Malgorzata Agnieszka Cyndecka


Associate Professor, Affiliated to SLATE (Centre for the Science of Learning and Technology, UiB), Associated professor II at UiO


Research groups


My research focuses on the EU/EEA law on State aid and data protection/General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

State aid law is part of EU/EEA competition law. It plays a crucial role in safeguarding the proper functioning of the internal market. Rules on State aid provide for a level playing field for all market operators (enterprises) in the Internal Market. Norway is well integrated in the EU's Internal Market owing to the EEA Agreement of 1992. Rules on granting aid are very relevant in Norway where the public sector is entrusted with many tasks and public undertakings often compete with private ones. At the same time, Norway is known for using State aid law to grant "good aid" such as aid to protect environment, support regional development or finance research and innovation.

In 2016, my PhD thesis "The Applicability and Application of the Market Economy Investor Principle" won the European State Aid Law Quarterly PhD Award for the best PhD thesis in the field of EU/EEA State aid law written in the period 2012-2016. It was published by Kluwer Law International.

In 2019, I arranged a workshop where a group of distinguished experts discussed different issues related on the application of State aid law to taxation. The workshop was financed by UiB's SPIRE Programme. More on the workshop.

In 2019, I was invited to take a position of Associate Editor of law journal European State Aid Law Quarterly (ESTAL), Lexxion, Berlin, the first pan-European publication for State aid law, recognized as the leading journal in its field today. I have special responsibility for reviewing and proposing scientific articles and case notes, contributing to the development of the Journal and its strategy, publishing scientific articles, editorials and case notes.

Data privacy and the General Data Protection Regulation is one of the fields of law that has massively gained in importance during the last years. The questions concerning the legality of processing of our personal data are being stated on a daily basis due to digitalisation of almost every single aspect of our life. Currently, I am working with amongst others data protection issues raised by using Artificial Intelligence to processing of personal data.

Following the COVID-19 outbreak, I have been invited to join the University of Bergen’s Pandemic Centre as an expert in privacy/GDPR.

In 2021, I was a member of UiB's Working Group - digital competence for UiB's students. The Working group is led by prof. Barbara Wasson, Director for Centre for the Science of Learning & Technology (SLATE) at UiB. The Working group's task was to provide recommendations concerning both the form and contents of a course on Data literacy for all UiB's students. The Working Group's report led to creating six DIGI courses that are offered to all UiB students. In this respect, I have developned and I am co-supervising DIGI 113 Data protection and GDPR.

I participated and contributed with my knowledge on data protection and GDPR in one of the four pioneer projects that were admitted to the Norwegian Data Protection Authority's (Datatilsynet) "Sandbox for responsible AI". As Datatilsynet explained: "The Data Protection Authority has established a project environment for artificial intelligence that makes use of personal data — a sandbox. This regulatory sandbox provides free guidance to a handful of carefully selected companies, of varying types and sizes, across different sectors. The goal is to promote the development of innovative artificial intelligence solutions that, from a data protection perspective, are both ethical and responsible. The sandbox helps individual organizations ensure compliance with relevant regulations and the development of solutions that take privacy into account. We use examples and insights arising from sandbox projects to develop guidelines relevant for organizations implementing artificial intelligence and to further develop our own competence in this area". For more information, see here.  In the AVT the project designed by KS and SLATE, I analysed data protection challenges raised by processing personal data of pupils in Norwegian schools for the purpose of providing individualised teaching, which is pupils' right under the Educational Act.

My work with learning analytics in the Sandbox was the reason why I was appointed a member of the Council Europe's expert group "Artificial Intelligence and Eucation" in October 2022. The group is currently working on a resolution that is to be adopted by the CoE members in 2023. The resolution will be a basis for binding legal guidelines concerning using Artificial Intelligence in education. 

As regards other projects involving AI, I participate in ENDO4P, a project led by the the Faculty of medicine at UiB. We are applying for funding from Horizon Europe to establish Centre for personalised systems medicine in edocrinology. Read more about the ENDO4P her.

