Genetic and epigenetic variants modulating cancer risk
In addition to variants changing the genetic code within a protein coding region of DNA, cancer risk may be influenced by variations in the non-coding regions of DNA and in regulatory mechanism for gene expression. We are currently focusing on the regulation of the BRCA1 gene, where we have found early embryonic methylation to occur in around 10% of girls and to cause a 2-4 fold increased risk of breast and ovarian cancer later in life.
Previously we have run several large projects focusing on polymorphisms in the promoter of the MDM2 gene, where we have found one particular variant (SNP285) to reduce the risk of breast cancer with 37% and the risk of ovarian cancer with 39% in some subgroups of Caucasian women.
Key publications:
Lønning et al. JAMA Oncology, 2022
Lønning et al. Annals of Internal Medicine, 2018
Knappskog et al. European Journal of Cancer 2012
Knappskog et al. Cancer Cell, 2011
Genetic mechanisms causing resistance to therapy among cancer patients.
Some cancer patients experience poor effects of therapy. Our research focuses on the genetic and molecular mechanisms causing some tumours not to respond to therapy. The aim is to identify genetic alterations that can be used as predictive biomarkers, i.e. markers that can predict what kind of therapy would be most beneficial for each individual patient.
Key publications:
Venizelos et al. Genome Medicine, 2022
Eikesdal et al. Annals of Oncology, 2021
Knappskog et al. Molecular Oncology, 2015
Knappskog et al. Breast Cancer Research, 2012
Intratumor heterogeneity and tumour evolution
Many tumours have proven to be heterogenous and consist of genetically different subclones. Our research assesses the interplay of different sublcones with respect to tumour progression and metastasis as well as response to treatment.
Key publications:
Birkeland et al. Nature Communications, 2018
Yates et al. Cancer Cell, 2017
Yates et al. Nature Medicine, 2015
Newspaper report about centre for female health (2025.01.17)
Guest in podcast by The Norwegian Biotechnology Advisory Board (2024.09.25)
Newspaper story about genetic testing in cancer treatment (2024.03.09)
Newspaper report about a cause of breast cancer (2024.01.16)
Newspaper report about newly discovered cause of breast cancer (2023.12.)
TV reportage about findings in the PETREMAC-trial (2021.04.15)
Åse vart kreftfri etter «umogeleg» behandling – NRK Vestland
Newspaper report about new Sequencer (2019.10.02)
Newspaper stories about major publication (2018.01.16)
Newspaper stories about major publication (2017.08.14)
Newspaper story about National Young Scientist award (2016.11.18)
TV case about the novel clinical trial PETREMAC (2016.07.03)
TV case about the novel clinical trial PETREMAC (2016.07.05)
Newspaper story about research funded by the Pink ribbon campaign (2015.10.29)
TV interview about Mohn donation to research (2014.12.23)
Film for the Norwegian Cancer Society’s Pink Ribbon Campaign (2013.09.20)
Newspaper story about the discovery of cancer risk reducing polymorphism (2011.02.15)
- Lønning, Per Eystein; Nikolaienko, Oleksii; Knappskog, Stian (2024). Letter to the Editor in response to paper “BRCA1 promoter methylation in triple-negative breast cancer……” by K Daster et al. (external link)
- Elvebakken, Hege; Venizelos, Andreas; Perren, Aurel et al. (2024). Treatment outcome according to genetic tumour alterations and clinical characteristics in digestive high-grade neuroendocrine neoplasms. (external link)
- Lønning, Per Eystein; Nikolaienko, Oleksii; Knappskog, Stian (2024). Constitutional BRCA1 Epimutations: A Key for Understanding Basal-Like Breast and High-Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer. (external link)
- Yndestad, Synnøve; Haugland, Hans Kristian; Goplen, Dorota Katarzyna Pazdyk et al. (2024). Germline variants in patients diagnosed with pediatric soft tissue sarcoma. (external link)
- Yuan, Yuan; Ju, Young Seok; Kim, Youngwook et al. (2023). Publisher Correction: Comprehensive molecular characterization of mitochondrial genomes in human cancers (Nature Genetics, (2020), 52, 3, (342-352), 10.1038/s41588-019-0557-x). (external link)
- Nikolaienko, Oleksii; Eikesdal, Hans Petter; Berge, Elisabet Ognedal et al. (2023). Prenatal BRCA1 epimutations contribute significantly to triple-negative breast cancer development. (external link)
- Nikolaienko, Oleksii; Lønning, Per Eystein; Knappskog, Stian (2023). epialleleR: an R/Bioconductor package for sensitive allele-specific methylation analysis in NGS data. (external link)
