Kjetil Rommetveit
Research groups
I have a background in philosophy, law and science and technology studies (Vitenskapsteori). My main research interests are in governance and politics of technoscience, and in the overall evolution of the knowledge society and modernity into conditions that we would call non-modern. I have studied interrelations of politics, governance and technoscience in domains ranging from biomedicine (genomics), over security (biometrics, surveillance and privacy) to energy transition and climate policies. Over the last years, my research has increasingly dealt with efforts to bring ever-more aspects of material, social and biological reality into digital mediation and datafication (such as Internet of Things, smart electricity, ‘smart’ technologies and AI).
- Moderator: The Nils Klim Symposium: "Reflect and Act: Energy Social Science and Impact!" 04.06.2024
- Opinion piece: In a post-truth world, scientists need to embrace activism. University World News, 18.05.2024
- Talk: Expertise and democracy in the making of digital collective futures. GET-together seminars (Governing Energy Transitions), University of Stavanger, 09.04.24
- Presentation of University of Bergen's Master in Sustainability together with student Ingrid Thorsen during the Day Two session Utdanning i en krisetid: De gode eksemplene på veier videre, SDG Conference 2024, 09.02.24
- Panelist in Day Zero workshop The researcher as activist, SDG Conference 2024, 07.02.24
- Opinion piece about the Ukraine war: Våpenstøtte: En forfeilet debatt. Norwegian daily Klassekampen, 03.05.23 (in Norwegian, behind paywall)
- Comment: Fosen - et svart hull i konstitusjonen? Agenda magasin, 07.03.23 (in Norwegian)
- Panel organizer: Mapping the territories of digital contact tracing, 6th Nordic STS Conference 2023: Disruption and Repair in and beyond STS. University of Oslo, 7-9 June 2023
- CoPol reading group: Bruno Latour's political philosophy, SVT, 30.11.2022
- Livet i "mulighetsrommet". A reply to responses to Scenarioenes makt in Klassekampen, 04.11.2022 (in Norwegian, behind paywall)
- Scenarioenes makt. Opinion piece in Klassekampen, 28.10.2022 (in Norwegian, behind paywall)
- CEDIC talks: Extracting users. Regimes of engagement in Norwegian smart electricity transition. Lecture on the digitalization of the Norwegian energy production. 22.08.22
- Panel with Niels van Dijk: Design-based responsible digital innovation? Workshop: Responsible Research and Innovation in/under Urgency, Greece 03.06.22
- Pandemifrokost #8. Rommetveit presented the research project CoPol, which is concerned with political, legal and social dimensions connected to digital contact tracing of Covid-19. 20.05.22
- Krigens mediatåke Opinion piece in Norwegian daily Klassekampen, 7.05.2022 (in Norwegian, behind paywall)
- Hvorfor blir vi enige om noe som helst (Why do we agree on anything at all)? Article with Roger Strand in Aftenposten Viten - Norwegian daily Aftenpostens's space for research and science, where researchers and experts from all over the country contribute. 15.03.22 (in Norwegian)
- Ekspertintervjuet: Hvorfor gjør vi så lite når vi vet så mye? Interview in Energi og klima, 09.03.2022 (in Norwegian)
- Talk: Data as evidence for action - the case of Covid-19 digital contact tracing. SVT's 2021 symposium Sick Society, 03.12.2021
- Kraftbransjens tillitsproblem. Opinion piece in Norwegian daily Dagens Næringsliv with Siddharth Sareen and Ingrid F. Ballo, 22.10.2021 (in Norwegian)
- Bærekraft og tverrfaglighet som universitetspolitiske problem. Article in the research magazine Forskningspolitikk, 1 June 2021 (in Norwegian)
- Epistemic Communities: The Role of Scientists for Deep Decarbonization. Podcast in the series ClimatenergyTalks! by Centre for Climate and Energy Transformation (CET).
