Henrik Kalisch is Professor of Applied Mathematics. He received his Ph.D. in 2001 from the University of Texas at Austin. His research is centered on the mathematical modeling of nearshore processes such as wave breaking, surfzone circulation and wave hazards in the coastal zone. He has co-authored more than one hundred scientific publications in fluid mechanics, partial differential equations, numerical analysis and scientific computation. He is currently Deputy Head of the Department and co-editor-in-chief for “Water Waves: An interdisciplinary journal”, published by Birkhäuser-Springer-Nature.
Recent papers:
- Ship wave patterns on floating ice sheets by K. Johnsen, H. Kalisch, E. Parau Scientific Reports 12 (2022)
- Lagrangian measurements of orbital velocities in the surf zone, by M. Bjørnestad, M. Buckley, H Kalisch et al. Geophysical Research Letters 48 (2021)
- Fully dispersive Boussinesq models with uneven bathymetry by J.D. Carter, E. Dinvay and H Kalisch, Journal of Engineering Mathematics 127 (2021)
- Extreme wave run-up on a steep coastal profile by M Bjørnestad and H Kalisch, AIP Advances 10 (2020)
Current research group:
Bashar Khorbatly, Postdoctoral researcher
Francesco Lagona, Adjunct professor
Juan Enrique Angular Martinez, PhD student (joint with Magnus Svärd)
Olufemi Ige, PhD student
Anders Norevik, PhD student
Sara Mundal Aase, Master student
Tolga Bilge, Master student,
Kaja Elgåen, Master student
Karoline Holand, Master student
Andreas Jacobsen, Master student (joint with Volker Roeber, Universite de Pau, France)
Lluïsa Puig Moner, Master student (joint with Johnny A. Johannessen, Geophysics department)
Bo Schleisner, Master student (joint with Anne D. Sandvik and Jon Albretsen, Marine Research Institute)
Henrik Kalisch has been responsible for developing and teaching a large variety of courses in applied mathematics, fluid mechanics and numerics at the undergraduate and graduate level. He was chair of the curriculum committee (programstyret) from 2013-2017.
Current Ph.D. students: Enrique Martinez, Olufemi Ige, Anders Norevik.
Current Masters students: Sara Mundal Aase, Tolga Bilge, Kaja Elgåen, Andreas Jacobsen, Karoline Holand, Lluïsa Puig Moner, Bo Schleisner.
Graduated Ph.D. students:
Maria Bjørnestad (2021), placement: HPC-Waves, Université de Pau, Anglet, France
Evgueni Dinvay (2019), placement: INRIA Rennes, France
Vincent Teyekpiti (2018), placement: University of Ghana
Zahra Khorsand (2017), placement: Baking artist, online influencer
Daulet Moldabayev (2017), placement: Oceaneering Inc. Trondheim, Norway
Amutha Senthilkumar (2017), placement: CapGemini Norge AS
Alfatih Ali (2012), placement: Norwegian Meteorological Institute
Magnar Bjørkavåg(2012), placement: St. Olav VGS
Nguyet Ngyuen, (2010), placement: HR Block, Indianapolis, USA
Graduated Master’s students:
Marius Nevland (2022), placement: PhD student at UiB
Kristoffer Johnsen (2022), placement: Insurance company
Hege Frøysa (2021), placement: Aqua Kompetanse AS
Stevie Cervantes (2020), placement: DNV, Oslo
Martin Oen Paulsen (2020), placement: PhD student with Didier Pilod
Lisbeth Engell-Sorensen(2019),
Sondre Hatland Dahle (2019), placement: second degree in Computer Science
Anders Norevik (2019), placement: PhD student at UiB
Dipti Acharya (2018),
KristerTrandal (2017), placement: Teacher at Kirkeparken videregående skole
Maria Bjørnestad (2017), placement: PhD student
Olav Skjølingstad (2016), HVL, Høgskolelektor, ingeniørfag, Campus Haugesund
