Håvard Haarstad


Professor, Director, Centre for Climate and Energy Transformation (CET)


Research groups


I am Professor of Human Geography. My main research focus is social change towards sustainability, particularly in relation to climate. I am interested in how we can transform cities and urban life – materially, socially and culturally – in order to meet the climate and sustainability challenges that face us.

I am founding director for the Centre for Climate and Energy Transformation, an interdisciplinary research centre based at the Faculty of Social Science. Here I am working, with good colleagues, to build an environment that stimulates high-level research and critical thinking. We are focused on creating what we like to call ‘actionable knowledge’ – knowledge that is produced and communicated in ways that help shape society. I believe that rigorous research and critical thinking are essential contributions the University can make towards a better and more sustainable world.

My research activities have been supported by a number of funding sources. I have been a fellow of the Trond Mohn Foundation (2016-2020), which provided generous funding allowing me to start a research group on cities and climate transformation. I am currently involved in other projects funded by the Research Council of Norway, Horizon 2020 and other sources. This work has resulted in publications across a broad range of journals, such as Progress in Human Geography, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, Energy Policy, Applied Energy, Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability and others.



I am teaching in multiple courses in the Department of Geography, and occasionally in other departments and faculties. Over the past years I have had course responsibility for the following courses: 

  • GEO206: Qualitative analysis
  • GEO221: Globalisation and the development of place
  • GEO292: Regionalgeografisk feltkurs
  • GEO324: Geographies of the Green Economy



Academic article
Feature article
Popular scientific article
Academic lecture
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Letter to the editor
Academic literature review
Short communication
Programme management
Popular scientific lecture
Programme participation
Popular scientific chapter/article
Masters thesis
Interview Journal
Book review
Academic monograph
Website (informational material)
Reader opinion piece
Doctoral dissertation
Article in business/trade/industry journal

See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.

The most updated list of recent publications can be found on my page (link) at Google Scholar. I am not updating this list below regularly. 

Haarstad, H., Kjærås, K., Røe, P.G., and Tveiten, K. In press. Grounding the compact city. Dialogues in Human Geography. 

Haarstad, H., Grandin, J., Kjærås, K. and Johnson, E. (eds.) 2023. Haste: The slow politics of climate urgency. UCL Press. 

Yazar, M., Hermwille, L., Haarstad, H. 2022. Right-wing and populist support for climate mitigation policies: Evidence from Poland and its carbon-intensive Silesia region. Regional Sustainability 3 (4), 281-293. 

Remme, D., Sareen, S., Haarstad, H. 2022. Who benefits from sustainable mobility transitions? Social inclusion, populist resistance and elite capture in Bergen, Norway. Journal of Transport Geography, 105 (December). 

Remme, D, Haarstad, H. 2022. From instrumentalization to commoning: A critical review of participation in urban nature-based solutions. Frontiers in Sustainable Cities, 4 (November). 

Yazar, M., Haarstad, H., Drengenes, LL., York, A. 2022. Governance learning from collective actions for just climate adaptation in cities. Frontiers in Sustainable Cities, 4 (August). 

Rosales, R. and Haarstad, H. In press. Governance challenges for urban logistics: lessons from three Norwegian cities. Environmental Policy and Governance

Røe, P.G., Kjærås, K., and Haarstad, H. 2022. The spatialities of the Nordic compact city. In Jakobsen, P., Jönsson, E., and Larsen, H.G. (eds.) Socio-spatial theory in Nordic geography. Springer. 

Haarstad, H., Sareen, S., Kandt, J., Coenen, L., and Cook, M. 2022. Beyond automobility? Lock-in of past failures in low-carbon urban mobility innovations. Energy Policy, 166, 113002. 

Haarstad, H., Kjærås, K., Røe, P.G., and Tveiten, K. In press. Diversifying the compact city: A renewed agenda for geographical research. Dialogues in Human Geography. 

Johnson, E., and Haarstad, H. 2022. Competing spectacles in the amplified public space. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space 

Wågsæther, K., Remme, D., Haarstad, H. and Sareen, S. 2022. The justice pitfalls of a sustainable transport transition. Environment and Planning F: Philosophy, Theory, Models, Methods and Practice

Kjærås, K., and Haarstad, H. 2022. A geography of repoliticisation: Popularising alternative housing models in Oslo. Political Geography, 94, 102577.