- Thomsen, Liv Cecilie Vestrheim; Honore, Alfred; Gjertsen, Bjørn Tore et al. (2023). A prospective non-randomized phase I trial of dendritic cell–based cryoimmunotherapy combined with checkpoint inhibitors in mCRPC.. (external link)
- Alexandrov, Ludmil B.; Kim, Jaegil; Haradhvala, Nicholas J. et al. (2023). Author Correction: The repertoire of mutational signatures in human cancer (Nature, (2020), 578, 7793, (94-101), 10.1038/s41586-020-1943-3). (external link)
- Rheinbay, Esther; Nielsen, Morten Muhlig; Abascal, Federico et al. (2023). Author Correction: Analyses of non-coding somatic drivers in 2,658 cancer whole genomes (Nature, (2020), 578, 7793, (102-111), 10.1038/s41586-020-1965-x). (external link)
- Yuan, Yuan; Ju, Young Seok; Kim, Youngwook et al. (2023). Author Correction: Comprehensive molecular characterization of mitochondrial genomes in human cancers (Nature Genetics, (2020), 52, 3, (342-352), 10.1038/s41588-019-0557-x). (external link)
- Gerstung, Moritz; Jolly, Clemency; Leshchiner, Ignaty et al. (2023). Author Correction: The evolutionary history of 2,658 cancers (Nature, (2020), 578, 7793, (122-128), 10.1038/s41586-019-1907-7). (external link)
- Thomsen, Liv Cecilie Vestrheim; Honore, Alfred; Reisæter, Lars Anders Rokne et al. (2023). Survival and biomarkers in a prospective non-randomized phase I trial of dendritic cell-based cryoimmunotherapy combined with checkpoint inhibitors in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC). (external link)
- Li, Yilong; Roberts, Nicola D.; Wala, Jeremiah A. et al. (2023). Author Correction: Patterns of somatic structural variation in human cancer genomes (Nature, (2020), 578, 7793, (112-121), 10.1038/s41586-019-1913-9). (external link)
- Yakneen, Sergei; Waszak, Sebastian Martin; Aminou, Brice et al. (2023). Author Correction: Butler enables rapid cloud-based analysis of thousands of human genomes (Nature Biotechnology, (2020), 38, 3, (288-292), 10.1038/s41587-019-0360-3). (external link)
- Calabrese, Claudia; Davidson, Natalie R.; Demircioğlu, Deniz et al. (2023). Author Correction: Genomic basis for RNA alterations in cancer (Nature, (2020), 578, 7793, (129-136), 10.1038/s41586-020-1970-0). (external link)
- Zapatka, Marc; Borozan, Ivan; Brewer, Daniel S. et al. (2023). Author Correction: The landscape of viral associations in human cancers (Nature Genetics, (2020), 52, 3, (320-330), 10.1038/s41588-019-0558-9). (external link)
- Rodriguez-Martin, Bernardo; Alvarez, Eva G.; Baez-Ortega, Adrian et al. (2023). Author Correction: Pan-cancer analysis of whole genomes identifies driver rearrangements promoted by LINE-1 retrotransposition (Nature Genetics, (2020), 52, 3, (306-319), 10.1038/s41588-019-0562-0). (external link)
- Thomsen, Liv Cecilie Vestrheim; Honore, Alfred; Reisæter, Lars Anders Rokne et al. (2023). A phase I prospective, non-randomized trial of autologous dendritic cell-based cryoimmunotherapy in patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer. (external link)
- Torkildsen, Cecilie Fredvik; Thomsen, Liv Cecilie Vestrheim; Sande, Ragnar et al. (2023). Molecular and phenotypic characteristics influencing the degree of cytoreduction in high-grade serous ovarian carcinomas. (external link)
- Cortés-Ciriano, Isidro; Lee, Jake June-Koo; Xi, Ruibin et al. (2023). Author Correction: Comprehensive analysis of chromothripsis in 2,658 human cancers using whole-genome sequencing (Nature Genetics, (2020), 52, 3, (331-341), 10.1038/s41588-019-0576-7). (external link)
- Akdemir, Kadir C.; Le, Victoria T.; Chandran, Sahaana et al. (2023). Author Correction: Disruption of chromatin folding domains by somatic genomic rearrangements in human cancer (Nature Genetics, (2020), 52, 3, (294-305), 10.1038/s41588-019-0564-y). (external link)
- Yuan, Yuan; Ju, Young Seok; Kim, Youngwook et al. (2023). Author Correction: Comprehensive molecular characterization of mitochondrial genomes in human cancers (Nature Genetics, (2020), 52, 3, (342-352), 10.1038/s41588-019-0557-x). (external link)
- Nguyen, Ha-Linh; Geukens, Tatjana; Maetens, Marion et al. (2023). Obesity-associated changes in molecular biology of primary breast cancer. (external link)
- Aaltonen, Lauri A.; Abascal, Federico; Abeshouse, Adam et al. (2023). Author Correction: Pan-cancer analysis of whole genomes (Nature, (2020), 578, 7793, (82-93), 10.1038/s41586-020-1969-6). (external link)
- Thomsen, Liv Cecilie Vestrheim; Honore, Alfred; Reisæter, Lars Anders Rokne et al. (2023). Survival and biomarkers in a prospective non-randomized phase I trial of dendritic cell-based cryoimmunotherapy combined with checkpoint inhibitors in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) . (external link)
