Ingrid Halland
Associate Professor
Research groups
Ingrid Halland is an architecture historian and art critic. At the University of Bergen, she teaches 20th century architecture history and theory, as well as contemporary art theory, politics of aesthetics, and art historiography. Halland is also Programme Coordinator for Art History.
She is also associate professor II at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design where she teaches at the PhD programme.
Her academic work is published in journals such as Log, Aggregate, Journal of Design History, Arkitektur N, Kunst og kultur and Journal Nordic Museology, and her work as an art critic is published in art magazines, museum catalogues, and artist books. The book Ung Uro: Unsettling Climates in Nordic Art, Architecture & Design was published by Cappelen Damm Akademisk in 2021. She is also founder and editor-in-chief of Metode, a publishing platform by ROM for kunst og arkitektur.
Halland is the Principal Investigator of the research project «How Norway Made the World Whiter» funded by The Research Council of Norway (Researcher Project for Scientific Renewal), 2023 – 2028, and Co-Principle Investigator of the research project «The Materiality of White», led by Associate Professor Marte Johnslien, funded by Norwegian Artistic Research Programme (DIKU), 2022 – 2025. Together with Kjetil Fallan, she is Principle Investigator of the project 'Material Ecologies of Design,' which has received the CAS Research Grant 2025 - 2026, at the Centre for Advanced Study (CAS), the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters.
The article "'With-On' White: Inconspicuous Modernity with and on Aesthetic Surfaces, 1910–1950" by Ingrid Halland and Marte Johnslien is the first research publication on titanium white, and was published by Aggregate in January 2023.
I supervise MA projects in architectural history, design history, art from the 20th century, contemporary art, museology, art theory and art historiography.
Teaching Fall 2023
DKT100 Introduction to Art, Theatre and Digital Culture
KUN108 Art, Architecture and Visual Culture 1750-1950
Teaching Spring 2023
KUN256 Area Study with Bachelor's Thesis, topic spring 2023 'Athens'
KUN260 Modern and contemporary art, architecture, and visual culture, topic spring 2023 'The Politics of Contemporary Arts'
Teaching Fall 2022
KUN108 - Art, Architecture and Visual Culture 1950-today (was tought in English)
KUN254 Moderne og samtidskunst med bacheloroppgåve (topic fall 2022 'The Exhibition as Research')
Teaching Spring 2022
KUN106 - Art, Architecture and Visual Culture 1750-1950
KUN201 - Art Theory, Aesthetics and Historiography
Popular scientific article
- Halland, Ingrid (2025). The Borderland of Raw Materials. (external link)
- Kvaal, Vera; Halland, Ingrid; Johnslien, Marte (2024). Norsk hvitfarge preger hele verden. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2021). Den grønne kuben. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2020). Relasjonell skulptur. Emosjonell kunstner. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2017). Air-condition er vår tids eksistensielle betingelse. (external link)
Academic lecture
- Halland, Ingrid (2024). Deep Surface: An Ethical Theory of Materiality. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2024). Titanium Dioxide: An Arts-Based Archeology of an Unsettling Pigment. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2024). Research-by-display: Ethics, Aesthetics, Exhibitions. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2024). Unsettling White: How Modernism Made the Surface Invisible. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2024). On Earth, In Air, With Waste. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2023). From White to Earth. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid; Johnslien, Marte (2022). The Materiality of White. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2022). Material Withdraw: How Modernism Made the Surface Invisible. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2022). From White Modernism to Human Tissue: The Toxic Entanglements of Titanium Dioxide. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2021). White Entanglements: On Teaching Titanium White. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2021). From White Walls to Human Cells: The Surface Sustainability of Titanium Dioxide, 1916-Present . (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2019). Delos Ouroboros: Cybernetics/Brain/Epistemology. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2019). “The Universitas 1972: 'Radical Left' and 'Right-Wing Technocrats'”. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2019). Notes on Flexibility. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2019). Are We Plastic? Art and Thinking After Plastic. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2019). Are We Plastic? Art and Thinking After Plastic. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2018). Notes on Ecology, Environmental Humanities, and Inescapabilty. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2018). Are We Plastic? On Speculative Design and Gaetano Pesce's Plastic Bunker from the Year 3072. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2018). Why We Must Destroy the Environment. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2018). 'Nothing better than a touch of ecology and catastrophe.' On Jean Baudrillard’s Attempt to Destroy the Environment, 1970. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2017). Hva er kunsthistorisk forskning? Om nyere tendenser i kunsthistoriefaget. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2017). Design og anti-design: Aktivisme, estetikk og politikk. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2017). Plastic: Physical and Metaphysical Destructiveness. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2017). Air Conditions: A Discussion on Architectural Aerodynamics. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2016). ‘The Vegetable Garden’ at MoMA, 1972: An Eco-Survival Device for the Anthropocene. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2016). Plastics and Plasticity: Gaetano Pesce in 1972, 2013 and 3000. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2016). (Re)working the Past, (Dis)playing the Future: The New Domestic Landscape, MoMA, 1972. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2015). Utstillingens iverksettelseskraft. Italy: The New Domestic Landscape, MoMA, 1972. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2015). What Can Theory Do?. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2015). Power to the Object! Towards an Objectification of Exhibitions. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2015). These machines are switched on. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2013). Jens Thiis og Nordenfjeldske kunstindustrimuseum som aktører i den europeiske utstillingsreformen. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2012). Jens Thiis og Hans Dedekams utstillingsstrategier for kunstindustrimuseer. (external link)
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Academic article
- Halland, Ingrid (2024). Hypoxic Hypoxia: Or Error Earth, 1972. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2024). The Surface-Process Paradox: On Chemistry, Extraction, and Aesthetics . (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2024). The Delos Mutation: Interdisciplinary Entanglements between Biology and Architecture 1963–1975. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2023). Seeds for New Beginnings? Ecological Uncertainty, Blurry Ideology, and Speculative Design at the Universitas Symposium, 1972. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid; Johnslien, Marte (2023). “With-On” White: Inconspicuous Modernity with and on Aesthetic Surfaces, 1910–1950. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2020). The Unstable Object: Glifo, Blow and Sacco at MoMA, 1972. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2019). Being Plastic. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2019). Arkitekturteoriens nye relevans. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2016). Hvor er nødutgangen? Spekulativ kunsthistorie i antropocen. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2016). (Re)working the Past, (Dis)playing the Future. Italy: The New Domestic Landscape at MoMA, 1972. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2013). Systematikk og kulturhistorie: Jens Thiis, Hans Dedekam og debatten om en utstillingsreform. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2024). Utstilling som forskningsmetode?. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2024). Hvilke estetiske verdier fremmer lokale materialer og historier i vår høyteknologiske samtid? . (external link)
- Johnslien, Marte; Halland, Ingrid (2024). Titanium Dioxide: An Arts-Based Archeology of an Unsettling Pigment. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid; Norton, Nicholas (2023). Hybridkritikk. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2023). Restless: Towards a New Art Ethics. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2023). Is White Paint Racist? Archival Gaps and Public Participation as Methods in Art Historical Research. (external link)
- Sperlinger, Michael; Kvamme, Morten; Halland, Ingrid et al. (2023). Panel discussion for seminar on Nasjonale Turistveger. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid; Johnslien, Marte (2023). TiO2 Synergies: Methods in arts-based humanities . (external link)
- Vinje, Petrine; Oredsson, Jakob; Halland, Ingrid (2023). Conversation with Ingrid Halland, Jakob Oredsson, Petrine Vinje on artistic research, and the exhibitions Surfacing Solids / Symbiotic Stories at Galleri F15, Moss Galleri F15, Moss 19.01.23 . (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2022). Design, Anti-Design and Speculative Design, c. 1970 . (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2022). Book launch conversation with Anna Ulrikke Andersen. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2021). A History of Systems and Ethics. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2021). Er byen en hjerne? Kybernetikk, globalisering og urbanisme ca. 1970. (external link)
- Vinje, Petrine; Bull, Synne Tollerud; Halland, Ingrid et al. (2021). Objective Enactive - Artist talk . (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2021). Crafting Design Theories for Change. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid; Johnslien, Marte (2021). How Norway Made the World Whiter. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2020). Deep Ecology: History, Theory, Ethics . (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2020). Systems of Delos: Biology, Urbanism, Epistemology. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2020). Negation and Speculation: On Critical Design. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2019). Om Johanne Hestvolds 'Beholdere' og nyere kunstfilosofi. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2019). Plattform for ung kunst og kritikk?. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2019). Klima for kritikk (arrangør av seminaret og leder av paneldebatt). (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2019). Degrowth Tendencies of the Norwegian Deep Ecology Movement. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2018). (V)endepunkt. Kunst og tenkning etter postmodernismen. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2016). Displaying the Future: A Journey Into the Unknown. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2016). Microenvironments, 1972: Eleven Episodes About an Uncertain Future. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2024). Norsk hvitfarge preger hele verden. