Ragnhild Louise Muriaas
Professor, statsvitenskap
Ragnhild Louise Muriaas er professor i statsvitenskap med fokus på spørsmål knyttet til kjønn, representasjon, valg og demokratisering. Hun er prosjektleder for et ERC prosjekt (consolidator) med tittel SUCCESS Gender-Gap in Political Endurance: a novel political inclusion theory (2021-2026). Prosjektet utvikler et dataset på kjønnsforskjeller i politisk fartstid og gjennomfører case studier i Algerie, Italia, Frankrike og Norge.
For mer innsikt i prosjektet les artikkelen Gender and Political Seniority: Three Measures (2023) i Politics and Gender. Hovedfunnene er presentert i en populærvitenskapelig form i The Loop med tittel "Male MPs still get it all" og en versjon tilpasset norske lesere i Dagens Næringsliv, De politiske ringrevene er menn - bare ikke i Norge.
Ragnhild Muriaas er siden høsten 2023 faglig koordinator for Det norske representantpanelet - et internet-basert survey panel som to ganger i året gjennomfører undersøkelser blant folkevalgte på Stortinget, Sametinget, fylkesting og i lokalstyrer.
Muriaas har gitt ut artikler i en rekke tidsskrifter som blant annet American Political Science Review, Comparative Political Studies, African Affairs, Political Studies og International Political Science Review. Sammen med Vibeke Wang og Rainbow Murray har hun redigert boken Gendered Electoral Financing: Money, Power and Representation in Comparative Perspective (2020) og skrevet boken Manipulating Political Decentralization: Africa's Inclusive Autocrats (2018) med Lovise Aalen.
Hun har tidligere vært redaktør of Norsk statsvitenskapelig tidsskrift. Fra 2017 til 2021 var hun prodekan for forskning ved Det samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultet, Universitetet i Bergen og fra 2018 til 2022 var hun styreleder for Senter for kvinne- og kjønnsforskning ved Universitetet i Bergen. Hun har skrevet læreboken Afrikanske utfordringer: En introduksjon til afrikansk politikk og var faglig ansvarlig for kortfilmen The Money Talks: Women and Elections in Malawi.
Eldre eksempler på populærvitenskapelige arbeid:
Washington Post - Monkey Cage: Does funding help encourage women to run for legislative office? med Amy Mazur og Season Hoard
Democracy in Africa: What can African parties do to address gendered funding inequalities? med Vibeke Wang og Gretchen Bauer
En introduksjon til boken Gendered Electoral Financing: Money, Power and Representation in Comparative Perspective er presentert i form av blogg på UCL: The Constitution Unit.
Washington Post - Monkey Cage: Why campaigns to stop child marriage can backfire med Lindsay Benstead, Vibeke Wang, Boniface Dulani og Lise Rakner
Vår 2024
GOV217 Gender and Power in Contemporary Politics
Vår 2022
AORG104 Politisk teori og styreformer
Vår 2018 og 2019
SAMPOL221 The Politics of Gender in a Global Perspective
Høst 2016
EUR 101 Innføring i europeisk historie og politikk
Vår 2016
SAMPOL 327 The Politics of Gender: Citizenship, Representation and Development
Høsten 2015
SAMPOL100 Innføring i sammenliknende politikk
Våren 2015
SAMPOL321 Political Parties in Post-Conflict States
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2024). Where Senior MPs Thrive: Institutions Affecting the Length of Parliamentary Careers. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2024). Why a gender-balanced parliament is no guarantee of equality. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2024). Where Senior MPs Thrive: Institutions Affecting the Length of Parliamentary Careers. (ekstern lenke)
- Stavenes, Torill; Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2024). Where Senior MPs Thrive: Institutions Affecting the Length of Parliamentary Careers. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Stavenes, Torill (2024). Why a gender-balanced parliament is no guarantee of equality. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Peters, Yvette (2024). Attitudes to gender quotas: Why and where to adjust gender imbalance in leadership. (ekstern lenke)
- Asplund, Ida-Elise Seppola; Malde, Johanne Sofie; Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2024). Store kjønnsforskjeller i senioritet blant kommunerepresentanter. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Belschner, Jana Birke; Bjånesøy, Lise Lund et al. (2023). Violence within Parties: Why young men and women react differently . (ekstern lenke)
- Wang, Vibeke; Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2023). Stortingsvalget 2021. Kandidaters opplevelse av hat og trakassering. . (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2023). Rekordmange kvinner er listetopper. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2023). Ei Røyst skilde dei to listene i Modalen . (ekstern lenke)
- Wang, Vibeke; Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Belschner, Jana Birke et al. (2023). Project workshop Cost of Politics. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Stavenes, Torill (2023). Gender and Political Seniority: Three Measures. (ekstern lenke)
- Wang, Vibeke; Belschner, Jana Birke; Bjånesøy, Lise Lund et al. (2023). Who cares? The acceptability of aggressive behavior in politics. (ekstern lenke)
- Belschner, Jana Birke; Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Wang, Vibeke (2023). Stortingskandidaters møter med vold: Er norsk politikk et trygt rom? . (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2023). Dás oainnát suohkanstivrraid sohkabealjuogu. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2023). Det er 27 personer i kommunestyret. Kun åtte er kvinner: – Vi må tørre å ta plass. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2023). Kvinner i politikken, Stortingsvalget. (ekstern lenke)
- Wang, Vibeke; Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Belschner, Jana Birke (2023). Candidates' experience of violence in the Norwegian parliamentary elections of 2021. (ekstern lenke)
- Karyeija, Gerald Kagambirwe; Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2023). Avenues for Youth Representation in Uganda. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2023). Stort forskningsprosjekt: – Mannlige politikere kommer seg raskere inn i det gode selskap. (ekstern lenke)
- Benstead, Lindsay; Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Wang, Vibeke (2023). Explaining Backlash: Social Hierarchy and Men's Rejection of Women's Rights Reforms. (ekstern lenke)
