Reader opinion piece
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Academic article
Munthe-Kaas, Hans Zanna
Laurent, Adrien; Munthe-Kaas, Hans Zanna
(2024). The Universal Equivariance Properties of Exotic Aromatic B-Series. (external link)
Munthe-Kaas, Hans Zanna; Stava, Jonatan
(2024). Lie Admissible Triple Algebras: The Connection Algebra of Symmetric Spaces. (external link)
Grong, Erlend; Munthe-Kaas, Hans Zanna; Stava, Jonatan
(2024). Post-Lie Algebra Structure of Manifolds with Constant Curvature and Torsion. (external link)
Laurent, Adrien Ange Andre; Mclachlan, Robert I.; Munthe-Kaas, Hans Zanna
et al. (2023). The aromatic bicomplex for the description of divergence-free aromatic forms and volume-preserving integrators. (external link)
Fløystad, Gunnar; Munthe-Kaas, Hans; Manchon, Dominique
(2021). The universal pre-Lie Rinehart algebras of aromatic trees. (external link)
Curry, Charles Henry Alexander; Ebrahimi-Fard, Kurusch; Manchon, Dominique
et al. (2020). Planarly branched rough paths and rough differential equations on homogeneous spaces. (external link)
Munthe-Kaas, Hans Zanna; Stern, Ari; Verdier, Olivier
(2020). Invariant connections, Lie algebra actions, and foundations of numerical integration on manifolds. (external link)
Curry, Charles Henry Alexander; Ebrahimi-Fard, Kurusch; Munthe-Kaas, Hans
(2019). What is a post-Lie algebra and why is it useful in geometric integration. (external link)
Fløystad, Gunnar; Munthe-Kaas, Hans
(2019). Pre- and post-lie algebras: The algebro-geometric view. (external link)
Munthe-Kaas, Hans; Føllesdal, Kristoffer Kristiansen
(2018). Lie-Butcher series, Geometry, Algebra and Computation. (external link)
Ebrahimi-Fard, Kurusch; Mencattini, Igor; Munthe-Kaas, Hans
(2017). Post-Lie algebras and factorization theorems. (external link)
Munthe-Kaas, Hans
(2016). Groups and symmetries in numerical linear algebra. (external link)
Munthe-Kaas, Hans; Verdier, Olivier
(2016). Integrators on homogeneous spaces: Isotropy choice and connections. (external link)
Munthe-Kaas, Hans; Verdier, Olivier
(2015). Aromatic Butcher Series. (external link)
Ebrahimi-Fard, Kurusch; Lundervold, Alexander; Munthe-Kaas, Hans
(2015). On the Lie enveloping algebra of a post-Lie algebra. (external link)
McLachlan, Robert I.; Modin, Klas; Munthe-Kaas, Hans
et al. (2015). B-series methods are exactly the affine equivariant methods. (external link)
Ebrahimi-Fard, Kurusch; Lundervold, Alexander; Mencattini, Igor
et al. (2015). Post-lie algebras and isospectral flows. (external link)
Munthe-Kaas, Hans; Quispel, Reinout; Zanna, Antonella
(2014). Symmetric spaces and Lie triple systems in numerical analysis of differential equations. (external link)
Bartha, Ferenc Agoston; Munthe-Kaas, Hans
(2014). Computing of B-series by automatic differentiation. (external link)
Lundervold, Alexander; Munthe-Kaas, Hans
(2013). Backward Error Analysis and the Substitution Law for Lie Group Integrators. (external link)
Munthe-Kaas, Hans; Lundervold, Alexander
(2013). On post-lie algebras, lie-butcher series and moving frames. (external link)
Ebrahimi-Fard, Kurusch; Lundervold, Alexander; Malham, Simon J. A.
et al. (2012). Algebraic structure of stochastic expansions and efficient simulation. (external link)
Munthe-Kaas, Hans; Sørevik, Tor
(2012). Multidimensional pseudo-spectral methods on lattice grids. (external link)
Munthe-Kaas, Hans; Ryland, Brett Nicholas
(2011). On Multivariate Chebyshev Polynomials and Spectral Approxi- mations on Triangles. (external link)
Munthe-Kaas, Hans; Lundervold, Alexander
(2011). Hopf algebras of formal diffeomorphisms and numerical integration on manifolds. (external link)
Krogstad, Stein; Munthe-Kaas, Hans; Zanna, Antonella
(2009). Generalized polar coordinates on Lie groups and numerical integrators. (external link)
Munthe-Kaas, Hans; Wright, Will M.