Mats Brun (2015), placement: PhD student
Bjørn-Sverre Juliussen (2014), placement: Nordahl Grieg videregående skole
Vincent Teyekpiti (2013), placement: PhD student
Zahra Khorsand (2012), placement: PhD student
Amutha Senthilkumar(2012), placement: PhD student
Erik Eikeland (2010), placement: PhD student
Lalaniaina Rabenorolahy (2008),
Jan Ole Skogestad (2007), placement: SINTEF
MagnarBjørkavåg (2006), placement: PhD student
Vitenskapelig artikkel
- Norevik, Anders Marifjæren; Chang, Jen-Hsu; Yuan, Juan-Ming et al. (2024). Particle trajectories in the KP-II equation. (ekstern lenke)
- Jacobsen, Andreas Bondehagen; Roeber, Volker; Kalisch, Henrik et al. (2024). Wave-driven current and vortex patterns at an open beach: Insights from phase-resolving numerical computations and Lagrangian measurements. (ekstern lenke)
- Jacobsen, Andreas Bondehagen; Kalisch, Henrik; Roeber, Volker (2024). Infragravity waves and cross-shore motion–a conceptual study. (ekstern lenke)
- Li, Yan; Zheng, Zibo; Kalisch, Henrik (2024). Stokes drift and particle trajectories induced by surface waves atop a shear flow. (ekstern lenke)
- Holand, Karoline; Kalisch, Henrik (2024). Real-time ocean wave prediction in time domain with autoregression and echo state networks. (ekstern lenke)
- Israwi, Samer; Kalisch, Henrik; Hussien Elkhorbatly, Bashar (2024). Convergence of mechanical balance laws for water waves: from KdV to Euler. (ekstern lenke)
- Kalisch, Henrik; Lagona, Francesco; Roeber, Volker (2023). Sudden wave flooding on steep rock shores: a clear but hidden danger. (ekstern lenke)
- Hussien Elkhorbatly, Bashar; Kalisch, Henrik (2023). Rigorous estimates on mechanical balance laws in the Boussinesq–Peregrine equations. (ekstern lenke)
- Ige, Olufemi Elijah; Kalisch, Henrik (2023). Particle trajectories in a weakly nonlinear long-wave model on a shear flow. (ekstern lenke)
- Holand, Karoline; Kalisch, Henrik; Bjørnestad, Maria et al. (2023). Identification of wave breaking from nearshore wave-by-wave records. (ekstern lenke)
- Norevik, Anders Marifjæren; Kalisch, Henrik (2023). On the formulation of energy conservation in the eeKdV equation. (ekstern lenke)
- Carter, John D.; Francius, Marc; Kharif, Christian et al. (2023). The superharmonic instability and wave breaking in Whitham equations. (ekstern lenke)
- Israwi, Samer; Kalisch, Henrik; Katsaounis, Theodoros et al. (2022). A regularized shallow-water waves system with slip-wall boundary conditions in a basin: theory and numerical analysis. (ekstern lenke)
- Kalisch, Henrik; Mitrovic, Darko (2022). On Existence and Admissibility of Singular Solutions for Systems of Conservation Laws. (ekstern lenke)
- Dinvay, Evgueni; Kalisch, Henrik; Părău, Emilian (2022). Waves generated by moving loads on ice plates: Viscoelastic approximations. (ekstern lenke)
- Johnsen, Kristoffer; Kalisch, Henrik; Părău, Emilian I. (2022). Ship wave patterns on floating ice sheets. (ekstern lenke)
- Carter, John D.; Kalisch, Henrik; Kharif, Christian et al. (2022). The cubic vortical Whitham equation. (ekstern lenke)
- Bjørnestad, Maria; Buckley, M.; Kalisch, Henrik et al. (2021). Lagrangian Measurements of Orbital Velocities in the Surf Zone. (ekstern lenke)
- Bjørnestad, Maria; Kalisch, Henrik; Abid, Malek et al. (2021). Wave Breaking in Undular Bores with Shear Flows. (ekstern lenke)
- Israwi, Samer; Kalisch, Henrik (2021). A mathematical justification of the momentum density function associated to the KdV equation. (ekstern lenke)