- Aalen, Lovise; Orre, Aslak Jangård; Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2023). Post-war ruling parties and their youth wings: How old rebels handle the African millennials. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2023). Mannlige kandidater dominerer valglistene. – Ikke alle partier appellerer like mye til kvinner, sier valgekspert.. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2023). Mann (52) tar avgjerslene i kommunepolitikken. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2023). Forgubbing i lokalpolitikken. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2023). Folkets parti søkjer politikarar på Finn: – Får mykje gratis merksemd. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2023). Hannah (20) og Benedikte (17) skal konkurrere om velgerne på Jæren: – Har fått høre at jeg tar litt mye plass. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2023). Her vil «ingen» kvinner stå på listen til Høyre: – De vil ikke utsette seg for hets. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2023). Kvinnehat: - Du får melding om at noen vil at du skal voldtas. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2023). Male MPs still get it all. (ekstern lenke)
- Stavenes, Torill; Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2023). Women in parliament: Institutions that make MPs stay. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Stavenes, Torill (2023). De politiske ringrevene er menn – bare ikke i Norge. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Stavenes, Torill (2023). Male MPs still get it all. (ekstern lenke)
- Wang, Vibeke; Belschner, Jana Birke; Bjarnegård, Elin et al. (2022). Project workshop Cost of Politics. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2022). Fekk fleire kvinner inn i politikken. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2022). US midterm elections: What Congress can learn from country with youngest lawmakers. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2022). The Gender-Wealth Gap In Politics And How To Fix It. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2022). Kan vi håpe på en lys fremtid?. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2022). Kvinner med små barn mister interessen for politikk. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2022). Old men and the midterm elections in the US. Why Norway is different with Jane Garvey and Fi Glover. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2022). Fekk fleire kvinner inn i politikken med middagsselskap. (ekstern lenke)
- Johnson, Martha; Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Clayton, Amanda et al. (2021). Deeper Decentralization, Fewer Women? Decentralization and Women's Candidacies for Local Office in Benin and Malawi. (ekstern lenke)
- Wang, Vibeke; Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Bauer, Gretchen (2021). Funding demands and gender in political recruitment: What parties do in Cabo Verde and Ghana. (ekstern lenke)
- Wang, Vibeke; Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Peters, Yvette (2021). Affirmative action measures and electoral candidates’ positioning in Zambia. (ekstern lenke)
- Wang, Vibeke; Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Bauer, Gretchen (2021). What can African parties do to address gendered funding inequalities?. (ekstern lenke)
- Chiweza, Asiyati Lorraine; Kayuni, Happy M.; Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2021). Understanding handouts in candidate selection: Challenging party authority in Malawi. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2021). Afrikas fremtid: Hvorfor er politikeres kjønn så viktig?. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2021). Hvorfor holder ikke kvinnene ut (i politikken)?. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Mazur, Amy G; Hoard, Season (2021). Does funding help encourage women to run for legislative office?. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2021). Kvinnene styrer i Kongsvinger. (ekstern lenke)
- Murray, Rainbow; Muriaas, Ragnhild; Wang, Vibeke (2021). Editorial introduction: Gender and political financing. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Mazur, Amy G.; Hoard, Season (2021). Payments and Penalties for Democracy: Gendered Electoral Financing in Action Worldwide. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2021). Cómo fue la escandalosa reelección de uno de los dictadores más longevos del mundo. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Mazur, Amy G (2020). Conclusion: Does Money Talk? An initial Comparative Analysis. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Wang, Vibeke; Murray, Rainbow (2020). Introduction: Introducing the Concept of Gendered Electoral Financing. (ekstern lenke)
- Borges, Aleida; Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Wang, Vibeke (2020). Legislated Candidates Quotas with Reward for Compliance in Cabo Verde: Victory for no one?. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Wang, Vibeke; Murray, Rainbow (2020). Gendered Electoral Financing: Money, Power and Representation in Comparative Perspective. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2020). Gendered Electoral Financing: Two Approaches Toward Funding as an Affirmative Action Measure. (ekstern lenke)
- Gichohi, Matthew; Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Wang, Vibeke (2020). Do Big (Wo)Men Always Win? Candidate wealth’s impact on voter expectations . (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2020). Sekkingstad til NRK Vestland: - Eg fekk kommentarar på om eg som ung kvinne kunne klare dette . (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2020). Formelen for hva som gir utholdenhet i politikken. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2020). Forskere tror kvinner gir seg tidligere i politikken enn menn – nå vil de finne ut hvorfor. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2020). Skal finne formelen for politisk suksess. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Wang, Vibeke; Chiweza, Asiyati Lorraine et al. (2020). Money Talks: Women and Elections in Malawi. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2019). The political over-representation of the rich in the USA. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2019). Internasjonalt fokus på de viktigste politiske begivenheter i 2018. . (ekstern lenke)
- Clayton, Amanda; Robinson, Amanda Lea; Johnson, Martha et al. (2019). (How) Do Voters Discriminate Against Women Candidates? Experimental and Qualitative Evidence From Malawi . (ekstern lenke)
- Wang, Vibeke; Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2019). Candidate selection and informal soft quotas for women: gender imbalance in political recruitment in Zambia. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Murray, Rainbow; Wang, Vibeke (2019). Levelling the playing field: gendered electoral financing of women candidates -The Constitution Unit Blog. (ekstern lenke)
- Clayton, Amanda; Robinson, Amanda Lea; Johnson, Martha et al. (2019). EGAP Brief 62: Evaluating Discrimination Against Women Candidates in Malawi. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2019). Los nórdicos, pioneros en la igualdad de género en política. (ekstern lenke)
- Oseland, Stina Ellevseth; Tvinnereim, Endre; Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2018). CET Klimasnakk: Flykvoter - er det realistisk og hva må til? Live- innspilling av podcast 13.11.18 med stortingsrepresentant Ketil Kjenseth.. (ekstern lenke)
