Ragnhild Mølster


Forsker, Forskningsleder medier og kommunikasjon



Retorikk, medier og helse, politisk kommunikasjon, offentlighet og demokrati, dokumentar, journalistikk, kjønn og medier.

Forsker på diskursiv forhandling av ethos i helsemyndighetenes kommunikasjon under korona-pandemien.
Tilknyttet prosjektet CAMRIA, medier og antibiotikaresistens.
og "Pandemic rhetoric" (https://www.hf.uio.no/imk/english/research/projects/pandemic-rhetoric/)


Pandemic rhetoric: Risk communication in a changing media landscape.


The relations between migration policy and mediated public discourse in Scandinavia 1970-2015

This project studies the relationship between the public debate and political decisions on immigration in the three Scandinavian countries. How does public opinion, as expressed through the public debate in media and arts, influence political decisions? What are the differences between the countries, and how has the relationship developed over the past 45 years?

Through analyses of policy documents, parliamentary debates and interviews with Scandinavian politicians, public servants and communication officers, the projects will seek to identify and understand links between public debates and political decision-making in Scandinavia during the past 45 years.