Oseland, S. and Haarstad, H. In press. Displacing Conflicting Goals in Planning for Sustainability? Insights from Three Norwegian Cities. Planning Theory and Practice

Sareen, S., Grandin, J. and Haarstad, H. 2022. Multi-scalar practices of fossil fuel displacement. Annals of the Association of American Geographers112(3), pp. 808-818. 

Sareen, S., Remme, D., and Haarstad, H. 2021. E-scooter regulation: The micro-politics of market-making for micro-mobility in Bergen. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 40 (September), pp. 461-473. 

Wågsæther, K. og Haarstad, H. 2021. Lokal nabolagsorganisering - erfaringer fra Bærekraftige liv. CET-rapport 01/21. Senter for klima og energiomstilling, Universitetet i Bergen. 

Sareen, S. and Haarstad, H. 2021. Digitalization as a driver of transformative environmental innovation. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 41 (December), pp. 93-95.  

Haarstad, H., Hanssen, G.S., Andersen, B., Harboe, L., Ljunggren, J., Røe, P. G., Wanvik, T. I., Wullf-Wathne, M. 2021. Nordic responses to urban challenges of the 21st century. Nordic Journal of Urban Studies 1(1): pp. 4-18.

Sareen, S., Remme, D., Wågsæther, K., Haarstad, H. 2021. A matter of time: Explicating temporality in science and technology studies and Bergen’s car-free zone development. Energy Research & Social Science, 78, August. 

Wanvik, T. and Haarstad, H. 2021. Populism, Instability and Rupture in Sustainability Transformations. Annals of the American Association of Geographers111(7), pp. 2096-2111. 

Sareen, S., and Haarstad, H. 2021. Decision-making and scalar biases in solar photovoltaics roll-out. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability51:24-29.  

Kvamsås, H., Neby, S., Haarstad, H., Stiller-Reeve, M., and Schrage, J. 2021. Using collaborative hackathons to co-produce knowledge on local climate adaptation governance. Current Research in Environmental Sustainability3. 

Grandin, J. and Haarstad, H. 2021. Transformation as relational mobilisation: the networked geography of Addis Ababa’s sustainable transport interventions. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 39(2), pp. 289-308.

Bisello, A., Vettorato, D., Haarstad, H., Borsboom-van Beurden, J. (Eds.). 2021. Smart and Sustainable Planning for Cities and Regions: Results of SSPCR 2019. Springer International Publishing.

Tvinnereim, E., Haarstad, H., Rødeseike, A., & Bugnion, V. 2020. Explaining public acceptance of congestion charging: The role of geographical variation in the Bergen case. Case Studies on Transport Policy8(3), pp. 922-1001. 

Sareen, S. and Haarstad, H. 2020. Energy transitions governance (Special issue). Global Transitions, 2(March).

Sareen, S. and Haarstad, H. 2020. Editorial: Legitimacy and accountability in the governance of sustainable energy transitions. Global Transitions, 2, 47-50.  

Karvonen, A., Cook, M., Haarstad, H. 2020. Urban planning and the smart city: Projects, practices and politics. (Special issue) Urban Planning 5(1).

Karvonen, A., Cook, M., Haarstad, H. 2020. Editorial: Urban planning and the smart city: Projects, practices and politics. Urban Planning 5(1), 65-68.

Wathne, M., and Haarstad, H. 2020. The smart city as mobile policy: insights on contemporary urbanism. Geoforum, 108, pp. 130-138. 

Haarstad H. (2020) Do Climate Targets Matter? The Accountability of Target-setting in Urban Climate and Energy Policy. In: Sareen S. (eds) Enabling Sustainable Energy Transitions. Palgrave Pivot.

Sareen S., Moss T., Lund C., Haarstad H., Sovacool B., Wolf S. (2020) Conclusion: Legitimation and Accountability in Energy Transitions Research. In: Sareen S. (eds) Enabling Sustainable Energy Transitions. Palgrave Pivot. 