- Venizelos, Andreas; Sorbye, Halfdan; Elvebakken, Hege et al. (2023). Germline pathogenic variants in patients with high-grade gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms. (external link)
- Knappskog, Stian; Grob, Tobias; Venizelos, Andreas et al. (2023). Mutation Spectrum in Liquid Versus Solid Biopsies From Patients With Advanced Gastroenteropancreatic Neuroendocrine Carcinoma. (external link)
- Yndestad, Synnøve; Engebrethsen, Christina; Herencia-Ropero, A. et al. (2023). Homologous Recombination Deficiency Across Subtypes of Primary Breast Cancer. (external link)
- Liu, Xiaozheng; Rulina, Anastasiia; Choi, Man Hung et al. (2022). C/EBPB-dependent adaptation to palmitic acid promotes tumor formation in hormone receptor negative breast cancer. (external link)
- Bhandari, Vinayak; Li, Constance H.; Bristow, Robert G. et al. (2022). Author Correction: Divergent mutational processes distinguish hypoxic and normoxic tumours (Nature Communications, (2020), 11, 1, (737), 10.1038/s41467-019-14052-x). (external link)
- Rubanova, Yulia; Shi, Ruian; Harrigan, Caitlin F. et al. (2022). Author Correction: Reconstructing evolutionary trajectories of mutation signature activities in cancer using TrackSig (Nature Communications, (2020), 11, 1, (731), 10.1038/s41467-020-14352-7). (external link)
- Sieverling, Lina; Hong, Chen; Koser, Sandra D. et al. (2022). Author Correction: Genomic footprints of activated telomere maintenance mechanisms in cancer (Nature Communications, (2020), 11, 1, (733), 10.1038/s41467-019-13824-9). (external link)
- Paczkowska, Marta; Barenboim, Jonathan; Sintupisut, Nardnisa et al. (2022). Author Correction: Integrative pathway enrichment analysis of multivariate omics data (Nature Communications, (2020), 11, 1, (735), 10.1038/s41467-019-13983-9). (external link)
- Shuai, Shimin; Abascal, Federico; Amin, Samirkumar B. et al. (2022). Author Correction: Combined burden and functional impact tests for cancer driver discovery using DriverPower (Nature Communications, (2020), 11, 1, (734), 10.1038/s41467-019-13929-1). (external link)
- Jiao, Wei; Atwal, Gurnit; Polak, Paz et al. (2022). Author Correction: A deep learning system accurately classifies primary and metastatic cancers using passenger mutation patterns (Nature Communications, (2020), 11, 1, (728), 10.1038/s41467-019-13825-8). (external link)
- Reyna, Matthew A.; Haan, David; Paczkowska, Marta et al. (2022). Author Correction: Pathway and network analysis of more than 2500 whole cancer genomes (Nature Communications, (2020), 11, 1, (729), 10.1038/s41467-020-14367-0). (external link)
- Zhang, Yiqun; Chen, Fengju; Fonseca, Nuno A. et al. (2022). Author Correction: High-coverage whole-genome analysis of 1220 cancers reveals hundreds of genes deregulated by rearrangement-mediated cis-regulatory alterations (Nature Communications, (2020), 11, 1, (736), 10.1038/s41467-019-13885-w). (external link)
- Cmero, Marek; Yuan, Ke; Ong, Cheng Soon et al. (2022). Author Correction: Inferring structural variant cancer cell fraction (Nature Communications, (2020), 11, 1, (730), 10.1038/s41467-020-14351-8). (external link)
- Sofiyeva, Nigar; Krakstad, Camilla; Halle, Mari Kyllesø et al. (2022). APOBEC3A/B deletion polymorphism and endometrial cancer risk. (external link)
- Batalini, Felipe; Gulhan, Doga C.; Mao, Victor et al. (2022). Mutational Signature 3 Detected from Clinical Panel Sequencing is Associated with Responses to Olaparib in Breast and Ovarian Cancers. (external link)
- Pedersen, Christine Aaserød; Cao, Maria Dung; Fleischer, Thomas et al. (2022). DNA methylation changes in response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy are associated with breast cancer survival. (external link)
- Lønning, Per Eystein; Nikolaienko, Oleksii; Pan, Kathy et al. (2022). Constitutional BRCA1 methylation and risk of incident triple-negative breast cancer and high-grade serous ovarian cancer. (external link)
- Knappskog, Stian; Sorbye, Halfdan; Grob, Tim et al. (2022). Mutation spectrum in liquid versus solid biopsies from advanced digestive neuroendocrine carcinoma patients. (external link)
- Nikolaienko, Oleksii; Lønning, Per Eystein; Knappskog, Stian (2022). ramr: an R/Bioconductor package for detection of rare aberrantly methylated regions. (external link)
- Rahman, Mohummad Aminur; Engelsen, Agnete ; Sarowar, Shahin et al. (2022). Bortezomib abrogates temozolomide-induced autophagic flux through an ATG5 dependent pathway. (external link)
- Venizelos, Andreas; Engebrethsen, Christina; Deng, Wei et al. (2022). Clonal evolution in primary breast cancers under sequential epirubicin and docetaxel monotherapy. (external link)
