltninger, 239-276. Copenhagen: Jurist- og Økonomforbundets forlag.

“Administrative Reforms in Scandinavia - Testing the Cooperative Model”. In B. Noland (ed).  Public Sector Reform: An International Perspective, 66-82. London: Palgrave.

 “Mål- og resultatstyring i offentlig sektor - erfaringer og utfordringer (Management by objective and results in the public sector - experiences and challenges). In A.L. Fimreite, H.O. Larsen and J. Aars (eds.) Lekmannstyre under press. Festskrift til Audun Offerdal. Oslo: Kommuneforlaget.

“New Public Management i norsk sentralforvaltning” (New public managment in Norwegian civil service) (with T. Christensen). In B.S. Tranøy and Ø. Østerud (eds.) Den fragmenterte staten. Oslo: Gyldendal  Akademisk.

“En revitalisert Riksrevisjon “ (A revitalized Audit Office). (with T. Christensen and S.B. Helgesen). In B.S. Tranøy and Ø. Østerud, (eds.) Den fragmenterte stat. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk.

“Profesjonspluralisme, statsmodeller og forvaltningsatferd” (Pluralism of professions, models of state and administrative behavior” (with T. Christensen and H.R. Zuna) .  In B.S. Tranøy and Ø. Østerud (eds.) Den fragmenterte stat. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk.

“Assessing public management reform in Norway, Sweden and the USA”.(with T. Christensen and L. Wise). International Journal of Political Studies, September (01): 41.70

“Diverging Roads to Europe” (with B. Jacobsson and O.K. Pedersen).  In K. Ståhlberg (ed.) The Nordic Countries and Europe II. Social Sciences. Copenhagen: Nordic Council of Ministers. NORD 2001:23.


“Las tendencias en el desarrollo del sector publico: el caso de Noruega”. Gestion y politicia publicia (Mexico), 9 (1):63-86.

“Europeisering og forvaltningstilpasning i Norden(Europeanizaton and changes in Civil Service in the Nordic countries). In K. Ståhlberg (ed.) Kontinuitet og fornyelse. Europeisk integration och nordisk förvaltningstilpasning. København: NORD 2000:3

“Top Civil Servants Under Contract”. Public Administration, 78 (4): 879-896.


”Administrative Reform as Organized Attention” (with P.G. Roness) In M. Egeberg and P. Lægreid (eds.) Organizing Political Institutions. Essays for Johan P. Olsen, 301-329. Oslo: Scandinavian University Press.

“Johan P. Olsen: His Career, Professional Roles and Publications” (with M. Egeberg). In M. Egeberg and P. Lægreid (eds.) Organizing Political Institutions. Essays for Johan P. Olsen, 3-22. Oslo: Scandinavian University Press.

“Endringer i statlige organisasjonsformer i Skandinavia - forvaltningspolitikk, europeisering og historiske bindinger” (Changes i governmental organization in Scandinavia - administrative policy, Europeanization and historical constraints) (with B. Jacobsson and O.K. Pedersen). In K. Ståhlberg (ed.) Den nordiske modellen i en brytningstid, 23-42. København: Nordisk Ministerråd, Nord 1999:12

"New Public Management - Design, Resistance, or Transformation” (with T. Christensen) Public Productivity & Management, 23(2) (December 1999): 169-193


“Frå einskap til mangfald.  Eit perspektiv på indre fristilling i sentraladministrasjonen”(From unity to flexibility. A perspective on internal devolution in the Civil Service) (with P. G. Roness). In T. Grønlie and P. Selle (eds.) Ein stat? Fristillingas fire ansikt. Oslo: Samlaget.

“Administrative Reform Policy: the Case of Norway”. (with T. Christensen). International Review of Administrative Sciences,  6, 457-475.

“Public Administration in a Democratic Context - A Review of Norwegian Research”. (with T. Christensen). In N. Brunsson and J.P. Olsen (eds.) Organizing Organizations, 147-172. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget.

“Organisasjonsformer og reformprogram” (Organization Forms and Reform Programs) (with O.K. Pedersen). In P. Lægreid and O.K. Pedersen (eds.) Fra opbygning til ombygning i staten. Organisationsforandringer i tre Nordiske lande, 11-42. Copenhagen: Jurist- og Økonomforbudnets forlag.

“Fra opbygning til ombygning” (From growth to reorganization) (with O.K. Pedersen). In P. Lægreid and O.K. Pedersen (eds.) Fra opbygning til ombygning i staten. Organisationsforandringer i tre Nordiske lande, 345-372. Copenhagen: Jurist- og Økonomforbundets forlag.


"Modernisering og forvaltningsreformer". (Modernization and administrative reforms). Norsk Statsvitenskapelig Tidsskrift, 13 (2):99‑120

"Sentralforvaltning og offentlig politikk”(Civil Service and Public Policy) (with T. Christensen). Norsk Statsvitenskapelig Tidsskrift, 13 (3): 245‑268

"Forvaltningspolitikk ‑ mot New Public Management"? (Administrative Policy - Towards New Public Management?) (with T. Christensen). In T. Christensen and M. Egeberg (eds.) Forvaltningskunnskap, 367‑404. Oslo: Tano Aschehoug.

Forvaltningspolitikk i Norden ‑ samarbeidsmodellen på prøve. (Administrative policy in the Nordic Countries ‑ testing the cooperative model). Nordisk Administrativt Tidsskrift, 78(1):5‑15


"Leiarløn i Staten ‑ marknad og management" (Pay for Top Civil Servants ‑ Market and Management). Praktisk økonomi og ledelse, no. 2 (1996) : 97‑104.

"Forvaltningspolitikk, partsorganisering og institusjonell endring" (Administrative policy, organization and institutional change) (with O.K.Pedersen). In P.Lægreid and O.K.Pedersen (eds.) Integration og decentralisering. Personale og Forvaltning i Skandinavia'; 9‑24, Copenhagen: Jurist‑ og Økonomforbundets forlag.

"Lokal lønn i Norge" (Local Pay in Norway). In P.Lægreid and O.K.Pedersen (eds.) Integration og decentratlisering. Personale og Forvaltning i Skandinavia ; 207‑230. Copenhagen: Jurist‑ og Økonomforbundets forlag.

"Forvaltningspolitikkens institusjonelle spor" (The instituional paths of administrative policy) (with O.K.Pedersen and D.Pedersen). In P.Lægreid and O.K.Pedersen (eds.) Integration og decentratlisering. Personale og Forvaltning i Skandinavia, 257‑280. Copenhagen: Jurist‑ og Økonomforbundets forlag.

"Political Parties, Bureaucracy, and Corporatism". (with P. G. Roness). In L. Svaasand and K. Strøm (eds.) Challenges to Political Parties, 167‑190. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.


"Feminization of the central public administration". In L. Karvonen and P. Selle (eds.): Women in Nordic Politics, 229‑248. Aldershot: Dartmouth.

”Forvaltningspolitikk i teori og praksis" (Administrative policy in theory and practice) (with O.K. Pedersen). In P. Lægreid and O.K. Pedersen (eds.): Nordisk forvaltningsreformer, 7‑15. Copenhagen: DFH‑forlag.

 "En nordisk modell for forvaltningspolitikk?" (A Nordic model for administrative policy?) (with O.K. Pedersen). In P. Lægreid and O.K. Pedersen (eds.): Nordiske forvaltningsreformer, 16‑23. Copenhagen: DFH‑forlag.

"Perspektiv på lønspolitikken i staten'". (Perspective on salary policy in the state). In P. Lægreid (ed.): Lønnspolitikk i offentlig sektor, 11‑33. Oslo:TANO.

 "Lønspolitiske reformforsøk i staten”. (Salary policy reform attempts in the civil service). In P. Lægreid (ed.): Lønnspolitikk i offentlig sektor, pp. 34‑55. Oslo: TANO.

 "Lønnspolitiske problemoppfatninger og løsningsforslag" (Pay policy: problems and solutions) (with K. Helgesen). In P. Lægreid (ed.): Lønnspolitikk i offentlig sektor, 56‑78.Oslo: TANO.

 "Lokal lønnspolitikk" (Local pay policy)(with M. Aarre). In P.Lægreid (ed.): Lønnspolitikk i offentlig sektor, 236‑252. Oslo: TANO.


"En nordisk modell?"  (A Nordic modell?)(with O.K. Pedersen). In P. Lægreid og O.K. Pedersen (eds.): Forvaltningspolitik i Norden, 249‑282. Copenhagen: Jurist‑ og Økonomforbundets forlag.

"Norge: Forvaltningspolitikkens utvikling" (Norway: the development of administrative policy) (with V. W. Rolland). In P.Lægreid and O. K. Pedersen (eds.): Forvaltningspolitik i Norden, 85‑116.Copenhagen: Jurist‑ og Økonomforbundets forlag.

"Rewards for High Public Office: The case of Norway". In C.Hood and G. Peters (eds.): Rewards at the Top, 133‑145. London: Sage.

 "Forvaltningspolitikk" (Administrative policy) (with O. K. Pedersen). In P. Lægreid and O.K. Pedersen (eds.): Forvaltningspolitik i Norden, 9‑28. Copenhagen: Jurist‑ og økonomforbundets forlag.


"Opinion og offentleg sektor". (Public opinion and public sector). In P. Lægreid and J.P. Olsen (eds.): Organisering av offentlig sektor, 93‑118. Oslo: Tano.

"Tendensar i utviklinga av offentleg sektor" (Trends in the development of the public sector). Nordisk Administrativt Tidsskrift, 74(3): 317­337.

"Løns‑ og personalreformer". (Pay‑ and Personnel Reforms). In P. Lægreid and J.P. Olsen (eds.) Organisering av offentlig sektor, 133‑154. Oslo: TANO.


"Prestasjonslønsystemet i offentleg sektor". (Pay‑for‑performance system in public sector). Norsk Statsvitenskaplig Tidsskrift, 8(2): 87‑111.

"Leiaratferd i offentleg sektor: Institusjon og profesjon'".(Leadership behaviour in the public sector) Nordisk Administrativt Tidsskrift, 73: 281-­293.



Pågåande forskningsprosjekt:

Evaluering av NAV-reformen
Prosjektleiar: Anne Lise Fimreite, Modulleiar: Tom Christensen (Oslo)

Fleirnivåstyring i spenningsfeltet mellom funksjonell og territoriell spesialisering
Prosjektleiar: Per Lægreid

The Comparative Public Organization Data Base for Research and Analysis (COBRA).
Prosjektleiar: Geert Bouckaert, University of Leuven.

COST - Comparative research into current trends in public sector organizations (CRIPO), finansiert av EU.Prosjektleiar: Geert Bouckaert, University of Leuven, Co-Chair: Per Lægreid.

Norsk Sentralforvaltning i et 30-års perspektiv
Prosjektleiar: Per Lægreid