(2008). On the Hopf algebraic structure of Lie group integrators. (external link)
Mclachlan, Robert, i; Munthe-Kaas, Hans; Quispel, Reinout
et al. (2008). Explicit Volume-Preserving Splitting Methods for Linear and Quadratic Divergence-Free Vector Fields. (external link)
Munthe-Kaas, Hans
(2006). On group Fourier analysis and symmetry preserving discretizations of PDEs. (external link)
Hong, Jialin; Ying, Liu; Munthe-Kaas, Hans
et al. (2006). Globally conservative properties and error estimation of a multi-symplectic scheme for Schrödinger equations with variable coefficients. (external link)
Åhlander, Krister; Munthe-Kaas, Hans
(2006). Eigenvalues for equivariant matrices. (external link)
Haveraaen, Magne; Friis, Helmer Andre; Munthe-Kaas, Hans
(2005). Computable Scalar Fields: a basis for {PDE} software. (external link)
Åhlander, Krister; Munthe-Kaas, Hans
(2005). Applications of the generalized Fourier transform in numerical linear algebra. (external link)
Åhlander, Krister; Haveraaen, Magne; Munthe-Kaas, Hans
(2002). On Object-Oriented Frameworks and Coordinate Free Formulations of {PDE}s. (external link)
Munthe-Kaas, Hans; Quispel, G.R.W; Zanna, Antonella
(2001). Generalized Polar Decompositions on Lie Groups witn Involutive Automorphisms. (external link)
Friis, Helmer Andre; Johansen, Tor Arne; Haveraaen, Magne
et al. (2001). Use of coordinate free numerics in elastic wave simulation. (external link)
Faltinsen, Stig; Marthinsen, Arne; Munthe-Kaas, Hans
(2001). Multistep methods integrating ordinary differential equations on manifolds. (external link)
Engø, Kenth; Marthinsen, Arne; Munthe-Kaas, Hans
(2001). DiffMan: An object-oriented MATLAB toolbox for solving differential equations on manifolds. (external link)
Munthe-Kaas, Hans; Zanna, Antonella
(2001). Generalized Polar Decompositions for the Approximation of the Matrix Exponential. (external link)
Zanna, Antonella; Munthe-Kaas, Hans; Engø, Kenth
(2001). Adjoint and self-adjoint Lie-group methods. (external link)
Iserles, Arieh; Munthe-Kaas, Hans; Nørsett, Syvert P.
et al. (2000). Lie-group methods. (external link)
Munthe-Kaas, Hans
(1999). High order Runge-Kutta methods on Manifolds. (external link)
Munthe-Kaas, Hans; Owren, Brynjulf
(1999). Computations in a Free Lie Algebra. (external link)
Marthinsen, Arne; Marthinsen, Arne; Munthe-Kaas, Hans
et al. (1997). Simulation of ordinary differential equations on manifolds : some numerical experiments and verifications. (external link)
Munthe-Kaas, Hans
(1993). Superparallel FFTs. (external link)
Cohen, Albert; Dahmen, Wolfgang; Munthe-Kaas, Hans Zanna
et al. (2021). Correction to: Preface (Foundations of Computational Mathematics, (2019), 19, 5, (963-964), 10.1007/s10208-019-09434-y). (external link)
Munthe-Kaas, Hans; Lundervold, Alexander
(2018). Correction to: On Post-Lie Algebras, Lie?Butcher Series and Moving Frames (Foundations of Computational Mathematics, (2013), 13, 4, (583-613), 10.1007/s10208-013-9167-7). (external link)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Academic lecture
Munthe-Kaas, Hans
(2015). Geometry and algebra of Buther- and Lie-Butcher series. (external link)
Munthe-Kaas, Hans
(2015). Numerical integration, structure preservation and combinatorics (4 hrs lectures). (external link)
Munthe-Kaas, Hans
(2015). Groups and symmetries in numerical linear algebra (6 hours lectures). (external link)
Munthe-Kaas, Hans
(2013). On post-Lie algebras, Lie-Butcher series and moving frames. (external link)
Mclachlan, Robert, i; Munthe-Kaas, Hans; Quispel, Reinout
et al. (2006). Explicit volume preserving methods for divergence-free polynomial vector fields. (external link)
Mclachlan, Robert, i; Munthe-Kaas, Hans; Quispel, Reinout
et al. (2006). Explicit, volume preserving splitting methods for divergence-free polynomial vector fields. (external link)
Mclachlan, Robert, i; Munthe-Kaas, Hans; Quispel, Reinout
et al. (2006). Volume preserving splitting methods for divergence free vector fields. (external link)
Munthe-Kaas, Hans; Zanna, Antonella
(2003). Numerical methods for the computation of exponential of matrices. (external link)
Munthe-Kaas, Hans
(2002). On the geometric exactness of Lie group integrators. (external link)
Munthe-Kaas, Hans
(2002). On equivariance of numerical integrators. (external link)
Munthe-Kaas, Hans
(2002). Introduction to Lie group integrators. (external link)
Munthe-Kaas, Hans
(2001). Canonical spherical integrators applied to PDEs. (external link)