- Venizelos, Andreas; Elvebakken, Hege; Perren, Aurel et al. (2021). The molecular characteristics of high-grade gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms. (external link)
- Gansmo, Liv Beathe; Sofiyeva, Nigar; Bjørnslett, Merete Pauline et al. (2021). Impact of the APOBEC3A/B deletion polymorphism on risk of ovarian cancer. (external link)
- Helwa, Reham; Gansmo, Liv Beathe; Bjørnslett, Merete Pauline et al. (2021). Impact of MDM2 promoter SNP55 (rs2870820) on risk of endometrial and ovarian cancer. (external link)
- Sorbye, Halfdan; Venizelos, Andreas; Elvebakken, Hege et al. (2021). Molecular characteristics of high-grade gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms. (external link)
- Gansmo, Liv Beathe; Lie, Benedicte Alexandra; Mæhlen, Marthe Thoresen et al. (2021). Polymorphisms in the TP53-MDM2-MDM4-axis in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. (external link)
- Bailey, Matthew H.; Meyerson, William U.; Dursi, L. Jonathan et al. (2020). Retrospective evaluation of whole exome and genome mutation calls in 746 cancer samples. (external link)
- Li, Constance H.; Prokopec, Stephenie D.; Sun, Ren X. et al. (2020). Sex differences in oncogenic mutational processes. (external link)
- ICGC/TCGA Pan-Cancer Analysis, of Whole Genomes Consortium; Campbell, Peter J.; Getz, Gad et al. (2020). Pan-cancer analysis of whole genomes. (external link)
- Pedersen, Line; Panahandeh, Pouda; Siraji, Muntequa Ishtiaq et al. (2020). Golgi-Localized PAQR4 Mediates Antiapoptotic Ceramidase Activity in Breast Cancer. (external link)
- Poduval, Deepak; Sichmanovà, Zuzana; Straume, Anne Hege et al. (2020). The novel microRNAs hsa-miR-nov7 and hsamiR- nov3 are over-expressed in locally advanced breast cancer. (external link)
- Poduval, Deepak; Berge, Elisabet Ognedal; Sichmanovà, Zuzana et al. (2020). Assessment of tumor suppressor promoter methylation in healthy individuals. (external link)
- Eikesdal, Hans Petter; Yndestad, Synnøve; Elzawahry, Asmaa et al. (2020). Olaparib monotherapy as primary treatment in unselected triple negative breast cancer. (external link)
- Cortés-Ciriano, Isidro; Lee, Jake June-Koo; Xi, Ruibin et al. (2020). Comprehensive analysis of chromothripsis in 2,658 human cancers using whole-genome sequencing. (external link)
- Zapatka, Marc; Borozan, Ivan; Brewer, Daniel S. et al. (2020). The landscape of viral associations in human cancers. (external link)
- Yuan, Yuan; Ju, Young Seok; Kim, Youngwook et al. (2020). Comprehensive molecular characterization of mitochondrial genomes in human cancers. (external link)
- Rodriguez-Martin, Bernardo; Alvarez, Eva G.; Baez-Ortega, Adrian et al. (2020). Pan-cancer analysis of whole genomes identifies driver rearrangements promoted by LINE-1 retrotransposition. (external link)
- Akdemir, Kadir C.; Le, Victoria T.; Chandran, Sahaana et al. (2020). Disruption of chromatin folding domains by somatic genomic rearrangements in human cancer. (external link)
- Zhang, Yiqun; Chen, Fengju; Fonseca, Nuno A. et al. (2020). High-coverage whole-genome analysis of 1220 cancers reveals hundreds of genes deregulated by rearrangement-mediated cis-regulatory alterations. (external link)
- Bhandari, Vinayak; Li, Constance H.; Bristow, Robert G. et al. (2020). Divergent mutational processes distinguish hypoxic and normoxic tumours. (external link)
- Jiao, Wei; Atwal, Gurnit; Polak, Paz et al. (2020). A deep learning system accurately classifies primary and metastatic cancers using passenger mutation patterns. (external link)
- Cmero, Marek; Yuan, Ke; Ong, Cheng Soon et al. (2020). Inferring structural variant cancer cell fraction. (external link)
- Sieverling, Lina; Hong, Chen; Koser, Sandra D. et al. (2020). Genomic footprints of activated telomere maintenance mechanisms in cancer. (external link)
- Cmero, Marek; Yuan, Ke; Ong, Cheng Soon et al. (2020). Inferring structural variant cancer cell fraction. (external link)
- Rubanova, Yulia; Shi, Ruian; Harrigan, Caitlin F. et al. (2020). Reconstructing evolutionary trajectories of mutation signature activities in cancer using TrackSig. (external link)
- Bailey, Matthew H.; Meyerson, William U.; Dursi, Lewis Jonathan et al. (2020). Author Correction: Retrospective evaluation of whole exome and genome mutation calls in 746 cancer samples (Nature Communications, (2020), 11, 1, (4748), 10.1038/s41467-020-18151-y). (external link)
- Choi, Man Hung; Mejlænder-Andersen, Eline ; Manueldas, Sophia et al. (2019). Mutation analysis by deep sequencing of pancreatic juice from patients with pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. (external link)
- Lønning, Per Eystein; Eikesdal, Hans Petter; Løes, Inger Marie et al. (2019). Constitutional mosaic epimutations - A hidden cause of cancer?. (external link)
