Chetioui, Benjamin; Järvi, Jaakko Timo Henrik; Haveraaen, Magne
(2022). Revisiting Language Support for Generic Programming: When Genericity Is a Core Design Goal. (external link)
Chetioui, Benjamin; Larnøy, Marius Kleppe; Järvi, Jaakko Timo Henrik
et al. (2022). P3 problem and Magnolia language: Specializing array computations for emerging architectures. (external link)
Lindemann, Jonas; Haveraaen, Magne
(2022). The future of HPC programming - a Modern Fortran workshop. (external link)
Haeri, Seyed Hossein; Thompson, Peter W; Van Roy, Peter
et al. (2022). On the Algebraic Properties of Timeliness. (external link)
Haveraaen, Magne
(2021). Axiom Based Testing for Fun and Pedagogy. (external link)
Cerone, Antonio; Roggenbach, Markus; Davenport, James
et al. (2021). Rooting Formal Methods Within Higher Education Curricula for Computer Science and Software Engineering — A White Paper —. (external link)
Haveraaen, Magne; Järvi, Jaakko
(2021). Semantics of multiway dataflow constraint systems. (external link)
Chetioui, Benjamin Chtioui Richard; Barash, Mikhail; Haveraaen, Magne
(2021). An Ecosystem Architecture for the Magnolia Programming Language. (external link)
Chetioui, Benjamin; Abusdal, Ole Jørgen; Haveraaen, Magne
et al. (2021). Padding in the Mathematics of Arrays. (external link)
See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.