Christian Lomsdalen


PhD candidate, in Religious Studies



Ph.D candidate on a project regarding the right to be exempted on religious, philosophic, or life stands grounds in the norwegian primary education. This is a continuation of my master thesis in the didactics of religion from the University of Bergen.

I have a background from the norwegian school system, where I mainly taugth in secondary school. My educational background is in social studies and the humanities with bachelor degrees in political science (NTNU, 2009), study of religion (UiB, 2017), and history (UiB, 2021). This has been continued with masters degrees in peace and conflict transformation (UiT, 2012) and didactics of religion (UiB, 2019). This has been complimented with Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) (UiB, 2013), and continuing education in teaching controversial topics (UiB, 2019) and sex education (HiOA, 2017; INN, 2021).

I am a member of the research group Educational Law and are admitted as a member of the research school Religion-Values-Society (RVS).

Since 2016 I have been publishing and creating the podcast Lektor Lomsdalens innfall that deals with different aspects of and perspectives on education and the norwegian school system.


Teaches in the following courses:

RELDI112: Didactics of Religion Education 2 (for Lower Secondary School) Integrated teacher education. Spring, 2022.

DIDAREL2: Didactics of the Study of Religion 2 (Lower Secondary School). Spring, 2022.


Peer-reviewed articles:

Lomsdalen, C. (2023). Islam, Kjønn, og Fritaksproblematikk i Skolen: Svømmeundervisningen som Kjerne til Konflikt i Fritakssaker. Scandinavian Journal of Islamic Studies, 17(1), 11–34.

Lomsdalen, C. (2021). Fritak og religiøse spenninger i skolen. Prismet, 72 (2), p. 153–170.

Lomsdalen, C. (2021). Motstridende rettigheter i klasserommet og fordommer mot enkeltgrupper. In M. v. d. Lippe (Ed.), Fordommer i skolen. Gruppekonstruksjoner, utenforskap og inkludering. Universitetsforlaget.


Lomsdalen, C. (2017). SKAM i skolen. Prismet, 68 (1-2), p. 149–154.

Lomsdalen, C. (2022). Fritaksklagene jeg ikke fant. Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift, 106 (1), p. 69-78.

Master thesises:

Lomsdalen, C. (2019). Den besværlige fritaksretten. Om klagesaker og henvendelser gjort til fylkesmannsembetene knyttet til Opplæringsloven §2-3a [Master thesis, Universitetet i Bergen]. Bora.

Lomsdalen, C. (2012). Gendered resistance(?): is gender significant in the “National Popular Resistance Front” of Honduras? [Master thesis, Universitetet i Tromsø]. Munin.


Academic lecture
Popular scientific lecture
Academic article
Feature article
Non-fiction book
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Popular scientific article
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Masters thesis

See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.

Akademiske tilknytninger


Forskningsgruppen Utdanningsrett

"Barns rettigheter i skole og barnehager følger både av internasjonale konvensjoner Norge er bundet av, samt av nasjonale lover og forskrifter. Barn er i dag selvstendige rettssubjekter som blant annet har rett til å bli hørt og bli involvert i avgjørelser som angår dem selv, og barnets beste skal være et grunnleggende hensyn ved den endelige beslutningen.

Vi er en tverrfaglig sammensatt forskningsgruppe som har fokus på hvordan barns rettigheter blir implementert i barnehage og skole."

Forskningsgruppen ledes av Marianne K. Bahus og Camilla Herlofsen.


Forskning og undervisning om kontroversielle tema

Forskerne i gruppen er opptatte av hvordan man kan forske på temaer som ofte skaper diskusjon og uenighet, og hvordan slike tema blir behandlet og undervist om, både i skolen og i høyere utdanning. Forskergruppen ble stiftet våren 2022, og består av forskere fra Universitetet i Bergen, Universitetet i Stavanger, og undervisere fra Raftostiftelsen. 

Nettside: Forskning og undervisning om kontroversielle tema

Metodiske og empiriske spørsmål

Forskergruppe ved Universitetet i Bergen for å jobbe med samtidsforskning fra et metodologisk perspektiv.

Nettside: Metodiske og empiriske spørsmål


Forskerskolen Religion Values Society

"The goal of the Research School is to mobilize and enhance academic expertise in the field related to the interplay between religion, values and society, as well as forming long-lasting research networks in the field, and to promote cooperation between PhD students and senior researchers on relevant and appropriate subjects in the field."

"A wide pool of academic disciplines is relevant to the study of religion - values and society: Theology, religious studies, educational sciences, (social) pedagogics, missiology, sociology (of religion), political science, social anthropology, psychology (of religion) etc. The participating institutions in various ways engage in research and teaching of these academic disciplines. By focusing on the interplay between religion – values – society, the research school defines its area of interest by these phenomena and the mutual interaction, interplay and different possible connection they may have, and not from the scholarly disciplines represented in the partaking institutions. Thus, the research school contributes represents a new field of expertise and insight, which may also have an impact upon already existing academic disciplines and the way in which these disciplines are taught and studied at the participating institutions."



Norsk Religionspedagogisk Forskerforum

"NoReFo – wants to encourage and increase research in the field of religion, beliefs and education in Norway, and to promote national cooperation about RE research. It aims at initiating and arranging opportunities for sharing knowledge, experiences and results related to the research of the members through seminars and conferences with a focus on research, cooperation with national and international colleagues with a related research interest, and through facilitating publication of relevant research."



Pressebilde 1

Pressebilde 2

Fotokreditt: Morten Opedal

Pressebilde 3

Pressebilde 4

Fotokreditt: Monica Johansen