- Varslet misnøye. Commentary on Brexit in Norwegian daily Klassekampen, 27.01.2021 (in Norwegian, behind paywall)
- På grensen til uvirkeligheten. Opinion piece on Brexit in Norwegian daily Klassekampen, 16.01.2021 (in Norwegian, behind paywall)
- Overgang uten ende. Commentary on Brexit in Norwegian daily Klassekampen, 19.12.2020 (in Norwegian, behind paywall)
- Video: GET-together with Kjetil Rommetveit- 03.12.2020 - Make way for the robots! - University of Stavanger
- Prosjekt frykt blir realitet. Commentary on Brexit in Klassekampen, 09.09.2020 (in Norwegian, behind paywall)
Previous communication
- Video presentation: "Personvern i biobank og helseregisterforskning, norsk lovgivning og forskningsetikk i lys av lovgivningspraksis og forskningsetikk i andre land". Open meeting in The Norwegian Biotechnology Advisory Board, 10.12.2013 (presentation in Norwegian)
As a teacher I have led the development of the interdisciplinary master's program on sustainability and interdisciplinarity, which I also coordinate and teach. The program involves teachers from four faculties at the University of Bergen, namely: humanities, natural science, social sciences and law. Our approach to teaching is interdisciplinary, student-centric and problem-oriented. We combine such approaches with more traditional classrooms-based approaches, dealing with the history, institutions and ways of knowing involved in sustainability science and politics.
- van der Velden, Maja; Halverson, Sandra Louise; Rommetveit, Kjetil et al. (2023). Derfor trenger vi en akademisk boikott av Israel. (external link)
- Remme, Devyn; Sareen, Siddharth; Haarstad, Håvard et al. (2023). Electric vehicle paradise? Exploring the value chains of green extractivism. (external link)
- Foss Ballo, Ingrid; Rommetveit, Kjetil (2023). Making sense of sensing homes: exploring ‘regimes of engagement’ in a smart urban energy context. (external link)
- Silvast, Antti; Williams, Robin; Hyysalo, Sampsa et al. (2022). Producing the ‘user’ in smart technologies: a framework for examining user representations in smart grids and smart metering infrastructure. (external link)
- Bærøe, Kristine; Gundersen, Torbjørn; Henden, Edmund et al. (2022). Can medical algorithms be fair? Three ethical quandaries and one dilemma. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil (2022). Forsker på myndighetenes smittesporing. (external link)
- Strand, Roger; Rommetveit, Kjetil (2022). Hvorfor blir vi enige om noe som helst?. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil (2022). Scenarienes makt. (external link)
- Ursin, Lars Holger; Rommetveit, Kjetil (2022). Ekspertintervjuet: Hvorfor gjør vi så lite når vi vet så mye?. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil; van Dijk, Niels (2022). Privacy engineering and the techno-regulatory imaginary. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil (2022). Krigens medietåke. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil; van Dijk, Niels (2022). Design-based responsible digital innovation?. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil (2022). Pandemifrokost #8. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil (2021). Post-Truth Imaginations: New Starting Points for Critique of Politics and Technoscience. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil; Foss Ballo, Ingrid; Sareen, Siddharth (2021). Extracting Users: Regimes of Engagement in Norwegian Smart Electricity Transition. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil (2021). Post-truth – another fork in modernity’s path. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil; van Dijk, Niels (2021). Governing the Median Estate: hyper-truth and post-truth in the regulation of digital innovations. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil (2021). DIGITAL? SUVERENITET? – et politisk grunnspørsmål, ti år senere. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil (2021). Data as evidence for action – the case of Covid – 19 digital contact tracing. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil; van Dijk, Niels; Gunnarsdóttir, Kristrún (2020). Make Way for the Robots! Human-and Machine-Centricity in Constituting a European Public–Private Partnership. (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth; Saltelli, Andrea; Rommetveit, Kjetil (2020). Ethics of quantification: illumination, obfuscation and performative legitimation. (external link)
- Sareen, Siddharth; Rommetveit, Kjetil (2019). Smart gridlock? Challenging hegemonic framings of mitigation solutions and scalability. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil; van Dijk, Niels; Gunnarsdottir, Kristrun (2019). Make Way for the Robots! Human‑ and Machine‑ Centricity in Constituting a European Public–Private Partnership. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil; van Dijk, Niels; Gunnarsdóttir, Kristrún et al. (2019). Working responsibly across boundaries? Some practical and theoretical lessons. (external link)
