Geir Henning Presterudstuen




Kort info

Jeg er en antropolog med feltarbeidserfaring fra Fiji, Tonga, Australia og Azerbaijan med særskilt fokus på kjønn og maskulinitet, verdi, arbeid og klasserelasjoner, og tro og meningsproduksjon.

Jeg er en antropolog med feltarbeidserfaring fra Fiji, Tonga, Australia og Azerbaijan og et vidtrekkende interessefelt innenfor både den sosial- og kulturantropologiske tradisjonen. Gjennom publikasjonene mine har jeg i stor grad utforsket hvordan mennesker produserer mening og sosiale relasjoner i etnografiske kontekster og omstendigheter som oppleves som fundamentalt ustabile og uforutsigbare. I prosessen har jeg prøvd å si noe generelt om sosiale kategorier og prosesser som blant annet kjønn, modernitet, etnisitet, kropp og kroppsliggjøring, verdi, tro, tid og historie. Jeg er i tillegg interessert i etnografi som tekst, samt ulike måter å formidle antropologisk viten på.

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Se en full oversikt over publikasjoner i Cristin


Presterudstuen, G.H. 2020. Performing Masculinity: Body, Self and Identity in Modern Fiji. London/New York: Routledge. 

Presterudstuen, G.H. and Y. Musharbash (eds.), 2020. Monster Anthropology: Ethnographic Explorations of Transforming Social Worlds through Monsters. London/New York: Bloomsbury.

Angosto Ferrandez, L.F. and G.H. Presterudstuen (eds.). 2016. Anthropologies of Value: Cultures of Accumulation Across the Global North and SouthLondon: Pluto Press.

Musharbash, Y and G.H. Presterudstuen (eds.).2014Monster anthropology in Australasia and beyond. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 


Journal Articles:

Presterudstuen, G.H. 2024. “Paradox and Pity: What we can learn from  an ethnography of Fiji’s Urban Squatter Settlements”, The Journal of Pacific History, 59:2pp. 240-254.

Schieder, D., Emde, S. and G.H. Presterudstuen. 2024. "(Vaka)Vanua as Weakness, (Vaka)Vanua as Strength: Reflections on Fijian Sociality in Urban and Migrant Environments". Anthropological Forum, 32:2, pp. 166-185.

Possamai, A., G.H. Presterudstuen and K. Openshaw. 2022. “‘Nothing to declare…apart from Holy Water: Material Religion and Border Control in Fiji’. Material Religion: The Journal of Objects, Art and Belief, 18:3, pp. 375-381.  

Presterudstuen, G.H. 2021. “T-Shirts, selves and the social construction of modern masculinities in urban Fiji”. Critical Studies in Fashion and Beauty 12:1, 1 June 2021, pp. 91-110.

Alexeyeff, K. and G.H. Presterudstuen. 2021. “Fashioning Culture: Transforming perspectives from Oceania”. Critical Studies in Fashion and Beauty 12:1, 1 June 2021, pp. 5-24.

Presterudstuen, G.H. 2020. “Reclaiming the Social from ‘social distancing”. Social Anthropology, 28:2, pp. 335-337.

Presterudstuen, G.H. 2016. “Performing Masculinity through Christian Devotion: Methodism, manhood, and colonial mimicry in Fiji.” Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies, 18: 1, pp. 107-126. 

Presterudstuen, G.H. and D. Schieder. 2016. “Bati as Bodily Labour: Rethinking Masculinity and Violence in Fiji”. Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology, 17: 3-4, pp. 213-230.

Presterudstuen, G.H. 2014. “Horserace gambling and the economy of ‘bad money’ in Fiji”. Oceania, 84: 3, pp. 256-271.

Schieder, D. and G.H. Presterudstuen. 2014. “Sport Migration and Sociocultural Transformation: The Case of Fijian Rugby Union Players in Japan”. The International Journal of the History of Sport, 31: 11, pp. 1359-1373. 