- Cappelen, Cornelius; Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2018). Polish Labour Migrants and Undeclared Work in Norway. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2018). Representasjon av unge på Stortinget. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2018). En av verdens yngste nasjonalforsamlinger. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2018). Likestilling og økonomisk utvikling. (ekstern lenke)
- Aalen, Lovise; Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2018). Manipulating Political Decentralization: Africa's Inclusive Autocrats. (ekstern lenke)
- Bauer, Gretchen; Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Wang, Vibeke (2018). Time and Money in Women's Political Recruitment in Cape Verde and Ghana. (ekstern lenke)
- Wang, Vibeke; Benstead, Lindsay; Dulani, Boniface et al. (2018). Traditional Authority, Gender and Political Engagement in Malawi. (ekstern lenke)
- Chiweza, Asiyati Lorraine; Kayuni, Happy M.; Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2018). Gender, Party Primaries, and the Cost of Elections in Malawi. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Belschner, Jana Birke (2018). Democracy, gender equality, and economic development. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Wang, Vibeke; Benstead, Lindsay et al. (2018). Why campaigns to stop child marriage can backfire. (ekstern lenke)
- Benstead, Lindsay; Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Wang, Vibeke (2018). DO DONOR ENDORSEMENTS HELP OR HURT?. (ekstern lenke)
- Aalen, Lovise; Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2018). Why some African Autocrats love Political Decentralization. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Wang, Vibeke; Benstead, Lindsay et al. (2018). Why the Gender of Traditional Authorities Matters: Intersectionality and Women’s Rights Advocacy in Malawi. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Tønnessen, Liv; Wang, Vibeke (2018). Counter-Mobilization against Child Marriage Reform in Africa. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2017). kvinner, politikk og samfunn i Norge. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2017). Sultkatastrofe i Afrika. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Wang, Vibeke; Benstead, Lindsay (2017). When Do Donor Endorsements Help or Hurt? A Survey Experiment on Quotas and Land Reform in Malawi. (ekstern lenke)
- Clayton, Amanda; Johnson, Martha; Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise et al. (2017). How Voters Evaluate Candidate Gender: Experimental Evidence from Malawi. (ekstern lenke)
- Wang, Vibeke; Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Peters, Yvette (2017). Unpacking the Effect of Candidate Selection on Adopting Gender Quotas: Resisting Change in Zambia . (ekstern lenke)
- Benstead, Lindsay; Wang, Vibeke; Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2017). When Do Donor Endorsements Help or Hurt? A Survey Experiment on Quotas and Land Reform in Malawi . (ekstern lenke)
- Aalen, Lovise; Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2017). Power calculations and political decentralisation in African post-conflict states. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2017). GENDERED ELECTORAL FINANCING IN DEMOCRATIC AND DEMOCRATIZING STATES (Key note). (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2017). Finance for Women in Politics. (ekstern lenke)
- Benstead, Lindsay; Dulani, Boniface; Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise et al. (2017). The Local Governance Performance Index (LGPI) in Malawi: Selected Findings on Gender. (ekstern lenke)
- Bauer, Gretchen; Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Wang, Vibeke (2017). The Personal Costs Of Campaiging: Electoral Systems And Public Funding In Ghana And Cape Verde . (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Peters, Yvette (2017). Extending Gender Quotas to Social Institutions: Survey Experiments of Representatives and Citizens in Norway. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Tønnessen, Liv; Wang, Vibeke (2017). Mobilisering mot barneekteskapsreform i Afrika - Blogg Sakutuelt. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2017). Difor har me tre kvinner på topp i regjeringa, medan USA aldri har hatt ein kvinneleg president. (ekstern lenke)
- Bauer, Gretchen; Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Wang, Vibeke (2017). The Personal Costs Of Campaigning: Electoral Systems And Public Funding In Ghana And Cape Verde . (ekstern lenke)
- Danielsen, Hilde; Jegerstedt, Kari; Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise et al. (2016). Gendered Citizenship and the Politics of Representation. (ekstern lenke)
- Wang, Vibeke; Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2016). Pynt og prakt, men mest makt. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Wang, Vibeke; Rakner, Lise et al. (2016). Using traditional leaders to end child marriage: Evidence from a survey experiment in Malawi. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Wang, Vibeke; Kayuni, Happy M. (2016). Money Talks: Gender Electoral Financing in Malawi and Zambia. (ekstern lenke)
- Benstead, Lindsay; Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Wang, Vibeke (2016). Why does the impact of western donor endorsements depend on the type of women's rights? Experimental evidence from Malawi. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Wang, Vibeke; Kayuni, Happy M. (2016). Money Talks: Gendered Electoral Financing in Malawi . (ekstern lenke)
- Skage, Ingvild Aagedal; Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Rakner, Lise (2016). The urban poor as citizens and clients. Enacting political agency through political parties and social movements in Kenya and Zambia. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Rakner, Lise; Skage, Ingvild Aagedal (2016). Political capital of ruling parties after regime change: contrasting successful insurgencies to peaceful pro-democracy movements. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2016). Hvis kvinner styrte verden – Du verden!. (ekstern lenke)
- Danielsen, Hilde; Jegerstedt, Kari; Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise et al. (2016). Gendered Citizenship: The Politics of Representation. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Tønnessen, Liv; Wang, Vibeke (2016). Substantive Representation: From Timing to Framing of Family Law Reform in Morocco, South Africa and Uganda.. (ekstern lenke)