- Paulsen, Martin Oen; Kalisch, Henrik (2021). A Nonlinear Formulation of Radiation Stress and Applications to Cnoidal Shoaling. (ekstern lenke)
- Carter, John D.; Dinvay, Evgueni; Kalisch, Henrik (2021). Fully dispersive Boussinesq models with uneven bathymetry. (ekstern lenke)
- Carter, John D.; Curtis, Christopher W.; Kalisch, Henrik (2020). Particle Trajectories in Nonlinear Schrödinger Models. (ekstern lenke)
- Bjørnestad, Maria; Kalisch, Henrik (2020). Extreme wave runup on a steep coastal profile. (ekstern lenke)
- Paulsen, Martin Oen; Kalisch, Henrik (2020). Admissibility conditions for Riemann data in shallow water theory. (ekstern lenke)
- Trandal, Krister Joakim; Kalisch, Henrik (2019). Long wave dynamics for a liquid CO2 lake in the deep ocean. (ekstern lenke)
- Senthilkumar, Amutha; Kalisch, Henrik (2019). Wave breaking in the KdV equation on a flow with constant vorticity. (ekstern lenke)
- Kharif, Christian; Abid, Malek; Carter, John D. et al. (2019). Stability of periodic progressive gravity wave solutions of the Whitham equation in the presence of vorticity. (ekstern lenke)
- Dinvay, Evgueni; Kalisch, Henrik; Parau, Emilian I (2019). Fully dispersive models for moving loads on ice sheets. (ekstern lenke)
- Hatland, Sondre Dahle; Kalisch, Henrik (2019). Wave breaking in undular bores generated by a moving weir. (ekstern lenke)
- Curtis, Christopher W.; Kalisch, Henrik (2019). Interaction of a free surface with a vortex patch. (ekstern lenke)
- Carr, Magda; Sutherland, Peter; Haase, Andrea et al. (2019). Laboratory experiments on internal solitary waves in ice-covered waters. (ekstern lenke)
- Wong, Wei-Ying; Bjørnestad, Maria; Lin, Chang et al. (2019). Internal flow properties in a capillary bore . (ekstern lenke)
- Kalisch, Henrik; Pilod, Didier Jacques Francois (2019). On the local well-posedness for a full-dispersion boussinesq system with surface tension. (ekstern lenke)
- Dinvay, Evgueni; Kalisch, Henrik; Moldabayev, Daulet et al. (2019). The Whitham equation for hydroelastic waves. (ekstern lenke)
- Brun, Mats Kirkesæther; Kalisch, Henrik (2018). Convective wave breaking in the KdV equation. (ekstern lenke)
- Dinvay, Evgueni; Dutykh, Denys; Kalisch, Henrik (2018). A comparative study of bi-directional Whitham systems. (ekstern lenke)
- Curtis, Christopher W.; Carter, John D.; Kalisch, Henrik (2018). Particle paths in nonlinear Schrodinger models in the presence of linear shear currents. (ekstern lenke)
- Kalisch, Henrik; Mitrovic, Darko; Teyekpiti, Vincent (2018). Existence and uniqueness of singular solutions for a conservation law arising in magnetohydrodynamics. (ekstern lenke)
- Kalisch, Henrik; Teyekpiti, Vincent (2018). A shallow-water system with vanishing buoyancy. (ekstern lenke)
- Kalisch, Henrik; Teyekpiti, Vincent (2018). Hydraulic jumps on shear flows with constant vorticity. (ekstern lenke)
- Ali, Alfatih Omer Mohammed Ahmed; Juliussen, Bjørn-Sverre ; Kalisch, Henrik (2017). Approximate conservation laws for an integrable boussinesq system. (ekstern lenke)
- Selberg, Sigmund; Kalisch, Henrik; Himonas, A. Alexandrou (2017). On persistence of spatial analyticity for the dispersion-generalized periodic KdV equation. (ekstern lenke)
- Remonato, Filippo; Kalisch, Henrik (2017). Numerical bifurcation for the capillary Whitham equation. (ekstern lenke)
- Kalisch, Henrik; Mitrovic, Darko; Teyekpiti, Vincent (2017). Delta shock waves in shallow water flow. (ekstern lenke)