Presterudstuen, G.H. 2010. “The Mimicry of Men: Rugby and Masculinities in Post-colonial Fiji”. In Global Studies Journal, 3:2 (2010), pp. 237-248.


Chapters in books:

Presterudstuen, G.H. 2020. “Monsters, Place and Murderous Winds in Fiji”. In Y. Musharbash and G.H. Presterudstuen (eds), Monster Anthropology: Ethnographic Explorations of Transforming Social Worlds Through Monsters. London/New York: Bloomsbury, pp. 159-172.

Musharbash, Y. and G.H. Presterudstuen. 2020. “Introduction: Monsters and Change”. In Y. Musharbash and G.H. Presterudstuen (eds), Monster Anthropology: Ethnographic Explorations of Transforming Social Worlds Through Monsters. London/New York: Bloomsbury, pp. 1-28. 

Presterudstuen, G.H. 2020. “Mana”. In A. Possamai and A.J. Blasi (eds), SAGE Encyclopaedia of the Sociology of Religion. London: SAGE. 

  • “Monsters and Horror”. In A. Possamai and A.J. Blasi (eds), SAGE Encyclopaedia of the Sociology of Religion. London: SAGE.
  • “Taboo”. In A. Possamai and A.J. Blasi (eds), SAGE Encyclopaedia of the Sociology of Religion. London: SAGE.

Presterudstuen, G.H. 2019. “Understanding Sexual and Gender Diversity in the Pacific Islands”. In J. Ravulo, T. Mafile’o and B. Yeates (eds), Pacific Social Work: Navigating Practice, Policy and Research, London/New York: Routledge. 

Presterudstuen, G.H. and D. Schieder. 2018. “Bati as Bodily Labour”. In A. Biersack and M. Macintyre (eds), Emergent Masculinities in the Pacific. London/New York: Routledge. 

Presterudstuen, G.H. 2018. “Entering the living room: Sex, space and power in a cross-cultural and non-heteronormative context”. In M. Cook and A. Gorman-Murray (eds.), Queering the Interior. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 26-36.

Presterudstuen, G.H. 2016. “The value of the vanua – the nexus of people and land in Fiji’s market economy”. In L.F. Angosto-Ferrandez and G.H. Presterudstuen (eds.), Anthropologies of Value. London: Pluto Press, pp. 93-111.

Presterudstuen, G.H. 2014. “Men Trapped in Women’s Clothing: Homosexuality, cross-dressing and manhood in Fiji”. In N. Besnier and K. Alexeyeff (eds.), Gender on the edge: Transgender, Gay and other Pacific Islanders. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, pp. 162-183. 

Presterudstuen, G.H. 2014. “Ghosts and the everyday politics of race in Fiji”. In Y. Musharbash and G.H. Presterudstuen (eds), Monsters and anthropology in Australasia and beyond. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 127-142. 

Presterudstuen, G.H. 2014. “Ghost, Spirits and Christian Denominational Politics: A Case from Fiji”. In A.S. Dauber (ed.), Monsters in Society: An Inter-disciplinary perspective. Oxford: Interdisciplinary Press, pp. 87-96. 

Presterudstuen, G.H. 2014. “Masculinity in the marketplace: geographies of post-colonial gender work in modern Fiji”. In P. Hopkins and A. Gorman-Murray (eds.), Masculinity and Place. London: Ashgate Publishing, pp. 401-414. 


Research reports:

Newton Cain, T., G.H. Presterudstuen and J. Cox. 2020. Pacific Perspectives on the World: Listening to Australia’s island neighbours in order to build strong, respectful and sustainable relationships. Sydney: Peacifica and the Whitlam Institute. 

Carmody, M., M. Salter and G.H. Presterudstuen. 2014. Less to lose and more to gain? Men and Boys Violence Prevention Research Project Final Report, University of Western Sydney, Australia.