Project in Molecular Biology

Undergraduate course

Course description

Objectives and Content

Projects in Molecular Biology consist of performing a limited investigation in the laboratory of the advisor. At the outset the student will receive a succinct introduction to the main research project, the methods used and to the strategic choices for attacking a specific subset of problems, by studying some original research papers. The contents of a project will be defined by the student advisor, but will always include methods of great relevance for research in molecular biology. The extent of the course is defined by the credits, and should include 200-240 hours work at the laboratory, or 25-30 working days. Since this course constitutes 1/3 of standard working load during one semester, the laboratory work will be done as part-time work. The duration of the course may vary depending on other courses the student chooses and the schedule of the student advisor. As a minimum, students should expect 6 weeks at the laboratory, but because of other exams and courses, the duration may be extended to 8-10 weeks. Students should be able to start the project work during the second week of the semester, so that it will finish before other exams take place. Some projects may start at alternative points of time, depending on the schedule of the student advisor.

Learning Outcomes


The student

  • can explain the principles behind the experiments required for his or her project work
  • is familiar with the appropriate laboratory safety regulations both with regard to personal and environmental aspects


The student

  • is able to carry out molecular biology experiments, analyze and interpret the results
  • can keep a detailed and accurate laboratory journal
  • can demonstrate communication skills by presenting own results
  • reads relevant scientific literature

General competence

  • The student has the ability to assess scientific literature needed for the task of planning and conducting a research project.

ECTS Credits


Level of Study


Semester of Instruction

Autumn and spring, dependent on number of available supervisors and projects.

This course has a limited capacity, enrolment is based on application. The application deadline is Wednesday in week 2/33 for the spring/autumn semester. Please see this page for more information. You will receive confirmation of whether you received a seat in Studentweb no later than Monday the week after the deadline.

It is compulsory to attend the first lecture/orientation meeting, or you risk losing your seat. If you are unable to attend the first lecture, you must contact the Study Section ( The time of the first lecture/orientation meeting can be found in the schedule on the course website or on Mitt UiB.

To complete the course, the student must conduct a project with one of the scientific staff. Available projects will be presented at the orientation meeting.

Place of Instruction

Required Previous Knowledge

MOL100, KJEM110, MOL102 and MOL222.

Basic principles in molecular biology and chemistry and experience in laboratory work in molecular biology and chemistry is required. This course should be taken during the last semesters of the bachelor degree.

Recommended Previous Knowledge
MOL201, MOL103/MOL203 and KJEM130.
Credit Reduction due to Course Overlap
Access to the Course
In order to be admitted to the course, you must be admitted to a study programme at the Department of Biological Sciences and fulfill required previous knowledge.
Teaching and learning methods
  • 3x lectures (Info meetings on general aspects of the course, on lab journal upkeep and poster guideline instructions)
  • Project work under the supervision of scientific staff providing the project
  • Presentation of the work done
  • Short project summary.
Compulsory Assignments and Attendance

The student must carry out the following activities:

  • Attend the info meetings.
  • Read, sign and deliver a student/supervisor contract.
  • Carry out the project and log hours necessary to complete the course and in accordance to the number of credits.
  • Log experimental details in a lab journal. The lab journal must be handed in to the supervisor for comments. The lab journal and comments from the supervisor, should be sent to the course coordinator for final evaluation. The course requires an accurate and updated logging of the journal. Journals will be stored by the course coordinator until the end of the semester and will then be given to the supervisors. The students get access to copies of the journal.
  • Present the work orally.
  • Write a short project summary of the project main results together with a summary figure.
  • The course will end with a poster presentation.

Compulsory activities are only valid for the current semester.

All compulsory activities must be approved to obtain a grade in the course.

Forms of Assessment
Lab-journal, poster and project summary.
Grading Scale
Reading List
The reading list will be available within July 1st for the autumn semester and December 1st for the spring semester.
Course Evaluation
Students will evaluate the teaching in line with UiB and the department's quality assurance system.
Programme Committee
The programme Committee is responsible for the content, structure and quality of the study programme and courses.
Course Administrator
The Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Biological Sciences, has the administrative responsibility for the course and program.