- Dinvay, Evgueni; Moldabayev, Daulet; Dutykh, Denys et al. (2017). The Whitham equation with surface tension. (ekstern lenke)
- Curtis, Christopher W.; Kalisch, Henrik (2017). Vortex dynamics in nonlinear free surface flows. (ekstern lenke)
- Segal, Benjamin L.; Moldabayev, Daulet; Kalisch, Henrik et al. (2017). Explicit solutions for a long-wave model with constant vorticity. (ekstern lenke)
- Bjørnestad, Maria; Kalisch, Henrik (2017). Shallow water dynamics on linear shear flows and plane beaches. (ekstern lenke)
- Kalisch, Henrik; Moldabayev, Daulet; Verdier, Olivier (2017). A numerical study of nonlinear dispersive wave models with spectravvave. (ekstern lenke)
- Kalisch, Henrik; Khorsand, Zahra; Mitsotakis, Dimitrios (2016). Mechanical balance laws for fully nonlinear and weakly dispersive water waves. (ekstern lenke)
- Kalisch, Henrik; Mitrovic, Darko; Nordbotten, Jan Martin (2016). Rayleigh–Taylor instability of immiscible fluids in porous media. (ekstern lenke)
- Borluk, Handan; Kalisch, Henrik; Nicholls, David P. (2016). A numerical study of the Whitham equation as a model for steady surface water waves. (ekstern lenke)
- Hodneland, Erlend; Tai, Xue-Cheng; Kalisch, Henrik (2016). PDE Based Algorithms for Smooth Watersheds. (ekstern lenke)
- Moldabayev, Daulet; Kalisch, Henrik; Dutykh, Denys (2015). The Whitham Equation as a model for surface water waves. (ekstern lenke)
- Kalisch, Henrik (2015). Mechanical balance laws in long wave models. (ekstern lenke)
- Kalisch, Henrik; Mitrovic, Darko; Nordbotten, Jan Martin (2015). Non-standard shocks in the Buckley-Leverett equation. (ekstern lenke)
- Gavrilyuk, Sergey; Kalisch, Henrik; Khorsand, Zahra (2015). A kinematic conservation law in free surface flow. (ekstern lenke)
- Mitrovic, Darko; Nordbotten, Jan Martin; Kalisch, Henrik (2014). Dynamics of the interface between immiscible liquids of different densities with low Froude number. (ekstern lenke)
- Elenius, Maria; Nordbotten, Jan Martin; Kalisch, Henrik (2014). Convective mixing influenced by the capillary transition zone. (ekstern lenke)
- Ali, Alfatih Mohammed A; Kalisch, Henrik (2014). On the formulation of mass, momentum and energy conservation in the KdV equation. (ekstern lenke)
- Sanford, Nathan; Kodama, Keri; Carter, John D. et al. (2014). Stability of traveling wave solutions to the Whitham equation. (ekstern lenke)
- Ali, Alfatih Mohammed A; Kalisch, Henrik (2013). Reconstruction of the pressure in long-wave models with constant vorticity. (ekstern lenke)
- Dutykh, Denys; Kalisch, Henrik (2013). Boussinesq modeling of surface waves due to underwater landslides. (ekstern lenke)
- Kalisch, Henrik; Nguyen, Marie Hai Yen; Nguyen, Nguyet Thanh (2013). Solitary wave collisions in the regularized long wave equation. (ekstern lenke)
- Ehrnström, Mats Harald Andreas; Kalisch, Henrik (2013). Global bifurcation for the Whitham equation. (ekstern lenke)
- Kalisch, Henrik; Senthilkumar, Amutha (2013). Derivation of Boussinesq's shoaling law using a coupled BBM system. (ekstern lenke)
- Kalisch, Henrik; Mitrovic, Darko (2012). Singular solutions for the shallow-water equations. (ekstern lenke)
- Borluk, Handan; Kalisch, Henrik (2012). Particle dynamics in the KdV approximation. (ekstern lenke)
- Ali, Alfatih Mohammed A; Kalisch, Henrik (2012). A dispersive model for undular bores. (ekstern lenke)
- Elenius, Maria; Nordbotten, Jan Martin; Kalisch, Henrik (2012). Effects of a capillary transition zone on the stability of a diffusive boundary layer. (ekstern lenke)
- Ali, Alfatih Mohammed A; Kalisch, Henrik (2012). Mechanical balance laws for boussinesq models of surface water waves. (ekstern lenke)
- Kalisch, Henrik (2012). Nonexistence of coherent structures in two-dimensional inviscid channel flow. (ekstern lenke)
- Kalisch, Henrik; Mitrovic, Darko (2012). Singular solutions of a fully nonlinear 2 × 2 system of conservation laws. (ekstern lenke)
- Bjørkavåg, Magnar; Kalisch, Henrik (2011). Wave breaking in Boussinesq models for undular bores. (ekstern lenke)
- Kalisch, Henrik; Nguyen, Nguyet Thanh (2010). On the stability of internal waves. (ekstern lenke)
- Ali, Alfatih Mohammed Ahmed; Kalisch, Henrik (2010). Balance énergétique pour un mascaret . (ekstern lenke)
- Kalisch, Henrik; Bjørkavåg, Magnar (2010). Energy budget in a dispersive model for undular bores. (ekstern lenke)
- Bjørkavåg, Magnar; Kalisch, Henrik (2010). Radius of analyticity and exponential convergence for spectral projections of the generalized KdV equation. (ekstern lenke)
- Bona, Jerry L.; Grujic, Zoran; Kalisch, Henrik (2010). A KdV-type Boussinesq system: From the energy level to analytic spaces. (ekstern lenke)
- Kalisch, Henrik; Nguyen, Nguyet Thanh (2009). Stability of negative solitary waves. (ekstern lenke)
- Nguyen, Nguyet Thanh; Kalisch, Henrik (2009). Orbital stability of negative solitary waves. (ekstern lenke)
- Ehrnström, Mats; Kalisch, Henrik (2009). Traveling waves for the Whitham equation. (ekstern lenke)
- Grujic, Zoran; Kalisch, Henrik (2009). A bound on oscillations in an unsteady undular bore. (ekstern lenke)
- Skogestad, Jan Ole; Kalisch, Henrik (2009). A boundary value problem for the KdV equation: Comparison of finite-difference and Chebyshev methods. (ekstern lenke)
- Grujic, Zoran; Kalisch, Henrik (2009). Gevrey regularity for a class of water-wave models. (ekstern lenke)
- Ehrnstrom, Mats; Kalisch, Henrik (2009). Traveling waves for the Whitham equation. (ekstern lenke)
- Bjørkavåg, Magnar; Kalisch, Henrik (2007). Exponential convergence of a spectral projection of the KdV equation. (ekstern lenke)
- Kalisch, Henrik (2007). Derivation and comparison of model equations for interfacial capillary-gravity waves in deep water. (ekstern lenke)
- Kalisch, Henrik; Raynaud, Xavier (2007). On the rate of convergence of a collocation projection of the KdV equation. (ekstern lenke)
- Kalisch, Henrik; Raynaud, Xavier (2006). Convergence of a Spectral Projection of the Camassa-Holm Equation. (ekstern lenke)
- Bona, Jerry; Grujic, Zoran; Kalisch, Henrik (2006). Global Solutions of the Derivative Schrödinger Equation in a Class of Functions Analytic in a Strip. (ekstern lenke)
- Kalisch, Henrik (2006). Solitary Waves of Depression. (ekstern lenke)
- Kalisch, Henrik; Raynaud, Xavier (2006). Convergence of a spectral projection of the Camassa-Holm equation. (ekstern lenke)
- Kalisch, Henrik; Lenells, J (2005). Numerical study of traveling-wave solutions for the Camassa-Holm equation. (ekstern lenke)
- Kalisch, Henrik (2005). Error Analysis of Spectral Projections of the Regularized Benjamin-Ono Equation. (ekstern lenke)
- Kalisch, Henrik (2005). Error analysis of a spectral projection of the regularizedBenjamin-Ono equation. (ekstern lenke)
- Kalisch, Henrik; Lenells, Jonatan (2005). Numerical study of traveling-wave solutions for the Camassa-Holm equation. (ekstern lenke)