- Nowiak, Wojciech; Narożna, Dominika; Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2016). Nordic model of aiding dysfunctional families in childcare. An analysis of the perception of the situation of Poles and their families in Norway / Nordycki model wspierania rodzin niewydolnych w opiece nad dzieckiem. Analiza sytuacji Polaków oraz ich rodzin w Norewgii. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2016). Dette blir de viktigste sakene i 2016. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2016). Spent før dagens valg i Uganda. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Tønnessen, Liv; Wang, Vibeke (2016). Redefining the Traditional and Religious State: Framing Child Marriage Reform in Sudan and Zambia. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Tønnessen, Liv; Wang, Vibeke (2016). Bistand til kvinnebevegelser i Afrika virker. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Tønnessen, Liv; Wang, Vibeke (2016). Why tradition is distinct from religion: Explaining variation in counter-mobilization against child marriage reform in Africa. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Benstead, Lindsay; Dulani, Boniface et al. (2016). Using traditional leaders to end child marriage: Evidence from a survey experiment in Malawi. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Tønnessen, Liv; Wang, Vibeke (2015). Redefining the Traditional and Religious State: Framing Child Marriage Reform in Sudan and Zambia. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2015). Hvorfor jobber noen arbeidsinnvandrere svart?. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Svåsand, Lars G (2015). Opposition parties and the decentralisation process in South Africa and Zambia. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2015). Hvem er Boko Haram?. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Svåsand, Lars G (2015). Opposition Parties and the Decentralization Process in South Africa and Zambia. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Aalen, Lovise (2015). Power calculations and territorial politics in African post-conflict states: The effects of winning. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Rakner, Lise; Skage, Ingvild Aagedal (2015). Explaining Variation in Government Parties’ Willingness to Build Party Organization in Africa. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2015). Intervju om Nigerias utfordringer i forbindelse med et 'Frokost med Frank' arrangement.. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2015). The Quality And Stability Of Subnational Elections In Africa: A Methodological and Conceptual Tool. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Aarebrot, Frank (2015). Frokost med Frank: Nigerias utfordringer. (ekstern lenke)
- Kayuni, Happy M.; Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2015). Alternatives to Gender Quotas: Electoral Financing of Women Candidates In Malawi. (ekstern lenke)
- Kayuni, Happy M.; Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2014). Alternatives to gender quotas : electoral financing of women candidates in Malawi. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2014). Methodological and Conceptual Tools for Comparing Subnational Elections: Applied on nine Democraticing States in Africa. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2014). Nelson Mandela 24 år i frihet. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2013). Signe Arnfred: Sexuality and Gender Politics in Mozambique - Rethinking Gender in Africa. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Kayuni, Happy M. (2013). Alternatives to gender quotas? The public funding of women candidates experiment in the 2009 Malawian elections in comparison. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Tønnessen, Liv; Wang, Vibeke (2013). Exploring the relationship between democratization and quota policies in Africa. (ekstern lenke)
- Tønnessen, Liv; Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2013). Å være sin mann lydig. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2013). Ikonet Mandela. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Happy, Kayuni (2013). The reversed contagion effect: Explaining the unevenness of women's representation across South African municipalities. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2013). The ANC and power concentration in South Africa: does local democracy allow for power-sharing?. (ekstern lenke)
- Hussein, Mustafa; Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2013). Traditional Authorities. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Aalen, Lovise (2013). Variation in Party Mobilization through Decentralization in Africa: The Legacy of Regime Transitions. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Kayuni, Happy M. (2013). Gatekeepers under Pressure: Women's Representation and Party Competition in Malawi and the Western Cape Municipalities in South Africa. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Wang, Vibeke (2013). Africa's women rise on quota. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Svåsand, Lars G (2013). Party Adaptions to Municipal Elections in Post-transitional Regimes: Exploring Democratic Decentralization in Zambia and South Africa. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2013). Afrika: Kvoter gjev kvinneeksplosjon. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2013). Party affiliation in new democracies: Local reactions to the split of the ruling party in Malawi. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2012). Lik rett til jord er fortsatt en fjern drøm. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2012). Avdekker Sør-Afrikas bakside. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Kayuni, Happy M. (2012). Reaching SADC's 50-50 target on women's representation: Fast track South Africa compared with the incremental track in Malawi. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Wang, Vibeke (2012). Executive dominance and the politics of quota representation in Uganda. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2012). Land Policies in South Africa: Before, under and after Mandela. (ekstern lenke)
