Sigrid Eskeland Schütz




Research groups

  • Since 2011 Schütz leads the research for the Research Group on Natural resource law, Environmental law and Development law at UiB. The group studies legal aspects of property, jurisdiction and management of ocean areas and marine resources, legal models for ecosystem-based management, petroleum and energy, spatial planning and building law, environmental impact assessments, impact of property regime and regulation on development of ecosystems and impact of property system, property registration and mortgage for economic development.

    The group is partially externally funded.

Schütz, S.E. «Environmental Law and Marine Governance», Guest lecture, The Norwegian China Law Centre, Faculty of Law, University of Bergen, under the Maritime Bergen Law Summer Programme, 2018.

Schütz S.E. “Making space for renewable energy”, Nordic student week, Bergen, Guest lecture, 2016.

Schütz, S.E. «Den internasjonale havforvaltninga er ikkje effektiv» (The lack of effectivness in international marine management). 2015 (online newspaper).

Schütz, S.E. “Ecosystem-based marine management in Europe”. Nordisk Uke (Nordic meeting for law students); 2015.

Schütz, S.E. «Legal puzzle in the North Sea”. Hubro [Magazine] 2015.


Supervision of graduate students and post doctoral Fellows:

2017 -: Supervision of 1 PhD-Student, Faculty of Law, University of Tromsø
2014- : Supervision of 3 Master students, University of Oslo


At the Faculty of Law in Bergen:

Since 1997 Schutz has been a lecturer in public and private law at the Master´s program at the Faculty of Law. 

2018: Maritime Bergen Law Summer Programme, The Norwegian China Law Centre, Uib, Norway

2018: Juristenes Utdanningssenter, Bergen, Norway

2013 - 2017: Centre for Continuing Education (EVU), UiB, Norway
Land use Planning/Environmental Law

2012 - 2017:  The Research- and Master Programme on Regions, Faculty of Humanities, UiB, Norway. REG303

At University of Life Science Ås

2013: Norwegian University of Life Science, Ås, Norway
Continuing Education, Environmental Impact Assessment

Programme participation
Academic lecture
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Popular scientific lecture
Reader opinion piece
Feature article
Other presentation
Programme management
Academic article
Short communication
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Doctoral dissertation
Popular scientific article
Book review

See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.

  • Schütz is leading the project “Challenges to law due to climate change” financing master students (60 ETC), in collaboration with the Norwegian Climate Foundation, financed by the Fritt Ord (Free Speech)-foundation and Sparebanken Vest, an independent listed financial services group engaged in banking and financing activities in Western Norway.
  • Schütz is part of the management team of the research project “Legal governance in land use planning [GOVLAND] -Striking a balance between national and municipal power and between private initiative and public control”, funded by Research Council of Norway. The project has international partners from Montréal, Canada and Aberdeen, Scotland.
  • Schütz and is leading the interdisciplinary research project “Causes and Consequences of the Legal Architecture of Climate Politics” (LEG-ARCH), with funding from the University of Bergen, a collaborative project between the Faculty of Law and the Department of Comparative Politics, Social Science Faculty, both UIB.