- Bischof, Katharina; Bjørge, Line; Gjertsen, Bjørn Tore et al. (2019). Rethinking Gynecological High- Grade Serous Carcinoma. Portraying the p53 isoform landscape and development of a new preclinical for optical imaging in xenograft models. (external link)
- Bischof, Katharina; Knappskog, Stian; Hjelle, Sigrun Margrethe et al. (2019). Influence of p53 isoform expression on survival in high-grade serous ovarian cancers. (external link)
- Røsland, Gro Vatne; Dyrstad, Sissel Elisabeth; Tusubira, Deusdedit et al. (2019). Epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) is associated with attenuation of succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) in breast cancer through reduced expression of SDHC.. (external link)
- Smid, Marcel; Wilting, Saskia M.; Uhr, Katharina et al. (2019). The circular RNome of primary breast cancer. (external link)
- Aasen, Synnøve Nymark; Parajuli, Himalaya; Hoang, Tuyen et al. (2019). Effective treatment of metastatic melanoma by combining mapk and pi3k signaling pathway inhibitors. (external link)
- Eikesdal, Hans Petter; Yndestad, Synnøve; Blix, Egil Støre et al. (2019). Neoadjuvant olaparib monotherapy in primary triple negative breast cancer. (external link)
- Eikesdal, Hans Petter; Clausen, Christina; Blix, Egil Støre et al. (2019). Neoadjuvant endocrine therapy with palbociclib in patients with high-risk breast cancer. (external link)
- Forthun, Rakel Brendsdal; Hovland, Randi; Schuster, Cornelia et al. (2019). ctDNA detected by ddPCR reveals changes in tumour load in metastatic malignant melanoma treated with bevacizumab. (external link)
- Nik-Zainal, Serena; Davies, Helen; Staaf, Johan et al. (2019). Correction to: Landscape of somatic mutations in 560 breast cancer whole-genome sequences (Nature, (2016), 534, 7605, (47-54), 10.1038/nature17676). (external link)
- Birkeland, Einar Elvbakken; Lønning, Per Eystein; Knappskog, Stian (2018). Genomic evolution and therapy resistance in melanoma and breast cancer. (external link)
- Lønning, Per Eystein; Knappskog, Stian (2018). BRCA1 methylation in newborns: Genetic disposition, maternal transfer, environmental influence, or by chance only?. (external link)
- Bischof, Katharina; Knappskog, Stian; Stefansson, Ingunn et al. (2018). High expression of the p53 isoform ? is associated with reduced progression-free survival in uterine serous carcinoma. (external link)
- Knappskog, Stian; Gansmo, Liv Beathe; Lønning, Per Eystein (2018). Association of rs2279744 and rs117039649 promoter polymorphism with the risk of gynaecological cancer: A meta-analysis of case-control studies . (external link)
- Dyrstad, Sissel Elisabeth; Tusubira, Deusdedit; Knappskog, Stian et al. (2018). Introducing nano-scale quantitative polymerase chain reaction. (external link)
- Lønning, Per Eystein; Berge, Elisabet Ognedal; Bjørnslett, Merete Pauline et al. (2018). White blood cell BRCA1 promoter methylation status and ovarian cancer risk. (external link)
- Birkeland, Einar Elvbakken; Zhang, Shan; Poduval, Deepak et al. (2018). Patterns of genomic evolution in advanced melanoma. (external link)
- Yates, Lucy R.; Knappskog, Stian; Wedge, David et al. (2017). Genomic evolution of breast cancer metastasis and relapse. (external link)
- Yndestad, Synnøve; Austreid, Eilin; Svanberg, Ida et al. (2017). Activation of Akt characterizes estrogen receptor positive human breast cancers which respond to anthracyclines. (external link)
- Ju, Young Seok; Martincorena, Inigo; Gerstung, Moritz et al. (2017). Somatic mutations reveal asymmetric cellular dynamics in the early human embryo. (external link)
- Huun, Johanna; Gansmo, Liv Beathe; Mannsåker, Bård et al. (2017). Impact of the MDM2 splice-variants MDM2-A, MDM2-B and MDM2-C on cytotoxic stress response in breast cancer cells. (external link)
- Huun, Johanna; Lønning, Per Eystein; Knappskog, Stian (2017). Effects of concomitant inactivation of p53 and pRb on response to doxorubicin treatment in breast cancer cell lines.. (external link)
- Gansmo, Liv Beathe; Romundstad, Pål Richard; Hveem, Kristian et al. (2017). APOBEC3A/B deletion polymorphism and cancer risk.. (external link)
- Gansmo, Liv Beathe; Bjørnslett, Merete Pauline; Halle, Mari Kyllesø et al. (2017). MDM2 promoter polymorphism del1518 (rs3730485) and its impact on endometrial and ovarian cancer risk. (external link)
- Yndestad, Synnøve; Austreid, Eilin; Knappskog, Stian et al. (2017). High PTEN gene expression is a negative prognostic marker in human primary breast cancers with preserved p53 function. (external link)