Kolstad, E., Sofienlund, O., Kvamsås, H., Stiller-Reve, M., ... Haarstad, H... et al. (2019) Trials, errors and improvements in co-production of climate services. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 100, pp. 1419-1428. 

Haarstad, H. and Wathne, M. W. 2019. Are smart city projects catalyzing urban energy sustainability? Energy Policy, 129, pp. 918-925. 

Bouzarovski, S. and Haarstad, H. 2019. Rescaling low-carbon transformations: towards a relational ontology. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 44(2), pp. 256-269. 

Haarstad, H. og Wathne, M. 2019. Smartere byer - smartere liv? I: Rolstadås, A. et al. Det nye digitale Norge. John Grieg Forlag: Norges Tekniske Vitenskapsakademi. 

Lillevold, K. and Haarstad, H. 2019. The deep city: Cultural heritage as a resource for sustainable local transformation. Local Environment, 24, 4, pp. 329-341. 

Sareen, S., and Haarstad, H. 2018. Bridging socio-technical and justice aspects of sustainable energy transitions. Applied Energy228, October, 624-632. 

Haarstad, H., Sareen, S., Wanvik, T., Grandin, J., Kjærås, K., Oseland, S., Kvamsås, Lillevold, K., and Wathne, M. 2018. Transformative social science? Modes of engagement in climate and energy solutions. Energy Research and Social Science, 42, August, 193-197.  

Haarstad, H and Wathne, M. 2018. Smart cities as strategic actors: Insights from EU Lighthouse projects in Stavanger, Stockholm and Nottingham. In: Karvonen., A, Cugurullo F., and Caprotti, F. (eds). Inside Smart Cities: Place, Politics and Urban Innovation, London: Routledge.

Haarstad, H and Rusten, G. (eds) 2018. Grønn omstilling: norske veivalg [Green transformation: Norwegian Pathways] Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.

Oseland, S., og Haarstad, H. 2018. Norske byers rolle i grønn omstilling: hva gjør vi med målkonfliktene? I: Grønn omstilling: norske veivalg, redigert av Haarstad, H. og Rusten, G. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, side 63-78. 

Grandin, J., Haarstad, H., Kjærås, K., Bouzarovski, S. 2018. The Politics of Rapid Urban Transformation. Current Opinion on Environmental Sustainability, 31, 16-22. 

Lillevold, K og Haarstad, H. 2018. Shared space - muligheter for bærekraftig byutvikling? Bergen: SpaceLab/CET rapport.

Haarstad, H. and Oseland, S. 2017. Historicizing Urban Sustainability: the shifting ideals behind Forus Industrial Park, Norway. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 41(5), 838-854. 

Haarstad, H. 2017. Constructing the sustainable city: The role of sustainability in the 'smart city' discourse. Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning, 19(4), 423-437. 

Haarstad, H, and Wanvik, T. 2017. Carbonscapes and beyond: conceptualizing the instabilities of oil landscapes. Progress in Human Geography, 41(3), 432-450. 

Haarstad, H. 2016. Where are urban low-carbon transitions governed? Conceptualizing the complex governance arrangements for mobility and urban form in Europe. Cities, 54, May, pp. 4-10. 

Haarstad, H. 2016. Who is driving the ‘smart city’ agenda? Assessing smartness as a governance strategy for cities in Europe. In Services and the Green Economy, edited by Jones, A., Ström, P., Hermelin, B., and Rusten, G. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 199-218. 

Wanvik, T., Skoglund, R., Oseland, S., Koller, M., Haarstad, H. 2016. Hvordan bygge en elv? Motstridende hensyn i norsk klimatilpasning [How to build a river? Conflicting concerns in Norwegian climate adaptation] Naturen140, No. 1, pp. 28-35. 

Haarstad, H and Rusten, G. 2016. The challenges of greening energy: policy/industry dissonance at the Mongstad refinery, Norway. Environment and Planning C: Government & Policy34, No. 2, pp. 340-355.

Haarstad, H. 2016. Natural resources and the development conundrum. In: Grugel, J and Hammet, D. Handbook of International Development. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 139-154.     