From September 2022, I have been Associate professor II at the Facultty of Law at the University of Oslo where I contribute to The Clean Up Project, which is financed by the Norwegian Research Council. The Clean Up projecst stands for "Machine Learning for the Anonymisation of Unstructured Personal Data".


Since Autumn 2019 I have been member of Young Academy Norway (AYF), since Autumn 2020 deputy member of AYF's Board and Member of the Letten Prize Committee.

Since Summer 2021 I have been leading an expert group for EU/EEA legal questions in the Norwegian section of the ICJ (International Commission of Jurists).

Selected contributions in newspapers and blog platforms:

Comment: "Mener Smittestopp-data ikke ble anonymisert godt nok: Et svik" ("Smittestopp data have not been anonymised: A deception"), NRK Beta, 29. November 2022.

Analysis: “Not sure if it is aid, so better declare it compatible aid? Not so fast (Netherlands v Commission, T-469/20)”, EULawLIVE, 24. November 2022

Interview: "Korona-listen: Slik samlet Bergen kommune informasjon om 120.000 bergensere uten å fortelle om det", ("Corona-list:How bergen municiplaity collected personal data of 120,000 citizens without telling abouit it"), Bergensavisen, 9. November 2022

Analysis: “General Court on when Commission must rectify decisions initiating formal State aid investigation procedures: Helsingin Bussiliikenne v Commission (T-603/19) and Helsingin kaupunki v Commission (T-597/19)”, EULawLive, 20. September 2022.

Analysis “The devil is in the detail: Ryanair’s challenge to the recapitalisation of Finnair – Finnair II (T-657/20)”, 27. June 2022, EULawLIVE

Lecture "GDPR and Artificial Intelligence", webinar "Kunstig intelligens og læringsanalyse i utdanning" (Artificial Intelligence and learning analysis in education), SLATE, UiB, 16. February 2022

TV programme (debate) NRK Dagsnytt 18: "Rask tilgang til dine personopplysninger", ("Fast access to your personal data"), 5. January 2022

Dagens Næringsliv: "Ny teknologi kan gi politiet og Nav innsyn i «alt» bankene vet om deg med noen tastetrykk: – Dette er problematisk", ("New technology can give teh policee and NAV access to "everything" the banks know about you with a few keystrokes"), 3. January 2022

Analysis: “Discharging the Burden of Proof in State Aid Cases: The Problem of Consecutive Measures by the State Acting as Public Creditor”, EULawLive, 21. Deceember 2021

Interview: "Kan personvernet overleve koronakrisen?" (Can data protection survive the corona crisis?), Juridika Innsikt, 21. June 2021.

Analysis: "When does ‘existing aid’ become ‘new aid’ and does it always have to be notified? Some clarifications in the preliminary ruling: Azienda Sanitaria Provinciale di Catania", EULawLIVE, 24. May 2021.

Analysis: “Under Article 258 TFEU the burden of proof rests with the Commission, which may not rely on any presumption”, EULawLive, 15. January 2021

Analysis of processing of personal data by a number of mobile applications in light of the requirements set out in GDPR - "My phone spied on me" - NRK Beta, 3. December 2020

A comment on Bergen City Council's new rules on COVID-19 tracing: Reagerer på Bergens nye korona­forskrift: – Hundre prosent sikkert at persondata kommer på avveie. Eksperter på datasikkerhet og personvern kritiserer koronaregler, Bergens Tidende, 29. October 2020

Analysis: “Clarifications on the Member States’ freedom to determine public policy objectives under Article 107(3)(c) TFEU” at EULawLIVE, 23. September 2020

A dystopian story about COVID-19, Artificial Intelligence setting grades and the GDPR,, 5. September 2020

