Stefan Koelsch (Kölsch)




Research groups


Stefan Koelsch (Kölsch) is a brain scientist and bestselling author recruited by UiB in 2015 as a Toppforsk (excellent research) Professor. His main research fields are neuroscience and experimental psychology. He is known for highly interdisciplinary work, co-authoring publications with neurologists, immunologists, psychiatrists, physicists, philosophers, musicologists, literary scholars, and psycholinguists. His ISI h-index is >60 (>80 in, with an average of >80 citations per article.

If you are interested in doing a B.Sc. or M.Sc. thesis in my group please click on the tab to the right. 

Prof. Koelsch describes his research interests as follows: “I am interested in which brain processes make us happy and healthy, and unhappy and sick. I have a powerful personal connection to music (being a former musician myself), and I am particularly interested in how music can support mood-regulation, social connection, and self-motivation. I am also interested in the therapeutic effects of music on disorders and diseases, especially neurological diseases and psychiatric disorders. My group is currently running a large study funded by the Norwegian Research Council (Forskningsradet) investigating the therapeutic effects of music therapy and physical exercise in patients with Alzheimer’s disease, Mild Cognitive Impairment, and Subjective Cognitive Decline. Other neuroscience projects in my group investigate neural correlates of emotion, learning, and predictive processes.

Stefan Koelsch is also a research fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences in Leipzig (Germany), and at the Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics

More on his research group

Research Interests

  • Emotions and the brain
    • Moodregulation with music
  • Clinical Interventions in Alzheimer's disease.
    • The therapeutic effects of music and physical activity in Alzheimer's disease
  • Neuroscientific methods
    • fMRI (functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging)
    • MRS (Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy)
  • Predicitive processes in the brain
  • Music and the brain



"Gode Vibrasjoner" (Norsk oversettelse av min bok om musikk, emosjoner, hjernen, og terapeutiske virkninger av musikk)

Sammen med Sandvik: Leif Ove Andsnes og Stefan Kölsch (NRK radio) 

Inside a musician's brain (Bergen Philharmonic Video Presentation) 

På sangens lykkepille (News article in A-Magasinet about neuroscience and music)


Selected publications

Publication list in google.scholar

Academic article
Academic literature review
Academic lecture
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper

See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.


Our current projects include: 

Therapeutic effects of music and physical activity on the brains of individuals with, or at risk for, Alzheimer's disease

We also carry out MRI-studies (e.g. on emotions, or on the effects of emotions on thoughts, often using music as experimental stimulus), and EEG studies (e.g. on predictive coding). 


2014-2015 Professor i Psykologi (emosjons og biologisk psykologi), det Psykologiske Fakultet ved Universitetet i Lancaster, Storbritannia.

2010-2014 Professor i Psykologi (Biologisk Psykologi og Musikkpsykologi), Freie Universität Berlin, Tyskland

2006-2010 Seniorforeleser, Universitetet i Sussex, Storbritannia.

2003-2008 Assisterende Professor/Forskningsgruppeleder av en uavhengig juniorforskningsgruppe ved Max Planck Institututtet for kognitiv nevrovitenskap, Leipzig, Tyskland

2001-2002 Postdoktor ved Harvard Medical School, ved Fakultet for Nevrologi/hjerneavbilding (Gruppeprofessor Dr. G. Schlaug), Harvard Univerisity, USA


2004 Tysk habilitasjon, 06.12.2004, , Max Planck Instituttet for kognitiv nevrovitenskap / Universitetet i Leipzig (fakultet for biovitenskap, farmakologi og psykologi, Tyskland

2000 PhD i Psykologi (Dr. rer. nat.), 08.05.2000, Max Planck Instituttet for kognitiv nevrovitenskap / Universitetet i Leipzig, Tyskland (summa cum laude)