Munthe-Kaas, Hans; Zanna, Antonella
(2001). Lie group integrators based on generalized polar coordinates. (external link)
Munthe-Kaas, Hans
(2001). Lie group integrators based on generalized polar coordinates. (external link)
Åhlander, Krister; Haveraaen, Magne; Munthe-Kaas, Hans
(2000). On the Role of Mathematical Abstractions for Scientific Computing. (external link)
Åhlander, Krister; Haveraaen, Magne; Munthe-Kaas, Hans
(2000). On the Role of Mathematical Abstractions for Scientific Computing. (external link)
Zanna, Antonella; Munthe-Kaas, Hans
(1997). Iterated Commutators, Lie's Reduction Method and Ordinary Differential Equations on Matrix Lie Groups. (external link)
Munthe-Kaas, Hans; Zanna, Antonella
(1997). Numerical Integration of Differential Equations on Homogeneous Manifolds. (external link)
Munthe-Kaas, Hans
(1994). Routing K-file permutations on parallel computers. (external link)
Munthe-Kaas, Hans
(1993). Modelling waves in discontinuous media; Uniformly converging schemes. (external link)
Munthe-Kaas, Hans
(1993). Solving tensor fields on parallel computers, applications to forward modelling. (external link)
Haveraaen, Magne; Madsen, V.; Munthe-Kaas, Hans
(1992). Algebraic Programming Technology for Partial Differential Equations. (external link)
Munthe-Kaas, Hans
(1992). Prestack Migration on a Massively Parallel Computer. (external link)
Munthe-Kaas, Hans
(1991). Super Parallel FFT's with applications to Seismic Migration. (external link)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
McLachlan, Robert I.; Modin, Klas; Munthe-Kaas, Hans
et al. (2014). B-series methods are exactly the local, affine equivariant methods. (external link)
Munthe-Kaas, Hans; Verdier, Olivier
(2014). Integrators on homogeneous spaces: Isotropy choice and connections. (external link)
Munthe-Kaas, Hans; Krogstad, Stein; Zanna, Antonella
(2003). Generalized Polar Coordinates On Lie Groups And Numerical Integrators. (external link)
Munthe-Kaas, Hans; Krogstad, Stein
(2002). On enumeration problems in Lie-Butcher theory. (external link)
Munthe-Kaas, Hans; Quispel, G.R.W; Zanna, Antonella
(2001). Application of symmetric spaces and Lie-triple systems in numerical analysis. (external link)
Zanna, Antonella; Munthe-Kaas, Hans
(2000). Generalized polar decompositions for the approximation of the matrix exponential. (external link)
Munthe-Kaas, Hans; Quispel, G. R. W.; Zanna, Antonella
(2000). The polar decomposition on Lie groups with involutive automorphisms. (external link)
Munthe-Kaas, Hans; Quispel, G. R. W.; Zanna, Antonella
(2000). The polar decomposition on Lie groups with involutive automorphisms. (external link)
Zanna, Antonella; Munthe-Kaas, Hans
(2000). Generalized polar decompositions for the approximation of the matrix exponential. (external link)
Zanna, Antonella; Engø, Kenth; Munthe-Kaas, Hans
(1999). Adjoint and selfadjoint Lie-group. (external link)
Engø, Kenth; Marthinsen, Arne; Munthe-Kaas, Hans
(1999). DiffMan - User's Guide Version 1.6. (external link)
Engø, Kenth; Marthinsen, Arne; Munthe-Kaas, Hans
(1999). DiffMan, an object oriented MATLAB toolbox for solving differential equations on manifolds. (external link)
Faltinsen, Stig; Marthinsen, Arne; Munthe-Kaas, Hans
(1999). Multistep Methods Integrating Ordinary Differential Equations on Manifolds. (external link)
Munthe-Kaas, Hans; Owren, Brynjulf
(1998). Computations in a free Lie algebra. (external link)
Munthe-Kaas, Hans
(1997). High Order Runge--Kutta Methods on Manifolds. (external link)
Munthe-Kaas, Hans; Arya, S.
(1994). 2D Prestack Migration on the MasPar MP-1. (external link)
Munthe-Kaas, Hans
(1994). An algebraic theory fro regular mappings on parallel computers. (external link)
Munthe-Kaas, Hans
(1994). Coordinate Free Numerics, Part 1. (external link)
Munthe-Kaas, Hans; Aarre, V.
(1994). Optimizing overloaded arithmetic operators in C++. (external link)
Munthe-Kaas, Hans
(1992). Generalized shuffle exchange networks. (external link)
Munthe-Kaas, Hans; Arioli, A.; Valdettaro, L.
(1991). Componentwise error analysis of FFT's with applicatons to fast Helmholz solvers. (external link)
Bjørstad, Petter Erling; Cook, Jeremy; Munthe-Kaas, Hans
et al. (1991). Implementation of a SAR processing algorithm on MasPar MP-1208. (external link)
Munthe-Kaas, Hans
(1991). Super Parallel FFT's. (external link)
Academic literature review
Popular scientific lecture
See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.