Dinara Yangeldina
Guest Researcher
Research groups
Dinara successfully defended her PhD thesis at the Centre for Women's and Gender Research (SKOK) in June 2023 and is currently a guest reseacher here. Her thesis, The Politics of Racial Translation : Negotiating Foreignness and Authenticity in Russophone Intersectional Feminism and Timati's Hip-hop (2012-2018), explores the role of translation in the circulations of the US Anglophone idiom ‘race as resistance’ in 2012-2018 Russophone adaptations of hip-hop and intersectionality.
Drawing on the digital ethnography, discourse analysis, and close reading of a selection of music videos, it empirically analyzes two translation projects: a grassroots Russophone translation-based intersectional feminist page, FIO (Feminist Intersectionality Against Oppression) and – a controversial in Russia – Tatar-Jewish hip-hop entrepreneur, Timati. This thesis, situated at the intersection of gender and sexuality studies, race and ethnicity research, and post-Soviet cultural studies, foregrounds translation in its theoretical framework and methodological research design.
Theoretically, the dissertation’s approach to translation is inspired by feminist theory, feminist anthropology, and translation studies, as well as by transnational perspectives on racialization and the growing scholarship on race in Russia. Methodologically it draws on the tools from translation studies and sociolinguistics. Conceptualizing translation as a precondition for travel, as a site of negotiation where things are produced as ‘foreign’ and as a generative rather than imitative process, this thesis asks what racial translation generates and why some translation projects are rendered as more foreign than others. The method is to track the attributions of foreignness and examine the translation strategies used by the two projects mentioned above when rendering English-language racial categories such as ‘white,’ ‘black,’ ‘people of color,’ and ‘women of color.’
Dinara has an educational background in sociology and gender studies from the Central European University in Budapest, Hungary, Bielefeld University, Germany, and St. Petersburg State University, Russia. In her Master's thesis, Dinara studied digital moral activism and anti-LGBT activism in Russian-speaking media.
As part of her PhD project, Dinara participated in the international collaboration New tools for transnational analysis in postgraduate intersectional gender research – towards long-term international collaborations in doctoral and postdoctoral training. This was a collaboration between institutions for gender studies at universities in Linköping, Budapest, Cape Town and Bergen.
While researching at SKOK, Dinara was a member of the research group Fundamental Questions in Gender Research. This is an interdisciplinary group with members from across faculties. Dinara also actively engages with Russian studies at UiB and is a member of the research group there.
- Paper: Translational Temporalities. Part of the workshop Immobility and Movements Across Contested Temporalities and Spaces in connection with the Peder Sather-funded project Native/Immigrant/Refugee, University of Bergen, Norway, 19-20.06.23
- Paper: Tatar Modernities, Neoliberalism and Russian post-coloniality in a Makeover TV Show Min, Kjønnsforskning NÅ (Gender Studies Now) conference, University of Stavanger, Norway, 01-02.06.23
- Paper: "When post-feminism meets Russian post-coloniality: examining Tatar makeover show Min", during FEMCORUS' symposium Rewired and revamped? Media & trans/national feminisms in Europe and beyond, University of Tampere, 12.05.23
- Paper: "Racial translation in intersectionality’s and hip-hop’s eastward travels. The case of Russophone grassroots feminist translations of intersectionality and Timati’s hip-hop" as part of the seminar series FEMCORUS (the Academy of Finland project Mediated Feminism(s) in Contemporary Russia (FEMCORUS), University of Tampere, 10.11.22
- Panel talk: Translating intersectional feminism into Russian during parallell session Intersectional, celebrity, post-truth: Russian feminism and the new media environment. ECREA 2022 9th European Communication Conference, Aarhus, Denmark, 21.10.23
- Paper: Beard Against the West: (non)Russian Hip-Hop Masculinities Confronting Sexual Perversion at Junior Scholars Symposium: Gender (in a Time of) Trouble: Studying Slavic Sexualities Now, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, Princeton University, 30.09.22
- Paper: The privilege to know: power, stigma and authority in Russophone feminist translations of intersectionality. Buzzing feminisms in times of ‘conservative turn at the international Workshop: Post-Soviet Women – New Challenges and Ways to Empowerment, Uppsala University, 28.09.22
- Panelist in "Rethinking the concept of 'race' in gender studies in the Nordic context" during the NORA conference 2022. Postdoctoral fellow Redi Koobak moderated the panel and professor Randi Gressgård also participated from SKOK. 22.06.2022
- Press release about experts at UiB in relation to Queer Culture Year/Pride 2022: Eksperter fra UiB: Skeivt kulturår/Pride 2022
- Book review of The Cultural is Political: Intersections of Russian Art and State Politics - Nordisk Østforum, 36/2022
- Book launch of The Cultural is Political: Intersections of Russian Art and State Politics - 22 March 2021
University lecturer at the Centre for Women's and Gender Research (SKOK), University of Bergen
Spring 2023 - KVIK 101 - Kjønn i det moderne (Gender in Modernity)
Spring 2020 - KVIK 206 - Gender and Sexuality in a Global Context - MeToo movement
Spring 2020 - KVIK 101- Kjønn i det moderne (Gender in Modernity)
Spring 2019 - KVIK 101 - Kjønn i det moderne (Gender in Modernity)
Spring 2017 KVIK 206 (Master level) Gender and Sexuality in a Global Context, Gender, Migration and Time
Spring 2017 KVIK 101 (Bachelor level) Kjønn i det moderne (Gender in Modernity)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Yangeldina, Dinara (2023). Beautiful Diversity? Diversity Rhetoric, Ethnicized Visions, and Nesting Post-Soviet Hegemonies in the Multimedia Project The Ethnic Origins of Beauty. (external link)
- Yangeldina, Dinara (2023). Generations of Feminist Translations: Connecting Russophone Academic and Activist Feminist Translation Debates Across the 2000s and 2010s. (external link)
- Yangeldina, Dinara (2020). #Russianrapisracist vs #RussianNaziPurgeParty: On Geopolitics, Trolling and the Mistranslation of Race in a Twitter Controversy. (external link)
Doctoral dissertation
See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.
Yangeldina, Dinara (2023) Generations of Feminist Translations: Connecting Russophone Academic and Activist Feminist Translation Debates Across the 2000s and 2010s, in Sätre, Ann-Mari, Gradskova, Yulia & Vladimirova, Vladislava (2023) Post-Soviet Women: New Challenges and Ways to Empowerment. Springer International Publishing.
Yangeldina, Dinara (2023) Beautiful Diversity? Diversity Rhetoric, Ethnicized Visions, and Nesting Post-Soviet Hegemonies in the Multimedia Project The Ethnic Origins of Beauty, in (eds.) Lykke, Nina; Koobak, Redi; Bakos, Petra, Arora, Swati & Mohamed, Kharnita (2023) Pluriversal Conversations on Transnational Feminisms. And Words Collide from a Place. London: Routledge.
Yangeldina, Dinara (2020) #Russianrapisracist vs #RussianNaziPurgeParty: On Geopolitics, Trolling and the Mistranslation of Race in a Twitter Controversy, in The Cultural is Political: Intersections of Russian Art and State Politics. Bergen: Dept of Foreign Languages, University of Bergen.