- Craig, Walter; Guyenne, Philippe; Kalisch, Henrik (2005). Hamiltonian long-wave expansions for free surfaces and interfaces. (ekstern lenke)
- Kalisch, Henrik (2005). Rapid convergence of a Galerkin projection of the KdV equation. (ekstern lenke)
- Bona, Jerry; Grujic, Zoran; Kalisch, Henrik (2005). Algebraic lower bounds for the uniform radius of spatial analyticity for the generalized KdV equation. (ekstern lenke)
- Bona, Jerry; Kalisch, Henrik (2004). Singularity formation in the generalized Benjamin-Ono equation. (ekstern lenke)
- Kalisch, Henrik (2004). A uniqueness result for periodic traveling waves in water of finite depth. (ekstern lenke)
- Kalisch, Henrik (2004). Stability of solitary waves for a nonlinearly dispersive equation. (ekstern lenke)
- Craig, Walter; Guyenne, Philippe; Kalisch, Henrik (2004). A new model for large amplitude long internal waves. (ekstern lenke)
- Kalisch, Henrik (2004). Periodic traveling water waves with isobaric streamlines. (ekstern lenke)
- Grujic, Zoran; Kalisch, Henrik (2003). The derivative nonlinear Schrödinger equation in analytic classes 10 (2003), suppl. 1, 62--71. (ekstern lenke)
- Kalisch, Henrik; Pelinovsky, Dmitry (2003). Dispersion-managed solitons in the limit of large energy. (ekstern lenke)
- Grujic, Zoran; Kalisch, Henrik (2002). Local well-posedness of the generalized Korteweg-de Vries equation in spaces of analytic functions. (ekstern lenke)
- Kalisch, Henrik; Bona, Jerry (2000). Models for internal waves in deep water. (ekstern lenke)
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
- Hatland, Sondre Dahle; Kalisch, Henrik (2019). Higher-order Boussinesq systems: Modeling, numerics and applications. (ekstern lenke)
- Norevik, Anders Marifjæren; Kalisch, Henrik (2019). Wave breaking in the BBM-equation . (ekstern lenke)
- Teyekpiti, Vincent; Kalisch, Henrik (2013). Ill Posedness Results for Generalized Water Wave Models. (ekstern lenke)
- Eikeland, Erik; Kalisch, Henrik (2010). A discussion on turbulent and undular bores using the models from the shallow water equations and the dispersive system. (ekstern lenke)
- Rabenorolahy, David; Kalisch, Henrik; Karlsen, Kenneth Hvistendahl (2008). Relaxation schemes for degenerate parabolic convection diffusion equations with a discontinuous coefficient. (ekstern lenke)
- Bjørkavåg, Magnar; Kalisch, Henrik (2006). Effekten av overflatespenning for overflatebølger på grunt vann og to numeriske metoder for KdV ligningen. (ekstern lenke)
- Teyekpiti, Vincent; Kalisch, Henrik (2018). Well-posedness Issues for Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations Appearing in the Modeling of Long Water Waves. (ekstern lenke)
- Senthilkumar, Amutha; Kalisch, Henrik (2017). On the Relation between Surface Profiles and Internal Flow Properties in Long-Wave Models. (ekstern lenke)
- Khorsand, Zahra; Kalisch, Henrik (2017). Flow Properties of Fully Nonlinear Model Equations for Surface Waves. (ekstern lenke)
- Moldabayev, Daulet; Kalisch, Henrik (2017). Derivation and numerical solution of fully nonlinear and fully dispersive water wave model equations. (ekstern lenke)
- Nguyen, Nguyet Thanh; Kalisch, Henrik (2010). The stability and instability of solitary waves. (ekstern lenke)
Vitenskapelig foredrag
- Kalisch, Henrik (2018). KdV Equations and Wave Breaking in Undular Bores . (ekstern lenke)
- Kalisch, Henrik (2018). Wave breaking in undular bores . (ekstern lenke)
- Kalisch, Henrik (2018). Approximate Conservation Laws for the KdV Equation . (ekstern lenke)
