Terje Einarsen






Professor dr juris (Universitetet i Bergen, 2013-)

Doktorgrad i folkerett (Universitetet i Bergen, 1999)

Mastergrad i internasjonale rettsstudier (LL.M, Harvard Law School, 1989)

Cand jur (Universitetet i Bergen, 1986)

Senior Research Associate (University of London, 2014-)

Advokat (H) (Humlen Advokater AS, 2014-)

Styremedlem (vara), International Commission of Jurists (ICJ Norge, 2016-)

Lagdommer (Gulating lagmannsrett, 2000-2013)

Leder og medlem av Dommerforeningens menneskerettsutvalg (2006-2013)

Fast medlem av Utlendingsnemndas stornemnd (2005-2010)


1) Om Snowden mv (utvalgte innlegg, motinnlegg og kommentarer)

2) Om internasjonale forbrytelser ('Universal Crimes')

3) Om flyktningkrisen

 4) Diverse andre rettslige og allmenne emner







International Criminal Law

Rettsstat og menneskerettigheter


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Utvalgte publikasjoner på norsk og engelsk (for flere publikasjoner på engelsk, velg 'English' versjon av hjemmesiden):

Monografier (utvalgte):

For reviews of the book, see: Robert J. Currie, in Journal of Internationa Criminal Justice; in Journal of International Criminal Law 12/2014Kanya Satwika, Nordic Journal of Human Rights 01/2013.

Anmeldelser av boken, se: Tidsskrift for Rettsvitenskap; Lov og Rett; Nordic Journal of Human Rights.


Utvalgte andre arbeider på engelsk:


Einarsen driver blant annet et langsiktig forskningsarbeid innen internasjonal (folkerettslig) strafferett:


The 'Universal Crimes Project' is an independent research program founded by Professor Terje Einarsen.

Its purpose is to contribute to the development of laws and mechanisms relevant to combating grave crimes, in compliance with human rights norms and the underlying public interests of international criminal law and criminal justice.

The first output of the Universal Crimes Project is the book:

The Concept of Universal Crimes in International Law, Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher (TOAEP), Oslo, 2012. FICHL Publication Series No. 14 (2012).

This book is the first in a four-part series entitled 'Rethinking the Essentials of International Criminal Law and Transitional Justice'. It concentrates on the twin-concepts of 'international crimes' and 'universal crimes', and the general issues involved in classifying certain offences.

For reviews of the book, see:

Robert J. Currie, in Journal of International Criminal Justice; in Journal of International Criminal Law 12/2014.

Kanya Satwika, in Nordic Journal of Human Rights 01/2013.

A second output is an article drawing on the book:

New Frontiers of International Criminal Law: Towards a Concept of Universal Crimes, Bergen Journal of Criminal Law and Criminal Justice, Volume 1, Issue 1, Issue 1, 2013, pp. 1-21.

A third output is a commissioned article entitled Universal Crimes and the CIA Torture Program, published 15 January 2015 at the Expert Desk of the A38 Blog.  

Another output was an international expert conference held in Bergen in April 2014 on universal crimes and leaderships, arranged by Terje Einarsen (Law Faculty, UiB) and Elin Skaar (CMI), see: 

A more recent output is a contribution and forthcoming publication on the crime of aggression, see: 

International Experts' Meeting: The Illegal Use of Force: Reconceptualizing the Laws of War, Washington University Law, Whitney R. Harris World Law Institute, St. Louis, USA, September 11.12, 2015

The forthcoming (2016/2017) second volume of the book-series focuses on punishable participation in universal crimes. This book will be co-authored with Dr. Joseph Rikhof, Senior Councel, Manager of the Law, Crimes against Humanity and War Crimes Section of the Department of Justice, Canada.

The third and fourth volumes shift attention to the legal consequences of universal crimes: book three focuses on accountability and jurisdiction as important aspects of universal crimes, while the fourth and final book in the series is about fair trial in universal crime cases. The basic research ideas underlying this comprehensive universal crimes project have been developed by the author of this book. The other books are also to be published in cooperation with other analysts.