- van Dijk, N; Tanas, Alessia; Rommetveit, Kjetil et al. (2018). Right engineering - The redesign of privacy and personal data protection. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil; Tanas, Alessia; van Dijk, Niels (2018). Data Protection by Design: Promises and Perils in Crossing the Rubicon Between Law and Engineering . (external link)
- Silvast, Antti; Williams, Robin; Hyysalo, Sampsa et al. (2018). Who 'uses' smart grids? The evolving nature of user representations in layered infrastructures. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil; Wynne, Brian (2017). Editorial. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil (2017). Tekno-politiske visjoner: løsning eller problem?. (external link)
- Gunnarsdóttir, Kristrún; Rommetveit, Kjetil (2017). The biometric imaginary: (Dis)trust in a policy vacuum. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil; Wynne, Brian (2017). Technoscience, imagined publics and public imaginations. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil; Dunajcsik, Maxigas; Tanas, Alessia et al. (2017). CANDID PRIMER: Including Social Sciences and Humanities scholarship in the making and use of smart ICT technologies. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil (2016). Introducing biometrics in the European Union: practice and imagination. (external link)
- Strand, Roger; Saltelli, Andrea; Giampietro, Mario et al. (2016). New narratives for innovation. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil; Pereira, Angela Guimaraes; Pedrosa, Tiago (2016). Digital Globes: Layers of meaning and technology, redefining geographies and communities. (external link)
- van Dijk, Niels; Gellert, Raphael; Rommetveit, Kjetil (2016). A risk to a right? beyond data protection risk assessments. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil; Gunnarsdottir, Kristrun; van Dijk, Niels et al. (2015). Policy recommendations: “Making autonomy in robotics and law”. (external link)
- Gunnarsdottir, Kristrun; O'Riordan, Kate; Fotopolou, Aristea et al. (2015). A report on the networking/embedding event, 'Making sense of wearables: New-emerging markets and mediascapes'. (external link)
- Gunnarsdottir, Kristrun; Strand, Roger; Rommetveit, Kjetil et al. (2015). Case Study on In-Vitro Meat Policy Report, March/April 2015 Summary of findings and policy considerations. (external link)
- Sock, Matti; Delgado Aleman, Ana Maria; Landeweerd, Laurens et al. (2015). Application, Innovation and Two More Technomoral Scenarios. (external link)
- van der Sluis, Jeroen; Kovacic, Zora; Wildschut, Diana et al. (2015). Working Paper The future social robustness of smart electricity networks in Europe. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil (2015). Impact assessments: Quality issues in the policy making process. (external link)
- Gunnarsdottir, Kristrun; O'Riordan, Kate; Fotopolou, Aristea et al. (2015). Gadgets on the move and in stasis Consumer and medical electronics, what's the difference?. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil; van Dijk, Niels; Gunnarsdottir, Kristrun (2015). EPINET conceptual analysis: Integrated assessments in technoepistemic networks. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil; van Dijk, Niels; Strand, Roger et al. (2015). EPINET and Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) – observations and reflections. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil (2015). Overvåkning og Offentlig Meningsdannelse. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil; van Dijk, Niels (2015). The Median Estate: Breaking down boundaries & reconstituting rights. (external link)
- van der Sluis, Jeroen; Rommetveit, Kjetil; Foss Ballo, Ingrid et al. (2015). Policy recommendations: Towards socially robust smart grids. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil (2015). ”Genetikk og etikk i resten av Europa” eller: Hva som skjedde da genetikk møtte etikk. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil; Strand, Roger (2015). EPINET Final report. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil (2015). Den Lange Marsjen ved et veiskille. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil; Gunnarsdottir, Kristrun; van Dijk, Niels et al. (2015). Report from workshop: Making robotic autonomy through science and law?. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil; van Dijk, Niels (2015). A Risk to a Right? Cross-Cutting Lessons for Data Protection Impact Assessments Summary of findings and policy recommendations. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil (2015). Case study of autonomous robotics. A summary of case study results and policy recommendations. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil; Wynne, Brian (2015). Assessments as governance: From Epistemic Networks to Techno-epistemic networks. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil; Gunnarsdottir, Kristrun; Jebsen, Kim Sune et al. (2013). The Technolife Project: An experimental approach to new ethical frameworks for emerging science and technology. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil; Karlsen, Jan Reinert (2013). Personvernet ofres. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil; Strand, Roger; Fjelland, Ragnar et al. (2013). What can history teach us about the prospects of a European Research Area?. (external link)
