Peter Andersen


Head of Department


Research groups


Agriculture, nutrition and environment


South Asia, Africa, Europe

Academic article
Feature article
Masters thesis
Popular scientific lecture
Doctoral dissertation
Magister thesis
Other presentation
Academic lecture
Book review
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Thesis at a second degree level
Short communication
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings

See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.

Paudel, Keshav Prasad; Andersen, Peter 2011.
Monitoring snow cover variability in an agropastoral area in the Trans Himalayan region of Nepal using MODIS data with improved cloud removal methodology. Remote Sensing of Environment 2011 ;Volum 115.(5) s. 1234-1246

Andersen, Peter 2011.
Gold digging or frog kissing: a discussion of ”orphan crops” and their relation to the Access and Benefit Sharing mechanism of the Convention on Biological Diversity. NGS conference, Oslo: Exploring sustainability

Andersen, Peter; Chandyo, Ram Krishna 2010.
Orphan crops and nutrition: the potential of ricebean (Vigna umbellata) to reduce ‘hidden hunger’ among rural women in India and Nepal. Tropentag 2010, Zürich: World food system - a contribution from Europe

Andersen, Peter; Chandyo, Ram Krishna; Hollington, Phillip A. 2010.
Nutritional problems among women of reproductive age in rural populations in hill areas in India and Nepal and how they can be reduced by increased intake of Ricebean.

Paudel, Keshav Prasad; Andersen, Peter 2010. Assessing rangeland degradation using multi temporal satellite images and grazing pressure surface model in Upper Mustang, Trans Himalaya, Nepal. Remote Sensing of Environment Volum 114.(8) s. 1845-1855

Andersen, Peter 2009.  Food Security through Ricebean Research in India and Nepal (FOSRIN). Report 3. Nutritional qualities of ricebean. Bergen and Bangor.

Andersen, Peter 2009.
Doing away with biodiversity - farmers' choice in ricebean cultivation in Asia. AAG annual meeting, Las Vegas.

Andersen, Peter 2009  Populist discourses as dangerous knowledge - the Indian farmer suicide narrative. NFU annual meeting, University of Agder, Kristiansand.  

Andersen, Peter 2008:
Multiple food based strategies to address ’Hidden Hunger’. Norske Geografers Selskaps årsmøte.

Andersen, P. 2007:   A review of micronutrient problems in the cultivated soil of Nepal - An issue with implications for agriculture and human health. Mountain Research and Development Journal Volum 27. s. 331-335

 Andersen, P. and Chapagain, P.S. 2007: Changing Diet and Nutrient Uptake in Manang. I Chaudary et al (eds.): Local Effects of Global Changes in the Himalayas: Manang, Nepal.. : Tribhuvan University, Nepal and University of Bergen, Norway ISBN 978-99933-52-94-5. s. 65-78

 Andersen, P. 2006: Minimumsloven og den Grønne Revolusjon. Om forutsetningene for jordbrukets optimale avkastning.. I: Teori og Metode i Geografi. Fagbokforlaget ISBN 82-7674-878-3. s. 250-259

 Andersen, P., Tuladhar, J.K.; Karki, K.B.; Maskey, S.L. (eds. 2005: Micronutrients in South and South East Asia. Kathmandu: International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) (ISBN 92-9115-210-2) 239 s.

Sapkota, K. and Andersen, P. 2005: Commercial Horticulture Farming and its Effect on Soil Fertility: A case study from Peri-urban Agriculture in the Kathmandu Valley. I: Andersen, P. et al (eds.): Micronutrients in South and South East Asia. Kathmandu: International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) 2005 ISBN 92-9115-210-2. s. 153-165

 Andersen, P. 2005:  Building contextual knowledge: the Interface between Local and Scientific Knowledge. I: Andersen, P. et al (eds.): Micronutrients in South and South East Asia. Kathmandu: International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) ISBN 92-9115-210-2. s. 87-95

 Andersen, P. 2004. Frankenfood or good stuff? Micronutrient rich staple crops for Asia. Geografi i Bergen

 Andersen, P. 2003:  Micronutrient strategies for marginal areas. Bergen: Institutt for geografi, UiB 2003 Geografi i Bergen

 Andersen, P. 2002: Geographical approaches to micronutrient deficiencies in Himalaya. I: Vegetation and society. Their interaction in the Himalayas. Kathmandu: Tribhuvan University, Nepal / University of Bergen, Norway  ISBN 99933-52-51-9. s. 149-156

 Andersen, P. og Sandvold, S. 1999: Nutrient deficiencies in cultivated soils. A study of Macro- and Micro-nutrients from Koshi Hills, Eastern Nepal. s. 235-240 i Låg, J. (red.): Geomedical problems in developing countries. The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, Oslo.