Henrik Kalisch






Henrik Kalisch is Professor of Applied Mathematics. He received his Ph.D. in 2001 from the University of Texas at Austin. His research is centered on the mathematical modeling of nearshore processes such as wave breaking, surfzone circulation and wave hazards in the coastal zone.  He has co-authored more than one hundred scientific publications in fluid mechanics, partial differential equations, numerical analysis and scientific computation. He is currently Deputy Head of the Department and co-editor-in-chief for “Water Waves: An interdisciplinary journal”, published by Birkhäuser-Springer-Nature.

Recent papers:


Current research group:

Bashar Khorbatly, Postdoctoral researcher

Francesco Lagona, Adjunct professor


Juan Enrique Angular Martinez, PhD student (joint with Magnus Svärd)

Olufemi Ige, PhD student

Anders Norevik, PhD student


Sara Mundal Aase, Master student

Tolga Bilge, Master student,

Kaja Elgåen, Master student

Karoline Holand, Master student

Andreas Jacobsen, Master student (joint with Volker Roeber, Universite de Pau, France)

Lluïsa Puig Moner, Master student (joint with Johnny A. Johannessen, Geophysics department)

Bo Schleisner, Master student (joint with Anne D. Sandvik and Jon Albretsen, Marine Research Institute)







Henrik Kalisch has been responsible for developing and teaching a large variety of courses in applied mathematics, fluid mechanics and numerics at the undergraduate and graduate level. He was chair of the curriculum committee (programstyret) from 2013-2017.

Current Ph.D. students: Enrique Martinez, Olufemi Ige, Anders Norevik.

Current Masters students: Sara Mundal Aase, Tolga Bilge, Kaja Elgåen, Andreas Jacobsen, Karoline Holand, Lluïsa Puig Moner, Bo Schleisner.


Graduated Ph.D. students:

Maria Bjørnestad (2021), placement: HPC-Waves, Université de Pau, Anglet, France

Evgueni Dinvay (2019), placement: INRIA Rennes, France

Vincent Teyekpiti (2018), placement: University of Ghana

Zahra Khorsand (2017), placement: Baking artist, online influencer

Daulet Moldabayev (2017), placement: Oceaneering Inc. Trondheim, Norway

Amutha Senthilkumar (2017), placement: CapGemini Norge AS

Alfatih Ali (2012), placement: Norwegian Meteorological Institute

Magnar Bjørkavåg(2012), placement: St. Olav VGS

Nguyet Ngyuen, (2010), placement: HR Block, Indianapolis, USA



Graduated Master’s students:

Marius Nevland (2022), placement: PhD student at UiB

Kristoffer Johnsen (2022), placement: Insurance company

Hege Frøysa (2021), placement: Aqua Kompetanse AS

Stevie Cervantes (2020),  placement: DNV, Oslo

Martin Oen Paulsen (2020), placement: PhD student with Didier Pilod

Lisbeth Engell-Sorensen(2019),

Sondre Hatland Dahle (2019), placement: second degree in Computer Science

Anders Norevik (2019), placement: PhD student at UiB

Dipti Acharya (2018),

KristerTrandal (2017), placement: Teacher at Kirkeparken videregående skole

Maria Bjørnestad (2017), placement: PhD student

Olav Skjølingstad (2016), HVL, Høgskolelektor, ingeniørfag, Campus Haugesund

Mats Brun (2015), placement: PhD student

Bjørn-Sverre Juliussen (2014), placement: Nordahl Grieg videregående skole

Vincent Teyekpiti (2013), placement: PhD student

Zahra Khorsand (2012), placement: PhD student

Amutha Senthilkumar(2012), placement: PhD student

Erik Eikeland (2010), placement: PhD student

Lalaniaina Rabenorolahy (2008),

Jan Ole Skogestad (2007), placement: SINTEF

MagnarBjørkavåg (2006), placement: PhD student


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Publications on Google Scholar

Publications on MathSciNet



Methods for real-time wave forecasting and phase control of wave energy converters, Bergen Universitetsfond (2021-2022)

MegaRoller, Grant from the European Commission (Horizon 2020) Consortium leader: AWE Energy, Finland, Role in project: Local contact

Norwegian Research Network in Mathematical Models in Geophysical Flows, Image and Signal Processing, Topology and Geometry, Grant from the Research Council of Norway (ISP), Role in project: Project leader, 2016-2019

Internal Waves in the Marginal Ice Zone, 2018 Hydralab grant from European Commission (Horizon 2020)Principal investigator: Magda Carr, St. Andrews, Scotland, Role in project: Participant

Nonlinear PDE in Spaces of Analytic Functions, a project funded by the Research Council of Norway (2012-2017), Role in project: Project leader

Wavemaker, a project funded by the Research Council of Norway (2006-2010)