Wanvik, T. and Haarstad, H. 2015. Råvaresonens geografi: steder som flerdimensjonale ansamlinger. In Aure, M., Berg, N.G., Cruickshank, J. and Dale, B.E. Med sans for sted: Nyere teorierFagbokforlaget, side 281-298.  

Haarstad, H. 2015. Book review: Matt Huber’s Lifeblood: Oil, Freedom and the Forces of Capital. Urban Studies52, No. 14, 2743-2745.

Haarstad, H. 2014. Climate change, environmental governance and the scale problem. Geography Compass, 8, No. 2, pp. 87-97. 

Haarstad, H. 2014. Cross-scalar dynamics of the resource curse: Constraints on local participation in the Bolivian gas sector. Journal of Development Studies50, No. 7, pp. 977-990.

Graham, M. and Haarstad, H. 2014. Transparency and Development: Ethical Consumption through Web 2.0 and the Internet of Things. In: Reilly, K. and Smith, M. Open Development: Networked Innovations in International Development. MIT Press, Cambridge MA, pp. 79-112.

Haarstad, H., Amen, M. and St.Clair, A. (Editors). 2013. Social movement governance, the Poor and the New Politics of the Americas. New York and London: Routledge. (Reprint of Globalizations special issue.)

Bourgouin, F. and Haarstad, H. 2013. From ‘good governance’ to the contextual politics of extractive regime change. In: Nem Singh, J. and Bourgouin, F. (eds) Resource Governance and Developmental States in the Global South: Critical International Political Economy PerspectivesNew York: Palgrave Macmillan, 87-106.

Haarstad, H. (Editor). 2012. New Political Spaces in Latin American Natural Resource Governance. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Haarstad, H., Amen, M. and St.Clair, A. (Guest editors). 2012. Social movement governance, the Poor and the New Politics of the Americas. Special issue of Globalizations, 8, No. 6.

Oseland, S., Haarstad, H., and Fløysand, A. 2012. Labor agency and the importance of the national scale: Emergent aquaculture unionism in Chile. Political Geography, 31, No. 2, pp. 94-103.

Haarstad, H. 2012. The architecture of investment climate surveillance. Journal of Critical Globalisation Studies, No. 5, pp. 79-103.

Haarstad, H. 2012. Extracting Justice? Critical themes and challenges in Latin American Natural Resource Governance. In: Haarstad, H. (ed.) New Political Spaces in Latin American Natural Resource Governance. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-16. 

Haarstad, H. and Campero, C. 2012. Extraction, regional integration, and the enduring problem of local political spaces. In: Haarstad, H. (ed.) New Political Spaces in Latin American Natural Resource Governance. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 83-106. 

Haarstad, H., Amen, M. and St.Clair, A. 2012. Introduction: Social movement governance, the Poor and the New Politics of the Americas. Globalizations, 8, No. 6, pp. 741-752.

Haarstad, H., Amen, M. and St.Clair, A. 2012. Conclusion. Globalizations, 8, No. 6, 887-894.

Graham, M. and Haarstad, H. 2012. Global Production Patterns. In: Stoltman, J (ed.) 21st Century Geography: A Reference Handbook. Sage, London, pp. 411-421.

Haarstad, H and St. Clair, A. and. (Guest editors) 2011. Social Policy and Global Poverty: Beyond the residual paradigm? Special issue in Global Social Policy, 11, No. 3.

Haarstad, H and St.Clair, A. 2011. Social policy and global poverty: Beyond the residual paradigm? [Introduction to special issue] Global Social Policy, 11, No. 3, pp. 214-219. 

Haarstad, H. 2011. Latin American middle classes and political mobilization for universal welfare. Global Social Policy, Forum contribution, 11, No. 3, pp. 229-232.

Haarstad, H. and Campero, C. 2011. La participación en el sector de hidrocarburos en Bolivia: El "doble discurso" y las limitaciones sobre la gobernanza participativa. URBECO-report 3/11. Bergen: Center for Urban Ecology.

Haarstad, H. and Campero, C. 2011. Participation in the Bolivian hydrocarbons sector: The "double discourse" and limitations on participatory governance. URBECO-report 4/11. Bergen: Center for Urban Ecology.

