Torjus Midtgarden sitt arbeid fokuserer på amerikansk pragmatisme og korleis denne er relevant for sosial og politisk teori i dag. Han har dei siste åra undersøkt korleis både klassisk pragmatisme (John Dewey) og nypragmatisme (Robert Brandom) utviklar ulike perspektiv frå Hegels filosofi, og han har studert korleis Dewey sin pragmatisme spesielt kan gje bidrag til kritisk sosial teori (Axel Honneth, James Bohman). Sammen med tyske og franske sosiologar og filosofar utforskar han for tida Dewey sin pragmatisme i høve til Amartya Sen si kapabilitetstilnærming. Fokuset ligg her på ein argumentasjon for korleis individ sine kapabilitetar kan sjåast på som avhengige av kollektive kapabilitetar og av transaksjonar med ikkje-menneskeleg natur.
Debattinnlegg: Juridisk fakultet ved UiB må avslutte samarbeid med Israel. Bergens Tidende, 14.03.24
Debattinnlegg: Avslutt samarbeid med israelske universitet, UiB! Khrono, 05.03.24
- Midtgarden, Torjus (2020). Peirce’s classification of the sciences. (ekstern lenke)
- Berg, Dag-Erik; Midtgarden, Torjus (2020). Ambedkar’s radical moves beyond Dewey’s pragmatism. (ekstern lenke)
- Midtgarden, Torjus (2020). Nils Gilje 2019. Hermeneutikk som metode: Ein historisk introduksjon.. (ekstern lenke)
- Midtgarden, Torjus (2020). A wide view of democracy and an inclusive conception of the social. (ekstern lenke)
- Midtgarden, Torjus (2019). Dewey’s Conceptualization of the Public as Polity Contextualized: The Struggle for Democratic Control over Natural Resources and Technology. (ekstern lenke)
- Midtgarden, Torjus (2019). Peirce’s Concept of Scientific Intelligence: Its Kantian Background and Relevance. (ekstern lenke)
- Midtgarden, Torjus (2015). John Dewey and Democratic Participation under Modern Conditions. (ekstern lenke)
- Lea, Kjersti; Kaiser, Matthias; Midtgarden, Torjus et al. (2015). Intellectual Practicians. An Exploration of Professionalism among Upper Secondary School Teachers with Icelandic Mother Tongue Teachers as a Contextualized Empirical Case. (ekstern lenke)
- Midtgarden, Torjus (2013). Conflicting and complementary conceptions of discursive practice in non-metaphysical interpretations of Hegel. (ekstern lenke)
- Midtgarden, Torjus (2013). Practice, judgement, and the challenge of moral and political disagreement: a pragmatist account. (ekstern lenke)
- Midtgarden, Torjus (2013). John Dewey – fridom, deltaking og offentlegheit. (ekstern lenke)
- Stige, Brynjulf; Malterud, Kirsti; Midtgarden, Torjus (2011). EPICURE : et dialogisk redskab til evaluering af kvalitativ forskning. (ekstern lenke)
- Midtgarden, Torjus (2011). The Hegelian Legacy in Dewey's Social and Political Philosophy, 1915-1920. (ekstern lenke)
- Midtgarden, Torjus (2011). Peirce's theory of inquiry and beyond. By Thora Margareta Bertilsson. (ekstern lenke)
- Colapietro, Vincent; Midtgarden, Torjus; Strand, Torill (2005). Introduction. Peirce and Education: The Conflicting Processes of Learning and Discovery. (ekstern lenke)
- Midtgarden, Torjus; Strand, T (2005). Introduction. Pierce and Education: The Conflicting Processes of Learning and Discovery. (ekstern lenke)
- Midtgarden, Torjus (2005). Pierce on Education: Pragmatism and Peirce's Definition of the Purpose of a University. (ekstern lenke)
- Midtgarden, Torjus (2005). Måling av pasientsentrert kommunikasjon. (ekstern lenke)
- Midtgarden, Torjus (2005). On the Prospects of A Semiotic Theory of Learning. (ekstern lenke)
- Midtgarden, Torjus (2002). Peirce on the Notion of Self and Personal Identity. (ekstern lenke)
- Midtgarden, Torjus (2002). Iconic Aspects of Language and Language Use: Peirce's Work on Iconicity Revisited. (ekstern lenke)
- Midtgarden, Torjus (2002). Arven frå den amerikanske pragmatismen. (ekstern lenke)
- Midtgarden, Torjus (2002). The relevance of Peirce's conception of a scientific intelligence. (ekstern lenke)
Se en full oversikt over publikasjoner i Cristin
Communication as Transmission and as Ritual: Dewey’s Account of Communication and Carey’s Cultural Approach. Contemporary Pragmatism, 18(2), 113-133 (2021)
'Peirce’s Classification of the Sciences.' Knowledge Organization 47(3): 267-278 (2020).
'A Wide View of Democracy and An Inclusive Conception of The Social,' European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy [Online], XII-1 | (2020)
'Charles S. Peirce: Pragmatism, Logic and Metaphysics,' pp. 191-216 in Leila Haaparanta and Heikki Koskinen (eds.) Categories of Being: Essays on Metaphysics and Logic, (2012).
'Dewey's Philosophy of Language', Revue Internationale de Philosophie, 245.3 (2008) 257-272
'Peirce’s Epistemology and Its Kantian Legacy: Exegetic and Systematic Considerations', Journal of the History of Philosophy, 45.4 (2007) 577-601
'Introduction', (with Vincent Colapietro and Torill Strand), Studies in Philosophy and Education, 24.3-4 (2005) 167-177
'Pragmatism and Peirce's Definition of the Purpose of a University', Studies in Philosophy and Education, 24.3-4 (2005) 327-335
'On the Prospects of a Semiotic Theory of Learning', Educational Philosophy and Theory 37.2 (2005) 239-252
'Måling av pasientsentrert kommunikasjon' ('Measuring Patient-centered communication'), Tidsskrift for Den Norske Lægeforening, 125.22 (2005) 3133-3135.
'Peirce on the Notion of Self and Personal Identity', History of Philosophy Quarterly, 19.1 (2002) 109–124.
'Iconic Aspects of Language and Language Use: Peirce's Work on Iconicity Revisited', Semiotica, 139.4 (2002) 227–244.
Peirce's Speculative Grammar from 1895-1896: Its Exegetical Background and Significance, Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society, XXXVIII (2001): 81–96.