- Helwa, Reham; Heller, Anette; Knappskog, Stian et al. (2017). Tumor cells interact with red blood cells via galectin-4 - a short report. (external link)
- Huun, Johanna; Gansmo, Liv Beathe; Mannsåker, Bård et al. (2017). The Functional roles of the MDM2 splice variants P2-MDM2-10 and MDM2-∆5 in breast cancer cells. (external link)
- Knappskog, Stian; Leirvaag, Beryl; Gansmo, Liv Beathe et al. (2016). Prevalence of the CHEK2 R95* germline mutation. (external link)
- Sveen, Anita; Løes, Inger Marie; Alagaratnam, Sharmini et al. (2016). Intra-patient inter-metastatic genetic heterogeneity in colorectal cancer as a key determinant of survival after curative liver resection. (external link)
- Gansmo, Liv Beathe; Bjørnslett, Merete Pauline; Halle, Mari Kyllesø et al. (2016). The MDM4 SNP34091 (rs4245739) C-allele is associated with increased risk of ovarian—but not endometrial cancer. (external link)
- Eskilsson, Eskil; Røsland, Gro Vatne; Talasila, Krishna Mukharji et al. (2016). EGFRvIII mutations can emerge as late and heterogenous events in glioblastoma development and promote angiogenesis through Src activation. (external link)
- Smid, Marcel; Rodríguez-González, F. Germán; Sieuwerts, Anieta M. et al. (2016). Breast cancer genome and transcriptome integration implicates specific mutational signatures with immune cell infiltration. (external link)
- Helwa, Reham; Gansmo, Liv Beathe; Romundstad, Pål Richard et al. (2016). MDM2 promoter SNP55 (rs2870820) affects risk of colon cancer but not breast-, lung-, or prostate cancer. (external link)
- Flågeng, Marianne Hauglid; Larionov, Alexey; Geisler, Jürgen et al. (2016). Treatment with aromatase inhibitors stimulates the expression of epidermal growth factor receptor-1 and neuregulin 1 in ER positive/HER-2/neu non-amplified primary breast cancers. (external link)
- Løes, Inger Marie; Immervoll, Heike; Sorbye, Halfdan et al. (2016). Impact of KRAS, BRAF, PIK3CA, TP53 status and intraindividual mutation heterogeneity on outcome after liver resection for colorectal cancer metastases. (external link)
- Nik-Zainal, Serena; Davies, Helen; Staaf, Johan et al. (2016). Landscape of somatic mutations in 560 breast cancer whole-genome sequences. (external link)
- Gansmo, Liv Beathe; Vatten, Lars Johan; Romundstad, Pål Richard et al. (2016). Associations between the MDM2 promoter P1 polymorphism del1518 (rs3730485) and incidence of cancer of the breast, lung, colon and prostate. (external link)
- Helwa, Reham; Ramadan, Mohamed; Abdel-Wahab, Abdel-Hady A. et al. (2016). Promoter SNPs rs116896264 and rs73933062 form a distinct haplotype and are associated with galectin-4 overexpression in colorectal cancer. (external link)
- Ju, Young Seok; Tubio, José M.C.; Mifsud, William et al. (2015). Frequent somatic transfer of mitochondrial DNA into the nuclear genome of human cancer cells. (external link)
- Yates, Lucy R.; Gerstung, Moritz; Knappskog, Stian et al. (2015). Subclonal diversification of primary breast cancer revealed by multiregion sequencing. (external link)
- Flågeng, Marianne Hauglid; Knappskog, Stian; Gjerde, Jennifer et al. (2015). Estrogens correlate with PELP1 expression in ER positive breast cancer. (external link)
- Knappskog, Stian; Berge, Elisabet Ognedal; Chrisanthar, Ranjan et al. (2015). Concomitant inactivation of the p53- and pRB- functional pathways predicts resistance to DNA damaging drugs in breast cancer in vivo. (external link)
- Gansmo, Liv Beathe; Knappskog, Stian; Romundstad, Pål Richard et al. (2015). Influence of MDM2 SNP309 and SNP285 status on the risk of cancer in the breast, prostate, lung and colon. (external link)
- Løes, Inger Marie; Immervoll, Heike ; Angelsen, Jon-Helge et al. (2015). Performance comparison of three BRAF V600E detection methods in malignant melanoma and colorectal cancer specimen. (external link)
- Gansmo, Liv Beathe; Romundstad, Pål Richard; Birkeland, Einar Elvbakken et al. (2015). MDM4 SNP34091 (rs4245739) and its effect on breast-, colon-, lung-, and prostate cancer risk. (external link)
- Eikesdal, Hans Petter; Knappskog, Stian; Aas, Turid et al. (2014). TP53 status predicts long-term survival in locally advanced breast cancer after primary chemotherapy. (external link)
- Knappskog, Stian; Lønning, Per Eystein (2014). MDM2 SNP309 and risk of endometrial cancer. (external link)
- Nik-Zainal, Serena; Wedge, David C.; Alexandrov, Ludmil B. et al. (2014). Association of a germline copy number polymorphism of APOBEC3A and APOBEC3B with burden of putative APOBEC-dependent mutations in breast cancer. (external link)
- Tubio, José M.C.; Li, Yilong; Ju, Young Seok et al. (2014). Extensive transduction of nonrepetitive DNA mediated by L1 retrotransposition in cancer genomes. (external link)