- Mpesi, Andrew Mabvuto; Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2012). Food security as a political issue: the 2009 elections in Malawi. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Orre, Aslak Jangård; Aalen, Lovise (2012). Consolidating dominance: decentralisation in Africa revisited. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2012). Studying Moving Targets: Advices for Collecting Data for Multiple Case Studies in Hybrid Regimes. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2012). Nigeria: En stormakt på leirføtter. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2012). Institutionalizing Local Elections in Eastern and Southern Africa: Stability, Participation, Competition and Legitimacy. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2011). Tilfellet Malawi. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Wang, Vibeke (2011). Legislating identity representation in Uganda. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2011). Fredspris til Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf og Leymah Gbowee. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2011). Zuma i maktstrid med unge radikale. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2011). Slik er Zumas stormakt. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2011). Afrikanske utfordringer - En innføring i afrikansk politikk. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2011). Traditional Institutions and Decentralisation: A Typology of Co-Existence in Sub-Saharan Africa. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2011). Afrikanske/Latinamerikanske/Globale utfordringer. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2011). Afrikanske utfordringer - En innføring i afrikansk politikk, -boksalong. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2011). The ANC and power concentration in South Africa: does local democracy allow for power-sharing?. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Mpesi, Andrew (2010). Food security in Malawi: Understanding the landslide victory of the incumbent in the 2009 presidential election. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2010). Afrika: Feltarbeid - evaluering og innhenting av informasjon. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2010). Malawi - et kort innblikk i kultur og politikk. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2009). Local Perspectives on the 'neutrality' of traditional authorities in Malawi, South Africa and Uganda. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2009). Reintroducing a Local-Level Multiparty System in Uganda: Why Be in Opposition?. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2009). ANC og maktkonsentrasjon i Sør-Afrika: Åpner lokaldemokratiet for maktdeling?. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2009). Fjorten år som ompalompa. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Orre, Aslak Jangård; Aalen, Lovise (2009). Organisator av Panel 4 Concentration of power in South Africa: Is local democracy the road to power-sharing?. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2009). Strategier for informasjonsinnsamling i en annen kulturell kontekst. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2009). Forskningsetikk: Redelighet og den frie tanke. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2009). Bruk av observasjon som metode i Statsvitenskap. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2009). The strength of presidential parties in local elections: A comparative analysis of Malawi, South Africa and Uganda. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2009). Party Affiliation in New Democracies: Reactions to the split of the ruling party in Malawi. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2009). Local democracy and political opposition in South Africa. (ekstern lenke)
- Lindén, Tord Skogedal; Folkestad, Bjarte; Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2009). Eliteintervju. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2009). Politikk og kultur i Uganda. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2009). ”Utfordringer knyttet til realiseringen av demokratiske ideer og institusjoner md vekt på Afrika”. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2008). Ålesunder med doktorgrad om demokratisering i Afrika. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2008). Affection and Defection: Local Perspectives on the Pull Towards the Government Party in Malawi, South Africa and Uganda. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2008). Local democracy and political opposition in South Africa. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2008). Is Democratic Decentralisation more likely to succeed in Dominant Party Systems? Comparing the cases of Malawi, South Africa and Uganda. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2008). Afrika: Feltarbeid – evaluering og innhenting av informasjon. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2008). Democratic Decentralisation and the Pull towards the Government Party. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2008). Popular representation in Africa: The politics of expectations. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2007). Re-introducing Multiparty system at the Local Level in Uganda: Why be in opposition?. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2007). Strategier for informasjonsinnsamling i annen kulturell kontekst. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2007). Chiefs in Malawi: Substituting Local Democracy, Accommodating National Politics. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2007). Staying loyal to the party or the president? Party institutionalisation at local level in Malawi. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2007). Det Kvalitative Intervju: Eksempel fra forskning på Uganda. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2007). Observasjon og Observasjon i praksis. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2007). Experience from a Fieldwork in Malawi, South Africa and Uganda. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2007). Det Kvalitative Intervju: Eksempel fra forskning på Uganda. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2007). Feltarbeidet og etikk. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2007). Why local democracy failed in Malawi: Notes from a field study. (ekstern lenke)
- Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise (2007). Hvorfor velge UiB som arbeidsplass? Stipendiattilværelsen ved UiB. (ekstern lenke)
Se en full oversikt over publikasjoner i Cristin
Ragnhild L. Muriaas, Vibeke Wang and Rainbow Murray (eds) (2019). Gendered Electoral Financing: Money, Power and Representation in Comparative Perspective. Routledge.
Lovise Aalen and Ragnhild Muriaas (2018). Manipulating Political Decentralization: Africa's Inclusive Autocrats. Routledge.
Hilde Danielsen, Kari Jegerstedt, Ragnhild L. Muriaas and Brita Ytre-Arne (eds) (2016). Gendered Citizenship and the Politics of Representation, Palgrave Macmillian.
Muriaas, Ragnhild L. 2011. Afrikanske utfordringer: En innføring i afrikansk politikk [African Challenges: An Introduction to African Politics]. Høyskoleforlaget.
Ida-Elise Seppola Asplund, Johanne Sofie Malde og Ragnhild Louise Muriaas (2024). Store kjønnsforskjeller i senioritet blant kommunerepresentanter, Norsk statsvitenskapelig tidsskrift 40(2): 117-124.
Ragnhild Muriaas and Yvette Peters (forthcoming). Attitudes to Gender Quotas: Why and Where to Adjust Gender Imbalance in Leadership. European Journal of Political Research. FirstView.
Ragnhild Muriaas and Torill Stavenes (forthcoming). Gender and Political Seniority: Three Measures. Politics and Gender, FirstView.
Lindsay Benstead, Ragnhild Muriaas and Vibeke Wang (2023). Explaining Backlash: Social Hierarchy and Men's Rejection of Women’s Rights Reforms. Social Politics 30(2): 496-524.
