Anne Blanchard




Research groups


My background is in Science and Technology Studies, and my overall research interest is about how knowledge is used, and shaped, to inform social and political decision-making processes around complex and uncertain issues.

I wrote my PhD (defended in 2011) about ‘reflexive interdisciplinarity’, looking at how interdisciplinary dynamics emerge and develop, and how they come to shape the science-policy interface for climate change.

Then, using a post-normal science approach, I looked at how (uncertain) marine science was used to guide decision-making in the pressing topic of whether or not to open Northern Norway to oil exploration, and how local voices came to shape the debates in important ways.

In the last few years, I have slightly changed my focus to do ELSA-type research (Ethical, Legal and Social Aspects of emerging technologies) in the context of precision cancer research, as part of my affiliation with the Centre for Cancer Biomarkers. Here, together with PhD candidates, post-docs and junior researchers, we look at the social and political context of cancer research, and question the premise of precision oncology in the context of highly complex and uncertain cancer biology. 

Since mid-2020, I am also leading the AFINO Research School, where I organise teaching/learning activities to critically look at Responsible Research and Innovation, its implementation, its evaluation, and its links to interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research. Further looking at what responsible research means, I am part of the SeMPER-Arctic project where I help nurture reflexivity within the consortium on conducting caring and responsible narrative research in the Arctic.


CCBIO903 PhD course: "Cancer research: Ethical, Social and Economic Aspects". Since 2015, I have been co-organising and teaching in the two-weeks interdisciplinary PhD course for medical students, which is part of the Research School of CCBIO (Centre for Cancer Biomarkers). This course constitutes a space for critically thinking about the broader economic, social and ethical context of cancer research, and it gives PhD candidates the opportunity to discuss this in an open, ‘slow’ and participatory way.

Leader of the WP3 'AFINO Research School': Since 2021, I have been teaching in and organising various activities such as PhD summer/autumn schools and workshops for early career researchers, aimed at reflexively and creatively looking at Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI), its theoretical contours, its implementation, its evaluation, its links to inter- and transdisciplinary research, and the ways RRI can be ‘reinvented’ to support critical research. The underlying objective of the AFINO Research School is to nurture a supportive community of researchers and practitioners around RRI, for them to share reflections, experiences and resources in a context of fast research that is often driven by ideals of speed, performance and excellence.

Master in Sustainability: Since 2021, I have been teaching parts of the SDG310 course “Interdisciplinary Approaches to Sustainable Development” in the Master in Sustainability, and supervising Master students. My teaching in SDG310 focusses on interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity as reflexive ways of understanding and navigating complex and uncertain sustainability issues.


See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.


Previous projects: