Odd André Karlsen



Research groups


My research interests concern the molecular mechanisms and mode of actions underlying the toxicity of environmental pollutants, and how this may manifest across biological organizations and produce higher level effects (organism, population). My research focuses mainly on marine organisms, and central topics within my current research activities include endocrine disruption, nuclear receptors, biomarkers, bioassays, microplastics, integrative genomics/toxicogenomics, chemicals of emerging concern, and cocktail effects.

I am currently leading the University of Bergen’s network for marine plastic pollution (Plastics Network). This network embraces cross-disciplinary research concerning plastic and microplastic pollution in our oceans, encompassing the investigation of the presence, distribution, and effects of plastic pollution, as well as its societal, legal, and health implications.


Responsible for BIO216 Toxicology (course evaluation)

Supervisor in BIO299 Research practise in biology/molecular biology

Lecturer in BIO208 Environmental impact of aquaculture

Lecturer in BIO316 Selected topics in environmental toxicology

Scientific coordinator for the Environmental Toxicology master program at the Department of Biological Sciences

Academic article
Academic lecture
Masters thesis
Doctoral dissertation
Feature article
Academic literature review
Thesis at a second degree level

See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.


2023-2027; Whales and polar bear in a petri dish: decoding marine mammal toxicology through in vitro and in silico approaches – Marma-detox (RCN), WP-leader

2023-2027; Reproductive toxicity and generational effects of a contaminant mixture in fish (ToxiGen)(RCN), Partner

2021-2025;  Effects of antifouling copper coating in aquaculture – implications for fish health, performance and sustainability of production (CAPS)(RCN 325849), WP-leader

2020-2024; Distribution, fate and effects of microplastics in the appendicularian zooplankton Oikopleura dioica (UiB), PI

2021; dCod Pollution Sensing Kit (RCN 323092), Partner

2020-2023; Joint evaluation and mitigation of emerging contaminant risks (INTPART)(RCN (309476), WP-leader

2020-2022; Cellular responses to contaminant exposure in marine mammals from the Arctic (The FRAM-centre), Partner    

2020; 8th Norwegian Environmental Toxicology Symposium (NETS) – Ocean Health in the Anthropocene (RCN 311098), PI

2018-2021; Produced water fractionation and advanced chemical and toxicological characterization using sensitive life stages of marine fish species (PW-EXPOSED)(RCN 280511), WP-leader

2016-2021; dCod 1.0 – decoding the systems toxicology of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)(RCN(248840), WP-leader

2015-2019; iCod 2.0 - integrative environmental genomics of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)(RCN 244564), PI

2015-2019; Network for improving research based higher education in basic and applied microbiology( EURASIA, PEA-LT-2016/10095), Partner

2015-2016; In vitro fish: New 3D models for nutritional and toxicological research RCN (244507), Partner

2009-2013; iCod – integrative envionmental genomics of cod (Gadus morhua)(RCN (92441) , PI