Debate: IB-saken viser hvorfor vi trenger personvern. Automatiserte avgjørelser kan gjøre livet enklere, men kan også lede til diskriminerende og urettferdige resultater. Bergens Tidende 17. July 2020 (A comment on the IBO case and automated decisions under GDPR)

Invited guest in a podcast "Misjon Vestlandet" by PwC Bergen in which I discussed the recent State aid developments in light of the COVID-19 outbreak

Analysis “The compatibility of turnover-based progressive taxes with EU law” EULawLive, 4. April 2020

Book review "Private Enforcement of European Competition and State Aid Law: Current Challenges and the Way Forward", F. WOLLENSCHLÄGER, W. WURMNEST, T. M.J. MÖLLERS (EDS.), EULawLive

In my capacity as member of The Young Academy of Norway (AYF) Researchers "Take the mental health of researchers seriously" - "Ta forskernes mentale helse på alvor", 24. April 2020

Interview concerning a controversial public-private project "Kommune skal lære opp privat selskap: Omstridt kommunalt-privat samarbeid kan være ulovlig statsstøtte", Fagbladet, 1. April 2020

Sugar tax in Norway and State aid rules, Dagens Næringsliv, 20. June 2018

Amazon og Apples skatteregning i EU, Dagens Næringsliv, 8. November 2017

Innovasjon Norge må forklare seg Bergens Tidende, 11. October 2017

Like vilkår - men likere for noen Dagens Næringsliv, 25. April 2017

Kan være både tillatt og fornuftig Dagens Næringsliv, 15. August 2016

Hvor mye «kultur» i kulturaktivitet? Dagens Næringsliv, 1. July 2016


Supervision of master students: EU/EEA State aid law, Data protection law, GDPR (in English and Norwegian)

Responsibility for EU/EEA law master students


JUS3503 Privacy and Data protection GDPR -Master (course supervisor, read more here and here)

JUS2303 Privacy and Data protection GDPR - Bachelor (course supervisor)

JUS3502 EU and EEA State Aid Law - Master (course supervisor)

JUS2302 EU and EEA State Aid Law - Bachelor (course supervisor)

JUS221 Rettsstaten

DIGI113 GDPR og personvern (co-supervisor of the course)

JUS222 Forvaltningsrett

Academic article
Academic lecture
Popular scientific lecture
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Encyclopedia article
Popular scientific article
Programme management
Feature article
Programme participation
Reader opinion piece
Short communication
Book review
Academic literature review
Academic monograph
Doctoral dissertation

See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.


I am currently working with projects that concern both data protection/GDPR and EU/EEA State aid law.

In 2021/2022, I participated in the AVT project that is one of the first four projects that participated in the Norwegian Data Protection Authority's Sandbox for responsible Artificial Intelligence. The project concerned digital analysis of personal data of pupils in thee Norwegian schools. I contributed with my expertise on the GDPR and was given main responsibility for amongst others clarifying the legal basis for processing of pupils' personal data.

From October 2022, I have been a member of the Council of Europe's expert group "Artificial Intelligence and Education". The group works towards a resolution on using Ai in education taht is to be adopted by the member states in 2023. The resolution will be a basis for binding legal guidelines that will be adopted in 2025.

I have also been invited to join a team that applies for financing of a project concerning personalized systems medicine in endocrinology (ENDO4P) at the University of Bergen. The aim of the project is to bring endocrinology from traditional disease-oriented diagnostics and treatment into the era of P4 Systems Medicine, focusing on Prediction and Prevention of disease, Personalized treatment and Participation of the patient. The project amounts to processing loads of personal data of patients which creates enormous possibilities and interesting data privacy issues.

As part of creating brand-new special courses JUS294-2-A Privacy and data Protection – GDPR and JUS295-2-A Legal Technology: Artificial Intelligence and Law, I coordinate cooperation with Media City Bergen, an international knowledge and innovation cluster based in Bergen. Law students will have a unique possibility to apply their knowledge of data protection/GDPR and Artificial Intelligence in real projects that are being developed in Media City Bergen.