Rainbow Murray, Ragnhild Muriaas and Vibeke Wang (2023). Editorial Introduction: Gender and Political Financing. International Political Science Review 44(1): 3-12.
Vibeke Wang, Ragnhild Muriaas and Gretchen Bauer (2023). Funding Demands and Gender in Political Recruitment: What Parties do in Cabo Verde and Ghana. International Political Science Review 44(1): 77-90.
Ragnhild Muriaas, Amy Mazur and Season Hoard (2022). Payments and Penalties for Democracy: Gendered Electoral Financing in Action Worldwide. American Political Science Review, 116 (2): 502 - 515.
Chiweza, Asiyati Lorraine, Happy Kayuni, and Ragnhild Louise Muriaas (2021) Understanding Handouts in Candidate Selection: Challenging Party Authority in Malawi. African Affairs, 120(481): 569-589.
Vibeke Wang, Ragnhild L. Muriaas and Yvette Peters (2021). Affirmative Action Measures and Electoral Candidates’ Positioning in Zambia. Journal of Modern African Studies, 59(4): 507-533.
Amanda L. Robinson, Amanda Clayton, Martha Johnsen and Ragnhild L. Muriaas (2020). (How) Do Voters Discriminate Against Women Candidates? Experimental and Qualitative Evidence from Malawi. Comparative Political Studies, 53(3-4): 601-630.
Vibeke Wang and Ragnhild L. Muriaas (2019). Candidate selection and informal soft quotas for women: gender imbalance in political recruitment in Zambia. Politics, Groups, and Identitites, 7(2): 401-411.
Muriaas, Ragnhild L., Vibeke Wang, Lindsay Benstead, Boniface Dulani and Lise Rakner (2019). 'Why the Gender of Traditional Authorities Matters: Intersectionality and Women’s Rights Advocacy in Malawi?' Comparative Political Studies, 52(12): 1881-1924.
Cappelen, Cornelius and Ragnhild L. Muriaas (2018). Polish labour migrants and undeclared work in Norway. Scandinavian Political Studies, 41 (2): 167-187.
Muriaas, Ragnhild L., Liv Tønnessen and Vibeke Wang (2018). Counter-mobilization against child marriage reform in Africa. Political Studies, 66 (4): 851–868.
Aalen, Lovise and Ragnhild L. Muriaas (2017) Power Calculations and Political Decentralization in African Post-Conflict States, International Political Science Review, 38 (1), 56-69.
Muriaas, Ragnhild, Lise Rakner and Ingvild Aagedal Skage (2016) Political Capital of Ruling Parties after Regime Change: Contrasting Successful Insurgencies to Peaceful Pro-democracy Movements, Civil Wars, 18 (2), 175-191.
Muriaas, Ragnhild L. and Lars Svaasand (2015) Opposition Parties and the Decentralization Process in South Africa and Zambia. Commonwealth and Comparative Politics, 53 (4).
Kayuni, Happy and Ragnhild L. Muriaas. 2014. ‘Alternatives to gender quotas: electoral financing of women candidates in Malawi’, Representation, 50 (3): 393-404.
Muriaas, Ragnhild L, Liv Tønnessen and Vibeke Wang. 2013. 'Exploring the Relationship between Democratization and Quota Policies in Africa', Women Studies International Forum, 41: 89-93.
Muriaas, Ragnhild and Happy Kayuni. 2013. 'The Reversed Contagion Effect: Explaining The Unevenness of Women’s Representation across South African Municipalities', Women's Studies International Forum, 41: 150-9.
Muriaas, Ragnhild L. 2013. 'Party Affiliation in New Democracies: Local reactions to the split of the ruling party in Malawi', African Journal of Political Science and International Relations, 7 (4): 190-9.
Muriaas, Ragnhild L. and Vibeke Wang. 2012. Executive dominance and the politics of quota representation in Uganda, Journal of Modern African Studies, 50 (2): 309-38.
Mpesi, Andrew M, and Ragnhild L. Muriaas. 2012. 'Food security as a political issue: the 2009 elections in Malawi', Journal of Contemporary African Studies, 30 (3): 377-93.
Muriaas, Ragnhild L. 2011. ‘ANC & Power Concentration in South Africa: does local democracy allow for power-sharing?’ Special Issue on Opposition in Africa, Democratization, 18 (5), 1067-86.
Muriaas, Ragnhild L. 2011. ‘Traditional institutions and dencentralization: A typology of co-existence in Sub-Saharan Africa’, Forum for Development Studies, March, 38 (1), 87-107.
Muriaas, Ragnhild L. 2009. ‘Local Perspectives on the 'neutrality' of traditional authorities in Malawi, South Africa and Uganda’, Commonwealth & Comparative Politics, 47 (1), 28-51.
Muriaas, Ragnhild L. 2009. ‘Reintroducing a Local-Level Multiparty System in Uganda: Why be in opposition?’ Government and Opposition, 44 (1), 91-112.
Muriaas, Ragnhild L. 2009. ‘ANC og maktkonsentrasjon i Sør-Afrika: Åpner lokaldemokratiet for maktdeling?’, Politica, 41 (3), 283-99.
Chapters in books:
Lovise Aalen, Aslak Orre, and Ragnhild Muriaas (2022). Post-War Ruling Parties and their Youth Wings: How Old Rebels handle the African Millennials. In John Ishiyama and Gyda Sindre (eds.) The Effects of Rebel Parties on Governance, Democracy and Stability after Civil WarsFrom Guns to Governing. London: Routledge, pp. 157-174.