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2023). Sustainability needs to look different. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2023). Får 12 millioner skattekroner til å forske på hvordan Norge gjør verden «hvitere»: – Det aller tåpeligste jeg har sett noen gang. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid; Johnslien, Marte (2023). Vi seier ikkje at Noreg har lansert rasistiske haldningar. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2023). A Nordic Revolt Against ‘Ugly’ Modern Architecture. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2023). – Akademikere har mye å lære av kunstfeltet. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2023). Livmorer og nanomaterialer. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2023). Fox News: «Norges regjering finansierer forskning for å finne ut om hvit maling er rasistisk.» – Upresis, svarer forskningsleder. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2023). Går hardt ut mot media etter rasismefokus. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid; Johnslien, Marte (2023). Eit norsk industrieventyr endra utsjanaden på verda. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2022). 'Hånden bag det hele' av Heidi Laura. (external link)
- Thon, Torgeir Holljen; Halland, Ingrid (2022). Vil ha mer kunstnerisk forskning. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2022). Er klimaprotestene negative for kunsten og museene? Nei, mener to kunsthistorikere . (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2022). Norway’s ilmenite: where history and innovation combine. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2022). I Sokndal kom inspirasjonen til det som ble et verdensfenomen: Nå startes forskningsprosjekt med millionbudsjett for å lære mer om oppfinnelsen. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2018). Er Saccosekken farlig?. (external link)
Popular scientific lecture
- Halland, Ingrid (2024). Det som ligger klart for hånden. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2023). Why surfaces, why now? Introduction to Metode's first volume 'Deep Surface' . (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid; Bull, Synne Tollerud (2021). Artist talk by Petrine Vinje: “Objective Enactive”. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2020). Air Conditions: Marte Eknæs - Forms of Flexibility . (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2020). Livsfugen i Kristiansand. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2020). Fra hvitt til jord: Samtale med Marte Johnslien. (external link)
Interview Journal
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Halland, Ingrid (2024). Material Circulation by Design: From Mining Modernism to Radical Reuse. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2023). Planteornamentikk, kopier og brudd: Om William Morris-rommet i Nordenfjeldske kunstindustrimuseum, cirka 1900. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid; Rossi, Stian (2023). Upcycled regionalism: The Aesthetics of Geopolymer Concert. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2019). Beholder: or, the Unthought’s Negation. An Essay on Johanne Hestvold’s Sculptures . (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2018). (V)endepunkt: Plastikk og plastisitet i 1972/3072. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2014). Fra system til kontekst: En utstillingsreform på tvers. (external link)
Feature article
Art exhibition
- Halland, Ingrid; Johnslien, Marte (2023). TiO2 Prøvefelt. (external link)
- Bull, Synne Tollerud; Miletic, Dragan; Vinje, Petrine et al. (2021). Urban Ecologies After A.I.. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2019). Unbroken Return. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2019). Notes on Flexibility: On Radical Inflatables, Design Thinking, and Marte Eknæs' 'Air Body'. (external link)
Academic literature review
Non-fiction book
- Schnell, Alf Jørgen; Halland, Ingrid; Ander, Hannah Sigriddatter (2023). På sporet av den tapte fremtid: Intervensjoner i norsk urbanisme og modernisme . (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2021). Ung Uro: Unsettling Climates in Nordic Art, Architecture and Design. (external link)
- Skeide, Cecilie; Skeide, Cecilie; Halland, Ingrid (2018). A Square on a Sphere: Marte Johnslien. (external link)
Doctoral dissertation
Book review
- Halland, Ingrid (2022). Design in museums 2022: Towards an ethical design aesthetic . (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2022). Design i utakt. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2019). The Homogeneous Community. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2019). Purisme nå. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2018). Den norske popkunstens uventede kraft. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2017). En verden uten kontinuitet. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2017). Museum Without Walls. (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2016). Museumsforteljingar: Vi og dei andre i kulturhistoriske museum. Sigrid Lien og Hilde Wallum Nielssen . (external link)
- Halland, Ingrid (2015). Ting og rom. Norvegiska Romá - Norske sigøynere på Oslo museum. (external link)
Short communication
Exhibition catalogue
Popular scientific chapter/article
- Principal Investigator of the research project «How Norway Made the World Whiter». Funded by The Research Council of Norway (Researcher Project for Scientific Renewal), 2022 – 2027
- Together with Kjetil Fallan, she is Principle Investigator of the project 'Material Ecologies of Design,' which has received the CAS Research Grant 2025 - 2026, at the Center for Advanced Research (CAS), the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters.
- Co-Principle Investigator of the research project «The Materiality of White», led by Associate Professor Marte Johnslien. Funded by Norwegian Artistic Research Programme (DIKU), 2022 – 2025