Research groups
- Research group for Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure
- Research group for Administrative Law
- Research Group on Criminal Justice and Mental Health
Martin Mindestrømmen is a PhD-candidate with an interest for criminal law, legal theory, as well as, law and psychiatry/psychology.
His PhD-project discusses how danger, risk and dangerousness forms the foundation for the use of special sanctions towards criminal insane offenders. Project supervisor is Professor Linda Gröning.
Mindestrømmen holds a Master´s degree in Law and a Bachelor´s degree in Philosophy and History of Ideas from the University of Bergen. He is a former trial and defence lawyer (Advokat) and is currently on leave from a position as Advisor at the Centre for Research and Education, Department of Forensic Psychiatry, Haukeland University Hospital.
Mindestrømmen, M. (2023) Kan den øvre strafferamma for narkotikabrotsverk forsvarast? Kritisk juss, 49(3), 118-140.
Mindestrømmen, M. (2023) Høgsterett, rehabiliteringsomsynet og straffutmåling i narkotikasaker. Jacobsen, J. (Red.) Fra rettsgode til straff, 195-239.
Mindestrømmen, M. og Holst, Ø. (2023) Varetektssurrogat i institutsjon. Tidsskrift for strafferett, 23(1), 8-26.
Mindestrømmen, M. (2019). Impending Danger: The Meaning of Danger as a Legal Requirement for Involuntary Psychiatric Treatment in the Norwegian Criminal Justice System. Bergen Journal of Criminal Law & Criminal Justice, 7(1), 110-135.
Affiliated projects
Participator in Helse Bergen HF´s evaluation project: Lovendringer om særreaksjoner og varetektssurrogat: konsekvenser for pasienter, helsetjenestene og samfunnet. The project is completed.
JUS114 Legal Method (Spring 2020)
JUS241 Criminal Law (Fall 2020)
Academic article
- Holst, Øyvind; Mindestrømmen, Martin (2023). Varetektssurrogat i institusjon. (external link)
- Mindestrømmen, Martin (2023). Kan den øvre strafferamma for narkotikabrotsverk forsvarast?. (external link)
- Mindestrømmen, Martin (2019). Impending Danger: The Meaning of Danger as a Legal Requirement for Involuntary Psychiatric Treatment in the Norwegian Criminal Justice System . (external link)