- Strand, Roger; Rommetveit, Kjetil (2013). The TECHNOLIFE Project. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil; Solbakk, Jan Helge (2013). Hvem tjener på den genetiske nypaternalismen?. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil; Scully, Jackie Leach; Porz, Rouven (2013). The role of moral imagination in patients decision-making. (external link)
- Delgado Aleman, Ana Maria; Rommetveit, Kjetil; Lemkow, Louis et al. (2012). Imagining High-Tech Bodies: Science Fiction and the Ethics of Enhancement. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil (2012). Immortality : An essay on science, technology and religion. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil; Strand, Roger; Karlsen, Jan Reinert (2012). Gode helseregistre på avveier. (external link)
- Strand, Roger; Rommetveit, Kjetil (2012). Avstand og Avmakt. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil (2012). Betraktninger over et tiår med bioteknologi og ELSA. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil (2012). Imagining converging technologies. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil (2012). Beyond ELSA. (external link)
- Delgado Aleman, Ana Maria; Rommetveit, Kjetil (2012). 'Our strength is diversity': imaginaries of nature and community in a Brazilian social movement. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil (2011). Genetic enhancement, futures tense. (external link)
- Strand, Roger; Rommetveit, Kjetil (2011). trond, tora og askeladden – et forskningspolitisk eventyr. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil (2011). Genetic enhancement, futures tense. (external link)
- Delgado, Ana; Rommetveit, Kjetil; Lemkow, Louis et al. (2011). Imagining high-tech bodies: Science fiction and the ethics of enhancement (published online). (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil (2011). technolife: imaginarios de la sociedad digital. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil (2011). Technolife: Films, Social Media, and Imaginaries in Emerging Technologies. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil (2011). Tackling epistemological naivety: large-scale information systems and the complexities of the common good. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil (2011). Biometri: forskningsetiske utfordringer. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil (2011). Tackling Epistemological Naivety: Large-Scale Information Systems and the Complexities of the Common Good. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil (2010). The Technolife Project: Implications for policy. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil; Delgado Aleman, Ana Maria; Strand, Roger (2010). The Technolife Project. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil (2010). "Biometrics: Technology of (Dis)trust". (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil (2010). Overview of the policy process introducing biometrics in the EU. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil; Delgado Aleman, Ana Maria (2010). Imagining Enhanced Bodies: How Can Science Fiction Contribute to Ethics for the Governance of Emerging Technologies?. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil (2010). Tackling epistemological naivety: understanding values, choices and the complexities of the greater good?. (external link)
- Tyrmi, Bår; Rommetveit, Kjetil (2010). Technolife Biometrics and Mobility. (external link)
- Tyrmi, Bår; Rommetveit, Kjetil (2010). Technolife: Digital Globes. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil; Funtowicz, Silvio; Strand, Roger (2010). Knowledge, democracy and action in response to climate change. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil; Funtowicz, Silvio; Strand, Roger (2010). Irresponsible, Reckless and Deeply Immoral”—Knowledge, Democracy and Action in Response to Climate Change”. In. Bhaskar, R. et. al Interdisciplinarity and Climate Change Transforming Knowledge and Practice for Our Global Future. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil (2009). I pandemiens tidsalder. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil (2009). Klimaforhandlinger og demokrati. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil (2009). Chair, session "Legitimacy, Ethics, and Trust", EIGHTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SCIENCE AND DEMOCRACY NETWORK, Harvard University, 01.07.2009. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil; Strand, Roger (2009). Lifeworld and imaginaries in foresight and ethics: a new transdisciplinary “frontier” for ecological economics? A GIS Case study. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil (2009). Bioethics, biopower and the post-genomic challenge. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil; Porz, Rouven (2009). Tragedy and Grenzsituationen in genetic prediction. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil; Strand, Roger (2008). Viljen er ikke stor nok. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil; Porz, Rouven (2008). Tragedy and boundary situations in predictive genetic testing. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil (2008). Towards a hermeneutic of techno-medical objects. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil (2008). "Teknologi, naturvitenskap og samfunn" for faget Teknologi og Forskningslære (ToF X/ToF 1). (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil; Porz, Rouven (2008). Moral imagination and decision making. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil (2008). Fremtidige utfordringer forbundet med genetisk testing av friske personer. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil (2008). Bioteknologi og bioetikk. (external link)
- Helland, Turid; Rommetveit, Kjetil (2008). Dysleksi, et flerfaglig forskningsfelt. Aktuell dysleksiforskning sett i lys av Imre Lakatos' filosofi om forskningsprogram. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil (2007). Biotechnology: Action and choice in second modernity. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil; Porz, Rouven (2007). Hermeneutics reloaded: Closing up gaps of theory and practice in bioethics. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil; Strand, Roger (2007). Nanoparticles, IPRs and Strict Liability. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil (2007). Genomisk medisin: frie valg og informerte beslutninger?. (external link)
- Strand, Roger; Rommetveit, Kjetil (2007). Institutions for Sustainable Governance of Nanotechnology: Ethics and Liability. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil (2007). Norway: unwritten rules and hidden hierarchies. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil; Porz, Rouven (2006). The virtuous patient. (external link)
- Strand, Roger; Rommetveit, Kjetil (2006). The contextualisation of epistemic things. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil (2006). ELSA research: the context of Norway. (external link)
- Rommetveit, Kjetil (2006). “ELSA research: the context of Norway”. (external link)
- Helland, Turid; Rommetveit, Kjetil (2006). Current dyslexia research seen in the light of Imre Lakatos' philosophy of research programmes. (external link)
See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.
Select publications in English
Ballo, I.F., Rommetveit, K., 2023. Making sense of sensing homes: exploring ‘regimes of engagement’ in a smart urban energy context. Urban Geography 1–22. https://doi.org/10.1080/02723638.2023.2229709
Remme, D., Sareen, S., Haarstad, H., Rommetveit, K., 2023. Electric Vehicle Paradise? Exploring the Value Chains of Green Extractivism. poldev. https://doi.org/10.4000/poldev.5406
Rommetveit, K., Van Dijk, N., 2022. Privacy engineering and the techno-regulatory imaginary. Soc Stud Sci 52, 853–877. https://doi.org/10.1177/03063127221119424
Bærøe, K., Gundersen, T., Henden, E., Rommetveit, K., 2022. Can medical algorithms be fair? Three ethical quandaries and one dilemma. BMJ Health Care Inform 29, e100445. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjhci-2021-100445
Rommetveit, K., 2021. Post-Truth Imaginations: New Starting Points for Critique of Politics and Technoscience, 1st ed. Routledge, London. https://doi.org/10.4324/9780429053061
Rommetveit, K., 2021. Introduction: Post-truth – another fork in modernity's path, in: Post-Truth Imaginations. Routledge, London, pp. 1–30. https://doi.org/10.4324/9780429053061-1
Rommetveit, K., Van Dijk, N., 2021. Governing the Median Estate, in: Post-Truth Imaginations. Routledge, London, pp. 199–220. https://doi.org/10.4324/9780429053061-10
Rommetveit, K., Ballo, I.F., Sareen, S., 2021. Extracting Users: Regimes of Engagement in Norwegian Smart Electricity Transition. Science, Technology, & Human Values 016224392110528. https://doi.org/10.1177/01622439211052867
Sareen, S., Saltelli, A., Rommetveit, K., 2020. Ethics of quantification: illumination, obfuscation and performative legitimation. Palgrave Commun 6, 20. https://doi.org/10.1057/s41599-020-0396-5
Rommetveit, K., Van Dijk, N., Gunnarsdóttir, K., 2020. Make Way for the Robots! Human- and Machine-Centricity in Constituting a European Public–Private Partnership. Minerva 58, 47–69. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11024-019-09386-1
Rommetveit, K., Dijk, N.V., Gunnarsdóttir, K., O’Riordan, K., Gutwirth, S., Strand, R., Wynne, B., 2019. Working responsibly across boundaries? Some practical and theoretical lessons, in: Von Schomberg, R., Hankins, J. (Eds.), International Handbook on Responsible Innovation. Edward Elgar Publishing. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781784718862.00012
Silvast, A., Williams, R. A., Hyysalo, S., Rommetveit, K. and Raab, C. (2018) Who 'uses' smart grids? The evolving nature of user representations in layered infrastructures. Sustainability. Volume 10 (10), 1-21
Strand, R., Saltelli, A., Giampietro. M., Rommetveit, K. & Funtowicz, S. (2018) “New Narratives for Innovation”. The Journal of Cleaner Production, 197(2), 1849-1853.