- Knappskog, Stian; Lønning, Per Eystein (2014). MDM2 SNP309 and risk of cervical cancer. (external link)
- Knappskog, Stian; Gansmo, Liv Beathe; Dibirova, Khadizha et al. (2014). Population distribution and ancestry of the cancer protective MDM2 SNP285 (rs117039649). (external link)
- Straume, Anne Hege; Knappskog, Stian; Lønning, Per Eystein (2014). Effects of SNP variants in the 17β-HSD2 and 17β-HSD7 genes and 17β-HSD7 copy number on gene transcript and estradiol levels in breast cancer tissue. (external link)
- Knappskog, Stian; Lønning, Per Eystein (2014). MDM2 SNP309 and risk of cervical cancer. (external link)
- Berge, Elisabet Ognedal; Huun, Johanna; Lillehaug, Johan R. et al. (2013). Functional characterisation of p53 mutants identified in breast cancers with suboptimal responses to anthracyclines or mitomycin. (external link)
- Knappskog, Stian; Lønning, Per Eystein (2013). MDM2 SNP309 and risk of endometrial cancer. (external link)
- Alexandrov, Ludmil B.; Nik-Zainal, Serena; Wedge, David C. et al. (2013). Signatures of mutational processes in human cancer. (external link)
- Flågeng, Marianne Hauglid; Knappskog, Stian; Haynes, Ben P. et al. (2013). Inverse regulation of EGFR/HER1 and HER2-4 in normal and malignant human breast tissue. (external link)
- Birkeland, Einar Elvbakken; Busch, Christian; Berge, Elisabet Ognedal et al. (2013). Low BRAF and NRAS expression levels are associated with clinical benefit from DTIC therapy and prognosis in metastatic melanoma. (external link)
- Astori, Audrey; Fredly, Hanne Kristin; Aloysius, Thomas Aquinas et al. (2013). CXXC5 (retinoid-inducible nuclear factor, RINF) is a potential therapeutic target in high-risk human acute myeloid leukemia. (external link)
- Arnesen, Thomas; Glomnes, Nina; Strømsøy, Siri S. et al. (2013). Outcome after surgery for primary hyperaldosteronism may depend on KCNJ5 tumor mutation status: a population-based study from Western Norway. (external link)
- Lønning, Per Eystein; Knappskog, Stian (2013). Mapping genetic alterations causing chemoresistance in cancer: identifying the roads by tracking the drivers. (external link)
- McCormack, Emmet Martin; Haaland, Ingvild; Venås, Gurid et al. (2012). Synergistic induction of p53 mediated apoptosis by valproic acid and nutlin-3 in acute myeloid leukemia. (external link)
- Knappskog, Stian; Trovik, Jone; Marcickiewicz, Janusz et al. (2012). SNP285C modulates oestrogen receptor/Sp1 binding to the MDM2 promoter and reduces the risk of endometrial but not prostatic cancer. (external link)
- Ånensen, Nina; Hjelle, Sigrun Margrethe; Van, Belle Werner et al. (2012). Correlation analysis of p53 protein isoforms with NPM1/FLT3 mutations and therapy response in acute myeloid leukemia. (external link)
- Straume, Anne Hege; Knappskog, Stian; Lønning, Per Eystein (2012). Effect of CYP19 rs6493497 and rs7176005 haplotype status on in vivo aromatase transcription, plasma and tissue estrogen levels in postmenopausal women. (external link)
- Knappskog, Stian; Lønning, Per Eystein (2012). P53 and its molecular basis to chemoresistance in breast cancer. (external link)
- Straume, Anne Hege; Løvås, Kristian; Miletic, Hrvoje et al. (2012). Elevated levels of the steroidogenic factor 1 are associated with over-expression of CYP19 in an oestrogen-producing testicular Leydig cell tumour. (external link)
- Knappskog, Stian (2012). Re: Murine double minute 2 promoter SNP309 polymorphism and prostate cancer risk: a meta-analysis. (external link)
- Lønning, Per Eystein; Knappskog, Stian (2012). Chemosensitivity and p53; new tricks by an old dog. (external link)
- Bjørnslett, Merete Pauline; Knappskog, Stian; Lønning, Per Eystein et al. (2012). Effect of the MDM2 promoter polymorphisms SNP309T>G and SNP285G>C on the risk of ovarian cancer in BRCA1 mutation carriers. (external link)
- Knappskog, Stian; Gansmo, Liv Beathe; Romundstad, Pål Richard et al. (2012). MDM2 Promoter SNP344T>A (rs1196333) Status Does Not Affect Cancer Risk. (external link)
- Knappskog, Stian; Chrisanthar, Ranjan; Løkkevik, Erik et al. (2012). Low expression levels of ATM may substitute for CHEK2/TP53 mutations predicting resistance towards anthracycline and mitomycin chemotherapy in breast cancer. (external link)
- Knappskog, Stian; Bjørnslett, Merete Pauline; Myklebust, Line Merethe et al. (2011). The MDM2 Promoter SNP285C/309G Haplotype Diminishes Sp1 Transcription Factor Binding and Reduces Risk for Breast and Ovarian Cancer in Caucasians. (external link)
- Flågeng, Marianne Hauglid; Knappskog, Stian; Lønning, Per Eystein et al. (2011). The nuclear receptor coactivator PELP1/MNAR is positively correlated with estrogen levels in breast cancer patients. (external link)