Martha C. Johnson, Ragnhild Muriaas, Amanda Clayton, and Amanda Lea Robinson (2021). Deeper Decentralization, Fewer Women? Decentralization and Women's Candidacies for Local Office in Benin and Malawi. In Leonardo Arriola, Martha Johnson, and Melanie Phillips (eds) Women and Power in Africa: Aspiring, Campaigning and Governing. Ch. 4. p. 85-113. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Ragnhild Muriaas (2020) Gendered Electoral Financing: Two Approaches Toward Funding as an Affirmative Action Measure. In Jamil, I., Aminuzzaman, S.M., Lasna Kabir, S., Haque, M.M. (Eds.) Gender Mainstreaming in Politics, Administration and Development in South Asia, Palgrave.
Muriaas, Ragnhild, Vibeke Wang and Rainbow Murray (2019). Introduction: Introducing the Concept of Gendered Electoral Financing, pp. 1-24. In Muriaas, Wang and Murray (eds.) Gendered Electoral Financing: Money, Power and Representation in Comparative Politics. New York: Routledge.
Borges, Aleida, Ragnhild Muriaas and Vibeke Wang (2019). Cabo Verde: Legislated Candidates Quotas with Reward for Compliance in Cabo Verde: Victory for no one? pp. 74-92. In Muriaas, Wang and Murray (eds.) Gendered Electoral Financing: Money, Power and Representation in Comparative Politics. New York: Routledge.
Muriaas, Ragnhild and Amy G. Mazur (2019). Conclusion: Does Money Talk? An initial Comparative Analysis, pp. 154-174. In Muriaas, Wang and Murray (eds) Gendered Electoral Financing: Money, Power and Representation in Comparative Politics. New York: Routledge.
Hilde Danielsen, Kari Jegerstedt, Ragnhild L. Muriaas and Brita Ytre-Arne (2016). ‘Introduction’. In Hilde Danielsen et al. (eds) Gendered Citizenship and the Politics of Representation, Palgrave Macmillian.
Ragnhild L. Muriaas, Liv Tønnesen and Vibeke Wang (2016). Substantive Representation: From Timing to Framing of Family Law Reform in Morocco, South Africa and Uganda. In Hilde Danielsen et al. (eds) Gendered Citizenship and the Politics of Representation, Palgrave Macmillian.
Muriaas, Ragnhild L. 2015. 'The Quality and Stability of Subnational Elections in Africa: A Methodological and Conceptual Tool', ch. 5. In Anthony Spanakos and Francisco Panizza (eds.) Conceptualizing Comparative Politics, New York, NY: Routledge.
Hussein, Mustafa K. and Ragnhild L. Muriaas. 2013. 'Traditional Authorities' in Nandini Patel and Lars Svåsand (eds) Government and Politics in Malawi, second edition. Lilongwe, Malawi: Capital Printing Press.
Muriaas, Ragnhild L. 2013. 'The ANC and power concentration in South Africa: does local democracy allow for power-sharing?' pp. 12-31. In Emil Uddhammer, Elliott Green and Johanna Söderström (eds.) Political Opposition and Democracy in Sub-Saharan Africa, New York, NY: Routledge. (reprint).
Muriaas, Ragnhild L. 2005. 'Dilemmas Connected to Recognising Customary Law and Courts in South Africa' in Lone Lindholt and Sten Schaumburg-Müller (eds.) Human Rights and Local/living law in Human Rights in Development, Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill Academic Publishing.
Ragnhild L. Muriaas (2019). The political over-representation of the rich in the USA. European Political Science, online first.
Ragnhild L. Muriaas (2013). 'Sexuality and Gender Politics in Mozambique: Rethinking Gender in Africa' by Signe Arnfred, Tidsskrift for kjønnsforskning, January, 88-92.
Working Papers:
Lindsay J. Benstead, Ragnhild L. Muriaas, and Vibeke Wang (2018). 'When Do Donor Endorsements Help or Hurt? Policy Advocacy and Men’s Interests in Malawi'. Working Paper, No.16, The program on Governance and Local Development (GLD). Yale and University of Gothenburg.
Ragnhild Muriaas, Vibeke Wang, LIndsay J. Benstead, Boniface Dulani and Lise Rakner (2017). 'It Takes a female Chief: Gender and Effective Politicy Advocacy in Malawi', Working Paper, No.11, The program on Governance and Local Development (GLD). Yale and University of Gothenburg.
The Local Governance Performance Index (LGPI) in Malawi: Selected FIndings on Gender (2017). Report prepared by Lindsay Benstead, Boniface Dulani, Ragnhild L. MUriaas, Lise Rakner and Vibeke Wang. GLD report. The program on Governance and Local Development (GLD). Yale and University of Gothenburg.
Muriaas, Ragnhild L. 2008. Affection and Defection: Local Perspectives on the Pull Towards the Government Party in Malawi, South Africa and Uganda, PhD Dissertation, Department of Comparative Politics, University of Bergen.
Muriaas, Ragnhild L. 2002. Two Bulls in a Kraal - Recognising cultural difference in post-Apartheid South Africa, hovedfagsoppgave (M.Phil. Thesis), Department of Comparative Politics, University of Bergen.
Gender-Gap in Political Endurance: a novel political inclusion theory (SUCCESS)
Ragnhild L. Muriaas (Project leader). This is a five years ERC Consolidator Grant project (2021-2026).
SUCCESS will advance a novel theory of inclusion that explains gender-gaps in endurance and provide much-needed new empirical evidence on how, why and under what conditions gender-gaps in political endurance can be closed in a world with high electoral volatility.
