Geir Henning Presterudstuen


Associate Professor




  • Presterudstuen, G.H. and Y. Musharbash (2020), Monster Anthropology: Ethnographic Explorations of Transforming Social Worlds Through Monsters, London: Bloomsbury Academic.
  • Presterudstuen, G.H. (2019), Performing Masculinity: Body, Self and Identity in Modern Fiji, London\New York: Routledge.
  • Angosto-Ferrandez, L. and Presterudstuen, G.H. (2016), Anthropologies of Value: Cultures of Accumulation across the Global North and South, London: Pluto Press.
  • Musharbash, Y. and Presterudstuen, G.H (2014), Monster Anthropology in Australasia and Beyond, New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Chapters in Books

  • Presterudstuen, G.H. (2020), 'Monsters, place, and murderous winds in Fiji', Monster Anthropology: Ethnographic Explorations of Transforming Social Worlds Through Monsters, Bloomsbury Academic.
  • Musharbash, Y. and Presterudstuen, G.H. (2020), 'Introduction : monsters and change', Monster Anthropology: Ethnographic Explorations of Transforming Social Worlds Through Monsters, Bloomsbury Academic.
  • Presterudstuen, G.H. (2020), 'Monsters and horror', The Sage Encyclopedia of the Sociology of Religion. Volume 2, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
  • Presterudstuen, G.H. (2020), 'Mana', The Sage Encyclopedia of the Sociology of Religion, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
  • Presterudstuen, G.H. (2020), 'Taboo', The Sage Encyclopedia of the Sociology of Religion, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
  • Presterudstuen, G.H. (2019), 'Understanding sexual and gender diversity in the Pacific Islands', Pacific Social Work: Navigating Practice, Policy and Research, New York: Routledge.
  • Presterudstuen, G.H. (2018), 'Entering the living room : sex, space and power in a cross-cultural and non-heteronormative context', Queering the Interior, London: Bloomsbury Academic.
  • Presterudstuen, G.H. and Schieder, D. (2017), 'Bati as bodily labour : rethinking masculinity and violence in Fiji ', Emergent Masculinities in the Pacific, New York & London: Routledge.
  • Presterudstuen, G.H. (2016), 'The value of the vanua : the nexus of people and land in Fiji's market economy', Anthropologies of Value: Cultures of Accumulation Across the Global North and South, London: Pluto Press.
  • Presterudstuen, G.H. (2014), 'Men trapped in women's clothing : homosexuality, cross-dressing, and masculinity in Fiji', Gender on the Edge: Transgender, Gay, and Other Pacific Islanders, Honolulu, HI: University of Hawaii Press.
  • Presterudstuen, G.H. (2014), 'Ghosts and the everyday politics of race in Fiji', Monster Anthropology in Australasia and Beyond, New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Presterudstuen, G.H. (2014), 'Masculinity in the marketplace : geographies of post-colonial gender work in modern Fiji', Masculinities and Place, London: Ashgate.
  • Presterudstuen, G.H. (2014), 'Ghost, spirits and Christian denominational politics : a case from Fiji', Monsters in Society: An Interdisciplinary Perspective, Inter-Disciplinary Press.

Journal Articles

  • Possamai, A., Presterudstuen, G.H. and Openshaw, K. (2022), 'Nothing to declare... apart from Holy Water : sacralizing borders and securitizing spiritual things in Fiji', Material Religion, vol 18, no 3 , pp 376 - 381.
  • Johnson, J., Prasad, M., Sattler, D., Presterudstuen, G.H., Pacilli, M. and Pagliaro, S. (2022), 'Fijian reactions to transgender-directed workplace mistreatment : the moderating role of the victim's group identifcation', Sexuality and Culture, vol 26, no 3 , pp 1148 - 1166.
  • Presterudstuen, G.H. (2021), 'T-Shirts, style and the social construction of modern masculinities in urban Fiji', Critical Studies in Fashion and Beauty, vol 12, no 1 , pp 91 - 110.
  • Finau, G., Titifanue, J., Kant, R., Vunibola, S., Presterudstuen, G.H. and Horst, H. (2021), 'Compassion and Virtue : social media-enabled bartering in Fiji during COVID-19', Issues, vol 4, no 1.
  • Alexeyeff, K. and Presterudstuen, G.H. (2021), 'Fashioning culture : transforming perspectives from Oceania', Critical Studies in Fashion and Beauty, vol 12, no 1 , pp 5 - 24.
  • Presterudstuen, G.H. (2020), 'Reclaiming the social from 'social distancing'', Social Anthropology, vol 28, no 2 , pp 335 - 336.
  • Presterudstuen, G.H. (2016), 'Performing masculinity through Christian devotion : methodism, manhood and colonial mimicry in Fiji', Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies, vol 18, no 1 , pp 107 - 126.
  • Presterudstuen, G.H. and Schieder, D. (2016), 'Bati as bodily labour : rethinking masculinity and violence in Fiji', The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology, vol 17, no 3-4 , pp 213 - 230.
  • Schieder, D. and Presterudstuen, G.H. (2014), 'Sport migration and sociocultural transformation : the case of Fijian rugby union players in Japan', International Journal of the History of Sport, vol 31, no 11 , pp 1359 - 1373.
  • Presterudstuen, G.H. (2014), 'Horse race gambling and the economy of 'bad money' in contemporary Fiji', Oceania, vol 84, no 3 , pp 256 - 271.
  • Presterudstuen, G.H. (2010), 'The mimicry of men : rugby and masculinities in post-colonial Fiji', Global Studies Journal, vol 3, no 2 , pp 237 - 247.

Other Publications

  • 2020, 'Pacific Perspectives on the World: Listening to Australia's Island Neighbours in Order to Build Strong, Respectful and Sustainable Relationships', Report
  • 2014, 'Less to Lose and More to Gain?: Men and Boys Violence Prevention Research Project: Final Report', Report
Masters thesis
Academic article

See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.