- Knappskog, Stian; Myklebust, Line Merethe; Busch, Christian et al. (2011). RINF (CXXC5) is overexpressed in solid tumors and is an unfavorable prognostic factor in breast cancer(dagger). (external link)
- Welin, Staffan; Sørbye, Halfdan; Sebjørnsen, Sigrunn et al. (2011). Clinical effect of Temozolomide-based chemotherapy in poorly differentiated endocrine carcinoma after progression on first-line chemotherapy. (external link)
- Berge, Elisabet Ognedal; Knappskog, Stian; Lillehaug, Johan R. et al. (2011). Alterations of the retinoblastoma gene in metastatic breast cancer. (external link)
- Knappskog, Stian; Lønning, Per Eystein (2011). MDM2 promoter SNP285 and SNP309; phylogeny and impact on cancer risk. (external link)
- Lønning, Per Eystein; Haynes, Ben P.; Straume, Anne Hege et al. (2011). Recent data on intratumor estrogens in breast cancer. (external link)
- Lønning, Per Eystein; Haynes, Ben P.; Straume, Anne Hege et al. (2011). Exploring breast cancer estrogen disposition: The basis for endocrine manipulation. (external link)
- Chrisanthar, Ranjan; Knappskog, Stian; Løkkevik, Erik et al. (2011). Predictive and Prognostic Impact of TP53 Mutations and MDM2 Promoter Genotype in Primary Breast Cancer Patients Treated with Epirubicin or Paclitaxel. (external link)
- Knappskog, Stian; Lønning, Per Eystein (2011). Effects of the MDM2 promoter SNP285 and SNP309 on Sp1 transcription factor binding and cancer risk. (external link)
- Torsvik, Anja; Røsland, Gro Vatne; Svendsen, Agnete et al. (2010). Spontaneous Malignant Transformation of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells Reflects Cross-Contamination: Putting the Research Field on Track - Letter. (external link)
- Berge, Elisabet Ognedal; Knappskog, Stian; Geisler, Stephanie et al. (2010). Identification and characterization of retinoblastoma gene mutations disturbing apoptosis in human breast cancers. (external link)
- Busch, Christian; Geisler, Jürgen; Knappskog, Stian et al. (2010). Alterations in the p53 Pathway and p16INK4a Expression Predict Overall Survival in Metastatic Melanoma Patients Treated with Dacarbazine. (external link)
- Flågeng, Marianne Hauglid; Knappskog, Stian; Larionov, Alexey et al. (2010). Epidermal growth factor receptors (ErbB/HER) and the ligand Neuregulin 1 (NRG1) increase in breast tumors during short time treatment with aromatase inhibitors. (external link)
- Jönsson, Göran; Busch, Christian; Knappskog, Stian et al. (2010). Gene Expression Profiling-Based Identification of Molecular Subtypes in Stage IV Melanomas with Different Clinical Outcome. (external link)
- Chrisanthar, Ranjan; Knappskog, Stian; Staalesen, Vidar et al. (2007). P21/waf1 mutation and drug resistance to paclitaxel in locally advanced breast cancer. (external link)
- Lønning, Per Eystein; Chrisanthar, Ranjan; Staalesen, Vidar et al. (2007). Adjuvant treatment: the contribution of expression microarrays. (external link)
- Lønning, Per Eystein; Knappskog, Stian; Staalesen, Vidar et al. (2007). Breast cancer prognostication and prediction in the postgenomic era. (external link)
- Knappskog, Stian (2007). Germline Genetic Alterations Affecting CDKN2A, MDM2 and CDKN1A in Melanoma and Breast Cancer Patients. (external link)
- Staalesen, Vidar; Knappskog, Stian; Chrisanthar, Ranjan et al. (2007). The MDM2 SNP309 G/T promoter polymorphism is associated with chemoresistance in primary breast cancers harbouring mutations in the TP53 gene. (external link)
- Stern, Beate; Gjerdrum, Christine; Knappskog, Stian et al. (2007). UTRech tm: Exploiting mRNA Targeting To Increase Protein Secetion From Mammalian Cells. (external link)
- Knappskog, Stian; Ravneberg, Hanne; Gjerdrum, Christine et al. (2007). The level of synthesis and secretion of Gaussia princeps luciferase in transfected CHO cells is heavily dependent on the choice of signal peptide. (external link)
- Knappskog, Stian; Chrisanthar, Ranjan; Staalesen, Vidar et al. (2007). Mutations and polymorphisms of the p21B transcript in breast cancer. (external link)
- Stålesen, Vidar; Staalesen, Vidar; Knappskog, Stian et al. (2006). The novel p21 polymorphism p21(G251A) is associated with locally advanced breast cancer. (external link)
- Knappskog, Stian; Geisler, Jürgen; Arnesen, Thomas et al. (2006). A novel type of deletion in the CDKN2A gene identified in a melanoma-prone family. (external link)
- Berge, Elisabet Ognedal; Knappskog, Stian; Lillehaug, Johan et al. (2006). Functional characterisation of novel p53 mutants. (external link)
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