- How does political endurance matter for political outcomes?
- What strategies do elected representatives use to sustain their political careers?
- How do voters evaluate political experience – when is it good and when is it bad?
- Are there specific institutions and contexts that underpin gender-gaps in political endurance across time, regions, and political systems?
The Cost of Doing Politics: Gender Aspects of Political Violence
PI Vibeke Wang, CMI. Research project financed by FRIHUMSAM, the Research Council of Norway (2020-2025).
Team: Gretchen Bauer, Elin Bjarnegård, Jana Birke Belschner, Fiona Buckley, Akosua Darkwah, Gerald Karyeija, Stella Kyohairwe, Ragnhild Muriaas, Pär Zetterberg
Across the globe, there has been a substantial increase in gender equality in political life. Women have more than doubled their presence in national parliaments from 1995 (11.3 %) to 2018 (23.4%) (Inter-Parliamentary Union). However, there are indications that women’s political gains may have come at a high cost. Practitioner organizations as well as academics seek to raise awareness about physical attacks, intimidation, and harassment aimed at women politicians. This project aims to better understand how gender shapes the scope, form, and consequences of political violence targeted at politicians, and to develop strategies to reduce the problem.
Youth in Africa: How Africa's post conflict regimes handle the African Millennias (Norglobal)
Project leader: Lovise Aalen. Research project financed by Norglobal, the Research Council of Norway (2019-2022).
Team: Asnake Kefale, Aslak Orre, Simbarashe Gukurume, Marjoke Oosterom, Gerald K. Karyeija, Ragnhild Louise Muriaas, Pauline Lemaire, and Salvador Forquilha
The population in sub-Saharan Africa is the fastest growing and the youngest in the world, yet the politicians ruling them are typically among the oldest.
This observation is the starting point of a new NORGLOBAL project. It zooms in on four countries – Ethiopia, Mozambique, Uganda and Zimbabwe – in which the current rulers are yesterday’s rebels. They consolidated authoritarian regimes after securing victory in the liberation struggles between the 1975 and 1992. The vast majority of citizens was born long after that, yet it knows no other powerholders.
While youth is an asset for any population, the above conundrum represents several challenges. One is “economic”, as most of the sub-Saharan African economies struggle to produce enough decent work for the large youth cohorts that enter labour markets every year. The other is “political”. Can the aging rulers govern in a way that satisfy the material needs and political aspirations of the upcoming generations?
Avsluttede prosjekt:
Money Talks: Gendered Electoral Financing in Democratic and Democratizing States.
Ragnhild L. Muriaas (Project leader). Research project financed by FRIHUMSAM, the Research Council of Norway (2016-2020).
Dette prosjektet ser på betydningen av penger i politikk på tvers av ulike regioner ved å studere sammenhengen mellon kjønnede valgkampfinansieringsformer og kvinners deltakelse i politikken. Med internasjonale organisasjoner som FN i ryggen har flere land og ikke-statlige organisasjoner i de siste årene innført ulike former for kjønnet valgkampfinansiering. En form for kjønnet valgkampfinansiering går direkte til politisk aktive kvinner for å øke deres motivasjon til å stille til valg og til å vinne frem i kampen mot antatt mer pengesterke menn. En annen form søker å motivere politiske parti til å fremme likebalanse i sine valgnominasjoner, ved å gi en ekstrabevilgning til parti som har en viss kjønnsbalanse eller gi mulkt til de som ikke har det. Men hva er effekten av denne form for finansiering på rekruttering av kvinner i politikken? Hvordan påvirker denne form for økonomiske stimuli nominasjonsprossessene innad i politiske parti og øker de kvinners mulighet til å bli valgt inn i politiske embet? Prosjektet er komparativt (utvikler typologi og datasett) og har Irland, Frankrike, Kapp Verde, Kenya, Malawi, Storbrittania og Tunisia som hovedcase.
Engineering gender equality: The effects of aid to women’s political representation in Malawi, Sudan, Uganda and Zambia.
Liv Tønnessen (project leader). Research project financed by NORDGLOBAL, the Research Council of Norway (2013-2017).
Ragnhild Louise Muriaas er hovedforskerne i prosjektet. I de siste tiårene har det internasjonale samfunnet satt spørsmål knyttet til kvinners deltakelse i politikken på agendaen. En pådriver for denne politikken har vært en antakelse om at der er en sammenheng mellom økt numerisk kvinnerepresentasjon og, for det første, innføring av kvinnevennlige reformer (substansiell representasjon) og, for det andre, aksept for kvinner som politiske aktører (symbolske representasjon). Dette prosjektet studerer det internasjonale engasjementet for spørsmål knyttet til kvinnerepresentasjon ved å studere endringer i fire ulike case som alle har vært hovedmottakere for kjønnet bistand de siste tiårene (Malawi, Sudan, Uganda og Zambia). Muriaas sitt hovedbidrag til dette prosjektet er å studere prosesser knyttet opp mot reformer om barneekteskap i Zambia og Malawi, samtidig som hun arbeider med survey eksperiment som tester hvordan kvinnevennlige reformer oppfates forskjellig ut fra hvem som er budbringeren. Surveyen gjennomføres som et sammarbeid med The Progamme of Governance and Local Development at Gothenburg (GLD), se http://gld.gu.se/malawi.html .
Labor migration and the moral sustainability of the Norwegian welfare state.
Stein Kuhnle (project leader). Research project funded by VAM, the Research Council of Norway (2013-2017).