Elizabeth Catherine Velliky


Postdoctoral Fellow



I am a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Bergen SFF Centre for Early Sapiens (SapienCE) in Bergen, Norway. Within the larger field of prehistoric Archaeology, I specialize in researching mineral pigments and human behaviour, rock art, and archaeometry. My current research focuses on the ochre assemblage from the Middle Stone Age of Blombos Cave, South Africa, and how ochre and pigments can inform us on the earliest forms of symbolic expression and the implications for the emergence of behavioural modernity. I am particularly interested in the acquisition and use of mineral pigments, not only from the traditional perspective of qualitative artefact categorization but within a framework of interdisciplinary and comprehensive field and laboratory analyses. This framework views mineral pigments from different angles by combining theory and methods from fields such as geology and geomorphology, anthropology and ethnography, experimental archaeology and archaeometry to explore the nuances and depth of ancient pigment-related behaviours.

During the last 10 years, I have worked on ochre-related projects from the European Upper Palaeolithic (specifically southwestern Germany), the South African MSA, the late MSA/LSA transition in eSwatini, and Holocene hunter-gatherers in British Columbia, Canada. I have worked on general archaeological field projects in the USA, Canada, Germany, Norway, Oman, Israel, South Africa and eSwatini. 


See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.

Velliky, E.C., A. Barbieri, M. Porr, N.J. Conard, B.L. MacDonald (2019) A preliminary study on ochre sources in Southwestern Germany and its potential for ochre provenance during the Upper Paleolithic. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 27:101977.

Floss, H., R. Blumentritt, Ch. Hoyer, N. Huber, E.C. Velliky, N.J. Conard (2018): Palaeolithic Cave Art in the Swabian Jura? In: Floss, H. and Pastoors, A. (Eds.) 2018: Palaeolithic rock and cave art in Central Europe ? Session 31 of the XIX International Rock Art Conference IFRAO 2015 „Symbols in the Landscape: Rock Art and its Context“ Cáceres (Spain) 31.08 – 04.09.2015, Verlag Marie Leidorf (Rahden/Westf. 2018), p. 107-122.

Velliky, E.C., M. Porr and N.J. Conard (2018) Ochre and pigment use at Hohle Fels cave: Results of the first systematic review of ochre and ochre-related artefacts from the Upper Palaeolithic in Germany. PLOS ONE 13(12):e0209874.

Wolf, S., R. Dapschauskas, E.C. Velliky, N.J. Conard, H. Floss, & A.W. Kandel (2018) The Use of Ochre and Painting During the Upper Paleolithic of the Swabian Jura in the Context of the Development of Ochre Use in Africa and Europe. Open Archaeology 4(1), 185-205.

Karakostis, Fotios Alexandros, Elizabeth C. Velliky and Andrew W. Kandel (2017) Sixth annual meeting of the European Society for the Study of Human Evolution. Evolutionary Anthropology: Issues, News, and Reviews 26(1):7-8.

Velliky, Elizabeth (2016) Identifying anthropogenic modification on archaeology ochre materials by early hominin populations. SAS Bulletin, 39(2):4-6.

Velliky, Elizabeth and Rudy Reimer (2013) Rock Paintings of Squamish Valley, British Columbia: Geochemical Analysis of Pigments Using Portable ray Fluorescence Spectrometry (pXRF). American Indian Rock Art 39:130-141.