Jens Eike Schnall
Associate Professor, Old Norse Studies
Research groups
Academic lecture
- Schnall, Jens Eike (2024). Medievalism and Material Aesthetics Around 1900. (external link)
- Schnall, Jens Eike (2024). Fragment und Spolie: vom Dingsymbol zum. Erinnerungsdiskurs. (external link)
- Schnall, Jens Eike (2024). Golden Age and Ragnarok: Future-Optimistic and Future-Pessimistic Econarratives in Old Norse Literature. (external link)
- Schnall, Jens Eike (2024). Knots. (external link)
- Schnall, Jens Eike (2023). Digital Perspectives on Medieval Nordic Recipes. (external link)
- Schnall, Jens Eike (2023). Das Schiff als technisches Kollektivsymbol im Mittelalter: Von der Arche zum Langen Wurm. (external link)
- Schnall, Jens Eike (2022). De cibo qui dicitur kloten en honær: Culinary Recipes on the Move. (external link)
- Schnall, Jens Eike (2022). Medieval Nordic Recipes in a European Context. (external link)
- Schnall, Jens Eike (2022). Meals and Morals: Table Manners in the Arthurian World. (external link)
- Schnall, Jens Eike (2021). The Doctor’s Diet: Culinary Recipes from Medieval Scandinavia. (external link)
- Schnall, Jens Eike (2021). Medieval Law and the Order of Time: Perspectives on Jónsbók and Sachsenspiegel. (external link)
- Schnall, Jens Eike (2021). Culinary Recipes from Medieval Scandinavia and other written sources. (external link)
- Schnall, Jens Eike; Tiemann, Juliane (2021). What's in a Recipe? Forskingsperspektiv på austnordiske matoppskrifter. (external link)
- Tiemann, Juliane; Schnall, Jens Eike (2021). What’s in a recipe? Perspectives on the East Norse culinary recipe. (external link)
- Schnall, Jens Eike (2020). Hugh of St. Victor: Drawing, Reading, and Understanding the Medieval Map. (external link)
- Schnall, Jens Eike (2019). Tales of Tools: the protos heuretes in Old Norse Technology Myth. (external link)
- Schnall, Jens Eike (2019). The Body Politic and Conceptual Metaphor: Learned Body Imagery in the Medieval North. (external link)
- Schnall, Jens Eike (2019). Making sense of decline: Narratives about the end of cities and places of trade. (external link)
- Schnall, Jens Eike (2019). Two Tales of a City: Destructive and Creative Aspects of Viking Presence in The Mediterranean. (external link)
- Schnall, Jens Eike (2019). Selbstbehauptungen: Der alternde Held in germanischer Dichtung. (external link)
- Schnall, Jens Eike (2018). Food Stories: Meals and Manners in Old Norse Literature. (external link)
- Schnall, Jens Eike (2018). Food as Medium. (external link)
- Schnall, Jens Eike (2018). Old Norse food ethics. (external link)
- Schnall, Jens Eike (2018). Visions of the nation and feelings of loss in the works of Steen Steensen Blicher. (external link)
- Schnall, Jens Eike (2017). Framing Law in Old Norse Literature. (external link)
- Schnall, Jens Eike (2017). The Golden Age of Odin: Mythical Thought in the Works of Steen Steensen Blicher.. (external link)
- Schnall, Jens Eike (2016). Vitensbilete og vitensmetaforar i norrøn litteratur. (external link)
- Schnall, Jens Eike (2016). Bilder satt i system: Kontekstar til Olaus Magnus si Carta marina. (external link)
- Schnall, Jens Eike (2016). Weltverständnis und Raumerfahrung im Norden: Geographie, Kartographie und mittelalterliches Weltbild. (external link)
- Schnall, Jens Eike (2015). The Ageing Hero in Old Germanic Tradition. (external link)
- Schnall, Jens Eike (2015). Spatial and Social Thought in the King’s Mirror. (external link)
- Schnall, Jens Eike (2015). The Body Politic and other Body Imagery in the Scandinavian Middle Ages. (external link)
- Schnall, Jens Eike (2015). Wie Baldr ins Boot kommt: Philologisches, Mythologisches und Kulturhistorisches zur Húsdrápa des Úlfr Uggason. (external link)
- Schnall, Jens Eike (2015). Bordskikk. Kultur og kulturrefleksjon i mellomalderen. (external link)
- Schnall, Jens Eike (2015). Mapping the North. Geography, Cartography and Medieval spatial thought. (external link)
- Schnall, Jens Eike (2015). Olaus Magnus' Networks. (external link)
- Schnall, Jens Eike (2014). Marvels of the Sea: Learned Traditions and Critical Thinking from Medieval to Early Modern Times. (external link)
- Schnall, Jens Eike (2014). Mirrors of Knowledge: Codex, World Map, Wunderkammer. (external link)
- Schnall, Jens Eike (2014). Mannjamning og sagatekst – verbale duellar som kulturelt referansemønster. (external link)
- Schnall, Jens Eike (2014). Systematizing Knowledge in Old Norse Myths. (external link)
- Schnall, Jens Eike (2014). Editions, Grammar, and Cultural History: Some Remarks on Húsdrápa 11. (external link)
- Schnall, Jens Eike (2013). Netzwerke der Frühen Neuzeit: wissenschaftliche Kontakte zwischen Skandinavien und der Oberrheinregion. (external link)
- Schnall, Jens Eike (2013). From Medieval to Early Modern Times: Learned Traditions and Critical Attitudes towards the Marvels of the Sea. (external link)
- Schnall, Jens Eike (2013). Ordstrid, øl og publikum: verbale dueller som kulturelt referansemønster. (external link)
- Schnall, Jens Eike (2013). Agonal Discourse and Collective Identity in the Medieval North. (external link)
- Schnall, Jens Eike (2013). Monster og magistrar i mellomalderen. (external link)
- Schnall, Jens Eike (2013). Tre glimt frå fortida a) Vikingskip: high-tech i jarnalderen b) Frå Odin til Kristus c) Mat og mjød: festkultur i nordisk mellomalder. (external link)
- Schnall, Jens Eike (2024). Skipet som teknisk kollektivsymbol - Frå Arka til Ormen Lange. (external link)
- Schnall, Jens Eike (2024). Farmannslova frå 1276. (external link)
- Schnall, Jens Eike (2024). Ægir og Æsir. (external link)
- Schnall, Jens Eike (2021). Huhn statt Hering? Skandinavische Kochbücher des Mittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit. (external link)
- Schnall, Jens Eike (2021). Norrøn filologi i internasjonal sammenheng. (external link)
- Schnall, Jens Eike; Tiemann, Juliane (2020). Fortid former framtid: Hvorfor bruke tid på norrønt i norskfaget?. (external link)
- Schnall, Jens Eike (2020). Frå Iduns eple til lækjarens lauk. Førestellingar om mat og helse i nordisk mellomalder. (external link)
- Schnall, Jens Eike (2019). MSCA Supervisors - What is in this for me, and how to be involved?. (external link)
- Schnall, Jens Eike (2019). MSCA - Information about Individual Fellowship call 2019. (external link)
- Schnall, Jens Eike (2019). How will your application be read? Getting into the head of the evaluator (+ work on cases). (external link)
- Schnall, Jens Eike (2019). NFR Søknadsskriving - Workshop. (external link)
- Schnall, Jens Eike (2014). Gewaltdarstellungen in isländischen Sagagenres. (external link)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Schnall, Jens Eike; Schloon, Jutta Saima (2024). Zwischen Meister und Mainstream: Mediävalismus und Germanenrezeption bei Friedrich Wolters. (external link)
- Schnall, Jens Eike (2022). Heroische Selbstbehauptungen: Alter und Ego in Hildebrandslied und altnordischer Literatur. (external link)
- Schnall, Jens Eike (2022). Age and Ethics in 'Þorsteins þáttr stangarhǫggs'. (external link)
- Schnall, Jens Eike (2021). Visions of the Nation and Feelings of Loss in the Works of Steen Steensen Blicher. (external link)
Popular scientific lecture
- Schnall, Jens Eike (2022). Matkultur i norske mellomalderkloster. (external link)
- Schnall, Jens Eike (2020). Det daglege brød i Bergen by. (external link)
- Schnall, Jens Eike (2018). Oppvekst i mellomalderen. (external link)
- Schnall, Jens Eike (2018). Favorittord: "Møteplagar". (external link)
- Schnall, Jens Eike (2016). Inside out - outside in. (external link)
- Schnall, Jens Eike; Paulsen, Robert Kristof (2016). Norrønt. (external link)
- Schnall, Jens Eike (2015). Mat i mellomalderen. (external link)
- Schnall, Jens Eike (2014). Kva har murens fall betydd for Tyskland?. (external link)