Van Dijk, N., Tanas, A., Rommetveit, K., Raab., C. (online 10 Apr 2018) Right engineering - The redesign of privacy and personal data protection. International review of law computers & technology. Volume 32 (2-3), 230-256
Rommetveit, K. Tanas, A., van Dijk, N. (2018) Data Protection by Design: Promises and Perils in Crossing the Rubicon Between Law and Engineering. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. Volume 526, 25-37
Rommetveit, K., Wynne, B. (2017) “Technoscience, imagined publics and public imaginations”. Public Understanding of Science, 26(2): 133–147.
Rommetveit, K., Wynne, B. (2017) “Editorial: Imagining public issues in the technosciences”. Special Issue Public Understanding of Science, 26(2), 128-132.
Gunnarsdottír, K. and Rommetveit, K. (2017) “Biometry and the securitization agenda. (Dis)trust in a policy vacuum”. Public Understanding of Science. 26(2): 26(2), 195–211.
Rommetveit, K. Guimares-Pereira, A., Pedrosa, T. (2016) ”Digital Globes: Layers of meaning and technology, redefining geographies and communities”. In: Delgado, A. (Ed. 2016) Technoscience, Citizenship, Ethics and Governance in the Digital Society. New York: Springer.
Rommetveit, K. (2016) “Introducing biometrics in the European Union: practice and imagination”. In: Delgado, A. (Ed. 2016) Technoscience, Citizenship, Ethics and Governance in the Digital Society. New York: Springer.
Van Dijk, N., Gellert, R., Rommetveit, K. (2016) “A Risk to a Right? Beyond Data Protection Risk Assessments”. Computer Law Security Review. 32(2), 286-307.
Rommetveit, K. (2015) "Biometrics". The Norwegian National Research Ethics Committees. Online resource available here.
Rommetveit, K., Gunnarsdóttir, K., Jepsen, K. S., Bertilsson, M., Verrax, F. and Strand, R. (2013): “The Technolife Project: An experimental approach to new ethical frameworks for emerging science and technology”, The International Journal of Sustainable Development, 16(1-2), 23–45.
Rommetveit, K. (2013) ”Who’s Autonomous now?” Bioethica Forum, 6 (3), 107-109.
Rommetveit, K. Scully, J. L., Porz, R. (2013) “The Role of Moral Imagination in Patients’s Decision-Making”. J Med Philos. Apr; 38(2),160-72.
Rommetveit, K. ”Immortality”. In Øyen, Olsen & Vaage (Eds. 2012) Sacred Science? On Science and its interrelations with religious worldviews. Wageningen Academic Publishers.
Delgado, A., Rommetveit, K. (2012) “’Our strength is diversity’: imaginaries of nature and community in a Brazilian social movement". International Journal of Sustainable Development 15 (4), 353-373.
Delgado, A., Rommetveit, K., Lemkow, L, Barcelo, M. (2012): “Imagining high-tech bodies: Science fiction and the ethics of enhancement”, Science Communication, 34(2), 200-240.
Rommetveit, K. (2011). “ICTs and responsible innovation: imaginaries of information and community”. In von Schomberg (ed.), “Governance and Ethics of Emerging ICT and Security Technologies”. Publication series Governance and Ethics, DG Research, European Commission.
Rommetveit, K. (2011). “Tackling epistemological naivety: large-scale information systems and the complexities of the common good”, Cambridge Quartely of Healthcare Ethics, 20, 1–12.
Rommetveit, K., “Genetic enhancement, futures tense” (2011) Futures, 76–85.
Rommetveit, K., Funtowicz, S. and Strand, R. (2010): “Knowledge, Democracy and Action in Response to Climate Change” in Roy Bhaskar et. al, "Interdisciplinarity and Global Warming", London and New York: Routledge, 149-165.
Rommetveit, K. (2009): “Bioethics, biopower and the post-genomic challenge”. In: Gunning, J., Holm, S. Kenway, I., "Ethics, Law and Society" Vol VI book series, Ashgate Publishers, 165-186.
Rommetveit, K., Porz, R. (2009) "Tragedy and boundary situations in predictive genetic testing", Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy, 12(1), 9–16.