- Remonato, Filippo; Ehrnstrom, Mats; Johnson, Mathew et al. (2017). Two-Dimensional Bifurcation in the Whitham equation with surface tension. (ekstern lenke)
- Kalisch, Henrik (2017). Fully dispersive nonlinear model equations for hydroelastic waves . (ekstern lenke)
- Remonato, Filippo; Ehrnstrom, Mats; Johnson, Mathew et al. (2016). Two-dimensional bifurcation in the Whitham Equation with surface tension. (ekstern lenke)
- Khorsand, Zahra; Kalisch, Henrik; Gavrilyuk, Sergey et al. (2015). Particle Paths and Conservation Laws in the Serre System. (ekstern lenke)
- Senthilkumar, Amutha; Kalisch, Henrik (2014). Numerical investigation of a solitary wave shoaling using conservation laws. (ekstern lenke)
- Khorsand, Zahra; Kalisch, Henrik (2014). ON THE SHOALING OF SOLITARY WAVES IN THE KDV EQUATION. (ekstern lenke)
- Kalisch, Henrik (2011). On the Stability of Internal Waves. (ekstern lenke)
- Kalisch, Henrik (2010). Stability of a CO2-Seawater Interface. (ekstern lenke)
- Kalisch, Henrik (2010). Conservation Equations for Long Wave Models and Applications to Undular Bores. (ekstern lenke)
- Kalisch, Henrik (2009). Energy Balance for Undular Bores. (ekstern lenke)
- Kalisch, Henrik (2008). Traveling Waves for the Whitham Equation. (ekstern lenke)
- Kalisch, Henrik (2007). On the Rate of Convergence of a Spectral Approximation of the KdV Equation. (ekstern lenke)
- Kalisch, Henrik (2005). Models for Interfacial Capillary-Gravity Waves in the Long-Wave Limit. (ekstern lenke)
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
- Khorsand, Zahra; Kalisch, Henrik (2014). ON THE SHOALING OF SOLITARY WAVES IN THE KDV EQUATION. (ekstern lenke)
- Kalisch, Henrik; Nguyen, Nguyet Thanh (2010). Instability of solitary waves for a nonlinearly dispersive equation. (ekstern lenke)
- Nguyen, Nguyet Thanh; Kalisch, Henrik (2009). The Stability of Solitary Waves of Depression. (ekstern lenke)
- Kalisch, Henrik (2011). MR2605864 (2011i:65173). (ekstern lenke)
- Kalisch, Henrik (2010). MR2466743 (2010f:65204). (ekstern lenke)
- Kalisch, Henrik (2010). MR2477955 (2010f:65198). (ekstern lenke)
- Kalisch, Henrik (2008). MR2286134 (2008a:65190). (ekstern lenke)
- Kalisch, Henrik (2007). MR2212225 (2007f:76050). (ekstern lenke)
- Kalisch, Henrik (2007). MR2254610 (2007j:35193). (ekstern lenke)
- Kalisch, Henrik (2006). MR2131971 (2006d:65112). (ekstern lenke)
- Kalisch, Henrik (2006). MR2192324 (2006k:65275). (ekstern lenke)
- Kalisch, Henrik (2006). MR2150258 (2006g:35237). (ekstern lenke)
Se en full oversikt over publikasjoner i Cristin
Methods for real-time wave forecasting and phase control of wave energy converters, Bergen Universitetsfond (2021-2022)
MegaRoller, Grant from the European Commission (Horizon 2020) Consortium leader: AWE Energy, Finland, Role in project: Local contact
Norwegian Research Network in Mathematical Models in Geophysical Flows, Image and Signal Processing, Topology and Geometry, Grant from the Research Council of Norway (ISP), Role in project: Project leader, 2016-2019
Internal Waves in the Marginal Ice Zone, 2018 Hydralab grant from European Commission (Horizon 2020)Principal investigator: Magda Carr, St. Andrews, Scotland, Role in project: Participant
Nonlinear PDE in Spaces of Analytic Functions, a project funded by the Research Council of Norway (2012-2017), Role in project: Project leader
Wavemaker, a project funded by the Research Council of Norway (2006-2010)