Haarstad, H. 2011. Book review – Rethinking foreign investment for sustainable development: Lessons from Latin America. Gallagher, K. and Chudnovsky, D. (eds). London: Anthem Press, 2009. Progress in Development Studies, 11, No. 2, pp. 166-168.

Graham, M. and Haarstad, H. 2011. Transparency and Development: Ethical Consumption through Web 2.0 and the Internet of Things. Information Technologies and International Development, 7, No. 1, pp. 1-18.

Fløysand, A., Haarstad, H. and Barton, J. 2010. Global-economic imperatives, crisis generation and local spaces of engagement in the Chilean aquaculture industry. Norwegian Journal of Geography, 64, No. 4, pp. 199-210.

Haarstad, H. 2010. Maneuvering the spaces of globalization: the rearticulation of the Bolivian labor movement. Norwegian Journal of Geography, 64, No. 1, pp. 9-20.

Haarstad, H. and Andersson, V. 2009. Backlash Reconsidered: Neoliberalism and Popular Mobilization in Bolivia. Latin American Politics and Society, 51, No. 4, pp. 1-28.

Drangsland, K.A. and Haarstad, H. 2009. Urban planning and the delimitation of diversity: Roma as “in place” and “out of place” in Jungbusch, Mannheim. International Planning Studies, 14, No. 2, pp. 125-140.

Haarstad, H. 2009. Globalization and the New Spaces for Social Movement Politics: The Marginalization of Labor Unions in Bolivian Gas Nationalization. Globalizations, 6, No. 2, pp. 169-185.

Haarstad, H. 2009. FDI policy and political spaces for labour: the disarticulation of the Bolivian petrolerosGeoforum, 40, No. 2, pp. 239-248.

Holgersen, S. and Haarstad, H. 2009. Class, Community and Communicative Planning: Urban Redevelopment at King’s Cross, London. Antipode, 41, No. 2, pp. 348-370.

Haarstad, H. 2009. Globalización, narrativas y redes: conflictos sobre la actividad minera en Tambogrande, Piura. Espacio y Desarollo, No. 20, pp. 87-108.

Agafonow, A. and Haarstad, H. 2009. El socialismo del siglo XXI. Una alternativa factible? Revista de Economía Institucional 11, No. 20, pp. 287-307. 

Andersson, V. and Haarstad, H. 2009. Citizenship and State-building in Contemporary Bolivia: Politization of Cultural Identity. GDS Research Series, Working Paper no. 2. Global Development Studies, Aalborg University.

Fløysand, A and Haarstad, H. 2008. Foreign direct investments in development strategies: Norwegian FDI and the tendency for agglomeration. In: Tamásy, C and Taylor, M. Globalising Worlds and New Economic Configurations. Ashgate, London, pp. 47-56.

Haarstad, H. 2008. The New Left in South America. Forum for development studies, 2, pp. 371-376. (Book review of Kozloff, Nikolas, Revolution! South America and the Rise of the New Left, 2008 

Haarstad, H. 2008. Book review – J.K. Gibson-Graham, The End of Capitalism (As We Knew It) and A Post-Capitalist Politics, 2006. Norwegian Journal of Geography, 62, No. 1, pp. 47.

Haarstad, H. 2007. Kulturelitisme og venstresidens selvransakelse. Replikk: tidsskrift for human- og samfunnsvitenskap, No. 24, pp. 12-17.

Haarstad, H. and Fløysand, A. 2007. Globalization and the power of rescaled narratives: A case of opposition to mining in Tambogrande, Peru. Political Geography, 26, No. 3, pp. 289-308.

Haarstad, H. 2007. Collective Political Subjectivity and the problem of scale. Contemporary Politics, 13, No. 1, pp. 57-74.

Haarstad, H og Lundberg, A. 2006. Fitjarøyane – erfaringer etter 15 år med lokal forvaltning. Geografi i Bergen, nr. 275. 

Fløysand, A., Haarstad, H., Jakobsen, S-E, Tønnesen, A. 2005. Foreign Direct Investment, Regional Change and Poverty: Identifying Norwegian controlled FDI in developing countries. Report 4/05. Institute for Research in Economics and Business Administration, Bergen, Norway.