John-Wilhelm Flattun
Academic Librarian, Art history and English literature
Research groups
- Research Group Literature & Religion
- Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (TeLEd) research group
- Late medieval art
- Rhetoric and propaganda
- Art and propaganda
- King Arthur studies
- Dragons
- Early Modern Drama
- Law and literature
- Medieval art and literature
- Information literacy
- Art and propaganda
- Academic writing in Art history
- Advanced use of digital archives in research
- Digital archives and resources for literary studies
- Digital archieves and resources for history of art studies
Academic lecture
- Flattun, John-Wilhelm (2024). William Shakespeare og Teaterets fremvekst [Gjesteforelesning]. (external link)
- Flattun, John-Wilhelm (2024). Middelalderens teaterhistorie 500-1500 - Fra Kirkespill til jøglere [Gjesteforelesning]. (external link)
- Flattun, John-Wilhelm (2024). Renessansens forestillinger i Nord-Europa [Gjesteforelesning]. (external link)
- Flattun, John-Wilhelm (2024). Above the Law? Democracy and Despotism in Thomas Middleton’s The Old Law. (external link)
- Flattun, John-Wilhelm (2023). Sacred Violence: Performing Tyrannicide on the Shakespearean stage. (external link)
- Flattun, John-Wilhelm (2023). Sacred Justice and Poetic Violence: Political theology and Justified Tyrannicide. (external link)
- Flattun, John-Wilhelm (2022). A Foxy Feast: Justice, Chivalry, and Good Manners in Reynard the Fox. (external link)
- Flattun, John-Wilhelm (2022). Visual Migration and Cultural Memory in early Tudor Iconography. (external link)
- Flattun, John-Wilhelm (2022). Thomas Middleton’s Performative Laws: Towards a Secular Theology. (external link)
- Flattun, John-Wilhelm; Rødland, Ingunn (2022). Fysiske bibliotek som læringsrom: en studie fra Universitetsbiblioteket i Bergen. (external link)
- Flattun, John-Wilhelm (2022). Shakespeare and Middleton: Morality of Tyranny and Revenge . (external link)
- Flattun, John-Wilhelm (2020). Angel and Sovereign: Royal Coins and Relics of Power in Tudor Mythmaking. (external link)
- Flattun, John-Wilhelm (2019). The King's Dragons: Medieval Mythmaking and Propaganda in the Reign of Henry VII. (external link)
- Flattun, John-Wilhelm (2019). Myter, makt og sannhet: myteskaping og propaganda under Rosekrigene i England. (external link)
- Flattun, John-Wilhelm (2018). In chase of dragons: Warburg, collective memory and the myth of power in illuminated manuscripts. (external link)
- Flattun, John-Wilhelm (2018). Digital strategies for achieving a wide impact for PhD research. (external link)
- Flattun, John-Wilhelm (2017). The Heirs of Mulmutius: Prophecy, Myth, and Propaganda. (external link)
- Flattun, John-Wilhelm (2015). Arthurian Myth in Shakespeare: The English Historical Narrative and Canonical Shakespeare. (external link)
- Flattun, John-Wilhelm (2015). Hope and Nation: Recreating Myth in the time of James I. (external link)
- Vinje, John-Wilhelm (2011). The Dark Side of The Law: Thomas Middleton's Dark Tragicomedy "The Old Law". (external link)
- Vinje, John-Wilhelm (2011). Shakespeare Gone Digital: Reading and Engaging on a Virtual Stage. (external link)
- Vinje, John-Wilhelm (2011). Vitenskapsteoretisk Innlegg: Legal Theatricality and Juridical Language in John Webster and Thomas Middleton. (external link)
- Vinje, John-Wilhelm (2011). Shakespeare and Digital Didactics. (external link)
- Vinje, John-Wilhelm (2011). The Law Performed: Legal Theatricality in Thomas Middleton and John Webster. (external link)
- Vinje, John-Wilhelm (2011). The Law Embodied: Middleton's "The Old Law" and Representation of Legal Rituals. (external link)
- Vinje, John-Wilhelm (2010). Digital Shakespeare: The Bard on a Virtual Stage. (external link)
- Vinje, John-Wilhelm (2010). The Laws of Middleton and Webster: A Cognitive Approach. (external link)
- Vinje, John-Wilhelm (2010). The Spectacle of Passing and the Function of Dumb Shows. (external link)
- Vinje, John-Wilhelm (2010). Changes in Legal Metaphors at the Inns of Court. (external link)
- Vinje, John-Wilhelm (2010). Space Blending and Metaphoric Usage in Early Modern Legal Drama. (external link)
- Vinje, John-Wilhelm Flattun (2008). Performing the Law: Performing the Language of Law in John Webster and William Shakespeare. (external link)
- Flattun, John-Wilhelm (2024). William Shakespeares Twelfth Night - En forestillingshistorie 1601 - 2024. (external link)
- Flattun, John-Wilhelm (2023). Fasiliteterte skriveopphold for forskergrupper. (external link)
- Flattun, John-Wilhelm (2021). EndNote i PhD-undervisningen – fra mål til middel. (external link)
- Flattun, John-Wilhelm (2019). Hva er middelalderkilder og hvor finner vi dem?. (external link)
- Flattun, John-Wilhelm (2018). Mythmaking, Memory and Identity: a reading seminar. (external link)
- Flattun, John-Wilhelm; Humberset, Beate Krøvel; Solvik, Ellen (2018). Universitetsbiblioteket: levende bibliotek og viktig ressurs. (external link)
- Flattun, John-Wilhelm (2018). Shut-Up-and-Write skriveverksted for stipendiater. (external link)
- Flattun, John-Wilhelm (2017). Integrerte kurs i akademisk skriving og informasjonskompetanse: en kritisk presentasjon. (external link)
- Flattun, John-Wilhelm (2016). Akademisk bootcamp ved Universitetsbiblioteket i Bergen. (external link)
Book review
Academic article
- Flattun, John-Wilhelm (2021). The Kings’ Lines and Lies: Genealogical Rolls in Mythmaking and Political Rhetoric in the Reign of Henry VII. (external link)
- Flattun, John-Wilhelm (2021). Angel and Sovereign: Henry VII’s Royal Coins and Relics of Power. (external link)
- Flattun, John-Wilhelm (2021). Prince and Pretender: Marian Iconography and Devotion as Political Rhetoric in the Magnificat Window in Great Malvern Priory Church. (external link)
- Flattun, John-Wilhelm (2016). A Note on Backswords in Thomas Middleton. (external link)
- Vinje, John-Wilhelm (2011). Thomas Middleton’s Legal Duel: A Cognitive Approach. (external link)
- Vinje, John-Wilhelm Flattun (2007). Fuseli's Bottom and The 'Barberini Faun'. (external link)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Popular scientific article
Popular scientific lecture
Power of Art and Memory: Propaganda and Mythmaking in early Tudor Hero Iconography (Project description and log on ResearchGate)