As regards EU/EEA State aid law, in 2019 I organised a workshop concerning the relation between the EU/EEA State aid law and Tax law of the Member States. The project was financed by the University of Bergen's SPIRE-fund (Strategisk program for internasjonalt forskningssamarbeid). The workshop gathered the following renowned experts: Georg Børresen, Assistand director general, Norwegian tax authorities: The "arm's length principle" from the perspective of Tax law, Dr. Liza Lovdahl Gormsen, Director of the Competition Law Forum & Senior Research Fellow in Competition Law, British Institute of International and Comparative law: The "arms's length principle" in State aid cases - The latest from the Court of Justice of the European Union, Joana Christina Pedroso, Doctoral student in Tax Law, University of Gothenburg: The "arm's length principle" from a pluralistic perspective of EU law, Dr. Malgorzata Cyndecka, Associate Professor at the University of Bergen: The selectivity condition in tax cases - where de we stand? Introductory remarks, The recent case law - (even) less clarity? Maarten Aalbers, PhD candidate, Leiden School of Law, Leiden University and Dr. Henrik Skar, Postdoctoral Research Fellow at University of Bergen, Christian Jordal, Deputy Director, State Aid Unit, EFTA Surceillance Authority: The Norwegian cash refund of the tax value of petrolium exploration costs - the question of selectivity in practice. New Recovery Notice - old problems (with national legislation)?, Dr. Malgorzata Cyndecka, Associate Professor at University of Bergen schemes implemented under GBER, time limitations, etc. The full programme may be accessed here

Postdoctoral project

In 2019, I completed my postdoctoral project «Towards more stability, competitiveness and predictability in the financial sector», which was financed by the Norwegian Finansmarkedsfondet, (the Finance Market Fund). The Finance Market Fund is intended to contribute to increasing public understanding concerning financial markets, with particular emphasis on the functioning of financial markets, and also ethical issues.

The project resulted in a number of peer-reviewed scientific articles that were published in the European State Aid Law Quarterly, (Lexxion), the first pan-European publication for State aid law, recognized as the leading journal in its field today (see Cristin for the full list pf publications). I have also contributed to the second edition of the highly appraised "Research Handbook on European State Aid Law" edited by L Hancher & JJ Piernas López with a chapter “State aid and the financial sector: the crisis and beyond”, which will be published by Edward Elgar in 2020. My project also included workshops with international experts in the field of State aid law, both academics and practitioners, as well as a concluding conference "Offentlig oppgavetyveri?" during which the invited experts discussed competition between the private and public sectors. The conference was also linked to my contribution as a member of the Norwegian government’s external working group, "Competition on a level playing field", that analysed amongst others implicit guarantees and tax exemptions in favour of public entities and undertakings that compete with private market operators. In 2018, the Working Group submitted its report: Like konkurransevilkår for offentlige og private aktører.



2015 PhD, Tittel på doktoravhandling: The Applicability and Application of the Market Economy Investor Principle

2008 60 poengs masteravhandling ved Det juridiske fakultet, Universitetet i Bergen (The Market Economy Investor Principle)

2007 Master of Arts ved Law and Administration Faculty, Nicolaus Copernicus Universitetet i Torun, Polen (General principles in Polish general administrative procedure)

2007 erasmusstudent ved Det juridiske fakultet, Universitetet i Bergen (to semestre)

2005 Master of Arts ved Instituttet for internasjonale relasjoner, Nicolaus Copernicus Universitetet i Torun, Polen (Norway’s attitude towards the process of European integration and the European Union)

2005 Lærerutdanning i samfunnsvitenskap ved Det pedagogiske fakultet, Nicolaus Copernicus Universitetet i Torun, Polen



2009 Advokatfirmaet Schjødt DA, Brussel, juridisk rådgiver (1. mars - 30. september)

2008- 2009 EU-kommisjonen, Directorate General for Competition, State aid unit (1. oktober-28. februar), Blue Book trainee