Rommetveit, K. (2008). "Towards a hermeneutic of technomedical objects", Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics, 29:2, 103-120.
Rommetveit, K. (2007): "Biotechnology: Action and choice in second modernity", PhD
Thesis, Faculty of Arts, University of Bergen.
Helland, T., Rommetveit, K. (2006. "Current dyslexia research seen in the light of I.
Lakatos philosophy of research programmes", in C. B. Haies (ed.), Dyslexia in Children:
New Research. New York: Nova Sciences Publishers Inc.
Select publications in Norwegian
Rommetveit, Kjetil (2021). Digital? Suverenitet? Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift. 38(01): 111-123
Rommetveit, K. (2015) ”Den Lange Marsjen ved et veiskille”. Vagant 2/2015.
Strand, R., & Rommetveit, K. (2013) “Hva har verden lært av klimavitenskapen?”. 2°C. 02.2013.
Rommetveit, K. (2012) “Anmeldelse av Regjerningens Nasjonale strategi for bioteknologi 2011-2020”. Salongen – Nettstedet for filosofi og idehitsorie. http://salongen.no/
Rommetveit, K. (2011). ”Biometri: forskningsetiske utfordringer” Online resource, Norwegian Committee for research-ethics in science and technology. http://www.etikkom.no/In-English/Committee-for-Research-Ethics-in-Science-and-Technology/
Strand, R. & Rommetveit, K. “Avstand og Avmakt”. Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift 1/2012.
Strand, R. & Rommetveit, K. (2011) “Trond, Tora og Askeladden – et forskningspolitisk eventyr”. Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift 3/2011.
Select reports
Rommetveit, K, Dunajcsik, M. Tanas, A. Silvast, A. and Gunnarsdóttir, K. (2017). The CANDID Primer: Including Social Sciences and Humanities scholarship in the making and use of smart ICT technologies (edited by K Gunnarsdóttir). CANDID (H2020-ICT-35- 2016) D5.4, available at http://candid.no/progress
Rommetveit, K. Gunnarsdóttir, K., van Dijk, N., Smits, M. Making robotic autonomy through science and law? EPINET project report. April 2015. Available at goo.gl/7XXfEb
Van Dijk, N, Rommetveit, K. A Risk to a Right? Cross-Cutting Lessons for Data Protection Impact Assessments Summary of findings and policy recommendations. April 2015. Available at: goo.gl/RxDaR9
Rommetveit, K., Strand, R., Fjelland, R., Funtowicz, S. (2013) “What can history teach us about the prospects of a European Research Area?”. European Commission, JRC scientific and policy reports. Available at http://ipsc.jrc.ec.europa.eu/fileadmin/repository/eas/saia/docs/201310_Histera_final_ report.pdf
Overview of publications in Cristin:
Current projects
- CoPol: Covid-19 contact tracing as Digital Politics (NFR - SAMRISK) [2021-2025) - principal investigator
- SUPER MoRRI - Scientific Understanding and Provision of an Enhanced and Robust Monitoring system for RRI (H2020 Swafs) [2019-2023] - partner
- DIGIT: The Norwegian Research School on Digitalization, Culture and Society (NFR-Forskerskole) [2022-2030] - partner
- ASMOG: Automation Shift in the Maritime Sector of the Oil and Gas Industry: Assessing Risk and Safety, Protecting Labor (NFR -MAROFF-2) [2021-2026] - partner
Completed projects
- MAGIC - Moving Towards Adaptive Governance in Complexity: Informing Nexus Security (H2020) [2016-2020]
- DESFREE - Designing Freedom (SAMKUL network - NFR) [2016-2017]
- PARENT – PARticipatory platform for sustainable ENergy and Transport Systems – (ERA-NET Cofund H2020/NFR) [2016-2019]
- CANDID - Checking Assumptions aND promoting responsibility In smart Development Projects (H2020) [2017]
- SYNENERGENE - Synthetic biology – Engaging with New and Emerging Science and Technology in Responsible Governance of the Science and Society Relationship), (FP7) [2014-2017]
- EPINET (FP7) [2012-2015]
- HISTERA - What can history and philosophy teach us about the development of the European Research Area? (Joint Research Centre, European Commission) [2012-2013]
- Technolife (FP7) [2009-2011]